HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480524_REGULARcooperaf;ioa:and aid in the drafting of this Ordinance, aadunmimously carries, Motion seconded by Villson, Vith regard to Ziquor Commissionts recommendation, read this evenings that all liquor advertisenents except those of the Kmicipal Liquor Store be barred from $le VLllee, President -requested Village Attorney's yritten legal opinion by Inlay 24, D WTUT3S OF SPECIAL l*iElilTIl?G. 05' EDINA VILWE COUlKZL A@ BDINA_LIQUOR COFOL COXI-SZSSZQT, I ' ~O~AY, rirap 216, ~948, AI! 7:30 wr. I Pui.suant to due call by Council Preside& Cooper, Neeting vas convened with the $allowing menbers present: Coopr; Xor the Xiquor Control Commissioq,- - Bauers, Ealha~, Kelly, Morris and Coo2er. .'Vi&ge-Attorney 'tlindhorst, -ad Auditor by vere &so present. f l?or the Council - Child, Pden, Ifillson, Eavthorne and * Binutes of Liqmr Control Commission Meetings of &.y 21 ad 23 vere read. I kclitor 1.1~ presented proposed Bill of Sale, itemizbg stock and fixtures vhich 'Hay and Stenson Go. vdll sell to Village for $5,000. Xr, €4zg reported Iby ad Stenson's tentstive offer of 5-year lease for building, E& rental of $400.00, vith Village to pay taxes, and vith ostion to Village to -purchase building and land (26'=;102t) for sum of $45,000, vith rentals to zgply on prchase price, :less $ interest._ Wlwn moved that Liquor Control Commission recommend to Council that steps bo t&en td terminate arrmgements with Mr. Campbell for lease of proprty at 5004 France Averrue, and that aa attemp$ be made to negotiate with I & Stenson for . lease on basis of Hr. T.Tay~s report, I Heeting zd journed, JfIlWS' OF FKEl RZGW HE3fCIKG OF TEE ZDIlTA AT THE EDiNA VIliLAGE w, BIP 8:OO P.H. VILLAGE COUNCIL, HGLD XONDS, JW 24, 19w Members answering Bollcall vere Chiid, Palen, Vilison, Havthorae and Cooper, Ha3;rthorne aoved that Hinutes of fhe Re-&a.r 14eeting of k& LO, ad Adjourned Portion of ILay LO 1-leeting, held 2kb.y 17, be appoved as submitted. Hotion seconded by Villson and carried, Pursuant to Wotice of Bearing on Peti6ion to Build," published in Henne2in County Review,. Eopkins , l-It.flnnesota, l.Sag l3th, affidmit of which puKLication vas read %y Clerk, President called public liesing on ,E. If. Ge,cUer*s p ti>ion to 'ouild a 'aouble b&&ovr at corner of $6th Street and York Avenue, Hrs. Robert Sweet,. . and I,Iessrs, G,I, Xmlen, A.J. Perreault, Eoirard. Dovmey, 0.3. Brost, md G.B. Pms- irorth, objected; with Wr, 1.rhalen presenting neighbors' signed petition so obj.ecting, Hm%home &oped tlzzt petition to build doulle dwelling be denied, Seconded by - I Pzlen and carried. President Cooper announced publicly that Hearing on Reassessmat for cost of Curb, Gvtter and Blzcktoppins on Ozk Drive, Concord ad St, Johnrs Avenues vould be . .postponed .iintil Monday, June 14, 1948, at 8:OO P.W. 1uTsu3pt' to "Advertisenent for Bids for Velder and Tar Kei&le,tl published in 1 Henne2in County Revielr, Ho$ins, Nay 13 ad 20, Affidavit of vhich vas read by Clerk, the follovfing bids vere publicly opened and read: Geo*T* COS , l.fPl~. $653 00 -0- Alteruz.t;e $707.00 -0- 'PAR ICEI?P'pIrE TELW Vn. H. Ziegler Co. Minneapolis Equipment Coo TAR EE!L'c'pI;F: 'I.IEI;DER 8 621.00 $268.00 $ 690~00 $ -0- Notion by 't?illson that bids be referred to Villagb Engineer and Street Commissioner for re9ort at next meeting vas seconded by Child and c~rried, Tvo ir+quiries trere made as to reason for 106 urater pssrare in ViLhge. Gentlemen weTe informed that Village is advertising for bids for connection of HalW;;x Avenue p5p; that bids will be taken this evening, and that work should be done within w. t~eek. Sursurznt totlAdvertisement for Bks-Connect ion bf Tkater '*%pP, Hennepin County Rsvievr, Hogkins, Nay..13 and 20, affidavit .of Publication for which 'vms read by Clerk, the follovrlng 'bids kere pU"0licly opened and'reaat published 3a i .] -, . $170 00 $195 .q2' F.M. Trigp, Mianea>o?.s , I Ele ct ri c Naint enaxe Go rg?'. i Hawthorne moved for acceptance of the 'bia of F.li. Tripp, atkomt'$170.00. by TEillson an& carried. I Seconded t 4- Nr. Glenn Carlson and Mrs. Dorothy Richter, opmers of properties 'a%utting Code Avenue, protested manner of grading this streetr. will. need a &2-Eoot fill, vhereas he plamed on a maxim fZll of thee feet. M6s. Richter said Dade ;is now- six feet above here property. exzlained to Nrs. Richter that job'is not finished, and that dirt will be moved frorn the port9on of the street abutting her proprty and satisfactory grade esta'blished at th& point. moved that V-illagewtlnPineer be authorized to revise p1bs for grade of Code Avenue to prbvj.de lop dG grade instead carried. Eater in' evening 1.8~. Cqlson asked for a bred 9n' the grade, Crith Nesnrs. Ifillson ahd Smith arr2,ngihg to meet Mr, &crlson on 'i'lles- to discuss7 this matter, Nr. Carlson and Nrs, Richter were informed that change in grade I.rould be faore eqensive to p~op rty ovmers. . Efr. B. C. Stove requestkd pemission- 3; use- Village rehucer for hydrant in order to use Village water for trateriDg boulevard-trees on Yvonne Terrace, It vas brought out'by 3l:ngiGeer Smith that this p&ac%ice has been avo-idea became of dangers to hydrants. reducers in order that contractors and develo+'rs might be ,served. =reed Eo place a deposit with Vilkge for use of vlaterl, Nr. %'.?** Lofigevray, Jr., &6lZ !t!o+Jer, krotested presence of barn, Iilanure pile, etc., a% Costello residence, 4601 1?.56tkr Street. of petition filed with Council April 26. Mr, Longeway8s contenteon vas that 'maaure pile dravls flies and**is therefore .a health Uzard; 'that tliere are d80 rats on prenises; and that presence of manure pile in q built-up section constitutes a nuisance. ?!hen Nr. L6ngevray tras reminded that *l.fr. Costellot s bard vas %here before nev residences were built; he said I.I.L.. 