HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480322_REGULARI*U.ITUTES OF TEX REGULAR I-SARCH 22, 1948, A!i! BALL' EDINA VILLAGE COWCIL , i I. 2. 3, 4, 5. 6. 7. t Hembers answering Rollcdl aere Child, Palen; Wills on, Havthorne and Cooper, Dr. Lovreli Cmpbell , Health Ofqicer ,made ihe following recommendations to the Council, dter inspection made of food hgndling establishments, in the compmy of ta~essrse Johnson and Nichaelson from the State Board of Health: I Xdina School has one-corzpartnent si& which is not adequate. a dishvasher is recommendede - Cahill Sc&oolts dishvashing facilities *me not adecpate. Installation of Recommendation is thzt Flre 1.Zarshallinspect Cahill School before April I, and that children be moved into new school as soon as possible. ' T ldina Grocery, 4920 Brookside Avenue, has a dirt basement floor vhich is ahrays dmp, Recornendation is that Council reqest Edina Grocery to remedy this sithtion, giving the licensee considerable time to do so. Trisler's Grocery, 5405 Prznce Avenue, mst put in new floor and clean up base- neht, Recommehdation is thai Council give Mr. Trisler a specified time in which to mdce these improvements. * Brotm Derby,39lj Il.5Oth Street, must comply vith long list of recornendations made by State Inspector, by April 12, 1948, that Brom Derby be required $0 install a dishvasher, in addition to the Statefs requirements , 3-Dinette, 5354 France Avenue, imst have floor repaired. Hasty-Tasty must clean dust off fixtures before 1;larch 23, Dr. C;amp%ellrs reconmendation vras. In Teference to the nea Food &ndling Ordinvlce passedin 194.7, Dr. Camsbell asked for an opportunity to discuss Ordinance further with Council; and requested that the Bnilding Inspector and Heath Department coogerate to enforee the ordinance vith regard * to future restaurants. + * Eresident Cooper recommended that License Fee for Off-Sde Beer License be raised from $5.00 to $25.00. Hctrbhorne offered motion for Ain6ndment to Ordinance, raising fee for Off-sale 3.2 Beer License from $5.00 to $25,00. br Child and on Rollcall there <rere, five ayes and no nays,, as follow: Pden, aye; Vlillson, aye; Havthorne, aye; and Cooper, we; and the Hotion Vas adopt ed, - Motion for adoption was seconded Chjld, aye; . The following aFplications for Licenses-for the year April 1,.1947 to April 1, vere reviewed by the Council: TYPE OF e?L. LICE%% O'(lBEEi BUSIITI'ISS NAME @mss LICENSE) 3TO. NO. Evelyn ?.S,Enoblsuch ) Frank li.&rt 1 Edina Recreation - Bovling . Apnette E. Scroggins) Center I1 II JI r. tl Hzsold N.Orstad 77. C .Riefel II tI George . Shilson II I1 ir R .A.Hackenmnefler tl 1' . Edina Cafe Edina Gty, C4ub 't If I fl II Village. Inn - II II &ct,e-eller's Neat I.lmket Ziz03rs Grocery Edina GroEery Brauerts Store Xatl. lea Co. II II I1 5030 France 811ey(16) 254 24.8 II Pinball(2) 255 249 I1 On-sale Beer 250 It I Cigarette. 326 4701 V.50th Cigarette 259 Liquor 257 Beer 258 I1 Food 264 I 4930 France So, Pinball(1) 263 I1 *Cigarette 260 11 On-Sde Beer 262 Beer 263. 5030 Fr&ce Pood 311 11 OipSa3.e On-Sale II I Off-Sde II I1 kloqd 320 4948 Frznce So. Fo6d 4948 France So, Cigarette 11 Food 4920 Brookside Ciearette 11 2ood 3905 "C.50th Food 3945 W.5Oth Food Cigare t t e II 287 286 285 288 289 282 283 284 LiM, FEE, $160 .oo 100,00 50.00 12.00 6.00 12,QO , 100.00 50.00 . 6,oo 50.00 12.00 50.00 12,oo 6,*000 12.00 6.00 6-00 6.00 12.00 1 II L.R. Nolan II II - If II John E. Oswdd II BUSINESS NdEMF: ,ADDRESS Country Cash Store 4306 V. View 11 II II 11 Nolan's Cafe 3926 1'1.50th * A i. II II ._ II II c % II II LICETEE NO, NO, Cigarette 279 270 $12.00 Off -Sale 1 Beer 280 271 5.00 Food 281 272 6.00 Orz-Sale Pinbdl(2)274 Off-Sale Beer 275 273 50 . 