HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480726_REGULAR'I'liLlsort moved. that aU menbers of the Public Vorks Crew be given a $10.00 per month Cost-of-siving raise in treges, i.~fth hour~g mea ta receLve $,Os per fionr Cost-0f-Li-g raise,all effective July f-, 1948; and th.& the raZses givq the Public IIorks Crqr on Jsmary Zy 1948, be designzted as Cost-of-LZP-ing r&ses. Motion seconded by Child. - ma UWI-OUSL~ carried. + *- -. 1.1r. TToiuer reqnestea pemis&on to ad+ertise foy one-year!s su-gp~y of water meters, Childmoved that Village take bi&s on ahundred,.more or less, water meters to be tsigen neeaea, Seconaea ar ~~rth~rne and cw4ea. 1.b. 5rrisonts reqiest, for pikssion $0 move ttri wdtn& from the l+lorningside School Developent'to his dation on wrison Lee was regortea by Ben lIoahl.er, Palen qve& that $rm5ts be &ven subject to impection of houses by Bn3.l.ding Znspector, and the filing: and approval-of remodeling &ansq I-rotion seconded !ma and carried,' .. =,111oe~er report& thai sidwzilks VixIGe have be+ inspected, and that tbre are over fWq- sidetmlks whiih are dmierous and-in need 09 rep&, that ovmers be giv& notice fo maEte repgins. &.&home moved fos adjomm@t, Seco<ded by Pden and cGried. .- I .. council asked . .. r. .. - *. lkmbers present vere" Child, P'den, Vil&mn and Cobper ,-Clo<k &t&horne being absent;, Msuant to fiAssessnSnt soti&,ll pnGte< on offici&. Bullet& Boaas ~ixly I, copy of which vras read by D&puty CleGk, the ViZJags Counc$l convened at 8:OO P.14. to exvnine the books of the Village AssoFsor, thus. acting as, Board of Review, "'on -presentation of* books of* Assessor,- President: called for tho comments of anr prsons who wishes tb make e&nation of the recprds or ask for adjustment, Xo conslaints, either vkltten or* oral, aere f ilea vc.li$h the Bo& of Bevim* After exmination of the Assessor's Peryonal Property and Real l3state Books of Vzluzeions, Villson'moved %ha$ said Books of Valu+tions be gproved as submitted, Motion seconded by bhild and barrled, 1 HotSon by Child, foi djournmeht of Bo& of Revi&r Ifeeting*was' seconded by Ifillson and carrfed, .. . Clerk . ZXRbT33S OF $HE JXEe NEE2ING 6F THJ3 ED~A VIUAGI COTJNCIL, HEGO I.~OMIBP, JU+Y 26, 19vy A!@ 8:OQ P.N. AT pZ .- EDTNAVICLA@ll HAUL . Members present were Child, &$en, l'Iill.gon &h C&er, Clerk Emthorne being absent, TIi?.lson requesteil t&t I.iinutes'of Neeting of JuIy'12, 1948, *be corrected to read %r. Garrison*s reqnest for pem&ssion to move ttro buildings from the Brookside School Derelopent -Ii (instead of Norningside School Developent) - and moyed that llinutes su'bmitted be agproved as so correc.t;ed, Wotion seconded by Palen ad carria&, Nessrs. L.P. Kennedy and Levis Jones asked permission to have rod openea, as outlet to Blzke Bo&, Ihey vere asked to bring in a petition fgr said work, . 1,Iotion Palen, authorizing Depty Clerk Gretchen Schussler to sign checks for this . evenbg, in Clerk's absence, vms seconded by Child and Carried, July 26th, 1948 letter frog Mr. Robert A. Huston, Sewer Engineer for the City of Minneqolis, &ing for report from ldina ?Engineer as to qprovd of €he Richfield Sanitary Sewer--vrhZch has been designed as an outlet for future Edina sewke--T.las read, Elr, &ston explained that the engineers viorHng for Richfield are anxious to obtain approval. of their plans, ad that limeqolis is relucknt to give such amroval until receiving Edina's rezort. Smith, with recptest for report at the next regular meeting. hsuant to Notice of Hearing, published in the Suburban PTess, Hopkins, Minnesota, on July 15, 1948, President called Heaing on petition of Peder Mickelsen for permit to construct a gasolinerffllfng station on Lots 29, 30, and 3l* Block 3i Grandvieti Heights Addition (an area bounded .by Interlachen Boulevard, Highway no, 169 ad 2l.2, -and Summit Avenue.) Nr. Stevenson, 5108 lnterlachen Boulevard, and one other property otmer in the-neighborhood, objected to such construction: Mr. Stevenson on the grounds that it would create a tra,ff%c Ua,r&, and t'he other omer on the grounas that it vmuld-be encroachment of business fn -a residential area. Nr. Mickelsen reminded the Comci?, that this property had 'been zoned for yems as "Community Storell property, which zoning perm€ts f illmng stations. After reviewing plan of 'building &d lay-out, Child moved that Couacil grant dermit for*gasoline filling station, subject to the approval of the Minnesota Highway Department, Notion! seconded by Willson and carried, Council referred request to Zngineer. , Pursuaa-t; to ttNotice of Hearing on Proposed Water Main l3x€ension, York Avenue between If. "56th and w. 58th Streets," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota on July 15 end 22, 1948, President called Hearing on the petition of Bernard M, .Ithoqing and qthers .for this inprovement. for extending present water main from Zenith Avenue and V, 56th Street to York and I?. 56th and then on York from If. 56th to W. 58th, was given as $10,598,15, plus connection charge of $.25 per assessable foot, or a total assegsment per fro& foot for the property a%uttLng York Avenue, of $4.69, BIr. Chaxles 8. Elzsa, 5621 York Avenue, protested this construction,, stating he had Just com- pleted a well, on the advice of ahinistration office thzt water main would not be constructed,on York Avenue for a nmbr of years; and he advocated that, in case Pillage wishes to construct mains, they do so on a lage scale instead of block-by-block. He vas informed that Council has followed policy of acting on p tition of omers'of !jl$ of abutting property. Mr, Peder Mickelsen, ovmes . of most of the property betveen VT, 57th and W, 58th Streets, requested water main construction at earliest opportunity, Resolution and moved its adoption: !?he engineerrs estimate Trustee Child offered the following r R3SOUJ!VIOI\J FOR lJA!EER XAIN CONS!l!RUC!T!IOET (T.56th Street from Zenith to York Avenue- York Avenue from 1~56th St.to W.58th St.) TlFJERJW the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in e; - notice to all property ovmers whose property may be assessed for proposed con- struction of Village Water Main in Pork Avenue between I, 56th and I?. 58th Streets, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, BhnesoEa, on July 15 and 22, l9b8, and whereas ft is necessary to construct Water Main stension from Zenith Avenue to York Avenue on IV. 56th Street, to connect proposed lla%er %,in Extensfon vith present Village Water Maira; an& whereas said Council has heard all persons appearing at said meeting and duJ7 considered said proposed improvement, now therefore, I BE! El! RESOL% by the Village Council of the Pillage of Edina that it is - hereby determined ta be necessary to construct Village Water Main in the follotr- ing 'streets: c If. 56th Street from Zenith Avenue to York Avenue York Avenue from W. 56th Street to t7. 