HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480226_SPECIALcu NO. 1841 Motor Parts 5 1842 1843 1844 le45 1846 3347 Is 1865 I 1852 1853 1854 1855 it356 1857 1858 1859 1867 1866 5436 * 19I.l 1912 1933 m Chas. Olson &Sons Reinhard Bros,' . ' 206&6 Edina Hardware d.5 Nbrthwestern Bell Telephone Co 13 a00 Brookside Service Station 14025 ? Berg & Farnham 2,20 D Northern States Power 17.M Dahlberg @rose . -Ah22 * , . . . , . , . - . Hannepin County Review 13 .lo Cons'cruction Bulletin -I 4.60 Young Fuel Company * 15.30 Northern States Power Company 3U.49 John R4 Coan, Postmster lL00 Badger Neker ?Ug Go 46a &rst Edina Faqe Bank - City Treasurer, Minneapolis =LO7 Miller -9avis . 80*90 First National Bank 1727 3 5 Eirst Na-bional Bank 93 5 "85 .. ,,, u 'Transfer of"Funds h-47782:$5' ' Edlmd National Bank - Withholding Taxes 622r20 hb,.E;mp. Ret, Ass!n 309S3 JU~QXS A. Schmaw-, Hinnesota Hospital- Service Ass? n 53 $25 Motion by Child for transfer of fmds from NMf.and National Bank to First Edina Sate Bank, in anount of &7,7$2,65, as recorded by Check Eo, 5436. listed above, was seconded by Willson and wlanimously carried, Motion by Hawthorne for adjournment of meeting was seconded by Palen and unanimously garried. I IvIIIWTES OF THE SPECIAL NEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COWIL, i33LD AT $ZOO PSI M. Pursuant to due call by President, Meeting convened at 8rOO P, H. with Child, Palen, Willson, Hawthorne and Cooper answering Rollcall. Council audited Returns of Liquor Referendum held Tuesday, February 24, results of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 19*, which were as follows: Question No. 1 - Do you favor the sale of intoxicating liquor in Edina by off-sale liquor store or stores? - Yes 2,057 Votes FO 832 Votes Question No. 2 - If intoxicating liquor is to be sold in Edinar Do you favor: Mwicipal Off-sale Liquor Store Private Off-sale Liquor Store or Question No. 3 - If the sale of intoxicating liquor is to be by private 1,921 Votes St ores 1,040 Votes. Off-sale liquor store or stores: Do you favor: One Store $15 Votes Two Stores l,l4O Votes More than Two Stores 592 Votes I said returns being signed by thPee election Judges, two election Clerks, four counters and three members of Liquor Referendum Committee, Motion by Hawthorne that the Edina Village Council accept the results of the February 24, 1948, Liquor Referendum Election, was seconded by Palen and unanimously carried. Applie&tion for Off-sale Liquor License, filed by J, F. Diefenbach, 4501 Brovmdale A&ue on DecembelC 22, 194'7,- ad applicat2on for- Renewal of Off-sale Liquor License, filed by Hay & Stenson Compmy on January'l2, l9@, were reviewed, that applicztions be denied, Notion secorided by Palen and Unanimously carried, Deputy Clerk was instructed to return applications to applicants, Discussion was had as to the possibility of establishing a 31unicipal Liquor Store; draft of !'An Ordinance Establishing a r.iunircipal Liquor Dispensary,lt was presented by Attorney IKndhorst for the Council's consideration, No action was taken by the Council, matter being tabled indefinitely, Mr* Joseph A. Bass' letter of February 25, requesting that Councii intervene in Northern States Power Company's plan to move a 1 ight pole to the corner of his property in Hill- dale; and that the Council request Northern States Power and the Telephone Coqpanyto run underground wires crossing Circle IJest between properties of Nr. and Nrs. Howard King and Nr. "Bass and between properties of 14r. Walter Rabe and Ws, Lynch was read by Clerk, Natter of moving light pole was referred to Mr, Cooper for consultation with Northern States Power Company, During discussion it was brought oqt tha? underground cables are possible only if property owners are ~Yilliry: to pay for them. Tabulation of insurance bids taken February 23, was presentedto Council, Because of some questions as to bids presented, President Cooper, with consent of Council, called meeting for Saturday, February 28, for copference with insurance bidders. Hawthorne moved t x I .. - -c , Nr, Flillson asked Councilts opinion as to retaining Clayton TMan as a tree surgeon on the old basis of $210.00 a month. Child moved that Clayton TXan.be hired, on a temporary basis, at the old rate. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and unan@ously carried. H awthorne presented Police Department s kecomendation that Mina adopt E-thneapolis system of traffic tags, with violations bFing coded on the babk of the'tags, Motion by Hawthorne that 1.linneapolis Traffic Tag system be adopted PEL'S secbnded'by Child and unanimously carried, Nr, Lewis Jones requested .&ading of Dublin Road betteen 70th Street and Valley View Road, sayiag it is very rough,= I&, Willson agreed to have the road patrol on this road just as soon as possible, Notion by Child for adjournment was seconded by Hawthorne and manimously carried. i I , -* ' 4.