HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480412_REGULARHembers mswering R0llc;lll were Child, Pden, Vil1sony Hmthorne an& Coozer. Er. Earl %uschild presented petition of O.D. &uschild, Inc. for rezoning of East 112 of South 1/2 of Lot 4.9, Auditor's Subdivision No, 172 (50.48 Frmce Ave.) to Comnunits Store Disfricf, together with plm for Office Building to be COP- stsuctea on this YToperty, Hsrthorne move6 that public hearing on petition be set for 8:OO P,f.I,, Xonclay, ATril 26. - Pursmt to IJotice of Heairig, 'publish& in Suburban Press, ,Eopkins * Lhmesgta, on 1-k.rch 25, 1948, President cdled public'hearing on ptition of S.A. Rekdahl for sanitary sever construction ixt France Avenue between 58th ad 60th Streets. Xqineer Ssnithts estimzte of cost vas $5.53 per front foof. Ressrs. T.h. I;et.lks, 5825 Frmce, &cry Svenson, 5901 Prate, ad. StrnchZSeld znd Rekdahl, adjourned to Bngineer*s office for reviev of plans with Bngineer Smith, Attorney Vindhorst's I&mh 30 vritten opinion vith regad to permit for toolshed on 62nd ad Prmccc vas reviewed. lire and Nrs. B. C, Hoffman stated they wish to construct shed for the housins of garden tools. - Demit be %rated on 'coniiition that letters of ap3roval be submitted fDom nqigh3or- ing property owners, Motion seconded by 'I.iiuson anti. carried.. Motion seconded 33 Child 2nd carried. . Rkvrthorne moved that tenzorary Fursuult to Advertisenent for Bids ,. published in Suburban Press on April 2, 1948, affid&it of publication for which was read bjr Clerk, Couucil oyened seded bids for Sad, Gravel and Rock, as follovs: Hopkins Wimesota, OSCAR ROBERTS IDlBERG- GTSBC'IER ~ E. G. E: co. rnIDrnlW CO. SiQD B GMrn P33IZrn Per Ton Per Xd. Per 9?on Ter Pd, 2,000 Cu,Yds. poqedo sand g.75 per ton 6.70 $.91 $45 I $1.15 $1.57 @eo5 2,000 Cu,Pds. Buckshot Grmcl $1.60 $1.60 - $1.25 . (Delivered) , (Deliverei) . (Deliverei) 2,000 Cu.P&s. Crushed Rock $1.60 $2.05 $1.47 (At Plant)* . (At Plat) $2.10 $2.69 $1.92 (Delivered) , , (DeliveTed) 5,000 CII'.Y~S. Pea Gravel $L&O , (At Plant) $2.10 . (Delivered) 4,000 Cu.Yds. 2Lt Em Gravel $ -79 $ -70 $.75 $.5& $ -68 $1.20 $1.15 $3..39 $.99 $1.18 ' (At Plant) , (J-t Plat) . (St plapt) I - - $1.25 (Deliverei) I (Deliirered) (At Plant) " , [At Plmt) (At Plant) $2.10 $2: 00 . Sx.65 (At ?lmtj (At Plant) (At Zhpt) . (At Plant) . (Delivered) , (Delivered) , (DelLvered) , (Delivered) . (Screened) $ -15 L. (At Plant)* 3. - * $1.25 f - (Deliverad) 1 Gravel which hzs sznd removed- straight rock without crushing $1;25 At Pl&t t - ,1,?s Delivered I I Plaster S $017 8.55 , (Ak ElWG) .?3l.?Cj 3-95 5$ Disc-lOtlk No. $ Disc.-10th E4p. I liG3$! m!l! tlotion 3y i+/illsozt referring aids 'ti Villee Engineer for tzbdztion ma regqrt at nest meeting vas seconded - by Child and carried. t-5. /12 /48 Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids-Street Ligh%ing System, published in Suburbzn Press, Hopkins, IJI2-rch 26 ad &ril 2, ad in Constmction Bulletin, Nirneapolis, df6davit of pu'olication for- v-hich was read by Clerk, Comcil opened bids on proposed 0rn.anentd. Street Lighting System for i"J.5Oth Street between Frame and Halifax Avenues and for 8. side of Fra ce Avenue between V.49th and V!.5lst Streets, as follovm: .. Ttei i To furnish a-d install mzter'ial ad perform 1 the work complete as specified TOT& L~SP Sm#! BID Coxiipletion Date HPBLSTEN EIJGCTRIC 00. ,INC. $20,600 $24,700 I May. 6, $949 -0- -0- - - .- IT323 Ir' (Bid on such matls. as c2a be furnished) 30 furnish materials only __ -0- -0- -0- -0- $3,520.04 -0- Motion by Child- referring. bids to Pillage E>igineer for kjbulation and report at nexe meeting vas seconded by Pden znd carried. