HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480628_REGULARI fYir. H, 1.L Kuhnley and one other proprty owner' asked tha'c matter of bhcktopping Lexington Avenue between Concord Avenue and Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Qttel Park (tabled by Council June U) be reopened, Council explained that no one had appeared at the Fublic*Hearing of June a; that there is a question as to whether the properties abuttirg the North side of Lexington Avenue Tvould be benefited by blacktopping, inasmuch as these properties face Oak Drive; that cost of assessment would be $1.70 per assessable foot providing both sides of street were assessed, or $3.40 per assessable foot providing only propedies . facing Lexington were assessed. Both gentlemen objected to paying full cost of assessment, said they would pay their share, and asked that another public hearing be held. +Attorney Windhorst informed Council tha'c %hey had power to declare unequal distribution insofar as benefits are concerned; for instance, that properties facing lkxington are benefited by 2/3 of cost, and Oak Drive properties benefited *to extent 'of 1/2 cost -6f -blacktopping &xin&on Avenue, Owners present requested that a new.hearing be 'held, t&th a.U owners of abutting property -notified. Willson moved ,that .new Public' Hearing on peti6ion for Blacktapping & bxtngton Avenue .be.#set .for .Ju& 12, 19@; at 8200 PJI, Seconded by Ch5l.d and carried. Mr. ~~tze~ presented letter of June 7th fzom PPs, B.L call had.been received. at Tallage Offhe .complaining that apartmearb house at 5503 France Avenue is a Sire trap, Hahthornemoved- that St&e Fire Narshal, Village Fire Chief: and one Village poliCsleman* be asked to make inspection of premises. Seconded by Pden and Carrie Er.- Boris Pervor.mJ.uk' ,again&. mquested aid from Council in. securing sewer and water service for his !Lots. ab .approriimtely, 53rhdnd. France, saying $hat he coUd not finance such service privately; He -rvas..requsst~ed .to secure a petikion for the *opel3ing of, Gmgas- Avenue .between 8, ,5ad S-breePI and the Church property, in -order t ha% pr oceedhgs . could, be .initiated- for $onsLructiim of mbs , Hawthorne moved fox- ad journmen-k. +Seconded, by Palen-and carried, WiUson moved for re-coiivention of meet-, rfoz purpose of furiher action. Seconded by Palen and unanimously.carFied, ,! L - . ITiUson moved thak Village Council adGertise fok bids to be taken July 12, 191;et at 8r00 PJI., for laboy. and mterials covering installation of plwnbing Sir;tures in the Village-owned dvielw at. 53.54 3~aoks$d'e t Avenue; 1 and conqec-tion of such dwelljag u~th cesspool and water oh' Village. %oolhouse propeqty, Palen and carried, -_ .. f' . ..*. I., . .- " "I son, reporting that , .I :- -. .. , * _. .. . -. - ', , *: 1:. '. .* ((.. : .*\ .I .I Seconded by 'Hawthorne rrroved for ad j ournment., Seconded by 1fiXl.s on and qanimously carried * l: - .. - r., .* I Killage Clerk , ', '-. t s. *. *. ..- .. -. I .' a .. _n :,'-'* i , Ti. . ,.. . .I 3, - MI"ES OF P4EZXlXG OF BokRD OF &SEN, *' HE?B MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1948, kT 7:30 P.M. Council convened as "Board of Review?-, at' 7:30 P&, June 28, -5.n accordance with "Assessment Notice,tt-posted on all Official Bulletin Boards' June 16, 194.8, with membejrs Child, lW.lson, Palen and Cooper answering Rollcall; Hawthorne, absent . Trustee Willson informed Board of Review that Village assessor!^ Valuations Books were not yet ready for presentation to the Bdard, because of extra work this year due to extraordinary number of proprty divisions, AT THE EDINA VIlLAq HALL. *. E NO one TYaaS present for t.us Hearing. . Ifillson mwed $or pos$poneGent of Board of Eeview ~eeting "C to Nonday,' July 26. Seconded by Child and carried. 1 +- I- 4 Child move& for adjournment. Seconded by TJillson Clerk ' -