HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480510_ADJOURNED5/3-lfM ' l*iIRlT3X OF IB ADJOURNED PURTXOPT OF !?€El UY 10 , 1948- EPEE9I;NG 03' *TEE EDKU vII;I;AGEt GOUPTCU;, HELP I*iOUDAY, 3.w I?, 1948, A3 THE] EDIRA VLLUGE BBLJ; . -- M.lembers ansverhg Rollcall were Child, Willson, Palen and Cooper; wLth Hawthorne coming late as recorded below. ?2he matter of conditions at 5529 tloodckle Avenue was discussed, for the tine being, Council -follow Hedth Officer Campbellgs recommendation and no% order sever in at 5529 Vooddale, Notion seconded by Palen and carried. It vas consensus of oginion of -Council that deve3opers should be requlred to pay repair charges for their ornamental lights a% enbrace to Golf ICerrace, Sunnyslope, and Rolling'Green; and Office vras asked-to so advise developers, President Cooper recornended installation of a street Iight at corner of Woodaale 2nd Golf Ierrzce. Matter of Council*s November 20, 194'7 action with regard to Bdina Highlands Street Lights was reviewed for Council, such actionbeing that Village assume no maintenance costs of syktem unti1'snch tW as one-third of lot6 are bulla on and occupied. moPed that Council re-affirm this action, Petitfon for installation of street lights in Creston Hills Addition Vas reviewed, Child moved-that Council ask Northern States Pover for street lights in Creston Hills at such timb as one-third of the loEs &e built on and occupied. Paen ad ckriea. Kr. Cooper +de request for street light at Bernard Place and 60th Street, saying that ,there had been zccidents at thks locatibn becaus'e of darkness. Scotdilite treatment €or the goad block: No action taken by Council except for reqzest for. investigqt;ion of +,tter. Child moved tha.t, Office requested to ask Northern States Power for such installation, Child Seconded by Villson md carried. E.lotion seconded lg 1-k. Pden suggested clerk Hawthorne entered meet- at thii time. Mr. Gooper -reported the request of J.B. Garner for transfer of Cigarette and Food licenses grated to Bdina Grocery, &ZC? Brookside Avenue, ti0 his proposed nev.location in the old Dockers store a% 4356 Brookside Avenue. Hawthorne moved for transfer fo licenses as requested, f.Iotion seconded 'by Willson and carried, Bdina Liquor Control Commission Minutes of Heetings of by 11 ad 14, 1948, were read. Hawthoyne moved that .Council amrove Commission!s recommendation for hiring of car- penters on'a daplabor basis to make necessary alterations a% 5004 zrmce Avenue for the Liquor 'Store; tha% Council qprove .purchase .of national Cash Register on basis of bids received, Pres.ldent & that Council approve Commission1 s recommendation for the hiring of 1.fClaughlin- IhUennaster, &vrla~d-&q conrpmy, st a fee of $25,00 per dw per man, for appr&sds, purcbse of hitid stock, ad setting-up of L%por Store business. Hotion seconded by Child &dunmimonsly carriea, Sru-ktee lfillson presented tabulation of the two.lovr %re& Svreeper bids tzken IkY 10, recommending by motion that the bid of aUstin-l'festesn Coqang be accepted, as followsi ITet Bid, $6,330.00; Paint Job, $25,00; Cab and VSndshield, $128.50; lotd, $6,483.50. Hotion seconded by Child ad un@nously carrLed, President Cooper sedetrea for Council, Council Sdaries as set up in the Vi1l.e . Budget for 1948;. Le,, $80.00 per month for President, $60.00 per month for %mstees. On P-sesidegt * s recommen$ation, and after securing opinipn of VillGe Attorney TTbdhorst on legzlity of setting Council salwies in mid-yes,. Pden offered the I Clerk being authorized to si@ contract for same; following Resolution and moved its adoption: BESOLIEIOB SEl2'fcZNG SAJLARIES 02' I EFtElSIlJEN2 ~~'PRUSIEFS FOE YEAR 1948 : 'I-, the Pillage Council for