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids-Fire Equipment, published in Suburbm Bess, Hoykins, Apll 2, 1948, affidavit of publication for vhiclivras read by Clark, Council opened sealed bids oa Oxygen masks, firemen's coats, heldets end boots, as follo't~~l 1VIITXN. FIR33 8. J',VOLL A. H. &%L"ER~- KlXZ SLE3T.Y EQUIP, CO, Minneapolis SOlV, Hpls , D?LI,4NC3S . lhls .Minn. 1-fim.e s o t a. Mimeeo,t R. Pit t s'our,rlz, Pa. Chemox O2Tzen in Case with One Cannister 2 O-xysen T,?nlrs, and 6 Canisters Brezthing Apsaratus -0- -0- -0- $135.00 lach 18 pi re men^ s Coats ,knee (Janesville) (3 Types) (Janesville) lbngth,removable liners, $20.75 Each $26.65 Ea. )$3.4.50 Each -0- TMte $1.00- $23.40 Ea.). qxtra $17 .96 Ea. 1 .. 18 Pairs FiremenIs Boots $8.65 Pr. $ 9.55'Pr.' -0- -0- 18 Firenen's Eelmets with (l4.S *A.) (14.S .A.) Ear Lugs ad Chin Strap $9.30 la. -0- -0- $9.50 Pa. Extra for Vhite Shield on $9.00 Ea. (at) Black Helmets $2.00 la. -0- -0- -0- Shield $3.00 Ea. -0- -0- -0- Pxtra for White HePmet'and I Hmthorne moved that bids be referred to Village Pngineer and Fire Department for tabulation and report at next meeting. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids-Fire lngine and Auxilisy Equipment , pubXished in Suburban Press, Hoykins, Minnesota on March 25 and April 2, md in Construction Eulletin, Ninneapolis, E:Iinnesota, &ib,vit of yublication for which was read by Clerk, Council. opened following seded bids; detziled bids bein.; filed with 9'illase Clerk: Sather Hotor Co, , 'St .Paul, Ninn. I4otion seconded by Child and carried. , Willys Jeep and detailed . list of accessories zotd $5,021.60 accessories Totd "$3,500 e 00 list of accessories $5,021 . 60 Delivery Date - 45 to 60 days from receipt o,f order. -. Joe Hireau, Desrvood, Ninn. U.S.A. Ti-uclc and listed Delivery Date - Immediitely VillIys Motors, Inc. ,~ ILIinieapolis, N+m. Willys Jeep and detailed . Delivery Date - 45 to 60 days from receipt of order. Auel lquipnent Co . , Minneapolis Hose zmt% Accessories Only $ 825*15 Delivery Date - 5 to 6 weeks. 4 f12/48 - 12 4 I &ykhome*s motion referrhg bids to Village Engineer ad; Fire Depatnent for tabulation ad rqort at next neeting tras seconded by Pd.e and cmried. Pursumt to Advertisencut for Bids for CnYoack Asph6I.t and Road Tar, published in Su*mbw Press, Eo$kins, IImesota, llarch 26 and April 2, and in the Construction Bulletin, llinnezzolis, df-idavit of pblic2tion for YThich vas read by Clerk, Council ozened the follo~;.in~ bids: - I+ - -0- -0- -0- $0155 Per Ion Per Ton Per !Ton $4;80 -0- $4.00 &.80 jC0 lons(H0L) Hot Beady IEx Cutback AsgWt -0- $4.80 -0- -0- $430 T'Jillson moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation ad reTort at nezt aeeting, Qon resq%ion of E-zbZic Hearing on petition for 'smitsg sewer in Frmce Avenue 'betvreea I'J. 58th and 11.- 60th Street ~ discussed earlier this evening, 1Jr. l'7illia.n Letri-s sd Xr. Hwry Sm.nson ,bth objected to sever extens-ion unless such extension cm be made far pot more tu $3.50 per front foot, seuer extension in ordey th& the The side of France Avenue (on vhich Gae;r wish to plat property) might 'be served. Messrs. Levis and Svenson stated that theg both have cesspools, asd th& &ile theg do not vish to'impde progress, they believe the Eas% side property owners are being subjected Lo undue eGense in order thzt the Vest side night %e benefAted, It vas-brought out in discussion that Prance is building u?, and that if sever extension is not made at this time, nev people in the neigh3or{iood vi11 be forced to install cesspools, ad will. be assessed for sever at alater date my~ray. Hairthome advocated the VillEsets advert-ising for bids and notified those present that there vould be another hearing before Council decided definitely on construction, H2~.rtfiome offered fo~oving Ordinance, 'moving that Council dispense 1ri.t;h second reading aPd adopt Ordinace as read: Hotion seconded by Child and carried, < Nessrs-. Rekdd and Stachfield dvocated I \ MT ORPITTfiTCE CFUUTIITG S.ANITARY I L. SlNEEt DISTRICT' HO. 21 %e Village Council of the-Ti11age of sdina do or&- BS follows: Section 1. There is hereby created and estab1ished.a sanitarr sever district in the Village-oT XcWna