HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480209_REGULAR4 Child, Palen, XZl.son, &thhorne and Cooper anstrered Rollcall,
+ n4 Wd! s motion approving papent of the $allowing claim was seconded by TTillsan
and umnimously carried:
N - &WAGE mm
I I Clzjm No, 1816 - Arthur R. Pztersen - GGbage Collection for Janq - $819&0
POOX FUND Cl&m NQ, 5432 - Subtqban,Hennepin Countx ReTief Board-for January _-- .
Pursuant to Notice of Jdvgrtisement for Bids, published in the Hennepin County Reviepr$
Ho?kins, Binnesota, January 29, 1948, President called for sealed bids on the improve-
merit of Bedford Aveque between Interlachen Blvd. and IfI 5lst Si;ree%* Bids opened and publicly read by Clerk were as follmrsz
r .- Nor 1 - NO, 3 - No* 2
Jay 1T.Criag Co. Alexander Const. J.W*Gleason Co.
Hxtneapolis Co,S-Enne~po&i.s St &oUis Park
.I Per Per Per.
%I* Yd.
2200 Sq,Yds. Bittumlnpus Surface - .In Place
including prime mat, vrearing .
course & sed- coat
A, Using Bcad Tar $,64
22CO Sq,Yds. Stabilizing 442
2200 Sq,Yds, Elitminous Surface
31 Place
including prime coat, t~~~~x5ng
course & seal coat
Bc Vsbg Cut BC!C Asphidt G.59
2200 Sq*Yds. st;Zb$liZing - *u
(As Read}
$l298*00 $LO1 $2222.00 $*47 $lOd80,00
, -28 . 616.00
(No TQal.) --
Upon ClerkIs remark that the total's of J,Nr Gieason Co,!s bid were %correct, ~TI?*.
Gleason, I.rho was, h the audience, stated $hat tW5.t Prices Stand." 'Elution by Villson
for tabulation of bids and reporb at the next meethg, his amexded at the suggestion
of the &esident to read as motion thzt bids be tabulated by Village En,aieer and report
be made-at Keeting of &rch 8, Amended motion seconded and carried, second being by
Pursuat to Advertisement for Bids for Water PIeters, pubU&ed in the Hennepin County -
Review, Hopkins, ad in the Construction BULleCin, 3kia.rm~polis on Jmuary 29, 1948,
President called fo? sealed bids on 50 Mater I-fetersj Bids publicly opened and read
were as follomz
Eadger Eeter Eg, Co*, I&i.lvakee - 50-5/8x3/4tt Node1 A-Im Badger Bronze -1 Vater Xeters,
Pittsburgh Equitable lireter Division Rocknzll 3hufzcturing Go,, 400 IL &e&&on Avenue
strai&t cubic foot ragisters and straight conno,. . !. . ... . . . . . . . . ..ak$3 Ea,
If ccxection pieces are n& desired, deduct $lh@ from zbove quotation,
Pittsburgh, B, - 5C?-5/Sx3/41* &&ic Disc f'Jjter 1.ieter.s . . . . . , 4. .$15.20 %. Nc~
Ditto, with 3/41!' connectionsr. ..... . . . . . . . .... $16.34 Ea. E&.
GbZd moved that bid of Badger Keter Kfg. Co,, zmmnt $l.4,83 per N=t;er, be accepted,
3Iotion seconded by TsiiXlsoz ad carrieda
Pursalrt to Tfotice of Hearing on Assessment for ?later
in the Heimepirm County Review, Hopkins, Jalluaq'J 29, 1948, copy of publication hzmbg bsen
read by Clerk, the President caed for Public Hearing on assessment for cost of 7hter
Xa2.n 3nprovaent in the f olloving streetsr
&provsmcrrt No, 12, as publishzd
Xind Road,from Unity Ave. to Normanke Road; Normandale Road, from Yvonne Terrace
to Kent Avenue; Yvonne Terrace, from Normandale Road to T.Tarr.rick Place; IT* 56th
Street, from Normandale Rwd to llessex Avenue; Kent Avenue, from Nom@ale Road
to 1Jarr.rick Place; 1JamAck Place, from Kent Avenue to Yvonne Terrace; Vessex Avenue from To 56th Street to 261.2 feet North,
Engineer?s tabulation of assessment, in total amomt of $30,U7.0S as against 6939.42
assessable feet--&,3& per Assessable Fo&, was read. 1.k. Nylund, owner of ItNylund!s;
Place, and the mmer of several lots in Westchester KILOUS, inq@red as to the amounts
of their respective assessments, and were given the assessmnt figures.
