HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480223_REGULARPfINUTFS OF THE REGULAR MEETTINE: OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MIONDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 194t3, AT 8:oo P. M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL - + Members answering Bollcall were Child, Palen, Willson, Hawthorne, and Cb~per.~'. . I Clerk read Affidavit of Advertisement for Bids on insurance policies, published February 12, 1948, in Hennepin County Review; opened and read the following.bids: Harry Butts Agency, 816 2nd Avenue So., Minneapolis 1. - L1 A Workmen's Compensation Insurance - Bidding on coverage with Iowa Mutual Liability Insurance Compmy of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Policy based on Payroll, at rates established by Minnesota Compensation Bureau, Less 15% on premiums accumulated by audit at end of year. audit at termination of policy year. Policy subject to Nutual General Agency, 159 Baker Building, Minneapolis (Bidding on letterhead of Tri-State Mutua2 Grain Dealers Fire Insurance Go., Luverne , ~nn. ) 1. Fire and Extended Coverage on Toolhousa-80% coinsurance - $6,000, Fire and Mended Coverage on-Village Hall; $4,800.00 and Contents, $1,000 Five Year Policy - Premium First Year - $69.06 Premium Next 4 Yrs. - $55.25 Eadh Year 2. Five Year Policy - Premium First Year - $18,95 Five Year Policy - Premium First Year - '$12.77 Premium Next 4 Yrs.- $15.16 Each Year Premium Next 4 Yrs - $10.22 Each Year 3. Fire-Snow Fence - $1,000 Mutual Implement and Hardware Insurance Company (Federated Mutuals), Owatonna, Minnesota 1. Fire and Extended Coverage on Village Hall:, $4.,€300.00 and Contents $1,000 Three Year Policy - Premium First Year - $23.67 9 - This policy bid on renewal basis. Uptown Insurance Agency, 1404 West Me Street, Minneapolis 1. Workmen's Compensation Insurance - Bidding on coverage with Rnployers Mutual Casualty Go. of Des Moines, Iowa. Policy at regular established rates for proper classifications, subject to Company's dividend of 2059 .on first 1,000 of premium, and subject to their variable plan on amounts over 1000, which ranges from 10 to 3% according to experience. On Policy mitten as at present, Premium of $1336.23, including hired autos, non-ownership as well as contractual liability on Fire Dept. General Accident Assurance Corp. of Philadelphia patrols and 2 second tractors could be added to a Manufacturers e( Contractors Policy. Corp. of Philadelphia - $33.62 per $1,000 of payroll. & Contractors Policy. . and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd. Bid on bidders understanding that past experienceL shows no debit, 2. Liability on Cars and Trucks Coverage with 9cNoter This Company recommends that coverage be revised in order that kwo road 3. Liability on Power Shovel - Bidding on coverage with General Accident Assurance Wote:. This Company recommends that+ this. coverage also be added to a Manufacturers 4. Group Accident - Volunteer Firemen - Bidding on covering with General Accident Fire - PLAN A. PLAN B, Principal Sum $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Total Disability (104 wks) 25.00 per week 25.00 per week Nedical Expense 500.00 None Premium 125.00 75.00 Without co-insurance - $31.74 First Year W&th 90% Go-Insurance -$18,02 First Year 5.. Fire and Ekt. Coverage, Village Hall & Fixtures - Bidding on coverage with General Insurance Co. of America - $4,800 on Village Hall, Contents $1,000 * 25.39 Each Yeaa for next Four Years l4.Q Each <Year for next Four Years 40% below Manual Rate (No exact figures at this time.) 6. 7. 