HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480510_REGULARI MIITUTES 03' Tm BF)GUL&t KiBTING 03' TE5
MAY 10, 19443, A!E 8:OO P.N., XI EKE r
~embers answering Rollczll were Child, PaZen, Willson, Bawthorne, and Cooger,
Health Officer Lowell M. Cara-pbell informed Council that he could not recommend
Vacating 5529.Wooddale Avenue as a health? hazard, and that he did not see how
it could bo vacated as a fire hazard; that the yard had been cleaned up some,
aad that truck would be moved as- soon as Lien' against it is satisfied.
response to qpostion from Mrs. Richards, 4613 Oalr DrLve, about forcing occupants
to connect-with sewer, Dr. Campbell advised against this procedure for the reason
that; the property would then be impoved and there vould be less chance of having
house removed, Dr, Campbell advised that neighbors purchase this propqrty; and
President Cooper bqufred as to advisability of Village acquiring the lot for EC
playground. No action taken by Council.
Dr. Campbell agreed to mdce-further inspection of restaurants.' within the next
. .-
Dog license osdinance was recommended by Dr, Canrpbell for the urban areas of the
Ellage, but not for the rurd districts.
Hawthorne moved that Minutes of Meeting of April 26, 1948, be approved as submitted
to Council Nembsrs. Motion seconded by Child and carried,
Attorney Vennum, together with Attorney& Spooner and Norlquint represented tho
Outdoor Advertising Coznpanies on a continuation of publie hearing for the Outdoor
AdvZirtising Amenbent to Village .Zoning Ordinance. Attorney Pennun* s suggestions
were incorporated in-a letter submitBed to Council; and after lengthy discussion
i.1; was decided to continue hearing to &Ionday, May 17, 1948, at 8:OO P.M.
%ursuant to "Notice of Street Improvement Hearing-Blacktopping of Rutledge Avenue:
published in Sub~ban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, April 16 and 2'3, 39118, Preside&
called public heming on this prososed project. Sngineer's Estimate of $2,881.72,
01 $1.85 per assessable foot, was read, Eo obJections were made from thp flooz,
aad,no written objections had been filed with the Clerk. Ifillsorr offered tho
following Besolution and moved its adoption:
If. Mth Street and Brookside Avenue by Blacktooping has been duly filed vith this
Council dated April 12, 1948, signed by owners of more than 51$ in frontage of the
real property aktting on the portion of the street named in said petition as the
location for such improvement, and
7- the Village Courmc&l has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such im-
provement, published in Su@rban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota on April 16 and 23, 1948,
and has heard all persbns interested, and determined the necessity for the improve-
ment petitionkd for', not7 therefore
Chapter 311, havm of 1927, tha$:.$he petition above described is hereby determined to
have been signed by the required percentage of omers of property affected thereby,
33E ITP' FtB!EBR RXSOLVED, that Rutledge Avenue between W; 48th Street and Brook-
side Avenue be improved by Blacktopping; and
BE IT: PURTHEEt REISOLVED that saia Wrovement be made in accordance vith Standard .
Village Specifications for Blacktopping now on' file with the clerk and which have
heretofore been approved by the Village Council,
BE IT EJRTEER RES'OLVED that the clerk is directed to prepare and insert in the
official paper and in the Construction Bdletin, Minneapolis, an advertisement for
bids upon such inprodement in accordance with such plms and specifications, said
bids to be opened day 24, 1948,
percent of the amount bid,
Motion to adopt the Resolution vias seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five
aves and no nays, as follows:
WiEECWS, petition in iaiting remesting improvement of Rutledge Avenue between
BE IT ~SOIXED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as requared by
The deposit accompaWlng each ibid shall bo ten
CMld, aye; Palen, aye; TTillson, age; kvrthornB, we;
and gooper, =;;-and the Resolutioa was
President of the Village P C unci1
2ursuiat to f’Notice of Hearing on Proposed Vater Main Bxtension, France Avenue
betvreen T1*58th B 1~6ist Streets,tt publilshed in Suburbm Press &ril 29, 1948, and
read Iv Clerk, Pregident called Pub1i.c Hesing on this, proposed imgrovement, Engineergs
estimate of $1?,909.10 Iatd construction cost, or $5.13 per assessable foot, was read,
PJessrs, Tfillim Levis and Harry Stlenson objected to, cost of project; with Nr. Rekdw,
owner of, property alpng Vest side of Srapce Avenue, in favor of the improvement,
objection was made to the extension of main between ~~60th and IV.61st Street, as
uzulecessary at this time: and Hr. Rekdahl weed that Vest siae propertx would not suffer