58th Streefk and BE 19 FURTHER RESOLv1EtD that plms and specifications for such water main construction heretofore prepared ly Phil 8. Smith, Village Engineer, and filed. with the Village Clerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plans and spec%- fications for said improvement. 333 IT ZWRTEEIR RESOLQEll that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating tht the 'bids will be opened and considered by the Oouncil on Monday, mst 9, 1948, at 8:OO P.U.; no bids trill be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk ad accom- panied by a cash deposit or certified check payable to %he Clerk for an amount eguaS. to ten percent of the bid. 96 7/26/m -1 E otion to adopt the Resolution vas seconded by Villson, and on Rollcall I there vcre four ayes and eo nays, as follotJs: Child, age; Tlillson, aye; Palen, aye; and CooTer, aye; and the Resolution ~ras adostad. *- President of 'the Village C hcil 9 ? Pursaant'io %otice of Hearing on Proposcd ?later ls&n Mensfon $0 Seqe Lots 7 to 14, Inc-, BTock I, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition,'I' published in Suburbap Press, I$o&ins, N.q4rlllesota, on July 15 and 22, 1948, President edled Hearing on the petition of Boris Pevrotranik and others for t&is prqposed. impovement,. Engineer*s eqtimate of cost for construction, t~ be made throughVillage Omedproperty from the mifax Avenue,vater main and into the rear yards of the above naned lots, ITS given 2s $2,304.72, to be assessed against 48L2 assessable feet, or $4.79 per assessable foot. Hessrs. Bwis Pevovaruk aad Orville ROSEI, omers of, Zats 7 ,to 11, inclusive, Block 1; ad Hr. 3. 0. Empman, representing Edina Baptist Church, owner of Lots 12, 13 ad 14, Block 1, were proaent gentlemen being seeable to improvement. Xr., Lmpan incpired as to the Church's total footage assessment, znd vas told that the Church's three lots are to be assessed as one tract, for 180 feet, No objections vere reastered, efther oral or mitten. this Hearing; the first tvo Child offered the following Resolution ad moved kts adoption8 1 (!Eo Serve Lots 7 to 14, Inc,, Block I, . South Harriet Park 2nd Addition) the 'Billage Council has met at the time and-place specified in a notice .to all proporty ,owners vhase property may be assessed. for proposed con- straction of Billags Uater N&n through Zots 30 and 31, Block I., South Harriet Park 2nd Addition and connecting vith Lots Seven to I'ourteen, Inc., Block 1, South HarrSet Park 2nd Addition, published in Subnrban Press , -Hopkins, Xhnesota, on July 15 and 22, 1948; an& has heard SI1 persons appearbg at said meeting and duly considered. BE IT ~S0I;OI"rD by the 'Viil.age b.onci1 of the Village of Edina that it 9s:. hereby determined to be necessary to constructi Village Vater lkdn through Lots 30 and 31, B lock 1, South HEtrriet Pzrk 2nd addition and connection 16th Lots 7 to 14, Block I, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, and, struction heretofore prepared by Phil If. Smith, Village Bngineer, and file& with the Village C lerk are hereby accepted and approved as the plas and specifications for sstid Smproveqent. sa5d proposed inrprovement, now therefore, -- t BE 12 IiTJJZ'm RE.SOLlED tbt p.lans at14 specifications ior such vater main con- 3h IT IREEHGt *' RESOLlkD that the Clerk is hereby directed do advertise fo,r bids on the basis of cash payment for such work, stating th& the 'bids ail1 be opened and considered 3y the Council on Monday, Awst 9, l91&8, at 8:OO P.N/; PO bids will 'be considered, unless sealed and filed vith the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit or certified check pzgable to the Clerk for an anount ecpl to ten percept of thc bid, Hotion for adoption of the Resolution ms seconded by Villson, and on BollcaLl there vere four ayes s?nd no nws, as follow: Cooper, age; and the Resolution Was adopted. Child, aye; Palen, aye; Ilillmn, aye; and t 2roperPly ovmers aere informed that construction of ,the above named project could not Bee& anti1 the ViUge is in possession of construction aid mzintenanco easements, insmuch as this project 5s in private property; and were requested to obtain these easenents for the ViUzge before the me& regular meeting of the Council, SI - + Pursuant to itlTotice of Bearing on Petition to Vacate Lane,'! published in Suburban Press, HqJcins, Minnesota, July 15, 1948, and posted on Ofgicial Bulletin Boards, copg: of vhich notice tms read and placed on file, President called .Hearin& on . the p titibn of I, C. Stow for vacation of the 25-foot lane ruaniw in a ITesterly direction from Yvome Terrace, between the North lot line of Lot Ik.relve,ltYvome Zlerrace,lt and the South lot line of Lots Ikrleve, Ihirteen and-Fourteen, rr~Tyl~dts Place . 11 E&. Stow advocated vacatton of Lane as soon aspossible; and EiEr. ITylmd, who vas present at Hewing, offered no objection to said vacation, agreeing to * give Nr. Stow aq~&&.:.cl& deed for the l*foot strip which would revert to hsm upon said vacation. for this 25-foot striB,l 'fhere were no objections filed, either oral. or mitten, Child offered the follovirg Resolution and moved its 'adoption: * ~SOLTfpIOE ,VACUIXG LAEE I@. Stovr, in turn, promised the Village a Itfootpath" easement WIER&ls, petition of a majority o$ the owners of real prbperty abutting the line of the platted Lwe 'Dettreen the North Lot Line of Lot Twelve, Yvonne Terrace, and the South Lot Liaes 04 Lots Vvrelve, Thirteqn and Foqrteen, Ny&und'q Place, ha4 been duly filed with the Fillage Qouncil, and said Council has met at the .t;Sme ad place specified in a notice ddg, pblFished and posted and has heard dl interested persons,. and it appears in-the interest of tihe pu?