to be-known as SSiZsy Sewk District Eo. 21, the boundaries of which shall be as follow: -- - -- Comencins at a point of intersection of center line of Vest 58th Street ad Yast line of Prazlce Avenue: thence Past dons center line of Vest 58th Street, a distance of 13305& feet; thence Southerly on a line paallel to center Line of France Avenue to center line of Vest 60th Street; thence Best along the center line of Best 60th Street and Vest 60th Street estend- ed Vest to its goint of intersection with the East line of Park Pls?ce as now dedicated; thence North dons said East line of Park Place to'its point of intersection with center line of Vest 58th Street; thence East dons center line of Vest 58th Street to point of beginnin$, a Section 2, Tnis Ordimce shall take effect from and after its passage and publicat ion. I-lotion for ado9tion of the Ordinmce vas seconded by Child, znd on Rollcall there irere five ayes and no nas, as follovs: we; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinmce vas adop6ed. I.. Child, aye; Pden, aye; TJills fresidgnt of the Tillde Council Tiifee Cldrk c 4/12 /48 Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: XlilSOLUTION FOR SB?XR COITSTRUCTION SANITm SETER DTSTRICT NO, 21 WlEREAS, it appears necessary and in the pullic interest that a Sanitary Sever b& constructed in France Avenue from If. 58th Street to I/. 60th Street, sane to be a Lateral Sewer, now therefore, 3E IT RESOLYEXI by the Villzge Council of the Village of ldina that Laterd Sanitary Sewer be cons'tructed as set foeth above. BE IT 3"RTEER EIESOLVED that Philip W. Smith be designated as engineer ?rho shall dratf plans and specifications and pregare and ta'oulate an estimated cost-of the construction of such semr and se;i?ort the sane to the Village Council. ,I -I I? +zz--L*- President of the Village Co~cil Ibxotion for zdoption was seconded by &&hornel and on I2ollcd.l there trem five ayes and no nays as follows: Child, aye; Paleii, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, we; ad Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. .- Ibxotion for zdoption was seconded by &vJthorne, and on I2ollcd.l there trem five ayes and no nays as follows: Child, aye; Paleii, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, we; ad Cooper, aye; and the Resolution vas adopted. +zz--L*- .- President of the Village Cotpfkl Child offered the following Resolution and noved its adoption: ' IZESOLUTION ACCENI>TG PLBTS SH3CIFICATIOP.TS AX0 OEDEEiIiG ADVERTISEXEXT FO3 BIDS SARITARY SEVER DISTRICT DO. 21 * lfE!SKEM, pursuant to Resolution adopted April 12, 1948, Engineer Philip 17. Snith has drawn plans ad specificztions'for Lateral Sanitary Sever in France Avenue between If. 58th Gtreet and I/. 60th Street and has tabulated the results of his estimate of the cost thereof, all of T.l;l2& ,as bscn reported to the ViLlage Couhcil,. now th'erefore, B3l IT 'SIESOL'VED by the 'Village Cawzcil of the Village of l'ildina that - said plans and- specifications be hereby accepted and be filed with the Clerk, where they shall remain on file open to inspection of all persons until dter a contract for the work shall be let. . 4 BE 1%' FURTHER E3SOLYED tbat the Clerk be directed to advertise for bids for 73roposd.s for doing the work described in said plms ,md speci- fications, in the Subwban Iress, HogEins, MinnesoEa srnd in the Construction Bulletin, Niimeqolis, Mionesota, said publication to be at least once in each week for three successive treeks, said bids to be opened bi.Y-10 1948. /----- L a- i i President of tlzc pillage Cou$il .. / / /---(mre five ayes and no nays, as follom; (fdotion for adogtion of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, 2nd on Rolled1 t3ere (Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, we; and the Resolution was adopted, Child, zqe; lalen, aye; tfillson, aye; ... Pursuant to Notice of Street Improvement Hcaing-Storn Sewer on Edif's Avenue ~ published in Su'burban Press, Hopkins, Mi-nnesota on Nach 25, 1948, affidavit of palication for which was read by Clerk, pu'blic hearing vas called on prclposed storm sewer construction in Hdifz Avenue between W. 52nd and V. 54th Streets. Mesnrs. Joseph Nelson, 5300 Halifax; Leland Car, 5329 Halifax, Zrv. Kiesau, 5240 E9 ifax, and .Hr, D.D. Rrerse, inquire$ .about estimated cost of construction. angineer Smith presented alternate plans md estimtes. sever running Morth to 52dd Street being $9,986.63, or $,01-643. per sque foot; 2nd estimate for that sever running South and, then Vest to $Iinneh&a Creek beirq $11$,824.52 or G.02331 per square foot, Mr, Smith stated that the main advmkzge to the "MinneMa. Creek" route is that it would deteur .rr.zter from 52nd Street Storm Sever, which may 'oecome overloaded with the additional vater draining from Ilalifax, biut that overloading vi11 simply slow down drainage znd that irater vi11 still escase groviaing it is routed into the 52nd Street line. zgroed upoii construction Morth to W. 52nd Street. . Estimate of cust far that . I Property owners present I 4 /12/48 - Child offered the follovins Ordinmce znd moved that Council dispense with second reding of saie md .do$ OrdinanGe as read: AIT ORDXICfiTCB CWIEG S'I2ORi.I SEITER DISTRICT 170. 15 Ihe ViflEge Council of the Village of 3Edin.a do ordain as follovrs: Section 1. Bere io hereby created and established a storm sever district- in the VTflGe of ZcIina to be Imovm as Storm Sever District No. 15, the boundaries of T.rhich sW1 be a9 fol1or.r~: * Beginning at the Uortheast corner of Lot Seven (7) Block One (1) , South Bhrriet Pak Second Adktion; Ylence South dons the Vest- line of &ace Avenue to the IJorth line of 11, 54th Street; thence Vest along Xorth line of Tl. 54th-Street to the East line of the STortii-South Alley in Block Aro (2) Addition; thence Bortheasterly, $pg the Pest line of said ITorth- Soyth Alley to thel lTorthrrest corner of Lot lT8ne (9) Block TTJO (2), South &zrriet Psk Second IldditiQn; thence &sf; along the lTorth - lot Lhe of said Lot IJine (9) Block 'PITO (2) , to the Southvest corner of Lot Ihirt3-'k.ro (32) Block One (12, South Hsrriet Park Second Aidition; thence North along the llegt lot line of sa53 kt Thirty-!bo (32) Block One (1) to the Northvest corner of said lot; thence East dons the Xorth lot line of szid Lot 3h3.rty-!ho (32) Block One (l), to the Southmst corner of Lot Seven (7) Block One (1) South: Ekxriet Pzsrk Second' AdditSon; thence North Ao~ the f'fest lot line of sdd Sot Seven (7) Block One (1); thence East dong the Bosth lot line of said Got Seven (7) Block One (1) to point of beginning. I.) South Harriet Park Second Section 2. 1his,Ordinpnce sWl t&e effect from and after its,passage and public at ion. Hotion for doption vas, seconded by Pden and on'RollcaZl there vere five ayes 2nd no nays, as follow: Cooger, we; 2nd the Resolution vas adopted. Chi$&, aye; Palen,, aye; Billson, aye; Havrthorne, aye; and mTp.a: 81 President of the Villagepouncil ~ Vibge ClerE c Child offered the follov~ng Resolutiion ad liloved its adoption: RESOIJTIOIT FOR, SEVIIB COUSTRZTCTIOIT STOX4 SBlER DISTRICT NO, 15 VHEEEAS it z2peas necesszrg and in the public interest thzt a Stop Semr be constructed in Halifax Avenue from the South lot line 0'2 Lot 23, : Block One, South Hsriet Pgck Second Additior, to the existins Storn Sever I~Ianh03.13 E& 52nd Street and Mifax Avenue, the sane to be a lateral storm sever, no;;+ therefore , EE IT RESO&lZD ky the Village Council of the Villase of Edina th& LzKerzl Stom Sevler be constructed in Hdi-fax Avenue as set forti? a3ove. 3l3 IT 2lJKPm RESOLV3D that PMlip 11, Smith be designated as engineer vho shrll drm plms and spocifjsa6lons and prepare and tabulate &I estirsated cost of the construction of such sever and regort the sane to the Village Council. * IZotion fol: ado?