00 274 - - - 100,OO Cigarette .273 -275 12.00 a .* Beer ,276 276 5.00 Food 277: 277 + 6.00 Purity Dairy Store 5018 France x Cigarette 267 2?8 12-00 If II & 11 II .L Off-Sale I+ * c Beer 268 279 5.00 I .* II ;I * Food 26pe 280 6.00 I1 f II II Food 266 282 6.00 C. L. Sorenson + KellerbDrug * .t Cigarette 323 284. 12.00 II 4 u t 11 I * Food 324 285 6-00 H.O. Piffner r Interlachen Cy.CX. Mirror-LEke R#Z* Cigarette 290 286 12.00 .t. - Beer 291 287 50 . 00 II t 11 11 Y If v * On-sale Liqpor 292 288 100.00 I1 _- . t II- - ll It 11 i 6 Off-sale Beer 294 290 5 .oo George B. Dmies 9 E-Dine%te 5354 France SO. ., good 271 292 6.00 11 + Cigarette 2'72 293 12.00 Israel Friedma t Edina Theatre 3911 lf.50th * Ilheatre 255 2814 * *75.00 Stanley 1;. Orris Keller Drug (cafe) 39b8 W. 50th Food 296- 283 - -. 6.00 I" .rl 11 1 I1 ? On-sale It * .r -- -. . C. F. Correll . South Barriet DaSry 3907 Wr54th + Cigarette 293 289 + 12.00 it II II 11 It Food 295 291 . 6-00 11 11 Y Hrs. &ma Tedma.n+ Voodda2-e Grocery- 4429 t;View .c rood 297 294 + * 6.00 Beer 298 295 5.00 * I .l f * i k + * Off-sale II II- - It II 11 + lb 4 x II * * * * Cigarette 299 296 12-00 Fanny Farmer Shop Fanny Parmer Shop 5000 Prate So. Pood 278 297 6.00 Ed, R. Forberg * cy.Cl.Zce Cream 5036 $race So. ' Food 325 298 6.00 John R. Caneron Cahill Grocery 70th 8: Cahill Sgarstte 35 2-99 12.00 Food 316 300 6.00 Bob Cody .I Cody Me'ats ' 5004 &&ce ' Food 314 301 6,oo Food 304 303 6,oo Guy 0. Ibegle 5 * &egle"% Bakery 4942 Fr3hce So. * Food 3x0 304 6.00 V. A. Olson Srovm Derby " t- 3915 'II.$O_th ' 3Food 305 305 6, 00 + c 71 - II % I1 I Leo A.lilcClellan * McCleU'an Grocerg' r 3501 V.$th Cigarette 303 302 12.00 4- 5 II ' Cigarette 306 306 12.00 II ,a It 6 If * *I n .v ll i. II - il . . II y- On-sale & F .+ Beer 307 -307 50.00 5 .oo Pinball-2 309 309 L00.00 Trisler's Groc. .t 5405 France So. Cigarette 337 3x0 _- 12,OO * F Beer 318 311 5.00 H.A.Campbel1) -. - .- . - * D.A. Solomon) Hasty-!hsty Cafe* 3907 1T.Sdth St. Cigarette 321 313 12,oo Henry Gregg + 'Greg$; Pharmacy' 4954 Frdce So, Cigarette 327 315 12-00 Hove C$npny + 3940 If.51)th ' Cigarette 312 318 22.00 I! 11 II Off -Sale II II I [I *. 4 m ,'I Beer 308 308 -- I .T ' Off-Sde II + 11 .+ il .I Geo. LTrisler ). --I *- ' Food 319 312 6.00 It Food 322 314 6 -00 11 Pood 328 316 6.00 Miller's Var,Store 5346 'France So. Food 329- 317 . -6.00 'Food 313 319 6.00 Verlin Bdfanz -- ' Edina-!$axi Co, 4 * 5415 ldefi Ave, A ' !Paxicab-12.300 320 60.00 -. II II * f * II II I! I1 t Peter Niller M.J. Hove 'a II 11 * It Hwthorne moved th& all licenses-be approved with exception of On-sale Beer License for ldina Recrea,tion 6ent&r, andLsubject i21 coinplimbe by th6se poprietors listed above with recommendations made by I&. Campbell. Motion seconded by Balen and carried. I It was consensus of opinion tha'c the Schools not be licensed, although they should receive benefit of Villse inspection service. Dr. Cam-pbell called Councilts attention to two Ordinances of record-one which prohibits the hauling of garbage into the Village; and the other vhich proubits the feeding of garbage to hogs. Police requested to enforce both Ordinances, -1. 1. Child's motion approving payment of $he folloxbig Payroll, amount $3,8Ur6Z, .vas seconded by Willson and unanimouSly carried: .NM TOTAL T.IITH. REip31IEo HOSP. BE2 cm , 1 . % 50.00 2000 .comcrL liuuim TAX Bower H awbhome,Clerk . 5O.OO . 50.00 2001 .George A, "Cillson,Trlastee 35.00 35.00 2002 . Pamoll for Period IkrCfi 16 to March 31, 1948 I DEDUCT, DEDUCT+ PAY -NO - .Gene .Cooper, Hayor $ .50,00. . .. . . -. . . , . . . ... . . *Fred Sa Child, Trustee 35m 35.00 2003 ,€tichard G, Palen, Trustee 35.00 35.m 20011. * JI J, Duggan, Treasurer 3000 30.00 2005 John Windhorst, Attorney 75.00 75.00 2006 %ard Bo Lewis, Judge 75400 75m 2007 *I&. XdUkunpbell, Health 0 30&0 30.00 2008 -. S?lb-%Otal . r35aOo u5.m Bernice Johnson 'Helene Freeman Louise Ifesterberg Sub-total, .. .. .. sTELE;ET Philip .Bxiler. a. . 