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HEIZD l*lO~DAY, JlR$3 3-4, 1948, AT
Embers answering RokLcall were Child, Palen, IJillson, HawthornE! and Cooper+
Eotion by PTillson hat approval of Itinutes of Neet- of ky 24 be held over until
the next regular meeting, was seconded by Child and carried.
Falen!s motion approving Payroll for June f to June 15, including Equor Store *
payroU, was seconded by TEllson and carried2
Gretchen Schussler
Bernice Johnson
Helene Freeman
Louise Westerberg
Sub4 otal
Pete Dagren
&tt Eerfeld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Ronald Pork
C, ll* Cardarelle
sub-t otal
Charles Johnson
Jacob Shmak
TTayne Tracy
Joseph Natole
Tho H. Kell
TIe Douglas Carlsan
Robert S, Stewart
Sub4 o-t a1
$ 25562 * 29.80 10.22 40.02 216.60 2292'
2298 2299 2300
2303 2304
2305 2306
liotion by Child, approving payment of the following Claims was seconded by TTillson
and carried:
EC~IF'.F.EXJTAZ Comm OS Taxation, PetroleumDiv. l2*28 2325
mm J.R, Coan, Postmaster 555 -06 23% .
GmAGE ,Arthur K. Peterson 829.52 2326
P.I.R. Jay 8. Craig Compmy 982 &8 2327
Orfei & Nariani 23,291-55 2328
Charles I?. Jones 78.40 2329
John J. Balich 201,oo 2330
IIATEEi J. R. Coan, Postmaster 20 .oo 2331
8 POOR . Suburban Hem, Go, Relief Eoard 210.81 5442
Business Proprties, Inc.!s letter of June 12, requesting pagment of one-half
of $229.62 attorney!s fees, in addition.to $100 rent for 5004. France Avenxie,
was read. Child!s motion authorizing Clerk to consult with these people in order to have request clarified and secure equitable settlement,: was seconded by Palen
and camied,
June 13. :letter from Mamh & McLennan. kith reg&d to several 'cyDes of insurance far
& Municipal Equor Store, vas read and discussedr
of insurance be referred to Liquor Conkrol Cornmission far their recommendation&
Seconde4 by Palen and carried*
Matter {f Noise Nui'sance Ordinance was consideGed, vkth Mr* Chris Larson complain-
ing about the continuing night noises at the 3Jann& plant. League Model Ordinance
was ref&red to Mr, 17indhorst, 16th instruction to draft such Ordinance for Edina
by May 21, and I&* -son was told to calx the police at such times as noise dis-
turbed @I, pending passage of the new Ordinance*
Minutes *of &quor Control Commisskon Meeting of June 9, 1948, were read, and, by
mution Hawthcrne, seconded by Palen, and carried, were incorporated as part of the
Ninukes of this meeting. (For reference, see Liiquor Control Corn, Minute Book)+
Hawthorne moved that matters
Invitation to join Minnesata Mwxicipal Liquor Stores Association, Tnc., was
presented, together with bill of $lO,OO fdr membership-dues for one year, to
June 30, 1949, Hathorne muved thag Village soin this Association, dnd that f
Uquor Store Manager be zuthorized to 'attend *ague of Minnesoka MdcipalitieS;
liquor meeting at Faribault+ Motion seconded by Palen and carried,
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLX!3D, that First Edina State Bank, Edina, Minnesota, .-.
authodzed to do a ba&ing business in Mbnesota, be and hereby is
designated as depository for Public Funds of the Village of Edina
Liquor Fund, for the balance of the yea 1948,
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution tvas adopted.
Palen, and on Rollcall there
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye;
Village Cler
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoptionr
€E IT RESam, that the persons holding office as President, President
Pro-Tern, Treasurer or Clerk or Deputy Clerk of this Village be, and they
hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any
banking business with First Eding State. Bank of Edina, lfinnesota, (herein-
after referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on
behalf of or in the name of this Village from time to time and until
writ,ten notice to the contrary to the bank,'to sign checks against the
Village of Edina Liquor Fund, uhich checks shall be signed by the
President of the Council or President Pro-Tem, Village Clerk or Deputy
Village Clerk, and Village Treasurer, The bank "is' hereby authorized
and directed to honor and pay any check against said Vilhge of Edina
Liquor Fund which is signed as above authorized, whether or not said
check is parable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any
officer or officers of theyillage, idcluding the signer or signers
of the check,
Motion to adopt the Resolu-bion was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: '. Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye;
; and the Resolut2on was adopted.
