HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480809_REGULAR8/9/48 2.2I€lU!ES OF 'PHE BEGULBR. IGETIITG OF !l?a EDIXA VIUAm COrnTCXL, HOl?DAY, AUGUST 9, 1948, . . 8:oo P.E.I., m 'PHE EDINS VILI~AGE auz -. *I . . -I Nembers present vere Child, Palen, ifillson, and- Cooper; Clerk avthorne being absent, Pden's motion €or ayproval of' the l.!inutes of th& Be@& Meeting of JuLy 26, 1948, as submitted and without p\iblic read5nG was seconded by Villson and carried,. Vith regard to the Councilfs-rejection of flr. R, E, Iverson's qplication for permit to build at 5500 ICe11og~-Z4rD Csroll*+representhg Nr. Saq Harris, 5504 Kellogg, wintaj.ned that Nr. Iversonts house plan violates Sections 111 (a) 18 and VI11 (e) of the Village Zoning Ordinanc&. Village Attorney Vindhorst's op+ion, to. effect -that an attached garage is an "accessory 'bu91dingii and th&,therefore, Nr, Iverson's plan is b confmmmce vith Zoning Ordinznca, vas red. Special Meeting of Council and Planning Commission to be held !hesday, &gust 17, at 8=00 wr* &lotion seconaed br Villson and cmriea; Council conducted public hearing on Bhcktopping of &dison Avenue between Belaore Lme md 1-laloney Avenue. Bffidavit of Publication of I'Botice of Street Imgrovement HqarWg,II *blished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Hinnesota, July 15 and 22, vas read, and placed on file, 3ngineer1s esthte of cost,* in tot& Tout of $2,032.80 or $1.70 per assess- able foot, vas read. I-Iessrs, B.V. Outman, 422 Madison; Bert 1.1. JJerfelfi, 410 Nailison; ad Keith lchelan, 42& fVkd.ison, were present at this hearing. I-Ir. Vhelan inquired as to whether blacktopping wWxld aid the drahage at his corner, uld vas informed that this bprovement would lessen the washing of siZt into his lot, but that until t'ne lot was filled he vould still have drainage prbblems. $here vere no objeclions filed, either - oral or mitten. I'lillson offered the folloving Resolution ad noved its adoption: Tm, petition in rrriting requbstifig iqrovement of 14adison Avenue between Belmore Lme and Maloney Avenue'by Blakkfiopping, has been duly filed with %hi.+ Council &tea J@y 9, 1948, signed by omers of more than 51s in frontage of the real property abutting on the street nmed in said phtition as the +location for such improvement, ad 'Lm, the Village Council has &et at the time and place qecified 5n a notice to all property omers t@ose property is liable to be assessed for such 5qroverizenP; published in the Suburban Press, HopE$s, Winnesota, on July 15 uld 22, 13&, and has., heard all persons interested, and detepined the necessi-by for the im,rovement petitioned for, novr therefore ). Chqter 65, Lws of 1919, as amended, $hat the petition above described is hereby determined to have been signed by the xeqdred percentage of omers of property affected thereby, and - s - Child moved that matter be tableg =til I *t RESOLUTION 30R II.fpBOVB*IEl~ BUCWOPPIXG QI? UDISOPI AmXB * B3 IT RESOLVED Bp the Village CoGcil of the Village of Edina, as re6irid by .L ? * BE 12 IJUREDB BESOLVEQ, that Nadison Avenue betmen Belmore Zane and Ikloney Avenue be improved by Blacktopping ana, . Clerk identified as SpeciPications for Bituminous Surface Treatnent, prepared 5s Phil IT, Saith, Village Jhgineer, are hereby approved and adopted as the ~lans and speci- * BE IT TUR!EEB RESO&va> that plWF-*arrd Bpecifications now on file with the Village. fications for said iarprovemmt, 1 r BE IT IlElSOLvED that the CIlerk LS directed to prepare and insert in the ozficial gazer and in the Construction Bulletin an aclvertisement for bids to be opened. August 23, lgM, for furaishing labor-& materials 3.n accoybe vith such approved p~ans.alld specifications. -!he deposit accompanying each bid shall be ten percent of the amount of the bid. &tion for adoptikon of Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Rollca31 there were four ayes ad no nws, as follows: aye; and the Besolution Vas adopted. I Child, aye; I'lillson, 1 aye; Palen, aye; and Cooper, -$.z- &+>&-- ... President of the Village C&dl I Village Clerk ~ - Hotion 5y Palen, asproving Deputy Clerk Gretchen Schussler's signature for checks to be signed at this neet-, in Clerk's absence, vras seconded 3s Child and carried, 8/9/rn $- 311 &lotion by T!illson, for approval. of the folloving Village Payrolls, was seconded by Palen md carried: PAXROLL FOR PERIOD AUGUSI! 1 thouzh AUGUSI! 15, 19W & Overtime for July. 1948 CLAD% rCoI!& . . - I;IITH+ IBTIRE* I!O'l?AZ -* . EEl! , @>IDTISWIT6l~ JbIT~~ TAX. DEDUCT, I;VEDUCT. 'PAY * NO. Gretchen Sckuss-ler 138.04 16,jo 532 Bernice JO~SOII X56.34 7.00 6.25 13.25 143-09 2593 Helene FTeernen I *89.47 9.50 3.58 - 13.08 76.39 2594 6-27 '70-42 2595 Zoui s e Iles t erberg 76.69 7.20 ' 3.07 PHi& 1'7, Snith. 255.62 -29-80 . 10.i~ -4cj.o~ - 215.60 2591 2592 22-02 Li6mO2 716-16 &QxB& 66-00 28.64 94.64 621,522 EXGINEZELIITG Bred Jonas. 120.14 5.80 4.81 x0,61 109,53 $OZSCi DEIPARQXED9! 2596 C Jmence Knutsoq . Z51,8& 1OeOO 6.07 16-07 135.77 2597 Rilding Dahl ' 139.06 8.20 5 856 13,?6 125.30 2598 Vm.. Se Heydt 92.03 Lb' 3.68 5e08. 