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Child moved for approval for the 1.i;nutes of the Re&lar ?Jeetingdof June l!+, and
Adjourned Portion of'June 11, IIeetGg held June 21, as submitted, ,Seconded by
I.cius,on, and carried.
Azrswnt to Wotice of-Hearing,*Blacktopping of Cascade Lane," as published in the
Hempin Caunky Review, Hopkius, lGnnesota, on June 17 and 24, lye, Public Hearing
was held onthe petition filed June a, 1948 for blacldiopping of Cascade We, with
assessmat to be shared equally by all abutting property ovmers. Nessrs. Howard and TTwd Page, 4606 and 4604 Cascade he, objected ,to'proposed manner of assessment,
stating that they have only 20 feet abutting Cascade &ne, and do not feel that
they shauld be assessed for %he same amaunt of benefits as those otmers &to haxe
bxger frontages, A delegation headed by8, Be Butter, H, Sneller and H,H, Hunt,
disagreed with Hessrs, Page, claimjag that the Pages use their 20 foot frontage on
Cascade Me for a drivemy ad thereby gain as much benefit from the* frontage
as those whose hoxes front on the he. After considerable discussion, kt was
agreed by the Council, and all present interested in this project, that assessmnt
would-be made in the follwring naam~r Assessment would be figured on a front-foot
basis, with the Pages assessed for twenty front feet; Pages! assessment VJOUM be
deducted frw tatal cost, with the bakmce of the cost being equally divided between
the rermining ten parcels of properby. ,,This agrement was reached after an
Esthte of. Cost in anaunt of $1,660,51 had been read, and af4ier Attorney Vhd-
horsk had given his opjnion that Cauncil has the pwsr to make assessnent on a lot
basis if it wishes to adopt this policy, TJiIlson offered the following Resolution
and moved its adoption:
I-, petitim in writing requesting im,wrovement of Cascade Lvle bg B;Lackt.oppping
has been dLQ filed vdth this Council,-dated June, l9@, signed by owners of nore
than 51% in frontap of the real properky abutting on the polriion of the street
baed in said petition as the location for such improvement, and.
TJEIE8U3, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice to
a31 property otmers whose property is liable to be assessed for such hApovemenk,
published in the Hennepin County- Review, Hopl&s, lZ.nnesota on June 17 and a; and
has heard aU persons bterested, and detemnined the necessity for the hprovernent
peti-bimed for, now therefore '
BE TT RlSOLW Ey the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as required by
Chapter 311, Imrs of 1927, that the petitian above described is hereby de-bemhed
to have been signed by the required percentage of ovmers of property affected there-
BE IT l?'L?€iTm ~SODBD, that Cascade Lane, from Sate Highway #2U, to and including
the Ruparound, be improved by Blacktopping, and
EIE IT BE30Lm that said improvement be made in accordance with %and&d Spzci-
fidations for Bitqhous Surface Treatment, ncw on file with the clerk and &ich
irere approved by the Village Council,
BE IT FijjTHER IZESDLVED that the *Clerk is directed to prepre and inse& in the
Rennepin County Review, Hop7.dnS, l.Tinnemka, and b the Construction BuLletin,
linneapolis, l&mes&a, an adverbisement for bids upon such improvments h
accordance tLth such approved plans and specifications, said bids to be opendd
July*l.2, l91s8~ at $:00 Pel.i. The deposit accornpanyhg each bid shall be ten
percent of the amount of this bid.
1-l;lotion to adopt the"Reso1ution was seconded by Child, -and on Rollcall there were
fDw ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Tlillsm, aye; Palen, aye; and
-t. e
6/28/48 <
Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, with stipulation that Assessment be \ made in manner heretofore agreed upon.