2023 20% 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 Pete DahlgreL 3b%t Nerfeld ~TQ~ZI Tracy Harry. Jonas Arthur - Jensen Ronald Port (3. 1% Cardarelle ~. sub-total sw &lEE-HOU€m Charles. JQhSOIL . Jacob Shma3r lfayne 'Ilracy Joseph. Natole sub-total TOTAL GSSERAL FIND I&& DWAR!BENT Ben .Voehlw. . . S*am Robe&= Kermit Knutson sub-total GRAND ToTAz PAXROSL v- .. , I 3/22/48 l?illsonIs motion for the payment of the following chirns amounting to &,U.69, was seconded by Bapen and unanimously carried= - Bills Paid EIarch 22. 1948 _,... .............,,,.,, AT .Fred J. Daubanton ' &T5 19 1 Joyce Insurance, Inc 1 5625 1962 State of Minn., Dept. of Agri. ~10.00 1964 Oliver Baker ManufactW& Co * 11.34 1965 Janney Semple Hill & Co 39.80 1966 A. 3. Dick Goupany ' 33.50 1967 . Bert Merfeld 20.30 1968 American Printing Company 27.30 1969 Landers Norblom Christenson Company ' 42.67 1970 Rosenwald Cooper, Inc I 2&09 1971 MoreU. &Nichols . 372.00 1977 John R, Coan, Postmaster ,1986 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 47.12 1987 Northern States Power Co -- 707.02 1988 Young Fuel Go 49.48 1989 Edina Hardware 1.60 1991 Hennepin County Review 86& 1993 Reinhard Bros 13.70 1994 Glacier Sand &Gravel 100.80 1995 Miller Davis Co 120.80 1997, Wmesota State Beasurer 4aOo 1998 B en Woehler . Ue75 1999 Petty Cash 3L26 ' a 4.71 rT 1963 . €I, A. Rogers Company ... e,,, $1,933.06 . .I .d 1996 Northern States Power - ,,,,,*. ____.. .. - 1999 Petty Cash 3.50 4b 5.21 I - 5438 H. To Rutledge ,..rrr, 1978 1979 19~1 1982 1983 19% 1985 1986 1987- 1989 1990 1992 1993 1999 &a me oil co Hicks Shell-Station b. Bros Boiler &Nfg Co Phillips Pdtroleup Knneapolis Gas Light eo Rosholt Equipmen% Go . Fedepated Elutual . Mutual General Agency Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Northern States Power Co Idria Hardware tho H,. 2;iegler Co . Reinhard Bros Petty Cash w, 334 Lab COq~ 1972 Northern States Power Co 1973 13 adger Meter Co. . . 1974 Fred W. flanks Co 19115 Rockw&l: Bbnufacturipg Co 1976 Central Supplyf Co 1986 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 1988 Young Fuel. Co. 1989' Edina Hamiware 1995 MLUer.Davis Co 1999 ,Petty Cash EQUIEXEXT RENTAL ... . . <.. ,./ , ~ ... . . -. ~. . $ 859.87 2039 Xidland Nattl B&-Withheld taxes 563.20 204.0 Julius A, Schmahi, TTeas. State:of ' E[inn&)ublic &jp. Retirement Ass'n. 300*07 204.l Eesota Hospital Service Ass'n,' 56.75 1.b. John Person, speWg on behdf of I4essrs. Lime, Sorenson, and Cons, and himself, requested gravel on Vatermm Avenue. heary-trucks, end that the Village Is unable to get into the gravel pits. 1.k- Peter Hoag, 5015 Say Place, requested inform&ion as to Storm Sewer Assessment for his lot. Hr. Glarince H, Bros, &376 Phielen Avexde, askEd for action on petition filed with Clerk, dated Fe*DMzzry 15, 1948, requesthg: 1. Es"iblishin& of sideva grades. 2, Replacing of aZ1 broken, unsafe or sden sidevralks, 3. Establishing of he; levels for street. 4. Constructiop of curb arZa gutter -- $1 for !l!hielen'Avenue. Petition was read by Clerk, and on Hotion by Vfili'son, Secontled by Palen and dmou,sly; carried, was referred to Villzlge Engineer for stddy and report at the next regular meeting. Hessrs. Tanner and H03t of the School Bo"ard, District No. 17, requested permission to construct school bus garwe, approximate*velue of $25,000, on the acre tract of lad immediately to the I'lest of the Village' m1. They, explained t&t they plau the garage vill house ei&% school busses, have spa"ce for grease pit, and cant-ain itp om heating plmt. Iiotion seconded by TTil1son and unaninous:ly carried, Nessrs, Hoyt and Tanner were informed thht the Vater 1Elain Construction Contrzctor is ready to begin work on the main h the vhnity of the new school; and the matter of a . dedication by School District 30. 