$ic tbat,sdd portion of said Lane be vacated, now therofore . Bll IT ~S0X;pED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that platted Lane running in a Vesterly direction from YPO~E $errace, between the north Lot Line of Lot nerelve, fIPivonne Terrace," and the Soyth Lot Ltnes of Lots Twelve, "firteen- md Fourteen,'. "Nylund* s Place,11 as t@e same- is now dedicated and laid out within,the corporate limits of said Pillage, be and hereby is vacated. Motion €or adoption of the Resolation vas seconded by Palen, qnd on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Villson, aye; Palen, age; and Cooper , aye; and the. Resolut9on was adopted, < .- + President of the Vi ViliGe CleGk r Office vas instructed by Council to delay placing the above named Resolution on record with the Register of - Deeds until such time as the-required "footpath" easement is received, bsuar;.F, to ItIJotice of H ezring onrPetition to vacate Portion of Lexibgton Avenue,t1 pualished j32 Suburban Press, Hopkins ,. Minnesota, July 15* l9&8, and posted on Official Bulletin Boards, copy of which notice was read and placed on file , President cdled Hearing on petition of George R. Mellema and others; for the vacatgon of that portion of Lexington Avenue lying betveen St.Johs Avenue and the East Lot Line of Lot Six,. Block %IO, Slllldivision of Liteel Psk. No Wjections were filed, either- oral or written. ing Resolution and moved Zts adoption: I Willson offered the follow- < R~SOIIUTIOR VACATIITG SmZ - PORT1017 OF LZXI$G!I!ON Am .T!HEREAS, pctitii of a majority of the owner! of re& property abuttigg the line of flIchat part of Lexington Avenue as shown on plat of Subdivision of Gittel Park and as shorJrr OF Golf Terrace Heights Second Addition which lies; betireen the West line of St,Johns Ayenue and the East l4ne of Lot Six (6) Block Two (2) Subdivision of .L5tte% Park extended North across- said Lesngton Avenuett has been drily filed with the Village Council and said Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice dUy published and has head all interestea persons; ad it appears in the interest of the public that said portion of said street be vacated, now therefore BE IT RJISOLVEI) by the Village Council of the Village of ldina that "That part of Lexington Avenue as shown on plat of Subdivision-of Littel Park and as shokm on Golf Terrace Heigh%s Second Addition which lies betyeen the filest line o$ St,Johns Avenue and the East line of Lot Six (6) Block %o (2) Subdivision of Littel Park extendedNorth across said Lesdng.t;oq Avenue,'I be,-and hereby is, vacated, t Motion for adoption of Reso3=u"cion vras seconded by Child. During discussion,' Nr. Willson advocated the closing of the road, instead of its vacation, ChiZS giving property owners abuttbg the stree.t; the right to use it for their personal use, but leaving the Village the right to open street to public US& / if,-& some future time, .it seemed in the public interest to do so. Upon Bollcd3. on the foregoing Resolut5on, there wro four ayes and no nays, as follovrs: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Billson, age; and Cooper, aye: and the Rcsolution tras adopted,. .- - Village Clerk Preside& caled continuation of Public Hearing held July J2, 19148, for the black- taming of Lexington AvenuQ betvreen Concprd Avenue ad Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Park. 2he a%gineert s E3sthte for the bladctopphg of the center timnty feet of the roadmy for a distsce of 180 feet, vras $383.46, or $1.60 psr assessable foot as assessed against 240 assessable feet, It trap understood,by dl persons ctoncerned that Lot 5, Blo& 2, Subdivision of Littsl Park is to be assessed for this improvement, I&. George 8. Z.fellexm, otmer of this Lot 5, volnsEeered to assume onc-third of the cost of %he improvement; Nr, Harvey 14, Kuhnley, omer of Lot 8, Block 2, stated he would be willing to pay $75.00 as his. share: ad the oper oe Lots 6 and 7, Block 2, agreed to asme the,bdence of the cost, Ifillson offered j3ne following Resolution and moved its adoption: I I BESOLU!PION FOR If.PilO~~~TZ BUCK2OPPING 03 I;EXTN&COJJ Am 17JBl%EAS, petition in miting reques$ins 3mprovement of LexLngton Avenue betveen Concosd Avenue and Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Park, has been dvly filed T.ri.t;h this Council @tea &y 24, 1948, signed by ovmdrs of s$ in frontage of tho red property to be assessed for the improvement named in. said petition, and I'm the Village Council has met at the time andplace specified in a, notice Zo lall property otmers Vhose Fpropertp is liable to be assessed for such bgrovement, said notice having been published 3.n '&fie Hemepin County Review, Ho-gkhs, E.nnesota, June 24 and July 1, 1948, ad bas heard all persons interested and determined the necessity for .the improvement petitioned for, now therefore , BE IT RXSOLVED BY the Village Council of the Village of Edim, as required; by Chzqter 65, Lam of Hinn, 1919, as amended, that the petition above describe& is here%y deteeined to have been signed by the required percentee of owners of property affected thereby, and BE: IT mTamw R33SOLV3D, that Lexington Avenue be improved betmen Concord Avenue and the West Lot Line of Lo$ 5, B lock 2, Su'bdivision 3lacktopping the centor twenty fsek of said roadmy, an& BE IT FIEElER RlilSOli~ that said improvement be made in Stadard Spcifications for Bituminous Surface Qreatment OFT Clerk apd which have heretofore bok approved by the Villzge I t of Littel Park, by accorbce with on file with the counc21, -rsE: IT FUR2HEEL BESQVSD that the Clerk is directed toeprepare and insert in the official paper and in the Construction Xtletin zn advertisement for bids for the above named improvement, in accordance vith'said plans and spcifications, said bids to be opened l-iondag, August 9, .lw, at 8:OO P,& ing each 'bid shzu. be ten percent of the amount of the bia. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follow: and Cooper, age; and the Resolution vas I! he deposit accoqaag- x Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson, aye; a7L./4iL-4L Village Clerk I Pursmmt -to ilResolution Setting Street Improvement Hearing, Blacktopping of Schaefer Road between Northern Boundary of IIParhrood Icriolls" and the presently blacktoppa portion of said Schaef er Road, If -published- in Subm'ban Press, Hoplrzns, Xinnesotg, July 1 and 8, 19443, copy of vhich vas read znd placed on file, President called public hearing on this proposed project. Engineer's estimate of $2,141,62, or $1~50 per assessable foot, tras read. xo objections vere filed, either ora or wrif;ten. VZllson offered the follot.