8. Fire on Fleet of Cars. Fire - Snow Fence - $12.00 per 1000 Fire and Mended Coverage - Toolhouse. $6,000.00 Additional Coverage with 8% co-insurance Premium First Year- $69.06 2nd-5th - 55.25 per Yr. 374 ( Blackburn, Nickels SC smith, Inc. 915 Phoenix Bldg. lirinneapolis. Mh. Fire and Extendedcoverage on Village Hall - Bidding on Coverage with Badger lfutual Fire Insurance Company - 15% Off Published Rates. Four premiums for a five-year term. Five Year basis payable annually. * Fire and Extended coverage on Toolhouse - Same basis as above. Fred L. Gray Company, 816 2nd Avenue South, Nbneapolis, Elinn. Group Accident Policy - Volunteer Firemen. Standard Accident Insurance Coo Policy Principal Amouht - #3,000 Weekly Indemnity Premium - $70.00 for 104 Weeks -$ 20 * Note: This Policy bid on a renewal basis. Employers Fiutual Liability Insurance Cornparry of Ifisconsin, 400 Rand Tower, Hnneapolis Workmen1s Compensation - Based on Schedule Provided by Office, Less Volunteer Firemen PremiUm $927.73, Less 15% If Volunteer Firemen Included Hardware Iilutuals of Stephens Point, Ifisconsin Workmen's Compensation - On Renewal Basis - $906.93 - Less 15% Hawthorne moved that bids be referr-ed to Village Manager for tabulation. Notion seconded by liillson and carried. Pursuant to the required posted and published notice, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, President called public hearing on Petition of If. J. Lund to replat Lots 4 to 6, Block 11, and Lots 4 to 9 inclusive, Block 12, Mendelssohn Addition into 12 $&d.75-foot lots. Hrs. and 3@s. R. F, Shephard, and 14r. Paul Richr,rdson, ownerd o$ neighboring lands, spoke in opposition to such division, stating that they had purchased their lots because they had been platted especially large; that lots across the street have 100' frontages; and that they believe present restrictions should prevail, PIillson moved that 14.r. Lund's petition be rejected. Pursuant to the required posted and published notice, Affi&vi.t of Publication for &ich was read by Clerk, President called public hearing on Petition of R. G. Bennet for permission to construct one-family dwelling facing Ii. 54th Street, located on Lot one and North 1/2 of Lot 2, southridge Addition, and that unplatted property immediately to the West thereof. T~Irs. T. H. Erickson, owner of property directly qcross Halifax Lane from this proposed dwellhg, and Mr. Johnson, owner of other neighboring property, objecthd; T-irs. Erickson because side of proposed dwelling will face front of her house; and both parties said that +&en they bought their property they knewthat Southridge was platted with lots facing Halifax Lane and that they wish present restrictions to prevail. Hawthorne moved thzt Nr, Bennetls petition be denied,, Seconded by Willson and un&ously carried. to work out a practical arrangement which would please everyone. Xr. Verlin Balfanz, owner .of Edina Taxi Company, re,quested permission to chvlge his. insurance coverage to Lloyds of London. Mr. Balfanz explained that he now has insurance for nine cabs; that he mms 12 cabs and has I4 licenses. Jn discussion, IIr. Balfanz stated that it was not'possible to profitably operate a cab company if he had to maintain Ir, cabs on the street at all times, but that it would be necessary to operate that many cabs occasionally in order to give the public service. Council will issue, licenses to Balfanz for no more cabs than he owns. Hotion by Hawthorne approving Hr. Balfanz' application for change of insurance coverage to Lloyds of London, subject to favorable report by Village Attorney, was seconded by Child and carried. Hrs. Gorgas made application to divide the North 50 ft. of the S. 70 ft. of the East 1/2 of Lot 4.6, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 into two parts, the Gorgas Ayenue portion being an area of approximately 5,700 square feet. with Village Zoning Ordinance, Eks. Gorgas was .asked to get a petition for the division signed by the neighboring property owners, in the for consideration by the Planning Conmission at their meeting of March 2, 4 ' - Seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried, I I Council suggested that 14.r. Bennet and his neighbors attempt Hawthorne stated that Since such division is in non-conformance I -I Report was read, informing Council that garbage collection trucks are available for de- livery in 45 to EO days from date of order, .as case may be. Diamond T Twin City Truck Company representative asked permission to have packer-demonstrator brought to Edina for Council1s observation. available. D President Cooper proposed 1lTippling Ordinance" for adoption. After discussion as to general application of ordinance and penalty, proposed ordinance