HomeMy WebLinkAbout19480917_SPECIAL-- Pursuant to. due call and notice by President, Council met with Iiiquor Control Commission for purpose*of hirins Liquor Store 14mager. Council menbers answering Rollcal.3 were Child, Palen, TtTillson, Hawthorne 6nd CooFer, I;iquor Control Commission members 'present were lelorris; Kelly, Hallman &nd Bauers Six applicants for position of Iciquor Store Nanager were interviewed, Equor Control Commission Chairman BIorris reported' the una;nimous recommendation of the Commission, that Er. Harry Bust be hired *as Liquor Store Hanager at a salary of $6,000 per year, viththe privilege of hiring his om eqloyees and flrll responsibility for management. Hawthorne moved thak recommendation of Lqiour Control Commission be accepted%, and that I&. &wry ?oust be offered the position. of Liquor Store Nanager, lrith stipdawon that he be requested to sign 12-months contract subject to cancellation on 30 daysf notice by Councilo 1aiotiSn seconded by Hillson and unartimous~ carried. * .+ . I) . A t I - F Council asked for recammendakion by Codssion for second choice for Kanager, in case N??. Doust should not accept appoin-tment. Upon informdl poll, three members of the Commission nominated &* F, F1 Kippley, with fourkh member not votingrr Palen moved for paGent of the following elm: Federal Enterprises, kc, (For changing letters on canopy=store) 4193.15 Hotion seconded by T.Tillson and carried. . Hawbhornefs motion to adjourn was seconded I -. I r .%no T. Ianders (Payroll for first ll days in September) $81.& Ll.45 U6 w 4. + 2-IIWI'BS OF SPECIAL 3EZTING OF EDBJA 'KCELAGE CO11113CIL, HEZD =DAY, SEP!EI*EEE 23, 19&8, AT I t &GO €'AI0 AT .THE XDINA VIIUGE HALL . Pursnant to due call-and notice by Preside&, Council met with Liquor Conf&ol Conmission at 8:OO P.14. C Council members answering Rol&KLl. weye Child, Palen, KLlson, Hathhorne and Cooper. Liquor Control Colmnission menibers present were Hornis, Ke- and Halhari. 14r. Harry Qoustrs declination of appointment as Ijquor Stqre Hanager vas reported. T Council and Commission interviewed &be Leo O*DonneU. for position of I;iquor Store hageri and rekewed applications of those persons kterviewed on Segtknber 17. .. **- Chaiman Harris of %he Liquor Control Commis~ion recommended,' for the Commission, %ha% 1-lr. F. F.,Kippley be engaged as Pquor Store Lh$tger.' Hawthorne moved that Council accept recomenda$2on of Commission and appoinP, U.~O KippXey at a salary of $350.00 per mon.h. lwiotion seconded by T.lillson and on Rollcall' , vote was as follows: Child, aye; Palen, nay; IKLlson, aye; Har.rC;home, aye; and Coopr, nay; and motion ins carried. I Hawtiome moved thgt Clerk be 'directed to instruct Xr. Kippley to repo>t for duty as Uquor Store Uanager Friday, September 2l+; anh that Council terminate the managmat of the store by 1~c~~~-~~e~ster-Ror.rland-~~~ Company as of 1O:OO PJL, Sa-eurday, September 25, directing said fmto present statement for their services for management of store on r?Iondzy evenhg, SepP;em+&r 27* Hotion seconded by Palen and unanimouSly carried, Hawthorne moved that Liquor Store Zhager be instructed that he has full authority to hire Liquollr Store employees; that employees .r.rill be on a tqorary bwis for thirty bys; that, - at the fbst Council meeting after an employee's probationmy psriod the lhnager shall make reeomendation to the Council as to pement emplopent; that if recommend- ation is for pertmnent employment, employee shall be interviewed by Council; and that once recommendation for permanent employment is accepted & Council, mployee my be discharged only by the Council on the majority vote of the full Council. c I Hotion *