HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480614_ADJOURNEDt.sJllson!s motion that Treasurer John Jt Tax Settlement from County Auditor was seconded. by Palen and carriede Child moved that Manufacturer! s and Contractors? Liability Policy carried with Bed L, Gray Campany for Sewer and Water Departments, at premium of $94.25 for the year July 1, 1947' to July 1, 19@, be renewed for another year, Motion seconded by IXllson and carried, Buggan be authorized to secure Narch Trustee 3Tillson requested that Ehgineer Smith be instructed to ask Highway Depart- ment to reduce speed on State Highway No. 100 to 40 Niles Fher Hour. Council agreed. * Notion by Havbhwne that Xeeting be adjourned until Monday,,Jse 21, at 8:OO P.&, was seconded by Palen and carried8, *. IIembers present were Child, Palen, IiTiLLson, Hawthorne and Coopero Nr. Carl I% Hansen requested approval of Final Plat of ttParkwocd Knolls.It He stated that he was negotiating to acquire the property to the East of -his plat and that he would then dedicate the additional thirty feet for tlAldershot% Road.-lt 1-k.IJillson objected to the name tfAldershott ROa&," reque&ting that it be renamed Schaefer Road before plat.is approved, because it is actually a southern exben- sion of present Shhaefer,'Raad, It was agreed between I@* Hansen arid the Council that Aldershott Road be renamed Schaefer Road, said Schaefer Road to continue to the fi-rst branch south of. the present plat,ttParktrood Iinolls~tt their field inspection of Saturday, June 19, Kr, Hansen was asked to secure Planing @ommission?s of streets, Nr, A,If* Blum,5l&7 Arden, presented petition signed by eleven property owners, requesthg discontinuance of playground at 52nd and Arden, Delegation of aboub f$fteen supported peti-tion, Park Commissioner Hemnann Strachauer defended establishment of playgroundr After considerable discussion, Hawthorne? s motion referring petition to Park Board for their action was seconded by Child and caqried. Strachauer arranged with audience for Hearing to be held Friday, June 25, at the Village Hall, Office reported . that Planning Cormfiission?s approval of present final plat had been given after signature on plat, and to file petition for blacktopping r Hr. Eldon Norris, Chairman 02 Liquor Control Commission, presented $646-55 state- ment of IlcIa;ugblin-l~Iullemunas.ter, Rowland & Nay for services rendered in sekting up *Liquor Store books and perpetual inventory system, and recommendad payment, Plat of Edina Highlands, showing Village Engineer?s recommendation for connection of. five lights therein, was presented. Motion by.Willson that Edina Highknds be restricted for the present to five street lights, as outlined on plat, was seconded by Havrbhorne and carried, Willson called Council! s attention to need for Bkcktoppiag the South extension of -Golf Terrace from Normandale Road to Lakeview Drive, offered the foEowing resolution and moved its adoptionz t RESOLuTI@l SETTIRG STm IXE'EOVEXENT €IX"@. BL4CKTOIJPING-SOUYH EX'IENSIW OF GOLF 'l32CWCE IJHEREAS the TTiLlage Council desires on its om motion to improve the South extierision of Golf Terrace from Nomandale Road to Lakeview Drive by Blacktopping, as authoAzed by Chapter 382, Laws of 1903, now therefore, BE IT KESOLDED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina %hat it is. deemed. necessary and expedient to improve the above named street by Bkkktopping, and that on the 12th day of July, 1948, at 8:OO P.M., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village and will at said Lbe and place hear the parties interested therein in reference to su8h improvement, and will decide tdhether or not to undertake such improvement, in ti%oIA or in part, f + Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seca@ed by Child, ad on Bollcall there ?Ere five ayes an$ no nays, as ~OUOVJS: Child, aye; Palen, aye; TTillson, aye; Havthorne, aye; and Coopr, aye; and the Reso1utj.on was adopted. Hr. TEIlson report9d the need for Blacktopping 55th and !&h Streets from 3eard to Zenith and Beard and Zenith from 55th to 56th Street, and recomended that this, Blacktopping be done by contract, inasmuch as the Village Crew has a heavg main- tenance,schedule; and thk, if possible, it be done at the same time as the Black- t~ppb~g of 56th Street from Zenith to iIerxes,and Zenith from 56th to 1/2 block South, wLth assessments to be mde against the last two streets and the Ceneral Fund pamg for khe others, B was reported that Advertisement for Bids has already appsared for the ktro assesaent projects; 1Kl.lson moved that the Village take bids July 12, l9@, at 8:OO P.1.I. on this entire project. laIotion seconded by Child and carried, Hawthorne offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read: c AN Q3DITJANC.E TO ERGKCBIT NOISES DISTURBING THE PUBXtC EWE The Village Council of Edim do ordain as follows: Section 1. Umecessary Noises General& It sb11 be davdul for person to make,* continue or cause to be mde or continued any unnecessary or unusu31 noise betr.reen the hours of 6 A. 1.1. and 8 P.1-I. which either annoys, injures or endangers = the cdort, repose, heal.