17 for:road dong North end of School Property vas revieved, election; but that theg would not oppose+copdemtion proceedings for a sj.x+y foot dedication if it is absolutely necessary, in opinion of Council, he thought it more fair that hdf the prqaertg be secured from the land to. the North. &.&home moved that conderm,&ion proceegings be started by the Village for the acquisi- tion of the property needed from Hanseii and Parks, and for thirty feet from School District Bo. 1'7, i.n order thaf right-of-way be established at sixty feet, 14ot.ion seconded by I:lillson Bad caried. A Pursuant to "ITotice 02 Eearing on PropOsch-hiendment to Zoning Ordinance, for the Regolating and Licensing ofzOu$door Advertising Signs," as posted bisch 9, 1948, and mailed to affected prqperty omiers and sign companies, public hearing vas called for discussion on this amendment. companies, discussed the Ordinance at some length with Atitorney r"rindhorst; then asked for ameet- at--&other ikate for furtheq discussion, compromise might be effected. to signs on business buildings. painted on roof of one of their buildjagq, azld inquire& as to Councilta povers to license this sign. moved thzt pubric hearing on IiOutdoor Adyertising Signs Amendment" be continued until Monby, 24ach 29, 1948, at 8:OO P,f& He vras informed that roads had been postea against He was esked to see EngineerSmith at later date, for such infqmti&, d I' Hsrthorne moved that pennit be gkanted, subject to Village Building.restrictions. Nr, 'Panner stated that the Bo@ is unable to make ldedication aithout zn Hovever, he stated, I Hr. Thomas Vennum, representing the various sign Lewis Jones suggested that a Mr. RayAGates of Young fie1 Company cited the sign Elr. George, Hstzell asked for an interpretation as- He vas informed that +the Council had necessary pover. Hawthorne 1dot;ion seconded by Billson and carried. 2 Reciuest from Bdine Comercid Club, requwting instsillation of Street Lighting as fokly presented to DounciL, vas read. tise for bids for Ornwentzl. Street Lightwg System in the Business District, according to @SIS previously submitted by businessmen, lhgineer Phil VL Snith, and Northern States Perset to %o tice of, Hearing on Petigm to- Build5 %ro-Famfly Dwelling, " gublished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota on &rch 12, and mailed to neighboring property owners, public hearing was called on the petition of Garrison Construction company for permit to buizd a two-family dwelling at Southeast corner of 33rer.r Avenue and 71. 54th Street, objection, Child moved that Besing be continued wtil Xonday, &rch 29, 1948, at 8:OO P.H. Notion seconded by Villson and carried. bsuznt ;to ifBdrertisement for Bids-Insuranceff, pu'blished in Subur3zn Prtess, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on &rch 12, l9M, the folloviog bids were publicly opened and read, after rezd$ug by- Clerk of letter from hd IJ. Gray Conpany binding them until 12:Ol A,N. , brch 29: 4. 7PrJlQ-i A, - ELARB. PLAN c. PLhT D, 1 ON: GROTJF ACCIIBRZ- princ.suM $3000 pkinc.SIum $3000 ~rinc.~wn $1000 Princ,Sum $1000 VoLuf~ICEm Fm-mT Veek1y Id. 25 , 00 $25.00 $2500 Medicd, None '.'-l:$500.00 ' $None Pred L, Gray Company hem, $80.00 Prem.' ,$120.00 Prem * $a00 Rem, $LOO.OO ~Uptotm Insursce aency ll 100,00 * .150,00 75.00 ti . 