with abandonmen% of this portionr of project, Council suggested that I4r. Rekaahz and
his neighbors on East side of France attempt to reach an agreement as to proportion of
cost ta be borne By East side residents; or, that Nr- Rekdabl construct his main dong
this street, in the manner of Nr. Mickelsen; mdcing cwgs to 3ast side residents at
such time as they wished to connect, E.lr, Rekbhl refused both puggestions, maintaing
Inasnuch as it is Village position to favor improvements, Council ggree$ t;o proceed
at least as far as advertising for bids on project; end Child offered the fo’Llowing
Besolution and moved its adoption:
.ing that the usual assessable share is all he can pay and still sell his property,
FRANCE ASQEUE BED= 8.5813H AD ~1.602~
I’EEEBIAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in it Bitice
to dl property omers whose properKy may,’be assessed for propwed constraction of
Village Flater &,in Extension in France Avenu? between I;, 58th ad 17, 60th Streets,
pullished in Suburban Press, Hopgins, Niuesota, on April 29, 1948, and has head all
persons appearing at sdd meetingt and duly considered s&d propesed improvement; now
BB I2 RESOLVED by the killage Council of the Villago of Edina’that it is hereby
determined to be necessary to constructkm Village Vater Elain Istension in France
Avenue between W. 58th and W, 60Gh Streets, and
struction heretofore prepared by Engineer Phil, TI. Smith and filed with the Tillage
Clerk are herpby accepted
BE 12 FWKE3 RESOLVED that plans and specifications for such water main con-
asproved as the plans a.nd specifications for said
BE 12 lXE@BEB Rl3SOLvED that the Clerk is hersby directed to advertise for bids
on the basis of cash,payment for suchgvork, stat:ng that the bids will be opened an&
con;sidere&t’by the Council OIL May 24, 19LI8; no bids will be considered unless sealed
and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a $ash deposit or certified check Fyable
to the Clerk for an amount eq_ual. to ten percent of the bid,
BE 12 FUBTHEB €U2SOLQliD that the cost;of said improvement is to be assesscd
against the Bronerty - improved as authorized by Chapter 425, &w of 1921, as amembd.
I-fotion to &opt the Xesolntion ?as seconded %y Hat&homrF, and on Rollcall there vere
five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; trillson, aye; Haxthorne,
aye; and Cooger, aye; and the Resolution vras ad
Vil3age Cle& . ..
&-k‘to “Advereisenent for Bids-S‘anitarg. Sever District No, 21,” published in
Construction Wlet5n, Minneapolis and in Subur&n PTess, Hopl.;ins, Ifinn. on April 3.5,
22, and 29, 1948, Sfidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, %he follovhg
bids were opened and public3;g read on the furnishing of labor and maeerials for
construction of Sanitary Sewer &tension on Frapco Avenue Vetween IT. 58th. ILnd-Vl. 60th
Orfei & brimi, St. Paul,, Ninnesota
Sandstrom & Hzfuer , hltzth, N5nn.
Bonwlder d Coqany, 1420 ikshington Ave. So.
Phelps-Drake Company, >linnezpolis * liinn,
lL345*23 9,860.45
Eavrthorne moved th&t bfds be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and report
at ne& regulzr meeting, Hotion sscchded by Child ad carried.
Pursuant to “Adverfisement for Bids-Stom Sever District No, 15,if .published in
Construction Bulletin, Ninneqolis and in Submban Press, Hopkins, f.finn, on April 15,
22, and 29, 1948, Affidavit of Wilication for vhich tfas re& by Clerk, the follolrhg
bids vere opened and publicly read on the furnishing of 1zBor and materids for
construction of Stomn Sewer on Halifax Avenue, from South 10% line of Lot 23, Block
One, South Harriet Park Second&dition to ,existing Stoq Sewer EWola at 52nd Street
and Hallfax Avenu6: t
Phelps-Drake Company, Minneapolis, Minn. $6,471*35 i
8 Bonmder and Company, Minneapolis, Minn. r. 7,224.2Q
Sandstrom & H&ner, Wuth, Mim. 7,968.00 - -
: Orfei & Harim%, St, Paul, Minn, < 10,109 .go
Childmovcd that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation and
report at next regular meeting, Motion seconded by Willson and carried.
Pursmnt to Advertisement for Bids, Blacktopping of Market Street and Halifax
Avenue, aspublished in Su%mban Press, HoTkins, .and Construckion Bulletin,
Hinneapolis on April 29, 1948; affidavit of publication for vT13ich was read by
Clerk, the folbvring bids were opened and publicly read for furnishing labor
and materials for blacktopping of Market Street between France and Halifax
Avenues and of Halifax Avenue between Nark& and ?lo 5Oth-Streetst
J. V, Gleason , St,. Louis Park, Minn.
Glenn Johnson Contracting Coo, St .Louis Park, Minn, $3~199335
3~ I/. ,Craig Company, Minneapolis, Him, r $4,57O DOo
Motion by Willson that bid of J,- V, Gleason Company, amoun$ $3,199.35, be
accepted, and that'President and Clerk 'be empowered to enter, into contract with
Gleason, vas seconded by Child dd csried.
