HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480823_REGULARTrillson noved for approval of the Ninutes of the Reg;ula;r Neeting of Augmst 9 m-d the Special Xeeting of August 17, 1948, as submitted, .Hotibn seconded by Child sd csried, 'INot5.ce of Hearing on Petition to Replat Lots,II Affidavit of Publication in Suburban Press on.hgust 12, having been read 3y Clerk, opened PuBlic Hearing on the petition of 1-k. A. Dion for pernission to replat ljots One, 2vro aid sight, Block Bleven, liZehl?elssohn Addition, 1.I-S. Villson reminded the Council and Hr, Dion that 0 ten4oot public utilitles: easement hzs beensreserved 33 the Village-ifi the center of the vacated dley between Lots 1 and 2, md'Lot 8. to fzcing two lots on Belaore bne ad the third dn John S"ceet, for approval of the replat. Clerk read Affidavit of Publication &gust 5 in Hemepin County Review, for "Resolution Setting Street Inprovenent Hearing-Blacktopping of Chowen Avenue betveen South f;ot 'Linesof Lots 8, Block 1, md 15 , Block 2, Eaiiia, Hills Addition and 8. 57th Street." There vere no objections redistered orally, aid. no 'one objected at the meeting. $1.63 per zssesszble foot. contract for bal2me of street. moved its zdoptiorr: I&, Dion ms'presenji to supsort his petition, 2here were no objections to &ire Dion's proposal !!illson moved -1 Hotion seconded by Havthorne ad carried, Engineer's estimate at present prices vas $441.12, or Council Vias informed that J,V:GLeason Coz~~wy has Trillson offered the following Resolution and .< ~SOEUT103I POR I~SPRO~~~~T-~~CK~OPPI~~ OF CHOIJBT .A- ~~~ SOUTH LOF LIITES OF LOTS 8, BLOCK 1, JUTD 15, BZOCK 2, XDIWA HILLS ADPITIOR,' AED M. 57TH S-P ,- I'l-AS; pursuapt to Resolution adopted by the village* Council July 26, 1948, and published in Hemepin County Reviev, Eopkins, Niimesota, Augnst '5, 1948, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified therein and heard all persons interested. with reference to proposed improvement of Chowen Avenue between South Lot Lines 05 Eot 8, Bloclc 1, and Lot 15, Block 2, Edina Eillk Addition ad V* 57th Street, br Blacktop2ing , now theref ore I BB SJT BESOL~D by thelvill~e Council that the improvement 'described in said Besolution shdl be undertaken, the entire eqense thereof to be paid in the first instace- out, of the Permanent Improvement 'Revolvins Fmd. I BE IT FTJREBR BXSOLVED that said improvenent be made'by contract to be let to the lowest respons2'ole bidder, and the clerk Is directed to grepse and publish advertisesent for bids thereon to be opened September 13, 19Qa8, vrhich bids shd.1 be based upon plans and specifications novr on file with the clerk and vhich are hereby approved. Plotiorz for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded b3 Child, ad on Rollcall there vere five aes and'no nzys, as follow: Hwthorne, we; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution ,I) Child, aJre;'Palep, aye; t'Jillson, aye; adopted. A President of the Villige C Pursunt to "AiLverthment for Bids for Sanitary SeGer pu'blished in Subur'ban Press, Eo@ins, lLbnesota, and Construction Bulletin, blinneq olis, Ximesota, July 29, ad AugsE 5 and 12, lgm, Affidavit of Publication for which vas read by Clerk, the following sealed bids were opened and considered for construction of Sanitary Lztera3. Sewer in Hest Surnnyslope Road, frox sa esstiag mahole located 270 feet PTorth of West 50th Street , to a point 200 feet more or less South of said manhole ORIGISTA3; BID * ALWJA'J!% BIB IDeeDe cut> 1 ShauOV3 Cut)_ Leo I;&tl, Hopkins, Mim, $1,577.05 - $1,226.50 R.J. Nangm Co,, Ninneapolis, Nim. ,1,646,80 .1,370*00 I. f4otion 3y Child, for acceptance of the "Deep Cutff b3d of Leo Lzhti, at $1,577.05, 8/23/48 2nd authorizing Clerk ad President, to enter into contract vith this conpm, seconded by Villson and unminously carried. I-Iotion lqr Palen, authorizins Lorn from Genera Fund to Sanitsy Sever District ITo. 15 .had, mount $3,345.65, for payment of bonds and interest, VIZS seconded. 33 I'7illson ad carried, T'lillson' s motion ayproving the Eoflowinz claims and authorizins pwent Vas seconded by 3av%horne and carried: CUIBI ITO. 2627 E, A. Bogers Conpmy 28 , 21 . c GXNEBBL FUUD . TOT& - 2626 League of L:innesotz Nunicipdities $ 129.00 2628 Hsry ti. Smith.Con,any 15.00 262Q S. I/. Poigt, Business 1-hchine Co. .