'Carl N. Hasen had told buyers of the proprty that this place trould be cleaned up. -council requested that Nr. Ifindhorst investigate as to whether mame pile may constitute hedth hazard or- nuisance, Nr. Carlson stated his property Engineer Smith He also said street is on a.12$ grade. Hawthorne 12$.grade. Notion seciinded by Palen and c : President Cooper reconmen& that Village order a dozen Hr. Stove !, -<- . 1 a- (. L TUs objection is in su;_port r' 14inutes of l;iquor Control Commission Meetings of Nay 11, 14, 21 and 23 vere read. as &maser of Liquor Store; hks been as a grain buyer in South D&ota, that he does not live in Edina at present although he ouJns"6 house here,T.rill mbve here if hired, Havrthorne moved that Liquor Control CommissioG's recommendation for ermjloynent of 14r."Earl 3. Keeler as Nmager of Liquor Store, at dalary of $3OO,OO per month, 'be hccepted, !.'lotio6 seconded by Paleh add c~aried,' In interview with Nr. Bra Kipply, recommended by Commission for emplopent as Clerk $or Nmieipal Liquor Store, Nr. Xipply recited his experience with Hay and Stens6n Co., and wieh S.J. Groves & Sons Co. of Mr. Frwlk Kipply for Clerk in Nunicipal Liquor Store, as recommended by Liquor Control ConmissSon; at salzry of $2511.60 per month, be approved. Motion seconded by Pden and ,carried, Council interviewed Mr, 3.~1 J, Keeler; who was recommentled by Commfssion During interview Xr. Keeler stated that his eqerience ' &vrfhorne moved that emplopent 5/24/48 .. - - Tie matter oz the issuance if revenue bonds for the purpose of ffnancing the establishment of the municipal liquor disTensary vras disdssed, and the Villge Attorney presented a suggested form of resolution setting forth the proposed terms ad covenants of szid-bonds, for use in advertisins the same at public sale. Said resolution vas examined, ap,roved and ordered placed on file in the office of the Village Cleric, open to public inspection, pending sale of said revenue bonds. I Clerk Hatrthorne introduced the following Resolution and noved its adoptid R,ESOLU"ION PROVIDINJ FOR SAXE OF $75,000 LIQmR DISmSBRY REVXITI33 BOK%. -_ -- BE IT 33SOLVED Bi the Village Council of'the Village of 3dina, Minnesota, 1, as follovs: This Counki.1 sM1 meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice contained in haragrarph 2 hereof to receivb, open and consider sealed bids for the pwchase of $75,000 Liquor Dispensary Revenue Bonds to be issued for the purpose of"prbviding monieb to defra costs incurred and to be hcusred in the esta3lishent of the municipal liquor dispensary, in accordhce with Ordinance adopted April 5, l948. 2, time,'; place and purpose of said meeting to be published ofme in the- official nevrspqer, which notice shdl-be $n substantially the following form: , l!he Clerk is he%eby Lutharized and directed to cause a not5ce'of the NOTICE OF BOND SAI;E ITOIICE IS X3BEX GIVEN TPBBI! the Village Council of the Village of Edins, 1Jjnnesota, will mekt at the Village Wl, 4801 If. 50th Street in said Villzge on fcuesday, June 1, 1948, at 8:OO b~clock PJL, for the pur- pose of receiving, opning mi considering sealed bids for and avardie the sde of $75,000 Zipor Dispensary Revexhe Bonds of said frillGe, to be issued. for the purpose of defraying costs of establishment of the mwlfcipal liquor dispensary ;?Pd to be payable solely from the net income and revenues derived from the operation of said dispensary. * June 1, l9M, v%ll bear interest at a rate to be designated by the successful bidder 5n m integral muZtiple of 4 or 1/10 of 1$ per annum, payable December 1, 19118, pnd s.en3annaly thereafter on June 1 ad December i of each yea, and will mture serially ,in the mount of .$15,000 on June 1 in each of the years 1949 throxh 1953, d.1 bonds maturing a the years 1952 and 1953 being %abject to redemption and prepayment at pas and accrued interest, in inverse order of serial nm$ers, on June 1, lgfj~,. and any inteT'est payment a$te * thereafter. banking institution in the United Stites designated by the successful bidder, The Village will furnish, sithout cost to the purchaser andyithin thirty days d3er mad pf sale, the printed and executed bonds and the approvw leg& opinion of lfessrs. Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott 8: Bdber of laIinneaplis, Ihnes otg. I %id bonds will be date?? Principal, and interest will be mde 'paya%le at any suitable ' Bids marked "Bid for $75,OOO BondsJi may be delivered or mailed to the undersigned, to arrive prior to she time of said neeting. auction bids will not be considered, adopted by the Vilfde Gomcil, setting forth the terms and covenants of said bonds, msy be obtained a prospective bidders ffom the undersigned Village Clerk, and bids may be conditioned upon the tems'set forth in said resolution. Ezch bid shall be otherwise unconditional, and shall be accoqmied by a cashier's or cirtified check or bank draft in ,the amount of at least $1500, _. *Saya%le'to the Village Treasurer, to be forfeited as liquidated dmGes in case the bid be accepted and the biWer sM1 fail to conply therev5th. Gomcil reserves the right to reject my and all bids. Oral Copies of a proposed resolution to be 1 IChe *' Dated relay 24, 1948 BY ORl&R OF TI33 VILLAGE COUITCIL: Bover &vthorne, Village Clerk ,. 3. Esh znd all of the terms and provisiks of the foregoiILg form of notice are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of szid revenue bonds ad of the sale thereof. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Child, and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereoft Child, Pden, T?illscA, Hawthorne and Copper; and the following voted sgainst the same: No nay votes, whereupon said resolution was aeclared duly passed and ~ adopted. Village Clegk- --.. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ?‘ RESOLUTION FOR !??EbI??ORARY LOAH l?EON GWERAL PmX 170 LIQ.ITOB FURD Bli: IT RESOLmD by the Village-Council of thZI Village of Edina, that an amount of $10,000 shall be transferred from the General hd to the’Eiquor Fund as a temporary 1- fdr currenf o erations, and that d1 bills dready incurred or to be incurred, ff&d%!f?g?b&k!$ef o$%MFe&?$&n sale of Liquor Dispensary hd Bonds, shall be paid from said Liquor 3’und. Motion to adopt Resolution vas seconded by Pzlen, and on Rollcsll there were five ayes arid no nays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution I Child, aye: Palen, we; Vlillson, aye; Hwthorne, .- Presideht of the Village Vil’l&e Cl%k Hmthorne offered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: RES0LU”ION POR RJ3SCISSIOIi OF AGIIOI! 20 APPROVE LEASE FOR 7 €!EEliISES AI! SO04 PRAlTCE Am BE IT J3ESOLVXD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that thSs Council hereby rescinds it approval of the lease for the property Located at 5004 hanee Avenue, in accordance with recommendationmade by Liquor Control commission as of $his date, and that the Clerk is directed and-authorized to notify Business Properties, Inc, of such rEission, effective immediately. l~fotion to adopt the Resolution VJaS seconded by Child, and on Rollcdl there were Tive Wes ad no nags, as follows: aye; aud Cooper, aye; and the Resolution Child, aye; Palen, aye; lli1Ison, aye; Hmthom .. ... .I -. H atrthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: R3SOLUTION FOR PURCRBSE OF STOCK OF HAY C% STEIiSON GO,, TOGETEE~ ~.IITE.F’~XTIX.ES LOCATZD $I! ‘3922 ti., 50th S9?REl32 r. 7 f -- I .- -. - t . .._ . %. . -..- BE IT lXZSOLV3D 3y the Village Council of the Village of Zdim that this Courrcil purchase stock of liquor, and fixtures located at 3922 W, 50th Street, as Atemized by Bill of Sale from Ha,$& Stenson Co. presented by Auditor May and recornended by Liquor Contyol Goqnissdon as of this d.ate, at purckse price of $3,000, su‘bject-to inclusion of release fro^ HE$ and Stenson Co. releasing Billage from liability-to purchase any other stock ad equipment. I 14otion to adopt the Besolution was seconded by Bden, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as f 0310~s: aye; and Cooper, aye: ad the. Resolution was adopted, . Child, aye; ?den, aye; Eillson, we; bwthosne , 5/24/m . t ', Xaerthorne moved that ~.Icl;2u~~in-~~ulle~ster, Rov.rlandt and &Q-, , Auditoys , and ; Village Attorney John If*&iorst be authorized and directed to nefotiste with Eay b Stenson Co. ,for rent& of preaises at 3922 If, SOkh Street, @th option to purchase, A1 as recornended by Liquor Control Conkission as of this date. Hotion seconded by Palen, On Rollcall vote, there were five ayes 2nd no nays,; as follotrs: notion carried. Child, aye; Palen, we; IRLXsoli, *e; kvthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; 1 Yatthorhe offered the following Ordinance, moved that Council dispense .crith second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read$ AH OmInfiTm AI:IEIJDII7G 'IAX ORDInaTCE ES'U5LSSEING A I~SCIPAL LIQUO'R DISP"~SARY;~' AIX)PICED 339 ll~~ EDIXA- VIUa COUI~CII; APRIL 5, 1pM. Ihe Council of the Village of Edina do ordain: - -Section $D Section 4 (a) of tbt certad ordlnance entitled rrh Ordinance Estzblishing a I-junici@al Liquor Dispensary, by this Council on April j, 1948, is hereby amended so as to read as follovrst adopted t I Section ri.'(a> s IGuniciFal liquor dispensary iund is hereby created-in which dl revenues received from the operation of the dispensary shall be deposited and from vhich all ordinary operating expenses shall be paid, ; Section 2. This ordinance shall %&e effect and be in force fron and Gter its passage and publication, Hotion for adostion of the Ordinance vas seconded by Palen, and on Rozlcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follo.crs: Hav~tborne, aye; and Coopr, aye; gad the Child, aye; Pden, age; l'lillson, aye; - I Engineer 'Slllith reported repest of Hrs. James Pause', 4835 I-Iaple Road, for oil on 11.4$ltES&3, without cost to her. Discussion brought out fact that &ust coat was ap@.ied on 49th St., at .time of blackto@ng Ivl@L.e Ro2d, vithout assessnent to this street, 3113 it ir& Councilts opinion that no oiling should be done until dter curb .and gu%ter is in. I-ks, 3. L, I.IcCog's request for the oiling of IToodlwd Road tras reported. ' zbutting proTerty owners. Also, that c&b and gutter vi11 soon be ,constructed .along Wr. 'I'lillson vas 'directed to have cdciwn chloride put on the street, Council*s action of - such time ad moved 194-4 iras revletred; i.e., tabliiig of permanent blacMop<ing project until as sit;o,pn sever is ,installed, Havrthorne offered the follovring Resolution its adoption: IESOLU!?!SOIT SETPIXG STREE2 ~€~~O~-~~~ B$A?,JNG - BLACXTOPPING OF VOODLJJTD ROAD , VETREAS, the Village Council desires on its ptm motion to Blacktop l'loadlland Road between tlooddde Avenue and Vest 56th Street as authorized by Chast. 382, LNS 1903 , nov therefore , I BE IT IIESOLYED by the Villse Council of the Village of Bdina tbt 5t is deemed necessary and eqekient to Blacktpp Voodland Road bettreen looddale Avenue ad Il.56th Street a&.that on the 14th day of June, 1948, at 8:00 P,L , this Council trill meet at the Village- €Id1 in said Village and vill at said time and place hear thg parties interested-therein in reference to such inpovernent, and trill decide vhether or not to undertake such improvement, in vhole or in part. Hotion to &opt the Resolution vras ssconded by ViLlson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no rims, as folkovrs: aye; ad Cooper, aye; 2nd the aesolution vas adopted Child, aye; Phen, aye; Villson, aye; Hawthorne, && /d f% .