Pursuant to 11Advertisemen6 for Bids, Curb and Gutter, Market Street," as pu'dLished
in Suburban Press, Hogkins, and Construction Bulletin, lhneapolis, April 29, 1948, affidavit of sublication for which was read by Clerk, the .folloving bids
were opened and pblicly read €or the furnishing of lador and materials for*
construction of Standard Village Curb and Gutter in M&ket Staeet between France
andtH21ifaxAvenues according to plans by Village Bngineerr
Gebrge Nadsen, Minneapolis $1 ,o6d,8O
biold Beckma Company, Minneapolis ' ,1,446,26
Victor Carlson eS Sons, Inc., Minneapolis 1,381,lO
Notion by Willson that bid of George Madsen be accepted, amount $1,060,80, azd
that President and Clerk be empowered to enter into contract trith this firm, was
seconded by Child and carried,
Pursuant to "Advertisedent for Bids-Grading and Gravelling,
Press, Hopkins, and Construction Bulletin, Ninneapolis, April 29 and Uay 6, I. 948,
affidavit of publication for which tras read .by Clerk, the following.bids .were
opened and publicly read for the fwnishing of labor and materials-for gradwg
md gravelling of Benton Avenue, bettreen Code Avenue and Grove Street; lingdale
Avenue between Benton Avenue and l'l, 60th Street, and 11, 59th Street, between
published in Subur'bs?n
Code and 9ingdd.e Avenues: f
Pfeiffer Construction Company, Mimeagolis 10 $3,533 00
Carl Bolander E% Sons Coo, Elinneapolis
!Perry Excavating Go,, St. Eouis Park
Motion by l'!illson that bid of Pfeiffer Construction Coo, amount $3,533.00, be
accapted, and that President an& Clerk be empowered to .enter into contract with
this firm, Was seconded by Hawthorne and caJrrEed,
Pursuaut to"8dvertisement for Bids-Street Sweeping Machine,
Suburb= 'Press, .Hoplrins, and Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis , April 29 and
May 6, 1948, affidavit of publication for which tras read by Clerk, the following .
bfds were opened ad publicly ' read;
published in
&stin-Ilestern Company of Hinn., St. Pad
George 2. J&~R Company, MimeapoLis
$6,330*00 .6,ojo.00
Smith-Punn Comp&y, Miheapolis 8,520 .OO
Willson moved that bids be referred to Village lngineer for taMation ad report
at next regular meeting.
Pul.suant to "Advertisement for. Garbage Colleckion by Contract ," published in
Suburban Press, Hopkins, April 29 and May 6, 1948, affibvit of publication for
which was read by Clerk, bids vere called for furnishing labor and materSdls for
collection of Village garbage betweenSu3.y 1, 1948 and December 31, 1948; under
contract, No bids were received. President Cooper recommended advertising for
a gabage collection un2.t;, in order that Village mi&t go into this business,
stating. that while he believed municipd. collection would save no money, better
service could be given. Hawthorne suggested that matter be referred tB Publit:
Welfare Committee for their investigation, and looking towad aplm for VillGe
collection beginning January 1, 1949. Matter tabled to next regulnr meeting.
Motion seconded by Child and carried.
, ... <
Liquor Control Comissi,onts recommendation of bky 5, 19443 , that &1cLaughlin&illenter,
Rovlmd-Bf~ CO, be .engage& to set up auditing ,system for Lipor Store, under plan
recommended by them, fQf. a totd fee of $2,780,00, was read, p&an being as follows:
1, Installation of Perpetual Inventory, Systm, together with Beceipts ad
Disbursements Journal, tdcingphysicsil count, seeing that each bottle
is properly tagl3ed to tie into Inventory Control.
as to their duties for functioning of system
hiittine: Service - Plat NO, 1.@0 ba usad for 6 MO,)
3fonthly service, merchmdise control maintained %n the3r office,
%pes and tags sent to them d&ly and posted into their records.
Physical inventory taken, and Balance Sheet and Operating State-
ment submitted at end of each month y Fec $23O,OO Per Nonth
Sane service as above, .m2int&qing conf;gol-szstcm, in their
office, Physical jnventory, Balance She+ and'Operatjng State-
ment on $aaterl;s basis , - Fee W0,OO-Per Quwter * 900,OO
Motion by bvrbhorne that Liquor Control Go&ission* s recommendation for employment of
l.fclaughlilenmster, Rowlznd-lhy Co, as auditors for laIunicipal Liquor Store, be
acceptea was seqonded by Child ,and carried.