86sgj 9599 Henry N.. IIroblesU - 118.61 5-30 4,74 - lO,& * 108.51 2600 3ert I$. Ikrfeld - 118.'61 5,3O 4.74 10.04* 108.57 2602 ifilliam V. Hoffman 118.61 9.50 'I 4.74 14224 - 104.31 2602 5.00 *-a- T.00' 111.00 2603 5iloyd NcGary 116.00 - s-9 ILrnT-rnGTTT$R Pete PahLgrerr, 125.26 io.50 5.01 15.51 log*% 2605 Matt Nerf e1d 125.82 6.40 5*03 11.43 llb.39 2606 John Fracy 115.03 .60 4- 60 5*20 109.83 2607 Arthur .Jensea - 119~02~ 1.20 4.74 5.96 113.06 2609 .. .&rtq?$. . M*ZO - :. 29-53 74.23 * Woe53 Philip Bailey ~. . 134.85 3-LI.0 5.39 . 8.79 126.06 2604 Hwry Jonas 115.03 4.70 . 4.60 9.3O lO5-13 , . 2608 R onad Port 11g.az -0- 4- 76 4.76 124*26 * 2610 STFSB!i! 'EDi&HOURI;Y c harxes Sohrlson, J2cob S kqak ?we Joseph Natole ITn. Em Kell . George KSng I Vm. Dor@las Carlson Sam Roberts David - Roberts GBA$D !CO'lXL PAY.ROI;I; 117.36 090 ' 4.69 5.59 111.77 2611 .' 971.39 . 27e20,. 38,84 66.54 904.85 98.16 6.50 3.. 93 10.43 81.73 2612 103.8 2.90 4A4 '7.04 96.44 2613 85-89 4.40 3.w 7-84. 78-05 2616 - 75.26 7.10 3-01 10.11 65.15 2614 97-60 6.20 3.90 10.10 87.50 . 2615 10.51 67.20 2617 2619 2620 2621 LIQUOR, SIcORld PA'OI&"&G, 1. throwh'AUG, 15. 1948 .wd Extra Helm for J-r.i!==. 19m 3al_J, Keeler 153-38 14.$0 6.14 20.84 132& L 80 5.11 122.70 L 81 ... REGULAR Z@LOrnS __ , .. __..-, Fr;llik .KiFpley 12'7-81 -0.. 5-11 ~*ELOYEESf OT July mm EX!l?RA C hqles S, Bates- Hzrry J. Casey Ylm. T.. Landers 102-25 11.20 16-09 86.96 9 82 383.44 .25.89 25.34 &le3.,2k. . 342.24 83 199.39 G. 70 7.98 12.68 186-71 L 84 , 139.96 4.00 5-60 9.60 130.36 f* 339.35 I 8879 13-58 22.28 317 . 07 .. e BXIIIIB S&&OYEEIS~ for ~tity Paul 3 Lesher , 3.99 18.59 81-10 L 85 99.69 14.60 157.a . 14.60 20~89 136.32 John Dalen .. 57.5 2 -0- 2.30 2.30 55. a L 86 'pi)!2AI1 PAY!lOLL LIQUOR 880-00 49-20 $35-21 6*z9 84.41 79559 1 .- - 3.Sotion by Pden for dloT.rance and payment of the follotring Claira's tras seconded by Ilillsoa and csrie& 4 ha - Cl2Li.n XO. co: &omt * 2632 Corn, bf 'Paxatioi, Petrole6n Div. $12,Lto Ijqyiynent Rental. %iburban %em, Cy.Rd.ief Born6 s94.74 Poor Office vas reiwsted ~ Council 6o-ar;k l.lcljuglitin~:~e~~ster, Rotrl&d 6 Hay to mail six copies of monthly finacid statement.of Liquor Store to this office for Council perusal, &tiion by Palen, designating the follotxtng locations as Official Polling Places for. Bdina Electioi Districgs uas secihiea by C&la and ;ulaninously carried: * ~32,oo P.I.B. -61.60 2. I .R. 87 I&. Philfips E: Son6 Co, q20 Liquor 2623 ;To& 5. &&ich 2624 *Charles If. Jones I 5*5 I *- FOR: DIS'PRICI! a0. 1 *- &st Zn$rance of 3'dina Scdool: 50th St. &d Prooddale &e._ DISTRICT XO, 2 1 St, S0el;hens Epi&opal Chdrch; 50th St. and "loodda2e, Ave. DXSTRfCT ZO. 3 i' St,Pete& Luther& School;: 3808 If. mzller Street DISTRfCT IJO, 4 1 Colonid Church 01 Bdina; 5532 Voodcjale Avenue DISEd6T 1T0, 5 Cahill$~hool; 70th St. ad Cabill Road DISBICT 170, 6 1 2emporm-StructGe; 424 fan Buren Avenue (Van Buren 8 l&.loney) DISEU*CI! ITO, 7 .- Grange &.l1; 50th Street &d-l%en Avenue JZ%RICI! NO. 8 .,- Vest Entrance of Edina SchooL; 50th Street & Voo&b.e Ave. + ' .. .. 1- .- Council opened-Public Hearing on proposed. hading <f Adams Avenue bettreen f-b.Xoney Avenue and Behose Lmk, by reading of itNo$ice of Street Improvement Hearing-AUs Avenue, publikhed in duburba Pr'ess , Hopk&s, Z.Iinn*esota, ,July 15 and 22, 194.8, read. Ink, lh&?k Vas p<esent at &are @.coffered no objections to the progtosed Zqrovenent; a$d no ot&r objectcons, either oral o'r vritten, trere filed, Trillson .. ofi"ered the folloaing Resolution .and moved its a&p'i;iont '33ngjneer's Es6imte of bost in a&unt of $i,290.75,: or $1.10 per assessaale foot, vas; REsOLmIoN j?m 1XPRom.mm - GRADIXG Ol? A.D,AIdS ATEXh3 l'!EE€Wis, Betition aritini requestie improPement of Adam Avenue betveen Behore Lane apd ISaloney Avenue by Grading hzs been- duly filed vith this Councrl dated October 6, 194.7, signed by otmerq of more tu 'jl$ :in frontase of the red property abutting on the street pmed in s&d petitipn as $@e location&r such iqrovement, .I and I. VHEWAS &e Villge Council :&s met a< the tGe and place specified in a notike to all property atmers whose property is lia'ble to be qsessed €or such inpovenent published in Su'burbul Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota. on Suly 15 and 22, 1948, and hs heard all prsons interested, ad detemined the pecessityc for the i.m&movenent petitioned for, now therefore * Chapter 65, Lars of 1919 as amended, thzt t-he petitJon above described is hereby determined to -have been signed 3% the req-ed perqentqgs of owners of property affected thereby, .ad . BE IT &I) BY :the Villaie Council :of the f5JlaSe of Zldins, as required $3 BE 1% IXEUXZR €ESOLVXD, Gbt A&ms frveque 3ettreen BetlmoFe Lme and EIdoney Avenue BE: IT JXL&OZm th& plans n& on file-klth the: Village Clerk, prepared b$ Phil. be 5rgroved by Gradbg, and 17. Smith, ViUage Engineer, zre bereby apprpved and adopted sts * the @as for said iqrovexaent. * I. BZ IT ?lUEEEZ ~SOLVl3D that ,the Clerk ,is directed to prepare ad insert in the Official Pap2 and in Constructign Iklletiq an adv&tlsement for bids ugon such inpovements i;n accordance with such &2royed plan;, said bids to be ogzned August 23, 19re8, !