125 , 00 Hwthorne moved that Village council adver- Bower Company. Notion seconded by 1'TilLso.n and UnSLnimously carried, I. 7. . Bir, Bl2.n Gzrrison, builder, requ&&ed proFpt action. No one aFpeared in IThen Council tras informed th& mGllngs had gone out late in the yeek,. m $25.00 x $500.00 3/22/48 ON: bIABILITY FOR FLEET OF PLAN A. PLRN B. CARS AND mum ~ . BIL, $25/$50,000; PD, $5000 BIL, $25/$'50,000; p9 $5000 on FuJl Fleet, including Hired Car and Non-Uvmership Coverage and Contractual Coverage for Fire Departments.Mfgrs. &: Contractors Policy on on 12.pcs.. equip. inc,. Hired and Ron Or-rnership Coverage and Con- tractual coverage for sire Depts: 7 pcs. equi+-$25/$50,000;, €'remi& $757.59 - 12 Scs. Equip, Min.Prem. 73.62 - 7 PCS. Equip, $791.22 - !T!Otdz , < PD $5/$ 25,000. Fred IJ, Gray Co, Premium $1,050 . 51 Uptown Insurance Agency Premium $1,3$6.18 No Bid Mutual General Agency Premium $786.00; - 12 PCS. Equip. No Min. prem. on* 7 PCS, Equip, bvrtjmrne moved that "Volunteer Pire Department Group Accident" Policy be awarded to Fred L. Gray Conpany, under Plan B, at premium,gf .$120.00.! Motion seconded by Child znd carried, Notion by Child, awading "Liability for Fleet of Cars and Truckst' to Fred I;. Gray Company under Plan 13, was seconded by Hawthorne and c&ried. After a lengthy discussion regardfng the .possibility of extending the license of H3y and Stenson Company, President.Cooper nominated Mr, Guy 3. Blichfeldt as appraiser. Havthorne moved that Nr. Blichfeldf; be appointed by the Village Council' to serve on a board of three aypraisers, crinsisting of one member appointed by Village, one member appointed by €kg and Stenson Company, and a third member selected by the first t6o members; and that the Village consider apprzisal value of stocks, fixtures, and rental or sale value of building, Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids, Blacktopping/Interlachen Blvd. to I/. 5Xst Street, on Bedford Avenue,'J putlished in Suburban 2ress, Hopkins, Minnesota, March 12, 1948,' ad in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis on March 11, 1948, Affidavit of Publication vas. read by Cferki the folloving bids trere, opened and read, Hotion seconded by Child and carried, from Glen John- Jay PJ.Craig J.V,Gleason Ndi Const. Son Const. Co. Go. I co Unit Total Unit 'Pot21 Unit Total Unit Totel USING ROAD TAR: 2200 Sq.Yds. Bituminous Surface -4 in Place, Inc,Prime Coat ,Wear- ing Course & Seal Coat - $.82 $1804 G.70 $1544 $,48 $1056 ' $,85 $1870 2200 Sq.Yd's. Stabilizing , .30 660 , -39 858 , .28 .a4 . -35 770. $2464 $2398 $1672 $2640 USING CTJTBACK ASPHALT: ,- T 2200 Sq.Yds. Bituminous Surface in Place - Same as above $.65 $1430 $,47 $1034 2200 Sq.Yds. Stabilizing , -39 858 , .28 ~ 61-6 I I I $2288 $1650 trillson mdved that bids be awarded to J. V. Gleason Cos at $1;672.00, and that President and Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with said Conpany foe she Village of Edina. Mr, E,C. Hoffman's letter, requesting permit to build small shed for 'cultivator kd farm tools granted, subject to revocation bg Council on thirty days' notice.. Motion seconded by Child and carried. * Motion seconded by Pden and carried, at 62nd and Fralice, wzs read. t:'illson moved that temporary pernit be Haprthorne offered the following Resolution qd moved its adoption: -Bl3SOLUTION SETTING STFLEET 1%3?ROV$@fEXT H3ARING BLACKTOPPING NARKET STI@'ZT AND HALIFAX AVEN[TE WHXREAS, the Village Council.desires on its own motion to Blacktop Maket Street between France and Edifax Avenues and Halifax' Avenue between< 8. 50th Street and the North line of Market Street, as authorized by Chapt. 