Villdge Clerk '
The following claims TIT?= presented for payment from the Village of Edim Xquor
Fund, with the explanation %%at the first three would be pdd immediately; and that
checks would be issued for the balance as soon as receipt fl;om Liquor Revenue Bond
Sale was in: Child moved that all claims presented for payment be approved, with
all but tkie fhst three to be held pending receipt of moneys from Boy Sale,
IIotion seconded by Palen and cwrikd.
Claim No. 2332 - SLerEng Sim Go. (Windotr Poster)
To be paid immediately2
$ 9.60
2334 - Eddiefs Tom & Country Lam Service (Iabor for Cleaning) 95.00
2333 - Ed Phillips & Sons Go. (Iiiquor) - 195.69
To be held for receipb of cash?
Kelly Equor Company $650 154 House of Vines, Inc. a 588.15
George Benz Sons, Inc. 1,329.06
Griggs, Godper & Company 4,804.62
0, IC. Droney Beverage Company 246 -64 Old Peoria Cmpany 10,809.17
Famous Bralnds, IncJ 2,604 27
Distillers Distributing Co. 1 5,128000 Ed Phillips Sr Sons Company * 5,402-76
Pursuant to “Ndcice of hearing^^, published in Hemepin County Review,. Hopkins, on Eay 13 ‘ad 20, 194.8,’ Affidavit of Publicatiofi for which was read by Clerk, Public
Hemirig was held on petition for construction of Curb and Gutter on Thielen Avenue
from North Villdge Mts to ITI &th Street. Engineer!s Estimate of total cost of
$2,@6,13, or $1.96 per assessable foot, vas read. Hesdames Hicks and Harms, and
Xessrs. Edvmds, Katter, &os, Northey, Neltzer, and Schmitt constituted a delegation
which protested construction of standard 6111 curb and 1811 gutter but finally agreed
to it providing cur% is sloped--with Engineer Smith to present profile to committee
before corrtract is awarded, Child offered the follmdag Resolution and moved ita
WIEREM, petition in vxiting requesting improvement of Thielen Avenue by
construction of Curb and Gutter therein has been duly filed with this Council
dated FebruarJi 15, l9@, signed’by mmers of more than 5l% in frontage of the
real property abutting on the street named in said petitim as the Location
for such im,nrovement, and
WHEBEAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property otmers vhose property is liable to be assessed for such
impraverhent, published in Hennepin County’Review, Hopkins, Hbnescha on 1.Zay 13
and 20, l9@; and has heard all persons interested, and determined the necessifq
for the hpavement petitioned for, now therefore
,@E lflf REs3.lXED BY the ViLge Council of the 95Uage of Em as qequired by
Chapter 371, kvs of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby deter-
mined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property
affected threby, and +.
BE Tp FUmlBR RESOLVED, that Thielen Avenue be improved between the North
T*ge Mts and lT,lk.plh Street by construction of Standard V3.llage curb and
gutter therein, and
BE IT IZES- that said improvemnt be mde in accordance with Standard Speci-
fications far curb and gutter now on file with the clerk and which have hereto-
fore been approved by the ViUage Council,
BE IT kiRTtlER RESOLTTED that the Clerk is disected to prepare and insex% k the
Hennepin Cmty Review, Hopkins, I-Ennesota, and in the Construction Bulletin,
Himeapolis, I.bes&a, an advertisement for bids upon such hpravements in
accordance with said approved plans and specifications, said bids to be opened
J~he 28, l9@, at 8t00 P.%L The deposit accompanying each bid shall be ten
percent of the amount of the bid. ,
1 ./ Notion to adopt the Resolubion ~TZS seconded by WLlson, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows:
age; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; Palen, aye; ITillson, aye; Hawthorne,
ATTESP:: /& /-
Pre2iden-b of the Villa
Pursuant to f!Resolution Setting Street Improvement Hearing-Blacktopping of
Woodland Road," adopted I~hy 24, 194.23, and published in Hennepin County Review,
Hopkins, Kay 27, %948, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk,
Public Hearing was held on the pro2osed blackbopping, of Noodland Road between
Wooddale Avenue and W. 56th Streetl The engineer!^ esthte of $8,O2lIO7, or
$1.72 per assessable* foot, was read, Two property owners called Council?'s
attention to fact that Noodland Road does nat extend as far as W. 56th Street;
that Brookview Avenue extends Soubh from V.56th Street for approximately one
black, Flith Woodland Road extending- SoutE from said Brookview Avenue; and that
Br0okvier.r Avenue sodh of V, 56th StreFt has a permanent oil mat which is' satis-
factory and for-which an assessment has been made; One property owner inquired as to proposedtStorm Sewer in this stpeet, and Trustee IJiUson explained that
plans are in readiness, but that peti%ion has not been received for same, but
that when storm sewer is eonstmzcted contractor?^ bid will include the cost of'
repairing blacktopping, He also reviewed actibn of Council in 194, in putting
on a light oil coat and making a nominal assessment, There were no objectors to .construction or cost thereof, insofar as Woodland Road residents"were
concerned, and-no mitten objection had been filed v&th @le&.