* 15.00 ' 2630 (I Sigvald Engkeering Go, -* 9.35 263s Rosemdd-Coopsr *, Inc. 2b.90 2632 krtin Pdoany .Associ&es Inc. 25 75 2633 ';Tamer Ezr&trse 00. 25.20 2634 T'beeling .Corm&ing Go. I 359.39 2635 Fitch Pet 'HosBitaL 41.00 2652 ITortht.restern Bell Eelqhone Go, 47 -75 2653 Eorthekn Stst,es ?over Co. 845.k7 265k Bclina Ra&mre __ 1.39 2655 Glacier Sad B Gravel Co. 293 69 2657 Rqu%lic Creoso tins Coi~any 33.38 2658 lJfiller-Dzvis Go. 78-03 2659 Hemepin Count3 Rdyvi& ' 149.25 2660 Construction Bulletin 22.80 2661 Suburbm Press - 18.M 2662 u, s. Supply Co. 45.00 2663 E.n.nesota Fire EquipnPs.f; Co. 100,00 2667 Hadtrme Xututid Ca~dty 1- CO, 591.83 15,00 7 .po 2668 Job BZLiic'a 2669 Chr_Jcles 17, Jones UO~& Boyce I 300.00 9,00 2672 2517.2 ' i,'loms Gilbertson ' 2673 ' Horine Gilbertson 87.00 3lsie 3). Peterson 16.10 ' 12.00 267& 2675 -Chmles Robfnson 2676 Giliier t L&mde 54.00 2682 J. V. Gleason 1,603.80 . 2671 Mot ion) 3.312.5.65. L 2656 Jay II. Craig CoI3:p.ny 1,860.00 Sever Diskrice Eo. 1.5 (wthorized by Palen's TOTAL IaTmRAL Fmm $10,209 -34 2636 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2642 26b3 252-9 2650 2651 2652 2653 20'57 2677 Hicks Shell Station Bdiha Pure Oil 3rookside Service Station I?, E, Lzhr Cozpmy 33, C, Ffeiffer autonobile Service Go. Pirestone Stores f@meqoli$ Gas Con:wy Xnternatiod Emester Co . M. E, Ziegler Go; 1.iimeqolis rloline Pover -1qlernent Go. Horthwestern Be11 Telephone Co. Xorthern States Pover Go. Republic Creosotins Co. Beinl?ard Brothers Go. * 'iiO!J!AL EQuIPl*rnTT rnTTAli mm -- 2658 Miller-Davis Go e 2664 Git3 of .WimeGolis , Northern States Pover Co . TOTAS s~im mmm FUND 2665 -. -t $ 193.37 , 19.91 199.32 6.25 97.35 15.50 8-11 1.61 79 29 29 k47 15 25 12.01 3.30 53.443 . . 1.42 $ '2,365.28 , I. I. i 8/23/48 I 264.5 26&6 2647 264% 2649 265k 2658 2660 2661 2659 2660 2661 2666 ,2668 2669 2678 2679 2682 2683 2684 2680 2681 ' 5466 5467 5467 5469 5470 5471 TOIF& G-AGE Z'Ui?TD $ 17.50 Tl'k FDND ' ~olm R. corn, Postmaster $ 2OdOO Central Supply Co. 59.09 Northern States Power Go, - 657 . 00 ' First Rational Baak, 1,997-48 City of Winneapolis 249.68 Zdilna Bkrdmre 1,68 * Niller-Davis Co . 35.00 Construction Bulletin 5.80 Suburban Press ,3.60 . 'POT& Udi?EXi RfND $3 t 029 33 P,Z,R. YUKD 9.00 Hemepin* County Reviev -$ cons t rmct ion ' EUX etin , 55-20 SU~WIXID -2res s 68 . 00 Comercid Vest 43 15 Charles TI. Jones 8.40 Victor Caxlsori soas 2,436 . 75 6 38585 2,617.61 E. 0. Pfeiffer 5. V. Gleason Orfei & &riZni 4-17. 45 * J. V. Gleason 6,300.=19 ' Phelps-Drake CO., Tnc. 647.93 George &dsen 51.49 4 First National ~2nI; - $ 4,086.45 -. John 'Bd ich 27 0 00 'POTAII 3?,I,R. FUND $13,068.02 * SEYZB DISIP.$lS. k,086mk5* I sm!m DISE.&~ . , ' iirst National Bank I 8 70~63 $ 702.63 JOlXl! SEXIQ?.*#l , sever District DTo, 3.8 (Repayneat of Loan) $ 803.77 Sewer-Reiita Fund (Bep&ptent of Xom) I ~38% 56 - $2,189.33 Genera Fmd (Engr. L3 Cierical. Services) $ 275.53- 8 275.51 General. &d (Engr. & Clerical Servicesj $ 434.13 $ 434.13 General. &d (Engr. & &erical. Servscesj $ 299.88 $ 299.88 . IMIJER T?iAIX /ti ..- lJgpJJR l.&EJ $& 1rATEIR HAIN $2 I b,irns in total of '$1?,239.3& were presented for paymeit from Village Liquor Fqd. iign letters, pending further information; also tabling $39.00 claim of Eddie' s 'Tovm B Comitry Lam Service pending a2povzl by I-Imger EeeZer. Hawthome's mo'eion authorizing payment of the following claias fzom the I15quor Fund vas seconded by Palen md carried: Council. tzhlgd paylllent of ClaSm 1,116, Federal Enterprises, fnc. for LIQUOR FUED I Zll2 ~ I;l&esson 8: BobBins $ 2,696.60 i113 Ed Phillip 63 Sons Co, 396.62 2114 Hay Pj Stensou boo 00 Ill15 Borthem Siates Power Go, 26.32 LU7 Ihneapolis Lock 8: Key Supply 00, 5.50 L118 Autoraatic Blzrm Gorp. - -. 24.30 Lllg IJiller-Davis C0rnyJa.g . 7J!5 L120 Cqenter -Paper Go . 