Lease I;reg;?red by E, A, ~anpbe~. of Busbess fioprtios, '~nc,,/vas presented to
~ouneil, attorney Winaorstts letter of tiay 7, 194-8, pointed out that provisions
of this lease include:
Instruction of operators
Bee $500 moo
.- r 2,
$1380 ,OO
3, Audit- Service - Plan Mo. 2 (lo be ,used for 2nd 6 Ho,) .e .
for prq&ses at 5004 Prance,
1, %tire *ourden of maintenance and rqdr, as well as remodeling expense*
is on the Ykllage; including glass brews, conversion from stoker to
gzls, and other,repairs to heating plant, even though necessitated by
old age of ,existing plant,
2, Propisiqn for privilege of subletting %o a ;fiinancially and morallg
responsible sublessee" is qudified to make Village Liable for payment
of rent for fall 3-yea2 period in case subleqsec defaults.
Havthorne inqired of President Cooper as to whether Ziquor Control Commission still
xishes to have Council negotiate this lease. Ugan Presidentts affirmative answer,
Hmthorne moved that President &d Clerk $e authorized to execute leqse with Bzsiaess
Properties, Inc, for rental of premises at 5004 Prance Avenue for Mimicipal Licpor
Store, for threeyear period beginning June 1, 1948, at rental of $100 per month.
1-lotion seconded by Pden and carried, ,
Dr, Ralph G, Petersonts f-hy 8 request for permit'to move house located at 5700
Xormandale Road to a prgposed location about 200 .feet in a westerly direction to the
back part of his unplatted property, vas read.
1-1~ 4, was reviewed, and jlt vas ascertained that Dr, Psterqon wishes to move his
house to its,prososed location, despite any difficulty he-may have in the future
vith regard to proposed pkt,
to all building regulations and approval by Building Inspector,
Palen and carried, 1.lrs. Peterson vas present during discussion,
Petition of April 23, signed by Geo. L, fCrisler, and fCmstees of St,>Peterls Luther=
Church, recpesting repair of sidetmlk, curb an& gatter on East side of ?rance.Avenue
between W, 54th Street 2nd Fuller Street, after putting street to permanent grade,
Attorney Windhorst's letter-of May 8, to tbe efzect that change in street grade makes
Villzge liable for expspse of lowering level of sidewalk, was read,
Planning Commission's action of
Eathhrno moved that moving permit be issued subject
Xotion seconded by
offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: -
VHEREEAS, petition datedApri3. 23, 1948, signed by omers of alutting property
and requesting Iwering of sidevdk le~el and necessmy repair of existing sidevalk,
cmk and gutter, on Prance Avenue between 71, 516th md mxller Streets, has peen duly
filed with this Council, ad 1. Tw, it has been determined that it is the liability of the Village of
Bdina to so lover sidevr& level and make, the necessary repairs, at no eqense to the
property owners
mol!, fpmOB, 333 IT BXSOLVXD by the VillGe Council of the Village of Edina
that sidewalk level on East sZde of Frmco Avenue between 54th Sftreet and Fuller
Street be lowered, in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by
Ph5l I't, Smith, Village Engineer, and
BE I2 TUILTa RXISOLVXD, that Village Clerk be diracted. to advertise for bids
for labor and materizls necessary for removal of old curb, gutter and sidermXc, lower-
ing of grade, and construction of new sidekralk, curb and gutter to replfm that
romoved, with 'bids for -such work to be opened H.lay 24, 19b8tL **
BE IT J?U€L2~~SOL~ that the cost of said construction be borne by the
General Puna of the Village of Edina.
Motion ti adopt the Resolution was seconded by'lfillson, and on Rollcdl *here were
five ayes and no ass,. as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; id Dooper, aye;-and the Eesolution was adopted,
A r* .A
Presixent of the Village Comcy
Petition signed by owners of Lots 7 through 11, Block 1, and S,J, Lovett, Chairman
of Board of ldina Baptist Chqch, owner of Lots U,l3 azld 14, Block 1, South Ha,rriet
&irk Second Addition, for sewer and water main const-suction, was presented 'Oy Mr,
Lf.cmpmarr, representing the Church, and the owners of the other lots, After some
discussion as to the best wag of routing water mains i,e, , from If. $2nd Street, tbrough
easement across back of non-dfected propwties, as against across Village-otmed
lot and thea to affected properttes, Hawthorne moved that petition be accepted and
reTerred to Village Engineer for estaates of cost, Motion seconded by Chfld aad
Messrs, hrek and Milbreth inquired as to status of petition for grading Adams
Avenue between 4th and 5th Streets,
md write these gentlemen.