36E I- 2/9/@
Clerk Hawthorne read the follawing Ordinance for the second time; first reading being at Regular Meeting of January 26: ,
The Cokcil of the ViUage of
Section 1, Section IIS, paragraphs [a) 1, (b), (c), cd) and ci) of an ordinance
adopted by the Council of .the Village of 'E;dina on May.25, 1931, entitled 1lAn ordinance
regulating the location, size, use and height of buildings, the arrpgement of build-
ings on lots and the density of population in the Village of Edina apd for the purpose
of promotingthe health, safety, order, convenience, priopriety and general welfare
in the said Village and for said purpose to divide the Pillage into districts,lt as ~ amended is hereby further amended-as follows:
does ordgn'as follows:
Section EII: (a) 1, ltCoUntry Estates and other single family dwellings, provided
that upon application to the Council a permit may be issued .for the erection of a twpl fw or multifamily dvellfxlg subject to all other provisions and restrictions con-
tained-in this ordinance, No such special pedt shall be issued unless approved by
a majority of the lnembers of the Council, Notice of application for such specia
ped% shall be @led to the owners of aU property located within 500 feet of the
property on v&ich the proposed two-family or multifamily dwelling will be located.
Such notice shall specify a time and place at,which such application for a special
permit wil.1 be heard and at such hearing the Council shall consider the.objections,
if any, mised by owners of other property located within the Vi'llage,ip
(b) Where the land is platted or suWvided and the plat is re-
corded, a single fd3y home may be erected or altered and used by one family on any
lot if such lat; conforms to the requirements for platting or subdividing set forth
herein; provided, however, that if the lot on which it is proposed to erect a single
family home does not conform to these requirements and if it would work an unreason-
able hardship on the applicant to obtain the necessary property so as to conform with
the requirements set forth therein, Council may waive the reqhements of this
ordinance as applied to said lot and permit the erection or a1terati"on and use of e
single family horn on any lot.
(c) No land shall be platted or qubdivided which at the time of
application for approval of the plat is provided with public water and sewell;..' connections or in which public water or sewer coqeckions are contemplated, unless:
such plat or subdivision meets all of the following miniraUm re@ementsx
1. Each 10% shall have a frontage on a public street of not less'than 50 feet
on curving streets =and ndc less than 60 feet on straight streets,
2. The average minimum depth-of aU. the lots in the proposed pht or subdivision
shall. be not, less than*100 feet.
3. The area of each lot in the proposed plat or subdivision shall be no% less
than 7,500 square feet.
-- -
No land shall be platted or subdivided which at the the of appucation for
approval of the plat is not provided tdth gublic water and sewer .connections and in
which pubLic water or sewer connections are not, contemplated unless such plat or sub-
division meets all of tkie follovw njinbum requiremerrtsr
1, Each lot shall have a fqontage on a public street of not less than 50
2. The average n&rihua depth of all the luts in the proposed plat or sub-
3. The area of each lot in the proposedgat or subdivision shall be nut less,
feet 'on curving streets and not less than 75 feet on straight streets.
division shall be not less than 125 feet.
than 10,OOO spre feet.
All lots contained in land hereafter. platted or subdivided shall have side
lines as nearly as practical at rig% angles to the street line.
(d) The mbimmn stakdard of residence recpirements in Lhe open develop-
nent district shall be a lot. or prgmises of 7,500 square feet for a one-family
dwelling, 10,000 square feet for a t.r.ro-family. dwelling and for a multiple f-
dwelling housing more than two families 10,000 square feet for the first two
familiki and 2,000 square feet additional for each family in excess of two.
two family or mtiple-family dwelling hereafter shall be erected except in
accordance with the procedure set forth in paragraph ca) 1 of this section.
ci] On a corner l&' the width of' the side y&i abutting upon a street
shall be not less than the minimum front yard depth required on ah adjow
interior lot, fronting upon the same street but this shall not reduce the build-
able width of any corner lot to less than 32 feet at the ground story level, No land shall be platted or subdixided hereafter so as to create any comer lot hav-
ing a ddth less than 5 feet in excess of the minimum r.&dth of other lots in the
same block trhich are not corner lots. .
, I
Section 2, This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its adopt2on;
I&. Erick. Sjorlanan inquired if, under this Ordinance, the property he ams on
3 49th Street, can be used to build an apartment house.. He was informed that hq could @e application to the Council for pernit to ere& an apartment house and
that the Council is authorized under the Ordixmce to issue such.a special permit.
ip, after-a public hearing, they think it-advrisable to do so. Discussion also brought out the fact that Ordinace was proposed as a protection for all properties
in the VZLIage; and that if and ?hen certain districts desire multiple dwellings,
the proper procedure T.Tould be an amendment to the presently proposed ordinance,
Hawthorne move'd adoption of the Ordinance as read. 3Wion seconded br Child. fh
Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; .Palen, aye; ?@XL!'son, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the winance was-adopted,
.. c
President of the Village.@ouncil . .-
I Public Welfare Cdttee had no report to offer as to trucks for proposed ecipal
garbage -collection. NP. Cooper stated that one company 1'Iould be aUe to suppkv trwks
w5thi-n thirty days, Clerk Bawthorne commented that ?&nneapolis is to receive deliveq
on their garbage trucks soon. Xotion by HWhorne, referring letters testifying as,
to '9k, peter son!^ service to the Public ITelfare Comitteq for their study, was seconded
by Palen and carried, Deputy Vil,lage Cle-rk vas etructed to mite to several truck
capnies, including Dahlberg Bros., Iqc. and International Harvester Cmpaqp, to
secure fdl information as to a&labili.ty of trucks in order. that such.infornation
might be had before the next meting.