~ing Resolution and moved its adoption: I RXSOLUTION FOR IT-PROVBEEN'J BLACKTOPPING OF SCHAEE'm ROAD BE!P" EEU3SmY. ~GAGKTOPET~D nPORTION OF ROAD a-hOR@ BOUN&SRY' O$' "P-IOOD -KE#I&S , 'I RIEE&AS, pursuarrt to Resolution adbte'd by the Tillage Council June 28, 1948, and published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on July 1 and 8, lgrc8, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified therein and heard all persons interested with reference to proposed iqrovement of Schaefer Road, between presently blacktopped portion of road and North Boundary of ltPa,rhrood Knolls , blacktopping, now therefore BE I'P RESOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the szrtd improvement described in said resolution shall be undert&en, the entire expense thereof to be paid in the first insEance out of the Permanent Improvement Revolving B und, 'by 'BE 1T"FURTHXlR RESOLICED that said improvement be made by contract to be let to the lowest Tesponsible bidder, and the Clerk is directed to preme and publish advertisement for bids thereon to be opened Monday, mst 9, 1948, which bids: shall be based upon plans and specifica6ions now on file with the clerk and which are hereby @proved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four aye& and-no nq3, as follows:' Child, aye;'Palea, aye;'t?illson, aye: . Coozer, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. * Vilkige Clerk Nr, R. E. Iverson requested permissiony to' construct a one-family dwelling at 5500 Eellogg Avenue, with house facing V. 55th StPeet. Building inspector had not issued th2s permit because construction is in noii-conformance with Zoning Ordinance in tbj% house does not face the wqQ@ lot is platted and in that fthe rear yard is not 25$ of the lot depth. an Barris, 5504 Kellogg, entered their objections to construction as plpmed, alleging that such construction would block off their back view and thus lower the valne of their property, Yut&, 5508 ICellogg Avenue, stated that he had no objection to the construction, and that several 'others of the 'immediate neighbors had no objections, Xrs. Harris stated they had no objections to the house facing W. 55th Street; and no other objections were filed for this reason. Willson moved that permkt be denied.- Motion seconded, by Palen and carried, * Dr. Paul Caston inquired agains&s to wha% action vro&I b'e taken to remedy tho reported €hat inspection had been made and that Village will confer with l-finnesots State Highvrw Department about instdling culvert across old "Eden Prairie Road" rAght of WW; and tbat in fhe meantime Blacktopping of tlMirror L&es in 3I:di.lla" Mr. Mr. B.J, &e. and AfEer considerable discussion, \ , ' drainee sitwtion created by the construction of Dundee Road. Mr. VTillson ,i troula. be hela UP, Idr. Clifford Robinson, 5612 Xerxes Avenue, asked that sewer main be TUZL from lT.56th that hls lot is t;oo =low for connection with sewer, petieion for said sewer in order ghat poceedlngs might be initiated. Pcirsuant to %Zesolution *Settfng Street Inrproveaent 'Hearing,Blacktopping of Ken%' Avenue between -State Highway -No. 100 'ana Tlamick PXace,tr adopted by the Vilzage ' Council June 28, 19M, and published in Suburban Press., -Hopkins , E.Zinnesota, on July 1 qd 8, copy of which was publicly read, 'I?resid,en.f;. cdled Eearing on this: poposed project, kgineer's Estimate of Cost, total $2,875.95,. or $1.67 per assessable foot, was read. *At this tinie, and phiuantl to "Advertisement for Bids- Blacktopping,t' published in Suburban Press; Hopkins, Ninn. and in the Construction. the above med projects lIerxes Avenue to serve his lot, sta'cing he had been told by the Village Engineer Ere Robison tras requested to * -let% July 15 and 22, 1948, the following bids were opened and read, covering HOV?ARD GJXNLEY. IRC, J.V*GI;EBsoN ROAD TAR GEEBACK ASPH. ROAD !EAR CUTBACK ASP& Sq.Yd. Total Sq,Yd. To%d Sq,Yd.Total Sq,Yd. !Eotal. *. %O SqoYds.Stabilization$,Li.3 $1290.00 $A3 $l.290,00 $,34 $1020.00 $,34 $1020.00 3000 Sq.Pds.Bitum.Surface. -77 c 7 /" 6/48 f4r. Charles t.Icl3rian stzted that he is in favor of the improvement, ad. requested a priority, if pssible, in baving the work done at an early date. ob Sections filed, either oral or written. and moved its adoption: * There vere no Villson offered the follorring Resolution ~OLOTION POR S!IREET IE*iE'ROVB~@ BIdGKWPPING OF BRm AVRRJE, BE!l3"( STME HIGBJAY xo. 100 & traarrra PLACE: 3 c f 'I- , pu2suant to €Lesolutlon adopfed by the Vgll&.ge- Council on June 28, 1948, ad published in the Suburban &em, Hopkins, Hinnesota, on July 1st and 8th, 3948, the Tillage Comcil has met at the time and place specified therejn sd hzs heard dl persons bterested vith reference to prososed improvement of Eent Avenue ,bettreen State Highmy no. 100 and lkrtjick Place by Blacktopping, now therefore BE 12 RESOIIV~D by the Villzge Council of the Village of Edina that the said improvement described in &.Ad Resolution shall be undertan, the entire expense. thereof to be p&d in the Tirst instance out of the Permanent Ssnprovement Revolving T ma, I BE E 3TETHER BESOLlEiD that said improvement be made by contract to be let to the lovest responsible bidder, aad ,the Clerk's action in advertSsifig for bids for said 3.qrovemont, sstid %'ids .t;d 'be opsllea this evegtng, is hereby confirmed by this Besolut iomr , Hotion for dogtion of Resolut-Lora vas seconded by &ild, and. on Rollcall there vere four eyes sui no nays,. as ?OIIOWS:. Child, aye;:Villson, aye; Pden, aye; ad Cooper, aye; and' the Besolution vas' adopted. - .- . Pr&sident of the Village )l'buncil I'fillson iioved for accegtance of the bid of J. V. Gleason for the blacktosirg-of. Eent Avenue betveen State Hightray No, 100 agd Tlmfick Place using Road 'Pa, at the pia prices listed in %fie bid reah. Notion sebnded by child and carried, Purswt to1lAdvertSsement for Bids-BZacM;oppsjng,li pu'blished in Suburban Press, Ho&ins, ~hnesota, and in 5hfmAxm Construction'Ml&in, lfinneapolis, W..nnesota, on July 15 and 22, 1948, copy of vhich tras read, the folloving bids trere opened and pu'blic'ly read for the'Bl&kfiopp€ng of BooaLand Road belnreen 1looddal.e Avenue and BrooL-viav Avenue: . m1rARD om. IHC J. V. GXi!