&e deposit acc0qan-g each bid sUl be ten percent of the mount of the bid, I-Iotion for adoption of:the Reso1,tfon ps$econded %y Child and on Rollcall there trere four ayes and.no nays, ,as r~o~lotr~: aye; and the Besolutioa was adop$ed, .- Child, ,aye; Vilison, -- &e; Palen, aye; and Coo2er, - c -- &*A . President of the Village $$-%mil - Village Clegk The President announced that for the purchase of $l5O,OOO ace witL resolution, adopted the meeting vas open for the consideration of bidsr. Permanent Improvement Revolving F&d Bonds in accord- by the 'Village Council on July 12, l9M. Affidavit vas presented showing ttro weekst publication of notice of sale in the official news- paper, which vas exmined, found satisfactory, and ordered placed on file. It vas reported that three seaied bids had been received in accordance aith said notice, which bids vere then publicly opened, read and considered, and the highest atld best bid of each'bidder was found to be as follow: Name of Bidder Interest Rate ' Premiuni Wor6hwestern Uational Bank, Minnezipolis) Kd man 82 Coxupany , T.linneapoLis hi $505-00 ?man b Moody, St. Paul f -. A &ison-T/illiams ~ornpany, Iliinneapolis 2.6 $420 ., 00 lj'irst ldina St&e-Ba;lzk, Pdina, @rst Xa'cional. Bank, Minneapolis i $457.00 Ster consideration of all bids, Trustee Ifillson presented the follovring'Besolution and moved its adoption: RESOLU!i?IOX BJ;ARDZNG SALE OF $1~0,000 F3Ewsmgz I1JPRom-m rn0LVrnG mm BONDS that the bid of Northwestern National Bdc, Ihlinneasolls, P;d.man &: Company, PIinne- azolis and Jurm & Moody, St. Paul, to pikchasc $ljO,OOO Permanent Improvement Revolving hd Bands in accordance with resolutipn adopted July 12; 1948, and. the published notice of sale, is hereby founa and determined to be the highest and best bid received for said bonds 2nd is herebr accepted, said bid being for the urchase of said bonds, at a price of pa' ad accrued interest plus apremiwn of %505.00, and bearing interest at the rate of gvro ad.One-Qm,rter Percent (E&$) per e3mum, principal and interest to be payable at the Rorthvestern Vational Bmk, iy1 I.finneapolis, Jfinnesota. *The President wd Tillage Glerk are directed forthwith to enter into a contract for the sale of said bonds upon said terms and to retain the good faith check furmishe& by-the successful bi&der pending comgletion of such sale, and the Clerk shall forthwith return their checks to all other bidders. ATTEST: 323 TT 3ESOLmD by the VXQage Council of-the VZLlage of Bdina, Minnesota; Presfdent of the V.ilbe CO~&~I. I The-motion for the adoption of said resolution vas duly seconded by %?ustee Child, and upon vote "oing taken thereon the following voted in fwor thereof:< Child, Palen, lfillson and Cooper &d the foZloeing voted against the sane: whereupon said resolufxlon was dgclared 'duly passed ad adopted, and' the President approved and signed the same, which vas attested by the&.j2l.&+ Trustee T'Filfson then presented the following Reso2ution and moved its adoption: No nzy votes - RBSOLU?IOI% FIXING TBl3 BORN fQ?D .DETAILS, FOYTDIVG FOB ExEClj?i!IOX AQTl DELIVERY, BlcsD 1;F;TlyIfJG TAXlGS $OR !El5 PDmT Og $l5O,OOO PW-T IMPR0VE"T REVOLVING PU€Q J301TI" BE Tfi! RESOLVEi by the Village Council of &e 'VillGe of -ldina, Ninnesota;, as follovrs: i, The Village.shal.1 forthwith issue and deliver to the purchaser thereof its negotia'ole coupon general obligation Pemanent hprovement lievolv'ilzg. hd B onds in the aggregate principal mount of $150,000, as heretofore duly mthorized, advertised and sold, said issue to copsist of 150 bonds numbered 1 to 150, inclusive, each in the denonfination of $1000, 'bearing date of July 1, 1948, vhich bonds shall bear interest at the rate pf TVJO azzd One-Qprter XeYcent (Pp) per amun, pwable serni~ually on January 1 and.J';ulg 1 of each'yem, and,s@alLJf_ mature serially on January 1 in the.mount of $15,000 in each of the years 1950 through 1959. Bonds of said issue bearing serial nwnbers iibl throwh 75 shall be payable at their respective stated maturity dates without option of prkor- payment, B onds of said issue bearing serial numbers 16 through 150, vhich ha;ve I i state'd ma.t;urity dates later than Jznuary 1, 1954, shall be each subject to redeqtion ziid preyyment at the option of the Village on sdd date ad ang interest pent date theredter, atTpar and accrued interest, in inverse,order of serial numbers, upon 'notice of call for redemption mailed*'& leaat thirty dags prior to the date specified for redempfion to the bank at vhich principal and interest are then payable, and to the holder, if kao~m, of each bond so fo be redeemed. The Clerk shall maintain a register of the names, addresses ad 'bond nuubers of holders of redeemable bonds of. szjd issue so far.as such i@ormation is &de available