Let%er from Ws, Olga &man, County Rad No. 18, requesting permit to operate trailer
catup on her 9i-acre fam, was read and discussed, with the Council agreeing that
. most detailed specifi5ations tlould be necessasy before such-pedt could be ism&,
incfuding provision for sewer and running water. A% this time lk. Charles Hallman
spoke from the audience, in opposition to such camp President-Cooper, with approvdl
02 the Cancil, instructed Deputy VUJage Clerk to mise to Ws,_Larson, Moa
her tat it is consensus of .opinion that hFr application for-gedt to operate it.
trailer camp is rejected.
Treasurer John 3. Duggan inquired as to ~.Jhs First E&a State B'ank has been desQn&ed
as the dy Vm'ge depository for the year 19@, @asmush as Midland National Barmk has served the Village well for many years. President Gooper stated that he thmght
that Ifidland Ba.pk should get *sane of .the Village business as a rewd for their faith-&
rul. service in the past. Clerk Hawthome explained that during 1947 the payroll accamt
sewer rental and garbage and water accounts had been carried with First Edina Bank and
the'balance Midland* Recommendation of Office, that the funds of the General Fund,
Eqniprrt Rent& Fund, Permanent Improvement Revolvbg Fund, Zqdxi Garbage E'dd, Serer
RentaI Fund and Vater Fund be deposited in the First Edina State Bank, and funds of the
Poor Fund and Special 3ssessEnt Ftmds be deposited Jn Efidlkd National Rank ps read,
Deputy Clerk reported that First Edina Bank has now pledged collateral in the amount of
$l5O,OOO; and that if they are to be given only 'part of the Village business they my wish to reduce the collateral pledged. v
I 2/9/48 s" 367
8 Motion by Child, rescinding Resolution of January 12, l94.8, which designated the First
Edina State Bank as depository for the public funds of the Village; accqting the
recommendation of the Office as to designating First Edina State Bank as depository for
all funds except the Special Assessment Funds and the Poor F'und and designating Nidland
National Bank as depository for the Special Assessment Funds and the Poor Fund;directing
the Deputyvillage Clerk to make up the proper Resolutions for action by the Council on
February 23; and directing Deputy Village Clerk to authorize First Edina State Bank to
reduce pledged collateral to #100,000, was seconded by Willson and unanimously carried.
President Cooper called for discussion on the proposed "Outdoor Advertising AmeBd-
ment to the Zoning Ordinance.rt
Advertising Signs, saying they bri$g',the farmers revenue and help to pay his taxes;
and that he felt an ordinance could be worked out to everyone's satisfaction without
banning such signs fpomthe Village.
be allowed within 500 feet of the nearest house, p, Cooper stated he was heartily
in accord tdth Mr. Jones.
Real Estate Sale signs.
for such signs and that permits must be*issued for sane.
audience that, before action is taken on proposed Ordinance, public hearing will
be held, at which all interested parties will be able to offer objections and
he wing on proposed "Outdoor Advertising Amendment to Zoning OrdinanCelt for Ifonday,
Piarch 22, at 8:OO P.M., was seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
Mr. Lewis Jones spoke in favor of the Outdoor
He also stated that he thought signs should
Mr. Nylund inquired as to whether ban would include
He was informed that Ordinance specifies size limitations Explanation was made to
After further discussion, Mation by Hawthorne, setting public .
With regard 50 Civil Service, Preside& said there was no report at present, but
that he' kioped a meetSng of the. Codttee of the Whole could be arranged for some
time before the next regular meeting of the Councjl for further discussion on thi-s
Letter from I@. Trmaaten, inviting all Village and Tuwn Weed Inspctors to a t1Plan.t
Industry Cosikrencetf to be held at the Court" House on.Wednesday, Februsq ll, was read. I&, ITillson expbined that for the last =vera1 years Charles Johnson, village employee,
has been Weed Inspectar; and' that' since it has been impossible for the Pillage to
complete als. the mowing necessary to stamp out lea@ spurge, it was decided iast
summer to try spraying with chemical. Mr, Cooper state& that the chemical bed in last swnmer!s spraying had damaged Ed Port!s tomatoe patch, and that he thought
weed sprayers should be more careful
bility of a full-time weed inspector, and recommended that more effort be made to rid
the VXLbge of leafy spurge. After further discussion, Charles Johnson was appointed
Weed Inspctur, with hstructions to attend the Meeking of February U, and bring
back a report at the next meeting of the Council.