$ASOpJ ' ROAD TAR CU!I!BACIC MPH, ROD TB CT3TBACE BPH. Total SaYd Total SaYd Total S Yd Iota1 7,434 S&.Yds .StabiLizatfon 7,434 Sq.Pd&.Bitu&nous Surface , .77 5724.18-, .69 4980.78, .5r?. 401k.36, , .53 39bO.02 8-43 $3196.62 $.43'$3196.62$.34. $2527.56 -+- 9-34 $2527.56 $8920.80 $8177.40 $6541.92 Wq7.58 I'7illson moved that hese'bids be referred to the Tillke Cngineer hor tahlation'and recommendation. Seconded by Pelen ad Carrie& Fursuant to "@hertiseneat for Bids-Blacktop@.ng," published in SuWrIpn Press, Ho,-ols=ins, Rinnesota, and in Construction BulLetin, Hinneapolis, I-Ijsnesota, on July 15 and 22, 1948, copy of vhich vas read, the follovhg bids were opened and publicly read for t5e Blqck- toming-of the South extension of Golf Terrace from Normm3a2.e Roaa to Lakeview Drive: . gO,AD !lAR CUTBACE BSPH. ROAD TAR CTJTBACZC AspH. SOY$ lotal SnYd Total SaYd 'Potal SaYd 2otal. 667 Sq.Yds. Stabi1izatt;fon $.43 $286.81 $.43 $286.82 G.34 $226.78$.34 $226.78 667 Sq.Yds. Bitwninous Surface , .?? 513.53, .67 446.82 -54 360.18 ,53 %?,51 $800.27 $767.05 $586.96 $580.29 Villson moved that the '$936.96 $id of JOY. Gleason, fpr %he blac&o,api& of South extension of Golf Terrace fron Normand& Road to Lakevietr ,Drive, by usink Road 'kc, be accepted. E1otici.n secolided bg'Child and carried, - Pursuant to 'ladvertisenent fdr-Bids-Bla&to&ing, pblishea in Suburbaa Press, Ho@ins, Mbnesota, ad in Construction metin, tIinneapolis, ETinueso&,, on Jdg 1.5, and 22, 1948, c~py of which vas read, the follotring bids were opened and pddicly read for the Black- togping of Londonderry lioaa, Parln.rood Road,' I;arada Lae, Akers Lane, Rho11 Drive, aid Stsde'lr Circle, SlL in Parbrood Kno3.1~: HOYARD G.AlTZEX.INC, Je To GUU.SOll . 'I I- - z .. .. .. .. 7/26/48 - r IiCNARD GANI;EY. IXC . J. V. GWON ' ROA$ TAR OUTBACK ASPH. ROAD !PAR CUTTJACK ASPH. qqYd Iotal SqYd lot$ SqYd Iotd SqYa Iotd c $.34 $5666.78 $34 $5666.78 , -54 9000.18 . 8833.Q 16,667 Sci.Yds.Stabilization 16,667 Sq,Yds,Situminous S&f. $x4666,96 ' $14500.29 trillson moved that 5. V, Gleason's bid 02 $14,666.96 for the blacktogping of $he above Ted streets by using Road Par be accepted, Pursuant to Uotice of Hearings-Petitions for Blackto~ing," published in the suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota on July 1 and 8, 1948, President called Public Rea.ring on petition of E, C, Stow for the Blacktopping of Yvonne lerrace, lngheer's estimaee 'ill the totd @aunt of $3,771.33, or $1,68 per assessable foot, was read. &r. Stow asked that plans for thfj blacktoppisg, of the street be delayed uiltfi such the as the gas mains have been rau in. Motion by Willson tabling the project indefinitelywas seconded by Child and unaaimously carried, Because of the imedia%elg preoehg action, bids opened this evening for the BlacHopping of Yvonne Zerrace, pursuant to IIAdvertiseaent fo* Bids-Blacktoppingtt published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and-in Conzctruction Bulletin, Ninneqolis, on July 15 and 22, weze not read. hrsuant to "Bot ice of Hearings-Petitions f os Bladit om&, If published in Su3wba;u Press, Hopkins, on July 1 and 8, 1948, President called Public Hearing on petition of C. PI. fiIcBrien and others, for blacktogphg of I?, 56th Street between Nomandale Ro&no and. Tressex Avenue, and Warwick Place , all in Edina Park,: Nessrs, MSrien and Nylund hth wanted bxacktopping just as soon as possible, at the prices.accepted last yew by the Council. offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Notion seconded by €!den and carried. !&ere were no objections filed, ei'ther ord. or written, Tfillson PARK-ADDX2IOg ?-AS, petition in writing re@es$ing inproverneiit by'blacktoming of V. 56th Street between Nomandale and lessex Avenue, aad of IVm~ck Place, in ldina Park, has been filed with the Idina Village C6uncsI dated Mach 10, 1947, signed by owners of more than 51$ in frontage of the red property abutting on the portion of thk streets named in said petition as the loca6ion for such improvement, and tCt a11 property otGer6 whose property is liabie to $e assessed for such improvement,. published in Suburban Press , Hopkins , Minnesota, July 1 ma 8, 1948, and has heard aJ.1 pegsons interested, and detemined the necessity for the improvement petitioned for, now therefore Chapter 65, Lalm of 19x9, as mended, that the peti6ion above described is hereby determined to have been signed by the required percentage of owners of property I Sfected thereby, and V?IlE!XBAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice f I ,I ' BE IT EU3SOLlQD by the Villee 6ounci1 of the Village of 'ldina, as required by - Ed 12 IRJRTHlEB RESOLTED, that TI. 56th Street between Normand.de Road and Wessex Avenue, ana Warwick Place, dl in Idha Park Addition, be improved by blacktopping. BE IT FUR- RESOLkE3 that the actlon taken by the Tillage Council April 28, 3.947, mthorizing Village Clerk to advertise for bids for said improvement, and the action taken by that Council May 26, 194'7, accepting-the bid of J'; V, Gleason Company, St.Louis Park (sdd bid being that of the lowest res;_uonqible bidder, as recorded in the rliixlutes-for said leeting of Nay 26, 1947) are here3y ratified and confirmed. Notion to adopt the Resolutibn was seconded lsy Child, and: on Rollcall there were four ages and no nays, as follovs: Cooper, aye; and the Resolution tras .- adopted. Child, aye; Pden, aye; I'lillson, aye; and President of the Village coun& It was announced that Public Hearing on proposed Sanitary Sewer in Mackey,Brook, 000-lidge, Browndale Avenues between I'J.Wth St. and South Boundary of St.Louis Park, an$ in W,&th $tree$ between Browndale Avenue aud Glenn Avenue, spheduled for this data pursuant to "Notice of Hearing-Proposed Sewer Main &tension Browndale Park Mdition,Il published July 15 and 22, in Suburhn Prees, would be postponed indefinitely because the Village of St, Louis Park will not complete sewers in this area for over a year. * 7/26/& suanf to "Hotice of Hearing-Petitions for BlacBopping, I' published in Sub~rbm Press, Hopkins, Hinnesots 'OIL July 1 and 8, 1948, President cdiea Public Hearing on the blackto&= of -Cbvren Avenue 'betvreen Beard and the Sou%h Lot Lines of Lots 8, Block 1 and 15, Block 2, Edina Hills Addition, prices taken last year, tras rea& comcilts attentLon to faot that prices taken last year tto not include tbt portion of Chotren Avenue -between Lot 8, Block 1 and I'l. 57th STreet. that regular groceduxe vrould have to .be followed to assess two *ad&itional lots for any &qrovement made. ion: !i!abul&ion of cost, at &mer of Lot 9, Block 1, Edina Eills, wB.