Pursuant t6 "Notiice of Hearihg on Petition fob Re-Apportionment of Special A&essment for Blacki;opping Valley View Heights," published in Hemep;fn Cokty
Rwi.ew, Hopkins, Ilinnesota. on June 17 and 24, 1948, Affidavit of Publication
S<r which was read bi acting Village Clerk and placed on file, public hear'% wits
celled in drder that affected property opmers might be heard-with regard to
proposed Re-Apportionment of Blacktopping Special Assessment, from a front-
foptage basis to a'l,&-vduations basis. Zstter dated June 21, 1948, &am
Tharpe Bros., Inc., eqlaining that 'since the first of the five years'! ass&ssments
tdJl all be paid by Thorpe BroS., rerassessment r"or the remaining four years?
itspssmen'bs is all they wish. Gopie? of letters mailed by T@orpes.to'C.P.'
Albertson and N.0. Dantis, agreeing to We tax adjustment to them, were read,
bssrs. S.S. Thorpe, Jr., and Russell Tim, and Hks. Narjorie CmpbeU. attended
the hearing and agreed to the propo,sed Re-Apportionment of-Assessment as filed
with the Clerk. There were no objections; oral or {rritten, filed with the Clerk;
and none had,been received previous tosthis Hearing. Mr, Thorpe agreed to
reimbwse Village for cost of making-re-assessment, and for adjustment of first
year!s assessments on Lots la and U, Block 2. child offered +he follordng .
Besolution and moved its adoptioQo.
lmE4S, proposed "Assessment Re-Apportioning to a Valuations Basis
the Four Deferred Years! Assessments for Blacktopping Valley View Heights, 11 has
7 been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to .public inspection; and notice
has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, 35nnesota, on June 17 and 24, 1948, that this Council fill pass upon said proposed assessment at
%his present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified-
in sdd notice and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore,
13E IT l3E,SOLvED'b$ the Village Council of the E.llage of Edina that said
propoGed Bssessaent, which is hereby referred to and made a past hereof, is-
hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots,
parts-of lds, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein
respebtively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be
benefited in the amount; of the assessment levied agakst it herein:
BE IT FURTHER RESOZSED that each Lssessnent shall be. payable in equal
annual installments extending over a pericd of four years, the first to be '
payable- on the first day of January, 1949, all deferrsd payments we to bear
interest at the rate of five percent per annum, from the date of the Resolution
Adopting the Original Assessment for the Blacktopping of Valley View Heights.
Sa5.d assessments and interest shall be,a Lien upon the1properYf;y therein speci-
fied concwrent with the general taxes, as authorized by Chapter 65, Iaws of
Nimesota 1919. *
I-Iotion for adop'cion of the Resolution was secondgd by IEllson, and on Rollcall- there were four- ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; IUlson, aye; Palen,
aye; and Cbober, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 1
. 1.k. Charles Hallman led a delegation which included Messrs. Bartlett and Richards,
.r.r'nkch protested existence 02 Lexington Avenue pond as, dangerous to the children .in the neighborhood. President arranged for meeting of Gouaca, neibhbors, and
Carl 1-1. Hansy, the developer, for inspection of the pond, for Thwsdw, July I,
rtt 7~30 PJh + v
€ursu-mt to Advertisenpxlt for Bids-Bhdctopping, published in Hennepin Coun-l;y
Review and Col?struction B ulletin, ZXtme 17 dnd a, 1948, Affidasit of Putjlrication
for vhAch was rezd and placed on file, the following bids mre t&en on the Black-
topping of T'TcaKLand Road between ITooddLLe Avenue and BrooIdev .!%vmue:;
.. *... . . .... , *1
. ... .. -
Vhen it was noted that Johnson Contracting Conpany had oxdtteci bid on st&iMzation,
13. Glenn Johnson TBS asked reason for omission. He stated that, in his opinion, T?oodland Road needed no st2b:'ilizatfon; and coqlahed thzt bidders mre being requkred
to bid on stabilizckion wh5ch PELS not put in. He spec52imXLy cited 11, 54th Street
as a street There the contractcar tms not putting 5.n the stabLlization required br
his bid and contracta At ~eside~tts.suSZestion, award of the above bids TES held up
until the Council has had opportunijiy to inspect ~~56th Street behreen Woaddz3.e and
Concord--by ffoticn ITigson, seconded by Fden and carried. IaIeeting arranged for
Thursd37, July 1, for %his inspection,
Fursum-b to Mvertisenent for Bids-Curb and Gutter, publishedAn-Eanepin County
Revierr, Hopkins, l-limesota and Construction Bulletin, Ikeapolis, IZxmesota on
June 1'7 and 24, 1948, Mfidavit of Publicatim for vkich vas read and placed on file,
the follo:.rin,o bid vas opened and public* read, being the om- bid recegved, for
construction of curb and gutter on Thielen Avenue between the Korth E.llage Mt3
ad 11, Mth Street:
l,26es3 Ft. 6" Curb, 1W Gutter
Edra Gbor for ~Gping No Wra Charse - -0-
T@TIIL BID ;2 ,&09*7?
