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Pursuant to. due call and notice by President, Council met with Iiiquor Control Commission
for purpose*of hirins Liquor Store 14mager.
Council menbers answering Rollcal.3 were Child, Palen, TtTillson, Hawthorne 6nd CooFer,
I;iquor Control Commission members 'present were lelorris; Kelly, Hallman &nd Bauers
Six applicants for position of Iciquor Store Nanager were interviewed,
Equor Control Commission Chairman BIorris reported' the una;nimous recommendation of the
Commission, that Er. Harry Bust be hired *as Liquor Store Hanager at a salary of $6,000
per year, viththe privilege of hiring his om eqloyees and flrll responsibility for
Hawthorne moved thak recommendation of Lqiour Control Commission be accepted%, and that
I&. &wry ?oust be offered the position. of Liquor Store Nanager, lrith stipdawon that
he be requested to sign 12-months contract subject to cancellation on 30 daysf notice by
Councilo 1aiotiSn seconded by Hillson and una~ous~ carried. *
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Council asked for recammendakion by Codssion for second choice for Kanager, in case N??.
Doust should not accept appoin-tment. Upon informdl poll, three members of the Commission
nominated &* F, F1 Kippley, with fourkh member not votingrr
Palen moved for paGent of the following elm:
Federal Enterprises, kc, (For changing letters on canopy=store) 4193.15
Hotion seconded by T.Tillson and carried. .
Hawbhornefs motion to adjourn was seconded
I -. I
.%no T. Ianders (Payroll for first ll days in September) $81.& Ll.45 U6
. Pursnant to due call-and notice by Preside&, Council met with Liquor Conf&ol Conmission
at 8:OO P.14. C
Council members answering Rol&KLl. weye Child, Palen, KLlson, Hathhorne and Cooper.
Liquor Control Colmnission menibers present were Hornis, Ke- and Halhari.
14r. Harry Qoustrs declination of appointment as Ijquor Stqre Hanager vas reported. T
Council and Commission interviewed &be Leo O*DonneU. for position of I;iquor Store
hageri and rekewed applications of those persons kterviewed on Segtknber 17. .. **-
Chaiman Harris of %he Liquor Control Commis~ion recommended,' for the Commission, %ha%
1-lr. F. F.,Kippley be engaged as Pquor Store Lh$tger.'
Hawthorne moved that Council accept recomenda$2on of Commission and appoinP, U.~O
KippXey at a salary of $350.00 per mon.h. lwiotion seconded by T.lillson and on Rollcall'
, vote was as follows: Child, aye; Palen, nay; IKLlson, aye; Har.rC;home, aye; and Coopr,
nay; and motion vas carried. I
Hawtiome moved thgt Clerk be 'directed to instruct Xr. Kippley to repo>t for duty as
Uquor Store Uanager Friday, September 2l+; anh that Council terminate the managmat
of the store by 1~c~~~-~~e~ster-Ror.rland-~~~ Company as of 1O:OO PJL, Sa-eurday,
September 25, directing said fmto present statement for their services for management of store on r?Iondzy evenhg, SepP;em+&r 27* Hotion seconded by Palen and unanimouSly
Hawthorne moved that Liquor Store Zhager be instructed that he has full authority to
hire Liquollr Store employees; that employees .r.rill be on a tqorary bwis for thirty bys;
that, - at the fbst Council meeting after an employee's probationmy psriod the lhnager
shall make reeomendation to the Council as to pement emplopent; that if recommend-
ation is for pertmnent employment, employee shall be interviewed by Council; and that
once recommendation for permanent employment is accepted & Council, mployee my be
discharged only by the Council on the majority vote of the full Council.
c I
Hotion *
-- seconded by Palen and unanimously c&ried, - --
Ch&Tm,n Iforris of the Liquor Commission reported that offer has been received, in
amount of $65.00, for old adding-nachirie type BicClaskey cash register, and recommended
seUing it. Child novedthat sale be made, Notion seconded by Palen and carried.
Palen's motion for adjournment wds secorided by p fill son and unanimously carried.
t C
_- Members present were Child, Palen, 'CW.l.sorm, Hawthorne and Cooper,
Notion by Willson, approving ElinUtes of Special: Meeting of August 30, Regular
Neethg of September 1.3, and Special Meetings of September 17 and 23, 1948, as submitted, was seconded by Palen and carried.
President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for Street Jhprovement
No. 2 - Grading of Parnell Avenue between W, 62nd and M. 63rd Streets. of Publicatton of lrNotice of Heaki..ng,tt as published in Hennepin County Review,
Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 16, 1948, was read by Clerk, Tabulation of assessment in total amount or" $605.40, or $.50 per Assessable Foot, was reviewed
for audience, Nr. W. F. l.lcMahon, 6217 Parnell Avenue, was present at hearing.
No objections to assessment were offered, either oral or written,
offered the following Eesolution and moved its adoptioh:
W.62ND AND U,63RD Sw ,
MHEREAPIS, propped assessment.for.the cost of the itnprovement of ParneUL
Avenue between ?I. 62nd and W. '63rd Streets by putting same to permanent grade
has been du3y filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and
notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkbs, l-fimesota,
on Septder 16, 1948, that this Council will. pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting; and this council has met at the'time and place speci-
fied in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now
theref ore,
BZ TT RESOL'VED by the Village Council or" the Village of ana that said
proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is
hereby adopteg, and an assessment is hereby levied agxinst each of the lots, parts.02 lots, piece? vad,parcels of land described therein in the sums
therein respectively se,t forth, ahd kach of said' tracts of land is hereby
found $0 be benefited in the amom% of the assessment levied*agakst it *r
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal
annual inskallments extending over a period of, three years,. the first to be
payable on the first day of June, 1949; aL1deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum. Sdd assessments and
interest shall. be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with
general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65$ Laws of f-tinnesota, 1919.
Hotion for adoption of Fesolution was seconded'by IiiUson. On Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution I~S adopted*
Child, aye; Palen, aye;, 'ffillson, aye; Hawbhorne,
Eresident of the Village Codcil