- President of the Village Cfhcil I 5/24/48 Police Department recommendations of Februay 23, for the establishment of the following Qo Parkzing Zones" was read, A, B, C. D. Psking-24 Hourst1 on South side of Mdket Street for distance of sepenty feet-West of France Avenue. llXo Parking-24 Hours-Streetcar Stop" on Best side of Prance.Avenue liPolice Car Onlrtl zone from North end of above named.Streetcar Stop zone to seventeen feet Xorth thereof, "No Parrlring ;.%!ruck Zone 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.lt from north end of Police car zone to (Cwenty-five feet Northerly thereof. from W. 50th Street to fifty-feet Xorth, - -7. Hawthorne moved that Village Attorney I'lindhorst be directed to piepare zmendment .to Tillage Traffic Ordinance, incorporating these recommendations, Pden and carried, Seconded by Nr, Atkin of Vood Shol Company offered to sel?. to Village, for park purposes, the prcel of+laad beginning at the Northeast corner of Vooddale 83 58th Street and coqrising seventee6 and one-hdf acres, for a price of $21,500. Hawthorne that Hr. Atkints letter be referred to park %osd for their considerztion yas seconded br Child and carried, Jnqpiry vas made-as to status of project to furnish water ad sever service to residents ad church at 53rd and France. Bngineer. Smith reported t-kt he does not yet-have estimates on this construction; but that, insda as sewer is concerned, he believes that State Board of Health trill prohibit running sever main across Pillae puraphouse proBerty, information by next regular meeting, Nessrs. Copley and Petrie, BabQkside Avenue requested installation of three-way stq signs at corner of Brookside Avenue and Division Street, as a measure-to slow doti traffic. installed at Brookside Avenue and Division' Street. and carried. Mr. Petrie inquired as to possib'ility of repair to Brookside Avenue blzcktogping, torn up last year Iqj Gas Company. made within the next two weeks, Nr, Sargaent, 5201 Gorgas Avenue, inquired as to possi.bili$y of his being assessed, on a ten-yes basis,. for connection to water main constructed in Gorgas Avenue, which main does not abut his property and for which he tras not assessed in the assessment levied for Vater Main Improvement Bo, 4- Hr, t'lindhorst asked to investigate procedure for such assessment. 14otion by Mr. Smith reqzested to have necessary Hatrthorne moved that' Council have. three-way stop signs Notion seconded by Palen 14r. Villson said he thought repairs could be I . Nr, H.14. Kuhnley presented letter. signed by Wold V. Emson requesting germission to construct six houses on Lots 13 through 24, Block 15, X?ormandd.e Section 2nd Addition, facing these houses on Normadalb Boad, request to PZannAng Commission vas seconded by Killson and csried. Peeition for the blacktopping of Le,xington Avenue, between Concord and Lot 5, Block 2, Subdixi.sion of Littel Park, was read. and setting Public Hearing on petition for Xonday, June 14, 'at 8:OO P.R. 1.1otion seconded by Willson and carried, Motion by Hawthorne referring Hawthorne moved accepting petition Pursuant to!'P)idvertisement for Bids for Water Main Bxtensiontl , gublished in Hemepin County Review, Hopkins, 14innesota on Nay 13 an3 20, Affidavit of publication for which was read, by Clerk, advertisement also bving been gnblished in Constnictpai Bulletin, Winlzeapolis, Minnesotz. on Way 13, and 20, the folloving bids vere publicly opened and read-for furnishing labor and materials for water main in Prqnce Avenue between W* 58th and If, 60th Streets: Phelps Drake Compmy, Minneapolis Orfei & Nariai, St, Paul $ 8,724.90 S10,743.50 Hawthorne moqed tl& each of the affected property otmers be notzfied by letter that 58th and 60th Streets, and that if they hzve my'further opinions to offer they should appes &me 14, Petitions dated ky, lge, for the blacktopping and Zenith Avenues and of Zenith Avenue between l'f, 56th Street and 112 Block South thereof, signed by John C, Heines ad others, were read, petitions be accepted and that public hearing on petitions be set for &Ionday, June a,? at 8:OO Pelf.. I Bids have be= received op both sever and water projects for Prance Avenue Between Notion secpnded by Pden and Carrie,&. c of 8. 56th Street between Xerxes Hawthorne moved that > .-. . .. 5/24/48 The folloeing zyplicatioas for licenses were presented to Council: R.R. Eicks Tor Hicks Shell Service Station, 4102. f'l.5Oth Street Cigarette License - June I,, 1948 to April I, 194.9 John R. Caeron for Gabill Grocery, 54-32 11. 70th Street tlOff-Salet' Beer License +- June 1, 191r.8 to ASrU 1, 194.9 . Robert Soelberg for. &lina Cash Grocery, 4920 Brookside Avenue "Food" License - June 1, 1~4-8 to Apll 1, 1349 Robert Soelberg for Edina.Cgsh Gxocerx, 4920 Brookside Avenue llCkgzretteif Liceqse - June 1, 19443 to April 2, 1949 Dr, C.snpbell*s recommendatio5 for denial of licenses to Edina Cash Grocery until Such time as cenent floor had been constructed in baseneat vas reprted, Havrthorne moved that all licenses 3e granted, but tkt the 63im Cash Grocery licenses be held atI8amin5strative Office until such time as Dr. Campbell .) reports that cement floor has been constructed in this 'buildins. 