382, Lavrs 1903, novr therefore, BI3 IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Ed'ina thzt it is deemed necessarg and expedient to improve thg above nmed streets %y Blacktopping; and that on the 26th day of April, 1948, at 8:oo P,I., this Council vi11 meet at the Village I1 in said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to such improvement, and vi11 decide whether or not to undertake such improvement in whole or in part. Motion to adopt the Resolution Teras seconded by I'Jillson, and on Rollcall there aere s: Child, aye: Palen, aye; IJilliion, aye; Hawthorne, lution vas adopted. President Hawthorne offered the follovins Resolution ad moved its zdoption: RESOLUTION SET!?ING S!IF%ET lNP2.OVEXENT HWXING CUR33 AID GUTTER - 1-I1 STREXZ T?2EREds, p&iFibh-b Gritit& signed by Henrietta Horeau and others, dated Sentember 23, 19G, has'been day filed vith the Village Council, requesting that bhet Street (then name& 114p2 Street) be improved br construction of curb and f5utter therein, Between Prvlce ad Hilifax Avenues, nov theref ore, *I 3333 IT RESOLIED that szid petition is hereby determined to hzve been signed by a majority of theloTmers of property abutting on said proyosed improvement as re- quired by Chast. 65, Lam of 1919, as amended. * 33E 1'2 Fl3RTm Bl3SOljvEI) by the Village Council of the Village of Edina thgt it is deemed necesszry and eqedient to improve Market Street betveen France and HaLifax Avenues by construction of curb and gutter therein; and thzt on the 26th day of Asril, l9M, at 8:OO o~cloclr P.Bi., this Council will meet at the Village . Hd-1 and trill at said time and place hear the parties interested therein in. reference to such improvement, and trill decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in vhole or in part. Hotion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by I'lillson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nqs, as follovrs: aye; and Cooper, aye; and-the Resolution vras adogted. Child, aye; Pden, aye; llillson, aye; Hwthorne, President, of the Village Counci> Village Clerk - Xr, 'Erickson of Glacier Sand and Gravel Co?llpany requested permission to construct an auxilisy concrete black plant: about 450 feet East of France Avenue, near l11.'70th Street, at the rear of their present plat. congliance vrith Village building regulations . It was brouggt tr, Council*s attention that public hearing should be held before Council proceeds with advertising for bids for the proposed Sanitary Sever on France Avenue between W. 58th and IT. 60th Streets. -project be set for 8:OO'oXclock P.M., Ayril 12, 19-48, vas seconded by Child. and unanhously carried, In zccordance vithusual Couzrcil procedure of holding Public Hearing, Hawthorne moved that kblic Hearing for Proposed Storm Sever on Halifax Avenue between 11. 52nd and 11. 54th Streets be set for 8:OO o'clock P.M., April 12, 19-48. Palen ad unanimously carried. Hawthorne moved that permit be granted, subject to Notion seconded by Palten and carried, .. f4otioa by Haythome that Public Hearing on this Notion seconded by President Cooper reported receipt of letber from sire Department, recommending.purchase of a Jeep Fire Truck eqw.3. to that demonstrzted recently, Village advertise for small Jeep Fire Truck, vith bids to be opened April 12, 1948, at 8:OO P.H., vrzs seconded by Child and carriea. . * 14otion by Havthorne, that President Cooper recomended the Village's advertising for bids for garaage collection truck. to have cost report ready for Council on Nsch 29. advisability of incorporating rubbish collection by Village, with Eatrthorne requesting formation of Council policy on this matter before advertising for bids, Letter from T4r, Utley, vith