the year 194.7, esta%lished a budget for the IIBEREAS, the tax levg-for the Tillage of Pdina, payable in 19@, was mzde from IEEEIEAS, said budget provided for eqenditures for salzries in the amounts of XO'I?, EiEE@ORE, 333 I!!! RESOLYED, that the salzries of President and Trustees, gear igrrs, ma. this -idget, ad $80,00 per nonth for President of Council and $60,00 per month for each of three Trustees; .' for the year 1948, be established at the rates provided for in said budget ad tax levy. BE IT FmT€IER RXSOLVED that said President and Trustees be reimbursed on their * next checks for. the difference between .those s&aries herein esta%lished and those salaries they have received;' for the period January through May, 1948, hotion to adopt the Resolution vias seconded by Chifd, and on Rollcall there were four aye? and one nay, as follows: and Cooper, aye: md the Resolation vas adopt 1 1 CUld, -e; Palen, ayb; Villson, aye;:Hat.Jthbrne, nay; - ,-. 0 !The matter of rezoning the last l/2 of the Sbuth If2 of Lot 49, Auditorrs Subdivision No. 172, T'rae again brought before the Council,, there havgng been no objections to s&d rezonbg at a Public Hearing held April 26,- Vil1age Attorney T'Iindhorst's letter, reminding- Council of parious 'iiiscre@ancfes j.n the existing I zoning of Community ~eore District in the@area'South of Vi 50tE Street' &id 8, of Frsce Avenue, was reviewed; and EngLneer* s "Pl2t of Business Section If; 50th Street -& Frmee Avenue, I-kY 22, 19469 which skiov~s that portiod of the territory wh+h it is necessary tcr rezone in order to accomodate buildings already in existence, was studied by Council, Chairman Bafft of Plaming Cominission gave his opinion-that rezoning to Commun-ity Store District of the properties outline& by Engineer's plat would have no ill effect on plas. under 'discussiod %y-'Commiss'ion. Rawtho& o&f ered the following Ordinances moving that Ccouncil dispense w5th 'second readtrig'- thergof a;lld adopt Ordin&ce as read: &tea 0FDTNBNC.E: .A"DIHG T€iE ' ZfONIUG' ORD13TAECl3 * ' OF TEN VIIILAGB OF EDINA AID EIlZjiRGING QBE* x - I *. r' I COI.Q~IZPSI STO~ DISTRIC$ Ihe Village Council of the Village of ldina do. O&in as folLows: as amefi6ed; is further amended 3y crhgirsg Secthoi IV by addiilg a net7 subsection to be desf&at;ed as %4fi vrkich -tdlZ read -as Tollovkf Section-1, The zoning'oritinace of the VillGe of Edina passed May 25, 1931, ,. I (Id$) A strip of land 25.38 feet aide, extending from from a line parallel witheand 125 feet Vest of the West line of Prance Avenue to a line paallel with aaL15.0.38. feet. West 00, sai& I'lesLline of France Avenue, and extending South from a line parallel *with' and x25 feet South of the South line of 11. 50th Street to a line parzllel with and62 feet 'South of said South line of VI. 50th Street; a strip of land extendifig 150.38 feet Vest from the Vest line of Yrance Avenue and lying betvreen a line p&a,llel with ad 462 feet South of the South'line of If, t50th-Street and- =line parallel with and 590 feet South of the Sonth lihe of If. 50th Stree land lybg between L line parallel with and l25$8~$ f~gjh0~$fk?%@ treet *' and a line parallel wit& and 175 feet South of I. with and distent 150.38 feet Vest 'of If. line of I?race Avenue to a line paraXtel vith and distant 520 feet West of Irest Jine of Section 2, This ordinance shall be 5.n force and take efiect from and after 0 h tree%, and extending from a line parallel Avenue 1 its passage and publication according to law. Kotion for adoption of Okdinance was seconded 'by TfLJ.lson,* and on Rolklea3.l there were five ayes and no nhys, as foklbws: CthiM, -'aye;' Palen, aye; Eillsops, aye; Havl.bhorne, aye; and Cooper, we;- and the 'i PreYident