13-36 $123 ITdlestad Construction Go. 51-27 I1 II 570.55 L125 It si26 Ufiiteed States Fidelity Q Gwarrty Co. 112.68 g121 Vat iond Cash- Register Go I 8.48 &Iiaughlin-~~~ullemas ter Rowlmd Elj 264.50 L124 It I , ,.I Laier in the evening, after approval by ManGeg Keeler of the $39-00 claim, '$ogether uith eq$mation tht this is floor ad-vrindotr washing service at rate of &,OO per week, PaLents motion for payment vas seconded by &vtthorne and cayied. a122 Eddie s Tovm & Country Lavm Service $39.00 ?COT& LIQUOR FTXXO ~ $17,046 39 TOTAL CLBTHS PAID $55,183.6l 8/23/43 Clerk red BPZibvit of Publication for ilddvertisenent for Bids-331ackbop@ng,11 published in Suburbm Press August 12 ad 19$ l9M, md also in ConsZructfon Bulletin, kw&mnt to EMS Advertisement, President called for seded bids-for the Blackboping of Ikdison Avenue betireen Ifdoney Avenue and Belnore be. rec&ved, Tnere vere no- aids ITillsongs noeion tabling this project urrti?, later in the year, vas seconded ' by Pden ad carried, Pursuvlt to llAdvertis.einent for Sids-Grading,tt published in Suhr3an Press, Hopkins, on August 12 md 19, ad dso in Construction Bulletin, Eirmeqolis, on those d&es, Mfidavit of Wolication for vhich iras read by Clerk, the follovins seded bids for furnishing 1$ir ad paterials for bpovement of A&ns Avenue 'oetveen 1b.loney Avenue ad Eelnore Lzne 'bjT Gp&inS, were read: - Leo Lahti , Ho$kips, Iiiirnesota 81,123 *?5 %Perry Xxcavating Comnmy , SE .3;ouis Pwk , 857-75 'Heiffer ~onstruct~oi ~oezmy, Edina 9b3 050 S c1: G Ezzmating,Ooz~ay, St. ~iiii. I., 209 025 3'. A, Danens Sgn, Cdinz, 954.75 17illsdn moved for zcc&tance 02 the bid of Ierry &cavetins Conpiny, St, Lmis Psk, ad for authoriz&ion.for Clerk ad President to enter into VillGe coatract with this coztpsny. ar, Paul Carson asked, $or oBportunit.;r to neet with Ifr Frillson md VilIge Engineer 9 order to &e sure ,tht 21s for drainae of the tt14irror L&es iri E:dinzIi area, by excavztiofi of &itch &ong old Eden Prdrie Road Trill benefit- his >Topertye Council referred matter to Hr,, IliUsoa, in oraer that appointnent might be @raged, and ' inforned Dr. Csson that bl~ckboppin~ would be dekqea &il suchthe as &hue matter is settled. I&- 6liffbrd C. RobZnson gresented petition of owners of 755 of abutting front footage, recuesting extension 00 Saaitary sever to serve Pour lots South of Vm 56th Street on Xer& Avenue. extensed not less thaa one full 73Lock, on proposed SanitFry Sever Extension to serve the block Between fl. 56th md 11. 57th Streets on Xerxes Avenue, for 1-!onday, September 13, 1(&8, at 8:OO P,lf., vas seconded 7Dy Ilillson and UnCzninousXy. csried, 1:r. R.'c. Cole, owner of sots 3, 4 and 5, 1~10ck 1, south rrnite o&, objected to elevztion of nauhole constructed as pat of the (s;uist Fivate sever in Tomes Road, Hr, Cole vas informed that Tomes Boad is not to grade; and that before the ,Council will qt there must be.petition of owners of 51$ of tih abutting propcrtr. Petltiqn daoted mst 23, signed by 0, IT. Szndquist and others, for the blk&top$ng of Bedford Avenue 'betwen 51st and 52na Streets,"ms read, %hat nq bids had been xeceive2 for a blacktopping Job earlier this evening, I'lillson moved th& ptition be tabled until &Seetj.ng of September 27, 1948. Uot-ion seconded by Ilarrthorne and czrried, Petition Zor pemis&.on to pwtidly construct a alley south of 51s; Stmet behieen Bedford. ad llillim Avenues, &&e& August 23, 1348, and. signed by G, 'I!. Smpquist 'md others, lras read. Petition asked that alley be extended only four lots south of 51st street, ad tk-t proprtg omers 2.q contractor direct, IIoCion by VZllson, referring matter to Yillze &@neer, vith pover to act, vas seconded by Child rtnd carrLed, VillGe Attorney FI-indhorst infomned the Council $hat it is f@slble for the VillGe to enter into contrzct vith other municiplLties or with private grou~s to fmnish fire - motection outside the YilLae Iimits--u2on Resolution to do so, adopted 3~ vote of four-fifths of the Council. him and those of his neigiiiiors interested in such protection to neet Trith the Council to see if sone plwr-cmoot be trorked out to furnfsh the protection t'ney wish, I:r, Blner I;. Villizns' hpet 10 letter addressed to the PES^ Soad, vit'a regeci to fa3.c Project Bo, 1, vs -re& ad filed pendins action 'by the Pzrk 3oard, flrs, H, G, Dirkst letter of &pst 22, requesting relief froq PTorth Avenue trdfids eucroscEns on her nroperty, vas refersea to public florks ~haf"jll lrillson for action. bfr. Robert 17, Gibson's &sst 20 reqnest €or llChilriren At $lay1' sign at Interla&en Boulevsd ad Cooser Avenue, TTZS referred to Public Safety Cornittee( br notion &rthorne seconded