T4r. James Richards, 4613 Oak Drive, and another resident from this street, appeared
to protest method of assessing cur% and gutter and blacktopping, msiktainiIg that
they, as obmers of corner lots, have been assessedurrfairly, and that they understood
when signing the petition for improvements, that assessment for the side of the lots
would be prorated in the front footage assessmen%,for the iqrovement; that this
information had been received from Mr. Alex Creighton before petition was clrculated.
Nrm C, 5. Hallman, owner of O& Drive property, dated he thought owners of the corner
lots should hme some relief from the assessment,
Tillage has been follovinga definite procedure in making its assessments, %ut Mr.
%chards maintained that Yaillage had changed its procedure between signing of
petition- and making us assessment rolls.
sete for May 24, 1948, at 8:OO PA on the matter of the re-assessment of Oak: Drive,
St, Johns an& Concord Avenue properties for curb and gutter and blacktopping.
Motion seconded by llillson and carried, unanimously8
Sn the matter of building pedt issued to Ralph lhite, Attorney PaZmer represented
Mr, White, and Attorney Stoller represented &. *old Schaefer and other neighbors.
After resume of his arguments,+ presented April 26, Attorney Stoller reiterated that
neighbors would insist upon Mr, FJhitets Locatiq his house at least 155 feet back
from middle of Schaefer Road, and alleged misrepresentation by Mr. White in securing
this permit.
m&er mthorization of pernit issued. and that Tillage would be liable for damages
if permit is revoked, and reviewed for Councf'J. the uneven lmild.lng line already
established on Shaefer Road, but sdd that Mr, White is willing to locate his house
one hundred feet back from front lot li&, At President Cooperts recommendation,
Palen moved that building permit issaed to Ralph thite be revoked unless Mrm IJhZte
elects to comply with ltoning Ordinance. For purpose of putting motion to vote,
Hawthorne seconded it,
Hawthorne, No; and Cooper, Aye; and the motion was 10~5,
* md other Schaefer Road neighbors were preselit during discussion, voicing 'their
objections to perrai+ issued, -
Letter from Mrs. Id, leidt, 4846 France Aveaae, recpesting that fence be constructed.
around l1lagoonff was read, Messrs. 1illson and Smith reported that lagooa had been
filled in 'but that no vegitation is growing there, and that p2operty owners have
requested that property be returned to them,
President Cooper reported receiving complaint of night noises at Ifanner Plant, which
factory doors, and that noise is ,%@,
for next meeting.
Office instructed to secure necessmy infomt2on.
Eawthorne eqlained that the
Hawthorne moved that Public Hearing be
Attorney Palmer stated that Mr, !?hits had -broken gcound for his house
Upon rollcall vote, Child voted Eo; €'&en, Aye; Vfillson, No:.
lfrs, Schaefer, Mr, PMllippJ.,
Letter filedwith Clerk
Willson confirmed, Mr, Chris Lsson, neighbor, stated that employee8 open
Office asked'to get noise Niusance Ordinance
Dr, &.Id. Kollergs request for installation of street light a6 Ridge mace and
D&e Drive vas read, and, bymotioh Hmthorne, seconded by Child, and carried, vas
referred to Village Engineer for checking md report at next meeting,
Bfr, John Person inquired about sever assessment re%.& and method of levying for
park board expenditures
Prekident Cooper inkomed Council" that I-&, Cobell has' declined to' serve on the
Liquor Control Coxmission because bf the press of his om business, and' ill heath,
urd nominated Xr. Eloi Baners, 4600 Golf !?errace, to serve on the Commission,
Emkhorne moved that Nr, Cooper's nomination be confirmed,
Nr, De C, Garrishls repest for blacktopping on 8, 51st Street betveen Bedford and the
alley at the re& of his property was read,
to Tillage Engineer fo'r btudy and report' at next meeting,
Hr. Russel3. Lund pre&rited petitioq signed by representatives of Luna Kmse, Inc,
and Zdina Properties, Inc,, ab,
and Michael. A, Dzvitt, requesting that billage acquire and. improve certain properties
on the South side of 1.lnrlre.t; Street for the pqose bf maZntai&ng and operating auto-
nobile par- facilities thereon; Gsessing the cost of said aequisition and ingrove-
ment to "A11 that property other than the property to be acqpired, bounded by FGarrce
Avenue on the East, 50th Street on the South, Halifax Avenue on the I'lest an& 1-2aSket
Street on the North." lSr, Paen suggested that a traffic laae between First E&a
State Bvlk and Hoves be acquired at the same time, hwthorne moved tha? Petition be
referred to Village Engineer and Village Attorney for draft5.& of condemnation proceed-
ings for the acquisition of the land stipulated in petition, and that Building Inspector
be directed to issue no builw permits on this property until further directions fin
the Council, During discussion 14r. Lund stated
that he would like to see paking lot controlled, but did not like the idea of a "Paidn
Zot;-and that he r.rolild like to see an ordinace making it necessary for future buSldings
in4 the Gasiness district to provide adeqwte parking spce,
parking lot is a good thing but does npt see how it camst benefit him as he &s
provified pmking space across grance Avenue for his property,
Petition signed bg 3, 2. Longer&y, Jr*, 4612 !!?oyer Street, wd severd other M,jGth
Stre<et and lower Street property owners, requesting r,empvd pf "barn, horses, offal,
eqnipnent and other unsightly attachments to the land at the corneb of St. John Avenue
and !her Street;,It vas read, H2wth;orne moved th@ petition be tabled, Hotion seconded
by TJiILson and carried.