-ed Village Attorney advised Iillson offered tb .Ifolloving Resolution and moved its adopt- RESOLU!PION FOR IHI?ROVR*~V9l BLBGXTOFPXITG OF CEOVEN AmTIE ~OLl BEARD IO * 1 SOU2H LO2 LIIIl3.S Ol?. LO2 XIIGHI! BLOR ONE BND ZO!2 J?IF!CEEN; BLOCK lI?UO. IDIHA HILLS ADDII. *. I I-, petition in ;miti& requesthi improvement by blacktopping of Chowen Avenue from Beard Avenue to 6outh Lot Lines of Lot 8, Block 1 and Lot 15, Block 2, Edina Bills Addition, dated Se2tember 26, 1946, ~ signed by owners of more thaii 51$ in frontGe of the real property alutting on the portion-of the street named in said petitron as the location for such improvement, Esn'd Tw, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice to all prozerty owners vhose proaerty is liable to be absessed for such inprovement, Fublished in Sulmrbul Press, Hop-&ins, ESfmesota, on Jay 1 and 8, 29168, and has hekb all sersons interested; and detkmined the necess* .for the improvement petitioned for, now therefore I BF: IT RESOLv"3) by the Villee Council of the Village of Edfna as required by Chqter 65, Lavs of 1919, as amended, that the petition above described is hereby determi3led to have been signed by the re@red pepcentage of owners of property dfected thereby, and l3El I2 l?Wm ~SOLWD, tbt Chomn Avenue betyeen Beard and the South Lot Lines of Lot nigh$, Block One, aad Lot Fifteen, 331ock TITQ, Edina Hills Addition be. improved by BLack%o&ng, I BE S!3! FUR.l?€IZl~SOZ~~ that the action taken by the Village Council Apil 28, 1947, authorizing Village Clerk to advertise for bids for said improvement, and the action takm 3y that Council Ww 26, 1947, accepting the bid of JOT, Gleason Compny, St,Louls Park (said bid being that of tho lowest responsible bidder, as recorded in the-l-finutes fo~ said BeetZng of Ihy 26, *194?) Uotion for adoption of the Besolution vas seconded by Child, and on RollcaU there ' were four ges ana no nays, as follovrs: aye; .ma the &solation vas adopted. I' are hereby ratifiea and confirm&. Child, aye; I'lillson, aye; Palen, aye; Cooper, ,- President of the Village C/&icil \ t f Villson offered the following ResoLution and moved its adoation: C .. ~ beiwe.en the South Lot Line of Lots 8, Block 1 and 15, Block 2, Ed'3sa Hills &idition and 11. 57th Street by blacktogping, as authorizea by CbzBt. 382. , Laws of 1903, now therefore BE IT FESOLVZD by the Village Council o'T the Village of Edina that if; is deened necessary and eqedient to improve said portion of said street as specffied above, azld that on the 23ra by of August, 1948, this Council will meet at the Village Hall 'Sn said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested therein vith reference to such improvement, and will decide vhether or not to undertake such inprove- ment in vhole or in part. Uotion for adoption of the Resolution vas.seconded by Palen, and on Rol1cd.l there were fonr ayes and no nays, as fo1lovs: Child, aye; Villson, age; President of tb Vill;tpeydouncil The Village Council of the Village of Idha. do ordain as follot?s: Section-1. in the Village of Bdina to beFknofvn as Sanitary Sewer District Moo 22, the boundaries of which shall be as folloirs; %here is hereby created and established a Sanitky Sever District I , &rsuant to"Advertisemen3 for Bids-Ornarnentd Light asd Curb and Gutter-Cascade Lane ,It p,blished in SUWba Press, Hopkhs, Minnesota, July 15 and 22, and in Construction 'Bulletisz, Blimeagolis, lfinnesota, as of the same dates, krfiaaPit of Publication for which vas read, the following bid was opened and read, being'the only bid tendered: FOR INSTALLATION rJnlr IYIGEEF POSI1: 3lectsio Regair 8: Const2uction Co, $620,00 Delivery Date - 36 Meeks fron date of bid. < XOR CURB m Gmm coN~IpRuc%Iox: galen moved tbt bid of ELectric-Siepair 80 Gonstmction CO. be tab~ea. Idjotion seconded 3y Billson and carried. Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids-Water Neters, published in Su"ban ?reis, Hopkins, Minnesota, and Construction Blletin, S1Iinneapolis, Hinnesota, on July 15, 1948, affidavit of pubzication for which vas ,read, the f olloiving bids were .ogened a#d read for the furnishhg of ?later Pfeters, f.o.b. Idina;, MimiesotEe. . Eo bids received. BRSm BDG. COO ROSafl?&S-COO€%B BADGER lE'pER so Bos lrora RNAss. CO. ,SIC.pAUL &D?G*COe ,MILWe Hersegr Meters hctfc Meters Badger Neters I Per 8;. Per Za. . Per Ea,. 100 Nore or Less 5/8i1x3/4i* $16f98 $17.16 $16 39 6- 3/4" ,24,88 ; 24.96 123.59 34. 83 .. 3- 1"' 36.49 36.66 ChiLd moved for Council acceptance of the bid of Badger Heter Nfg. Co, , as read, Notion seconded by Pden and carried, Bids received July 12, .1911.8, for the Blacktopping of Cascade Lqe between Stat@ Highway No. LOO and l!w&round, were revieved by Council. advisable to delay the blacktopping until iuch time & contract is arranged for construction of curt and gutter around the progosed island in the turn around, 'Willson moved that bids be gabled for the time being, Motion seconded by Child and carried. . Bids received July 12 , 1948, for the Blacktoppizg 'of the folloving streets, were reviewed: F'T.5Sth Street between Beard and Zenith Avenue; lest 56th Street between Beard and Zenith Avenue; Bea;rd.Avenue between W. 55t'h and W. 56th Streets; Zenith Avenue between W. 55th and W. 56th Streets; Vest 56th SEreet between Xerxes and Zenith Avenues; and Zenith Avenue between I'l. 56th Street and. 1/2 Block Sobth -thereof , Because it tras though% Motion by F'lillson that bid of J.V. Gleason, St.Louis Park, Minn. be accepted at prices read at last meeting, was seconded by Cgld and carried. Recommendation of Village Office, for purchase of a Burroughs CalcdLating Machine, at a cost of $264.60, was read. Burroughs Adding Nacpiner Company, pornit $~&.6!, be accqted, -was seconded by Child and carried. , At recornendation of Office, Child moved that Cle& be mthorized to advertise ?or bids for four four-unit llection Booths and Four three-way ballot boxes, to be used at newly established Polling Places. ._ Child offered the followi@ Ordinance, moving that Pouncil dispense with second Hotion by Willson, that July 12, 1948 bid 02 I Motion seconded by Palea and carried, reading thereof, and adopt Ordinance as read: * I < r .a ' r - - Comenciag at the 3Tortht:res.t; Corner of fLot Eighteen, Block Six, Stllulyslope Section of Country Club District; thmce in an Bsterly' direction dong the North Lot Line of Said Lot Pighteen'to the , Northeast Corner of said lot; $hence in a Southerly direction along the East Lot Line of sdd Lot Xlighteep to its poht of intersection with eine ITorth Lot 3ine of Lot' Ten, Block Five, Sunnyslqe Section of Country Club Pis%r$ct, extended; thence in - an Zasterly direction aL-ong the North Lot Line of <&a Lot %en, Block Five, to the Uortheast Corner of saip Lot Ten, Block rive; thence-in a Southerly direction dong the %last Lot Line of Gats Ten swd Ehe, Block Five, to the Southeast CornFr og Lot Rwe, Block Five, &ick is -the North line of Tl, 50th Street; thence in' a Xortheasterlg direction along the North Line of I7.