by BiLlson ad- oeried--vith Office instructed to inform laire Gi'bson of. Couucil zction. , Hotion secoqded by Child and m&ously csried. * t.. Council vas informed 02 Engineer's recommenktion tkt sever be &irthornets motion setting pBlic heazng \ In viev of the faGb . Office vas requested to contact 1.h. C, Bzrd ad ask T I -* flr. Roger G. I”lilliamst petition of August 20, for distrLioution of grading ad graveling costs assessable to Benton Parkjge entirely on frontage besis, . vith frontage in aL1 cases to be considered the short side of lot, vras read and considered. Seconded br Child. md. carried, I:essrs. Gdvin S. Xatter and E. C. Lmpmarz asked peraission to convert old Baptist Church, .at* 5501 France Avenue into a two-or-four-apartment dwelling^ The lot on vhich this church Is located is aspoximately 80ts80*, which would be sufficient square footage for a one-family dwelling only, Gentlemen were re@ested to apTear before the Plming Comission Eeeting Septenber 7, to get their recornendation, 14r. Peder Kickelsen requested permit to construct coffee shop on the Summit Avenue sid-e of the triangle bounded by Summit Avenue, Interlachen Boulezsrd, and Stzte Eightray No. 169. Notion by Halprthorne grmti-ag pernit PI~S seconded by Pden and carried. Kr. Clzrence If. Ilognas, 5205 Valley Tiew Rod, requested permi’ssion to take out IuildZnk permit for dwelling and; attached garage, living in gsrge during construction of dwelling, Ee stzted that construction would be continuous, bub th-b it would be necessary for him to nove from his gresent dwelling befare aevr house would be ready for occupancy. to certify his intention of coqleting entire unit. pemit be granted subject to cond:ition named above. Pjlen and carried. Xr. t4ichel Davitt asked that Council grant pemnission to Percy NcGo~ran to instdl Scale 2nd .!‘lash Rack at his gravel. pit, near %u%l.dings, that germit be granted. €$lotion seconded by ?den and c&ried, - r Bids taken August 9, for Police Car, were reviewed. Wolic Utilities Chi!ma Hmthorne recomended purchase of the Chevrolet; and moved t’hat the Village accept the bid- of the Submban Cfievrolet Conpny, Hopkiiis, for One-19L1.8 Style- master 2-Door Chevrolet IdIodel 1502, Price $1304.,00, less trade-in on 194’7 Plymouth, $1100.00 foc a ITet Prfce of $20&,.00, plus extras listed., for a totd price of $325.70, 2he nattei of specid safety tires &.-tubes for netr police car was discussed. Hawthorne moved that Council authorize ‘Village hlznager to order lov pressure tlres and non-blowout tubes if .the cost does not exceed $50.00 Beyond bid price for car, said cost to include balancing of wheels. ,Ifo.f;ion seconded by Willson ma unmimously carried, Hztter of color of net7 car 1ras discussed, with office asked to contact Suburban Chevrolet for solid blue-or solid gray, in preference to the blzck. k,tter of Police Officers’ deviation from officid. miform VIES discussed, vith Wilic Szfet2- Chairman Harrthorne directed to issue bulletin that such de.r.ia,t ion vould no longer be. &I. loweL Engineer’s report, th2t 28.35$ of If.44th Street Storm Sewer Prainage &ea lies in Bdina, With balance in St,Louis Park, 712s re2.d. After discussion as to the imediate need for this sever, Child offered the folLoT:r;ng Resolution and nove& its adoption: I”lil1son moved!. thzt pe’cit?on Be granted, - 1 1 .* I Xr. Rogiias tras reqvested. Havthorne moved th& MotLon secoiaed by Child noved / d Notion seconded by phild wld waninously caried, L I * ; I PasoLmToB? FOR II.PROVEEIT!i! STOEI 2XEKFEI IU V.449?B Smfc AXD ITORTH WHEXElAS, pursuant to Resolution adopted by the Bdina Tillage Council JUa3 12, 1948, and piblished in Subwb.m Prhss, Hopkins , Einnesota, Jay 22 and 29 , 1948, ’the Villge Council has met at the time and glace specified.therei6 and heard all persons interested with reference to proposed improvement of I’d, Mth Street betmen J3rornidal.e Avenue ad Glem Avelrue by construction of Storm Sever in sdd street and North thereof, not7 therefore 7 3Z IT,RBSOLVED bj the ‘Village Council of ZdAna that the said improvement described in said resolution shall be undertaken, the entire e,qense thereof to bwpaid in the first instmce out of the Permanent Improvement Eevolving hd, I 4 BE 19 FTJBTEiEEz XEXXZVED that said improvement be made by contract to be let to the lowest responsible bidder, and the Clerk is directed to prepare and pblish advertisement for bids thereon to be opened September 13, l9&8, which bids shdl P28 { 'oe based uson ~lms 2nd sgecifications herear approved. Hotion for ado?tion of the-Resolution vas seconded by Ilillson, ad pn RoLlcal1 there irere give gqes €&thome, we; Coopr, ~7e; and the Resolution ~ra zdopted, no nws, as follow: Child, we; Pden, we; Ilillspn, we; - -& President of the VLllsge C+il . ~ _. . I .