HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480712_REGULAR. ".. Members present were Cooper, Willsoni'&len, Child and Eavithorne. ' Pursuant to '92esoluti6n Setting Street Improv6dent Hearing," adopted June 21,. &a published in Hennepin County Review, %@tins, P%bnesota: on June 24, pU'blic Heaz9ag was held on proposed Blacktopping of the SouthXxtension of Golf Zerrace, between Normand.de Road and Lakevzew Drive. Engineerts estfmate of cost in the total amount of $639.42, OF $1.51 per assessable foot, was red. &Ir. X, C, Schneider, owner of Lgts 1 ad 2,,Blo& 1, Golf %?errace Heights Addition, objected to ap assessment for this iqrovement on the grouads that, his property is vacant and. that he, therefore, gets no benefits from the blacktopping. It was brought to Councills attention that Mr, Schneibr was one of the petitioners for the vacation of Cherry &ne, thereby making necessary the improvement of this extension of Golf !&mace. TJillson offered the following Resoltztion and move& its adoption: - RESOLUTIOIT MIR IMEROvlKE%I! BLACKTOPPIXGSOU!T,!H l$X2E!N.SION 03' GOZF !ERRACZ .. , WHEREllS , -pursua& to Resohiion adopted by the Village Counc22 June 21, 1948, and published in Hennepin County Review, June 24, 1948, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified therein aqd heard all persons kterested with reference to proposed 'i@rovement of the. South Iktension of Golf ZeGaFe from 3kmnauda3.e Read to Lakeyiew &Zve by Blacktopping, now therefore, BX IT liX!SOLMD by the Tillcige council of the Village of ltlina that the improvement described in szid Resolution shall be undertaken, the entire expense thereof to be paid in the first instance out of the Permanenf; Im- provement Revalving bhnd. the lowest TesponsAble bidder, and the Clerk is directed to prepare and publish advertisement for bids thereon to be opened July 26, 1948, at 8:OO P.N., which bids shall be based upon plans and specifications for Bittuniqous Surface Zrsatment , nopi on file with the Clerk md which have heretofore been approved; MotZon to adopt the %solution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, aye; ad the Besolntion was adopted. BE IT FaB'PHER R&OLvED that said improvemerit be made by contract to be let to Child, aye; Pden, aye; willson, aye; Hawthorne, .- & e- Presilient of the Fillage C Viilage Clerk Pursuant to "Notice of Street Improvement Heaxing Blacktopping," published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Elinnesota, June 24 and July 1, 19443, Public Hearing was held on petttion of Carl M. Hasen and others dated &by 24, 1948, for the Blacktopping of Lexington 2Lvenue.between Concord Benne swd Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel P&k, from office: Lexington Avenue West of Lot 8, Block 2, Subltivisian of Littel Fak; and. owner of said Lot'8 later petitioned Comcil to be included in this contract, Lots 7 and 6 Block2 are' not represented by signatures on petition now before Council; and hot 5; Block 2 has petitioned for vacation of that portion of Lexington which his property fronts. Mr. Gsorge MeUema, owner of Lot 5, Blpck 2, stated that he is willing to stand his proportionate sharepf the assessment because he must have access to his property, Mr, hes 2. Bicfiards, speaking for those property owners facing Oak Drive; whose property abui;s Lexington Avenue on the Noreh, sald these people are absolutely unwilling to pay any part of the assessment because they do not use the street at all. Mr, 'ICuhnleg, owner of Lot 8, Block 2, stated he'd be willing to pay his share but thought Oak Drive people should also be assessed. Engineer's estimate of total $766.92; $1.70 per foot, if' both sides of street are assessed; $3*40 if only South, side SS agsessed, was read, this estimate being on a full,30-foot rodway, for 240 lineal feet of blacktopping, Oouncil suggested 8 15 or 20-foot roadww instead of the usual 3O-f00t, because. of fact tba% road will not be extensively travelled and there will be pTking on only one side of street, Council received the following information Black3opping contract vras awarded fi 1947 for that mt of 'J!hen, too, if apportion of ZexSngton Avenue should be Y , vacated, th5s would elhinatta 60 lineal feet of blacb-opp3ng fram the estimate, thus reducing the assessnu&. 