HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480126_REGULARI
e* l~illson~s -&o%ion appF%oving.-ihe PayrolL -for 'the Becond half of Januag, aaouni - $4,160r91, was secondpd by Palzp and carried:
COUNCIL n SI$tJINGS- -TAX PXIUCT* DEDUCT, PAY NO, Gene Cooper, Mayor i$ 50000 1. .. # 50.00 1713
. Bower Hawthorne, Clerk 50,oo I . 50*00 17U
George A. Willson, Trustee 35a00 - 35*00 1715 35900 1716
35dO 1717 Bed Sa Child, Trustee 35eOO
Richard G1-Palen, Trustee 35n00
JI J. Duggan, Treasurer 30do 30+00 .( i7ig
John llindhorst, Attorney 75.00 75100 1719
Ward B;&vds, Judge 75&0 75*00 1720
John D* Nelson, Spbyc* Judge lO+OO 10,oo 1721
Drt L&Campbell, Health Off, 30e00 1 30,oo 1722 ,
Sub-total . 425eOO ' 42500
-- * - NPME 4 T&AL -WITH,' @EtREL HOSP, NEr Cml I
Gretchen Schussler
Lo&se 'Westerberg
Sub-t at al
Carl Miller c
John Sias l27*81 9,7@
Fred Jonas
Pete Dahlgren
&tt Herf eld
John Tracy ,
Harry JQ~S
Arthur Jensen
RonaiLd Port sub-t otd
Charles Johnson
Jacob Shmak
CI Cardaralle
Ilape Tracy
Joseph IIat ole
Sub4 otal
1731 1732.
1733 $734
Fred '&borough
Sub& otal
Ben I?odiLer,
Sam Roberts
Ked$ Knutson Sub4 &a1
@ Child?s motion appro- Daceaer, l347 overtimq payroll for the %!ater Department,
amount $35.70, vas seconded by tliI.lson ad unanimously carried,
Sam Roberts t. $ &U- -01 - -*4l $9e% 1754 , '.
Kermit fcnutson ' 8*W 4- *33 - . 7.85 1755 + E
Bonrzld Port 9.20 6 e37 8.83 1756
Joseph Natole * 8.18 -0- *33 7.85 1751
Total 1 + 33*70 -0- , 1& 34&
tJATE8 DEEP, 0vert;he DecI 1, 1947 EARNINGS TAX DEDUCT, PAY - NO,
T 3 I Hawthorne read Fedewted Hardware 3Iutual Coxpmyts letter of January 16, adds-
that Village is now under-insured on the Village.Toolhouse and Gqrageb Harhhorne suggested thtthe~nztiter be deferred until study is mde of all jamrice polic9es
for the VLmge, which r.liu. be i# February. Presidenk announced that matter pr0til.d
Hawthorne read copy of Notice of Hearing on Ordinance3 as posted on officid Edim Bulletin Eoards, Jamayy 36; then rezd title and text of an UOrdinwce to
Amend Ordinance sdopted Eay 25, 1931, entitled ?An Ordinance- regulating the loc&8onj
size, use ad height OB buildas, the arrangement ofabuildings on lots and the
density of pupulation in the Village of Edina, and for the purpose pf promoting the
health, safety, order, convenience, proprietpand genera welfare in the s&d Vi3lage
and for sdd purpose to divide the VSlage into districts! as amended." Psesident
asked for recorzrmzndations and cmen%s from the audience.. No comments. %&,home moved that Ordinuree be laid mer toTthe nextaregularsmeeting for its second reading,
3Iotion seconded by-Child & unanimously carr&ed*
Subdivision of I;it&el Park tP Saxitmy Sewer District *No. 16, continued frm the
last meetins, ~.roulcI be held,, and asked for cocpnents fmn those interested. KO one
spoke in objectloniof the-assessmentr Hattthorne offered the follo-rcing Resolution
be so tabledr c. c c cx
t t C -
4 * b 4 - .s
President vlnounced that Hea5n.g on Assessment for Connection of Lot 5, Block 2, ..
and nomd its adop6ion: - 1 r c &
TfJH4;KE;As, pursmt to Notice publdshed insthe Suburban Press, Hopkbs, IEmes&a,
on Decembm 19, Sqrei;r, the TBlage Council hs met. .gd:he;lrd. ad passed upon zll-
objections to the proposed ZssesmeEb far connection of Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision
of Ettel Pwk, to Sanitary Saver E&i.h~in Sanitzry Sewer-District R0.26; said main
heing in Zs-xington 4vcnueF mw therefare, - -.