the following ResoluLihn and moved its adoptiont 'F?illson offered"
tJHERE;AS, purmant to resolution adopted by the Edina ViUage Council
on May 24, 19@, and published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Mime-
sota on May 27, 1948, the Village Council has met at the time and place speci-
fied therein and heard all persons interested with reference to proposed improv6- .
men% of Woodland Road between Wooddale Avenue and ??est 56th Street by Blacktopping,
now therefore
BE IT RT3SOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of aim that the
%aid impovenat described in said resolution shall be undertaken, except that
't.Joodland Road shall be blacktopped fro= Wooddale Avenue only so far as Woodland
Emd!s connection with Brookxiew Avenue, at the Soubh Lot Lines of Labs 31 and 32,
Colonial Grove 2nd Addition; and that the entire expnse thereof shall be paid in
the first instance out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving E%ndr
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said jmpovement be nade %y contract to: be le$
to the lmmst responsible bidder, and tk clerk is directed to prepare and
publish advertisement for bids thereon to be opened June 28, 194.8, at 8~00 P.M.,
which bids shall be based upon plans and specifications now on file with the
clerk and which are hereby approved,
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, we; FJillson, aye; Hawthorn
aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was
Pursuant to t*Natice of Hearing on Petition for Reassessment," published in Hennepin
County Review, Hopkins, on May 27, 194.8, Affidavit of Publication for tjhich was
read by Clerk, Public Hearing was held on petition of James F, Richards and John $j
Griffith, for reapportionment of assessment levied in the year 1947:for cost of
improving Oak Drive between Wooddale' and Concord Avenues, St* John?s Avenue between
Lexington Avenue and 310 Feet North; and Concord Avenue between Lexingban Avenue and
310 Feet North by blacktopphg same and construction of curb and gutter therein.
Nessrs. aichards and Griffith maintained that Village had, in the past, followed the
system of apportioning the cost of such improvements for side footage along comep
lots, against the front footage along the lots in the blOCkj stated that in signing
petition they had understood their assessments would be Uxied in this manner; and
asked that Council re-apportion accordingly,
apportionment would raise front-foot assessments on blackbopping from $LO5 to $1.33
per front fool;; and on Curb and Gutter from $2.08 to $2.70 front foot were read at
request of a property owner* Deputy Clerk?.s reports of June 3.4, confiming Cowcilrs
consistent policy of assessing- both sides of corner lots for Curb' and Gutter, and out-
lining Council?s change of policy in assessing blacktoppjng, were read, Council called
1.k. Richards? attention to fact that petition for Oak'DrZve curb and gutter was dated
June 21, whereas petition for Concord curb and gutter was dated July 12, and that,
therefore, Council had no assurance that niddle-of-block owners shared his parti-
cular understandix of assessment procedures; and that Council vmuld make re-apportion-
ment only on agreement by 100% of the property owners to this re-assessment.
(Continued next page)
Engineer!s esthte that such re-
Sever& property cP;;mers_present stated that they believed owners of corner lots
should pay for privilege of living on a corner lot, and that they saw no reason
why &ch re-assessment should be made'at this; or e other, time, Upon request by
Richwds and Griffith for Council. action imnediakely, Havthorne moved that petition
for re-apportionment of assessmen$s for Blacktopping and Wb and Gutter construction
be denied'*, Eotibn seconded by Willson and unasjarously carrieh.