$5on of the Resolution vas seconded by !!illson, and on Rollcall .there were five .ayes and no ags, as f olloes : Eavrthorne, we; znd Cooipr , aye; and the-Resolution vras adopted. A!E;pESzI!: ;& .President of the Village Clerk I Child, age; Pden, age; J!&lls.on, aye; 4/12/43 Child offered the following Resolution and moved its qdo$ion: RESOLuTIOlT ACCZPSIRG PL,4nrS AlTD SPECIFICA!t!IOQS AND OFCDBRDTG AD"VEZT1SZI~~TT FOR BIDS I STORM SEILEB DISTRICT NO, 15 IT€EXEAS, pursuaut-to resolution adopted April 12, 1948, Engineer Philip W, Smith has dravm plans and specifications for Lateral Storm Sewer in Halifax Avenue from the South lot line of Lot 23, Block One, South Harriet Park Second' Bddition, to the existing Storm Seyer &mhole. at 52nd Street znd a?zifa;E Averzue; and has tabulated the results of his esti-roate of the cost thereof, a11 of which h& 'been reported to the Village Council, now therefore, IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the. Village of 3dina that se4.d plans mil spehifications 'be hereby accepted md be filed with the Clerk, where they shall remain on file open to inspection of aJ.1 persons until after a contract for the work shall be let. B33 IT FURIcm IBSOLlBD that the Clerk be directed to' adveGt5,s.e for "oids for doing the vork described in said plwls ad sbecifications in the Suburbap Press, Hogki-as, Ninnesota an% in the Construction Bulletin, Minneqolis , HinnE;sota, said publications to be at least once iil each week for at leas$ three successive weeks, said bids to be opened Hay lO,'lg48. Notion for adoption %ras seconded by Palen and on Rollcall there vere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Cooper, zye; and the Resolution was adoI3ted. Child, aye; Pzlen, aye; trillson,. w-e; Bavrthorne, aye; and -e&. * President of the. 'Villa,ge CdciJ. Owners of grdperty at Lots 8, 9, 10 ad 11, Block One, South Harriet Park Second Addition (approximately 53rd and 3Fsacce) asked Counci1t.s help as to sever and water connections for their lots , -saying that Minneqolis would charge $6.50 per front foot for connection to Minneaolis sewer system; and. that Minneagolis is no Longer "aLlovring Etiina connections to Xinneapolis water system. These people ?rere informed that construction of sewer and water mains on France Avenue ?road mean full -assessment for the one side of the street, vhich would make cost at least as high as €4inneapolis cost. through the back of their lots (.md that portion of the a'outting Hhlifq Asrenue lots vhich they would be wi1Zing to purchase) in order to effect a continuation of Gorgas Avenue southmrtft; thus facilitating sewer and vater construction in this street. IPhey were told that this could be done only on petition of owners 02 f;1$ of poperty, through the 'Village punphouse proprty, 3.n order to furnish water service; and Council sugzested that these ovmers contact owners of the new church and other ne'igh7rorins Froperty ovmers vho vi11 need water, for a. petition for this service, PiIr, Arthur R. Rgdeen, accompmied bg Xr. Charles B. HotrGd, presenter3 netition for the xbzon-ing of ,the Nortlqerly 90 feet of Lot 3, Block 1 Stevens First Addition except Eesterly ten feet thereof (corner gf 50th.and Indiaola) Eo Community Store District, They presented ylan of-prqposed office building to .oe located here. &k.nning Comqissiongs and occupmcy vas reviewed. Haxrthorne revietred Councilf s action in purchasing kcn %sot 6uffer s&m& strip Vest of Hdif&c -4venue in order to limit Community Store District on jot11 Street to that. sea Past 6f H&ifz;r Avenue. IIr, Hov.ztd cdled Councilts attention to the net7 chmch at the Southwest corner of 50th and Indimola, stz,ting*he thought the church wodd serve 2s a buffer to ay further rezoning. He asked that CourrciL rezone his client t s ~rogerty "seai-comercial" Hzvrthorne called Council's attention to possible difficulty of future Councils in renoving undesirable tenants in case Mr, Rxdeenf s progosed building should chmse ovnership: lfillson