HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480913_REGULARi 134' 9/13/48 < Members msi.Tering Rollcall .rere ChildJ Palen, T.Tillson, Hawthorne and Coopr. County Veed Inspector Larkin and Ni-. Ab- from State Heed Inspector's Office requested inmediate spramg of leafy spurge in the .Village. method of spraying roadways and cited State neglect in bEU.ing v~eds along state highway, Bssrs krkh and Abb advocated that Village spray earlier nexb year, besides the one addition& spraying this year, ,with 2-4-D, Council infomed tvn gentlemen that Weed Inspector Johnson mu!ld be requested .to begin spraying immediately. T'Jillson moved ;or approval of Bmutes of Neeting of August 23, 194@, as submitted. 3xotion seconded by Child and carried. Copies of EnUtes of Septenber 2nd lfeeting of Edina Liqu& Control Commission were delivered to Council, Nr. Eldon Elorris, Chairman, cited surplus of funds and asked permission to investigate possibility of purchasing building of site, for liquor. store. He advocated investkg surplus funds in government bonds if negotiations for site or building cannot be completed. Commission endeavor to negotiate with Hay & Stenson Company befpre looking elsevhere for site for store. Era Lewis Jones objected to County I - Council accepted recommendation, with si5pulation that Commission advocated that Council prohibit deliveries from Edina htxLcipal Iiiquor Store, and, if possible, prevent deliveries into Village of Edina from dispensaries outside the Village+ Hawthorne moved that Village Attorney be directed to prepare amendment to I!Ordina-uce Elstablishie Liquor Dispsnsary,'ll prohibitjng delivkry of liquor from Edina Bmicipal Liquor Store, and to investigate-possibility of prohibiting delivery of liquor into Village of Eaina from any other sto5e. Hotion seconded by Child and Public Hearing on proposed construction of Sanitary Sever in Xekes Avenue between If. 56th and 11. 57th Streets was opened by Clerk's reading of Affidav5-b of Publication of It130j3.ce of Hearing," published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ennesota on August 26; 194Sa* - Engineer Smith's report, to effect that such proposed semr cannot be connected to sanitary sevrersysten until such time as Ebeapolis ms sever line to 57th and Xerxes, was read. 2.k. Clifford C, Ronbinson, 5612 Xerxes Avenue, supported pekition, mer reviewing Ur: Smith's report, Child moved that proposed constructioE of Sanitary Sewer in Xerxes Avenue between If. 56th and IL 57th Streets be abmdoned, 1;Iotion seconded by Hawthohe and un&ously carried. unan5nousl.y caxried. 1 I - - ' Pursuant tq ttAdvertisem?nt for Bids-Storm Sewer,1l published in Suburban Press, Eopkins, eesota, and Construction Bulletin, Rhneapolis, Nhnesota, August 26 and September 2, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for ~ihich was Pead by Clerk, the foUov&ng bids mre opened and publicly read fdr the construction *of Storm Sewer in IJ. 44th Street for approately 50 feet from the tk,xt Lot Line of Lot 12, Block 11, Browndale Park to the East Lot Line of Lot 12, Block ll, Brotrnddle Park, and northerly therefrom fa ciischarge into pond: I&. Child cued Council's attention to lack of signed easements for that portion of sewer rnnning North from .I?, &th Street; then moved that bids be referred to Village Engineer for tabulation, 3Iotion seconded by I.iillson and carried. Phelps-Drake Company, Rbneapolis I $2,996.50 P7estern.Underground Construction Co., ltlinneapolis $3,748*00 Fire Chief FL%zel reported Fire Department's recornendation that fire 2rotection con- tracts with Ci-bies of ELnneapolis and Hopkins be cancelled. X.nneapolis' September 7th notification of increase in fire protecteon rates was read, and office report was reviewed. 3Ir. U-bzel reported that Conunittee had been appointed to execute reciprocal fire protection agreements between Edina qnd the camrmznities of Hopkins, Richfield and St, Louis Park, * Hawthorne*s motion that Village Zhriager be directed to investigate' effect of cancellation of meapolis and Hopkins contracts upon insurance rates, and that Fire Chief ZEtzel be requested to complete negotiations for reciprocal contracts with Hopkhs, Richfkeld and St,Louis Park before October 1, Seconded by Willson and maniolously carried. Trustee Child left the meeting at this time. Ere CMef E-bzel asked that miaimum charge of ;jr,OO or $lO.CO be made for Outside-JMina protection, and that Council require surety bond, or cash deposit sufficient to cover padpent for two hours' fire fighting time. Hawthorne noved that rate of $.&5.00 per hour be established for fice service to individuals in communities outside Edina, vrith ~~&nirmrm annual charge of $5.00 for each property involved; and that Village Attorney be directed I 1. #. 9/13/48 \ I35 to prepare fire protection agreem&t in contract *fop, and carried. Motion seconded by Palen The above action was taken after reading of letter by C. Bard, B.F.D.