to &, Both grincipal and interest shall be pyable at 'the main office of Northwestern National Bank in I.lbneqolis, E.lirmesota, and the Village hereby agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of sdd paying agent for the receipt and disbursement thereof, 2, The bonds of said issue and the coupons to be theretd attached shall be in substantially the following form: -* *- IT0 . $1000 KllOU ALL EN BY !J?FB PXESEN9S tfiat the V-iLlGe of Edina, Hennepin County, lbnesota, adlmovledges itself to be ind9bted Sd for value received promises t? pay to bearer the sum of ONE lcHousBND DOLLARS on the first dw of Js~uarg, 19 , or, if this bond is prepayable-as stated belowv on a bte prior thereto on vhich it sal have 'been duly called for redemption, and to pa$ bterest thereon from the &.%e hereof until said principal sum be paid or until this bond, if prepagable, has been duly cd3ed for redemption, at the, rate of %TO mil One-Quarter Percent {2&$) per mnm, payable semiannually on tk;e lit day of Smmry and the 1st day of J@y of each year, +terest to mat&ity being represented by and pwable in accordance'with and u.on presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attaches, Both principal. aud interesi: are paable at the maia office of 37orthvestern National B& in Minnea-golis, Uimesota, in my coin or currency of the United States of &erica vhich on th6 respective dates of >went is legal tender for public and private debts, Fqr €he prompt and full payment of such principal and interest as the sae become due the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the Village are hereby irrevocably pledged, ' 'phis bond is one of an issue in the aggrregate principal mount of $15O,QOO, &I. of like date and tenor except as to maturity and redeastion p-ivilege, issued by sa5d Village for the purpose.of maintGning its pempnent impovement revolving fund, and is issued ~ursuazxt to resolutions duly adopted by the Vilfzge CouncX!., and pursuant to and in full and complete conformity with the Constitution and &aws of the State of Minnesota teeunto enabling. at their respective stated mturity dates without option of prior p2yment;. 'Bondis of said issue bearing serial numbers 76 throu& 150, hams stated maturity dates lqter thsn Jznuarg 1, 1954, are each subject to redemption and prepapnent at the option of the Village on said date and any interest payment date theredter, at par and accrued interest, in inverse order of serial nmbers, u.on notice,of call &led. at least thirty days prior to the date ssecified for redesption, to the bank at which principal. and interest are then payablei and to the holder, if knovm, of each bond so to be redeemed. Holders of redeemible bonds desiring to receive such notice must register their names, addresses Zna, bond numbers vith the Villcge Clerk. - Boniis of saki issue bearhg serial numbers 1 through 75 are payable 12 IS I-QBEBX C~TIF~ED p~lg GCITBD tbt a1 acts, conditions, ana things reqyired >y the Constitu"cion_and LErrs of the State of Ninnesota to be done, to eest to hamen, ad t6 be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been done, do &st, have hapsened, and have teen performed 3.n reguLar ad due fom, time, and manner as so required; that prior to the issuance hereof a direct, an.nud., irrepealable ad vdorem tax has been duly levied upon a13. of the taxable property in said Village for the yegrs ad in amounts at least 5$ in excess of suns sufficient to pw the interest hereon and the principal hereof as they respectively become due, a;ad additional taxes, if needed, xiill be levied upon d.1 of such property withizi'the h I 819 /48 limitations prescribed-by law; and thzt this bond, together vith dl other indebtebess of the Village outstanding on the date hereof: and on,the date of its actud issuance 'and delivery, does not exceed any constitutiond or statutory limit at ion of indebt edrmes s, XU VlIBIl3SS T?HUUOEI the village of Edina, Hemepin County, Minnesota, by its Village Council, k-caused this bond to be executed in its bewf'by the signature of the President of said Comcil, countersigned by the !Creasurer, attested by the Village Clerk, and sealed: with its corporate seal, and the attached interest coupons to be executed and authenticated by the facsimile signatures of said President and Village-Clerk, $31 as of July 1, 1948. * - President '. I. Countersigned: lreasurer Attest; 1 '1 - Village Clerk r (Form of Coupon) On the 1st day of JanG (July); 19 , the Village of Edina;, Hemepin County, Ninnesota, yill pay_$o Bearer at the main office of then dtze on its Permanent Improvement ReVolving hd Bond dated July I, 1948, , in , the sum of DOLLBRS for interest No. : 0 (3acsimile signature) -- President ~ (Facsimile signature) .