r ,
Seconded by Child and
l/illson moved that petition be referred
Notion seconded by Child
ad carried,
Rhoda Lund, 2hos, CordaJ.is and.&rgaret Cordalis,
Hotion seconded 'by Villson and carried,
Nr. Stanchfield, omer
of -property at Northvest corner of Frznce and 50th Street, stated he believes the .* I .
Let$er from Victor Calson 8: Sons, Inc,,. dated Nay 5, 1948, requesting that stakes be
set for their curb md gutter jobs Qmediate&r, tJas read,, and filed Mi4& Clerk,
Ekr, ~~5llsoa notified .Comcll of the engineering work to be done this spirtst and move&
tkt Village Engineer, Phil. TI, Smith be authorized to hire what extrahelp he needs to
proper37 attend to this engineering work. No.t;ion seconaed by Havthorne ana carried, aith
four we votes and Gooper voting Bo,
. Letter, conrplinenting Pd.ice Officer Dahl. for his efficiency Vas read by members and
filed vith .clerk, with instructions that it be referred to Police Department,
&fro- CoQier asked; Council's cooperation in hav& office notify all. Edina residents of a
pu3lic rally to be held at
€or children's re&eat.ion thm Park Board is able to carry oue,
Coopergs recormendation be accepted, Seconded by Palen carried, !Chis meet- ~'ta5
tentatively scheduled for &fay 19, later be- changed to &esday, 14a 25, 19@, at 8:OO
1.b. 3dea called BomciZ's attention 'to a nunber of &ass fir& vhich bve been started
by sparks from trains, and moved that Ninnqapolis, Nortbfield and Southern RaiLv~ay CO,
be repested to reduce heavg smoke and put spark arrestors on their stadks.
seconded by Harrthorne and carriea,
League of ILfinnesota liiunicipit.ities* letter of 'Apt1 30, notif& Council of League
Convention to be held in 2FElribaul.t on Jxme 14, 15 and 16, vas read,
that Pillage Engfneer and snch members .of the Council as wish to attend be authorized
to attend this Convention vith reasonable expenses paid,
and carried,
School in connection# with plans to provide more facilities
Fbvthorne lnoved that Ih.
I P,M, *. .
*T&horne moved ,*
ISotion seconded by ~&llson
Nessrs, GecM-er and Sanders' petition fqr permi$sion to construct double dwelling
at Xortheast corner of 56th and York, was presented, 'Hawthorne moved that public
hewing on petition 'be set for Nonday, *May 24, 1948, at 8:OO P,H,
by Palen and carried,
Building Inspector Woehler recommended that Mr, Dahl's April 26th request for pmit
to move house from 6155 Prance to a location 35 feet Back from Zwing Avenue be
grated, Hawthorne
moved that perait be'granted, Seconded Child and carried,
Nr, Voehler reported Mr. Garrisonr's reqGst to move a 22x22 double garage back of
his nev building.
with structurlitl provisions of building code,. Seconded by Willson and carried.
Engineer Smith's recommendation for instaElation of street lights at intersection of
Griffit and Maloney Avenues, at intersection of South Blake Road and road Imovm;aS
Wrench Rod, and at Blake Road, first sharp turn south of Boos residence, was read,
Hawthorne moved that Council request Northern States Power to install lights in
aocordance with recommendation, vas seconded by Willson and carried.
President Cooper requested instdlation of street light on Benton Avenue, and also
a "Dead Bnd Street" sigrr,
Ingineer for report at next regular meeting. Seconded byVlil.lson and carried,
Notion seconded
Mr. Voehler says this house is struct-idly safe for moving.
Hawthorne moved that permit be granted providing building conforms I
Hawthorne moved that requests be referred to Village
Oaptain Clarence butson's April 12 request for st $30.00 per month cost of living
raise €or each nan on the Police Department, based. on a 48-hour work week, was read,
Hawthorne moved that $30.00 per month cost-of-living raise be granted for dl mem%ers
of Police Department., Seconded 'by Palen and carried,
that William HeydtIs base pay be raised to $200,00 per month. After col-zsiderable
discussion by Comcil, and comparison of Mr, Heydt's duties with those of a new
Patrol 0fficer;whose base pay is $202;00, as made by Captain Xnutson, HawthoPne's
motion stood, $30.00 per month per man raise being retroactive to May 1, 1948.