01ne.r~ facing Lexington Avenue discuss this ,matter further, and agreed to delay After further discuss5on, CouncZl requested that those action on the project =til July 26, A ' -1 I&. Chris x.Iitze1, xire chief; reqaestea that firement receive compensation at &in rate of 60+ per how for such thea as it vas necessary for them to substitute for &Ir8 8.J. lerfeld in tmg fire cas. Ha&horne moved that firemen be paid drill rates for standing by during vacation periods, Seconded 'by P&en and carried. Date of Firemen's Picnic, Sundag, July &8, vas announced, with cordial invitation isstzed ~rrsuant to Uotice of street Improvement &sing," published iL Hemepin County <Beview, Hopkins, Blinnesota, June 24 and July 1, l9M, Affidavit of Arblication for which was read. by Clerk, €%'b&fc Hearing yas callea on the proposed blackt;o&ing of all streets in the approved plat flPmkwood Kn~Lls.~ PIr. ifillson reminded Counc51 that Er8 Hmsm has not complete& his arraflgements for the purchase of the property to the East of his sattea Schaefgr Road, and that as matters now stand,: a6 least half the travelled roadway would be on private propertx, Mr, Hznsen stated that he has ernest-money contract for this property, and-that the delw in transfer. is because heirs are scatter& over the country; that if transfer is not nade, he will arrange to build the road himseLf; &t that 5x.1 this case he believes a 15- foot rodws should be blaclrtoppetL instead of the usual. pfoot roadway. Hr. WLXson advocated the d-ing of the Schaefer Eo& portion of the projecf until after matter of property transfer is'sstitled;'and, after Bstjmate of Cost was read, offered the followjag Resolution and movedits adoption: 'I Besfden& for residents to &tend. *.. ic BESOLUICION POR IbiPROlBlW2 I W!l?OPPING - SlXEWJ!S IN PBRp;I.IOOD'EXOlXS TlBlEEU, peti.tion in writing requesting mrovement of all Streets in Parkwood 3Giolls By BLacktopping has been duly filed with this Council. datedJune 21, 1948, signed 37 Carl. M. Hasen; omer of more than 51$ in frontage of the .re& property ikttting on the portton of the streets named j.n .said petition as- the location for such improVement;, and IfHERXAS the VilLzge Council has met at the'time and place specified in a I notice to aZLproperty owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such isrprovement ptz%lishea'%n €& Hemepin CoUney Revievr, Hopkins, Hbnesota on June qecessity far the inprovement petition&. for, now therefore and July 1, 1948; and. has heard dI. persons Qxterested., and determfned the BE 12 I(IEsDLvm, BY the .Village C0nsci.l of the Villsgs of Edfna as required by Chpter 65, Zatrs of 1919, that the petit5on'above describea is hereby determisea . to have been-signed by the rsc@e& percentage of ovmers of property affectea %ezebr, =a BE IT FtBTEER RESOLVED, tk% the following streets be improved by BlacktopFing: Londonderry Road, P~moa bad, Laada Lane, Bkers Lme, Knoll Drive, and Stader Rrcle, BE I2 RESOLVED that sdd improvement be male in accordance with Standard Specifications for Bitumfnous Surface Ireaiment, now on fiLe with the CSerk and which were appkved by the Village Council. RE I2 J?lEElEE RES0I;Vp) that the Clerk is direc€ed to prepare and insert Construction BulLstin, Hinneapolis, Him. and in the Subnrban Sress, Hopkins, linn, , an advertisement for bids upon SUE& impovemezits in accordance with such approved &ns and specffications, s&d bids to be opned July 26, 1948, at 8200 P.M. The deposit accormJany3ng each bid shall be ten percent of the amount of the bfd. the 1.fotion to do$t the Resolu.t.ion was seconded by Child, &d os Bozlcall there were five ages and no nags, as fo2lows: Child, age; Palen, aye; Willson, ay;e; Hswthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolutich tr& ado'pted; L &k .- - pr'esident of the Village Cofieil Village Clerk €bsuaat'-to "Notice of Street Xqrovement Hearing-Sanikxf Sever Vest Sumyslope Road, n pblished in Sdbur3an Press, Hopkins, linnesota on July 1 and 8, 1948, prrblic Heairrg was held on proposed construction of Saitm Sewer ,to serve Zots 9 anif 10, Blobk 5 and " + 7/12 jM ad liots 18 and 18, Block 6, Snnnyslope Sectiort; said sewer to be extended from the present Soqth manhole on W. .Sunnyslope aOad for approxiwbly 200 feet in EU southerly directioq, Mr. Ben-Woehler reported an estimated cost of $2,000; or $3.60 per assessable foot on the-basis of a shallow cut to serve theae lots olily, On pasis of deq cut, to provide,for connection in-the future by properties on the South side 04 We 50th Street, the tot@ cost would be $2,500. aider of property benefited, stated that he wou~.ii lilre the, sewer as soon as possible axid had no objection to the estimated assessment. directing Village Attorney and Village Elngiaeer to prepare Ordinance Great- Sanitary Sewer District Xo. 22, was seconded 'by Child and car'ried. W5tb regard to the complaint registered %y Dr. C&rson $t the last deetags that H.R. Burton, in constructing mdm Road in.I%ITrror Lakes in Edaatl, had cbged the water shea and thus damzged the Carson