- Village Clerk # 3,- Said bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the Village Clerk and. shall be executed on behalf of-the Village by the signature C lerk, and the corporate seal shall be affixed thereto, md the interest coupons shall. be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved, or fi&hogra9hed facsimile s'ignatures of aaid President and Village Clerk. When said bonds have been so executed and authenticated they shall be delivered by the lreasurer to the.purchaser on receipt of the gurchase price fieretofore . agreed upon, znd said purchaser shall not be. reqdzed to see to %he applrcation thereof, . Forthe promp6 md full payment of the pr-incipl. and -interest on sdd bonds as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credi-t, and tang - powers of the Village shall be aad are hereby irrevocably pledged. * of the President, countersigned,by the Treasurer and attested by the Villwa i , 1 4. Z'here is, hereby created a sepmzte si&hg-fun&, vhich s-1 be kept by the !Treasurer apart from all other funds of the Village and used for no purpose other than the pay'rnent of principal and. interest of said bonds; grovided, that if any FaJnnerrt of principal or interest sW1 become due vhen there is not sufficient money in said sivilrirng fund to.pa3 the sse, the Zreaaurer 1 shall nevertheless pa such principal or interest from the generd fund of the * Village, aid such general fud shall be reimbcursed for such advznces out of the proceeds of the taxes hereinafter levied, Into said sinking fund shall be paid. the proceeds of all faxes levied pursumt to this resolution and all other moneys received for or a2propriated to the pment of said bonds and interest, Out of said fund the !treasurer shd.1 fomrard to the paying agent hereZnabove designat@., rrithout, further order or 'crarrant, moneys suf22cient to meet each pmpnt of pr*&cipl ad interest on ssid bonds as the same shd.3.. become due. 5, To provide moneys for payment of such principal and interest there : is here%y levied upon all. of the tssa.bl.e property in the Village a direct, annual, ad valorem'tax TrQich shall be spread upon the tax rolls and collected vith and as apart of other general property taxes in said Village, for the.years and. in the mounts as folloqmt I. ,* &om* Peal: Amount $17,800 1948 * - $19,900 1953 1949 1 19,300 1954 ,l?,WQ 1950 18,900 1955 17,000 1951 18,500 1956 16,600 - 1952 18,200 1957 16,200 Year Sdd tax shall be irrepealable as long as any of said bonds are outstading and unpaid; provided, that the T5llase reserves the right md -power to reduce the levies in the manner and to the extent permitted by Minnesota S%atutes, Section 475.26. 6, The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Eennepin County, together vith such dther inforna%ion as he shall require, and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate th& said bonds have %eeq entered on his bond re&ster and that the tax requ5ked by 1211 for the payment of said bonds has been, levied, %e officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Hewepin County axe herear a&horizea ina directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of said bonds and to the attorneys a9proving the legdity of the issuance thereof certified co2ies of all proceedings ad records relatin& to said bonds and to the financid. affairs of the Villsge, and such other affidavits, certificates, 2nd in€ornation as may be required to show the facts relating to the legality arrd marketability of said bonds as the sme *pear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to thm, ad all such certified copies, certificstes, && dfidzvits , including a?ly heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Village 2s to the facts recitedkerein. I 7, Fresixent of the Village Cou?&iZ Y The motion for the adoption of the foregoing: resolution vas duly seconded by 2ruetee Child, ad upon vote beins %&en thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Child, aye; !'Tillson, aye; Palen, aye; zlrd Cooper, aye; and the following voted &gainst the sane: (no nay votes) whereupon said resolution vas declared ii. v Clerk. ;Pursuart to ffAdvertisement for Bids-Vater I-l& n Extensionatf published in Suburban ?res, Hopkins, Hinnesota, and Construction Bulletin, lhneqolis, Ninnesota, on July 29 and &gust 5, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for which vas publicly read, the folloving bids were opened and read for furnishing of labor and materials for improvement of Lots 7 to 14 inclusive, Block 1, SouthHztrriet Park Seconcl Addition by constructioi-of vater win extension to connect said lots with water .main on Halifax Avenue: + and &opted, zinc3 the President signed the kame, vhich vas attested by the %wed iI!$slge Phelp-Ikake Coo, 12inneq oxis, Uinn. $2,193.00 Bart Garlone, St, Paul, I-Iinn, ,2,276,00 . R. J, T.Imom Go., Mnneqolis, Him. , 2,735-80 Afbr consideration pf bids ad recommendation of Building Inspector that vater mahs be constmcted as soon as possible to serve bUiMin~s under construction, Child moved for acceptaxme of the Phelps-Dr&e Co, aid in the mount of $2,193.00, and authorization for Clerk and President to enter into contract with this conpzng. by Ifillson ad carried, Kotion seconded E-Sr. Joseph Cr&g pres ented plm for tvo apa,rtment buildings, containing total 0% 32 dvrelling units, ad requestedpemit 60 construct these buildings on the Douglas lldlace progerty abutting V.