President Cooper recommended
Hawthorne offered the following Ordinance, moving that Comcil dispense with second
readhg and adopt Ordinance-as read: -
" *w
The Vfllage Council of E&na do ordain ad: follows:
Section 1,
(a) "Nan-Intoxicating mat liquor" s'hall mean malt liquor containing less than
('bj lhrchasell shall include all barters, gifts and other means used to obtah
(c) 'l8stablishmentn shall include individual person, partnership, trust, corpor-
Definition of termsk As used in this'ordinzulce the terms
3.2 per cent by volume of dcohol;
non-intoxicating malt liquor in violation or evasion of this ordinance:
ation-or association;
Section 2,. It shall be amisdemeanor for any person being less than twenty-one
yeas of age to purchase non-intoxicating md.t liquor any place vikhin the lim€ts of
the Village of ldha.
Section 3. It shall be amisdemeanor for an$ person being less than twenty-one
years of age to consume non-htoxicating malt liquor in any estabLishment 59 the
Village of Bdina licensed for on-ale handling of hon-intoxicating malt liquor,
Section 4, It shd.1 'be a misdemeanor for any person being less than twenty-one
years of age to represent that he is twenty-one years of. age or over for the purpose
of obtaining non-intoxicatingmalt liquor within the Limits of the Village of Edina,
hsndlhg of non4ntoxicating malt liquor are required to post copies of this ordinance
in every booth arrd near every table where said liquor is sold as well as to prominently
&isplay a copy behind every bar,
Section 5. Az1 estaB1ishments in the Pillage of Eldina licensed for llo~ sale"
Section 6. All extablishments in the Village of Edina licensed for "off-sale!
haadling of non-intoxicating malt.liquor shall praminently display a copy of this
ordinance behind every bgr. or counter ,where, said liquor is sold.
Section 7. Any establishment which fails to post and display &pies of this
ordinance as heretofore required shall be qubject to having its license tQ sell non-
inboxicating malt liquor Pevoked.
Section 8. *This ordinaye SWL take effect; and be &n force from and aft&
its passage md publication according to law,
I-lotion to adopt the Ordinance vas seconded by Villson, an$ on Rollcall there vere
five ayes and no nws, as follovrs:
aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinwee vas adopted.
k e
Child,.aye; Palen, aye; I'liElson, age; &,Ithorne,
Acesident of the Vtllage C
Eawthorrme offered the followhg Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second
reading and adopt Ordinance as rea&
Ihe VilTage Cowcel of the iillage*of Bdina, in Hennepin County, Minnesota, does
or& as follov.rs: -
Section 1. !Chat part of section gne of the Setrage Ordin'lmce passed July 1,
1940 wEch sets the sewage rental charge fgr school buildin- and reads, '!School
Buildi&gs: $180.00 per year net," i8 amended to Tead, lrSchool Buildings: a gtaduated
charge based on the enrollment of the school as of the preceding first school day
after January 1. The graamted rate shalL be:
Enrollment of 400 or over '. $180 -00
150.00 Enrollment of 300 to MO
Enrolhent of 200 to 300 100.00
Enrollment of 200 to 200 - 50.00
Enrollment of less than 100 -
Section 2. 'phis grdinance shall take effect and be in force from and after
its passage and publication according to latr.
ldotion to adopt Ordinance vas s;?conded by Cliild, and on Rollcall there were five ayes
aPd no nags, as follovrs:
Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance vas adopted;
Child, aye; Palen, aye;+I'fillson, aye; Hmthoqe, aye: and
President of the Vi
Ordinance regwiklng posting of roads against heavy travel, as drafted by Attorney
I'Tindhorst , Vas ref erred to Police Departmen% for their reconmendations , . by motion
VilI.son* seconded by Pden and carried. -
Ordinance €or the rezoning of the property just North of 513% and France vas presented
ad carried over to the next meeting.
0fI"ice reported Plznning Commission's recornendation that Lmdblad progerty at
intersection of Elighmy No. 169 and Eden Avenue be rezoned to Community Store District.
&wthorne*s motion referring matter back to Plannins Conmission for €ur$her study vas
seconded by Palen and carried,
Office reported that Hr. Carl 1.i. &sen had presented his master plan of %rhfood
Knolls"~ to Yne Phnn5.n~ Commission, in accordance with his April 26th promise to the
Council, and that Planning Comission is studying this plan. Havthorne'moved that
Ctouncil*s action against fk. hsen be held in abeyance until the next regula
. meeting. .Kotion seconded by Villson and carried.