#l, Hopkins, who wishes Edina fire protection but is unabl;e to secure the cooperation of his neighbors, and referred to contGact for Nr. Bard, as well as general. contzact form. Pursuant to 1lAdvertisement for Bids-Blacktopping, 11 p;blished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Yhnesota, and Construction Bulletin, EimeapoJis, Whnesota, Affidavit of Publication for vhich was read by Clerk, President cued for bids on the blacktopping of Chowen Avenue betveen South Boundary of Edina Hills Addition and ?L 57th Street, .No bids were received. Willson's motion for tabling of ptoject until such time as bids can be taken for spring work was seconded by Hawthorne I and carried. Pursuant to llAdvertisement f 6r Bids-Sidewalk Repairs, published in Hemepin County Review, Hopkins, Minneso%a and Construction Bulletin, Enneapolis, E-nnesot a, August 26 and September 2, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for which wqs read by Clerk, tke following bid covering- sidewalk repairs in Country Club District was opened and read, being the only bid received: -a , Victor Carlson & Son, Inc* $1.05 per Square Foot Willson1s motion for acceptance of bid and award of sontract to above bidder was seconded by Palen and carried, I Pursuant to lfAdvertisement for Bids-Snow Plow,t1 published in* Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, E.n&sota, and ih Construction Bulletin, Enneapolis , &Tbnesota, on August 26 and September 2, 1948, Affidavit of. Publication for which was read by Clerk, the following bids were opened'and read covering snow plow fgr Diamond-T Truck: 1, Rosenwald-Cooper Co., St .Pad. 2. Root liiodel3lXSnow Plow, 8' Cut, Under Frame Hitch $625*00 Delivery - approximately,60 days. Minnesota F FJ D/Company, St, Paul No Delivery Date Specified George T. Ryan Go., Himeapol& Gledhill 9' Standard Plow (as per specifications) #&zo . 00 3. r Wausau. Hodel Ei-31-&5 Plow (as per specifications) $510 000 Same-to be equipped with hydraulic lis r $615 000 DeliGery - 60 to 90 days. , Ifin. H. Ziegler Co., Enneapolis 4. x Davenport-Frink Model 25SB (as per specifications) Node1 72-A Wisconsin WpeciaI.11 (not mounted) Eodel 721 GoodFioads (not mounted) Delivery - 60 to 90 days. * - $662.98 $668.00 @54*00 Delivery - Approxi.mtely.45 days. I r 5. Rosholt 3Iquipment Go., DuLuth Willson moved for referral. of bids to Village Manager and Nessrs. BaAley and Cardarelle of Village Road Crew, for their recommendations. Hotion seconded by + PaLen and carriedc Requests for street lights at -I. New CdhilL School: 2, At corner of Debborn Street and Belmore Lane, near Pratt residence: and If. 55th Street -were reported by President Coo;per, who asked that Village * Engineer Smith investigate necessity for such lights and report at next meeting. Mr. Windhorst asked that something be done to have &-corner stop-and-gb sign installed at corner of I?. 50th Street and Wooddale Avenue, Palen's motion dirgcting Village Manager to investigate possibility of securing stop-ad-go sign for corner of 50th Streetand Wooddale Avenuk was secondea by Willson and carried. Liquor ConmLssion presented the names of seven q#&mhzm * applicants for position of EJIznager of Edina Nunicipal Liquor Store (after having screened applicat: ions of thirty-de); and President Cooper added the names of two additional appucants to be interviewed. Control Commission for 8:OO P.M., Friday, September 17, for interview of applicants selected by Equor Commission and Council, was seconded by Pale? and carried. 4. c 3. At intersectipn of Beard Avenue a * Hawthorne's motion setting Joint Meeting of Council and Uquor I i 9/13/48 . A delegation headed by Ur* 41. E, Guttersen, 4& Cascade Lane, and I&-* John 49U SwsZde Road, presented and supported petition signed by requesting the following: . psopertx or.n?ers 1, Remod- of earth dam in Emnehaha Creek between 50th Street and No* 100 (in rev of 4909 E, Sunnyslope). 2. Arrnping of water into creek in sufficient quantity to keep creekq to normal water level. * 3. Rep& to cascades, in form of concrete apron instdlled on either side of present cascades. - * 'I Discussion ensued, in tuch Clerk Hawthorne damrred at spending public funds for the in@rOVmn* Of Private property, pointing out to petitioners that the public has no access to either EUpond' or to Cascades. Commissioner Strachauer of the Park Board supported the petition,/asking that Village repair cascades to remove present haze to children. Petitioners reeded Council that earth dam had been constructed at tjne IPA put in large trunk sewer, thus making removal of the dam a Village obligation.- After review ofthis matter, Hawthorne moved that Village hire &awe operator %o remove emth dam dth Village shovel, Seconded by IEllson and c&& HawlAxxne suggested r=Ov&l of Cascades, mo&g pmp to side of creek, with spill~my $0 convey water to creek; and IIUson and Hawthorne advocated the deeding of the creek bed, from Cascades to IL 50th Street, back to the property owners, &asmuch as there is no public access to this property and thk pet5tioners seemed m~dlling to afford such access. Such action r.mu2.d eliminate hazard of the Cascades and end expen&tures for maintaining creek level above TL50th Street. One of the delegation asked that, pending settlement of these two questions, the Cascades purng be turned on teqorari3y to keep creek from drying up entirely; and offered to pay his share of the expense. Ik~T.rthorne mOVed that Ckiscades hP be started, o a tanpo?ary basis, as soon as Hawthorne moved, further, that Park Board and restdenb surroundhg KUpond be - invited to meet with Council to discuss permanent arrangements for maintenance of Eillpond. Hotion seconded by Palm and carried. Park Cornmissioner Strachauer requested: - in its entirety . removal of earth dam is completed. Hotion secon x ed by Palen and carried. .) 