prop&y,-Mr. Willson reported on a meeting held.Friday, Julg 9, with Dr. Carson, Nr. &R, Burton, Mr. Child, at which there we no definite conclusicia reached. Dr, Carson stated he still con- siders his property damaged; ad Mr, Cbl Calson-, former owner, said that, in- sofa as he remembered., the year 1935 VJaS the only tiiie that water from the present; Mirror ljzkes area diverted to-this'property. Village &@Deer should determine whether change f# grzde could divert water into different channel, and that blacktopphg shodd be delayed Pntilmatter is settled. P~3X3uan.1; to llAdvertfsemen-b for 33fds,ft pnblished in &ibur'ban Press, Ho$ins, Mmesota, and Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota,. OR July 1 and 8, lgM, &%davit Of publication for which vras read by Clerk, the foiloxeqg b2dg were publtc$y opened- and read for the Blacktogping of Cascade Lme between State Highlray No. 212 6 169 to and including the W&,romd: J, V, GUUSOIT GLENN JOHTJSON t4r. Wagstad, Blot'ion by Hawthorne .. 1 ,- I It was decided that r , ' 929 *02 1,753 Sq. Yds. 'Bituminous Sufface 53 $1525*3J 1,753 Sq. Yds St abilizing-411 $.34 ' $596.02 B. USIBG GllTBACK ASPHiZ!C . $00- ~lrsuat to lfavertisement for Bids," published in sub~rban Press, HO&S, 1.fi.m6SOta, and Construction BuU-etin,-Nimearpolis, Minnesota, on Jay 1' and 8, 1948, Affidavit of publication for which was read by Clerk, the following bid, e were pblicly opened'and read for the BlacMopging of the 2ollowltng streets: sdd bids: 'being an a street-by-street basis, w%th o@y tofals. listed heret W, 55th Stre&, from Beard Avenue to !Zenith Avenue; W, 56th Street from Beard Avenue to Zenith Avenue; Beard Avellue, from If, 55th Street to W.- 56th. Strekt; Zenith Avenue, -from V. 55th Sf;reet to W. 56th Street; W. 56th Street, from Xerxes Avenue to Zenith Avenue; and Zenith Avenue to 1/2 Block South JL USING ROAD TAR St a%ilfzi~g-4'~ Bituminous Surface '!Pot& Bfd Bo USIHG CUTI3.A~ ASPEAL? Stabilizing-4"g Bituminous Surface Total Bid I c $834 $-Ow Hr. Cooper and Ms; Sewis Jones: objected to presegt method of 'blac?ctop&g streets, Mr. Cooper citing Valey view Ee2ght;s streets, which he said were badly 'broken up aft& only SG year's light travel, whereas Hansen hail and some others have stood up well for eigh% or ten years without much repair. Mr. Willson explained t&% Vdley View Heights project was not ye$ complete; that soil conditions at Hansen Road are exceptionel; that frost boils have been occurrbg throughout the s$a%e, tdth the Highway Departaent spendiw two million dollars for repa* %his year; 7/12/48 'L and t'ht frost boils do not result from unsattsfactory bI.acktopping. H a?&horne moved that bids for the Bbdctogping of Uascade Eane, and W&th Street, etc. , be. referred to %he Tillage Xngheer for report, Seconded by Child and carried;. Purskt to NAdvertisenent for Bid-Plum%ing l?isIfiZui;es,Ik published in Su'fnzr'oan Press, Hopkj.ns, Minnesota axpi Constrnction Bulletin, BIinneapolis , 14innesota, July 1, 1948, Affidavit of Sublieation for which was read by Clerk, the follotrlng bid was publicly o3aned sad read, being fhe oply bid received, for furnishing labor ad materiaZs for plmbing work,and the foLXowing fixtures, to be-installed in the VWhge-owned dwellirg a% 51% Brookside Ayenue: Oiel hxm, 2209 Johnson Street N.E., Hpls: 1 - 5' recess tub; 1 - Cloqed couple c9oset; 1 - 18dO lavatory . auto&tic gas watp heater: Connect to old cesspool which is abont 40 feet. frop bnilwe 3pm copper water line. not to sxceea 80 feet horn firebarn to buil.$bg,, VillGe of Ed- to furnish pipe for same ' with center-set '2Ltthg; 1 - 42" cabinet 'and sink; 1 - 3O-gZllon .. Price - $1,175,,00; with $200,.00 deduc€i,le, if Village does digging. &&home moved ;hat bid of Gabkeji 33urman'be accepeed. hsuant to uMver-tisement for Bi&4almrlating I4achine vith !2age,t1 published irr Suburban Press, €ii$cins, Minnesota and Bonstructfqn Bulletin, Hinneapolis, Himesota, July I, 19.48. Affidavit of Publication for which vas read by Olerk, the following bids were opened and pblicly re& Seconded Palen and carried, t %nh.gfioa-Ffad, Inc. 631 Mwquette ' Ake, , 1.Iime;rpoila: Hodel 96101-5 Remington Prinbing CaXcuLatos - f,o,b, 8a.j.r.m Xeb . 3mrough.s AM-ing 16achi.b Companyt 830-2nd Aveiue S., binneapolist $497.50 W7.75 L ' Eess 10s d!2& .