of t4ie Village ~om~&' .. Q Purftng Continuation of Public Hearing on Gutdoor Advertising Anendmerit to Zoning- Ordinmce, Attorney Venn& suggested' that Cowroil. be given discretionary potier in allowing sign zt less than 500 fee% fro& nearest dwelling (in order to take care of unusual circumstances). &reeable vith-Council. Councg objected to ldr. Vennum's proposal that ggnerd. advertfging be albwed on signs atop builciings. b Bter considerable discussion, Zr, vZzldl?orst was instkxcted to have redrafted Ordinance ready for its first readikg by Hay 24. Motion b'yThild, that Cohcil eqress its'&~,&~ to Attorney Vemua for his -- ** cooperaf;ioa:and aid in the drafting of this Ordinance, aadunmimously carries, Motion seconded by Villson, Vith regard to Ziquor Commissionts recommendation, read this evenings that all liquor advertisenents except those of the Kmicipal Liquor Store be barred from $le VLllee, President -requested Village Attorney's yritten legal opinion by Inlay 24, D WTUT3S OF SPECIAL l*iElilTIl?G. 05' EDINA VILWE COU'lTCIL A@ BDINA_LIQUOR COFOL COXI-SZSSZQT, I ' am gomu, rirap 216, ~948, AI! 7:30 wr. I Pui.suant to due call by Council Preside& Cooper, Neeting vas convened with the $allowing menbers present: Coopr; Xor the Xiquor Control Commissioq,- - Bauers, Whw, Kelly, Morris and Coo2er. .'Vi&ge-Attorney 'tlindhorst, -ad Auditor by vere &so present. f l?or the Council - Child, Pden, Ifillson, Eavthorne and * Binutes of Liqmr Control Commission Meetings of &.y 21 ad 23 vere read. I kclitor 1.1~ presented proposed Bill of Sale, itemizbg stock and fixtures vhich 'Hay and Stenson Go. vdll sell to Village for $5,000. Xr, €4zg reported Iby ad Stenson's tentstive offer of 5-year lease for building, E& rental of $400.00, vith Village to pay taxes, and vith ostion to Village to -purchase building and land (26'=;102t) for sum of $45,000, vith rentals to zgply on prchase price, :less $ interest._ Wlwn moved that Liquor Control Commission recommend to Council that steps bo t&en td terminate arrmgements with Mr. Campbell for lease of proprty at 5004 France Averrue, and that aa attemp$ be made to negotiate with I & Stenson for . lease on basis of Hr. T.Tay~s report, I Heeting zd journed, JfIlWS' OF FKEl RZGW HE3fCIKG OF TEE ZDIlTA AT THE EDiNA VIliLAGE w, BIP 8:OO P.H. VILLAGE COUNCIL, HGLD XOIDAP, JW 24, 19w Members answering Bollcall vere Chiid, Palen, Vilison, Havthorae and Cooper, Ha3;rthorne aoved that Hinutes of fhe Re-&a.r 14eeting of k& LO, ad Adjourned Portion of ILay LO 1-leeting, held 2kb.y 17, be appoved as submitted. Hotion seconded by Villson and carried, Pursuant to Wotice of Bearing on Peti6ion to Build," published in Henne2in County Review,. Eopkins , l-It.flnnesota, l.Sag l3th, affidmit of which puKLication vas read %y Clerk, President called public liesing on ,E. If. Ge,cUer*s p ti>ion to 'ouild a 'aouble b&&ovr at corner of $6th Street and York Avenue, Hrs. Robert Sweet,. . and I,Iessrs, G,I, Xmlen, A.J. Perreault, Eoirard. Dovmey, 0.3. Brost, md G.B. Pms- irorth, objected; with Wr, 1.rhalen presenting neighbors' signed petition so obj.ecting, Hm%home &oped tlzzt petition to build doulle dwelling be denied, Seconded by - I Pzlen and carried. President Cooper announced publicly that Hearing on Reassessmat for cost of Curb, Gvtter and Blzcktoppins on Ozk Drive, Concord ad St, Johnrs Avenues vould be . .postponed .iintil Monday, June 14, 1948, at 8:OO P.W. 1uTsu3pt' to "Advertisenent for Bids for Velder and Tar Kei&le,tl published in 1 Henne2in County Revielr, Ho$ins, Nay 13 ad 20, Affidavit of vhich vas read by Clerk, the follovfing bids vere publicly opened and read: Geo*T* COS , l.fPl~. $653 00 -0- Alteruz.t;e $707.00 -0- 'PAR ICEI?P'pIrE TELW