move6 that petition be denied, carried. &, Roger (3.Willizms~ pre1iminar;T @at for ffPropsed Subdivision of Park of Lot 5 Section 33, Toirns'ni2 117, Range 21,'l located Bast cd Code Avenue and South of Grove Street; was reviewed, Planning Comission having given verba3 approvd of plat, as resorted by Wgineer Smitln, Plat as presented. I.Io-tion seconded Pden &d czrried. Lir. I'lillims asked i3 gztling of Grove Street cod& be incorporated in the present Code-T"l.6Oth Street grading contract vith Pfeiffer Construction Co. ad public hearing before action c2k be; taken, . Owmers then asked if a street could be cqt It WZLS then suggested that line be m from Halifax Avenue, I' - 6 recomenibtion for granting of permit-f or present 'use 1-fotion seconded 'by-Pd-en md - - I Havthorne moved for agrovd of Preliminary He T'Tas told there must be petition 4/12/48 16 \ Petition €or Curb, Gutter ad SidewJ.k construction on 2hielen Avenue (to be paid 3y the sroperty ovmers) ad grzding and resurfacing (to be paid by Tillage) vas revieved by Council, Trustee Willson estimated cost -of grzding and resurfacing s.t $1,000; and it vas brought out 'in discussion that poor drainaze is result of a bad grade job after installation of sanitary sever by TEA. trillson moved that cost of regrading and resurfacing pf Fhi,elen Avenue be borne %y Village, and thatlVill.-se Bngineer aad Villzse Attorney be directed to peaaxe proceedings for construction of curb, gutter and sidetmJ.3.r ?&th post of sane to be assessed to -proFertr oimers. f;lotioir seconded 37 &..rthorne .and csried. of Village StmdarB ,Curb and Gutter. on this street;. Petition da.ted Agril 12, 1948,' signed by 57.3.5$ of abutting property omers, seq-st- ing the blac7ktop~i31g of the 4800 Block on Rutledge Avenue, vas read. that hblic Hearing on petition for blackto&ng be set for &QZ 10, at 8:OO PJ1.b . 1.1otion secon&ed by Child and csried. . Nr, T"Tillson also advocated the const-ruction I'Jillson moved Peti_tion hted six 2, 15~3, signed by LOO$ of abutting aroperty otmers, requesting Sanitary S&er extension to serve the three lots at €he South eizd of TJest Smmyslope Road tras read. one of these lots is ,to be condemed by the State Highmy Degartgent as gat of the new asproach to the Beltline, Hmthorne moved *ha% petition be referred to Village 'EngLneor z~d Village Attomeg in order that Highmy Pepstrnent Plws mi@% be checked. It vas broxht to Council's attention that it is likely that at least Notion seconded by Child and carried, ATril 6th letter. from Zbs. L, S. Veidt, 4346 France Avenue,, adzins ret- of lpd deeded to Village last rear for proposed lagoon betveen 48th .and 49th Streets, pas read. Bngineer Smith reported conversztion with &fro Arlett, TZO dso vishes re-i;urn of land, ment between 43th md 49th Streits 'be returned to donozs. Motion seconded by Pden and csried. Ewthorne moved that aU. of the land dedicated to Village for Park Improve- Request of Bir. R&L+ H, -is for permi% to divide lot at corner of ffzgle Eoad and 11. 48th Street into t7;o lots tras read, togqther with FlWng Comissimr: rccomend- ation that repest be rejected,' Child moved that rotpest be denied. Villson and zaried, Hzwthorne lzloved thzt .the falloving licenses be grated. SccondeO 'ugr Hotion seconded 3y Fi!-en and carried, Trn OF APPL. LIGZTSI3 Hsvejr 0 ,PifTEer @.mer 3iJ"SIiZSS 1Jer.IE AIEEESS LICZTSE EO, ;TO 0 FEE CI-Igr. ) Interlachen C;;r.Club Route #2,Hpls. Food 332 335 $6.00 &ril I, 1948 to ATril I, 1949 Evelyzz I-I.&obLauch - (Pstner) Edim Recreation Beer County Auditor! s delinquent lands recomend&ion that Villaze acquire for psk prposes Lot 20, Block 3, Glevel&dls Su'budvision of ha Abbott Park, Lots 23 and 15, Block 12, i?orn&nWo A63%t5on, ad Lot 5 , Iloo~ovry Psk bar I;&e Earriet, tras re&, Haxtlnome move& that VTL133 .