%h or safety of others, or to pie, continue or cause to be =de or continued. betmen, the hours of 8 P, ti. wd 6. A. &I., whether in the operation of any machine or the exercise of my trade or calling or o'chemkse any noise ifiich either annoys, injures or endangers the ccrdcxz, rqose, health or safety of others, unless the making and continuing of the sahe be necessary for the protection or presemta-tion of proparfiy or, of the health, safety, Ue or 31mb of sane prson, 1 premises, or any part therzof, shall cause, suffer or allow any loud, excessive+or- unusualcnoise in the operat$on or use of any radio, phonograph, or other ~llzchanical. or electrical sound mking or reproducing device, instrument or machine, which loud, excessive or unusual noise shju disturb the comfor-b, quiet or repose of pmsons therein or in the vicini%y. I; Section 2, ITo person mming, occupmg or having charge of any building or 4 Sectioh 3. No prson shall use or opzrate, or cause to be used or opzrated in . any public street or place, or froa any aircraft, or in front of or outside of any building, plage or premises, OF in or through any windovr, doommy or opening of swh building, place or premises, abutting on or adjacent to any public street or place, any devi,ce, apparatus or instrument for the anplification of the human voice or any sound or noise, or &her sound--P or sound reproducing device, without a r.rritten permit from the Village Council. buildbg or premises shall keep or allovr to be kept my anbml or bird tthich shall by any noise disturb the peace and quiet of any person in the vicinitythereofo Section 5* No person shall make or caqse to be mzde for the purpose of adver- tising or announcizg his vocation or presence, or 5x1 connection with the busing or selling of any goods, wares, nerchandise, services, or anything whatsoever, or with the caqying on of any trade, occupation, vocation, or profit 1la3ld.n.g activity, an immoderate or excessive use of the voice, or of any bell, gong, horn, instrrumen-b, article or device. The violation of this section in connection with any license or permit shall be cause for %h3- revocation thereof e creatix blarer or poI.rzr fa, internal combustian engine, air coapressor or steam engine, the operation of vthich causes noises due to the explosion of operating gases or fluids unless the noise from such blower or fan is muffled and such engine or compressor is equipped with a muffler device sufficient to deaden such noises so that the same shall not cause annoyance to the public or disturb %he rest and quiet of pzrsans residing or occupying property new enough there-bo eo be annoyed thereby, 1 x Section 4. Bo person or.Jning, operating, having charge of, or occup@~g any 1 t Section 6. It shall be unla~m to operate or cause to be operated any noise 6/21/48 c ii 1 Section 7* No*person shall carry on or permit to be'carried on any- business or occupation in such a manner as toecreate unnecessary noise, Section AnJr person, firm or caporation who in his ark person, or 'through any agent or employe, shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon conviction *hereof, be subjected to a fine of not more than $100,00 for each day daring vdnich saiia violation shall continue, together with the costs of prose- cution, and in default OF the paynent of such fine and costs of prosecution shall be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 90 days, If any secb5on, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance is, for any reason, held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the vailidity of the remaining portion of this ordinahce, Section 9. Section 10, This ordinance shall take effect upon passage and publication, c Notion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted, G-Uld, aye; Palen, aye; l?illson, are; Hawthorne, Requests for salary increases in the adainistrative force, as previously presented -bo the Council, Irere reviewed, President Cooper recodmended that salary of Bernice M. Johnson, Booweeper, be qaised to $200+00 per month, and that $25.00 cos%-of- J&.&ng raises be glvh to Bernice Ha Johnson, Helene beeman, Ben lfoehler and Fred Jonas. Havhhorne moved, grantmng salary increase of $25.00 pzr month to Berjice N. tl;ohnson, and cost-of-living adjustments in the amount of $25,00 per month to Bernice M, Johnson, Helene Freeman, Ben Woehler and Fred Jonas by Palen and carried, Ploki.on seconded /effective July 1, Hawbhome?