*50th Streeti to the Southvest Corner of Lot nineteen, Block Six, Sunnyslops Section of Country Club Disgrict; thence in a Northerly direction . . to point of 'begim5n.g. ~ r Section 2, This ordlna;llce shill takb effect from and after its publication, 4 Hotion*for adoption of Besdlution (Orwce) KTaS Qeconded by Pden, and on FWI.C~U. there were four ayes ad no nays, as follow:_ Child, aye; Palen, aye; Tlillson, we; and Cooper, we; and tha.Ordin3nce vas &opted, .. .- Village Glerk President of the Village buncil - b: C hild offered the following Resolution and moved its ado$tiont' ~SOLIsfcIoIJ FOR SlNER CONS!CRUCTIOl$ c SANITARY SEI.IER DXSmICT N0.22 IEERXIAS it qge2,rs necessary Ad. in'the pubiic interest that a Sanitky sever be constructed in Vest Sunnyslope Road., from an existing manhole trhich is located two hundred and seventy feet, more or less, Xorth from the No2th llrie of II. 50th Street, to point two hwdred feet more le'ss South from said existisg manhole; same to be g kterd Sever, nov therefore, BF: IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the ~i11~~ of Edina that Sanitary E Later& Sever be construcPed in Vest Sunnyslop Road as stated above, B%I IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Philip If. Smith be 'dedgnated as engineer vho shall dravr plans and speeificktions and prepalre and ta'bulate an estimated cost of the construction of such sever znd report same to the Vfllage Counc5.l. Hotion for adoption of the Rbsolutibn vas seconded By \TillSon, and on Rollcall faere were foar ayes and no njys, as follows: ' Child, aye; Killson, aye; Palen, aye; an& e I Cooper, aye; and tb Resolution vas adopted. .- 13 t t Villzge Clerk' President of the Village Fd;ulcil lhgineer's Estima.t;e of $1,961.39, or $3.54 -fi" Assessable Foot, for seirer dew enough to serve lots petitionwg for service; and &,207,90 for sewer deep enow to serve any proposed severs South of TI. 50th StreeE;, tra$ read, together trith @as for deep setrer. Child offered the follotdng Resolution hnd moved its adoption: - R73SOLUTION ACCIPI?ING FW AND S€?ECIFICA!I3Ol?s OBPERIITG ADVRll?ISE"!E FOR B@S S&TI!l!AR~~SET~ DISQRIC'f BO. 22 ImB, pursuant to Resolution adopted July 26, 1948, Engineer Philip I!, Smith has aPst.m plans &d ispcifications for Sanitary SeGer in !lest Sunu$slope Road, from an existing Banhole which 3s located two hundred and seventg'feet, more or less, North from the Xorth line of IT. 50th Street, to a point two hundred feet, more or less, South from said existingmanhole; ad has tabulated the results of his estimate of the cos* thereof, dl of which has been regorted to the Village Council, nov therefore I I 7/26/48 1 lea5 J BE IT RFXIOLV3D by the ViUzge Council of the Village of Edina that said plans and specifications be hereby accepted and be filed with the ClerE, tthere " they shall remain on file open to inspection-of all persons until after a con- tract for the work shall be let, for aoing the work described in said plans ad specifications in the Suburban . Press , Hopk5ns , M%nnesotac, and in the--Construetion Bulletin, Ninneapolis , MZnnesota, said publication to be at least once in each ?reek for three con- secutive weeks, said bids to be opened-hggst, 23, 1948, , " BE IT FURTHER RBSOLW that the Clerk be directed to advertise for bide: Motion fop adoption of the Resolution was seconded by VilLson, and on Rollcdl there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye: and Cooper, aye; ad the-Reso Child, we; Billson, ags; Palen, I President of the VillageP6uncil Office reported that a remittance of $107.98 hd been received from Nr, L,N, ~ar&nt,- covering ttro yeqst assessnept for connection 5f his property to 52nd Street Water fi4ai-n iq Vater Maip Iqprovement NO, 4: and that I&. and Mrs. $argent had signed the agreement reconmended by Village Attorney f'?indhors.f; as a guaranty to pay balance of the assessment of $539.98, which was calculated at $4.58 per foot on 117.9 feet;.. Paen offered thp following Resolution aad movgd its adoption: -RESOLUI!ION ADOPTING PROPOSED ASSESSlENli, I FOR GOXNYdCTION TO WA!f!X$i IJIAIV U*!PROTIlmP EJOTjlBlER 4 I-, 2he proposed assessment for the cost of-the improvement of IT, 52nd Street between Wifak znd Gorgas Avenues by extending the water main therein has 'been duly filed with the 'Village Clerk and open to pu3lic inspec- tion, and 1946, levied an assessment against each of the lots, parts o$ lots, -pieces and -parcels of land speEified in said prop3osed assessment, and l'~, The owner of the followiz-described property has petitioned for - TmS, This Council has by resolution adoited under date of September 9, .* assessment .. . of said property tn connection with said inrprovemenli: !i!hat mr'li of Lots 1 zlzd 2, Block 1, South Harriet Park tecond Additip, 1-g IJest- of the East - 150 Feet except -- Streee- . I - - .. * - BE3 IT-RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that aa assesgrient; is . - hsre>F - ._.^ levied against the above described propertr in the amount of $539.98 and said proper$ is hereby found to be beneflted in the amonnt of the, assessment levied against it herein: . BE IT I?URTHEB IU!lSOLVBD That said assessment sha3.l be payzble $107.98 immediately-and- the bal@ee @ equal mnual instdlments extendiing, over a - period of eight years, the first payzble on the first da3' of Jme, 1949; all deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of five percent (5s) per annum, Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property_th?rein speci- fied concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425 LENS of 1921 as amended. Hotion to adopt the Resolution ttas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were four syes and no nays, as follows: and Cooper, aye; md the Resolution t7as adopted; r 1 - Child, aye; Pden, aye; t'lillson, aye; President of the Villageflomcil - _. I Office rGpor%ed that, upon investigation of S€reet Sweeper bids I taken ewlier Zn the summer, it was found that no definite delivery date had been specified, Office'fnstructea to inquire of successful bidder ai to when delivery can be made. 1.k. Carl 1.1. Haserr protested the charging of double permit cwed in the middle of the job. Nr. Cooper informed fees when plumbing contract the Council tkt this practice is the usual one i32 the &mediately &i&%oring territory; and Plumbing Inspector Uoebler vas instructed to continub his present method" of charges, Nr.J.xleRoy Eelly requested permission to construct a private sewer in Vind BozA from Unit$ AqSnue, - to serve 5601 Normendale Road. has paver to permit 1.k Eelly to construct this sever; and to dra.