* VitLage clerk Xr. XJ-ton 3. Guttersen's gu.gst 20th letter setting forth Casczde Lse residents' wish that petifdon for Ornanentjl. Street Light be withdravm, vas read. 2.Iotion 3~ Child, rejectins bids faen July 26 and &gust 3.7, 19M4 ad abadoning Cascade Lme Street Light Project, vas seconded by Willson znd csrie.d. I'Jillson noved tkt the followins Blacktoppin2 bids be z.rrzrded to J. V, Gleason Con-pny, OW bidder; aad that the President md Clerk be aqthorize4 to enter Znto contract with this Cols_r,zng for these projects; all at Road Far prices: Cascade Lae, frox 1Torne.ndale Road, to and including 2urn-Around .., $1,525.11 8chaefer Road betireen present Blacktop and Parkwood IISolls $1,96592 Le3ngton Avenue from Concord Avenue to West Lot Itine of . * l'loodlsiad, Rod, from Bood&le Avenue to BroolrPiev Avenue $69541.92 Lot 5, Block 2, Subdivision of Littel Pqk s 352*00 ~otioi seconded 3y cleld carried, Xotion 3s Illillson, directing Village Clerk to advertise for bids for Snow Plov ,for Diamond I Imck, bids to be taken Septemloer 13, 19b8, at 8:OO P,M. , vas seconded by ?den and czrried, . SJillsonls notion for caceUation of V-IPSpe Snow Plotr order issued to 'P.lT. Rosholt Coapny in 19&6, and return of Certified Check to Conpmy, vas seconded by Child and carpi e d. 'ilce matter 02 the Yillwe's acquiring Tw Delinquent Sot 11, Bloc$ 15, Country Clu'b District Fzirtmy Section, in order to protect garage ptrances fqr those residents abutitins Lot 11 ad facinz Smnyside Road, Iras revieired, zittention- to fzct that Tortion of lot is in Uorningside. zica-uired by Village (Sot 11, Block 15, Country Club District Fc5rrray Section) &d tkt Office be directed to mite to Uornjngside Council segesting t'aeg zcquzre their portim of this lot, in order that &le$ may be-kept open - for fire protection, Hotion seconded by Pden and ceried. - - - IIr. f'lillson brought Comcil's Child moved. tha.t alley be - o Piscussion vas bad 3y Counci.1 on ['An Ordinace Providing for Inspection znd RenovzL of Fize &zzrds,ff read for first time last ve&; with recomenbtion that Section 2 thereof be cmsed to &!.lor.: storee of hzy gad stratr in buildings housins livestock. Hawthorne offered the f olloving Ordinmce, moving for a&o$ ion vrifhout second reading: .&T ODDTBTCE PIm3 wms EROViDIlTG ZOR II?SP%CTIO1I AID REIOV.A& 03' I The Villee Council of Edina do ordain: . f Section 1, Inspection of Premises Authorized. It is hereby nade the &uty of the chief of the fire department or other officer or member of the depatnent designated by hiu to n&e inspections of property in this village at intends of not -nore tba sis (6) nonths apart and to-locate and rqort to the cxunicipd council such glaces rrhere f@e hazaras exist ad to report &d &ate zoy conditions existing con- trsy Go this ordinace or the 1ms of the state. Section 2. Conditions ?rohi%ited. Tt shall be vnlay&.ll for the owner or oymers, agent or occupsts of any buildiag in the village to alloy7 ashes, vra$te Wper, hay, straw, rase or other vzste material of a co33ustible nature to acm- late in the basexent or on any floor of my building or in my hallvmya coat, yard or dley =&joining aq building ormed, controlled or occqied by such prsons, except that hay an& strm my be stored in Wildings where Iivestoc'l: is housed, It slzall zlso be unlatflul to pernit to exist u2on wy yraises 2s doressiii vireing so defective as to constitute i: fire hazsd or any defective heating device electric or pst thereof, including flues and chirrmeys of thzt character. unlavrIul to use or to permit to e$st any yrernises, building or structure, or any portion thereof, vhich by reason of twt of repzirs, age, d-ila.