Pursuant to Wotick of Street Improvement Hearing-BlackPIopping," published in Hennepin
County Rew5ew,. Hopkjns, Hiiy 27 and June 3, 1948, Public Heming. vas held on petition
of John C, Reines znd otheps, dated Hay 194.8, for the blacktopping of Vest 56kh Street
betken Xerxes and Zenith Avenues;. Zngineer!s Assessmekt of $2,109.03, or $2.05 per
assessable foot for the propertie: abutting IL 56th Street, vas read. Hr. John C,
Heines, circulator of petition, explained that petition had been signed be several
people in the neighborhood, whose pyoperty did not abut IT. 56th Street, but who are
~&llj.ng to pay portion of assessment+. TLllage Attorney gave verbal opinion that
uder the law Council is empowered to declare non-abutking pGoperties as knefited
if they so wish. Council expgned methcd of assessing abutting properties only, and
Xr* Heines. stated %hat he wxiLd make no objection to such assessment, Ha@,home read the follm5n.g Resolution, W-ch IJiQson offered for adoption:
BHE~BJE, petition in writing requesting improvement of W. 56th Street between?.
Xemesand Zeriith Ammues by Blackbopping has been duly filed with &is C6uncil dated
Hay, 19@, signed by arners of more than 51% in frontage of th& realboperty abutting
on the portion of 'the street namd in said ptition as the location for such irnprove-
dent, and
TiHEREXS, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice
to all proprty owners whose proprby is liable to be assessed for such improvement,
published in Hemepin County Review, Hopkhs, P-Ennesota, on Hay 27 and June 3, Z9&$;
"gd has heard all persons interested, and dectemined the necessity for the irnpnove-
ment petitioned for, now theref ore
BE: IT REsOLf7'ED EIY the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required by
Chapter 3U, La~s of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined to
have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property affected thereby,
BE ITaFURm B3%30XV'Eil, that 11, 56th Street betwen Xerxes and Zenith Avenues,
be improved by Blacktopping, and
BE IT EESOLW that said &provement be made in accordance with specifications
!Cor blacktopping- now on file With the clerk and.which have here$ofore been appraved
by the VUlage Council+
E. * *
BF, Ifp -HJBTTRER BESOIVJ3D that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in the
Hemepin County Review and in the Construction Bulletin an advertbement for bids
upon such improvemnts in accordance -with such approved plans and specifications, said
bids to be opened June 28, 194.8, at 8:OO P.14. The deposit accompanying each bid shall
be ten percent of the amount of the bid,
Pqotion to adopt %he ReFolution was seconded by Chiid, and on Rollcall %here were five
ayes and no mys, 8s foXLows:
and Cooper, aye; and th,e Resolution was adopted.
Child, aye; Palen, aye; tKLlson, aye; Hwthorne, aye;
Presidsnt of the Tillage Coun P*
Pursuulc to Wokice of Stre&! Improvemen$-Hearing-Blackt opping,'t published in Hennepb
Comtg Review, Hqkins, Xgy 27 aad June 3, 19@, Affidavit of Publication for which vas
read by Clexk, Public Heaxing was hey on petition of John Ce Heines ?.nd others, dated
%by, 19@, fm improvesnt of Zenith Avenpe between 11, 56th Street and 1/2 Block South
thereof, En@eer!s estimate of $751.59 total, or $1.25-per assessable foot, was read,
There were no, objections -t;o said improvement, and no m5tten objectiops had been filed
with ClerJx prior to hearing+ TTillsOn offered the follmdng Resolution pd moved its
adoption: _.
WHEREAS, petdtion 5.u wrLting requesting hpropement of Zeni"cl! Avenue
cBet;ween If. 56th Street and 1/2 Block South thereof by-Blacktopping has been
duly filed with this Council dated May, 19.48, signed by owners of mme than 5s in frontage of the real property abutting on the portion of the street
named in said petition as the location for such impcovement, and
' IJHERIQG the Village Councb has'met bt the time and place specified in
a notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for
such improvement, published in Hennepin County Review May 27 and June 3, 19@;
and has heard alL persons interested, and determined the gecessity+forthe
improvement peLitioned for, now theref ore
€E IT RESOLVED BY the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required
by Chapter 311, hws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby
determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property
affected thereby, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLXED, that kenith Avenue besween If. 56th Street ayd 1/2
Block South thereof be improved by Blacktopping, and
fications for blacktopping now on file wit@ the $le& and which were approved
by the Village Council.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLm that the Clerk is directed to prepare armd insert
in the Hennepin County Review and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement
for bids upon such ianpravements in accord,ance w$th such approved plans and spaci-
fica-bions, said bids to be opened June 28, 1948, at 8:OO F.M. The deposit
accompanying each bid shall be ten percent of the amount of the bid.