~ up ane agreement; providing that he shall ham the sight to chmge any person up to 5S$ as a connection charge; and that uyon collection of this 506, this private sever shal,l revert to the Village. Child moved thzt Attorney Vindhorqt'be authorized to draft the agreement recpmmended. &t ion secbnded by Tillson and carrSed. Ialinutes of Liquor Control cor;Mission IJeeting of ~iily 15, L~M, vrere read, and Cormissionts recommendation for payment of insursnce premiums .to brsh &r tlcLennan, amount SM6.67, ad to United Skates Fidelity and Guaranty Cornpiny, mount $fil~,82, wre note&; child moved that payment of insurance premiums be authorize$. 14otion seconded by palen and carried. (See Verified Claims No; L78 and L79)* The rnatcer -02 surety-bonds for f.lanGer and Clerk of Liquor Store was revieved, Child moved ihat surety bond for timager be increased from- $'~,OOO,OO to $15 ,~oO.~~ that suret3 bond f.0.r Clerk be iqcrased from $3,OOO.OO to $10,000.00, apd that Village pay p?exuiqs for both bonds, , Duties and powers of Ziquor Store ll-er were discussed,. Letter was infxoduced to Council for posting in Liquor Store, md after small addition t'o letter as >resented, Palen movea that the following letter be incorporated in the Ninutes of this 14eeting, &d that copy of letter, together with Ordinace Creating Liquor Dispensary, be conspicuously posted in %he Liquor Store, Attorney THndhorsE advised that Council. - I . Motion seconded by child and carried. tr!o TmOH 12 f.m corrcam: [l'J!he Villzge Council of Edina do herely designate the duty of the Wanage?? of the VXflage l~lunicipa3. Liquor Store. li5!he I-knager, 8 Deputy Clerk, is given full povrer to rnazuge the business ~ of the retail Kunicipal Licpor Store of 3d%na, including the future pchase of dl inventory, the. hiring md discharging 09 all persowel subject tor Council amrovd. I "The personnel, after giviqg satisfactory service for thirty days, shall be approved -by the Village Council, %!he said 1.kn~er is ans<rerable only to the .YCtlage,Council as a body,n1 t t PaXen moved tbt lk&n@&in-Xulfenmast er, Rowland, and May-be directed to forwarded monthly finaacizl regorts of the Bdina Hunicipal Liquor Store to the Villsge council. at the emliest opportunity after close of bnsiness eachmonth, Hotion seconded by Child ad carried, dffice directed to secure sqle of itDaily^Inventory Shee.t;It from Nr. Dudley Pricson, State Liquor Comissioner. Hr. Keelerts reqpest for authority to sell old Cash Register ,at $7'5.00 .'eras reported, COUnGil requested that 13r. Keeler be instructed %o do nothing abput Cash Register at the present time, v. Anericzll 6egZont s request for contribution front Nunicipal Liquor Store, .for Legion State Convention, TTZS reported. Attorney lhdhorst stated that, to his kaovleke, there is no authority for spending public money in this fashion. notify-zegion that .authority for such contribution is qpestionable, and that Council does no$ vrish to establish aprecedent by contributing in this case, Recommendation of Police Captdn Knvtson, for employment/of three men nov oq probation, vas read,T~iXls"ori moved, referriqg recornendation to &airman of Police Gomlttee for report at nextt meeting. Clrildrs motion, authorlzing Clerk to advertise for bids for new Police Cas, vith bids to be- taken I.!onday, &gust 9, 194.8, tras seconded by Palen _and, carried. Office asked to I on permanent basis Seconded by PjLen and ca,rried, ?OLICB DEPARTUE2lT Clarence bu-bson STREEX' UEl!i-P?UL~ Ehilip Bailey . I Pete Dzhlgren L Barr y Jonas Arthin Jsnsen 3,oneI.d Port C, ?I, Cerdarelle t 96*63 lll*m 93447 92.82 85 38 2560 2562 2561 2563 2567 256@ $69 2570 4335J7 23$90 LIOUOR ST033 EsrL J, Keeler 1/26/48 24-99 250 ct 25Ck 250 2 2503 2507 2508 250 2510 25u 2520 2522 2523 . 2531 2532 2533 2536 2 512 *.I , Y + 1.00 9.3 0 08 .. ...., , ** I 1 ........... c - .. 44 . LIQUOR - Estillerts Distributing Co 1,018ely _I. . . *, -. .. 45 Griggs,, Cooper & Co 1; 9S8,gO 46 Old Peoria Co, Inc 65eOO House of.lJines . =9? 47 Fvnous Braids .I 2,097*10 4.G 49 Georze Benz Sons 50 Old Peoria Co 278e42 51 E. L Lobmn Co I 100,82 52 PZcEesson G Robbins 3,261, @ 53 3da Phillips 8: Sons ~ 1,1;73*30 . Pjbst Sales Co 319 "15 Rex Distributing Co 209.35 54 1 55 Gluek Brev.5ng Go 448425 I5nneay?olis Brewcng Go 1,062teE8 ,- 56 57 59 . 0. 1.L Droney Co 33L 61 59 1Jkxeapoli.s Bottling Co 175 id5 60 E.11 City Eeverage Co 65*00 . 61 . Korris Fruit Co 335a50 Turity Beverage Go 35.00 finheuser Busch Co m31 - Canada Dry Ginger Ale u;9*09 Co,ca-Cola Bottling Co 4220 . Seven-Up E30ttl.b~ Go 25.m 65 66 67 f4assolt Bottling Go 12,qo 68 F, J, Quinn Paper Go 11 83 Hqy ,& Stenson J 40O~QO St?burba;L7_ Press 47 so0 69 70 Northern States Power Go 46e67 Village of Edina - Phter Dept, 2*00 71 72 73 Eortk:estern Bell Telephone Go 2.4c72 Young Fuel Co . 60e47 S ou.-t@~ st Shopper 1 3Loo 7.4 75 American Printing Go 29n80 Ed& Phillips & Sons 4.50&3_ $ %3979*57 76 77 l7illsont s motion, authorizing Village Ireasurer to secure $25,bOO advance from Hemepin- County Auditor, against the June Tax Settlement, vas seconded 'by Child and carried. 1 . 189278 - ~ I i;& . . . . . , I Hr. Csl If.. Hasen asked for'teqorsy permit for addition to tract office at 5436 k'ooddale Avenue. Child moved, grant5ng permit upon receipt of plans cad. providing Nr. Hasea makes parking area. off the street ad puts no-parking. sign on the street. Motion seconded By'Palen and carried. Police were asked to keep 311s Stop at 56th and 'Vlooddale free of parked cars; Lettkr from Robert PI, Gibson, requesting tkfic controi siss at I&erXachen Blvd. and Cooper Avenue, vas referred to Police Comi$tee, %y motion Pden, seconded by Child and carried. Villsonts motion for adjournment vas seconded by Pa~err ad carried,