* Delivery - 10 P&. Style 90853 Electric Adding and Caldativ Nachine - f.o.b. Edina . $294,00 Less IO$' A%&Q - Net - $264.60 I Deli$ery - Immediate, Ea*horne moved that bids be referre'd to Village Bngineer, Seconded Child kd carried, kyor Steve=-on of th- ~5~age of Blcirnirtgside tippeared to request E-*S cooperation in furnishing L police patrol for Morningside between term o'clock P.K afta three or I four os clock AJL , each night, and also asked pkrmission to csiil EaZna palice in case of Morningside emergency, at some fe'e to be agreed upon befmeen the two Villages, Balenmoved €or Police Committee Meeting to be held !hestby, July 1-3, for consideration of this regzest, Seconded by Willson and carried. 'Mr. Stevenson was inviteato attend discussion. Petition for the'vacation of L exingfon Avenue betvfeen St, Johns &venue and the East Lot Line of Lot 6, Block 2, Sjb@vision of Zittel Park (bt@ July 3, 1948 uzd slgned 3y George B,-Hellema and others) was read, _&,vt;horne m2ved for accegtance of petition, rfith przblic Hearing bg petitfon to. be held July 26, 1948, at- 8:00 PJL, Clerk being anthbrized to pzblish, post and maii the reiuired notrces of hearing, Seeonded by Palea and carried. Petition sised by Hasold J. Sneller and othqs, requesting lJozpamental lamp post to be encicled %y EL curbed island in center of turn-around of Cascade agreeing th&t cost of oraamental laq zosb frv$3.1 be shared eqpally by ea& of and .t;fifs cost will 36 $d to ViZlage l3.mediateI.g upon presentation of theip invoice" was Fed. Haytihome moved ikt Villageeadvertise for for ornamentd. light stmd~03 and construction of curb and gutter island at Cascade Lane tm- aroun~ Secoiiied by Paen and carri&, &, &en A. Phillip' letter of June 28, requestsz that !looddale Avenue be closedb heavy tnrc'lc traffic, &d calling attention to fa@ that streets have not been cleanea this rem, was read.. order, At tMs time it was brou&t to council's attention tb.t; trora has been 'received from : hsth-lfestern Company %ha* Street Sweeper on order, which was eqected in &ne, will. not be here mtZl SePt;ember, Office @ked to notify Austin-Western colvpany * that Cowicil ~dll consider cancellatfoq of order unless sweeper is deliverea in the near fatnre, 1 r . ad Offfce &ed to noti'SyI.fr. Phillips that street sweeper is on Annual Report of NimeapolLs Gas Light Cornptny, fixed 3n accordance with Ed& Ordinance, was presented, 'Ea.tho;ne moved that report be referred to Public: Utilities Committee for ex~qi,rmtfon, ... Sgconded by Child and carried, Petition &tea July 9, 1948, signed byxPher W. Gaf;zaap and others, for the Blacktopping of plladiaon Avenue between Mdoney Avenue and Belaore Lane, was Read, willsoxlts motzon setting &a,ring-on Petition for August 9, &9rr8, at 8:oo PeH,, was-seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Comcil was notified by Office that the $2,$-water %ill for 5004 $race, .for the period December 15, 1947 to March ll,? 1948, is uncollectible, @sofar as occupant is concerned, because of bmptcy groceedings. collect 'bill from owner of building; and water department instructed to shut off water at once, bgMotion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried. Office instructed to I Offike asked procedure for spraying boulevard trees upon recpest, Willson moved follow policy of spraying no boulevmd tree^,, SecoGded by Child ad Carrie@. Application of Alfred Hay, 3OOO Iexas Avenue, St-Louis Park; for position of Dog Catcher, at rate of three hours per**, five-days per week, at $2,fiO per hour -plus comnission on licenses; with truck furnished by Hr. Hay, was read, Hawthorare moved that 'amlication be filed, Aklication of Ted & Marie Hellesvig for Cigarette and Food Licenses a% ~ the Z-Dineihe, 5354 3'rance Ajrenue South, from July 1, 1948 to 4ril 2, 19@, were reviewed, Hawthorne moved that licenses be issued, Seconded by Pden . Seconded by Child and Carrie@. and carried* -* r I ApBliqation of Peder 14Lckelsen for peat to build gasoline filling station at Lobs 29, 30 an& 31, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition, in the are$ bounded )y Interlachen Boulevard, Highway No. 169 Bo 222, and Summit Avenue, was filed, Bawthorne moved that Public Hearing on zqplica.$ion be set for Mondsrg, Jay 26, 'at' 8:OO P.N, Secdnded br Child and parried, Mr. Boris Pewowaruk reported his failure to secme signatures of 515 of the : property owners, for openkng of Gorgas Avert- between !5;End and the church-oa.med property, &a again asked that Courzcil make arrangements to furnish water to Lots 7 to 14, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition, Hawthorne moved ?;hat Public Hearing on petrtipn-for water main construction,. signed by Boris Pewowam& and others and dated &lay ,lo; 1948, be set for Monday, July 26, 1948, at 8:OO P.M. Motiop seconded by Child ,and carried. .I Mr. P, C. Stow agdn requested vaEation of Lape between Horth line of Lot 12, Xvom6 2errace and South line of lots 12, 13 and 14, Hylmdrs Place. PlannSng Co~&ssioqts