'Seconded by Palen and carried, Office presented checks froa State of Iuiinne%ota, n2de payable to 2horpe Bros., &drew Transstad ad Village of Edina jointly, annunts of $1,200.00 and $300.00 respectivelr, in connection irith condennation proceedings,for Lots 19 Wd 18, Block 61 Sunnyslope Section, Hmthome moved that Qhorpe Bros. be notified that checks vi11 be relqased as SQO~ as deferrea special assessments are peid on the a%ove tvo lotc. Petition dztedlky 22, 19k8, for the re-a$zortionnent of special assessnent levied to cover cost of Uacktopping streets in VaZley View Heights Mtiition, signed by @mes R, Zhorpe and others, vas read, re-assessment on Vae basis of lot valuation, as asainst basis of lot front- footee. Aft;er considera'ble discussion as to the difficulties vhieir vould be encountered in securins correct lot vduatious, providing Comcil were to adopt such a policy of assessment, Hwthorne moved that petition bs denied and that signers of petition be so notified. Hotion seconded by Child and I . Zhis petition czlled Sor I carried. Pe%ition sigma by Car1 M, =sen and others, dated 1hy 2&, 1948, 2or the Blacktopping of St. Johts Avenue between Golf %errace and l'loodhilf. Road, on petition be set for &Ionday, June 14, 1948, at 8:OO P.H. by Child zzld czrriea. Ap~oval 0-2 Villwe f.fmwr, for ins,tdlation of street lights as follovs: ~ vas read. :Tillson moved that petition be accepted, and that Public Hearing. Hotion seeomled .. At intersection of Pale Drive znd Ridge Place; At intersection of Bernard Rlace ad IT. 60th $tree$; At Benton Avenue, approximately 300 feet Vest' I of l-lF&S Wlrozd IlrGcks. vas re& Pden moved th2t l.Iaager*s recommendation be accqted, ad. that Eorthern &&es Porrer be requested $0 make such instdlstt ions . by Hawthorne and carried. Eotion seconded &sua;lzt .f;o nAilvertisement for Eids for Blacktoppirag on Ratleke Avenue,n published in Eennepin Comty, Reviev, HopL~as, bI,Iinnesotz and Construction BllleCin, Ifinneasolis, Ihncsota, affidavit of publication for vXch v~as read by Olerk, pu%'lications-being f4ay 13 zna 20, the follov.rieg bids were palicly opened a;nd read; for the Blackto_apingUof Rutledge %venue betn.reerz llA8th Street and BroolrsZde Avenpe: PSIitG ROAD TAR , USIUG ASPWfb S.V. Gleason Co., St,Louis Park f $2,441.00 $2,32.?.00 Glenn Johnson Contractbz Co, It I$2,784.00 $2,484.00 Pnrsmt to lfAdvertisement for Bi& for Blacktopping Frmce Avenuetr, piblished in Hemepin Gou.n$y Revieii, Hopkins , I-Iinnesota mcl Construction Bulletin, t.ZinneaZolis, I.limesotr, affidsvit of publicztion for rrh%eh vas read by Clerk, publications being. 1.1ay 13 and 20, the fo110triq bids riere -publicly opned and rezd For the BlacWoppbg of France Avenue betaoen W, 57th and 11. 58th Streets: $2; 208.00 $2,208 .OO President Cooper recomended, that on Slackoppi~ jois, checkers Be hired to count loads biled in on jobs. qsp?.&neti that contractors are checked on thickness of mat a& not- on nmber of loads. IT0 action taken. Harithorne moved tkt bids of J,B.Eleasan Co. for 3kcktoppibg of Frmce and Rutledge Avenues be accepted, Secondeci CIS& and carried, Palen recomnended spt checking. H.,;.ithorns Pursuant to I'kdvertisement for Bids for Curb, Gutter ad Sideval?c,ll published in Hennepin County Revierr, IEopkins, Minnesota and in Construction Bulletin, Minneqolis, Minnesota, 14~ 13 and 20, 1948, affidavit of publication for which vras read 3y Cle$.z the follothg bids for furnishing labor and materias necessq to iqrove the Bast side of X'rstnce Avenue between V. 9th ad Fuller Streets by removd of old curb, gutter qd sideirdk, lowerins of grad-e, an< const'ruction of new cwb, guttp and sidetralk, vere opened and pu'blicly read: George Hadsen, Ninnezpolis 10 Victor Carlson & Sons Co., Ninneapolis $1,306.50 +d'cdst PLUS 20$ $l,199,2j wd cost plus 155 Hotion Palen moped for acceptance of the bid of George $ladsen, ~s set forth a'ljove. seconded by Willson md carried, Hawthorne offered the f olloving Ordinace, moving that Council dispense vith s econd rearling thereof and adopt Ordinance as read: - AN ORDIlWTCE B*iYKDING '&If3 ZONIWG ORDIN&fTCZ 02 EDIITA VILLAGE* .@ID PROVIDIITG FOR REGUTIXG P3JD LICnTSING PRESCRIBING APEITALTY POR THE 'ITIOLB'pIOET THfZREOF, - oT31PDi)o~ SI~ITS, IMPOSING A LIG~SSL~B IEEE~OIT, m 8 The Village Council of the Villwe of Edina, Ninnesota, do ordain ai follows; - Section 2. It is kereby found and determined that it is necessary and exped-ient for the zoning regulations of the Pillage to be amended and made more specific trith reference to the erection and maintenance of outdoor advertising znd other signs, in order to accom lish the follovring objectives: general -trelfs.re of the residents of' the Village. 30 prevent the erection and maintenance of signs which constitute 8 nuisance by reason of unsightliness or the accwnulation of rubbish and filth. 20 prevent and ?liminate driving hazariLs due to signs obstructing vision at intersections and distractions to drivers. 'Po eliminate tmes of signs which offer plzces of concealment for criminal, purposes or gathering places for Juvenile delinquents. 'Po prevent the depreciation of property values within the Village. To preserve the character and further the intended purpose of the Open Deyelopment District as a primary residential. District . fa) To promote the health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and (b) (c) (a) (e) (f) . Section 2, 2he zoning ord-inance of Pdina Village passed Iby 25, %931, as amenaed, is further mended by deleting Subdivision i5 of Subsection (a) of Section 111, and by adding the folloiring as Section IX*thereof. r -- SBCTIOIT IX Signs c 1. Definitions, !