4 c I P. Repair of surroundings of footbridge at Beard, across Creek* 2, InstaLlation of Waution-Slow" Signs foP.traffic going South on Beard . and for traffic going East ~~55th Street, at intePsection of 95th' and Beard. Village Engineer Smith vas directed to irivestigate these two mtters and reporb to Council at next meeting. Truste'e Child returned to meting at this time. Petition for the Blacktopping of Oxford Avenue between Ikberlachen Boulevard and ?r. Street, da,,ed September 8, 1947, and signed by George Sandquist and others, was read. llillsan moved'that petition be tabled for the present, because of difficulty ir get&% blackkopping bids at this the, Hotion secbnded by Child and carried. 3.k. Evald C, Barrkls September 7 letter, advocating ttStop when Pedestrians are in Crosst&sll signs,such as thbse wed in Los Angeles, for 5OP;h and France crosmm, ~ms'read, -1lUson moved that suggestion-be referred to Public safety ~Onmitfx!e xith power to act. Request of B.J. Gibbish 02 Gibbish &cava%% Cow, for-reduction of Village shovel fpta from &o,~ to $20.00, was read. Seconded by llaon and carried. for S~0.00 check. Northern States power Companyfs September 3rd notification Of increase i.n rates *ITas readr Har&11ome moved that letter be referred to raage Engineer, and filed* &tion seconded by IEUson and carried. Toitz,'fZing and ~qis contract, for engineering services smvey for outlet per fia basis, '* * b . . * ! a. I Hawthorne n;oved that request be denied* Child moved that check be retrnnd with request I^ Seconded by Hat&horne and cmiedr ++ rsgmd to pre-iw Richfield Sanitary Semr Was presented; ~EFJ%?&~ to be On a Child moved that contract be Signed, Carrying that it ' might be terminated upon &%ten notice by vuagea Seconded by ITason carried* 9/13/48 League of Knnesota Ni.mi.cip&itiesl September 3rd notice of held Tuesday, October L2, at 6:oo E.H., at Columbia Heights Regional Ueeting to be Field. House, was read. Petition of Alber$ Kipp, dated September 10, 1948, for the rezoning of Lot U, Block 4, Gouldsmithrs Addition, from Open Development District to Cornunity Store Districk, was read. .,Hawthorne moved referring petition.to Plaming Commission for their ,redommendatiom* Motion seconded by Willson and camied+ * First EEna State Bank's letter of SeptemQer*l3, pledging an additional $75,000 in Government Bonds as,collateral for Village deposits, was read. Hawthorne offered $he followirg Resolution and moved its adoption: €ESQLUTION APPBOVING ASSIGNMENT OF'SECURITIXS IN ~EJJ OF BW. BE IT RESOLVED that the Village Council of -the Village of Ediia approve* the assigment by its depository, the First Edina State Bank of Edina, of $75,000 U, S, Treasury 2& Bonds dye Ifarch 15, 1958, together with former assignments of @50,000 U, S. Treasury 2% Bonds due Decenber 15, 1934, and $100,000 U, S. Treasury 2$& Bonds due Ihrch 15, 1958, a total assjgment of $325,000,.as good and sufficimt callateraL for Village of Hina Public Funds deposited in said depository; said public funds incluang the General Fund, Equipment Rental Fund, Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Garbage Collection Fund, Water Fund and-Xiquor Fund. 1IotTon.for adoption of the Resolution-was seconded by -Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follom: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; qnd the Resolution was adopted, . ATTEST: I . Villake Cl&k I County Land Conmrissioner's letter of September 1, was read. for securing Lot 11, Country Club District, Fairway Section, Block15, for alley purposes. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and.moved its adoption: @ZSOLUTION FOB AC&UISITION OF TAX LOT ll, CQUNTBX CLUB DISTRICT, ' "* Letter reviews procedure - FWFEIBD LAND .. * . FZ€RWAk SECTION, BLWK .'15 . . UHd, the foUotcLng .descFibed .pazrcel .of state owned tax forfeited land is partkularly-suitable for aUey purposes; and for the best interest of the said village and its inhabitants that the said village acquire t'ne said parcel of land to be used for alley pwoses, which said parcel of land is situated in said village in the County of Henneiin and State of Minneso'ta, and is described as folzows, to-wit: tl]HEFU%S, the Village Council of the Village of mina hereby finds that it is Lot XI., Country Club'District Fai-rway Section, Block 15 e. NOW, THEREFORE& BE IT RIkOLVED by this Council that the said village acqzlire said parcel of land to be used for.alley purposes, and that the proper officers of said village be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to make and execute the necessary application therefor, under laws 19Q, Chapter 5U. The question was on the adoption of the Resolution, 'and the roll being called there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, . Child, aye; Palen, aye; WZlson, a3e; L A& President of the ViUage @hneil *+ Nr, Robert Gibson's request for WELdren at and In.t;erlachen Boulevard was rexiewed, together with-Police Capten !hutson* s recornendation against such sign for reason that it is unnecessary and contrm to Stake l3.ghwa.y Department's recomendations. Notion .seconded by Child..and carried. - Hawthorne moved that pedt be denied. - Play*' sign at corner of Cooper Avenue Police Captarin KnutsonJs cornendation of Officers Hoffman and Eerfeld, for