. . L ., .I e, >..,.... .. '
:.liUson r=ioved for acceptance of bid as reade Hotion seconded bx Child and unanbowly
Ihcey Siss, Inc.*s request for permit to construct sign on the I.;inneapolj..s, fTorth-
field and Southern RKLvmy Coqmy1s property was read, and plan for sign which TUL
rezd llSheapolis, Northfield and Southern RaiJ;rmy Edina Tea Trzcksl' and r&&ch is
to be-appro-ximately 5' by U.1, ~ms ihspecteda Lk. Daveiipork of the Earnoad Cornpay
staked the sLp vould>be Erected about 300 feet irest of the center line of their
tracks, at the South line of their property on Eden Avenue. After 12. Davenport
hzd obtained telephoned consent 02 1.k. Chris hson, neighboring pbpertr ovner,
Palen moved that permit be granteda Seconded by T.l"rllson and cmriedo
ZLdland PTa-bionLL Bank's report. of their action in exchanging $U+,oOO U,S, Trmsurg
Department certificates - 7/8$ , due JuQ 1, 1948, for l-l/E% CsrtiPica-bes due
July 1, 1949* and confiw2nede
Palen noved authorizing Deputy Village Clerk Gretchen Schussler to sign checks for
z3.J.. claims approved forqapent this evening, kasmuch as Clerk Hmthorne is absent,
Seconded b;7 Child and' carried,
TJ-inson moved for appwva;L of plan for gas main extension on CEford Avenue between
Interlachen B lvd, and IT* 5lst Streete Seconded by Palen and! czried. *,
la. Boris Pervoimwk was requested to secure petition of 5l.g of propert27 ohers for
opening of Gorgas -4venue between T;fr52nd and Church properScjT if he wishes ComciZ
to initiate proceedings for Sruri.t;ary Sever to serve his propertr,
of Council that ovmers abutting this extension o f Gorgas Avenue would be alf
to build facing Gorgas providing their deed restrictions would so aUcr.rr
Child noTed that exchange of securities by I-Edland Bank be authorLzecl
Seconded br Palen and carriedo
It r;.as.opbi
Dr, Paul Cerson, 5407 South Blake Road, ccfmplained that vater shed had been changed
by H.R. Burton, Inc., 'when building roads Wirror Lakes in Ediria,ll damaging Dr.
Cclmonrs property by diverting water q+b it. Trustee I?illson stated that he and
Zngineer Smith had inspected the properbies, and that the building of hdee Road
by H.R. Burton had not changed water shed, although it is true that flow of c
drainage water is concenkrated nowI
of Eirror. Lakes i;n Edina be delayed until after July 12, in order 'chat Hearhg might
bo 9 et for this date for investjgation by Council.. Child moved thzt President's
rocommendation be accepted, and %hat contractor be notified to delay blackbopping
in Error Lakes in Xina until after July 12,
Ye. Donald Johnson applied for pemnit 'to build, garage on1 Lo6 2, Blosk 3, Hendelssohn-
Addition, in non-conformance with Zohg Ordinancea After it had been ascertained
thzt this permit ~~otiLc? be for replacement-of small garage already on these premises,
lfillsbn moved that permit be grated.
