HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480817_SPECIALI COUNCIL, @Ill PUlIWG COl~*'IIS~ION, HELD FUESDAY, AUGUS9:17, - 19w; .ki! 8506 P$, +A$ 2@-yDZU- . ,.. VIXUG3, IUJZ .. . B. _. Council members present were Chiid, -tklison, Palen, Havrthorne and Cooper; Planning Commission rnenbers vere Erafft , Clark, Raugland., ands Hiatt, and Planning Consultwt sichols. Hrs. I.labe1 Caughren of the Subwban Henuepin County ReFief Office reqested permis& on to enter a 48 year old Idina,reside-a.t; in a rest home, eqhining that he is badly crippled asrd &hat his aged father is unable to care for him. that cost of rast home czre would be ~qproximately $140.00 per month, @us medical eqensesr rest home care. The f ollovrirg list of alectiori Of ficids ,vas presented for Cowcil. approvals said officids to:serve at September I& Primary: I .. lfrs. Gaugbren estimated Council authorized Nrs. Caughemr to maker zrrangements .foe this man* s -- + .. I DIS2RIC'P NO,, I.: DTSTRICI XO. 3: Judges - HrS. Herbert Ikevrs Judges - Mrs, J. I. Delazley lksw W.H. Schmitt b. &so* George Vessey Iirs. L..A. Dyregrov Nrs. 3. 0, Amundgon Clerks - Hrs. B tlew Judses Mrs . R.G. Ifever Judges -eI.frs.Jiou$s $ones - ClePks - Nm. 3;. Engler Mrs, A.H. Sen rdrs. (r. J. wgm DIS!ERICI! XOc 2: DIS!PRIC!i! NO. 6: f;lrs; Percy Peterson - &irs5 John HJort . Nm. blarice Hollingsworth .. Nrs. Old Bye Clerks - Hrs. Ebtrard- Vinson Clerks - Nrs, Fred Nodlin Nrs. George 3. Gorgas Ers; George Zipor? ** :&s I 9oroi;hy Obemneyer , Hrs. George Jensen Em. Sisid Vesterberg Urs. E: 3. Volk Hrs. yrances Sowenberg . Idrs. goy ISyhr I)ISEIICT* NO. 3: -. DIS'iCRICI! NO. 7: , Judges -0Irs. RqsseL-3- Smith ' Judges - I.lrs. Nellie Strate Clerks - f.frs, S. NcCready I Clerks - Nrs, Hilda Holter DISrnICT NO. 4: -, ~ " DISrmSgC2 80, 8: Judges - Mrs. Clarence Svitzer . -. Juees - E.lrs. Lois Loais m Nrs; ,Una Duus lvfrs, 3:velp .T?ohlrabe Nrs; Gertqde Evr? Hrs. R, XcCraviey Clerks - Xrs. €5- P. St&k leks . I?. E. 7l'iUims I- Clerks - Nrs, C, 0. Nattsson --Pfrs. E. A, Schauss Hawthorne moved for accpptmcse of the above list-of appointnents for Septenber 14 Primary alection Officials. Motion by Tl'illson, &LLowing claim of Arthur-Petersen in amount of $&3,60, for garbage collection service during July, vas seconded. by Pzlen ad parried, Nr. Re!?. Jones of Electric Repair Gonst-ction Go, presented a nev proposal, adding $81.00 to his original bid of $620.00, for installation of light post in Cascade, &me; &&bg 14* post, such- 9s is used 06 Univpsity Avenue 'petween bmeayolls md St. 'Paul, can be obtained at once and installed within 30 dWS. Office asked to contact Cascade Lane petitioners $0 see if they are trilling to assume this additionaJ. cost. - it this time President Ciioper' calxea for Counci1-Plmning Commission discussion on B.E. Iyerson!s request for pemit to build dwelling at 5500 Xellogg AvenGe.. Attorney llindhorst's lefter of July 27, recommending issnake of pernit: vas revievred. issmce of pernit. Notion by Hmrthorne, granting pernit to Nr. Iverson, vas As hssult of 'the Iverson controversy, Councif. asked for Plming Comissiontk seconmenbtions on clarification of Zoning Orginance vrith reg#& to yard- require- ments. ysd requiremenix,, Planning Commission recorfunended henbent I to - Zoning Ordinance, requiring the following: Notion seconded by Palen and carried. 4 I In vievr of legal teclpicalities, PlannNg Comission recommended *r t seconded by Pdld ad. carried.. . -F r After considerable discussion, -and review of the' State Code and FHA Front Yard SetlBack - 20$ of Lot Depth of confommce with established Side Yard Rear Yad Buildable kea-All Buildings -.3O$ o! Interior Lot; 35$ of Corner Lot building line. I - At least five feet - At least twenty-five feet &vrtkorne1s notion directing Attorney Ifinahorst to drdt $menbent to Zoning Orsnmce, in accordrnce 'trith recornendations of Planning Commission, vas seconded by Wilfson znd carrieb 1-k. E. R, Burton announced bis attention of erecting Page & Hill prefabricated hones in the Village, if Comcil