recommendation for vacation was reviewed. . Attorney WLridhorst asked that Mr. Stow secure quit-claim deed from owner of lots U,l3 and 14, Nylund's Place for lefoot strip vhich wiL1 revert to ha upon vacation of Lane, and make arrmgements to give "footpath" easement for 25-foot strip. Hawthmne moved that Public Hearing on petition to vacate We be set for Monday, July 26, l9M at 8:OO P,EL Seconded by Child and garriTed, , Mr. E'aroid We hsm reviGred for Gowcil the PLking Commission's approval. of his request to construct houses facing EaFt on Nomandale Road, on lots 33 through 24, Block 15, NomandaLe Second Addition. discussion that Mr, -sen controls the'entire block Imediately to the West of this property. Ifillson moved that Copcil grmt pemission to build houses as planned, upon receipt of prints of prelimizlary plat approved bySla.nning Commission, l4;. J. V, Oleason, blacktopping cobactor, spoke in defense of the work he has been doing in- the Village, eqla2ning to Mre Cooper in detail the method of stabilizhg required by Village specifications. He reiterated the factc t4& bXcsktopping jobs now being criticized we not ye$ complete&, and asked that 8: letterrbe written to the VUlage Council stating wuch wprk does not* meeti speci- f?ications, in order that he mighk be given a fdr chance to defend himself against complain*& Bids take& June 28, for Blacktopping+ of Woodland Road betweek Wooddde Avenue and Brookviqw Avenue, were reviewed, one bidder had failed to bid on stabilization; and after Mr, W%llson eqlaineb that this area'ws particularly in need, of a good base because of its low It wks brought ant; in Secopded, by Pden and car$ied+ I It was brought to Coulcilts attention that 7/12/48 topogrsbphs and lack of drabage, Emthome moved that Council reject all bids taken Jnae 28, aab readvertise for bids- to be taken Jay 26, vith undersfanding tbat dl bidders bid on both stabilization and bitminous surface. Motion seconded llillson and carried. Council requested cue of procedure in l-lunicipal Lieor Store Illanagemat, Trith +%..Or CofltroZ hmissfon acting ab5 advisory board to Council'in the fube, lkr* hn-lroeuer-reprted that he has begun negotiations for easements tho@ ' private property for Storm Sewer tu serve 44th Street, having contacted &, Leo&d oaell and the owner North of hsnn in stD&oub Pmk, with tentative romises $or easements,. Hawthorne offered the follovlng BeGolution ad. moved &s adoptron: L I . r I BESOLrnION SrnIrnG s- DPROrn.IEI1TII! HESmG S9QRE.I SlW3Et - I'7- J&TH4 S'PREEI! AND NORllE I 1 TIHERES €he mina ViLla ge Conacil desires on its own motion to improve W. 44th Street between 33rovmdd.e Avenue ad Glenn &enue by construction of Stom Sever therein, as anthorized by Ch&er 382,-&vrs 1903, now therefore RE I2 RESOLVED by the-Village-Council of the Village of Edina that it is deemed necesssy and eqed3.en.t; to improve 44th Street between Brovrnda2.e Avenue and Glenn Avenw 3y construction of-Stom Sewer fn'said stree%, for approximately fifty feet, fron the '(Jest Lot ljine of Lot.J.2, Block 11, Brovrnd.de Park to the %sb Lot Line thereof; thence in lortherly Direction to the North Lot Line of 50% 12, Block U, Brovmdale Park, and Xortherly therefrom to discharge into_pona. - BE IT &EER aElsOLVED.t&t this Village Council vrill meet in the ldina Village =I. at 8t00 P.N., on Nonday, Bugust 9, 1948, and will at said Eime and place hear the parties interested thereb in reference to such improvement, ana r.nl11 decide vhether or not to undertake such improvement, fa vhole or in pato Hotion to &pt Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five zyes ana no nws, a8 follows: Child, aye; Pden, aye; tlillson, age: Hmthorne,, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution tras .ado$ted, - c r f tr Tn reyiehng plans for the a'bove storm sever, &bo lToehLer reninded the Council that part of the construction would be through StJouis Park property, &tithome moved. that the St,Louis Park Council be notified of- this problen, an& tha? thgir coopratfon be requested in solving it, * &eli.mt'.nary Plat of riLisnback,t*- v~as presented for approvd, l?lanning co&ssionts July 6th zecomendatioa for qproval vas reviewed. Havthorne moved tkat Pre1,binay Plat of Limback be approved, Beporb of Office, on methods followed 'by ne9ghboring Villages h licensing mi& tiagons was read, &fr. Palen advocated the licensing of vehicles dispns5ng other foodstuffs, and alp licensing of rubbish and ash haulers. Havthorne moved tha% this entire subject be referred to Ordinances and bgislation Committee for study. and report. Village Attorney tfindhorst stated that the Village does have the pover to have