Yz, Cole requested tha-f; culvert be uncovered on 60th Street between Bernard Place
President Coo2er suggested thet the Blacktopping
Seconded by Willson and carried.
Seconded by Palen and carried.
and Codea 14r. Bailey, Public Works Foreman, stated that this work would be done.
I-&, E, C, Stow requested permission to have contractor put in a "penetration job" of
blacktopping on Yvonne Terrace, uith cost to be assessed agaLnst-the properties -
abuttingr Attorney rpdhorst 1s ophion'i& thzt Village must advertise for bids '
'in order to make asse,sment against the property,
if the Village would maintain ths street after such a penetration job was put ko
H0 was asked to confer with Engineer Smith about specifications, in order that
Engheerr s recomxendation codd be received, by the ComciL.
setting Public Hearing on Et C, Stow's petit.ion for the blacktopping ofYvonne
Terrace, for July 26, 194,8, at 8:OO RON., and authorizing Clerk to advertise for
bids for said blacM;o2pinC;, with bids to be taken July 26, at 9:OO P.N., was
n -9
Stow also wanted to know
Motion by 'GVillson, *
ssconded by.Chi1d and carried, --
I&. Stow told the Council that in Flatting llYvonne Terrace"' he had dedicated a 60-
foot strip of lznd between his Lots 16 and 1'72 for an outlet to the Hwt Property to
the south at such time as this property would be platted5 that it.5~ his mderstand-
Lns that $5. Hart doe% not Tdsh to plat a continuat5oa of this outlet; and that if
hjs understandtng of matter is correct, he would like to have his &foot outlet
*mated as soon as possible,
for their recornendation
Mr. Stow was askedto see the Planning Comission
H.r* Stow also requested permission to give the Village aneasement for the 25-f00%
strip of land between the North line of Lot 12, Yvonne Terrace and the back of Lots
12, 13 and lL,, Q-lmd*s Place; stating that this 25-foot strip is now shmm on his
plat as a YLane" and he is .afraid that the owners h Nylund's Place sill $eel free
to u8e this lane as 3ri access to their garages, whereas it was his in%entLon to
make dedication for use as an entrance to the sma3d lake directly Lo the trest of
his proper%ys
rcc omendetion.
Ilk. Stov was again referred to Planning Commission for their
Ifillson moved that Council accept recomendation of Office and order Nodel YO&
Add-ressopaph Phchine and accessories in 'che total mount of &O2,6O plus freighta
Second-ed br Palen and carried.
Pden cUed Council's attention'to the need for a calculating machine,iur the office,
and moved %ha% Clerk.be authorized to advertise for bids fort an electric calculating
machine, bidd-ers to bid on own specifications and bids to be taken July 12, 1%8*
Seconded br TITillson and. carrieds
Public kb~1:s Forenmi Philip Bailey requested a cost-of-lixi.ng raise for the Public
Vorlcs Crewa
report at the nexL meeting.
President, announced matter of garbase collection increase would be carried over to
the nezt recular meetyng, amitins Ere Petersenrs appearance Zt +the meeting.
KIra VKLlson brought to CouncKLrs attention fact that if that part of Schaefer Road vrhich is prt of the plat "Parbiood is blacktopped, there TTUT be one short
&d.,, of Schaefer Road unsurfaced; and that before procedure 'czn be initiated there
, auct be a public hewing on projectr IJillson offered the foUo:;ing Resol.ution and
moved it3 cdoption:
''1 Trustee TfiUson asked for an oppor'cu-nity to check comparalin .rn.~;cs md
Request :ranteds
'* I)
> 1
Zlotion for adopt&on of Resolution :as seconded by Palea, and on Rollcall there 7;2-e
four ,ayes and no nays, as foUor.rs:
qe; cud the Resolution tns adoptedo
Child, aye; llillson, aye; Pale=, aFe; and Cooper,
Presiden.t of th .