md Comnission vou2d asprove same. apd Tevieved by the Comission, vhich recowended that this particulm type of pefabricated home be aBroved by Cou11cXL. Re, -ton protested delay in blacktopsins of IIirror Lacs in Ediw pending settlement of hdee Rozd drainzge problem; reminding Council that he had platted this subdivi,sion in accordace v5th requirenents by Commiss%on ad Council, kving presented street pofiles, etc. IJr, Uichols &vised Council'that drainage EliPficulties vol;ld be forth- coming as additiond pro2erties are-platted, becauke of concentration of prater shed as streets are grzded, He stated th& with additiond platting in this aea a stomn sever would be needed. Ur. Ifillson reconmended that Hr. Burton dig a ditch across old Eden Prairie right-of-vg to provide draiaee into culvert under Righwy 3To. ~59, which shoula remedy 13r. Carson's difficult2es. to find out who owned this abmdoned roadtr@ md h& bee= unable to do so; and asked Village to do the neeessay oxcavatfng, Burton agreeing to pgy.the cost of this trork, Hr. Joseph Crsig presented plan for two aBsrtment buildings to be erected on Doualas T7dlme proserty a?rutting,Tf, 49th Street, Just Past of the %st .line of le Road dveuings. 'After reviev of rocation fox proposed buildings, Plannag.Conmission gzve favorable recommendation,. I.lr,-b.ugland of the Commission suggested that proposed location be moved 50-2eet .to the Ezst, md that Hqle Road omers be given omortwri.f;y to purchase a50-foot stris of lad from Nr, Vdlace in order to provide additional space betaeen 'Gnis row of.pri-vate dwellings and the prososed aprtnent buildings, Ilr. Craig vas agreeable to this suggestion, providing negotiations can-be coa3leted vith Hr, &s for Hr. Cr&g's.pmchse of a;ll addition& 50 feet to the:East of the property he POV controlsr 14onday, AXgt 30, 19&, at 8:OO 5.1.1. 1.k. 8ichols revieved. for Comcil Nr. Gordon Moe*s problem Cin Xerses Avenue betveen 8.66Eh ad Tf.68th Streets, and recomaended that-a &-foot street dedication be required of Ur, Hoe before plat is:accepted, of Xwxes Avenue's becorning a thoraughfsre, vith island in center of street for high- taasion line. to dedicztion of proprtg-on the corner of 66th ana Xerxes. Tfr, ITichols reportea request 3yBoard of Comtr Comnissioners €or subnission of Preliminzry Plats to thea. in lEina should contbue, ** ? I Plans vere presented I Mr. Burton said he had tried repeatedly Council zgreed+to hgve ditch.dug, with IJr. Office &vised.to dlov l~l..cktop@g to groceed as soon as ditch is completed,- I. s .n. 4.-i Bhvthorne moved, setting Public Hesing on lIr* Craigls petition, for Notion seconded %y Child and capfed. I lhts recommendation vas =de 6ith consideration Gonnissfon.vill secure further information from Rr. &Ioe with regard - *.. ... Council vras of opinion that present procedure of platting Pla2lllbg Comnission adjournea at this Cime. llessrs. Dkvenport urd lIitcliell. of the Hinnea~olis , Northfield md Southern Wlyay Cornsmy vere asked to reinforce br5dge at V.7Oth Street ana their tracks; and $0. constmcf; steel-and-concrete bridges at Valley VievRoad ana their tracks, ad ai; Benton Avenue arid their tracks, report request to their officids, promising to inform Council. of the Coqany*s action at the earliest possible date. Police GzTt&n Hnntson's July 26th recommendation for acceptance of Officers Hoffnan, 1.lcGary and-lIer$eld on pernanent basis 'c.ras reviepL. Eawkhorne noved that Officers Hoffmm,.McGa,rg. ad llerfelcl be put on prnanent pagsoll 2s of Amst 1: 3.948, ad. that Officer ~0s~fraa.n be given credit, for sa,~.m puqoses, for his hrevious service. ZIotion seconded br Eden and caried. . t. Office reported Rosholt Coapmy!s inability to furnish Vc'Pyp Snov Plov ordered tvo years ago, and asked instructions 2s t~ hold-; certified check presented ~rith bid, Villson asked that this Gtter be tabled until the next re,d.a neeting to give him time 30 investigzte other tmss of plovs. Havthome's motion for djournment vas seconded by Vi1 . Rzilroad Conpapy zepresentatives asked for time to - I.