-@dated condition or dmGe 3y fire, or from ziqy other cause, axe esp.ecidl3i- liz3le to fire, or which are so situated or are in such condition as to endanser its occqants or persons therein or the general public, It shall also be Section 3. Access to Premises, or the puniose of m*iq ins3ections the fire chief' OF other properPy designated-officer shall bve authority to eater my dxellinz or other building and upon .my penises, in the villzge betmen the hours of nine o*clock a. m. ayld five o*clock p. n. Tt is made the duty of any such officer zs_aforesaid to notify by-notice in writing persons violating the yrovibions of Section 2 hereof to correct any such condition found offensive, to this ordinace. vith vrithin fortpeight horns after service thereof. Any such order concerning defective equipment or unsound construction shall be compliedI.rith within a reason- able tine and such notice shall specify such reasonable the, Upon f&lurs to coqly vitli all;'^ such notice the saiile sM1 be reported to the villae-counci1, Any such order concerning com'oustible materials shalI be complied ' ' I Section 4. Penalty. Any person who sml fdl or refuse to cornsly with the te-ms of the notice authoxized in Section 3 or who sld1 intersere with the fnspectioxl of any premises hereunder sW1 be guilty of a misdememor ad sMl uqon coavictioii theresf be punished 13 a fine of not aore ti= one hundred dollms (glOO.00) OS by hprisoment in the county jail for &period of not to exceed twrty (30) days. .' Section .s. Xf*"ect. his ord-inmce s~1 tdce effect ad be in force i~1kedi2tely upon its passase ad piblication, Jfotion fbr ,&option of Ortlinance vas seconded by f'Jillson, ,?nd oil Bollcdl there were five ares md no nas, as follom: Haxrthorue ,* sye; and Cooiuer, aye; aud the 0rdin.mce was adopted, Child, ge; PaZen, aye; VilLson, we; .&.- President of tle Village Corm fll - Hmtbornel s motion that Council disFense vith second readins of the following Ordinace was seconded by Cliild and carried, of Ordinace as follovs,-snd as read at Meeting of &-st 9: Hairthome then moved for adoption OEDIl'T&TCE lXEGUIiAT1l'YG 'PIE;;: USE 06' I - ROADS, EROVIDIX PIDTALTIZS BTD EI@ILITI3S FOR ITS TiOL&l!TOlT. The Village Council of Eaina do ordain as follow: Sec, 1. Dri+ers to obey Ordiwnce, The owner, operator or person in cl&rge of my vehicle, used, propelled, or driven upon the streets of this village sM1 obseme the rules and regulations provided by this ordinance while opera,tin,p, propelling or driving the sme uzon such streets. 1. = Sec, 2. Hea,vy Zlrkfic. (a) PSo vehicle of four wheels or less yhose gross weight, .including load, is more %* '12,000 pounds, and no vehicle having a grezter weight than 8,000 pounds on one axle, wd no vehkle &vag aload of over 800 pounds per inchwidth of tire upon .my wheel concentrated upon the surface of the street (said vidth in the case of rubber tires to be measured between the flwges of the Tim), shall 'oe operated on the streets; provided that in special cases vehicles whose-weight, including load,. exceeds those. herein prescribed, rimy be operated under special perru'2ts grated 8s liereinafter provided, (3) No motor or traction engine equi;pped with so-called ''ad hooks" shall 3e operatedaupoa zqy public streets; and no motor vehicle or traction engine sfi=zll be operzted qoa my street with Lugs or other hard potuberznces upon the bearing surface of the wheels in such manner as substantially to damage the surface of Such street, without. securing 8 speci'd permit as hereinafter provided, and no shod horses shall be sidd-en or driven over any bitmtnous surface road except for the pmpose of crossing such ro& i $30 (c) Svery person in c-ge of a traction engine SWX, before +&ins such engine across 2 cul.ii.ert or bridze, place estra >I&:ing thereon for the protec- tion of the sae adsdrive s&d ensine on the pl&. Sqc. 7. Saaci2.l. nerrn%ts. 2he special pernit required 37 this ordinaxe sU1 be in Trr5tin.g ad be issued b3 the police deprtnent vith the azrovd of %he recorder, Such pmit mq be issued.for a sin~le trip or for a definite period not berond the date of e@ration of the vehicle registrztion, may desfgwte the streets to be used, snd -7 contain such reasonable restrictions as the council nzg provide. 