matter, I
the future. He also asked about the advisa- I
Trustee Child reported that several Tillage employees had been overlooked &en salary
raises were given at the first meeting of the year. He recomended that Sam Roberts,
Water Department Utility Man, be rased frcen $215.00 per month to $25O,oO-per month,
with the understanding that he work a 45-howr.week instead of a forty-hour week; that
KeMnit Knutson, Water Department Eeter Reader and Utility Man, be raised from $1.00
per hour to $ZlO..OO pr month; that Fred Jonas, Inspector, be raised from a.00 per
hour to @lO.OO per month; and that John A, Sias:, Assistant Engineer, be raised front
$250.~ per month to $270.00 per month. President -Cooper objected to the raise
recamended for John A. Sias, and inquired as to the work done by Fred Jonas. He was informed tha.1: Mk.. - Jonas is the Vihage sewer construction inspector, and %hat *
he also does drafting in the office, Hotion by Child that the recamended raises
be approved, such raises being retroactive to January 1, l9@, was seconded by
WiUs on'and carried.
Clefk read letger frun'Mr. Chris Mktzel, Chief of Volunteer Fire Department, request-
ing a raise for members of the Department, and a.&kg that time be set for meeting of
'- Fire Department Cornm5ttee and Council. 3Iotion by bwthorne that pay for members of *
the Fire Department be increased by ten cents per hour, both for drills and fop
fire cdls, said raise being retroactive to January 1, 1948, was seconded by Palen
and carried,
&, Cooper objected4to paying Village-employed members of the me Department for
cals th6y answer durjng working hours. %?d€arL 2aw+p&*1F ,5z
Efotion by Hawbhorne, tbat Village-employed manbers of
the Fire Department be given no reimbursement for fire calls answered during working
hours was .secorded by Pden and carried.
Meeting of Fire Department Gomuittee and Council was set for Thursday, February 12,
at 8:OO PJf., at .Fire Department Headqualters.
Neeting of Council and Police was set for Thursday, February 12, at 9:OO P,H. at
It was opinion of Cbuncil that, inasmuch as Clarence Rnrrtson had been paid bz Village far time lost as re'sult of injury received. while on d.dy, his wrkmen! s compensation check, amount $22.50, should be endorsed back to Village.
Viila~ Hall,
&%%el! of Lhbu5ance$jalic$es -e%pkrBg--i& %he near+futee vas brought; %o.C&,mcfib'-
attention, policies being as follows:
6.Torkmen? s Coqensati on Expires 3/8/4&
=ability-BIL & PD on Fleet of Cars & Trucks wires 3/V@
Croup Accident -.Tol&.eer Firemen , *ires 3/u&
IiizbiLity - Pmer Shovel - Wires 4/8/@
Fixe and Extended Coverage-Village Hall & Fixtures Expires 3/8/4$
Elre (Combination Policy) Fleet of Cars and Trucks Expires 3/8/48 E'j.re and mended Caverage -- V2Uage Toolhouse. - [Additional Coverage Only
E'ire-$now Fence . F;Kpires4l4/8 3/8/8/4e-3/P l-Iotion by &wbhorne, directingclerk to advedise for bids for aLL insurance policies
eqiring in the near future, was seconded by PaLen and carried.
E, Cooper presented for Council?s 6onsideration the ltl944 Edition of Uniform Build-
ing Bcde,lr recornending its adoption for Edina,, and sfrati$-that st is generally
considered better than the I$meapolis Code. Clerk Harhhorne explained that the Planning Codssion has been working for sme time on the revision of the Edina Code,
and recommended that they be brought in on the discussion. 3fr. Cooper stated he
believes that E;dim needs an uptwdate Building Code at once, together with G
competent man to enforce it; and that in this connection he r;ould l&e to invite
Elk. Carl I;indstrorn, Building Inspector at Richfield, to spe&,to the Cmncil on this
Uniform Building Code ihich he set up for Richfield and tach has since been adopted
as the official building code of that village. Meeting of the Cmcil, P3anning
Cammission, and Re. Ikindstran, was set for Rzesdw, Februasy 17, at 8:OO- POL
Ere Cooper recommended tbt all missing parts of the Ximeapolis plumbiw code be incorporated into Edina?s present plumbing ordinance; stat- that the 1.iinneapolis
code is recognized as an especiaUy good one; and prbicularly recommending clauses
concerning licenses, fees and inspection, In discussion it was brought aut th&
if Edina. adop'bs the Blimeapolis plunribing code, each plumber must have a place of
business inEdha before he could obtdn a lice
would have to have a telephone and an address%%&% they could be located, before
such license could be issued, lek. Cooper erp Lained that all new licenses issued in
Emeapolis are obtained under a system of 'ccanpktitive examination (sane, old licenses
are renewed under the **grandfather clauseill) said he believes arrangements can be
worked out with 3EnneapoLis i'or cbmpetitiye examzlla tions, and recammended that the
Edina Ordinance stipulate the cmpetitive examination be required before license is
issued, providing such competitive examination has not already been made by I-Eme-
&lotion by Hawthorne, directing Village Attorney to prepare an amendment to the Edina
plumbing ordinance, incorporating sections of Ninneapolis Plumbing Code tach r.re
should have added to our Cde, wag seconded br Child and carried,
1-k. Cooper recoxmended that Edina adopt the N5r&eapolis Heating Code in its entirety,
and*the 3l3nneqoofis Gas Code in its edirety at this time, setting up such licenses
ad fee& as l8inneapolis requires, E2otion by Hhwbhorne that Vi&@ 'Attmney .be
directed to pre are Heath and Gas Ordsnces in conformance r.rith Xbl@apolis codes was seconded bypalen and &m.ed.