was referred to Attorney Wbdhorst, r.rith instructions to prepare draft in time for special meeting to be called after Liquor Referendum. He was asked to get in touch with Council when demonstrator is -. i 375 2/23/48 I. In compliance with February 9th direction by Council, Clerk Hawthorne presented drawing showing the redistricting of Edina into eight election districts instead of four. ~ some discussion and modification of two districts' boundaries as suggested by President Cooper, Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: After ELECTION DISTRICTS RESOLUTION 9 BE IT REBOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that said Village, hereto- fore composed of four Election Districts, shall be and. hereby is divided into eight Election Districts, which shall be bounded as follows: *= (1) DISTRICT NO. 1. North Boundary: North Village Limits, from Center Line of Casco Avenue extended North, to Center Line of France Avenue. Line of W. 50th Street. - 50th Street direetly South of Center of Edina School Building located at W. 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue. c Center of Edina School Building, then straight North to the North line of Edina School property; then East along North line of School property to the Northeast corner of said property; then North along the East line of Edina School property extended Northerly to its intersection with Country Club Road; then East along Center Line of Country Club Road to Center Line of Casco Avenue;,then North along Center Line of Casco Avenue and Casco Avenue extended North, to the North Village Limits. East-Boundary: South Boundary: Center Line of France Avenue, from North Village Limits to Center Center Line of lq, 50th Street, from France Avenue to point in W. West Boundary: From point in Center Line of W, 50th Street directly South of (2) DISTRICT NO. 2. North Boundary: East Boundary: South Boundary: Center Line of W. 50th Street, from Eden Avenue to France Avenue. Center Line of France Avenue, from Center Line of W, 50th Street to Center Line of W. 54th Street, to the South Boundary Line of Country Club Golf Course; thence Mest along said South Boundary Line to the Center Line of State Highway No. 100, Center Line of State Highway No. 100, from South Boundary Line of Country Club Golf Course to Willson Road; then along Center Line of Willson Road to Eden Avenue; then along Center Line of Eden Avenge to Center Line of W, 50th Street. I Center Line of 11. 54th Street, from Center Line of France Avenue West Boundary: (3) DISTRICT NO. 3, . North Boundary: Center Line of W. 54th Street, from Center Line of France Avenue to Center Line of Xerxes Avenue. from I?. 54th Street to South Village Limits, France Avenue. Center Line of W, 54th Street. East Boundary:. *Center Line of Xerxes Avenue and Xerxes Avenue extended South, South Boundary: West Boundary: South Village Limits, from East Village Limits to Center Line of Center Line of France Avenue, from South Village Limits, North to (4). DISTRICT NO. 4. North Boundary? South Line of Country Club Golf Course, from State Highway No. 100 to Center Line of I$, 54th Street; then East on Center Line of W. 54th Street to Center Line of France Avenue. P of W. 62nd Street. to Center Line of Valley View Road; thence West:on Center Line of Valley View Road to Center Line of State Highway No, 100. View Road to the Sou$h Line of Country Club Golf Course. East Boundary: South Boundary: Center Line of France Avenue,. from W, 54th Street to Center Line Center Line of, W. 62nd Street, from Center, Line of France Avenue West Boundary: Center Line of State Highway No. 100, from Center Line of Valley DISTRICT NO, 5. North Boundary: Center Line of %ate Highway No. 169 & 212, from Fiest Village GMts to Oiinger Road; then along Center Line of Olinger-Road to Center Line of Valley View-Road; then along Center Line of Valley View Road to and across State Highway No, 100, to Center Line of W. 62nd Street; then along Center Line of W, 62nd Street to Center Line of France Avenue. Center Line of France Avenue, from W, 62nd Street to South Village Limits . South Village Limits, from Center Line of France