Ere T'lillson %hen reminded the Council that, nith regard to the Schsefer Road hortion
of ltPar!;l;:ood the Council has no absolute'asswrance thzt I&. Ikasen :rill be
able -Lo acquire propert7 to the @st of the presently dedicahed 30-foot road; and
that if he does.not do so, and subsequerrtly dedicate an adational thirty feet, the
Village should not establish precedent of blacktopping entire ri$&-of-T.ra;r.
i: Hearing on the blacktopping of Pmhmod Knolls streets has abeedy been set for
July 12 , it vas agreed that further inf~miS~n could be secured at thzt %;he fron.
1ha Hasen. 12. ?Tillson also advised Council that, a% present, petition covers om
505 of front footage,
for Parkwoods Knolls blach-topping until after neeting of July U.
Child ad carriedr
IJillson lrroved that Public Hearins on Petition for B 1aclSoppiq 'IT. 56th Street frox
Ifomandale, Vest; and Tlqm&ck Place (LU in Edina Pzrk) be set for JIQ- 26, l9!+&
Seconded by Palen ad carried,,
ITLllsorz moved thzt the Council hold up advertising for bids
Seconded br
Tlillson Eoved that Public H ear- on Petition for B1aclctoppin.g Chomn Avenue from
Beard to South lot Eries of' Lot 8, Block 1 md Lot 15, B lock 2, Edina FUEL, be
set for Ju&y 26, l9&8, at &:OO €.Ha Seconded b37 C-hild and carried+
Council ~rzs informed by Ilr. 'Tlillson that no petition has not been filed for -&e
blackto22ing of Kent Avenue.
WLlson offered the folloxing Resolutioc ad noTed its
HIG%ZlY KOo 100 ,&ID lT.N1JICK PLAGE. - -
X3E?.EM, the Village Council desires on its otm motion to improve Bent Avenue betmen
Stqte Highmy Nos 100 and I.Tzm.rick Plzce by Blacl;topping, BS authorized by Chapter 3E,
Lzvs of 1933, now t'nerefore,
I35 27 ZFtSOL?E% BY
,'necessaq' ad qedierit to blacktop Kent Avenue as stated above, and that 02 the 26th
Village znt' rill at sz&d tbe and place hear the pzrties interested therein ip
reference to such jmprovment, and TZXL dec;ide whether or no% to undertake such
improvment ir. whole or in parts
I2otion to zdopt the Resolution T~S secontled by ChZd, and on Rollcall there vere four ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, we; T'Jillson, aye; Palen, aye; Cooper, a3e; and
the Resolut5cvn vas &opted*
vILLKi3 COURGIL of the Village of 3dinz that it is deemed
idcy of Jd-7, 1%S, at 8:OO P.M., this Council met at the Village HzU in said
Prescdent of the
T \- -2-
?WJ.son moved authorizing Village Clerk to zdvertise for bids for Blacktopping Kent
Avenue betwen State Hishway N 0. 100 end tlrn~M~ Place, bids to be let on JW- 26,
1946. I<o%ion seconded by Child and carrieda
Office reported on lk. Andrew Wangstadts request for Co~mcil action 02 petition
' for Sanitary Sever to service Lots 9 and 10, Block 5, and Lot19, Block 6 5.n
Smyslope Addition. Discpssionjms had as $0 possibility to constructing this
pewr in sph lqanner ES $0 provide for eXtensiQns +Lcross IT. 50th Street, for
Villsge Hall, Legion Hall, School Garage. RotLcp- by Palen, setting Hearing on
Petitioq, for SaJlitary Sewe*r to serye above lo$s, and tqmake fu%we extensions
to serve, lots acr-oss State Highway 80. 100, fpr Monday,y July 12, at S:CO P.N.,
was secopded by Cwld and unanimous& carried,
Office &ported &at Village Permmint Impro\;Fment Rem&ving Fund v~5I.l neea at
least $l?O,OOO adljitiond, to fhanpe special* assessmen;t, construction jobs in
progress2 Le@s Jones objected. to financ9g constrption projects in this
manner, pn the grpunds %ha$ the Gengral Fund $Ll be ligble LE case of default
by the properties improved. 3I.r. WLndhorst informed Re, Jones that ir?dividual
sewer an$ tmter pro jeets, rinanced @ special* assessmen$ in the past, carry the
same Gaeral Fund liabUty as the Pement JhproveInent Revolving Fund bona issuer
GFiildz rnoved, authorizing Village Attorney to. get Al.lison-?qillim msirer tritE3%,
regard tp exercissng theircoption fpr the r-ining $129,000 of the $300,00b
issue au$horized $n 1$47a , Seconded* by I?illso$ and carr$ed,
?"Kll.son ioved for: approval and pa,p&t of the: f olloi&~g: TiiUzge Pap?oLz, amou$i $4> 2'77.93 and Ziqvor Storen PayroU, ,a~omt -$2$le19.