4 z * N IC
BE E?. RESOLVGD by the Fillage Council of .the Village of ECina that said propsed
assesment is hereby affirm& and adopted vlCrshall censtLtute the spechl assessmeat
ag&st the lads rmmzd therein, and each lot,. piece, ar parcel of land included in
said assesment is iclercby fad to be benefited by said bprosrement in the mount of
the assessaent levied ag&& it. * + c-
1 a e r -
BE IT ,FURTHER REsOLm tbat such assessment sh33 be paytible in equal amd
instalkents Over g period of eight years, the first of said installments to be
payable on the first of Jmuzry, 1949, and succeeding iinst;ilhents on the first day
of Jairy in each year thereafter urrtil the fall amount of said assessnent is paid-,
Said speck1 assessbent arii%zch inst.allment tktereof shall bear hterest at the rate
of 5% per azlnum unttl fd2.y paid, said interest to bs computed from the date of the
Resolution Levying thssessmerrt on Smi%zlry Sewer District No. 16, Said special
property included therein from the time of the adoption of this resolutioil and shaii
remain such lien &il fdlfpaid, as authorized by Chbp.ber 312, htm of l.linnesota,
1903, as amended; ahd
up md file in the 'office-oFthe County Auditur a certified statement of the zmxant of such .tu?p~d asse'ssslent the amdunt - of interest vhich _trill be due thereon; and
shall constitute a 'fund. for %he payment of the cost 03 said improvement for the
district for pMch such assessment was made, and the same shall be credited to the propr seTrer &stri*ct fund &der the "designati-n:
assessment xtth the accruing interest thereon shall be a paramount-lien upon thz rl
t J LT -- -- - * s * - --
I BE mTHEQ mSOL, that the Clerk of thz Village is hereby directed to -. make
* I i a -
TT FURTHER mSOLVED that all moneys collected on any such specid assessments
Fuml of Serer Distdct No. 16*
w ? P I
+ 4 .s
Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson; Child, IJillson, Palen,
Hawthorne, and Cooper voted aye on Rollcall, and there were no qay votes: and
the Resolution was adopted,'
besident of the Village Council
_- Tillage a %./- Clerk .-
President announced that Hearing on Assessment for Connection of Lot 5, Block 2,
Subdivision of Littel Park to Water &,in Iinprovemznt No. 3, continued from the
last meeting, would be.-held; and asked for comments from those interested. .No one
and moved its adoption: - spoke in objection of the assessment. Hawthorne offered the folloxdng Resolution
OF. aTTEL* PABE ---If' ?!:QIN .l2EROVE-
. * *.. L __ la3NT NOS 3. .. ,. -*.* .- . 1- proposed assessment fcr the'cost of the improvemznt of Lot 5, Brock 2,
Subcfivision-of Littel Park by connection to Water Main in Leaton Avenue has been
duly filed vLth-the Village Clerk and open to public inspection; and-Notice has been
published in The Suburban Press on Dece-der 19, 19.47, that this Council will pass
upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this council. has met at
the time and place specified ;in said ndbice, and heard and passed upon all objections
thereto, now therefore,
EE IT. BE30INEI) by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said
proposed.assessment which is hereby-referred to ahd mde a p* hereof, is hereby
adopted, and an assesment is hereby levied against the lot described-therein in
th5 sum set forth, and tMs lot is hereby found to be benefited in the amom& of
the asses9ment levied against 3.t herein:
E?Z IT FURTKE;RR,ESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual .
installments extendwg over a period of eight years, %he first to be payable on the
first of January, 1949, all deferred pyments are to bear interest at the rate of
five percent per a37num+
property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 4.2.5, Zam of M3m. 1921.
Notion to adopt the Eesolution was seconded by Child; Chilci, 'Itlillson,. Palea,
Hawthorne, and Cooper voted aye on Bollcall, and 'cheke-were no nay votes; and *
Said assessment and interest shall be a Lien upon-bhe
the Resolution PELS adopted+ -.
President of the V2llage Council
President announcedthat Hearing on lhprovement of Bedford Avenue by blacktopping,
continued from last meeting, would be held, 3ngineerTs estimate of cost of improve-
ment in the total amount of $1,905t75, and assessable4foot-cost of $1.64 was reade
No one spoke in objection to,the proposed jmprov&errt.