2he applicmt for said pernit sM1 gw to the recorder for the generzl fun& of the city $5.00 for each pernit issued. I I 1- .. r I. See, 4, Season?,ble restrictions, 1To vehicle shall be used, propelled, or driven on gay street or road.vrhen such street or road is aosted by the Villase except as pemitited by the notice posted, trhich may forbid the use of the road*by any vehicle, limit "r;ypes of vehicles or 1Mt permissible veighti restrictiorzs othemrise ia Zorce, get, i, Postlac: of ro3,ds.. Posttrq of raads will be done at the direction trill be in gdl force of the vhag council s tihe:: deem-necesssg or aesira-ole ad effect from the the of Yie postirg of sims at each-ead of the street or road affected thereby, ihich indicate the probibitioil or restriction; such prohitions r;SlI rdn in fall force md effect as long zs such siss se nainteined ad trill cease only when said- sism are renoved, * Sec. 6, Pea+dtB. Any person violating aqr of the secCions -of this ortlinmce or my suWivision or clause thereof sl.lallu~on conviction thereof be dee2ed guilty of it nisdenewor ad be punislied b;r a fine 02 not les's tlu five dollars ZOT nore tha one hunched dollars ad costs, or 37 iqrisomcnt in thc viUzge or county jail for not less than three days nor more tu thee nonths, and in default of yGment of said fine 2nd costs he s-1 be cornittied to the village OF comt;P j&l &,t had labor until said &-ne snd cos%s are satisFieB, Sec, 7. Psrs,ses: L5~,b%lit~ &y person dxi'u5.n~ any vehicle, oaject or contrivance u.on my ro~d mder &risdic%ion of the village in violztion of the ' posted restrictions autlnoriizcd by this ordinance or in violat4ns t3e veight re- strictions qaosed bg this ordinance shall be liable for all dmages which the road or road structure nay sustain as a result of such illegal use of the ro& ad one operating under a special pernit as authorized by this ordinace s'dl elso be liable for mch &aces as the road or road structure sustcdns. I Ihen such driver is not the opmer of such vehicle, object or contrivmce 3ut is so operzting, *&ivinS, or moving the sane vriYn the express or iqlied per- mission of the ovmer, then the owner and driver shall be joint17 ad severdly liable for any such dzxge. Snch &image ma;r be recovered in z civil action broqht br the village. See. 8. ReneL AU ordinancesand parts of ordhances in conflict herevctl are hereby re>e&ed, r Sec, 9, Effective. !Phis ordinace shall take effect andbe in force fron ad after its passse md pu"o1icztion according to lavr. L. Sec..10. &v-%w clwse. Xf any section of this ordinance, or my part thereof, shall be held invLLid by aq court of conzeterrt jurisdiction such in-validitg shd1 extend on17 to the section affected and eveqp other 'section sU be continued in fuLZ force md affect. lfotiou 303 adostion of Ordinace tras seconded by Child, and on Bollcall there vere Zive ayes 2nd no nays, as follovrs: Child, aye; Palen, ave; Ilillson, aye; Eavjthorne, Y we; ad Cooper, zqe; and the Ordinsce lras dopted. Presiiien% of the Village CoFl ?den1 s motion zutlnorizing ViUGe Clerk to advertise for bids for sidevrdk repairs , ' uith bids to be taken September 13, 1948, vras seconiled.by Villson and carried, . I Considera3le discussion vas kd bjs Council 'as. to the best method of assessment for, surface street. inprovemmts, -withPFresident Cooper advocatiag 3-7ear assessment in aJ.1 nevi, plats where. building ks-not .reached. 5Z$ of plat. that sever& of the petitfons accepted' heretofwe definitely request a five-yew blzclrtopDing assessmen&; whereas the Yi1.Lee is. rea-uired by lair to assess on a rna;eimum thee-year basds where such worlr- is done vrithouzC petition. Child moved that it 'be the policg of this Pillage Council to make assessments on a three-rear basis on all grading and blacktopping work dter this date, Edotion seconded by l'?illson and unwinously carried, "lillson' s motion , authorizing payneat of * the PoPlot~ing Tillee ad Liquor Pby~ollr; , vas seconded %y Palen uzd carried: c Office resorted * - payroll- AUGUST 15 TEROVGE 31, 19k8 FThIE TOTAL WI'l% EJITIRE. EOSPLTAZ TOTAL UET! ' CLAI!I COUITCIL EARXTITGS TAX DZDUCI. YIBDUCT. DEDUCT. PAY BO. Gene Cooper $ 80.00 $ 80.00 2685 Bovmr Esrthorne , 5o:oo , 50.00 2686 George A. Villsorz Go. 00 60.00 2687 Bred S. Child 60 . 00 60 .oo 2688 Richard G. Palen 60 .oo 60 . 