@%h Street, just 3sst of the Sast line of Maple Road-properties., CTaiId noved that natter be referred to P~~g Comnission for their recornendation at meeting of August 17. Pursrwzi to "Mvertisement for Bids-T'Tater 1.Iain &tension," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins LIinnesota, 2nd Construction Bulletin, Mimea~olis , Minnesota, on July 29 *d Auamt 5, 194-43, Affidavit of Publication for vhich vas publicly read, the folloving %ids vere opened md read for furnishins of labor md naterials for hprovement of V,jbth Street from Zenith Avenue to York Avenue, md of York Avenue fro? W. 56%b gtreet to tI. 58th Street, by construction of vater main extension therein: I4otion seconded by tlillson and carried, Phelps-3rdse Co, , Itinneapolis a Nim. B, J. Ewgm Co, , I-iimeapolis , Xim. $8,285-50 i0,543.60 Bast Carlone, St, Paul, &m. 8,696,20 ChZld moved for acceptance of the low bid of the Phelp+Dr&e Go,, and azthorization for President ad filer& to enter into contract with thisegonpmy, Vil1son and parried. , IIotion seconded by .. t F . c Pursuant to tt;8dvertisement for Bid-Bl~cktopping,~~ published in Suburban Press , Hoskins , I-hnesota, and Construction Bulletin, Ninneq olis , Mimeso ta, on July 29 +d August 5, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for which aas publicly re&,-, the Sollosing Bids were ope6ed and read for Zmprovement of Schaefer Road, froi presently blacktopsed. portion of road to the North Boundary of the .recorded plat !'Parkvood Kn01ls ,It by Bla-&topping: - -- &USI&S ROAD TAB B-USIXG CUTBACK ASPEALT Glenn johnson Goitre ~o. Sa .Pa. ' Total Sa,Yd. Total 2,234 Sq.Yds.Stabilization J $.27 $603~18 -0- . -0- 2,234 Sq.Yds Bituminous Surface, ,68 1519.12 -0- -0- $2122.31) -0- -0- $1965.92 $1943.58 J!V. a'ieason 2,234 Sq, Yds . Stabilization b34, '$759.56 $034 $759.56 2,23LL Sg.Yds,Bituminous Snrface . ,54 . >206,S6 I.5T 1184.02 I 1' At this time.(louncSl. opened md read bids received for impropement ok Lexington Avenue Prom Concord Avenne to 180 Feet East, pswt to fiAdverEisement for Bids-' Bulletin, Ninneapolis, Ni~esota, on July 29 and August 5, 19&, Sfidavft of Publicztion having been read and &&Sd on file. BidG were as follows: .. ikblished in SubUr"p@ Press, Hopkins , Ninnesota, and Const-mctibn ,&-USIE;TG ROAII TB E-WIIJG CTEBACX ASPRPICI! - Glean Johnson Contr, Co, S$,Yd, Qotd ' So.Yd, !i!otd. 400 Sq.Yds. StZoilization $.$k -2'7 $lOS.OO c -0- -0- 400 Sq.Yds. 3ituminous Surfhce , ,68 272.00 - -0- -0- , J450 Sq.Yds, Stabilizztion $.34 - $136.00 $.3& $136.00 bo0 Sq,Yds, Bituminous Surface I .54 216.00 ,053' 222.00 $352.03 $~"OO -. -0- ,. .a $380.00 5 .V, GJeason s c Considerable discussion vas hatl as' to awarding contract, in vie17 of fact that Eov bidder has nruch work yet to conDlete this year and the season is already late. re,da,r meeting, Furswt to lfAdvert&se;?lent for Bids-Ailtomobile, Hopkins, P4innesota and Construction Bulletin, EIimcxpolis, Hinnesota, on July 29 :ad Augwst 5, 19443; Affidavit of Publication for which vas rea&, Council opened - ORIGTNAL BID &T&WA!lT!E BID &Lkerson Sales.. Inc. . 14~1s. I:* - 1 1948 Oldsnobile, 2 Door '- $2,199:,00 - - $2,199.00* . . Child moved. to refer bids to Village Bngineer for his report at next Motion seconded -by Bales and carrieh, P pu3lished in Suburben Press , tiie following bids for Police C&: .I -. ' 1,200.00 (1947 ?ly) 2. 000.00 (1946 Ford) Less Irade-In ~~!i! PRICE . $ 999-00 .. $~,199.00 ITorthTJist K-F )lotors. I+fnls. .t I 1948 XCGser & Door Less Trade-In . 1.075.00 (1947 Ply) . 1.075.00 (1946 Ford) - Pab.l?oe~~ Bras, , Inc.. HoDkins $2 540 38 $2 540 , 38 ?$ET PRI@ $1,465.38 ;j1,465;38 - 1949 lord., Z-Door &1,619.09 si 619 -09 Zess Trade-In 850,OO (19&' Ply) 7'00.00 (1946 Ford) ITET PRlCP . $ 769.09 - $ 919;69'- Lmbii ~otors. Inc, * .- 1949 Nercurcy -6 Pass . Goupe $2,530 *50 Eess Trade-In 1.380.50 (1947 Ply) 1949 1-Iercury 2-Door $2,352.50 &Door- $2,984.50 . EET PRICZ $l,l~O*OO .7 1.128.00 (1947 Ply) Lincoln Nercury Hotor Sales, Inc. 1.128,OO (1947 Ply) $1,256*50- $ 375*70 . Less Trade-In - Ill32 BICE $1,2224.50 Suburb& Chevrolet Co. Hoalrins .- 1948 S$ylemas ter 2-Door Ohev. $1,425 . 70 $1,425.70 Less 'Zrade-In - ' 1.100.00 (1947 Plr) ~,O#O,OO (19&6 Ford) IT332 333ICE r; 325*?0 ~ Child. moved. for referr& 'of bids to Vk!,&e Manager and Police' Cornittee for ta~iation &.. re2or'c at next regula meeting, Notion seconded by PaZen and - carried, .*X I plrsnznt $0 %esolution Setting Street Fmprovement Hez;cin@torn Sewer, I'C.Wth St, ard I$orthyn passed by Villee Council July L9,, and published i.n Su3uYba Press, Ho@bs on July 22 and 29, A,fPfdmit of Pu~Licztion for which rras read - President. announced Public lieearin6 on this pro ject, Engineer's Estimate of Clost in total amount of $3,659.&, or q3roximztely $3.13 per assessable front foot, was re&. 