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Hauthorne offered the
BL&CQUPPT-JG OF .BED@$I?. AmUE mm..PJ=J%4cm -BL'vDI. -m_
-* W, .51sT,S-. I L k*
%!kBREm, petition in writing :equest$g - improvement of Bedford Avenue between.
Interlach&n_Blvd; and 11, 5lst Street has been duly filed v&th.this Cgmcil, dated
Sepbmber 9 and October 20, $2947, signed by owners of more than 5lg.h frontage of
the real property abutting on the portion of the street named in said petition as
the locatibn for suckimprovement, and
'Tm, the Village Council has =et at the time. ad place specified in a notice
to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such hproveinent
published in The Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ennes&a, on December 19 and 26, 1947, and
bs heard all.pergons inter'ested and determined the necessity for the improvement.
petitioned for, now therefore
EE IT RESODIED by the VUlage Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Chapter 324 kvrs-of 1927, that the*peti%ion above descri)ed is hereby determined to
have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby, and I '
BE IT FURTHEZL RESaTm, that Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. ana TL 5lst
Street be improved bJl',blacktoppi.ng; and
I3E IT FURTHEX RES0LVE;D that the Village Engineer is directed to prepare plans
BE IT Fmm RESOLV&l %hat the Clerk is dizwted to preire and insert in the
0fficial:Paer and in-the-Constmctioq Bulletin,+ EErme;rpoljs, Xbnesota, an advertise-
nent Tor bids for the furnishing of all hhor and mterials fqr said hpovement, .
said bids to be osened February 9$ 1948, at 8:OO P.1.1.; that the deposit accompanmg
and specifications for making such im~rovenen$.
t c
each bid shall be ten percent of the amount bid. .. - c
&tion to adopt the Resol&ion was seconded bytlillson; Child, Willson, Palen, bvbhorne
and Cooper voted aye on Rollcall, and there berg no my votes; qnd the Reso1uti.m vas
adop*ed c t.
President of the Yillage Council
_* _.
fl arrthorne moved that the Village Clerk be c,uthorized and directed to advertise for
bids for fifty water meters, vrith acceptance of bids to be February 9, l9@. Child
seconded the motion, and it carried,
&gineer?s tabulztion of assessment for cost of constructioxx of Water Hain Improve-
me& No...12 v~s read, as follows: Totd Cost, $30,117.00, as ag@st 6,939.42 assess-
able feet, or Qk.34 psr assessable foot* .Hawthprne offered the follosing Resolutson
and moved its adoption:
kXI'EE 31NIN DPB~l@J!T NO, 12, . I 3%BREAS, pursuant to Resoluti?n..adopted.Iq ,the Council. October 20, 1947, a
Mormndale Bmd, from Yvome Terrzce .to Kent Avenue
Yvonne. Terr$ce, frmcNomndale Road to Wrtdck Place
V, 56th:Street, from l$orinzndale mad to l@ssex Avenue
Kent Aveque, from Horrnm.3d.e Road to61faq@.ck P%ce
2lamdck Place, from Kent Avenue to Yv@m-e Teryzce
frlcssex Avenue, from 7J. 56th Street to 261.2 fee% North
contract .has been let for the hprovement of the tfoQ.owing Strgetst-
-. Hind Xoad, fron Unity to Normandale Road
by construction of Village. Wa-ber ?$&I Extension %her;in; and the Clerk with tho-
essistance of the &&neer has calculated the proper amount to be_sSeciaUy assessed
for such bprovement asinst every lot, piece, or pmel of lznd abuttw upon such
improvement as provided by law3 which proposed assessment is noir on file with the
cleTk and open to public inspection, now therefore,
pro& of -roving-said streets 9 hereby accepted ind aesignated as Taker 3Ei.n
Improvement No. 12; that the clerk is directed to cmse notice to be-published in
the Hemepin County Revietr, Hopkins, IEnnEsota, on Jhuary 29, 1943, tkt this
Gouncil t6ll meet on February 9, l9,@, at the Village Ikll to pass uporz. said
proposed assessment; that the tot91 cast of said'improvement is determined to be
I -
BK IT €?,ESO&TED by the-VUlage Council* of the Vi'llage of Edina that the said
.- $303 ISrl.08 c . . _L
E.pOtion to adopt the Resolution IELS seconded by Child; Child, llillson, Palen, Hawthorne,