properties condenned for being fire hazards, providing su5table Or&ances are adopted for such purpose, Havthorne moved that Village ACEoraey be reqested to prepare Ordinances designating powers of Fire krshall aad Council, vith fhe final power to conaQm vesting with the Village-Council. Seconded by Pden and carrieL Petition for Vater f.faln E&ension on Yoxk Avenue bettieen V. 56th and I'l. 58th Streets, vas reviewed, trith Office reportfng that stition carries signatures of owners of 74$ of aautting proBertgo t~~son moved that PuBlic ~earbg on Petitton be set for Wonday, July 26, 1948, at 8t00 P.B. Motion seconded 3y Hawthorne and carried. Office reported that profiles and estimates for Grading Adms Avenue between lW.oney Avenue and Belmore Lane, llillson moved setting Public Hezrins on Petition for %Us gradingfor 14onday,-&gt 9, 1948, at 8:OO P,N. Hotion seconded by Child and carried; Seconded. by I'7illson md carried, Seconded by Child and carried. ..a I Seconded by Child and. carried, I 7/12/48 Office reporteil. request of propesty owner, for Village Crew to clean scum from &hnehaha Creek, Office directed to inform proprty owner that Village will take no action in this mattes, Hatter of Increase for Gsbage Collector was again ;brought before Council. Because &. Art- Peters- was not avai1hN.e for disrmskion, &esid.ent -- Cooper recommended tha% this mattes be-removed from order of business. I Motion by Child, agproving Transfer of Funds, in the amowt of $tb74.LI-E), from the Village Water Accovnt to BiTlage of mizp Accoun%, was seconded, by Willson and carried; transaction made to close Watep Acco'unt opined in 1947, Motion by Hawthorne, approving 'Pransfer of Funds, in the &omt of $2,277.04, from the Village of Edina account to the Edha Mynicipal Liquor Fmd bcomt, was seconde'd by Pden and carried; this transaction being for the p'urgose of fransferring mused Balance of $10,000 Loan from Genera ha to Lipor bd bto the correct %& accouat, , Notion by Hadhome, approving rel?ayment by Edina Bbicipal Liquor Jhnd of $10,000 Loan from General bd, vrq3 seconded by Child and cwrfea. - jche matt& of the sde of addition& Permanent' ~provement Revalving bhad. Bonds was discussed, Public Iminer; .approving sale of Pekmanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond= without vote of the peegle, was reviewed,' Upon discussion and a rey2ew of the projects &ready inprogress and t5ose for which petitions have been filed, it was detemined that Permanent Iqrovement Revolving hd Bonds in tize amount of $l5O,OOO should be sold to finance construction. _Trustee child offered the follorving Besolation' and moved' 28 s adopt ion: June 3, 19118, Opinkon of Attorney General., to RA. Gol_ling, ~SOLUl?ION DE!ERMINSNG TIIE: EIECESSIm & pa0VXD~G;FOR l?TJBLIC SALE - $ljO,OOb 1- -- + hi€@im~!l?-* VOLVi&G m ~03$s - -- ~ - BEI IT BESOLVPD iy the-villw -... ~ Coync&l -.. of-the'Village of Ed-, Mhiesota, as follows: 1. This Council has investiga%ed the facts necessary to 6scertain does hereby find,'d.etemIne and declare: 1.1 !The Village of BdiG has heretofore duly created a Pernment Improve- , ment Ilevolvi#g Fund for the purpose of financgng local improvements for which assessments are _to be leded, subject to reimbursement uyon collection of such assessments. 1.2 Moneys in said fund se not sufficient at the present time to advmco' -. - E, the cost of all necessary local inrproveinents heretofore instituted, and Zt iRt deemed necessary to provide additional. moneys for said fund for the f5-c- of additional impovemmts now contemplated, 1.3 It is necessary and eqedient for the VSllage to borrow money and issue its negotiable coup'on general o'tjligations bonds in an mount not exceeding $150,000, an mount which vji11 not increase its net indebtedness beyond the, limit fixed. By law, for the parpose of maintaining s&d Permanent Improvement Revolving ha. - 2. This Council s;hall meet at the time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained for the purpose of opening, receiving and con- sidering sealed bids for aud awarding the sale of sard bonds. The Pillage Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place ad purpose of said meeting to be published once each week Tor two consecntive weeks h'the offlcialaewspaper, of the Village, the first of such publications to be at least 14 days and the second at lest seven days prior to the date of sdd meeting, Said notsce shall be in su7jstmtially the following fora: ; - -(See Page No.= 92). 