regard to red estzte and personal property taxes on the Vater Utility purchased by Village July 1, 1947, vas read. Child and T'lindhorst for report, by motion Hkvrthorne, sgconded Trillson and carried. Villson noved that Village advertise for bids for 30,000 Gals, more or less, Cutback As@alt 1.E 1, 2 or 3; 30,000 Gals. more or less Rod Tar R24 to RTIO; 30,000 Gals. more or less Road Oil SC 1, 2 or 3.; 5OO-Tons more or less Hot Ready-Nix Tar; 500 Tons more or less H6t Ready-Hix Cutback Asphalt. Xotion by Hawthorne for adjournment until Nonday, Narch 29, at 8:OO P,& Was seconded &%er considerable discussion as to costs of ogeration, President volunteered Discussion vras aldo had as.tQ . Matter referred to bfessrs. I Motion seconded by Pden and carried, by Villson and unanimously carried. .- - -. Kermit Knutson 434.45 3131*56 -.. .. En@.neer Smith presented tabulation of bids opened February 9, for the blacktopping of Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and If. 51st Street. Mr, Cooper suggested that these bids might be high, and asked Council?s opinion as to rejecting. all bids and readvertising. Willson moved that all bids taken February 9, forthe blaclcf;opping of Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Blvd. and W. 5lst Street be rejected, and that Clerk be zuthorized to readverhise for. bids to be opened .March 22, &lotion seconded-by Child and carried* 6- Application Tor permit to build a double bmgalow on Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, Ivandale Park, at the Corner of W. 54th Street and Drew Avenue, was presen-bed, r - . P!Iotion by. Hawthorne, setting 33bIj.c Hearing on this ,appQcation for Monday, E.brch 22, at 8:OO €?*XI., was seconded. by Child and carried* Clerk Hawthorne gave first reading to the foliowing Ordinance, moved that Council dispense dth second reading thereof, and that Grdhance be adopted: I . AN~~IN~CE PROHIBI"G THE MIXING OR SP3HLNG OF-.ILUI!. W€$JOR,SOET Dm ATJ2OHOL-oI1 FEEB JIEQUCATDTG &IQUOIt I OR m. oTHl& .jc;TQUID- OR -EW$I$IGE .KCTH- AND* PijOWQG. mfim .FOR VIOLATTON+ -. . .- TTXEgEOi? .._ ~ - .. + The Village Council of the Village. of Edina do ordain as foUows: Section 1, Definition of tern, As used in this ordinance the terms1 (a) "lnt oxicating li.quo$l: and fWquor1' mean distilled, ,vinous and f ermcnted (b) Wale!* includes aU bertersj gifts and other means of' furnishing md.1; (c) Vood handling. licensetf means a license granted by the Council of this beverages containing more 'than 3.2% of &ohol,by weight; 'liquor, soft drinks or other liquid or beverage Violation or evasion of this ordinance; Village under.that certain ordinance entitled "An Ordinance providing for the licensing, inspection and re&ation of food haqdling establishments and provid+g penalties for violation thereof" adopted August 11, 1947, and any amendments thereof, ordinanbe described in this paragraph. Westaurant" shall have the meaning provided for said term in the f (d) Vers on" means any individual, partner ship, trust, corporation or associatione -. - 4- 4 L c Section 2. No person shall. $ake or caw any int&etbg uquor to 01: into anX building Or pbce for the purpose of consumption therein or-consmek any illcoidcating Eqgor in any building or place where such b-bg or phce is operated as a restauyant undeq a food hw-g license. malt liquor, sox% drinks or other liquid Qr beverage by adding to or t.liLh the Sme any hto~cating Liquor in any building or pbce operated as a restamant . __ I I * i * * c Section 3., Eo persgn shall *,or sell,for the purpose of miving any < I . * under a food handling licenset -- Section I$* No per& shall sufier or-p&nit the c&nsmption of htbcating liquor or any mixing or spiking of malt liquor, sort drinks or other liquid or beverage by adding to the same any intoxicating ZSor in any - building or place op9rate& as ,a restauran6 under a, food han-g license.