a& Cooper voted aye, and there were no nay votes; and ths Re&il.utioh yas adqtedo
ELe6eT.r iras made of petition to maintain Gorzas Avenue as a dead-end street. Hawbhorne
stated that there were no pbns for increasing Wkhg area in this VlcLrLty a% the
present time before the Gouncil. One of the petitioners spoke from the audience, and
was irtformed that property otiners gust be notified before any change can be made in
the .$met@ Hawthorne moved tht.petition be pJj'ced on file until such the as there
may be recomen&tions on.pwkingb area bzfore the %ouhcil. Eotion seconded by 'iEUson
President of Council c AT!EST: Village Clerk
* t *. and carried*
p* 361
President Cooper, after prelin6nary review of %he proposed Referendum on the Edim
liquor question, called for a Eesolution moving polling place to Grange HaU wd
postponing datd of election to ,February 2.4, E%l,e-n;.. offsred the following Resolution
. -
c and movefits -actopP;ion: - €ESOL~ION BE IT l?ESOLm tha% the Resc&ution.adopted by the Edina Village Council
on December 31,- 1947, accepting 'Yecommendations of the Council? s liquor advisory
committee relating to the conduct" of a~ advisory referendum on,liquor licensing
be amended 'to provide that the da%e of the referendum election shall be Tuesday,
February 24, 1948; that mdl balsots shall be distributed to legal voters in the
village on or about Fsbruary 13, 1948, and that the-public polling place shall be
open from 7 armr to 8 porns on Fegruary 2.4 at Einneh&a Grange hall;
BE IT FUFLTEER RESOLD, tha6 in all other respcts the liquor policy
referendum shall-be .co@ucted as *provided in the r&olution adopted on December
policy and establishing the date 'and procedure for conducting such referendum,
uL Ccb
.I 31, 1947; -*
BE TT FURTHER IZESOLVED, %ha$ all members of this council agree that the '
results of said liquor-policy rk;erendum shall be considered as a mandate to the
council to establish the liquor policy * favored by the lmgest number of citizens;
participating- in the ref erendm.
Motion to adopt the Resolution 6s seconded bry Hawthorne,' and on Rollcall there
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, ap-; &d the-Resolution yas adopted,
Village Clerk; <
cil 1.l
, were five ayes anq no nays, as fc&Lotust Child, aye; Ffillson,'aye; .Palen, aye;
- . - * _-_
Preside& of .the .Village Council
- +
President CooRer, reviewed for $he audience the fact that two patrolmen had resigned
before Jmuaqy 1, and that Officpr Clarence Fnutson has now made plans to join the
SherriSf!s Department.
offercd,the follm@g Resolution and moved its adogtioa:
He then called for a Civil Service resolutionr Hairbhorne
Te,q the members of this -Co~cil- support the principal of providing
securi$y %.tenure of emplopen- for competent public employes;
B% Ifp RESOLVEbj that the following members of the Council -- Committee
of the I?lhole ---are hereby appointed as a special connittee to study ways arid
means of establishing civil service for all employes of the Village of Edina
and that said committee shdl mport back to the Council xi+thxa Tecomegded
ordinance at +he earliest conxenient date*
3Iotion to. adopt the- Resolution was seconded by Palen ad on rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follow: Child, aye; IELlson, aye; Palen, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adoptedc
%'I ._
President of $he VilLage Council
Village' Clerk-- A
Officer Knutson was introduced to the audience by President Cooper, and was
exbended. an invitation to stay 51 the Village of Edina, Mr,wn&pon asked
that his resignation be allowe& to stand, pending.Council!s report on February 9.
'President Cooper read the names+ of WUim Hoffman; Ernest Udstrom, Bert lL
Eerfeld, and B. C, Balfanz, applicants for police officer positions, stating that
Sheriff Ed Ryan had agreed to give these applicants examhations to determine r.Tizich
are the best qualified,
exrunjaations to the men and to Arecornend to the Coqcil. those kJho should b3
Child moved payment of the foliowing clains in the total amount of $10,227*93.