Hre Gooier also recommended the adoption of an Electr&cal Ordhce. Notion by
Hawthorne, directing Village Attorney to confer with representa%ive from Northern
Sta%es Parer Company and represedative from lG,&eqolis Building Department, and to
prepare an electrical code for adoption, vas seconded by IJUson and carried.
B.Ir, Cooper stated that plumbgrs
Vith regard to the severdl ordinances under consideration, &, Cooper, with consent
of the @ouncil, instructed Deputy Village Clerk to invite s'everal menkkrs of the
Emeapolis Building Inspector? s Office, tm representatives of the Plumber!s Union,
and a mmber of the IGnneapolis Water Ifepartme6t to the joint Cou.nc&L-Plar&.ng
Canmission &et- of February 17' for ,their suggestions and reccamnend&iom.
Verbal bid of Tree Trimmers ILpe and Timian, 5n amount of $4.00 per hour'total, including; time. of two men and f;mishing of truck, was presented, Council asked
that tree trimers furnish them with a tlper-street": bid at the next -meeting.
5fotion by mllson, approving Village Papoll for the first 'L/2 of Februay, in mount
of $3,708,59, as follows, was seconded by Palen-and carrled;
I . -.
-0- 3.58 3.58 85 .89
BEE --
Phi1 S&bh
Gretchen -Schussler ,138.04 . x),oo . 5.52 25.52
Bernice Johnson 89.47
Helene Free- 16069
it. . . . *.
' "177J-
1772 1773
12027 64*@ ' 1774.
50k6 58.45 1775
$250.00 $37070 $10022 6470% $207,?0 . m.52
9.20 3.07
Louise Xesterberg 63.91 2.90 2054
623.73 69080 24.95 94.75 SS*%
Carl Niller
John A. Sias.
Fred Jonas
Clarence but son
Hading DahL
Tho So Heydt
Henry M, Nrobleski
Bert K. Merfeld
William V.Hoffman
Lloyd McGary'
Pete Dahlgren
Matt Merfeld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Ronald Port
. C .FJ.Crzl.darelle
Jacob Shmak
tiayne Tracy
Joseph Natole -
WilIiam H. Kell
129 .l4
1016 .15 15.57
103 87
Fred Oxborough . 81.80 9.90 3t21 13 el7 68.63
Ben Woehler .. 166.16 16.60 6.65 23 25 ' m9l
163.60 15.80 6.54 22434 l41.26'
Sam Boberts 109.92 6.80 4.40 11.20 98.72
1780 1781 1782
1783 1784 1785
1787 1788
3789 1790 1791 1792 1793
179k 1795 1796 1797 *
1798 1799
Motion by Falen, approving payroll for Overtime for January, amount $340.66, as,
follows, was seconded. br Child and carried:
Pbilip Bailey 2.30 -0- 809 e09 2 021 1803
Ihtt Merfeld 3 080 -0- .I5 0x5 3.65 1804
Arthur Jensen 19.02 -0- ' -76. e76 18.26 BO5 ,
Charles Johnson 3.53 -0- 8% mJ-4 3.39 1807
ITape Tracy 60074 2.70 2.43 !LG 55-61 1808
Jacob Shmdk 9020 -0- e37 037 8.83 1809
Fred &borough 9.20 -0- 037 .37 4 8.83 1810
Tiin. H, Xe'll ' 9.20 -0- 037 e37 88.83 18U
Berriice. Johnson 48.56 -0- L94 1.94 46.62 18lZ
Clarence .ICnut son 56 93 PO- 2.28 2.28 54-65 18W .
C*T;f. Cardarelle 3.99 -0- 0x6 a16 3.83 1806
Hilding Dah1 62.17 -0- 2.49 2.49 59.68 1813
Henry Wobleski' 52.02 -0- 2.08 ' 2 DO& 49.94 1815
I 340.66 2.70 13.63 16 033 324.33
Esbtion by Ifillson, approving Clah No. 5433, etnount $4,049.25, as transfer of funds:
fran Midland National Bank to First Edina State Bank, to cuver the two above named
payrolls, was seconded by Palen and carried.