their services in connection,With attack case &I Valley View Heights Addition on the night of September 5, was read. Haw'bhorme moved -@rectirzg Village Clerk to write letter 138 f 9/13/48 of commendation to each of these men on behalf of the Council, and allowing them to take one day off with pay, in consideration of the time they vorked beyond their Palen moved that Police Department be instructed to enforce Ordinance which prohibits off-sale 3.2 Beer on electLon day, and that Council revoke license of any offenders. Hotion seconded by W.l.son and carried. Office instructed to remind all license Tabulation of assessment for cost of iqxmving Parnell Avenue between IL 62nd and TL 63rd Streets by putting same to Dement grade rms read, being in the total anom+ of $605.40, or 8.50 per Assessable foot. Hawkhome offered the following Resolutiom and.moved its adoption: ~ *< FtESOLUTION SETTING ASSESSBEXT IEARING . regular shifts. &lotion seconded by Palen and unmously carried. I holderstof this Ordinance on September 1 t I GRADIAG OF PAFiNEZL AVEME BM?EEN 110 *I : 62NI) AND I?. 63rzD STRF;ETS - .r S=.mmT NO, 2 WHE;&EAs, pursuant to resolu%ion.adopted by the Edina Village Council October 27, 1947, a contract has been let for improvement of ?arnefL Avenue between IT, 62nd and W, 63rd Streets by putitkg same to Permanent Grade; and the clerk with the assistance of the engjaeer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abuttkg upon such iqrovement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Edina Village Council that the said work of improving said street is hereby accepted and designated as Street Improvement NWber Trw; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in.Hennepin CountyReuietrr, Hopkins, Ennesota, on September 16, 1948, that this Council will meet on September 27, 1948, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be &05,40. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded were five ayes and no nays, as follorrs: HaTdhome, aye; Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ' . T'iiLlson, and on RoUcaU there Child, aye; Palen, aye; Killson, aye; 96fi EresZdent of the Village Co - Tabulation of 'assessment for cost of and Brookside Avenue be Blacktopping improving Rutledge Avenue between kL?&h Street was read, being in the total amom6 ,of $2,689,80, or $1.66 per assessable foott Hawthorne offeEed the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: - RSSOLUTION SETTING ilSSESSBNT HEARJNG BLACKTOPPING OF TZU!EZDGE AVENJE EEl3EEX 11. 4$TH SmT BWD BROOKSIDE AVENUE STRE;r;T RJPEOVEXENT NO. 3 WERE%, pursuant .to motion passed. by the Edina Village Council Nay &, 1948, a contract has been let for iqrovement of Rutledge Avenue betmen 11. 48th Street and Brookside Avenue by Blacktopping; and the clerk with the assistance ofthe engineer has cdlcuLdted the proper am0un.t to be specially assessed for such improve- ment against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now theref ore, BE IT RESOL, by the Nina Village CounciL that the said work of improving said street by Blacktopping is hereby accepted and designated as Street Improvement No, 3; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin ComkY ReVier.7, Hopkins, Ennesota, on September 16, 19@, that this Council VU meet on IJonday, September 27, 19@, at the Village Hall, to pass upon said Proposed assessment; that the totdl cost of said iqrovement is determined to be $2,689.80, &tion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by WLlson, and on €&UcaJl th6re were five ayes and no nays, as follom: Haxhhorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution tras adopted Child, aye; Palen, aye; l?ason, aye; Village ClerE 9/13/48 Engineerrs tabulation of assessment for cost of improvement of Bedford Avenue between hterlachen Boulevard and W. Dt SCreet by Blackbopping was read, being in the total amount of $1,5&74, or' $1.32 per assessable foot. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: IZESOLUTLON SETTING AW-WT HEFLRzI\soI BUCKTOPPING. OF BEDFOLZD AXENUE FROM 23-mCHE;N - .. - BOUiZVARD.TO FJ.5JST STREET - STiXfbT IE€?.O~lEXT NO. 4. WHEEEAS, pmsuant to motion passed by the Edina Village .Council &rch 29, 1948, a contract has been let for impreovenent of Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Boule- vard and W, 5lst Street by Blacktopping; and the clerk with the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improve- ment against every lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as proxcided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now theref ore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council' of the Village of Edina that said work of improving said street by Blacktopping is breby accepted and designated as Street Improvement No, 5; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, hesota, on September 16? 1948, that this Council vAU meet on September 27, 1948, at the Village Hali, to pass. upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvenent is deterwined to be $1,543.74. Hotion for adoption of the resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, qe; Palen, aye; WiUson, aye; Hawbhorne. &ye: and Cooner. aye: and the Resolukion was adoBted. 