&€orney be directed' to prepre proceeps for the acquisition br the Village of those proprties recornmended 'by the lark Bornti. Ihtion seconded Child wd carried. Countg, IJinnesota, a list of llnds in I said viLlee izhich beeado the pmpert& 02 the,Stzto of Ilinncsota under the provisioas of 3-w declwkg the forfeiture of lands to the State for non-pipent of taxes, t:hich s&d list has been designated as List li256-~, EIarch, 19W, and, Tied '17 the Board of Com%r Coxmissioners Oq Heme&i Cfornty, Iliwesots 8s non-conser- vstioa Zmd zrri tile s9.e thereof has heretofora been autl1oriFerL by s&d Ebsd of Couuty Comissioaers; Stzixtes for 1945, Section 282.01, that the said classification by said Eozrd of Gomt;7. Conniss-imers 02 Yne followiug parcels of land descrEbed in 'said list as now consemztion lad be and the sme is hereby approved ad that the sdo of each such parcef of lad be and the sane 3s liereby aypoved: TW, each prcel of lsd-described in said 19st has heratoforc been hlassi- * f 1K8f THEELE?Om, be it resolved lyj szid Villzg~ Council, actrins prsu~;llt to I.hnesotr, F 4/12 f48 1'2 f Block- - "Aber croxbie Addition to Idinne ar)olis I' N. 11 ft. of Lot 9 - 9 - .Ll .. ' N. 33 ft. of Lot 13 - Lot Parcel UO. 35720 - 19h . - , c:.. . ..- . ,-. I - , C. 4 . ....' 13 L -I) Parcel ITo.' 35721 - 1940 ..- Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded 'by \/illsou, and on Rolkall there irere five ayes and no nays, as-follovrs: . Ghild,. aye; Paen, aye; Ifillson, ~3.~9; .. .. * ._ Havthorne, are; wd Cooper, we; and the Resolution tms adoptedL - - President of the Villase Gourpffl Palen moved. accqtance of the following Elzyroll for the period A3ril 1 to Byxi1 15, 1948, and for Overtime for month of Msch, 1948. carried. Llotion seconded by I'lillson sfid 1 VILLAGE 03' XDIhTA PAYROLL FOR EEEIOD Bfi 1st THROUGE APXIL 15th, * 1948 Phil W. Smith Gretchen Schussler- Bernice Johnson Helene Freeman Louise Ves terberg Z!TGIITEERING John A. Sias Fred Jonas Sub-t otd POLICE ?EPBTi-BN!L! C larence Ilnutson - Hilding D&L Tfm. S. Heydt Henry M. IRobleski 3ert &I. Nerfeld William V. Iioffaan Sub-total Lloyd MCGSY Sub-t 0 t aL Sm2 M3N=~G' Philip Bailey Pete Dablgren Matt Nerfeld John 9racy %,my Jonas Arthur Jensen Ronald Port 0. W. C.zgdmel1e SmET I.GR-HOURLY G hales Johnson Jacob Shmzk llayne Tracy Joseph Natole mw IdW Jack MerQeld Sub-t Otal Sub-total. TOTAL GrnU rm I BAEWINGS TAX DXDUCZII DZDUGTe P.AX BO $ 2562 37.70 10.22 47.92 207.70 2046, , 138.04 20.00 5& 25.52 112.52 2047 76.69 .9.20 3.07 12.27 64+2 2049 89.47 -0- 3-58 3.58 85 89 20k.8 63.91 2-90 2.56 5 .46 58 . 45, 2050 623.73 69.80 24.95 94.75 528.98 138.04 11.70 5?52 11-22 120.82 2051 107.36 6.40 4.29 io. 69 96.67 2052 245.40 18.10 9.81 27.91 217r49 * 136.50 ii.70 5.46 17.16 119.34 2053 76.69 1.30 3.07 4% 37 72.32 2055 ~ 103.27 5.70 4.13 9.83 93.M 2056 103.27 5.70 4.13 9.83 93 -44 2057 123.72 9.00 4.95 13-95 109.77 2054 103.2@ 13.70 4.13 17.83 85.44 2058 103.27 '5 . 70 4.13 9-89 93.44 2059 749.99 52.80 30.00 82.80 . 667dI.9 .*. 181.24 15-30 166.03 20.90 149.86 9-80 148.91 13.80 .153.66 10.50 181.97 19.60 j 163.17 7.90 170 53 17 . 30 , 1333.37 115JO 7;25 6-64 7.28 5.99 56% 6.15 6.53 52-62 6.82 24-12 i67.72 158 . 69 2060 138.49 2061 134.07 2063 137 01 '2065 148Ji"i' 2066 146.41 2067 l.55.09 r 2062 129.15 . 2064 11&7.65 . 14l8&O 12.40 5.66 i8.06 123.34 2068 121.47 12.90 b.86 17.76 103.71 . 2069 102.35 ,i3.70 4.09 17-19 84.36 2070 134.L1.1 15-00 5.38 20-38 114,0'j, 2071 499.63 54.00 19.99 73.99 425.64 6.60 -0- -0- -0- 6.60 2072 3rtrtO.72 309.80 137.3'7 447.17 2993 55 IImm rnP!i!* Ben T'loehler 197.44 22.60 7.90 30.50 166.94 2073 * Sam Roberts 167.08 16.60 6.68 23.29 143.80 2074 . Kermit Knutson 138.82 20.00 5.55 25-55 113 . 27, 2075 Sub- t 0 td 503.34 59*20 20.13 79.33 424.03. WID TOTAL PAYROLL 3944.06 369-00 157.50 526.50 3417.56 I 4/12/48 /J- T'lillson's notion aUoning ppilent of the folloxing claims vas seconded 33 Child and carried: Comissioner or" Tzcation (Genera ha) $13.80 Subur'bap Hennegin Countr Relief Bd.