Bfotion seconded by Willson and carried+
Hawthorne moved that Sheriff Ryan be requested to &ve
enployed. Moti6n seconded b;ytFalen* and carriedrc F*
362 I
5392 53 93 5394 5395 53 96
.I 5397
' 5398
5-400 543.4 543-5 TU6 5u7 5-418
543-9 5420
. 5425 5u6 5427 e
5423. 5-4-24
54.25 &426
54a 5@3
5405 5405 5407 5408 5409
5r;lo 5-
5w 303
5420 5423- 54.29 5430
** 7
Schaqb-Office Sapply Co 32r00
Buckett Hzrdirare 3696 *
Bosenwald Cooper 1.21
Glstcier Saxid & Gravel Co 3 850
General. Electric Supply Corp 107,lO
Dorsey Colmn Barker Scott &
Barber - e39m Drr E. L. Etch 60,oO
Fred Jonas. T,O.Qo
Ed of Park Comn~-lfpls 5 e00
Ebne Fire Exbinguisher Co * 9+75
Edim Hardware 30&5
IELler Davis Campmy uo*oo
NJsl*thern States Power Go 815&5
N 11 Bell Telephone Co &a50
American men Coapauy 3 20
Ha A* Rogezs Co 5.74
Suburban Press 40&0
Fred La Gr&y Company 270~00 Flour City 0rnamental"Iron Co 325r00 '. $2,$62&
*. *L
Northern St2tes Potsr Go ,
First National Bank
Suburban Press
Suburban Press
P6iicber Printing Go . 98450
HS A* Rogers Co 5&6
Dorsey Colmn Barker Scott &
. Earber 250000
Suburb= Press : 420
. . . * . . ,
*$heapoU.s Gas Light Co 108J.6
Hicks Shell Sztion 16542
Edina $ure ttil 9+01
-stone Stores 63.18
Daberg &os# lOyo0
Bqire Clock Co?apany 3 *40
PhCLlips Petroleum 98403
We Air Products Co 13i31
General Truck & Equipmen< Co 924'8 Rosholt EMpnent Co 210*00
Ibrtherr, States Power Co 2W2
B i.I Bell Telephone Ca 13 600
Anerica Linen Co 2 $5
Beinhard &Os, CO $la52
Idin. H, Ziegler Co+ 795*60
Brookside Service 182629
Xorthern Reo Compmy 2&69
xotor F&S Service co ab59
cmg NO,
1'259 ... Edina Hwdware
e99 -- - 1760. Northern States Power Co 3 58 a3.4
20100 1761 S+ J* Gq
1762. Economy Printers 5*25 1763 TOIll NOt5kO CO 3 *35 176tr. Xobert s-Hamilt on Co 43 a92 1765 *Thompson Lumber Co 3i95 - .
r I
L -
General Electric Supply Corp 6043.4
.Bonantier and Compqny 4,480,OO . &>975*74 - @Q,227s%
.. . .,
First Edina Sate Bank - Transfer of fmds 4,196 661 5431
1768 Mhnesota Hospital Service Association 53 r25
* c c -
* Eidland National .B& - Withhold-i.ngpX 54J-&O ., 5 4. c
Julius A. Schmahl -FubGc Employees
289&Qi .Retiremen$ Association
At reqmst of President Cooper, Hawthorne read letters from Kessrs. Bernard.Ae
Kischel and Paul El Shivers, complaining about garbage collection prices and-servicea
Mra Cooper proposed that the Village purchase two trucks and maintain garbage and
trash service, b3-W those so served. Hawthorne explained to the audience tha&
an Ohlimnce 1~2s adopted-in 1947, looking. to this. plan, kwthorne moved that the*
PublLc Welfare' Conwittee -be directed to study the- aVailab3Xty cf garbage trucks and
bring back a recommendation to the Council contemplating purchase of trucks for
purpose of garbage and trash collection, Mation was seconded by Palen and carriedr
Mr* Ffillson recommended thzt menbers of the Public Wmks crew now on a monthly
basis be raised $20,00 per month mer the 1947 scale;, that members on an hourly
basis be raised ten ce&s per hour'over the 1947cscale; that lfillia7n Cardarelle:
be placed on a'nonthly" scale aV $225,00 per month; that the Public Works crew
rece"rve overtihe wagcs"for all hours vfmked over forty hours per week, at the rate
05 time-and-one-half; hd that this scue be retroactive to Janwry 1, 194Br
r Motion tms seconded by Child aqi unanimously carried.
+ r
*c .. *.
Hawthorne moved for ad'journment.. plbtion seconded by Palen and carried. t ..
L/- .*
village Clerk
t C
t -
II...... ...,.--...*
.. :*
L ,111 1- ... .,ji..**
C * *
:'' h