1-1 I. ,= xo!l!IcBoY Eom sm HO'PICB IS EEXEBY GIVE7 tba€ the VillageC$uncil of the V3.l.lage of 3:dina, Hemepln County, r;Iinnesots, will meet at the Villzge Hall in said Village on Mst 9,'1948, at 8:OO olclock P,lL for the $qose of opening, receivhg and considering *sealed bi@ for and atrardlng the sale of $l5O,OOO negotiable conpan general. oblig&tion bonas 50 be issued for the purposes of the Permanent Iqrovement Revolving hd malnt;ained by said Village for advanc- Zng tkie &os% of local hprovernen.S;_s for vhich assessments are %o be levied, Said bonds will be kted Jdy 1, 1948, tdll be in $1000 denominations, will hear interest' at EL rate or rates to be desi ted & the successful 5idder 'on 'Jaaziary 1 and July 1 of each year, and vriJ.l mature serially in the apoynt of $15,000 on January 1 in each of the y,eaxs 1950 through 1959, Bonds hm2ng stated maturity dates later than Januar~r 1, 1954, trill be each subject to redemption and prepayment at tbh option of the Village on said date ad any interest payment date thereafter, 'at par and accrued interest, in inverse order of serial numbers. Principal ana interest trill be made payable at any suitable baking institution in the Untted States as desig- n&ed by t6e successful bidaer. The Village will furnish, without cos% %o the purchaser, the printed and executed bonds and the app?oving legal opinion of Messrs. Dorsey, COW, Baker, Scott 6i Barber, of Minneapolis, Xhesotte, i71ii~h will be delivered vithtn 30 w*s after sde, * in an integra multipIe of 1./4 or 1/20 of ~p F= per annum, payable semiam-ly - Sezled bids marked "Bid for $150,000 Bondsft mag be mailed to the ddersigmea and nust be received prior to the time of said meeting, Orzit. auction bids win not be qonsiaesed, Each bid must be unconditional ,except as to legality, trhich may be mad? conditional qon the opinion of the above attorneys, and must be accoqmied by a cashier's or certifies check or bank draft in the amount of at least $3000, to be forfeitea as liquidated damages in case such bid be accepted pd the bidder shall fail to comply vith its terns, Bids will he preferred ahording to lowest net hteresf cosf; interest to the stated maturities at the coupon rate or rates specified, less any premium offered. NO bid of less than par and accrued interest will be considered, and the Village reserves the right to reject any and aU bids, . Dated July 12, igM, Bower &&home, Vill@e Clek VKl.lage -1, Edlna,' M.nnesota 3, qach and all of the terms and. provisions of the foregoing fo& of no*ice are hereby adopted as the terms ana conditions of said bonds and of the sale thereof. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hatrthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution tras adopted, Child, me; Palen, aye; Ifillson, age; & 44- President of the Village C+ciL Village Clerk . Hotion by Palen for Amrovd. of the following Glaims was seconded by Child and carried: . CLAm xo, NAm FUND - 5464, Subur%aa Hemepin County Belief Boqd Poor ma $216.08 Blsie D. Peterson Oenerql '1 $ 21.00 Commissioner ;of %%tion Iquip,Rent. $ 14.00 2447 * 2448 24-49 Artlmr E;. Pe%ersen Garbage $834.36 n II 30.80 P,I,B, $l20,80 2452 John J. Balich a53 37 38 I P.I.B.. Fund $90.00 Charles Jones ~zy &'Stenson GO, Ziquor ha $@O,OO J. L. Bergeson n II 47.20 Ed, Phillips 80 Sons Go, 35 - 1' '95l.&,Liquar $1399.13 If 'Potal $2605 37 - Motion by PaLen.for approval of the following Payrolls was seconded by 'Willson ginti. carried: < P~U FOR PERIOD my 1, igm ~PHROUGH mx 15 1948 &t?D OVBRTIEB FOB BIO?JTH OF JDmE mmFl TOTAL llI!!Z._ RETIR& TOT& p4IHIs~rm FaRjlJmGs TAX DEDUGI!. DEDUGZ. mT PAY GJXM 80. Phil If. Smith $ 255.62 $ 29.89 $ ~ 10.22 $ 40.02 $ 215.603454 Gretchen Sckrussler , 138.04 , 16.50 , -5.52 , 22.02 , 116-02 2455 Bernice Johnson 115.03 .60 4,60 5.20 109.83~ 2456 Helene 3reemaP lls.00 13.00 4.60 17.60 97.m 2457 ~GI~ING Louise Tlesterberg 76.6 . 20 3.07 6.27 70.42 &58 Fred Jonas $I 120~14 $ 5.80 $ 4.81 $ 10.61 $ 109.53 2459 POZICE DZPAR!PMElT!E- Clarence Knutsoa $ 151.84 $ 10.00 $ 6.07 $ 16.07 $ 135.77 *O Sub-total $ 700.3; $ 6;.10 $ 28.01 $ 91.11 $ 609.27 + Hildhg 33s . 134206 , 8.20 , 5.36 . 13.76 , 125.30 2461 Hens3 11. Wro'blesu 118.61 5.30 - 4.74 10.04 108.57 2463 Wm. S, Heydt .i 92.03 1.40 3.68 5.08 86.95 2462 I Bert M. Merfeld 118.61 5.30 4.74 10.04 108.57 2464 Vi1lis.m V. Hoffman - 118.61 9.50 (2.70) *lL% 107.07 2465 ..4;74 Lloyd Mce 116.00 5.00 -0- 5,oo iii.0~ 2466 Sub-to t al $ 854.76 $ 44.70 $ 26-83 $ '71.53 $ 783-23 Phillip STEEX' Em-mGm Bailey $i 137.91 i) 4.00 $ 5.52 $ 9.52 $ 128.39 2467 Pehr D&gren I 139.96 ' 12.30 , 5.60 , 17.90 , 122.06 24.68 Mati; Merf eld 129 . 04 7.00 5.26 12.16 116.88 2469 3ohn-Tracy 115.62 .60 4.62 5.22 llO.44l 2470 I@rqr Jonas 109, 92 3.80 4.40 8.20 101.72 2471 Arthur *Sensen ~5~62 60 4.62 7 5.22 110.44 24'72 Ronald Po& - 3.14.04 -0- r 4.56 4.56 109.48 2473 C.W. Cardaselle 114.04 60 4.56 5.16 1013,88 247& Charles Johnson- $ 103.