%e term "outdoor advertising sign" as used in this Section means any card-, cloth, paper, met$, painted, glass, wooden, plaster, stone or other sign of any kind or character displzyed for infornationjl or dvertising purposes on the ground or on any tree, mI.1, bush, rock, post,.fence, building, structure or thing whztsoever, !The term I1displayft includes erecting, constructing, posting, painting, printing, writing, tacking, nailing, gluing, sticking, carving or other- wise fastening, dfising or making visjble in any mafuler vrhatsoever. Itoutdo& advertising structure" means any structure of any kind or character not attached to any building and erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes upon which any outdoor advertising sign may be displajred, including also outdoor advertising statuary. outdoor advertising structure+ %he term %e term 'tsignli means any outdoor advertising sign or 2. Sieras for which Permits are ReauiGed. The owner or occu2an.t; of any premises on thkh there is now displzyed a sign having an area of six square feet or more or the owner of such sign shall file application with the Pillage Clerk on or before October 1, 1948, for a permit for the maintenance of each such sign. occupmt of my premises on trhich there hereafter is displayed a sign having an - mea of six square feet or more or the owner of such sign (other thazl signs authorized by parqgra2hs 3(a), 3(b), and 3(c) (3) of this section) sball file applicatick with the Villzge_Clerk_before @JT such si@ is d.ispl&ed. of the filing of an application with the Clerk for permission to displ$y a sign, The ovmer or At the time 1 the zpplicznt shall accompany such application with a discription thereof and a sketch shming the she, location, mmer of construction and such other informatron as shall be necessgry fully and completely to advise the council of the kind, size, construction ad location of the sane, displqW at apg time after October I., I.948, unl&s a permit therefor, which permit shall ssecify the location of the sign, shall bve been granted by %he Council ani the qplicant shall hme conplied with the terms of; this section and paid the annx&L license fee provided hereiu, of this section the Council reserves the right to deny the permit agplied for if in the opinion of the Council the erection of the sign for vixich a permit is requested would tend to create-or increase a traffic condition Wgerous to the public. permit is de&ed on'the grounds specified in the preceding sentence, a statenent of such grounds shall be set forth in the resolueion of the Council wthorizlng the denial. of the per&%, Uo sign having an area 0% six square feet or more shall be Despite the conpliance by the aPpl&txmt vith all other provisions I If any 3. (a) (1) Street signs and signs, on municipal buildings, ' (e) S-oecid Be.aiLa,tions for Onen Develonment District, In the Open Development District no new signs shzllbe erected on uly premises except: only of-the property or prenfses upon which displeyed or of the otmer or lessee tbereof; or pertaining only to the sale, rental, or lease of such premises. Signs lesst than twenty-four sqwe feet in+ area and displaying the rime 2he following slgns upon the securing of a permit if required herein for each such sign: of (1) Signs advertising the sale of a subdivision orllots therein and -* Zocated thereon {8) Direction& and informational signs of a pu'blic or qpasi- .- pu'olic nature, including signs serving js directiond signs to sroperties not situated adjacent totthe street upon vrhich such signs axe located. (3) *- Signs and 3ulleti-n bosds of the Village of Edina, churches, librsies , museums, schools or memorial. Wildings. (4) signs which are located not less than 500 feet from any dwelling other thzn 2.dvelling otmsd by the person who also ovms the Imd ,upon vhich the sign is located. IT any sign is now or hereafter erected or plzced in accordance'vrith the %ems of Vhis paragraph ad thereafter a dtrellinz, other than a dwelling ovmed 'by the yerson who also ovms the land upon vrhlch the sip is located, is erected or accpired at a place vrhich is less than 500 feet from said sign, such sign shdl, within one year dter notice of such fact by tne clerk of this V5Xlagelto the omer thereof or to the ovner of the land on trhich the si@ 2s located, be removed, provisions of this p.ragraph, 'the council shall hve the _aover to grant a pernit for any sign nov or hereafter Located vithin 500 feet of any dwelling, if the granting of such permit vould not unreasona31y contravene the purposes of this ordinance. &y permit granted by the Council pursuant $0 the provisions of the preceding sentence shall be subject to revocation by the council upon mitten notice to the ovmer thereof or to the omer of the land upon vhich the si$ is located, of such$ernit such sign slull be removed. removed aithin the tirre specified in anyaotice provided for herein, the village aay remove such sign wd collect-the cost of renova2 from the ovmer of thewland onrvhich such sign is loczted or the omer of the sign by action brousht in any court of competent jurisdictiolz, Bothvithstading the Vithin one year dter such notice of revocation If my si@ is not Signs located on a tract or parcel. 02 land on vhich there is conducted a business pemitted by this ordinance if such sign advertises the 'business conducted or product sold on such tract or parcel of lad, I &, Rules and. Rewlations for New Sias, No sign shall hereafter be erected, con- structed., altered or moved except, until ad unless the folloving restrictzons md re- qgirements hve "oeen conplied with 5.n good f&th by the agplicant for a permit therefor: (a) No outdoor advertisin3 structure shdl exceed tventy-five feet In heigh~ a'oove-tge groun& or the roaavay level whichever may be higher and every such structure, other than statrery, shall have an opening of at least two feet betvreen the lover edge thereof and %henground, which space shall not be closed in any namer irhile the structure stands, 'Pie omer, lessee or manGer thereof, and the omer of the fad on > trhich the sme is locgted, shall keep all grass, weeds, and other groiirths cut ad and at the ends of the structure, . I I 5 clemed up between the structure and the stre&, and. dso for g distmce .of six feet behiqd *i (1) No outdoor advertising structure shall aTproach at sy point nearer thm three-feet to my building or the side'of ariy lot without &he written consent- of ,the owner of *such 'building ur 2md ko dfected, nor nearer to my street line tlm the established or customary unifora building line upon the street %here asuch s%rmctwre shall. be erected. 