HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480628_ADJOURNED'I'liLlsort moved. that aU menbers of the Public Vorks Crew be given a $10.00 per month Cost-of-siving raise in treges, i.~fth hour~g mea ta receLve $,Os per fionr Cost-0f-Li-g raise,all effective July f-, 1948; and th.& the raZses givq the Public IIorks Crqr on Jsmary Zy 1948, be designzted as Cost-of-LZP-ing r&ses. Motion seconded by Child. - ma UWI-OUSL~ carried. + *- -. 1.1r. TToiuer reqnestea pemis&on to ad+ertise foy one-year!s su-gp~y of water meters, Childmoved that Village take bi&s on ahundred,.more or less, water meters to be tsigen neeaea, Seconaea ar ~~rth~rne and cw4ea. 1.b. 5rrisonts reqiest, for pikssion $0 move ttri wdtn& from the l+lorningside School Developent'to his dation on wrison Lee was regortea by Ben lIoahl.er, Palen qve& that $rm5ts be &ven subject to impection of houses by Bn3.l.ding Znspector, and the filing: and approval-of remodeling &ansq I-rotion seconded !ma and carried,' .. =,111oe~er report& thai sidwzilks VixIGe have be+ inspected, and that tbre are over fWq- sidetmlks whiih are dmierous and-in need 09 rep&, that ovmers be giv& notice fo maEte repgins. &.&home moved fos adjomm@t, Seco<ded by Pden and cGried. .- I .. council asked . .. r. .. - *. lkmbers present vere" Child, P'den, Vil&mn and Cobper ,-Clo<k &t&horne being absent;, Msuant to fiAssessnSnt soti&,ll pnGte< on offici&. Bullet& Boaas ~ixly I, copy of which vras read by D&puty CleGk, the ViZJags Counc$l convened at 8:OO P.14. to exvnine the books of the Village AssoFsor, thus. acting as, Board of Review, "'on -presentation of* books of* Assessor,- President: called for tho comments of anr prsons who wishes tb make e&nation of the recprds or ask for adjustment, Xo conslaints, either vkltten or* oral, aere f ilea vc.li$h the Bo& of Bevim* After exmination of the Assessor's Peryonal Property and Real l3state Books of Vzluzeions, Villson'moved %ha$ said Books of Valu+tions be gproved as submitted, Motion seconded by bhild and barrled, 1 HotSon by Child, foi djournmeht of Bo& of Revi&r Ifeeting*was' seconded by Ifillson and carrfed, .. . Clerk . ZXRbT33S OF $HE JXEe NEE2ING 6F THJ3 ED~A VIUAGI COTJNCIL, HEGO I.~OMIBP, JU+Y 26, 19vy A!@ 8:OQ P.N. AT pZ .- EDTNAVICLA@ll HAUL . Members present were Child, &$en, l'Iill.gon &h C&er, Clerk Emthorne being absent, TIi?.lson requesteil t&t I.iinutes'of Neeting of JuIy'12, 1948, *be corrected to read %r. Garrison*s reqnest for pem&ssion to move ttro buildings from the Brookside School Derelopent -Ii (instead of Norningside School Developent) - and moyed that llinutes su'bmitted be agproved as so correc.t;ed, Wotion seconded by Palen ad carria&, Nessrs. L.P. Kennedy and Levis Jones asked permission to have rod openea, as outlet to Blzke Bo&, Ihey vere asked to bring in a petition fgr said work, . 1,Iotion Palen, authorizing Depty Clerk Gretchen Schussler to sign checks for this . evenbg, in Clerk's absence, vms seconded by Child and Carried,