Seconded by Palen and carried. . ~ .TOTAL .IQTHee . RE3XRE,c ROSP. TOTAL NET CUB-1
Gcne Cooper $ eo.00
I. ,- + (5 @boo 2399 COUNCIL
Bower Hai~thorne 50000 . 50000 2.400
George A. Itillson 60.00 60.00 2401
Fred S.Child 60.00 60.00 2402
Richard Cj.Palen 60.00 8 - + 60.00 303
J.J. Dusgan Ei0.00 150.00 2404
John Winqhorst , 75.00 + .( 75*00 2405 Ward Be Lewis 75 00 75.00 2.406
John D. Eelson . 10.00
DrbLbM, Campbell 30.00 30.00 %OS
1OsOO 2407
Sub-Total 650.00 653 .oo
ADHINISTRRTIm Pliil IT. Smith $355.62 '$37.70 $10,22 $ 2.75 $50.67 $204*95 2409
Gretchen Schussler 13$,04 ,20.00 jr52 1.25 26.77 ll1.27 '2.4l-0
Helene Freeman 76,069 9.20 3.07 1.25 13*52 63.17 24l-2
Louise Westerberg 76.069 3020 3.07 -0- 6e27 70.42 W3
Bernice Johnson 89".r;7 -0- 3.58 a 2.75 6033 830% w I'
Sub-total $636,51 v0410 25.46 8.09 103.56 532.95
Fred Jonas lOf.36
POLICE DEPT. McGary $116,00
Clarence Ihutson $151, $4
Hilding Dah1 339906
Wm, sb Heyd-b 92903
Henry 14. IJrobleski 118,61
Berm M. EJIerfeld llGP 61
Nilliam 'IT. Hoffman 11&61
Sub-t otaZ $85k,76
6.40 96.67 * .%I4
(Continued on Next Page)
,- n
24-24 21/25 2426 2427 2428
., ? --. -
(Village P.qroll Contbued fron Page &l) 1
f t
Szm Roberts
David Roberts
Robert S. Steward
Sub-% Otdl
723 e47 430m
- . .. I
Claim - Continued from .PaSe €10, 82
2332 George Nadsen t 2396 Niller Dmis
2377 24&6 Gene Cooper .r
Dorsey, .Colaan, Barker, Scott & Barber
2373 Hennepin Com%y Review
2375 P;forthern States Power Co
2388 Gray Ifismaxe A%gxxy, Inc
5444j First ITati&a \~ank 5445 Northimstem Kational .. Bank
5&46 Uorthwestem' National B&
5447 Northwestern .-*. National Ear&
5448 First National Bank 0
5449 Northwestern Hational Bar&
545Q Ikrthwestern National Bank:
5451. First ISatioiizl Bank x
5452 Northrrestern National Bank,
5453 Northwestern Nstional Bank,
5;154 Northwestek &tiond B&
-- ,3 -
Northwestern -National Bank,
First National Bank r
First National. Bar& t.
First National Bank
Northvrestern National BX@ .