Avenue to West Village Limits West Village Limits, from South Village Limits to Center Line of State Highway No. 169 & 212, East Boundary: South Boundary; West Boundary: , 346 (6) DISTRICT NO. 6. North Boundary: North Village Uts, from ?!est Village LM,s to a poAt on North Village Line which intersects with the Center Line of OLinger Road extended - due North. East Boundary: That line which'is the Center Line of Olinger Road extended due North$ from its point of intersection with North Village Limits, South to its point of intersection with State Highway No, 169 & 212. Vest Village Limits. West Village Limits, from Center Line of State Highway No. 169 & 212 to North Village Limits. Eorth Village Limits, from a point on the North Village Line which intersects idth the Center Line of Olinger Road extended duq North, to the Center Line of State Highway No. 169 & 212. to State Highway No. 100; then along Center Line of State Highway No, 100 to I?. 50th Street; then East along Center Line of W, 50th Street to.Eden Avenue; then southwesterly along Center Line of EdenAvenue to ?{illson Road; then southwesterly along ??illson Road to State Highway No. 100; then South along Center Line of State Highway No, 100 to Valley View Road. South Boundary: Olinger Road. West Boundary: No, 169 & 212; thence North on that line which is a Northerly extension of the Center Line of Olinger Road, from State Highway No, 169 & 212 to the North Village Exits. I . South Boundary: West Boundary: Center Line of State Highway No, 169 & 212, from Olinger Road to I I (7) DISI'RICT NO. 72. North Boundary: East Boundary: Center Line of State Highway No. 169 & 212, from North Village Limits Center Line.of Valley View Road, from State Highway No, LOO to Center Line of Olinger Road, from Valley View Road to State Highway (8) DISTRICT NO, 8, 'North Boundam:: North Village Limits. from Center Line of .State Highway No, 169 & 212 along Nkrth Village Liie to po&t of intersection dth Senter-Line of Casco Avenue extanded North. Center Line of Casco Avenue Extended North and Casco Avenue, from North Village Limits to Country Club Road; then Vest along Center Line of Country Club Road to East Line of Edina School property extended North; then Southerly along this East line extended, to Northeast corner of Edina School properby; then West along the North line of Edina School property to a point directly North of center of Edina School BuLldhg; then South in a straight line to the Center Line of IT, 50th Street. Center Line of I!, 50th Street, from point due South of Center of Edina School Building, to Center Line of State Hightlay KO. 100. . Center Line of State Highway No. 100, from Center Line of W. 50th' Street, North to Center Line of State Highway No, 169 & 212; then North on Center Line of State Highway No. 169 Bt 212 to North Village Limits. East Boundary: I *South Boundary: West Boundary: Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Palen,.aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, President of the Village Council ATT- I Village Clerk' Report was made of the request of Mr, L, C. Olson, 4511 Wooddale Avenue for permission to remove that Oak Tree located directly North of hydrant at Lot 6, Block 8, Country Club District Brotm Section. Motion by I.Tillson that Mr, Olson be allowed to remove tree from boulevard was seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. President Cooper inquired regarding report he had received, that Village Crew is cutting trees on private property at 58th Street near Wooddale. Mr, Willson stated that, to the best of his knowledge, these trees are on public right-of-way, but that. he would check dth Village Engineer and make report at next meeting. t Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: * RESOLUTIOX DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY . (FIRST EDINA STATE BANK) BE IT HEREBY FlESOLAED that First Edina State Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorked to do a banking business in Nhnesota, be and hereby is, designat-ed as official deposit- ory of the Public Funds of the General, Equipment Rental, Permanent Improvement Revolving, Garbage Collection