'L .President of the &gineer's tabulation of aSsessment for cost of id.tprovement"of If. 56th Street between Wooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue and of St.Johns Avenue between I$, 56th Street qd Oak Drive by Blacktopping was read, being in the totd. amomt of $3,387.36, or $1.13 per assessable foot. Haidhorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESCaUTICN SETTING ASSE;SSuERT HE&?,IfJG BLACKTOPPING OF w.. 56TH STREET BET" WOODDALE AND. CONCORD AVBTUES: ST.JOHNS AVENUE . W.56TH S?IREET LIBID OAK DRIVE . . SZaEET. IMPRI)VE&lE8T. NO.. 5 WHZEAS pursuant to resolution.adopted by the'Edina Vfilage Council October 27, 1947, a contract has been let for hprovement of W,56th Street between Wooddale and Concord Avenues and for improvement of St,Johns Avenue between K56th Street and Oak Drive, all. by Blacktopping; and the Clerk eth the assistance os the engineer has ca,lculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement agajnst every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open .to public inspection, now theref ore) - BE IT RESOLIGI) by the &ha Village Council that the said work of bpmVing said streets by-Blacktopping is hereby accepted and designated as Street Irrrprovement No, 5; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice. to be published in Hemepin County Review, Hopkins, mesota, on September 16, 1948, that this Council will meet on September 27, 1948, at the Vimge Hall, to pass upon SaLd proposed assessment; that the total chst of said .improvement is determined to be $3,381.36, Motion for adopbion of 'the Resolution was seconded by Ifillson, and on Rollcall therre were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hadhome, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted* __ . Child, age; Palen, aye; WiUson, aye; President of the Village Cold%. Engineer's estimate of assessment for cost of improving W, 56th Street betmen WooddaJ.eAand Concord Avenues, and St,Johns Avenue between W, 56th StreFt and Oak Drive, ill by construction of curb-and gut&er -therein, was read; bebg in the-totd amount of* $7,325.0&, or 492.46 per assessable foot. Hawbhome offered the following , Resolution. and moved its. adoption: F 9/13/48 "- Kh.6. I-S, pursuant,to Resolution ado&ed by tihe Edina Village Council October 27, 1947, a contract has been let for improvement of 11. 56th Street between r.Tooddale and Concord Avenues and for improvement* of StJohns Avenue between 11. 56th Street and Oak Drive, all by construction of Curb and Gutter therein; and the Clerk with the-assishce of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially . assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece or parcel of wd abutting upon such irqrovement as provided by law, irkrich proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, nowtherefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said mrk of improving said streets by construction of curb'and gutter therein is hereby accepted and designated as Street kprovement No. 6; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, I-thnesota, on September 16, 1948, that this Council will meet on September 27, l9&8, at the Village HaU, to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improy6ment is determined to be $7,322.Ok. Hotian for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Wiison, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Pafen; aye; Ml.bon, aye;. Har.rthorne, aye; and Cooper, we; and th 'I Engineer*s tabulation of assessment for cost of improving the several streets East of State Highway No. 100 and North of the new School property, vas read, being in the total aaount of $30,10&+93, or $3.27 per assessable foot. Hawthorne offered the follouing Resolutibn and moved its adoption: 1lHEEBAS, pursuant to Resolution .adopted .br %he JEdina Village Councfi Novembeg 17; 1948, a contradt has been let for improvement of the foUoi&g streets by construction of Eater $fain Extension therein: RESOLUTION SETTJNG kSEsSIbmT HJ3AkhG llAlXR &IN ILJPR09ElENT NO, I4 Concord Avenue, frcan Tower Street to'South View Lane; South View Lane, from. Cmcord'Avenue to Unity Avenue; Brdrews Avenue, from South View Lane to Lakedew Drive; Da3rynq?le Road, from So6th View Lane to lakeview Drive; lloodhill Road, from Wooddale Avenue la Weview Drive; Lakeview Drive, from F6odhilz Rtad, thence South .and - Wester& to unity Avenue ~ and the clerk with the assistance of the engineer has'calculated the proper axhnc to be specially assessed for such bprovement against every lot, piece, Or PmCel Of land benefited by such improvement as provided by Law, which proposed assesmen3 is now on file t~th the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore BE IT BOL. by the Edina Village Council that the said vork of improving said streets w- constrmction of ifater Main Ekbensian therein is hereby accepted and desig- nated as liater Improvment No. l.4; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hemepin County %@eW, HOPkinS, ~~~o~, that this neet on Septder 27, 1948, at the Village Hall to Pas Upon said Proposed assessment; that the totd.cos't, of said improvement is detemimxi ta be 530,1016*93*t Eotion for adoption of the Resolution vm seconded by IKUscm, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nws, as follows: Hawbhorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. __ Child, we; Palen, aye; Xllson, aye; I ?resident of the Village Counc#L c Engineerrs Tabulation of assessmnt for cost of improvemat of France