Notion to adopt the Resolution was seconded,by Child, ani on Rcklcall ttere were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
BE IT RESOLVED that sia d improvement be made in accordance with Speci-
President of the
Pursuant to IWotice of Hearing-Bhcktopping,lr published in Hennepin County Revievr,
Hopkins, Hay.27 and June 3, l9@, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by
Clexk, Public Hexcing was held on petition of Carl M. Hansen and others, dated
Nay 2.4, 19k8, for the Blacktopping of St. John?s Avenue tetween Golf Terrace and
WoodhiL1 Road. Engineer?s estimate of @,05$,51 tutal, or $l.<jl per assessable
foub, was read, together .with his addenda that this estimate covers blacktopping
and stabilizing only, Trustee Willson moved for the tabling of this project for
the time being, inasmuch as there is no-one living on this street and the street
has nut yet been put to grade,
Child, and on rollcall vote there were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Child, aye; Palen, aye; FJTllson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and motion
was unanimously carrieds
Pursuant to 'INotice of Hearipg-Blacktopping, It published in Hennepin County Review,
Hopkjns, Nay 27 and June 3, 1948, affidavit of Publication for wlilich was read by
Clerk, Public Hearing was held on petition of Carl 31, Hansen and others, dated
Nay 24, 19118, for the Blacktopping of TRxbgton Avenue between Concord Avenue ad
Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Park.
or $1.70 per assessable foot, was read, together with <addenda that this per foot
assessment was based on assessment of & abutting proprties. &. IJillsm
explained %ha% properties abutting Lexington Avenue on the North, face Oak Drive.
Attorney I?in&mst gave his verbal opinion that Council c& legally declare these North lots benefited if they so wish, No one spoke from audience on this project*
Motion by Hawtihome that project be tabled was seconded by 1?5llson and unanimously'
3k, Enoch Bellis, 5404 Xerxes Avenue South, requested ped% to build garage on
the lot directly behind his present house, on which lot there is no residence at
the present time.. Nr. Bellis was informed thzt issuing of such per&% would con-
stitute violation of Village Zoning Ordinance, and that % for that reason his
application was being denied.
Motion for tabling of project was seconded by
No one spoke from audience at this Hearing,
Eqgineer?s estimate of 8766.92 tokal,
Pursuant to letter dated Iky 25, 19.48, copy of which vas read by Clerk, Informal
Public Hearing vas held on constrmction of Sewer and Water IW Bxbensions on
Bance Avenue between If. 58th and W, 60th Streets. (Fod Hearing on Sever having
been held April 12, 2948, and on Vater lhy 10, 1948), Eessrsr 13.XLi.an Lewis and Harry Sr.renson, and 3iessrs. Rekdahl and Stanchfield irere present at this Hearing,
when Clerk read the following comparisons of estimates uith actual costst
Sewer 31ab Mension (Per Frt.Fo&) $5.53 $4.60
and also tihile Clerk gave a summary of construction costs over the past several
years, which show some previous assessments to be h2gher than those for propwed
co~~struction~ Eessrs. Rekdahl and Stanchfield favored construction, whereas
Elessrs. Lewis and Srnmson still objected to the cost, There were no other
objections, and no witten objections had been filed with Clerk, Child offered
the following Resolution and muved its adoption:
L ( Assessmnt ) (Assessment)
cosr ~ ESTD*Xrn -
%later Ekcin Ext;ension {Per k.t.Foob) 4.91 4.32
Sfimm S?3EFt DISTRICT lKL 21
IJHEBEAS, purmsnant to advertisemerrf; for bids published in the Suburb= Press;
end in the Construction Bulletin on April 15, 22 and 29, l9@, for the inprove-
ment of the foU.oxd.ng street :
by construction of Sanitary Sewer therein, the following Zds have been duly
received and opened:
France Avenue from I?. @h Stre& to IT. 60th Street
Phelps-Drake Coo, hc. 89,860.45 Orfei & T-lariani U3322.61 Bonander B Cornpaw u-,345*23 Sandstran & Hafner lJ-3 07LOO TIBRFZ'Om, BE IT RESCaT@D, by the Village Council of the Village of Zdina
that the bid of Phelps-Drake Go., Inc. in the amount of $9,860.45 is hereby
determined to be tbe bid of the lowest responsible bidder and the president
and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract mith said
Phelps-Drake Co,, Inc. in the name of the Village for the imprweuent of sa&d
portion of &he above named. street by the construction of Sanitaxy Lateral Sower,
according to the plans and specifications therefore which have heretofore been
approved by thh Cmcil and filed in the office of the Clerk at the price
specified. in szdd bid, and which said contract shall be approved as to form bY
the Village Attorney. I
EB IT mTRTHEIt IZFSOLJEXI that the clerk is hereby aEthorized and directed to
return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids except that