1-k. fieonad ()dell, Wth Street, protested assessnent of the cost $0 the Wth Street, residents done, ,alleging that alsrge drdnage areavould be benefited br this project. IJr. Berr lloeehler-to n&* sqey of drabage-a5ea- 5n- order to deternipe *A - just which proprties -. can be assesses, f.Iotion geconded by llillson and cajzried. Hr. li&d&lt's ~&I,J. plat-ii QXina l&or,'i between fl. 58th and 11. 60th S'treek on Frbce, was presented. ~lming Comission' s' apsroving recommendation vas revierrea. Couqc>ll s attelltion Vas brought to ls& of gradins of ll.59th Street and bck of petition for bleck- topping of ll.'59ti and 71. 60th Streets. Willson's hotion that Council aipobe*find. plat, xrith mderstakdins that lf.59th adV.6Oth Streets &U be graded and blacktoiped at' the tine $!re Rekd*ihl plats the rmdnder bf his property tras second&. by Child and carried. \I. Child moved, directing I+f.P, Johnson - Sales Com-pmyts Augusst 2 request for mintenrjrce of roads in Prospect Hills vas read. see vhat the road pgtrol' could do with regard to maintenance. be no grading nor gravelling frithout =-assessment. At this tine there vas conkderable discussion &o& the Ioethod of assessmerrlt for improve- nents in nevlg plstted* &as, vith PresZdent Cbopir advocating ; P;+ee-year WFessment for grading and, - blacktrop@pg. No action tdxen'by council, Ur, J.LeBoy E:eey requested Counciltaction on his-proposal to construct gri Smitc< s&$ary Semr 5.n \rind Road, fron Unity Avenue, to serve Lot One, Block 0x19, 91f 'Perrace Heights Eid?- Addition, ststins he kould like to .be sure" that he would be- assessed no further ?or kuch sever extension as $he Council rniiht some day de'cernine to be aecessarg on 3Tommdal'e Rod. Cktild offered the following Ordinance, movins tbt the council Ilr, llillson of Wolic Vorks Gom'ittee volunteered to inszect these roads" to He stated that there dzxiLd r X . dlspense with second readins Tne Tillage Couneii of Eaisa do or6 as follovr?: sonebines referred to as the tllicensee,lr, to construct hd plbke a iateral sever, constructed & accorrlance with specifikt ions a3proved by the' village engineer, commencing &-Unity Avenue ad Tlinc1 Bo&, proceeding dons lliid Road to a saint on Vind Road adjakerrt to Sot I, Block 1, Golf Ierrace Heights First Addj-tion, apgropriate to serve ssid- lot. f Sec.1. A frmchise is hereby grated to J. LeEio;r Ifell$, hereinafter 4% See; 2. Said lateral sever shall be connected to the village sever a% UnitF Avenue &I& Tlin& Bod and shd.1 nbt bQ disconnected exceTt wLth the consent of the Council, - ** +* r *I Sec; 3. The entire cost o$ sad Xaeeral sever shall be borne iy said licensee , See, 4, S&d Licewee s~l $ern%t any person &king as>Xicztion therefor and payins the connectins fee*her&inafter authorized to connect onto tie later& sever authorized hereby. charge froa apy 2nd aU persons connectin,-onto the lateral seEer authorized hereby, the licenbee $ut ,s&l not exceed an a$dUnf; equal to SO$ of the cost of con- structioil of sdd lateral sever. Said' licensee shall collect a connectins Tae pouht of said connection-cWge shall Be the mount detemiiled br .- Sei. 5, Upon the m&hS of ;he cormneckon authorized by See. 4-, the . licensee sMJ give a rece5pt to the person making said connection and. unless the person making such connection shall be this village, the licensee imediztely shall file a dupliczte receipt 1rit4 the clerk of this v%l.Xage. -7 L Sec. 6. lateral sever the village agrees to maintain szSd lateral sever constructed pursuant to this ordimace, In consideration of the pernission to connect onto said. I 8/9/48 k Sec, 7, frznchise granted hereunder a&in such event the licensee shall transfer. and assis all of his right, title and interest in and to the kteral, sever constructed hereunder to t$e village vithout further charge, and thereupon the right of said licensee to collect a connecting charge from persons thereafter cdnnecting onto said lateral sewer or any extension thereof shall cease, Said licensee mag- at any time surrender the rightsand - c See, 8, Ihe village shall at all times fiave an ogtion, to be exercised upon ten days written notice, to said lficensee to purchase and acquire all. of the right, title and’interest of the licensee in and torthe lsterd. ’sewer constructed purswt to this ordinance $7 ,aayins to said licensee an amount eqyd to SO$ of his total unrecovered cost, - eq-1 to SO$ of the cost of said later& sever in accordance with Sec. 4 hereof though cannecting charges as provided herein, d1 of his righ.i; ynder the franchise grated by this ordinhce shall terminate and he sW1 assim and transfer dl of his right, title ad interest in and to said lateral sever to the village without charge and tlie right of said licensee thereafter to collect further connecting charges of any nature whatsoever &dl cease. ’ c Sec. 9. At such times as szid licensee shall recover an amount I 1 f .. i See, 10, Vithib thLrty &,ys after conpletion of sa5d lateral sever the licensee sW3 file with the village clerk a statement of the cost of said lateral sewer, which statement sball first‘be aFproved by the Tillage engineer. ., 1. I .’