Avenue betmen 58th and V. f%th Street by construction of WFter I4ah Extension therein,'r.ms read, being in the total amount of $29,858.97, for construction of main; $613,E for connection charge to Peder Hickeksn Fmter d, or grand total of $10,42'2,09 or $4.27 per assessable foot. %&home offered the foUot';ng BesolutZon and moved 9/13/48 its adoption: RESOLUTION, SETTING ASSESSmT HEAElING l+?A!EB Iv1l13cN IMPROVZNEXT NO. l!j hBEREAS, pursuant .to Resolution adopt-ed by the E;dina Village CounciJ. June u, 1948, a contract has been let for improvement of France Avenue betmen W. 58th and W. 60th Streets by construction of Mater Main Exbension therein; and the clerk rdth the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting .upon such improvement as provided by law; which proposed assessment is now on file "with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the &Ena Viillage Council that the said work of improving said street by construction of u@ter main extension therein is hereby accepted and designated as -Hater Main Zmprovement No, 15; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published 5a.Hennepi.n County Bedew, Hopkins, linneso$a on September 16, 1948, that this Council Will meet on September 27,. 1948, at the VXilage Hall, to pass . upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of sqid,im,prwement is de-be-ed to be $10,472.09, - Hotion for adoption of -the Resolution was seconded by Willson, and on Rollcall there w6re five ayes and no nays, as fqllows: Child, aye; Paen, we; Willson, aye; Engineer's tabulation of assessment for cost of improving W. 56th Streek, from Zenith. Avenue ta York Avenue. and York Avenue from Wc 56th to* W, 58th Street by construction of water main extension therein was read, being in the tot& of 89,944.24 for construction, plus $600.50 for corme&.on to Peder 3Eckelsen Water &fain, or grand total. of $10,544.74, .or, $4.39 per assessable foot, Resolution and moved its adoption: Hawthorne offered the following r RESOLUEON SETTING QSSESSlmT HEAmG TrTBTEs1 P!bJ LTROVEIGBT NO. 16, ImWS, pursuant .to Resolution adopted by.the Edjna Village Council August 9, 1948, a contract has been let for improvement of tlie follov@ng streets by construct%on of Water 1hi.n Mension therein: Jf. 56th Street -froiii Zenith Avenue to York Avenue York Avenue from I?, 56th Street to I'L .5&h Street and the clerk with the assistance of the engb-eer has calculated the proper amom% to be specially assessed for such impxoveqent against every lot, Piece, Or PaPCel of land benefited by such improvement as provided by Law, w'aich proposed assessment is noir on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wna Village Council that ,the said work of inproving said streets by. construction of Water Main Extension therein' is hereby accept'ed and desigated as Water 1- hprovement No, 16; that the @e,rk is directed to cause notice to be published in.Hennepin Comity Review, Hopkins, PiLinnesoLa, on Skptember 16, l9,!+8,tbt this Council will meet on September 27, 1948, at the Village Ha=, to pass: upon said proposed assessment; that the totd. cost of. said improvement is determined to be $10, 544.74. AI Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by-WiUson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; 1 Engineer's tabulation of assessment for cost of improving Lqts Seven to Fourteen, Inclusive, Block One, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition by construction of-Water liain Extension to serve said lots-was rread, being &n the total amount of $2,584.04, or $5.37 per assessable foot . Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1. , RESOLUTIOii SETTING ASSESSMENT HE2EING IIA!i'ER BUN ILlPRO~NT NO. 17 PJHEEEAS, pursuant to .Resolutionvadopted by the Edina ViXLage Council August 9, 1.948, a contrzct has been let for improvement of hts Seven to Fourteen, Inclusive, B lock One, .South Harriet Park Second Addition, by construction-of Water bin Iktension to serve said lots; and the clerk with the assistance of &e engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land benefited by such kprovemertt as provided by lair, which proposed assessment is now on file with the clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, I BE IT RESOLVED by the VXllage Council of the Village of JZdina that the said work of improving said lots by construction of Vater Hain Bidension to servk same is hereby accepted and designated as IIater E.zajn Ja@rovement No. 3-7; that the clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County Reviev, Hopkins, 1-llinnesota, on Septenber 16, 1948, that this Council will, meet on September 27, 19.48, at the Village Hall, to-pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said improvement is determined to be $2,584.04, Notion for adoption of Resolution five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution ~ias adopted. .+ seconded by IEllson; and on Rollcall there wsre Child, aye; Palen, aye; Ilillson, aye; Hawkhorne, t &-- em Eresident of the UXU.age.Cou$il . - - Engineer's tabulation of assessment for cost of improvement of France Avenue between 8. 5&h and 11. 