There being no objections to the tabulation of assessment for the cost of construction
of 'Water Xain Improvenerrt No. 12, read earuer this evening, Hawthorne offered the
following Resolubion and moved its adoptiont:
MHEE@AS, pursuant to "Notice .pubZished.in the Hennepin County
on Janmry 29, 1948, the Tillage Council has met-and passed upon alz objections to the
proposed assessment for construction of Water lvlain Klqrovement No. 12, in the follow- *
ing streets:
- msoLuTroN amm~ ASSESSBEE
ffATE23 BAIN IMPROI!IZMENT NO. 12 Hopkins, Elinnesota,
S?ind Road from Unity Avenue to Nomnanda3.e Road;
Normandale Road:, from Ymnne Terrace to Kent Avenue;
Yvonne Terrace, from Nom'andale Road to Wamxick Place;
If. 56th Street, frm Normandale Road to t'Jes5ex Avenue;
Kent Avenue, from Nwmandale Road 50 War@& 'place; .
Wdclr Place, from Kent Avenue to Yvonne Terrace;
Wessex Avenue, from J?. 56th Street to -261.2 feet North;
BE IT &Cnvn>. by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed
assessment-is,herelj aiYimed arid adopted'and shall constitiUte the special assess-
ment against the lkds namedth6min, and'each lo€, piece,"or parcel of land in-
cluded in 8dd assdssment is he%by found'to be benefited by said improvement in
the mount of the Zssessment l&ed again& ite '
'BE IT FUETIBEl RF;sof;vE13 that sucfi' assessmdts shall be payatjle in equal annual
hstallments over a period of ten y&rs, %he firs5 of said3nstallments to be
payable on the fir& day of Jankry, 1949; and sudceeding Installments on the
fkst day of Jan&y in each ye& thereafEer until the full amom% of said'
assesaent is paid; Said speci&l assesdnt and 6ach inst&l.lment thereof shall
bear interest at t6e rate of fbfe per tens per dum until'fully paid, said
interest to be coi@ded from the date of *his resdlution. Said special assess-
ment r&th the accruing intere&thereon shll be 8 pa?arnowl~ lien upon the .
property included therein from the time of the adoption of this resolution and
sbll remain such lien until fully paid, &s authopised by Chapter 425 bws of
Xizmesota l9=, as *mended; and '
BE E FIIRTIBR lXEE?3L, that the'clerk of the Vil7;lge is hereby directed to We up and file j,.n the office of the Gduntr Aueiitor a certified statement of the mount
of such unpaid asskkments and-%he Imynt'of interest vhich
be due thereon;
1 ..
m~Iti3Sd~ that all'moneys collected on any such special assesmats
sh&l consti,.de
district for which-such assessm6rzt was made, and the same shall be credited to the proper Bater fhd under the'designation: Fund of TTater Nab kprovemerrt,
No, 12. -
@$&on to adopt the Resolution&s secondea by Child, and on Rollcall there xere
five aps and no ws, as folloys:
%Trthorne, aye; and Christopher, aye; and the Resblution $,s adopted,
for the papent of the cost or" said kqxovement for the
Child? age; Palen, aye; ITillson, aye;
President of the Village Council.
Build.ing Inspector:TToehler preskted Qe-bivision'of Lots 4 to 6, Block 1l and
Lots l+ to 9, Block.l2, Kendelssbhn,11 by Pfalace Lid, - eqI&injag that I&. I;und
wishes to divide nxmz 100-foot lots-kb .and three UO-foab lots into tlslve
80-foot lots* Xotion by Hawkhome that public hearing on application %o divide
above l&s be set for Honday, February 23, 1948, at 8r00 PJL, and that Clerk
be directed to pubush requiredNotice, rms seconded by Pgen and carried.
I&. IToekiLer reported the sequesk of I&. d G, Begnett, foe permission to build
his house facing 11. 54th Street, instead of Halifax me; hpuse to be erected on
Lot 1 and the North 1/2 of kt Southridge, Add2tion and th%t unplatted property '
immediately to the. West thereof; Nr. Xoe.er expJained th.at this would be in\
non-conformace taZoning Ordinance, irpjmch as Southridge lots are platted.
to face HaEfs Iane, Rotion br Hawthorqe that .pqblic hea$ng on application
to build facing TL 5&t& Street ,be. set for, Nonday, Eebmx 23, at 8:OO P.H., and
directing Clerk to. publish reqeed Hatice, vas seconded by Palen qd Carrie& *
Woehler 5nqukred as to procidure for assessmnt for Vater Ikin for the above
property, exlplains,ng that Hr. Eiennett?~ uppktted prop* has a 11. 54th Streek,
frontage of 60 feet, and that %he platteq proprty has a &ifax &me frontage
of 90 feet. He explained that all frontage bordering Fed& EIickelsen?s main is
charged for cmnection at rate of $3.18 per $front foot; and that Et6 has been
the actice to chargea consumer?s. deposit kn the amount of the nearest Village
main, in cases where frontage abuts a.street which has no main at present; this deposit being held in escrow by the Qjllage until such time as main is con-
structed. He .dso stated, that, since the Halifax Ia;ne main i&U connect with
Peder Xickelsents main, there xmt will be a 25$ per. front foot connection charge
added to estimated cos% of marin construction. Havth6rne moved that the charge
far water mzin connection be based on &-foot frontage on %I. 5&th Street and
90-foot frontage on Halifax &ne, vhth the Hal5.f~ Lane po?$ion to be held in
e:croT.r by the.Village. Xotion seconded by Child and carried.