1s t 3* ._ (c) (6) No sign shall exceed one thousand squ$re feet 5n aeaC fill signs shall be 'conshcted in such a rimer and of such material. i tha6 they sl~l be safe and substantial kccording to plms ad specificatioas to be approved by the CouyLci1; provided that nothhg in this ordinance shrill be interpreted as authorizing the erection or construction of my sign not'now permissible mder the other seceiqis of this oydinance -0-r under the building ordinance of this Village. __ (e) (E) Bo sia swz contain any indecent or offensjve picture ox wrztten matter, Ifhe Council in granting pernits for illuminated sigm shall specify the . design thereof and thg ho~s-dqrfngkirhicii the saxe uay be kept lighted when in their diskredion they shall-detemnine'such action to be necessary to >revent the creation-of a nuisance, r- I, -_ I (g) KO sign except signs located in an ogen developaent district shall, advertise -my firrn or 'product othgr- than a firm doing business on Vie tract or parcel df lmd on which the sign is located or a product which is for sale on ssid tract or parcel of land 133 such firm. *r 5. O-ld 8iws. *-[a)! %very s'2@ located in this municipzlilq' wlaich- ;na not7 be or heredter become out-of order, rotten or wsafs an6 every sign which shjzl here- after be erectedi, contrary -to the provis5ons of this .ordl"nacs shdil *be reaoved,os othemzise prope-rly secu-red in accordance with the terns of this ordinance by the ovners thereof or by the owners ofLthe ground on vrhich said sign shall stand, upon receipt-of notice so to do mgiLed: to them 13y the Clerk. 7 1, *' I- . .. (b) Existing sigm not -confdrrrin& to. %e ,r.e$zireLmnts ~f garzpaph 3 'ad. $xi.%- paragrazh & (g) Q$ th2.b -sec$Son;&-h,ll bs>renio.ri-"ed on ozL!lbefore. Jziluarg l,~..XPsO. If any such sign is ilot'rdnoved '0%. ar.before,J&uary 1, ,1950, thd Clerk2 of this Villase shdl notify by mail the owner thereof 02 the vomer .of%+the land on which said sign is located, or '%oth, of their dtitg to $.eiacive: said..&@ 'and if &&e sa& si@ is not removed witkin thirtr (30) days after the mailing of such notice the Villa@ may remove such si@ and cdLL$c$.the cost of removd from the ovmer of the l51J.d on which such sign is lOCaked'Qr from the owner of the sign by action bought in azly court of competent jurisdiction, 2he collection of such cost of renovtil prsumt to this paragra-gh shdldi6$i-$revent the imposition of any pendties for*violatf;fon of this ordinance under 'Sectiori LO 'hereof; 'e x. , .I * a3 * 4.4 -:. :.: :, u 7- Removal by $hniciualLtyG In the event 'of the -failure o€ the other of my :. - f .f -.I . .- . ". , ' 6. sign OF the -ov,%er of-the ground ona'which -the sign. fs 'loc&ted*to '.Felilove orJ repair szid sign xithin the time stated? in any notice issued'pur'sw€ to the.provisions of this ordinance, but dot less. than'een days ,"the same my be removed %$%her miicipaLi.l;y at the exgense of the otmer of said sign 'or the otmer of the- gromd upon which sack sisn stads and the mourib 'of *such eqense may %e cr&lected by the Village by action brought in any court of congetent &risdiction. -*. 7. License Fee. Ikcept as hereinafther povided there is herebr iqosed 2rr annud. license fee for each sign ekceedirmg skx squme feet in area (other t~ian sighs authorized by psagraphs (3- (a)., 3(b) aid 3(0) (3) df thin section) which . fee sU1 'be a sm equivalent to one-cenfj (14) %OF each-sqwe foot or" sgface of such si@ or the sum of One Dollar ($LOO), whichever shall be greater provided that the maximum annud licensee fee heremider shall be the sun of !Pen DollsCs ($LO.OO), Such fee shall $e.pasa%l.e a$ the tine of applicgtion fur a permit for spch sign and on or befoae April 1 af'each year thkreafter. fee provided Berein shall not be payable with respect to any outdoor advertising sign painted on &he roof- or v:aI.l-s. of- my %uiJ.ing except that at the time of . app2ication fo&the..orig?.nal *permit hereunder for such sign there is hereby imposed and there shall be paid an original pemit fee in the sua of _-- One Polla2 -. I The ;LPlnual*licejse ($1.00) b -I Satring\ Clause, In Bent any one or more of the provisions of this ordLnajlce shau be deternined to be illegal, udLa?fftzl or unconstitutional the sme shall not %e construed or held to alter, annul or repeal or othervise dfect the other terns, provisions, restrictions, reqyirenents- or conditions of tL%s of ordinanceo 9- PewiLty, Any person, firm or corposzttion who shall. be convicted of the violation of any of the terns hereof or who shall fail to conply v.rith my of the repirenents herein specified shazlupon conviction thex*eof be dewed guilty of a nisdemezlzor ad fined not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor nore than One Eundred TIo~.ars ($~oo,oo) or iqrisoned in the village or-county jail not less 'than five Hotion for adoption of the Ordinsurce pras secondea l)~ Child, and on Ro13ca33 there were five ayes and no nws, as follows: aye znd Cooper, aye; and the Ordinace t- tras adapted. nor-yore than thirty dap. Child, aye; Palen, aye; 17illson, aye; HaYthorne, - - E~~thome rnoved that Village Clerk be directed to mite attorney Vennm that it is the Comcil*s mderstaadbg that the Ordinance adopted above hs Us approval, and that his clients will not oppose the Ordinance. Seconded by PaLen md carrried, Etmeapolis XortNield regadhg the ststing of grass fires Fras read a& ordered filed with Clerk. Bgbeer SnLth Sresented ?