6O-th Streebs by construction of sanitary lateralsever therein was read, bebg in totd amoun-b of $11,28143. or &&I per assessable foot. Havttlnorne offered the f ollothg Resolution and moved its adogtign: BESOLUTION APPROVING PRWOSED ASSBSSIWT FCB SIPER-SANITARY S~~ D3;STiUCT*NO. 21 1 IHJBEAS, the engineer selected .by #the .ViZLase .CounciL .has .calculated the'proper anount to be specially assessed for sewer constructed in France Avenue from ITB 9th to 11. 60*h Streets, in Sanitary Sewer District No. a, and has calculated the mount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land in said Setter Diskrict No, 21; and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Clerk as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Y-ge Council at this present meeting, held not more than ten days after the fL@ng thereof, now therefore, BE lk RESOLW by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the total cost of said sewer is hereby determined to be $ll,281.U* BE IT FURTIIE R"rsCT(;VED that said proposed assessmen-b is hereby-approved; and the Clerk is directed to cause-notice to be published in Hennepin County ReViekr, Hopkins, Hinnesota, on September 16, l9&$, that the Yillage Council. vt5I.J. pss. upon said pro- posed assessment at its nexb regula- session, to be held at the ViLQge Ha= on September 27, 19&8, at 8:OO P.1-L 14otion for adop.i;ion of Resolution was seconded, by lKUson,- and on ROUca3l there vere five aye; and no nays, as follows: Hathhorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution Was @Opted+ I P L * CMd, aye; Palen, we; IIUson, aye; &+ .."Z/m President of the. Village COYfCa * Village Clerk IIillson moved that Council establish policy of five-year assessments on all blacktopping and ,curb and gutter jobs where 25% of essessable property is improved; othervAse assess- he: on a three-xear basis.. Notion seconded by" Palen and un&owQ carried, v I Village Attorney Triindhorstls draft or" Amendment' to Zoning Ordinance, estzbliskiing gard dinensions, .was referred to Planning Commission for their recommendations, by Notion Har-sthorne, seconded by Child and carried. Office reported need for cleaning interior of Village Hall,_kth lotrest bid received being $92&0. IIUson noved directing Clerk to advertise for bids €or pahting the interior of the Village Hall. Notion seconded by H awthorne and carried. 9/13/48. President Cooper recommended that action on proposed Ordinance liicensing Dogs and f Cats be tabled indefinitely. No objection by Comcil. President Coogkr recommended that action on proposed Ordinance Licensing Bm. Wagons, Ash Haulers, etc.,, be tabled until after first of year.- No objection by Council. Child offered the followjag Resolution and lnoved its adoption: RE;SOLUTION TMSER.RING MONEYS FBOM PEX@!JlWT NEXT REVOLVING FUND BOD SINKING FUNDS NOS. OX3 IMPROpEMENr R3VOLVIXG FUND TO J?ERH'IANENT IMPROVE- , BND.TE?O . .. .. IIHEREAS, the Permanan6 hprovement.Revoluinf: Fund of the Vi3Jage of Edina con- tains $40,000 in excess of funds necessary to pay in fuU 5J.l contracts awarded and contemplated for special assessment improvements to be completed between this @ate and June 1, 1948; and WHIZLEAS, Permanent Improvement Revolxring Fund Bond Sinking Fund was established by this CouncilNovember.6, 1947, forthe payment of Bonds and Interest of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue Series December, 1947; and IrTHElREAS, Per-& Improvement IEevol~ng'Fund Bond Sinking Fund was esCabl5shed by this Council August 9, 1948, for the payment of B onds and Interest of Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1948; NOkf THEREFORF;, BE-IT &QL& by.tke Village Council of the Village of ana that that Sinking Fund established November 6, 1947, be named and hereafter hmm as Permanent Sinprovem6nt Revolvihg Fund Bond Sinking Fund No* 1;' and that Sbking Fuhd established August 9, 1948, 6e named and hqeafter &nom as Permanent Znpovemeat * Revolving Fund Bond" Sinking Fund No. 2; ahd . I , * * 1 BE IT -FUR& &SOLVED ihat moneys b'e herewith' transf err@ from the Permanent Improvement Bevolvihg Pund ,of' the Village" of Edina to Permaneht Improvement Revolving Fund Bond Sinking Fund-"04 1 in the amount of @2,8lO,--and to Permanent Iroprovement Revolving Fund B on& sinking Fad No. 2 ih the, amouht of $19,900e Motion to adopt the'Resolutiorh was secondbd by WjllSon; Ad oh Rollcall there wre five ayes and no nags as follbws: Child,*aye; Palea, aye; WUsm, aye; Hawthome, I aye; and Cooper, ay!; and the'Resolution %as adoptea. cc r < Ir * _r && - President of the Village Coyr%il .I I * Willson offered the' folloT.jing'Resolution &nd moved its adoption: c RESOLUTIm CANCmING PEFW"T Il%!R,O~,~ + REVOfWG FUND AD-VALOREE TAXES C0Lf;EC'I'IBf;E UITHI1948 GEXERAL PROPERTP: TAXES IJHEEBS, the ViUage .CouhciL of .the YjJ.lage oPZdina has; by Resolution adopted November 6, 1947, l&vied a-spkciaJ. ad dorep tax for the papent of principal. and interest of its Perknent bp6ovement Revblving Fund Bond Issue Series December, 1947; said ad ,valorem tax* in the. ambunt of $12,810 being collectible with and .as a part of other general propehy taxes ht said Villgge for the year 1948; and I-S, the Vhlage Couhcil of the Tillage oPEidina has3 by Resolution adopted August 9, 1948, lev$ed a special ad valor'q tax forthe payment of principal and hterest of its Peqanent Iinp6ovement Revblvbg Fund Bond Issue of 1946; said ad valorem tax in the Fount of $19,900, be- collec'tible With and as a part 'of the - - 8 general property taxes in sai.3 Village fop the year.1948; and. .