. ? I’ 1 Sec. 11. %he franchise granted hereby may be assigned with thO - consenb of the village council. ** Sec, 12, Upon acceptance of this fraachise %y said licensee the obligations imposed upon said licensee shall be binding upon him, &.s heirs, executors ad as sigas. , Sec. 13. Acceptance of the franchise granted hereunder shall be evidenced by. a written statenent of acceptace filed by said liceus‘ee with the clerk of this village within’ thirty dsvs after the adoption of this ordinmce . \ .. Sec. 14. ‘Phe payment by any pe’rsbn of the connecting charge provided for herein shall not relieve such’gerson of the nece’ssity of paying such other charges or assessments therefor ES -this :couhcil may hereafter impose, but no further chsges or assessment shall be made against Lot 1, B lock 1, Golf Ierrace Eeights Zisst Addition 3y reason of any extension of the lateral sever constmcted_pdsuant to this franchise, I - Sec. 15. This orainmce shall be in fuU force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Child’s motion for adoption of the above Ordinance vas seconded. by V’JilLson, t and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as followst. Child, we; RXl..son, aye; Pden, aye; md Cooper, =e; an mf .(. K/& _. Village Cl’Lrk Pursmt ’to “Advertisement for Bids-Ellection Supplies ,It published in Suburban Press July 29 , 2948, affidzvit of pblication for vrhich vas read, the following bid vas opened ad read, being the only ‘oid received:- p.fILLBR-DAVIS C0l:iPAIE. f.fIimA€€))J;IS 4 &Unit Douglas Collapsible Canvas Voting Booths, together vithpacking boxes 4 3-Yay Steel, Ballot Boxes, urith automatic lock, Red, White and India ‘Pint for sane - $76.00 lach. - $32.50 Bach. Wotion by Palen,, for acceztsslce of Miller-Davis Gompazlyt s bid for election supplies., m,s seconded by Billson and carried. I - i 120 2 National BuZLders, Inc.'s July 30th request for blaclrtop+g on Iracy Avenue from Hi&r.rag Xo, 169, South Tor a distmce of approxhlately 2,550 feet to Countryside Addition, TT~ read. Council TJOU~~ not act until petition had been receiyed. Hessrs. Pden ad Cooper called attention of Council to need for re$airs to bridges: cross in^ the Hinneqolis, liorthfield and Southern. Eailroad Coqmyis tracks at Benton Avenue, V&le;r View Road, and I;, 70th Street. I4WS representative to Special 1-Ieeting of wst 1'7, for discussion on this matter. Office Vas instructed to no-bify TJztionjL Builders -. that Office requested to invite .* I Cou&y Land Co&ssioner Ervin's notification of the Tax Delinquency of Lo% 11, Block 15, Country Club District, r'airr.lay Section, vas rea& $hat this 10% serves as -a garage entrmce for several of the residents in Block 1, Ji'aimar Section. +Child noved that letter be referred to Vilkge Ensheer for- investigztion and reFort at the next regular meeting. 2nd czrried. .I It vas noted by Council Notion seconded b;p Pzlen Augast 6tG request br C.3aS.d; Highw&y #169 md Gounty Road #l8, for fire pr&ction for his residence just outside the VilJ,age Ijmits,tras read.. &lotion 3y Billson, feferring matter to Attorney Vindhorst for his ;@&.on as to vhat arsmgements. cs be maae, VZLS seconded by falen and carried+ Preljninarg Pl& ofV&3uena Vista'! vras presented to Council for thier approval. Plaaning Conmission* s zppovins recommenbtion of &gust 3, vas revieved. motion for a?provd_by Council of Preliminary Plat of YG&ena Tistan vas seconded.. %y Chila &d caried. .. Villson*s I&. *Archie Pion's reqyri3st for permission to re9lat three lots in I&ndelssohn Addition to fzce Belmore Lme T~ZS reviewed, together vith Planning Commissionls qaified a>-poving recornendation of August 3. request 3y Council., ad for the setting of Public Hesins on this proposed replzt, for I.Ion&q, August 23, at 8:OO 2,l.f. At ?esiden.f;l s ,recamendation, first readins pras had of rrA3T OFbIlT~iClT PROViDIlTG FOR I>iSPECIIOiT UTD F3I<OVAL OF PIRE EAZ,BRDs," second readins of vXch Trill be bad at the regular meeting of August 23, At Presidehtrs recornendation, first reading ~ras hzd of rrAN OkKQTkTCE RXGWSXG THS;: US3 OF BOADS, PBOVTDI1TG PEITAZTIS AED IIIAJ~IIJITIES FOX ITS VIOLBiOX,tl seconding reading of which vi11 Be had at the regular - rneeging of &gust 23. - . Upon office r&der of necessity for VSpecid. f-raetings to mkq budset levy, Villsont s notion settins Budget Meetings Soy I.londa;r, Septel;?ber 20, urd Fridw, October-1, l9M, at 8:OO 2.11. at the Vfllzge Hall, vzs seconded by Palen md csried. .- .. In view of CdmimZn Haytlzorne's alssence, Police Czptain 'Knutsonls 'recomenhtion Tor acceptace of three police officers on gemanent basis lras tz3lcdnntil Specid. Ileehg of August; 23. ,WXd moved for Prelimin= Apgroval of HoZion seconded 'by Pzlen and carried. 4 Police Castah Knutson asked for redraft of the Villag? Tra€fic Ordinace, motiqn directing Villzge Attorney Viudhorst to redraft fllraffic Ortlinmce pras seconded Palen's bs: Child ad casried, : 1. I C I" I