HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480112_SPECIAL350 ( I a 0 . Allmeabws presen-b. President Cooper read Rules 4 and 5 of the &-hi=; then announced that the Spe'cid '4 xeeting had been called for 'the purpose of moving Xeetie to the School, and declared th& the Special Heeting ps adjourned to be reconvened zs a Regular Keetjng, .. I. ... * h"Es OF TI3E REWL! NEEXfiG OF TH& ' EDDIA VILLK33 COUl!iCIL, HED AT THE ' EDINA SCHOOL AT '&roo P.11. ON I~OXDAY, . - 0.- *. JFAJX 12; 19@r .. .*- $31 members pi.e;er?t,: . I. * .. .. .. Comer -offerid .;tppo$&m{nt o$.T-k. 'A.1.l~ Jope as Village Attorney. Palen mved to . Ccoppr,'offered.a~~oi;ltn?~~ 02. CiarBnce A. Knubsoa as' Chief .$:Police. Palen. moved - -. *- ts'eonfirm appo%itaent. Hotion lost for I& of .a second, . ' Goopr.announced &hat 'be had declarsd a Stite of &srgency .and had notified the I. - confh appointiegtr Notion lo& for..i;rant &f second+ :. . I l t. a. . * : . : -. .. .. .* She&f?.s:Office ... 50 tbkc ... ove~?. 'responsibilit;lt of 4. policing the TTill'age. * .r I ..... .%uLe- If.. -. %very motion ekeept far adjormimept 0; pos%p&mnt shall be reduced HawLhornF moved to..rescind Rdes' 4 I .' Fe$&.q 4;. 1889, provid5.ng that:. '-_ ., -. 5 of the By-Laws of the.ViUage adopted 'to wfiting and.if secondgd, shall be .fairly stated'by .o the presiding i%iLe 5. Then a.mem..er -&xii.res%o,b~jng any'matter before the co&cil, he shall , rise, :&ddress the presid$ng officer, and proceed no fur-&cr unless recognizeds.I* ~ * ' &d .I .* : ./ ... : . . ' . . ' because &3i& 'wes a& inccmpdAble w3.th and quperceded by subsequentLy adopted . sf;at'e Laws. .S.l[otion %s. seconded by Tlillson; aye, .aad',the. rkbior, .vas .carriedr Cgl& I7illson Fd gawthorne &ted ... .. e. .:. . - .. ..-' . ..... * ' - 1) A?~:WiE€&AS, it .is .the belief of tihis' present '3ihajje cro&& that the best ... * kiterests 2 the community r.Sill. be s.em.ed'by'continuipg that plan of organhation; :.- . ' :Ik??f~ 'T€EEEXORE; 'BE a RFsbLvED, that 6lliploymen.C of the fdllowing persons, to hoid.the posTt26qs. specified after each &e and at the. salaries listed, shall be c'qhtkuea .until their sucees'sors &e .. .. .. - .... p. 8. *. .. . :..- I. .. appointed.and qualified or until ths :'pnploper;t. of each' person shall he terminAted by. the village couhcil: ...... .- a. L . 6, . - *. . *. ... SM * - I. 'XAm *. .._ P&TIcN. b .... Engineer, Exechive Officer . 'mks. qth .e . * .. ... and Bhager $500 per mont& - .. *- ........ .. Graixhei hchussler . .'D&uty Clerk . 250 n * If . '9 . . Beece Jo&son . , Deputy,Trsasurer 175 ft '! b -. .. 150 11 '! a25 *! tr ' :- . . Helene Friemkn Typist -. . ' .. '*Louise 'Eest erberg. Recepti Qnist . .John A, S~S * Assistant Engineer 250 !! '! *. _. 4' * Car1 T. NiU.~r. . 'Assistant Engineer . 275 ?I 0- .. . Eermd l;JoehleP *- Water Dkpartment Superintien$ent Building '& Plumbing Inspect or 325 11 ir f .. . .* .. .. -* . ... ... .. .. * .* ..