Interlachen Country Club*s notification of their intention to have Bingo Parties
included in their social calendar for the season vrcs read and filed with Clerk, vith
instructions to office to have Club notify Clerk of dates of parties.
5/10 f48 * 39 Willson's motion for payment of the following claims was seconded by Child and carried. Commissioner of Taxation (General Fund) $25 -72
Arthur H. Petersen (Garbage ~7.4 826 . 00 I
\ Suburban Hennepin Cy. Relief Bd. (Poor ma) 292.30
Palen's motion, approving paymnt of Payrolbefor Way.1 to May.15, 1948, and Overtime
Payroll for 1.lont-h of April, 194-8, total amount $3,183.21, as follom, was seconded by
Billson and carried:
Gretchen Schussler
Bernice Johnson
Helene Freeman
Louise tles t erberg
Sub- t 0 tal
Fred Jonas
Clarence Knu'cson
Rilding Dahl
Vm . S. Heydt
Henry 14. Vrobleski
Bert 14. Elerfeld
TJilliam V. Hoffman ~
Lloyd McGary
Sub-t 0 tal
Philip Bailey .
Pete Dahlgren
Hat t MerSeld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Ronald Port
C. 71. Cardarelle
Sub4 0 tal
Cbles Johnson
Jacob Shmak ., Vayne Tracy I
Jose@ Natole
Wm. H. Hell
h Sub-total
$ 255.62 29.80 10.22 40.02 215.60 2175 .138.04 16-50 5.52 22.02 116.02 2176
89.47 -0- 3 -58 3 058 85.89 2177
63 . 91 1.10 2.56 3.66 60.25 2179
76 69 7.40 3.07 -10.47 . 66.22 U78
$ 623.73 54.80 24-95 79.75 543.98
107.36 3.50 4.29 7.79 + 99.57 2180
136.50 8.20 5 046 123 e72 5-80 4.95 76 69 -0- 3.07 103 . 27 2.90 4.13
103.27 2.90 4.13
, 103.27 - 11.20 4.13 10'3.27 2.90 4.13
$ 749.99 33-90 30.00
13.66 122.84 2181 10.75 112.97 2182 3.07 73 62 2183 7*03 96.24 2184. 7-03 96.24 2185
15 033 87.94 2186
7.03 96.24 2187 63.90 - 686.09
120 . 14
111 . 82 109.92 111.82
1.20 4.79 6.99 113.90
4.81 14.71 105.43 9.90 9,oo 4.65 9.65 106.71
-0- * 4.47 4.47 107.35 3.80 4.40 8-20 101.72
-0- 4.12 4.12 98-83
-0- 4.47 4.47 107.35
94.07 1-70 3.76 5.46 ' 88.61
103 .M 2. go 4.14. 7.04 96.44
89 0.98 9.10 3.60 12.70 77 . 28 89!98 5.00 3.60 8.60 81.38
122 . 70 9.90 4.91 14.81 107.89
$ 500.21 28.60 20.01 48.61 . 451.60
$2873.60 140.70 114.93 255.63 ~ 2617.97
1 .,
U88 2189 * 2190 2191 2192
2193 2194
21 96
2197 2198
Ben Woehler 181.80 14.70 7.27 21.97 159.83 2201
Sam Roberts 127.81 6.40 5.11 ' 11.51 116.~0 2202
$ 309.61 21.10 -12.38 33.48 276.13
?GRAND TOTAL PAYROLL $3183.21 161.80 127.31 289.31 2894.10 -
Office reported that a-Hesing on petition for curb-and gutter construction on Thielen
Avenue would be necessary to initiate. proceedings .
on petition for Curb and Gutter Construction be set for Monday, June 14, 1948, at
8200 P.M.
Engineer Smith reported th& Village should now advertise fbr bixs Tor blpcktopping
Frame Avenue between Y.57th srnd W.58th Street, inasmuch: as this work was delayed last year because of Water Main Construct+on in this street, Willson moved that Clerk.
be directed to advertise for bids for blacktopping of France Avenue between W.57th and
We 58th Streets, according to Ingineer' s specifications , bids to be taken May 24, 2948.
Motion seconded by Child and carried.
Mr. Tloehler asked permission to advertise for bids for connection-of pp at 53rd and
Halifax, saying that Union would not allow this connection by Village labor6 Hawthorne
moved that Village advertise for %ids for labor and materials necessary to move pumping
equipnent from one pump house to the other and connecting same.
Child and carried.
Hawthorne's motion for adjournment of meeting to Monday, May 17, 1948, at 8:gO P.M.
Idillson moved that' Public Hearing
Notion seconded by
was beconded by Willson and carried,