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Before neeting forndly convened;-Ifr. $02 R. Snyder, 4909 P. %.~~~~Slqpe Road,
presentea a request to Council Iie3bers *Cooper, llillson ad Child, for raoyaJ.. of
ranparts of old dm-across cFeek. He'tras infohed th& *this rn&ter trou3.ci be t&led
pending s.regort by*Vi&ge agiaee?; 'the the='ViUage is reluctant to sgeila .Iju'iolic
noner on the nillFonci beczus8 it benefits a srn3.l percentge of taspq7ers; and was
requested-to brbg ln petiti6n mthorizing Vilfge to m&e assesaent for cost of
On rollcdl the followins neabers ws:;ered:
Cooper. -
Petition to kild tito 16-apg%ent buildiEss 06 the nor%hern portion oB Lot 37,
@t*or*s 'Su706ivision ITo. 172 (betveeri Il.49th &d 1.hket' Streets, just E~st of-
illqfe Ro& properti6s) vas iEscussed .& Public Hearing. * Frelininmy plan o€
proposed 'Lnzildings &d their cite vas 'presented by Ur. Croseph 11. Craig, p6tifioiier
Ere Am016 Rm&n& 2eB a del'egation df &qle E0.d resiGents, eqla,inSn,e t&t these
property oimers zre trillins -YO prciias'e 50 feet' of lIr, Craig's property in order
to yovi6-e' extra, spke bett&eg tiieir %<mes ad 'the aps.t;'nent %-ailding; ad tkt
because of -the possi%ility of the progertyls soke by b&nS rezoned to -Cormunity
Store fistrict, they trilln&e no objection to the apartneat house.pmvidins they
can purc&se the 50 Teet, m2providAng ap&me%.ts me C'O1Zstructed as ifidicated by'
prexieaej phn. KP. Jmes 3. ?ause,' 4835 I~Ia$.c Eoad, 'stated that in Us opinion
Ifat$e Roza owners vi11 aove a:ti.rw just *a soon a's they c& secure vAue for GZieir
properties; becsuse the zgstiheat is uizdesirdXLk to this- nei@orhood, even though
it is bett'er t;lar cobercigl buildings;
Ciiilrl, Pden, IlilLson, Ezvthorne a6
rfr. Percx IkGo~zn requested pmission to construct scde mc2 rash r2&, south of
76th Street, nea 3rance Avenue, Hr. I'lillson reconmended that 1-k, IIcGoizzn be
required to refrain fron exczvating gravel at least 1/2 %lo& fro;? 76th Skeet.
Hawbhorue moved for the grating of temporsypernit for construction of scde ad
yash rzctl, revowole at cdl of Council, ma referrzl of this matter to the PlpJuning
Comission for their recomendatioo, IJotion seconded by Villeon ad cc.rx5.ed.
8 /30 /&8 (3.33
Idesars. Bodsers, Eailles md Snith of the State Bosd of Hedth, ad I.Ir, Bobert
Huston,of the I.Tinnezpo1is City Zngineer's Office, inquired as to Idinars policy
yith regardin to using the proposed Ricwield sanitmj sewer as an outlet for
Ed-irzz sevage in the southern portion of the Village,
Jhgfneer, eqlained to the Council. that Edina trill have to provide g sewage
disposd plant unless arrangements,are made n0T.r f&r use of Richfield sewer to
as ouglet; that the genera-trend of the topography is tovrad the Southeast
corner of the Fillsge; md: that he is certain dl the aP'eaE2st of the Beltline
ad South of 58th Street can be included.
I&-, Phil Smith, Til&-e
State md City Engineers asked for determinetion of Council policy with regard to
this sewer Just as soon as possible, +because preliminary plms for Village 09
RicMield nust await approval until Edina*s recomenktion is in.
thzt the action aypoving a survey vould suffice for the tine being.
Villae Eigineer Sxaiih re2orted that such survey would be iapossible vith his
one-am engineering st&, and recommended the hiring of the engineering firm of
'Jloltz, King ma Pay, St, Paul. engineering fim, to make preliminary survey.
0hiZd.t~' notion, ihat Village Engineer be authorized ad directed to proceed with
prelirginmy survey vith regad to Village of Idina's entrance lnto Richfield
sanitary sewer outlet, as per his recommendation, ITaS seconded by Tiillson and
unanimously curie..
Report vas nad-e of recpest for pernit to construct $-foot addition at rear of
First Zdina Stste 'Balrt,, which addition trill not extend beyond the Borth end of
the Hove auilding, and structwal plans for ahich have been ayproved by Building
Insyector Ben Voehler, Eaxthorne moved that 3uiMing Insx2ector be authoriz&d to
issue Fernit for additiop to First Pdina State BE&, providing it conforms with
established setback,
2hey stated, I*
Uo tion seconded by Child md carried. +
Pden's notion for a3yroval and. paynent of the follovring clailizs*vras seconded by
Villson and carried:
Bo, 2729 - Hovrad BIerrinan
'2730 - 3;es Cooper
x ' No. Ll32 - George Benz Sons, Inc, , $i95026
, 30:06
516.92 + L133 - John B. Cow, Postmaster
L131.6 - S%l. Phillips & Sons Co, L135 - Swiss t.lilzs House > 1W. 75
At this time the Council vas read. I~~cLaug~iYl~~~ster, Rowland Be ?.lay* s
"Report of Zxzminztion as at August 6, 1948-&micipal Liquor Store,Ir vhich mitten
resort vas followed by 5 question-zad-msaer oral rep0r.f;.
be considered a p&t of these official Kinutes, ad sre filed in the Liquor
2inmcid Reports file in the Tillage Hall,
At the end of report and discussion, E&. Booper recommended calling all liquor
store enploy{es to the Village Hall, to gLve --s them a chance to tender their
resignations, I
Havthorne noved th5t Xanager and all employees of Edina Ekinicipd. Liquor Store 'ue
potified that tlzeir resignations Trill be accepted promptly 6y the Village Council.
Xotion seconded By Palen ad manimously czrried, I
Both reports are to
Hawthorne moved thzt I.~cL~u~~in-~~~le~aster, Bovrland & Ida *De retained to .provid-e
teqorary supervisory service at the Ihnicipal Litaor Store beginning vtomoTrov
norninp: md continuing until further notice by $he Council.; ad that Clerk be
instructed to advertise for Hmzser ad employees, such personnel to ,%e intervievled
by Zliquor Comission and Council.
Hzlrthorne moved thd Clexk be authorized to have 3,OQO copies of new Biection IXas .prinked on netrspper stock and rrailed to residents in the Villzse.
bg Pden md carried.'
Ifillson left the meeting at this time,
seconded b~ Palen and- carried,
Notion seconded % y Pden and carried,
Plotion seconded
Hawthorne moved- for adjowment, IIotion
Village Clerk '