~ motion that Council direct Village office .force to keep the books for the Edina IIunicipal Liquor Store, and that the Equor Flmd be charged for the time so expended by the office force, was seconded by Child and carried. Willson moved for approval c& Minutea of 31eetLn.g of May 24, lsS, Seconded by Child and carried, - 4 Rea Boehler presented report on the need for storn sewer on W,&th Stre& and Browndale Avenues, Willson reminded Council that properties in St.&ouis Park would be drained by stmn sewer constructed. by Edina, Motion by Haw-bhorne that Council Ssk Village of St&ouis Park to cooperate with Edina in setting up storm sewer district in the vicinity of W,&h Street was seconded by Child alld Unanimously carried* A% this time Mr, Hansen returned, having obtained signature of Planning Commission Chairman Krafft on final plat of Varkwood Kn01ls,~t and having corrected 1fAldersho"ct RoadWo readVchaefer Roadel! Hawthorne moved that Final Plat of fFarkwood fzplollsft be accepted znd apprwed as submitted, with the understanding that Mr, Hansen will file petition for Blacktopping all roads in the area, .&otion seconded by Palen and carried, Havhhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adopt&on=: a. RESOLuTIcx3 PI?EWING ASSIGN" OF SECUnTIES IN IXEU OF BOlW $jE: IT RESOLm, th& the Village Council of the Village of Edina apprive the assignment by its depository, the F'irst Edina State Bank of Xdha, Minnesota, of $l5O,OOO U. S. Treasury 25% Bonds due December 15, 1954, together wLth former assignment of $10,000 U. S, Treasury 25% Bonds due laarch 15, 1958, as good and sufficient colhteral for Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository, said public fwds including the General Fund, Equipment Rental Fund, Pemment Enprovemen% Revolving Wd, Garbage Collection Fund, Vater md and Uquor Notion to adopt the Resolusion was seconded by Child, and on rollcall there were f5ve ayes and no nays, as follows: ,Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, age; Halehome, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted* I * Hotion by Hawthorne for transfer of funds in amount of $&,8E16.89 from I.Edland National Ebnk to First Edina State Bd, as deposits in General, Pekent 3nprovene.n-b Revolvbg-Wds, was seconded by Child and cwried. Transfer check No, 54.43 issued. , I I&scussion was had on charge to be =de for sprayhg noxious PGeds. I4otion by TliUson that mst of spraying weeds be paid from Generzl Fuid, with no assess- ment to property owners, ~ts seconded by Child and carried. I Clerk Hawthorne bead the following Ordinance, drafted by Attorney %Jindhorst pur- suant to Council!s direction of Nay 24, and in acconknce with recommendations by Police Department, moving that Cpuncil dispense with. second reading of Ordinance and zdopt it as rFadr AH OAWDIANCE fl*IEUDING THE "~LTANCE REGU32UIIJc; THE USE OF HSWrfk\YS f%LTHIN THE lELZ!4@ OF EDINA, EDBESmA,ll By ADDING RF;ST€UCTm P-G ZC8ES TO SCTICN 3 - "PARICING REEUl2Yi!IOXS'~, di The Village Council of Edira do.ordain as follows2 The lrOrdinance Fiegulat- {he Use of Highways within the Village of $dins, 1.innesotatt Section 3, Itparking Regulations" is hereby amended by the addition of the follop~g unnumbered paragraphs to Subsection 13. No person shall. park any vehicle in the followiq restricted sones except The South side of 3hrket Street for a distance OX seventy feet Tlest The Ikst side of .l&ance Avenue from West 5dth Street to fii%y feet North 4s restricted to a llno parking-24 hours-Skreetcar Sbop11 zone. . The Irest side of fiance Avenue from fifty feet North of Xest 50th Street to Sixty-seven feet North of ?Ted 50th Street is restricked to as such restrictions ped%= - of Frmce ,Avenue is restricted to a '!no parkbg-24 hows1I zone. *- . 2 f'police car only11 zone, 1 The Irest side of France Avenue from Shzy-sevsn feet North of %st 5ah Street to ninety-two feet North of Vest 50th Street is reskricted -Lo a This Ordinace shall be in force and effect from and after its pas&ge and pr'a-tryck zone 8 A.T.Z. to 6 PJL1I zoner publicationo L e 3Jo-Lion to adopt the kkiiz3n~0.. was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nzys, as follows: Child, aF; Palen, ea-; Tlillson, aye; HavGhorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance was adoptede President.of thc Village Council /' * Claim of Dorsey,Go~,B~~er,S~ott 8t Barber, in amount of $959.97, for extra work by John If, TTindhcrst, Village Attorney, vas presented, T'cillson moved thak bill bz allomd. Secorded by Child and carried. n $ eebition Tor Blac<oipbg of all streets in the plat, Varkr-rod ICnollslg, was filed . by Carl ZI. Hasen; sed. pe%ition specifically requesting %ha,% cost OS blackbopping side streets be assessed agakst front footage only; with $bo Hansen requesting %ha% blacktopping be completed by September 1, if possible, petition be accepted; that -Council hold public hearing on petition for ,blac?