Members present were Child, hillson, Eal& -and Cooper. '
IC Meeting was convened for purpose of considering Insurance Bids taken Monday, February
23; with .lllessrs, Reimam of FrekL.: Gray Corqpany, B utts of Butts Agency, Brissm of
Uptown Insurance Agency, Stansrud of Mutual General Agency and Hardware Mutual Casualty
Company, Zetsman of bployers vutual Insurance Service, present to qhip their bids.
Bids on Wo@unents Compensation coverage were reviewed first, with Mr, Reimann' submitting
a bid for Fred L, Gray Company at this time, after first expldng that his agent ,was
unable to be at the meeting of Monday because of an accident, It was agr_eed by the agents
that their,bids had been based upon exactly the same rates; the only difference being that
Uptown Agency had listed a probable 20% dividFnt whereas the other companies list a
probably 15% divident, All agents agreed that dividends listed cannot be guaranteed.
Bids on Coverage for the Group Accident Volunteer Firemen Policy wbre considered, with
Mr. Reimann presenting a supplement bid, as foUowsr r
Prep= .. $60.00 Premium - $loO,QO
Principa'sm - $1,000 Principal Sum - $l,OOO
Weekly Indemnity 25 per week (104 wks) Weekly Indemnity 25 per week
Hedical menses -0- Hedical menses 500
This bid being lower' than that of the* only other bidder, question was raised as to
whethe-r' premium was bhsed oh Edinats miataking -- one piece of fire equipment; Uptown
Agency having bid'covering two p*ieces of equipmbt. Mr. Reimam was asked to furnish
Council with this'information beyore th% next rbgular meeting; and agreed to bind the
Village, under th&ir old policy,'nntil such tin& as awards*are made.
During review of boverage for Lihbility-oE Fleet of Cars and Trucks, Mr. Reimann
presented Fred L.'Grayss bid in &mount ijf-$928.&O,
this bid covers ohly16 pieces of equipEeEt, whereas Edina now oms 18 pieces on which
Uptown Agency bid;
tractor's policy for the Diesel Road Pa€rGls, MI4 Tractors; and Power Mowers and also for
the Power Shovel;'which, he stated, worild-reduce premiums+considerab@ and give the
Village more covePage. Messrs. Brissw zrnd Rehmn were* requested to submit supplementa2
bids for the Councilts consideration on-March $3 and W. Reimann agreed that Fred Lo Gray
Uptown Insurance Agency's bid on liability for the Power Shovel, although lower than
Fred L. GrayCompanyts bid of last year, was not awarded because of Uptowpts recommend-
x -- c " ,
Discussion brought out fact Chat *
Mr, Brissmanxof Upt5wi3 Agency advocated a Manufacturer's and Con-
would bidd the Village under theaold poficy untkl awards can besmade on the 8th. ..I
t 4 f
ation as stated in the inmediately preceding paragraph. z
It was noted, on review of bids. on coverage foruFire and Wended Coverage for Village
Hall and-3?ixkmes, that the bid of Uptown .Insurance Agency$ amo-mt $lS,O2 for first year,
and $34.42 each year for next four years, is the low bid of those bids taken February 23.
lkplanatorg bid of B lackburn,*Nickels &,Smith, Lhc. was read.
ported that Federated Hutuals renewal bid is in error. Awrds delayed awaiting further informtion, --
Uptown Insurance Agency representative was requested to present figures on coverage for
Fire on Fleet of Cars and Trucks, in order that thgir bid pight- be tabulated.
Clerk reported Renewal Quotation had been received from Hardware Indemnity.
Uptown Agency's repkesentative:was asked: to infopi Council: of 2nd-to-5th-year premlum on
j) 1,000 Snow Eence,,providing Coverage cpuld be mgtten oncfive-year basis.
low for a one-year policy, and,Council w&shed to +ow if 29% dLscount would prevail for
2nd to 5th years, Present policy does not expire until April 14.
Identical bids of &tom Insurbce Agency and Nut&$ Generkl Agency, in amounts of $69.06 f
for First Year, and,$55.25 forr2nd-to-5tb years, were revikwed, Office pointed out that
present $ l4,OOO coyerage expires in 1949; and agehts statbd that, since these additional
coverage pollcies qe annual-p?y policiek they may'be cancelled at expiration of any one
policy year, Biack@rn, Nickels & Smithls explanatory bid; listing premium of &'Z;&+ for
first year and $ 5$,.27 for 2nd&+jth=ye&r was reaa. Awara delayed until March* 8.
Deputy Village Clerk re-
c 5 t
i *. rl
-. .
Their*bid is
Y * -4
Childts motion for id journment' seconded 6y Palen ahd carri'kd.
Deputy Village Clerk