Nr, Voehler reported 1.k. CBifford Robinson!$ request for pe dssion to build a
stainray at the back of his house at 5606 Xerxes Avenue South, thus converting
house into a tr.ro-fdy dvrefling, Such conversion would-be Violation of
bendmen% to Zoning Ordinmce passed this evening unless public hearing is held;
and is in violation of Zoning Ordinance in that Xi?. robin son?^ proprty does nab contain 10,OOO square feet. Xr,.I'Toehler pointed out that there is 2 vacant lob
on either side of I&. Robinson?s Sroperty. He said that the Robinan house had
at one time been a duplex but had been converted to one-family dr.relling some time
2/9/48 t 371
ago. Motion by Hawthorne that temporary permit be granted, subject to revocat'on L
when houses are built on both abutting lots, was seconded by Palen and carried,
Mr, Woehler reported application of Maurice Warner to build garage at 4505 Arden
Avenue. Mr. Woehler reported that such construction is in conformance with Zoning
Ordinance. Motion by Hawthorne that permit be granted was seconded by Palen and
carried .
Mr. Woehler reported +School Supt. Elwyn Miller's converation with him with regard
to building a school garage on property directly behind the Village Hall.
revsew of this situation it was decided that School Board and Council should discuss. matter further.
Mr. Cooper annouhced he had received complaints about the method of tax assessment;
asking Clerk to read an advertisement appearing in a Minneapolis paper, which quoted
the taxes as $73.00 on a house for which owner was asking approximately $30,000.
He, stated that he would be in favor of taxing people on the basis of the sale' value
of their properties, and recornended the appointment of a nuetral assessor if
property had been taken off ltAgriculturall!' list although he earns his living from
the land.
to reduce Mr. Asplundts taxes, but that Mr, Asplund can apply,for refund, Mr.
Cooper stated &;felt &. Asplund should not be penalized for not &tending Board
of Review Meeting, and that he would be glad to see the County Auditor himself
on the matter of tax relief Tor Mr, Asplund.
With regard to iresent election districts, Hr, Cooper suggested that two new
election districts be created; one for the population at the South of the Village-
who would vote at Cahill, and one for the people at the Vest end of town, who are
dous for a polling place in their immediate neighborhood. Clerk Hawthome
recommended that District No. 2 be divided. Notion by Hawthorne, directing Village
Clerk to prepare drawing of new Election Districts by the next regular meeting, was.
seconded by Palen and carried.
Mr. Sidney Gunn, extra meter reader, asked for an-adjustment in his wage, stating
he would receive consideration, after some further investigation as tornecessity
for additional meter reader had been made.
Mr. Cooper cited the case of Mr. Asplund, Route #I, Hopkins, whose
At Mr. Windhorst's opinion that nothing could be done at present time
No action by Council,
, that he has more meters to read each time he goes out. Mr. Gunn was informed that
MI?, Cooper presented preliminary plat of property between Cde Avenue and Grove
Street, recommending its approval. &. Hawthorne stated that procedure is to
refer all such plats to the Planning Godssion in order that they may make
' recomendation to the CouncQ, lvlution by Hawthorne that this prelidniminarg plat be
referred to the Planning Commission for their consideration was seconded by Child
and carried.
Mr. Cooper stated tliat, in connec-bion with the Planning Commission, he wished to
protest the charges of Morell and Nichols, Inc,, maintaining that Er. Nichols has
beenvorkhg for : I-. * "both parties to the deal.tt He cited the case of the
Spring Company plat, "Edina Highlands,11 and mentioned the plat of Bob NcNeil which,
he stated 'GELS very little different after the fourth or fifth plan thah it was
at first presentation. Clerk Hawthorne spoke in favor of the Gomrnission?~ action
in hiring m. Nichols, statjng-that he is one of the best and most wide@ respected
planning architects in this park of the courrtry, beingretained by the St.Paul
Capitol epproach Conmission and the University of Minnesota, and that iq Hawthorne?~
opinion his ability ad integrity are of' the highest .