00 2689 J. 5. D~~ggan 50.00 50 . 00 2690 John V. Vindhorst 75.00 75.00 2691 10 . 00 2693 2694 Job D. Belson 10.00' - ?r .L.I-I Caqbell 30 . 00 30,oo 550.00 550 .oo ~~IIIIlsIsm~Ias 2695 Gretchen Schussler 138.04 16.50 5.52 " 1.25 23.27 114.77 2696 115 03 .60 4-60 2.75 7.95 107.08 2697 76 . 69 3.20 3.07 -0- 6.27 70.42 2699 I l[sd 3, Levis 75.00 75 00 2692 Phil V. Snith I 255.62 29.80 10.22 2.75 42.77 212.85 Bernice Johrzson Helene filTeensn 890 47 9.10 3.58 1*25 I3093 75.54 2698 Louise !Yes%erberg BTGIXmTG Pred Jonas 120.14 ' 3-80 " &.81 -0- 10.61 . 109.53, 2700 POLIC3 rnrn3.rnTT Ei16.i-n~ D,&I. 139.06 8.20 5.56 2-15 16.51 122.55 2702 Renry 11. Vrobleslti 118.61 5.30 4.74 -0- 10.0-4 108.57 2704 Bert N.14erfeld 118.6X 5.30 674.85 59.20 26.99 8.00 94.19 580.66 1 Clsence Izilu"cson 151.84 LO.00 6.07 2.75 - 18,82 133.02 2701 Iln. S. Heydt 92.03 1.40 3.68 . 2.75 - 7.83 84.20 2703 4.. 74 2.75 12.79 105.82 2705 IJi1li.m V. Hoffnm , 128.84 11.10 5.15 2.75 19.00 109,84 '2706 2707 Lloyd r-ncGary 116.00 5.00 -0- -0- 5.00 111.00 '-864.99 46-30 I 29.94 13.75 89.99 775.00 S-T IrnT-rnGULeR PhiLip Bailey 138.04 4.00 542 -0- 9.52 128.52 2708 Pet.er PaWgren 125,26 10.50 5.01 2.75 ' 18.26 107.00 2709 *n Illztt .1Ierfeld 127.81 6.M 2-75 lQ.26 113t55 27x0 Job Tracy 115.03 . 60 4.60 2.75 7.95 107.08 2711 Arthur Jensen 1x5 . 03 . 60 &. 60 2.75 7.95 107.08 2713 C .lJ. Cedarelle 120-14 i.40 4-80 2.75 9.15 110.99 2715 Harry Jonas 115.03 &.70 4.60 2.75 12.05 102.98 2712 Ronald Port 115. 03 -0- 4.60 2-75 7.35 107.68 - 2714 971.3'7 $%E 28.40 38.84 19.25 86,49 884.88 S!i!REX! EEET-HOtTRI;Y C1Srles Johnson 1x7 79 9.20 4.71 2.75 16~56 101.13 2716 2717 J~CO'CJ S~hnal.; 122.29 5.80 b.89 1-O- 10.69 111.60 f?ayne 2racy 112.88 22.70 4.51 -0- 17.21 95.67 2718 Joseph ITatole 112.88 8.60 4.52 2 L75 15 . 86 97.02 2759 \?n. H. Eel1 103 . 07 7.10 4.12 2.75 13.97 89.10 2720 Vu. Douglas' Cslson 38.85 1.70 1.55 - 3.25 35 Go 2721 George King 81.59 8.00 3.26 2.75 14.01 67 . 58 2722 689.35 53.10 27.55' 11.00 91.65 597.70 GBXEEAIi IRIUD ~OTAII 3,870.70 ' 192.80 l.28.13 52.00 372.93 3,497-77 I (Contimed on next page) n c .. ... Before neeting forndly convened;-Ifr. $02 R. Snyder, 4909 P. %.~~~~Slqpe Road, presentea a request to Council Iie3bers *Cooper, llillson ad Child, for raoyaJ.. of ranparts of old dm-across cFeek. He'tras infohed th& *this rn&ter trou3.ci be t&led pending s.regort by*Vi&ge agiaee?; 'the the='ViUage is reluctant to sgeila .Iju'iolic noner on the nillFonci beczus8 it benefits a srn3.l percentge of taspq7ers; and was requested-to brbg ln petiti6n mthorizing Vilfge to m&e assesaent for cost of re~ovd. On rollcdl the followins neabers ws:;ered: Cooper. - Petition to kild tito 16-apg%ent buildiEss 06 the nor%hern portion oB Lot 37, @t*or*s 'Su706ivision ITo. 172 (betveeri Il.49th &d 1.hket' Streets, just E~st of- illqfe Ro& properti6s) vas iEscussed .& Public Hearing. * Frelininmy plan o€ proposed 'Lnzildings &d their cite vas 'presented by Ur. Croseph 11. Craig, p6tifioiier Ere Am016 Rm&n& 2eB a del'egation df &qle E0.d resiGents, eqla,inSn,e t&t these property oimers zre trillins yo prciias'e 50 feet' of lIr, Craig's property in order to yovi6-e' extra, spke bett&eg tiieir %<mes ad 'the aps.t;'nent %-ailding; ad tkt because of -the possi%ility of the progertyls soke by b&nS rezoned to -Cormunity Store fistrict, they trilln&e no objection to the apartneat house.pmvidins they can purc&se the 50 Teet, m2providAng ap&me%.ts me C'O1Zstructed as ifidicated by' prexieaej phn. I&. Jmes 3. ?ause,' 4835 I&x$.c Eoad, 'stated that in Us opinion Ifat$e Roza owners vi11 aove a:ti.rw just *a soon a's they c& secure vAue for GZieir properties; becsuse the zgstiheat is uizdesirdXLk to this- nei@orhood, even though it is bett'er t;lar cobercigl buildings; - Ciiilrl, Pden, IlilLson, Ezvthorne a6 rfr. Percx IkGo~zn requested pmission to construct scde mc2 rash r2&, south of 76th Street, nea 3rance Avenue, Hr. I'lillson reconmended that 1-k, IIcbizzn be required to refrain fron exczvating gravel at least 1/2 %lo& fro;? 76th Skeet. Hawbhorue moved for the grating of temporsypernit for construction of scde ad yash rzctl, revowole at cdl of Council, ma referrzl of this matter to the PlpJuning Comission for their recomendatioo, IJotion seconded by Villeon ad cc.rx5.ed.