(Poor +d) 292.3.8 Brthur E. Peterson *(Garbs,ge bd) 826.00 Economy Prhters [Vater hqd) , 5-25 * Bart Carlone (Ps1.R. *d>- 600.55 * President Coopr advocated dlovrmce of addition& assistame to the Olinger family, , eqlzining thzt I&. Olingsr is in Un3.versity Hospital and thz€ children need glssses and clothins iruledi~tely. llillson moved that Nrs. Czughren of the Suburban &iule$n County Relfer" Bo&d be ?athorizedr to protide t%e fimily vith znytlrhing vrhich she believes is suitable, * I4otion seconded by Havthorne -ad carried. Plzlsnbg Commission's AFril 6 reconmendation tbii Council a&opt by reference the St2te I-lechznicd Construction Codes (plumbing, heating and ventilatins, and virins) ; ad the 1946 Bdition 02 the Unifomn Euilding Code by Paciiic Coast Building Officids Conference sts to general construction only, vas revievred. Attorney hdhorst 3e directed to prcpare Ordinaces for adogtion by reference of the. State Plm3in,o Code and the 1946 Idition of the Uniform Building Code 'bg Pacific Coest Euilding Officials Conference. It as forought to Councilxs attention that Sevrer Rental Ordinmce provides a fixed Pee for schools of $180.00 pr yea; and that St. Peter's Pwochid. School, irhich has 2n enrollment of asgro-ninately 60 students is being charged the sme rate as the Eilina School vith m enrollment of about 1100 students. TTindhorsiG be directed to preptre m'amendaent'to Ordinmce, providing for a graduated scde*o2 cages for schools. Pie matter of- a $25.00 minima charge vas.dincussod, *ad aas agreeable to council. Resignation of Ksmit Itnutson from Vilhp Vat5r-Pegartaent &s red.. Child moved that resirnation, .effectiTe.1h.y 1, 19fi.8, be accepted vith regret . Hotion secouaed by Tlillson and cmied, Xina Countrr Cln'b's fetter vith regad to the playing of Binso at the clu3 each Tnursdzg was read-wri 2ilcdwith Clerk; Wr, Oscar Gawden*s letter of Apil 8;asking Council to cancel d.1 the 5as on the aater utilitr for the ye= 19&, sayable in 1948, trzs revieired. 1-k. Vinmorstts mitten opinion 02 April 5, *edvisins Council that Village has no power to csncel tne taxes beczuse the*State md-Couniq shae in revenue, but that Till=e na;~ assme dI or zzrt of the tar. llabilitg if tiey S6 vrish, was &so Fevieved. Child noved th& * Council redfim fts decisidn thzt it cjmot le&,lly n&e there vas no agreement at the of sale'of utiliey by Coirntry Club District Service Emthorne moved that ' Seconded by Ifillson ad carried. Hawthorne moved that Attorney IIotion seconded by Villson and carried. - I tax settlcnent fdr which C ol-pay.. Wotion'seconded -or Tlillson jnd carriQd, 1- 'L Ik. 32. TI. ITdlace~s A-gil 10 request t&& Villa2e sveep'50th Street z3utgins Us property vas rezd md filed rrith Clerk. Street would be svlept in tn6 very near 'future. Ik. t&f.lzce' s reqaest th& Villcge insGruct retgining va1 contractor to backfil'l betmen 'doe 1~d1 ad his fence Line; vtas read. Engineex! Smith vhs directed to so ins'truct contractorr Mr. Boy TI. Lasonss Bpi1 12 coiqiL&nt 'regarding CarX IC Hmsen's .sign at 'Enterlzchen Bozd znd Shzefer Rozd vas re&. is in aiol&ion of Zoning Ordinaace, md that he be ordered to remove ST@. seconded bxPzlen md caried. Clerk read llr, E. -R. IEchols* letter caqlimentfng Fire 'Dqartnent on gronpt aii efficient service rendered at recent fire at 5&16 Pak PIme. to Denstnent- A.?rXL 12 getition for grzding of Vadervork Avenue between Division ad Ilofor Streets- tras rezd, and by notion HaFtEiorne, soEoEded byllillson *ad carried, tras referred to ViU.ege ihgineer Por checkiw as to Tsrcentaze of signers. 3a:thorne inouired 2s to nroccfiure fo3loaed for ~enov~l .of outhouse 2% 55th cad Eeflogg. Xr, Sriith sd-d this nztt~r irould 3e Sollorred Ug 42s soon -2s it is ~~ossi"o1c to ascertain omer or" 5rog~rk3,- Hzvthorner s aotion for cdjowment ves -secon Irustee I'lillson said thzt thLs 9zrt of 50th * &$r.t;harna now& that 141'. I bnsen bo notified th2t 'si% Ifotion - I Office instructed to trmsnit cojq - .. P il - .. fllzge Clerk