Mr. Karl bve gave his opinion that Spring Company had developed Edba Highlands, -
on a 24-hour-a-day basis, only after-they learned that the Park Board had recornended
purchase of their property as a park site. Mr. Hawthorne reminded the audience that
the CouncXl had acted on the recornendation of the Park Bawd in rejecting Edina
Highlands property as park site, the Park Board hav'ing other property Sr mind at
%he time their recommendation was made. 3kssrs. Cooper and Love maintained that
the Park Board had withdrawn their original recommandation only because of the hi&
valyhion placed on Spring Compaqy property; &nd that this high valuation had been
placed on the property because of the rush job of developing roads, as completed b~
Spring Company.
&. Cooper requested that additional ptreet lights be installed in the West end of
proposal to install five new street lights,as soon as possible, in this particulzu?
additional street Uhts .
He was shorn Edina!s contract with Northern States Power COmpnX, and their
. neighborhood, Mr, Cooper recommended that South Blake Road be furnished with
2/9/48 3'92 &, Charles Halkuan asked for Council? s procedure in purchasing Tax Delinquent
kds at tax sales, also asking if it3.s true that the Council has been criticized
by Henrepin County for its efforts in securing such lands, 1' explained that the Council acts on the recommendation of the-Park Board t~th
regard to acquisition of park properties; that the Village receives a list of
tax delinquent lands before they are placed on sale, with the privilege of
applying for such lands as they wish to acqpire; and that the Village pays ,no
money for these properties, He stated that, in his opinion, it is better to acquire such lands free than ko purchase high priqed property,
criticism mentioned by &, Hallman, Nr, Hawthcrrne stated that trcqiticism by
the Hennepin County Iand Cormnissioner!s Office does not mean that we are trrong.~~~
He cited the recent difficulties in the Iand Commisdoner!s Office, "when sever&
County employees had been accused of attempting to purchase tax delinquent lands
for their om private use, Xr. wa3n averred that Mr, Hatrthorne?~ statements .
were Woo broad" as there have been no convictions of County employees.
Chiidis motion for adjournment, was sec
Clerk Hawthcrne
?Xth regard to
FEBRUARY a, 19@, 'AT 8200 P. If. AT THE
Council members present were Child, Palen, Willson, Haivbhorne, and Cooper, with Palen
arriving late. \
Planning Commission members present were Krafft, RauglAd, Well., Hiatt, Thorpe and Clark,
President Cooper advocated the adb&ion of the 1946 U&om Building Code by Pacific Coast
Building Officials Conference.
that this Code would be a,fine.one for adoption until such time as the State of Ehnesota
adopted a building code. IIr, Carl Lindstrom, Richfield Building Inspector, also advocated
adoption, suggesting that the "Code for -11 Cities1', published by the same people, might
serve just as well.
Arthur Howie, 1.Weapolis Yam Air Heating Inspector, advocated adoption of tkie Mpls.
Heating Code, explaining that it is most extensive"in its coverage, having been rewritten
three times to secure fire prevention standards and the utmost benefits to the public.
President Cooper advocated adoption of the Npls Plumbing Code and Npls Electrical Ordinance, together with competent men to administer and enforce them, stating he believes there is
urgent need for electrical inspection in the Village immediately,
said that Northf3rn States Power Co, r.rill make inspection, but there was a differerlce of
opinion as to this, some members stahg that Northern States Power makes only partial
inspect ion,
After disc6ssion, Hawthorne asked for a formal recommendation fromthe Planning Commission
with regard to adopting the 1946 Uniform Building Code and the'lrlpls Plumbing, Heating, and
Electrical-Coaes by reference.
It was brought out that the terms of Nessrs. Krafft and Raiigland expire Jan. 1, l9@, or
'Ithen their successors are duly' appointed and qualified," Notion by Hawthorne, that 1-iessrs,
E. 11. Krafft and Arnold Raugland be appointed as Pl-g Commission Ifembers for another
three-year term, vas seconded by1Jillson and unanimously carried.
Chairman Krafft of the Planning Comission'then called for a motion fromthe Commission-as
to recommendation to the Council,
1946 Unj§orm Building Code by Pacific Coast Building Officidls Conference be adopted for
general construction, and that Mpls heating, plumbing, electrical, and ventilating Codes
be adopted for mechanical construction.
During discussion on the motionI.ir, Thorpe asked for time to examine these various Codes
before voting, and Village Attorney Windhorst told the group that according to State Law
the Mpls Codes cannot be adopted by reference, although it is possible for Edka to adopt
the 1946 Uniform Building Code if they so wish,
Eir. bugland of the Planning Commission gave his opinion
During discussion it was
Raugland moved that the Planning Commission recommend that
At this time I&, Raugland withdrew his ,motion, and it was agreed that the Planning Commission
would discuss the matter of building and mechanical ordinances atetheir, regular meeting of
Harch 2, bringing a report to the Council on Narch e.
Motion by tEllson, thanking Hessrs. Lindstrom and Hovde for their aid and recommendations,
was seconded by Child and unanimously carried.
Ilotion by Hawthorne for adjournment tms sec