and Water Funds of the Village of. Edina, County of Hennepin, Xinnesota, for the calendar year 194.8. BE IT FURTHER RESOLTIED, that this designation is subject to the right of said Village of Edina to modify, vacate, and revoke the same according $0 latv. *--- Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; President of the Village Council “ i:r “Villa& -Clerk ’ Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: * B RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGI’dMEWI OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND (FIRST EDINA STATE BANK) BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assign- ment by its depositoqy, the First Edina State Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of $100,000 U,S. Treasury 22% Bond due March 15, 1958, as good and s~ficient collaterZd. for Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository. Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on RoUcaU. there were five ayes and no nays,.as follows: and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution WELS adopted, ’ I Child, aye; Pallen, aye; Willson, aye; HawI%orne, aye; President of the Village Council Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGN-4TORY RESOLUTION FIRST EDINA STATE BANK OF EDINPr BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as president, president pro-tern, treasurer or clerk or deputy clerk of this Village be, ana they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina State Bank ‘of Edina, Minnesota (Hereinafter referred to as the Bank), such authority indluding authority on behalf of or in the name of, this Village from time to time and until written notice to the contram to the bank, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the President of the Council or president pro-tern, Village Clerk or deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer. The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above authorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of; or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the chhck, Motion for the adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, adoption, President Cooper objected to the Deputy Village Clerk’s having authority to sign checks, stating he believes such authority should be delegated to elected officials. Upon Rollcall, there were four ayes and one nay, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, nay; and the Resolution was adopted. In discussion on President of the Village Council Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RE3OLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that Midland Natimnal Bank of Minneapolis be designated an official depository for the Public Funds of the Special Assessments and Poor Funds of the VZllage of Edina for the calendar year 19@. 13E IT FUIETHER RESOLVED, that this designation is subject to the right of said Village of Edina to modify, vacate, and revoke the same according to law. - ._. I Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Palen and on Rollcall there were five Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, ayeg and the Resolution was adopted. President of the Village Council ‘ ayes and no nays, as follows: H awthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNI4E3E OF SEC~TIES IN mu OF BOND RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, the Nidland National Bards of Minneapolis, hf $llO,COO U. S, Treasury 2-1/2% Bonds due December 15, 1953/49, and $25,000 U. S. Treasury 2% Bonds due Iblarch 15, 1952/50, as good and sufficient collateral for Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in the said deposit0 q. 3 Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no'nap, as follows: and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthmne, aye; President of the Village Council Hawthorne offered the follow~g Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION HIDLAND NATIONAL BANK OF "NEAPOLIS BE IT IEESOLTTED, that the persons holding office as president, president pro-tern, treasurer or clerk or deputy clerk of this Village be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with I-tidland National Bank of Minneapolis (Hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of this Village fromtime to time and until written notice to the contraryto the bank, to sign checks against said account, wiiich checks shall be signed by the PresLdent of the Council or president pro-tem, Village Clerk or deputy Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer, The bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account r.rkich is signed as above authorized, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the check, 1.fotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Willson, President Cooper objected to Deputy Village Clerk's having authorityto sign checks, reconmending that such authority be delegated to elected officials. T.Jindhorst stated that any elected Village official. would have to be made a Itdeputy Village . Clerk" before he could sign checks; and President was advised that Deputy Village Clerk * signs only in absence of Clerk, and that ch6cks must also carry signatures of President or President Pro-Tern and Treasurer. of the*trustees as Deputy Village Clerk at such time as it is necessary to have checks signed by a deputy. and no nays, as follows; aye; and the Resolution was adopted, I In discussion on adoption, VillBge Attorney President strongly recommended the appointment of one On Rollcall for the adoption of the Resolution, there were five ayes Child, aye; Palen, aye; l!illson, qe; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, President of the Village Council Hidland National Bank's February 11, letter, announcing offering by U. S. Treasury Depart- ment of exchange of one-year 1-1/€3% Certificates of Indebtedness for 7/$$ Certificates * maturing Narch 1, 194.8, was read, Motion by Hawthorne, that $3,000 of maturing 7/8$ Certificates owned by Village of Edina Sewer District No, 15 Fund be allowed to mature, was seconded by :'JiXLson and unanimously carried, Resignation of Carl T. Miller as Assistant Engineer, said resignation to take effect to write Ere Ifiller, expressing regrets of Council and wishing him luck in his new positio Narch 15, 1943, was read by Clerk. regret. Letter of February 19, from Nr, L, P. Zherman of Hennepin County Highway Department con- cerning channel change in I-behaha Creek just south of 54th Street, PELS read. Cooper recommended tha? as much of the Creek property as possible be reserved for park purposes; and that the Council should take all the st;eps it can to acquire such Creek, property. Creek area, and that they should be consulted. League of .Iv?Xn.nesota Hunicipalities Lett& of February 16, advertising their various "Schools'1, was read and filed, d Hawthorne moved that resignation be accepted with Hotion seconded by Palen and unznimously carried. Deputy Pillage Clerk directed President . Hawthorne reported that Planning Commission has been investigating an extensive Natter was tabled until the next meeting. 2/23/@ Deputy Village Clbk was" directeh by President to write Messrs. Rekdahl and Stanchfield with regard to s6bmi:ting tpeir plat for considFration at next meeting, Motion by Whlson, abprovini Villa& Payroll fo; the last 1/2 of February, amount $4,133.10, was secondeh by Paleh and uhanimously carried: * 6 * v f - N&JE CrnCZL Gene Cooper, MaYDr Bower Ha&h&nei Clerk George A, Willson, Trustee Fred Se ChQd, Trustee Richard G, Palen, Trustee J, J, Duggan, Treasurer John Windhorst, Attorney 'EJard B, bwis, Judge John D, Nelson, SpecTal Judge Dr. L.3L Campbell, Health Officer Sub-t Ot &I. Gretchen Schussler Bernice Johnson Helene Freeman Louise Vesterberg Sub4 Otal. John A* Sias Fred Jonas POLICE DEPlLfF3EPlT Clarence Knut son Hilding Dahl 'I;Tmr S. Heydt Hemy M. t$?robleski Bert 18. Herfeld s;lilliam V. Hoffman Woyd KcGary Sub-t otal sub=tota e c 30.00 30.00 425.90 &580° 3377 1878 4*95 3 e07 4.13 . .3a,oo -0- 93 &4 11,oo 656 r19 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 GRAND TCrllAL PAYROLL 1 ITA= DEPARTNEXT Ben Hoehler. . ' Sam mberts Kedt Knutson . Sub-total L813C9 l9,6O 7.26' 2.75 151S 1909 GBAlD TUI'AL PAYROIL ' 43-33 010 31030 W35 5325' 362L30 ._ I .I -_ gotion by Chi.lda,approving payment of the follovhg Claims, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried: c L CLAJX NO* 2317 3lackbu& Nickels & smith 1818 JO~ ITS&- & sons, I~C 4.57 8 ,16& 1822 Glacier Sand & Gravel 88.30 1825 Eugene B, Thomas .) * 17.59 1826 TTmer Hardvmre : 29.25 1827 Pl[ine Safety ApplianGes Caiany - - 12 s6F 18& Edk Ha,rdware 34.03 1847 Bee & Farnhm t a- 6,6b 1848 Korthern States Power 737*70 7849 herican%LdEranceFodte C,ampany I 177.05 le50 H. A, Rogers Compaq * 26.e 1854 Young Fuel Cmpazly - 75.95 1859 T.Iiller Davis Company ~ : 1-12*!