Uorthtrestern National Bank,
11ortht.rest ern Matiohal Bd,
Northwestern National Bd,
First Nations1 Bank
t, t 2
r. -
359*97 37.88
32,193 e50
** 2 *90 ........ 33*20
2374 Hemepjvl Goun ty Review . 32at60
2387 Glacier Sand & Gravel \ 3'W' ._ 153 e31 2393 George Ekdsen 1 97%31
23 95 Phelpsdkake 58 83L32
2442 Johh. J, Balich , + 138eOQ
b? ,d- . -
2368 E, Ca ITy-lander
2369 Coiistruc-tion Bulletin 4-- *.* - - *2370 Suburban Press -, - 4.m .
2374 Victor Carlsen B Sons. I 6; 155 20
2441 Charles W, Jones -. - .- q- 42a00
2386 J, A, Dmens et Son r 245*00
2352 Linde Air Products Company . 6.75
2363 Ninneapozis Gas Light Company -bye52
-2354 Paper Calmenson & Comp2ny 329.60
2355 Phiuips Petroleum Compw 87s22 22. €XI 2356 'Edina, Gzrage
t E
.......... II<
J, S, D, #&
, .......
so Do #5
'I ,,
S. De 87
. ,. 3'.
S, De $13 ........
>,.. ,..
............ I *
235s 2359 23a 2361%
2376 237s .
2389 * 239% 2391.. . .
I!* 23, Iahr Coqmly v,
Mztional Bushing E Parts Company
lh. Hi Ziegler Goq2ny
Reinhard €&osn. Gompny
Horthvestern Bell. Telephone Co
G, TI. Ryan Company
Northern States Zower Conpany
Petty Cash
H icks She2 Sation. .
Brookside Service Station
l3d5.m Sure Oil
. ..... .... 9.a
XL LIQUOZ FUNR 2371 Hennepk- Countr Review 13 Ad..... .1:
2376 Rorthx-restern BeU. Telephone Co e50 2382 Petty Cash * 5a 67
2397 -.Dorse;r.Gohan Barker, Scott EZ Barber 600.00
ll Collector of ktemal Revenue. 27.50 12 Na%i@naJ, Cash.Register Go 1,235.co 13 A.G,Reiter, Treas. Blinn, &m5-cipal
. - - * -T,iquor Stores, Asstn 10.00 14 Ilorsey, Coh.zn, Sarker, Scott & Barber 7L60 15 TEUer Dmis Co ?*a 16 Carpenter Paper gompany 39.03 17 . ~.ic~u~~-~je~s'cer-Ro~rl~d-
Eay comgany 646.55
li -+-&orge-Eenz Sons, 3nc 696.20
19 Ed. Phillips Sons Company 79820r83
20 . -Disti33ers Distributing Go l,lt'lkrO 2
21 Old Peoria Gonpany : . 761.62
22 'Fa0us Brands, Lnc 319.46 23 Griggs Cooper tk Com3- 3322'7.19 -a --* T'rQ Hbwe of I-llines 304.50 9 17,261.27 S5L, 610*57
* *. . , ..I
Village Attome7 was asked to investigate Council~s powers to establish Village
Fire Tkrshall with authorit~r to condemn Properties tfdch constikute a fiPe hazz;de
&, Ben Yoehler reported thzt S'c,Louis Park vriU not consent %o an ass,esspen% for constructLon of storm sever to serve the lL.&th Street mea. CouncU asked &=age
Attorne;r's ophion as 4% possibility of General Fundts bemirig part of cocstmction
cost; and requested Benv XoeUer to bring necessary easerrtents to nab re-r neetine;.
- I *5
Hr,, Lewis Jones advoczeed the licensing of milk wagons in Ekl5.n~~. * OZ'fice asked to
secde r;lifomation as- eo such-licensins in St.Louis Park, Richfield and E&a3 for
Village Attorneyts use jn drafting &dkanceo .
I&, Voehler asked that 'public Hearing be set on petition for szrlitary sewer con- struction to serve are8 East of Beltline and Horth of Streetcar Tracks. TXLl.sos
moved that Public Iiearilng on PetLtian for Smitwy Sever be set far Jdy 26, 1948,
at ex00 P.Hr Secorded'by Child and carried.
Child moved for adjoment.
.< -.
.I Seconded by Palen and carriede
Viaage Cl'erk -