&opping in Parkmood Knolls on I-londay, July 12, at 8:OO P,FT,; and,that Cour?5.l advertise for -.bids for satid blacktopping, with bids to be taken July 32, 1948, at 8:OO P.IL, with bidders instructed to bid on work to be .done before September 1, 1948, Seconded by TEllson and carried+ I Hawbhorne moved that ITillson!~ motion setting Village %zasurer!s salary at @O,OO per month, retroactive to January 1, 1948, was seconded by Child and carried,, Palen recomended the adoption of &ague of Rinnesota knicipaEties model ordinance licensing dogs and cats. &. Louis Jones objected to fee, clajming %bat a personal propsrty tax is wid on dogs, and has been regarded by the famners as one tJTe of license fee. I-iotion by Hawthorne, referring ma-L-Ler to Ordinances and bgislation Codttee, was seconded by Palen and carriedo r I fYir. H, 1.L Kuhnley and one other proprty owner' asked tha'c matter of bhcktopping Lexington Avenue between Concord Avenue and Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Qttel Park (tabled by Council June U) be reopened, Council explained that no one had appeared at the Fublic*Hearing of June a; that there is a question as to whether the properties abuttirg the North side of Lexington Avenue Tvould be benefited by blacktopping, inasmuch as these properties face Oak Drive; that cost of assessment would be $1.70 per assessable foot providing both sides of street were assessed, or $3.40 per assessable foot providing only propedies . facing Lexington were assessed. Both gentlemen objected to paying full cost of assessment, said they would pay their share, and asked that another public hearing be held. +Attorney Windhorst informed Council tha'c %hey had power to declare unequal distribution insofar as benefits are concerned; for instance, that properties facing lkxington are benefited by 2/3 of cost, and Oak Drive properties benefited *to extent 'of 1/2 cost -6f -blacktopping &xin&on Avenue, Owners present requested that a new.hearing be 'held, t&th a.U owners of abutting property -notified. Willson moved ,that .new Public' Hearing on peti6ion for Blacktapping & bxtngton Avenue .be.#set .for .Ju& 12, 19@; at 8200 PJI, Seconded by Ch5l.d and carried. Mr. ~~tze~ presented letter of June 7th fzom PPs, B.L call had.been received. at Tallage Offhe .complaining that apartmearb house at 5503 France Avenue is a Sire trap, Hahthornemoved- that St&e Fire Narshal, Village Fire Chief: and one Village poliCsleman* be asked to make inspection of premises. Seconded by Pden and Carrie Er.- Boris Pervor.mJ.uk' ,again&. mquested aid from Council in. securing sewer and water service for his !Lots. ab .approriimtely, 53rhdnd. France, saying $hat he coUd not finance such service privately; He -rvas..requsst~ed .to secure a petikion for the *opel3ing of, Gmgas- Avenue .between 8, ,5ad S-breePI and the Church property, in -order t ha% pr oceedhgs . could, be .initiated- for $onsLructiim of mbs , Hawthorne moved fox- ad journmen-k. +Seconded, by Palen-and carried, WiUson moved for re-coiivention of meet-, rfoz purpose of furiher action. Seconded by Palen and unanimously.carFied, ,! L - . ITiUson moved thak Village Council adGertise fok bids to be taken July 12, 191;et at 8r00 PJI., for laboy. and mterials covering installation of plwnbing Sir;tures in the Village-owned dvielw at. 53.54 3~aoks$d'e t Avenue; 1 and conqec-tion of such dwelljag u~th cesspool and water oh' Village. %oolhouse propeqty, Palen and carried, -_ .. f' . ..*. I., . .- " "I son, reporting that , .I :- -. .. , * _. .. . -. - ', , *: 1:. '. .* ((.. : .*\ .I .I Seconded by 'Hawthorne rrroved for ad j ournment., Seconded by 1fiXl.s on and qanimously carried * l: - .. - r., .* I Killage Clerk , ', '-. t s. *. *. ..- .. -. I .' a .. _n :,'-'* i , Ti. . ,.. . .I 3, - MI"ES OF P4EZXlXG OF BokRD OF &SEN, *' HE?B MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1948, kT 7:30 P.M. Council convened as "Board of Review?-, at' 7:30 P&, June 28, -5.n accordance with "Assessment Notice,tt-posted on all Official Bulletin Boards' June 16, 194.8, with membejrs Child, lW.lson, Palen and Cooper answering Rollcall; Hawthorne, absent . Trustee Willson informed Board of Review that Village assessor!^ Valuations Books were not yet ready for presentation to the Bdard, because of extra work this year due to extraordinary number of proprty divisions, AT THE EDINA VIlLAq HALL. *. E NO one TYaaS present for t.us Hearing. . Ifillson mwed $or pos$poneGent of Board of Eeview ~eeting "C to Nonday,' July 26. Seconded by Child and carried. 1 +- I- 4 Child move& for adjournment. Seconded by TJillson Clerk ' -