the deposits of the successful bidder and the next 1owsst bidder shall be
retained until %be contract has been signed+ -
Xotion $0 adopk the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follods: Child, aye; Palen, aye; T.Jillsqn, aye; Hawkhome,
aye; and Cooper,-aye; and the Resolu@.on was adopted, 1
President of the Village CaunciT 1
V.ge Cldrk .&
Child offgred the follmbg Resolution and moved its ac$option:
1*m NO. 1
T-, pursuant to*advertisement for bzds published in the Hemepin County
Redew and the Construction Bulletin on Eay 13th and 20th, 194.8, for the 'improve-
rnent 6f France Avenue beheen Be 5&h and W, 60th Streets by cons&uc%ion of
Vater 3h.b &*ension therein, the following bids have been duly received and
opened: I '
Phelps-Drake Company $ 8,724.70
/ 4 Grfei B I.lariani, 10,743.50
"HlBEFOZ, IT RESLTZD by the ViUage Council of the ViXlage of Edina
that the bid of Phelps-Drake Cozqmns, I~Eme~polis, in the anount of $8,72&,90, is
hereby determined to be the bid of %he lowst responsible bidder; and- the president
ad clerk are hireby authorized and directed to enter into a contract w%th said
Phelps-Drake Co~pany~ in the name of the Village, for %he improvement of the above
, named street by construction of water main therein, according to the plms &nd
specifications therefore which hzve heretofore been appyoved >y this council and
filed in th
said contract shall be approved as to form by the Village Attorney.
ffice of the clerk t the price specified in said- bid, and which
BE IT IXRTHER RESOLmD, that the clerk is hereby authorized and directed to
return forthwith to 'all bidders the deposits made trith their bids except that
the deposits of the successful. bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained
until.the contract has been signed,
Hotion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by l?illson, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: ' Chila, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne,
aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
-4- -
President OF the Villagflouncil
??ursuant tollAdvertisement for Bids-Addressing Machine," published in Hennepjn
County Review, Hopkins, tJias 27, 194.8, "Mfidavit of Publication for which was read
by Clerk, the follotrling bids isre publicly opened and readz
b' Vi kge Clerk
The Elliott Company, 318 Lumber Exchange, Mpls.
Model 80 Elliott Addressing Blachine + @3o.a0 * Freight 3.50 $133 50
Addres sograph-Multigraph Corp, ,100-2nd Ave .So.
Model 904 Addressograph, equipped with
14ilcdel 1700 Addressograph, equipped t&%h
various accessories listed in bid $511.60
' various accessories listed in bid $789.60
Motion by Hawthorne, referring bids to Village Wager for investigation and reporb
asked for opportunity to L*
was seconded by Child and carried. NI. Roop, representative of Addressograph Go.,
,'demonstrate his machine before award of bids,
Mr. ?Ellson presented tabulation of bids received May 2&, 1948, for Tar Kettle
and Electric Welder. Motion by Willson that bid of Mhneapolis Equipment Company,
amount $621c00, for Tar Kettle be accepted, was seconded by Palen and carried*
Notion by l?illson that bid of Minneapolis Equipment Companr, mount $268,00 for
Electric :.Jelder, be accepted, was seconded by Child and carried.
Petition dated &y, 1948, signed by B,E, Thoring ad others, requesting water majn
ext,ension on York Avenue between W.56th. and W,58th Streeb, was read .by Clerk,
After Bb. l!illson? s remder that York-Averive has not been opened, hawthcrnefs
motion referring petition to Village Engineer for his recommendation, was seconded
by IKLlson and carried* x
MY. Roy W. Lasen? s' letter of June F, thankjag Council for its action in having
billboard remuved, and requesting tax relief., was read.
express appreciation to Nr. Zarsen for his camplim~tary remarks, and to naf;ify
him 'of Board -of Review Heeting to be held Jme 28,
EILr, Arthur H, Peters&!s June Uth request for increase of $.07$ per house per
mohth far Garbage Collection, was readr
Nr* Fetersen to discuss this matter khat the next; meeting, Motion seconded by
Child and carried;
Office instructed to
Hawthorne rnuved that Council invite
Mr= Roy Peterson of Spring Company requested Council!s permission to connect
seven of the fourteen Gai;rXa-Eighlands street lights,- .with the understanding that
Village py for current axid Spring Company assume maintenance expense. Palen
moved that matter be referred to Yi+ge agineer, for his recommendation, at
the Neeting of June 21, Notion seconded by Hatkhorne and carried,
Application by Robert Soelberg for Off-Sale 3.2 Beer Ucense at Edina-Cash Grocery,
4920 Brookside Avenue, was reviewed; the Council being informed that cenent floor
had been constructed in this building and that Food and Cigarette Licenses had been
issued after Dr. &well Campbell!s approval.