* r IIJEFUUS, 1inne)ota Statutes, Section 475,26, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are bn han3 for p'ayment of principal and interest for said bond issues; and , + lNEEtEX3, moneis on hand in Perinanent" linprovement Revolhg Fund Bond Sinking Fund No. 1, for papent of ~rincipal and Sbterest uf its Permanent linprovemmt litevolving Fund Boric Issue Series December, 1947, totaS. $12,8LO; and.monep on hand in Permanent Bpr0vemq-k Revol&ng Fund Bona Sinkinp Fund No. 2, -for payment of principal ad interest of its Permaneit Zmprdvement Revolving Fund Bond Issue of 1948, total * x I $19, 900 : I, 9/43/48 P NOV !BEREF'CXB, 3E IT llEsOLVED by %he Village Councjl of %he Village of Edina that those. ad xz&orrem tax lewes made by ResoluZ;5ons of %'his Village Cowrcfi adopted . Novmber 6, 1947 and August 9, 1948, in the amounts of @.2,810 and $19,900 respecti.vew3 and collectible xith and as a part of other general property taxes in said TLUage for the year 1948, be and hereby are cancelled. BE I2 FCRTHEXZ RESOLVED that the County Auditor of Hennepin Cotmty, 1Etmeso~t;a be authorized and direc%ed.to cancel the above described ad valorem tax levies and to delete said &vies from taxes to be spread for the year I94Ef; &%ion for adoption bf the Eesolution was seconded by Child; and on Rollcas1 there were five ayes and'no nays, as follows: Hawthornep aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adoptede ~ i . *. I Child, aye; Pdten, aye; tliUson, aye; PresTdent of .t;heTZUaage CFcil.* .- IE2Lsoa moved for approval and payment of the following Village Payroll bi amoun-b of $317010t34, E.krbion seconded by Palen and carried. *. PnRW FOB Sl3l?TEZ+m l-X!jTH 1949 Louise Festerberg 76.69 3 e20 3 a07 6.27 70 a42 2735 - Sub-Total *6%.f35 59 60 26.99 86.59 588.26 ENG-G: Bred Jonas . -- _- I . *_ .. IS The following claims were presented for payment: Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board (F'rom Poor Fund) - $273.92 Arthur KO. Petersen (From Garbage md) .851096 27.00 John Jo BhEch . + (Ek~mn PaIaRa Funs) - 132.00 (From P,I.R, Fund) 57.40 'Ed, Phillips & Sons (Erom Liquor Fund) 2893.31 George Benz Sons (E'rom Liquor Emd) U42.52 Palen moved for Gymen% of claims, With Liquor Claims subject to verification by Mc&ughlin-%.il.lenmaster-Rowland-&.y con pa^^^^ Mqtion seconded by qhild and caxried. Clerk read Resignations tendered by the follos~ng: Cammissioner of Taxation Petroleum Di%. (&om Eq,p.Rent .Fnnd) ' Charles If. Jones i -+ - r - 4 Earl J. Keeler - As Manager of Liquor Store 7 Effective August 31, 1948r To F, Kippley - As Clerk for Liquor Store - Dated August 30, 1948. %, T. Landers - As Ehployee for Liquor Store T Effective September U, 1948, e Hawthorne moved for acceptance of resigmtions of Nessrs* Keeler, Kippler and Landers as stated in writing. Mo$ion seconded by Child and unanimously carried; *. Liquor Store Payroll in- total of $697.86, covering Blessrs. Kippley and Landerst services from September 1 to September 15, 1948, a& services of four exbra eqbyees from August 1 to August 3l,,1948, was presented* After considerable discussion, Palen's motion, honoring Liquor Store PayroU. h amount of %67.80, covering August services for four extra men, as foUowg, was seconded by Willson and carried: - .AUGUST 1. TO AUGUST 31, 1948 (1 LIQUOR STaRE PAYROLL - MTRA EMPLOmiS 7. TOTAL . -KLT€j. TOTAL NET Wl Charles S* ,Bates $~7.el- I $2.20 $5,~. $7.31. &L20.50 m38 Harm JI Casey .199*39 .4.70 .?e98 12.68 .l86.71 IL39 Paul Flesher 83 .OB 12.30 3 032 15.52 67.46 Uo ll.aBNINa. TAX. RF;TIRE* DEDUCT. PAY NO,. . ... -.. President Cooper called Councill s attention to reyhention by l~fcLaughiin-&iLlenmaster- Rowland-Max Company of services,of Eessrs. Kippley and Ianders in the Liquor Store, and recommended that their services-be dispensed with .at, once. bwbhorne offered the following motion: That the Clerk _b.e directed to not&fy Mc~~~-~~e~aster-IEow~~-~~~/. Coo that (under terms of action taken_ by Council- August 30, 1948, appoht- hg them as temporarymanagers of Edina L&quor Store, and vnder subsequent * motion acceptin g the resignations of Hessrs. Keeler, Kippley and Landers) all of the people working in the EdiUa_Nunicipal Equor Store after August 30 are employees or" E~c~u~nM~eter-Rowland-~~y Co. and not af the Village of Edina, with-the exception that the resignation df 3ir. Landers is effective on Septenber ll; and that therefore any payments to individuals working in this store are' the obligations of McLaughlin- Mflenmaster-Rowland-May CO. and they shall bill the Village of Edina for + services of liquor store personnel as part of their over-all charge for management of the store; and, f&ther, that the Cotmcil. does not approve- of the continued employment & Mr. Kippley and My. Landers in this &ore,- and the Company is directed to .&iscontinue the services of these two em'ployees in %his store imnediateQr. I P * + Eotion seconded by Palen and unanimously carrivd. Building Superintendent Woehler called Councilts attention %o azwninUm house being constructed at V. 56th Street and Wooddale Aveaue, With entranceon FJ. 56th Street* After review of .the Iveponmatter, ComcU decided that nothing could be done to prohibit construction kt this manner. -* 4 I Their being no -%her business to come before meeting, Palen*s motion for adjourn- ment was seconded by Ifillson and unanimousl~ ca@ed. . - I 9 *