&u.latiOn Of Bids 'b&ell kw 10, for construetion Of Stom southern R~ITJW GO~~~Y' s msvrer to Co~cil' s &S~V &tea I-fa 22, LYN, sised DaTengort , Sever in mifax Avenue from the South lot lbe of Lot 23, Block One, SouYa Harxiet park &con& Adation, to the existing Storm Sever &mhole at jZna Street and Mifax Avenue, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ~SO3;ufpIOX BCCB2IlTG BID I-B? pursumt to advertisement for bids published in iehe Sulm.rlozn Press sfcom Sam 1SuI.IBER 15 I Ho@%~s, I.Sinslesota and in the Coastsuction Bulletin, I.linneagolis, on Apil 13, 22, and 29, 1948, for the impxwenent of the follor.lirg streets: South €?ari?iet Park,Second Addition, to the. esLsting Stom Sever S-kahole at 52n& Street ad HSIifa Avenue by construction of Storn Sever therein, the followins bids have been duly received ad opened: - H&i$ax Avenue from the South lot line of Lot 23, Block One, Phelps-Drak GO., Inc. $6,471.35 Borzander & Compny ,7,224*20 Orfei & Harimi 10 ,109.90 Svldstrom Hzfner + 1,968,OO TElERJB'Om, BE iT l33SOLvED by the village Council of the village of Edina %ha% the bid of Phelps-Drae Go., be, in the mount of $6,&71.35 is hereby detersineft to be the bid of the lotrest responsible bidder and the,president and clerk =e hereag mtborized md directed to enter into a'contract; vith said Phelps-Drake Go,, Inc, in the name of the Village for the iqrovesnent of said portion of the above wed streets for the construction of Storm Sever therein accord-lng to the plms ana specificstions therefore vrh5ch have heretofore been a2proved by this Council. and filed in the office of the Clerk at the price specified in said bid, an2 vhich said contract shall be qproved,as to form by the Vfllage Attorney, BE 12 3XWEEEt~SOLvED that tlae clerk is hereby authorized zad directed to. return forthvitir to all bidders the deposits made vith their bids except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the nest lowest bidder shall be retained until the c0ntrac.t; has 'been signed, Hotion €or adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by tlillson, and on bllcall there vere five ares ad no na ys, as foll,otrs: Havthorne, aye; and Cooper, .aye; and the Resolution vas ad Preszdent of the V I' Child, aye; fden, aye; tlillson, zye; 1.. /- Yil&ge Clegk l'!%llson noved that Clerk be directed to zdvertise for bids for addreasingmchiyze, iW,ioa seconded lor Pden ad curied. 32gl.cnfs rnotlon allo.r.ring pwment of the foUowinS cleims vas seconded by Child and carried: ? BIUS- PAID i&Y 24, 29M CLAII.1 no. 2242 I4inneapolis Blue Trinting Coqsry 22k.3 2244 2245 22443 2247 2248 2249 2250 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 227& 2275 2232 2283 2255 * 2276 Iforthem- Stztes Pover Con:xmy 1.9o. 2275 Construction BiL5etin . 58.20' 2277 ??help ~-32 &e Conpny . 1,~1.13, 2278 5, A. Daens il: Sor - 132~00 2279 John J, 3dich .I . 120,oo. 2288 Charles If* Jones - 44,.80 2252 Suburban Press 62.20 8.8. Eogers Conpaxry 5,28 b22J r Po- 2251 2252 . 2253 . 2254 2255 2256 . 2257 2258 , 2259 * 2260 . 2261 * 2262 . 2268 I 2269 2270 - 2272 Edilla Pure Oil. . - -. 2-90 Hicks Shell. Service Station 202.98. I-iiraezpolis Gas UgLt Coapwy -- 23.02. Phillip Petroleum Co, - 48-62 Eull Dobbs 4.38 Linde Ai.r Products 6.4s Brookside Service Stztion 251.16 CIo%or Parts Service Company 2&* 28 V, E. La Coinp~r 8 42-35. Firestone Stores- 62.26 Hydraulic J&~c & Bquipnent. Company . . 3.37 Northvestern Bell. 'Pelephose 'Compny . 16.49 Rorthem States 'Por.ier Com2any ?'hi. H. Ziegler Canpany .I 4-33 Beinhard Bros. Cwpany - 41.09 10 -11 Bairn kdwae 4.88 2263 . Xorthern Stztes Power Co~irpzxoy * 327.15, 2266 - Rober? C. O~solz 2.00 ' 2273 Willer .Dsvis Conpny 150 00 2274 Eerqepin County Review LOO 2264. - City Treasurer - .T?ater Sexvice . 64,Og. 2265 Bell hber 82 Pole Com&ny 16 -40 2267 Young Fuel -6oqany - 29-20 .. f 2281 P4inneapoE.s Star 8j Tribune 27 e72 2282 Su%urbm Press 52.80 2287 Hay & Stenson Go, 5.000 -00 I?, I. R. > 7443.83 45b. 78 LIQUOR I -. 'POTAJ; 5.080.52 $20,474,. 92 t IIi'Llsou moved that rdse to $150.00 per nonth be granted Hrs. Louise ?!esterberg, beginning June 1, 1948, Seconded by Child ad carried: ??den moved thzt Payroll or" 1.Q 16 t~op& 31, l9M, incluilbg retroactive raises- to Council snd Police Pepaxtnent be accepted. COrnCIL !i?O!UG . VITB. RETII$%- EOSP. !l?OTA& ?ET' GLi;TW Gene Gboper $200.00 . $200.00 2205 George A. Villson 160.00. c. 160.00 2207 Fred S, Ghila 160.00 * 160.00 2208 Ricbard G. Palen 160.00 * *. 180.00 2209 John llilrdhorst 75.00 - 75.00 2211 f Seconded 'by Child md carried, PHROU FOR EZRRIOD 1.W 16 !i!€iRU Ll'X 31. -19k8 WmGS. iI.!ix- DSIXCT. DEXIUCT. D3DUCT. PAY IT0 * Bover Hzvrthorne * 30.00 , 50.00 2206 I: J. so mgga 30.00 30-00 2210 I{=& 23.I3eW.s 75.00 75.00 2212 Dr. L.1-1, Campbell 30.00 30.00 2213 940.00 * 940,OO , *. 212.85 2214 255.62. 29.80 10 . 22 2.75 42-77 Gretchen Schus sler 138.04- 16.50 5.52 1025 23.27 114*,77 223.5 83.14 2216 6033 64.97 2217 Helene Freenan 7.m 1.25 21-72 Bernice Johnson 89.47 * -0- 3.58 2. 75 c f. 107.36 3.50 4.29 -0- 7'.?9 99-57 2a9 3 -40 9.90 5.80 -0- 3.80 -0- -0- 23,50 ,60 5.32 -0- 4.81 2.75 4.91 2-75 4.110 2-75 4.40 2.73 4-40 2. 75 4.40 . 2.75 4.60 2.75 37-24 19.25 8.72 17 -46 13.46 7.15 10.93 7.15 7-25 7..95. 79 -99 124.21 *I 102.68 109.24 102 . 77 93 97 102.77 102.77 107.06 850 .L!!9 2220 2221 2222 2223 222b 2225 2226 2227 I 2228 2229 2230 2231 2232 2233 2234 STREET !4ET HOURLY . Chwles Johnson 103.47* 2.90 &.z& ' 2.75 9.79 93.68 2235 Jacob Shmak 107.98 3 050 4.32 -0- 7.82. . 100.16 2236 t7-e !Iraq 89.98 9.10 3.60 -0- 12.70 77-28 2237 Joseph lT2t ole 89.98 * 5.00 3.60 2.75 21-35 78.63 2238 Th. 3, Eel1 78.73 3,50 '3.14 -O-- 6,614 72.0% 2239 470.14 24,oo 18-80 5.50 4-8.30 421.84 TfATER DEPARTI*iElT?C Ben Voehler 166.16 12.40 6.65 2.75 21.80 1W.36 2240 Sm Roberts 127.81 * 6.M 5-11 2.75 14-26 123.55 2241 I 293.97 - 18.80 11.76 5.50 36.06 257 91 Gmm TOTAX PAYROLL Qi30.42. 185.60 135.65 55.00 376.25 3,9&.17 Hr. Palen reported request for dust coat or cdciwn chloride on Sbaefer Road. Concil agreed to apply calcSum chloride. Palenis motion for adjournment to June 1, 1 Jiavthorne an& carried. . Village fierk