Hawthorne moved thqt License be
Seconded by Palen and carriedr
Petition signed by R. G. Olsen and others, for the Blacktopping of Cascade lane,
with special provision that alL l&s share equally in cost of Blacktopping, was
read. Motion by ITillson that Public Hearing on petition be set for Monday, June 28,
3.948, at 8:OO P.M. was seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Good faith petition of Roger G, WilUams, for the Blacktopping of the streets
in and bordering 'his Plat, "Benton Park't, were read and filed with Clerk*
Rind Plat of "Benton was presented for Council. appraval, t&th office
reporting that Engineer Smith had checked plat, pursuant to instructions of
Planning Codssion, and found eve-ing in order. 1&95on by Hawthorne for
approval of Final Plat of '[Benton Park," was secdnded by I?illson and carriedr
$4r. R, A, Noberg, Treasurer of Thorpe Bros., Inc.9. reviewed for Council petition
filed IIay 24, for the reappor%%onment of valley View Heights biacktopping assess-
ments on a lot-valuation basis, &. Noberg stated that petition carries sipu-bres
of 100," of property owners, and that Thorpe &OS. has written all buyers that they
will be reimbursed by Thorpe &OS. for any additional cost to buyers. I&. Noberg
wawrequested to send Council copies of such Letters; and Haw-bhorne!s motion
settiq Hewing on petition for reapportionment of assessment for Nonday, June 28, 1948, at 8:OO P.14, was seconded by Child and carried+ Nr. Noberg agreed that
Thorpc &OS, would pay cost of work. done by ViVage clerical force in figtaring
this rezpportionment, an estimted sum of ($75.00 being mentioned as estimated cost
of such work, c
Hr, and Erst Boris Peyvotraruk anfd Nk. and Nrs, Orville Ross againsrequested infor-
mtioa on Fewer and wa$er service for lots 7 to u, South Harriet Park 21x3 Addition,
After 1en&hy review of subject, ,it !ras decided that sewer could be brought in from
Gorgas Avenue and 52nd Street, aloq the rear latT lines of the properties facing
France Avenue, it being the responsibility of those to be served, to secure the
required qasements from the people between TI. 52nd Street and Lot 7, Block 1,
this connection, ET. T'loehler repmted that State Board of Health is not in favor of
construct& sever from Halifax Avenue across Village pumphouse property.
T?i@ regard to water main extension it yas de-dded that Village ht,ld allow con-
structjon of water rngxin from Halifax Avknue, acros's pumphouse property, to back of
lots in question, said main to be at least
Property owners were requgsted to finance bdGh projecks privately, if possible, *
and CcvncXl. snggested that they get estbte of cost from contr$ctors; the Council
quoting an estimated cost of $1,000 per lot for bath services. Or-mers thre told
that, in c8se of an assqssnient project, owners between Gorgas and Lot 7, Block 1,
wmld be declared Nqn-Benefited because of their connection to Il5xmeapolis sewer
and water,
Deleg&on headed by &. .l?,P, Longewax, Jr.,* &6l2 Torrer, a&b rgquested remod
of Job Costello?s horses and mure from this n&ghborhocd, Attopey %ndhorst?s
opinion that Councpil can, by enactment 09 proper Ordinance, have stable defined as
nuisance, was read* after proprty mmers had revietmd for Council their previous
complaints as to mnwe pile, odors, flies and rats, Er, Longbay asked for a vote
frcsa the Csuncil as to their action on petition to remove stable. Counci1,after
reviexbg for audience %he fack that r.frzCosteUb!s stable PES in evidence kt timek
of their purchasing. their present propekhies, that %hese premises are xe13. kept,
and %kt Council believes no nuisape exists, on inford* rollcall vote, rejected
Fetition, as fo1lor.m:: Voting No were Child, No; Palen, No; 'llillson, No; Hawthorne,
Mo; and Cooper, No; and+ petition vas denied, I&. Cooper voicpd opinion that
Council would reconsider, providing neighbors, could prove that a nuisanbe existed;
Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved ita adoption:
B% Ifp BBSOLYBD by the ViUlage Council of the Village of Edim that Hidland