~~8 $ 7.10 4 4.14 8 11.24 $ 92.24 24'75 Sac03 Shpk , 107.98 , 3.50 , 4.32 , 7.82 , 100.16 2476 . Tracy + 89.98 9.10 3.60 12.70 77.28 24?7 Joseph Natale - 92.52 5.60 3.70 9.30 83.22 2478 Wm. Douglas Carlson 73.62 6.80 2.94 9.74 63.88 21180 George King. n.62 6.80 2.94 9.74 63.88 2481 Sub-t 0 tal $ 976.15 $ 28.90 $ 39.04 $ 67.94 $ 908.21 $mT I'*DN-HOuIujY I 1 WIU. H. Kell 84.10 4.40 3136 7-76 76.34 2479 I Sub-total x $ 625.30 $ 43.30 $ 25.00 $ 68.30 $ 557.00 Tim DEPAR3.m 'I Ben Woehler , $ 210.23 $ 19.70 $I 8.41 $ 28.11 $ 182.12 21182 David Roberts 82-80 8-00 3.27 11.27 70.5 2484 Sa Ro'berts * 153.33 . 10.60 I 6.13 , 16.73 , 136.60 z483 Sub-total $ 445.36 $ 38.30 $ 17.81~$ 56.U $ 389.22 GW !I!O!PAL PAYROU $3,7z.o9 $ 22FG.10 $ 141.50 $ 36~~60 $3,356.49 LIUQOR SI!ORE PHROk july 1, 19b throuqh Julss 15. 1948 and Ekra Helm for SuneJ9Lt.8 momm lB~lJ?rnrnS __ larl J. Keeler . $ 153.38 $ 14.70 $' 6.14 $ 20.811. $ 1320% 30 , 127.81 , -0- , 5*ll , 5.U , 122.70 31 IJm. I, Zanders ' 110 w43 12,40 4.42 16.82 913& 32 Harry 5. Casey & 122.70 $- * 5.80 $ r4.91 $ 10.71 4 11Lgg 33 Charles S. Bates- 22 20 - 09 6.29 71 . 04 34 frank .Kimley Sub-total $ 391.62 $ 27-19 $ 15.67 $ 42.77 $ 34.8.85 mGm-mmX '-7 A. 3 * * $ zZ::O3 $ ;IO0 $ :IO0 $ 17.00 $ 183.03 Bernice Sobnson 25.77 $ . -0- $ 1.03 $ . 1,013 $ 24.7 35 !W!CAIi Pd~OIiLIJQUOR-~ 617.42 $ 36.10 $. &.70 $ 60.80 $ 556.6: Chili moved for Adoption of Mfnutes of J&e 28 as skxnitted.' Motion seconded by Willson and carried. Mr. paen idled Comcil's attention to need for additional publ2c transporezon in the Village, and recommexlded thaC Mirmeaplis 80 Suburban Bus Cornzany be contacted to see if they can supply service, -- - 'I'liLlsort moved. that aU menbers of the Public Vorks Crew be given a $10.00 per month Cost-of-siving raise in treges, i.~fth hour~g mea ta receLve $,Os per fionr Cost-0f-Li-g raise,all effective July f-, 1948; and th.& the raZses givq the Public IIorks Crqr on Jsmary Zy 1948, be designzted as Cost-of-LZP-ing r&ses. Motion seconded by Child. - ma UWI-OUSL~ carried. + *- -. 1.1r. TToiuer reqnestea pemis&on to ad+ertise foy one-year!s su-gp~y of water meters, Childmoved that Village take bi&s on ahundred,.more or less, water meters to be tsigen neeaea, Seconaea ar ~~rth~rne and cw4ea. 1.b. 5rrisonts reqiest, for pikssion $0 move ttri wdtn& from the l+lorningside School Developent'to his dation on wrison Lee was regortea by Ben lIoahl.er, Palen qve& that $rm5ts be &ven subject to impection of houses by Bn3.l.ding Znspector, and the filing: and approval-of remodeling &ansq I-rotion seconded !ma and carried,' .. =,111oe~er report& thai sidwzilks VixIGe have be+ inspected, and that tbre are over fWq- sidetmlks whiih are dmierous and-in need 09 rep&, that ovmers be giv& notice fo maEte repgins. &.&home moved fos adjomm@t, Seco<ded by Pden and cGried. .- I .. council asked . .. r. .. - *. lkmbers present vere" Child, P'den, Vil&mn and Cobper ,-Clo<k &t&horne being absent;, Msuant to fiAssessnSnt soti&,ll pnGte< on offici&. Bullet& Boaas ~ixly I, copy of which vras read by D&puty CleGk, the ViZJags Counc$l convened at 8:OO P.14. to exvnine the books of the Village AssoFsor, thus. acting as, Board of Review, "'on -presentation of* books of* Assessor,- President: called for tho comments of anr prsons who wishes tb make e&nation of the recprds or ask for adjustment, Xo conslaints, either vkltten or* oral, aere f ilea vc.li$h the Bo& of Bevim* After exmination of the Assessor's Peryonal Property and Real l3state Books of Vzluzeions, Villson'moved %ha$ said Books of Valu+tions be gproved as submitted, Motion seconded by bhild and barrled, 1 HotSon by Child, foi djournmeht of Bo& of Revi&r Ifeeting*was' seconded by Ifillson and carrfed, .. . Clerk . ZXRbT33S OF $HE JXEe NEE2ING 6F THJ3 ED~A VIUAGI COTJNCIL, HEGO I.~OMIBP, JU+Y 26, 19vy A!@ 8:OQ P.N. AT pZ .- EDTNAVICLA@ll HAUL . Members present were Child, &$en, l'Iill.gon &h C&er, Clerk Emthorne being absent, TIi?.lson requesteil t&t I.iinutes'of Neeting of JuIy'12, 1948, *be corrected to read %r. Garrison*s reqnest for pem&ssion to move ttro buildings from the Brookside School Derelopent -Ii (instead of Norningside School Developent) - and moyed that llinutes su'bmitted be agproved as so correc.t;ed, Wotion seconded by Palen ad carria&, Nessrs. L.P. Kennedy and Levis Jones asked permission to have rod openea, as outlet to Blzke Bo&, Ihey vere asked to bring in a petition fgr said work, . 1,Iotion Palen, authorizing Depty Clerk Gretchen Schussler to sign checks for this . evenbg, in Clerk's absence, vms seconded by Child and Carried,