-' Sectioh 5.: The faci that any p4rson in:any buil& or place operated as a restaurant undeq a food @.ncUing licqnse sold malt liquqr, soft drinks or any other liquid or beveqage to a,person who tbereupon and therein added to such liquid or beverage any intoxicating liquor thereto, and shall be prima facie evidence that' such person and his eeloyer syffered and,permitte$l the mixiqg or sp-g of-such liquid by adding intoxicating liquor theret 0. 3. r x k 'a Section 6. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions pf this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not to exceed $100 or by imprisonment iq the co5ty jail for pot to epeed 90 days, and if the person so convicted shall hoJd a food, handling Gcense fop the operqtion of a restaurant in which the Violation of this, ordinance qccurred .on cer"cf5cation of such fact to the Council by the co+wt such Bood license, shall. b,e revoked apd no other food license shall be issued to s+d defenmt or to any corporfition or pajirnership controlled directly or indirectly by said defendant or if the defendant is a corporation to any individual or partnership directly or imtirectly controlling said corporation at the time of said vioktion for a .period of one year from and after the revocation of said license. I .' Section 7. Th5.k ordinance shal take-effect and be in force &om and after its publication, , Hai&horn?s motion to dispense with second reading of Ordinance and to zdopt it Child, aye;.Palen, aye; ILJllson, aye; Hawbhorne, aye; and as read this eve- TELS seconded by Falen; and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Cooper, ayp; and the Resolution was adopted, A. c +I - President of the Village Council I C Irfessrs, Rekdahl and Stmchfield presented pre7ary plat of Property South of T1J; 5%h Street and West *of France Avenue, -r.rhich plat- has been recommended by the Pwg Codssion. 1.k. Rekdahl asked for sewer exbension South on France Aveie; Irest on 58th Street from France to a street to be platted diqectly Xest of France; and South on tbis proposed street for approximately 1/2 block, Rekdahl-stated he :.rould bz 7-g to plat such property as can be served by the sewer, Engineer smith!s estimates of la& fall irere reviewed, in yrhich it ~ras shop 'chat exbending &n as far South on fiance Avenue as 61st Street would be very costly because of the deep cut involved,,but that a sewer extended only as far South as 60th Street, could be more shallow and constructed more cheaply. .&. Smith stated that the Shdotr seuar would be satisfactory, providing Bra RekdaU, as ovmr of the ProPefiY to the South and ?Jest of 60th Street, would agree at a later date to a sewer *au. South ad East to serve the balance of his property, which sewer would also serve the people oa the East side of France Avenue South of 60th Street+ agreed to plat the property abutting fiance JkYenUe, 8s Set fo*h On the Pre1-w plat, v&th the understanding that he would plat the remabder of this prope~y at a later date in the manner prodded for by this plat. Havthorne moved that the Vmge Clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for sanitary sewer on France Avenue between 'I.J, 5$th arrd 11. 60th Street, Xotion seconded by.Child and unanimous^ cgrfied; &a Johnson reported that the Haifax Lane neighbors had been unable to Come to agreement 16th &-e B,G, Bemet about facing his house'on ff* 54th Street, hd asked that rejection of application to build remein Rekdahl c effect. ?omca.ageed*