National Bank of 2.linneapolis be,. and hereby is9 direc-bed to sell Village of Eina'
investmerrts ia US, Treasury ?/@ Bertificates of Ind, Series H-lqkEf-, in the anour&
of $90,000, as represented by Certificate NOS. 1885, 1913> q379 2323, 3192/93,
27g17/19 *
Xo5ion to adopt the Resolution was segded by Child, and on Rollcall %here wre five
ayes and no nays, as folluxs:
and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution ivas adopted,
in diameter,
Child, aye; Pdlen, aye; T.liuson, aye; Hawbhorne, aye;
t.sJllson!s motion that Treasurer John Jt
Tax Settlement from County Auditor was seconded. by Palen and carriede
Child moved that Manufacturer! s and Contractors? Liability Policy carried with
Bed L, Gray Campany for Sewer and Water Departments, at premium of $94.25 for
the year July 1, 1947' to July 1, 19@, be renewed for another year, Motion
seconded by IXllson and carried,
Buggan be authorized to secure Narch
Trustee 3Tillson requested that Ehgineer Smith be instructed to ask Highway Depart-
ment to reduce speed on State Highway No. 100 to 40 Niles Fher Hour. Council
Notion by Havbhwne that Xeeting be adjourned until Monday,,Jse 21, at 8:OO P.&,
was seconded by Palen and carried8,
IIembers present were Child, Palen, IiTiLLson, Hawthorne and Coopero
Nr. Carl I% Hansen requested approval of Final Plat of ttParkwocd Knolls.It He
stated that he was negotiating to acquire the property to the East of -his plat
and that he would then dedicate the additional thirty feet for tlAldershot% Road.-lt
1-k.IJillson objected to the name tfAldershott ROa&," reque&ting that it be renamed
Schaefer Road before plat.is approved, because it is actually a southern exben-
sion of present Shhaefer,'Raad, It was agreed between I@* Hansen arid the Council
that Aldershott Road be renamed Schaefer Road, said Schaefer Road to continue to
the fi-rst branch south of. the present plat,ttParktrood Iinolls~tt
their field inspection of Saturday, June 19, Kr, Hansen was asked to secure
Planing @ommission?s
of streets,
Nr, A,If* Blum,5l&7 Arden, presented petition signed by eleven property owners,
requesthg discontinuance of playground at 52nd and Arden, Delegation of aboub
f$fteen supported peti-tion, Park Commissioner Hemnann Strachauer defended
establishment of playgroundr After considerable discussion, Hawthorne? s motion
referring petition to Park Board for their action was seconded by Child and
caqried. Strachauer arranged with audience for Hearing to be held Friday,
June 25, at the Village Hall,
Office reported
. that Planning Cormfiission?s approval of present final plat had been given after
signature on plat, and to file petition for blacktopping
Hr. Eldon Norris, Chairman 02 Liquor Control Commission, presented $646-55 state-
ment of IlcIa;ugblin-l~Iullemunas.ter, Rowland & Nay for services rendered in sekting
up *Liquor Store books and perpetual inventory system, and recommendad payment,
Plat of Edina Highlands, showing Village Engineer?s recommendation for connection
of. five lights therein, was presented. Motion by.Willson that Edina Highknds be
restricted for the present to five street lights, as outlined on plat, was
seconded by Havrbhorne and carried,
Willson called Council! s attention to need for Bkcktoppiag the South extension
of -Golf Terrace from Normandale Road to Lakeview Drive, offered the foEowing
resolution and moved its adoptionz
IJHEREAS the TTiLlage Council desires on its om motion to improve the
South extierision of Golf Terrace from Nomandale Road to Lakeview
Drive by Blacktopping, as authoAzed by Chapter 382, Laws of 1903,
now therefore,
BE IT KESOLDED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina %hat
it is. deemed. necessary and expedient to improve the above named
street by Bkkktopping, and that on the 12th day of July, 1948, at
8:OO P.M., this Council will meet at the Village Hall in said Village
and will at said Lbe and place hear the parties interested therein
in reference to su8h improvement, and will decide tdhether or not to
undertake such improvement, in ti%oIA or in part,