$ 1862 Village .of Edina Vater Dept. 50m 1868 Ha~ry Vsx Butts *- t 1 4.qb 1859 IEller Dads * 15.9 1862 Village .of Edina %ter DepL 100,do 5435 First National Bank : 7n.43 1851 %edBaubanton 3 45 1852 Hennepin Cmky Rw5,et.r * fl .( 740 1863 Phelps Wake C0rnpa.W c 3110.31 1828 Don HcClellan Compa~ly 35;m 1829 8. E. Ghr Compm X 46 46 1830 International Harvester Company 2.21 1831 '5.lin, H, Eegler e0-w ; 47T30 1832 @inneapolis Gas-wht Comp2-W * 340959 1833 Rosholt Eq.pme& Coqany- 1 28040 1819 City of @inneapolis. 700*00 19& 1820 Carlbom Wness Store 1821 Rosenw3,I.q Cooper. 1823 Euggles & Rademacher Salt Company 69.01 1824 Ruedlinger Nursery - 467.00 3-845 Northvptem Bell-Tilephone: Company 1 @.9b 1864 Ed man,- Sheriff of, Hem, Cp 5010 * b ... ., z * -- . 1860 Northern States Por.rer I 1.a 1861 City of ~linneapol3.s : 2252.a . . . . , . . . . +. -- , 5434 First National Barik : 41.46.60 L * x % L t r L f -- 1853 Construction Bulletin 5 e00 T .. ... - , I t -- n 1834 Smith-DUIn Cornpay, Snc 13 43 i D 1O,p58 1835 ~dina he Oil 1836 Hicks Shell Station 159*56 22.60. * v 5&9 1837 Edina Garage. 1838 -de kir Products -0 Borthkstern Tembd COnPanY * 34.u 3.€&@39 * f .. 1 ph&I%.ps Pettroleum A €33672 h I .rc bX X eneral Furid ..~. .. .* It I" CF 6. .- , . . . . , . .d -- . t - 1,126.16 . -- .. cu NO. 1841 Motor Parts 5 1842 1843 1844 le45 1846 3347 Is 1865 I 1852 1853 1854 1855 it356 1857 1858 1859 1867 1866 5436 * 19I.l 1912 1933 m Chas. Olson &Sons Reinhard Bros,' . ' 206&6 Edina Hardware d.5 Nbrthwestern Bell Telephone Co 13 a00 Brookside Service Station 14025 ? Berg & Farnham 2,20 D Northern States Power 17.M Dahlberg @rose . -Ah22 * , . . . , . , . - . Hannepin County Review 13 .lo Cons'cruction Bulletin -I 4.60 Young Fuel Company * 15.30 Northern States Power Company 3U.49 John R4 Coan, Postmster lL00 Badger Neker ?Ug Go 46a &rst Edina Faqe Bank - City Treasurer, Minneapolis =LO7 Miller -9avis . 80*90 First National Bank 1727 3 5 Eirst Na-bional Bank 93 5 "85 .. ,,, u 'Transfer of"Funds h-47782:$5' ' Edlmd National Bank - Withholding Taxes 622r20 hb,.E;mp. Ret, Ass!n 309S3 JU~QXS A. Schmaw-, Hinnesota Hospital- Service Ass? n 53 $25 Motion by Child for transfer of fmds from NMf.and National Bank to First Edina Sate Bank, in anount of &7,7$2,65, as recorded by Check Eo, 5436. listed above, was seconded by Willson and wlanimously carried, Motion by Hawthorne for adjournment of meeting was seconded by Palen and unanimously garried. I IvIIIWTES OF THE SPECIAL NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COWIL, i33LD AT $ZOO PSI M. Pursuant to due call by President, Meeting convened at 8rOO P, H. with Child, Palen, Willson, Hawthorne and Cooper answering Rollcall. Council audited Returns of Liquor Referendum held Tuesday, February 24, results of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19*, which were as follows: Question No. 1 - Do you favor the sale of intoxicating liquor in Edina by off-sale liquor store or stores? - Yes 2,057 Votes FO 832 Votes Question No. 2 - If intoxicating liquor is to be sold in Edinar Do you favor: Mwicipal Off-sale Liquor Store Private Off-sale Liquor Store or Question No. 3 - If the sale of intoxicating liquor is to be by private 1,921 Votes St ores 1,040 Votes. Off-sale liquor store or stores: Do you favor: One Store $15 Votes Two Stores l,l4O Votes More than Two Stores 592 Votes I said returns being signed by thPee election Judges, two election Clerks, four counters and three members of Liquor Referendum Committee, Motion by Hawthorne that the Edina Village Council accept the results of the February 24, 1948, Liquor Referendum Election, was seconded by Palen and unanimously carried.