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9/23/4$ 147 seconded by Palen and unanimously carried - 4 t Chairman Morriss of the Liquor Commission reported that offer has been received, in amount of 365.00, for old adding - machine type McClaskey cash register, and recommended selling it. Child moved that sale be made, Motion seconded by Palen and carried. t Palen's motion for adjournment wds seconded by 1fillson and unanimously carried. Village Clerk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER -27, 1948.,. AT 8:99 P.M. AT ` .i THE - EDINA VI LIAGE HALL . Members present were Child, Palen, Willson, Hawthorne and Cooper. l - Motion by Willson, approving Minutes of Special Meeting of August 30, Regular Meeting of September 13, and Special Meetings of September 17 and 23, 1948, as submitted, was seconded by Palen and carried. President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for Street Improvement No, 2 - Grading of Parnell Avenue between W. 62nd and W. 63rd Streets* Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Hearing," as published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 16, 194$, was read by Clerk. Tabulation of assessment in total amount of 0605,40, or x.50 per Assessable Foot, was reviewed for audience. Mr. W. F. McMahon, 6217 Parnell Avenue, iras present at hearing. No objections to assessment.-were. offered, either oral or written. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT STREET " IffR0VEMf0T NO. Z GOADING OF Ply_ tiEI,L AVENUE BETiZEN W.62ND AND W.63Rn STREET , 11RIEREAS, proposed assessment.for.the cost of the improvement of Parnell Avenue between Wo 62nd and W.'63rd. Streets by putting same to permanent grade has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been'published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, I- nnesota, on September 16, 1948, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting; and this council has met at the'time and place speci- fied in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, noVt therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by�the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed - assessment which is hereby.referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts.of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and 'each of said' tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of,three years,•the first to be payable.on the first day of June, 1949; all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Minnesota, 1919. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded'by Willson. On Rol.lcall there were five ayes and no mays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye- Ifillson,_aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTEST: L President of the Village Coullcil Village Clerk + 9/27/4$ President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for Street Improvement No. 3$ Blacktopping of Rutledge Avenue between 11, 48th Street and Brookside Avenue, Clerk read Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Assessment Hearang,M published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Idnadsota, on September 16, 1949, Tabulation of Assessment, in total amount of 02 .,689,80., or 31.66 per Assessable Foot, was revietred, No objections were offered, either oral or written. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASS"',SaIE1iT STREET - E-MOVE TT NO 3 BIA^ CKTOPPING OF RUTLEDGE AVFdTE BEZME~it W.48TH . ST.. & BROOKSIDE AVE. MIEREAS, proposed assessment for, the cost of, the improvement of Rutledge Avenue between 1l. 48th Street and Brookside Avenue by Blacktopping has been dully filed zrith the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been published in the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota on September 16, 1948$ that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting; and this council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore, BE IT RESOLTED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed_ assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereb y adopted, and an assessment id hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots., pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal.annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1949, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Lairs of k nn. 1919. Motion for adoption of the vrere five ayes and no nays, Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, ATTEST--- r/ i Village Clerk Resolution was seconded by Willson. On Rollcall there as f oll.ows : Child, aye,' Palen, aye; Mills on, ape; aye; and the Resolution was adopted* _ .President of the Village -Co cif Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing- Street Improvement No. 4, ", published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 16, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for uhich eras read by Clerk, President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for the Blacktopping of Bedford Avenue between Interlachen Boulevard and W. 51st Street. Tabulation of Assessment, in total amount . of k$1,543074 ., or 31.32 per assessable foot, was reviewed, Messrs, T. R. Wagner., B.E. jli1l.iams., G.S. Wheaton., D. S. Taber, and D. V. Pepper e_camined the assessment roll. There here no objections offered, either oral or written, H atrthorne offered the follmring Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUI'"`C. ON ADOPTING ASSESSIZUT S , i 211PROVE"IMT VTO. 4 BL1CYffOPPIPrx OF BEDFORD AVM M, , BETI;IFFd'. MTERLAGHEN BOULEVARD AiiD I1. 51ST STREL� 1hereas proposed assessment for the cost ,of the improvement of Bedford Avenue Between Interlachen Boulevard and :1. 51st Street by Blacktopping has.been duly filed with the.Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been filed in Hennepin .Gvwity ReviFTT, Hopkins, Minnesota on September 161 1948, that this Council trill pass upon said proposed,assessmeat "at this present meeting., and this council has met at the time and place specified in said notice., and heard.and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore., BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment tliich is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots., parts of lots., pieces, and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assess- ment levied against it herein; 1 1 9/27/48 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of .five .years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1949,,a11 deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum, Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, ]Laws of 1919. r T y Motion to adopt the Resolution was seconded by 'Willson, Or Rollcall there irere five ,ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye;, and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted„ ATTEPn Presi ent of the Village Council Village Clerk I Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hehring- Street -Improvement No„ 5,11' published. in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins., Hinnesota._on September 16, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for, which was read by Clerk, President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for Blacktopping of 11.56th Street between Wooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue, and St.,Johns Avenue between tfi, 56th Street and Oak Drive. Tabulation of Assessment was read. It was reported to Council that this proposed assessmen TAI t covers St. Johns.!-venue between . 56th Street and Lem ngton Avenue, instead of St.Johns Avenue between W ;56th Street and Oak Drive, as: ` published; and that.cost totals:$p ,364.76, instead of 03,357 =3.6 as published:; the assessable cost being $lfl3 per assessable foot against 2,977,66 assessable feet.. There were no written or oral objections to assessment„ Hawthorne offered the follo_ wing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADCPTING ASSESSMT STREET I1JTR0MMTT _ NO. _ 5 BLAACKTOPPING OF W. 56ai STREET BE'IWE'EN'WOODDALE AND CONCORD ` AVENUES; ST.JOHN_S'AVaTUE BETl W.56TH ST. AND. LEXINGTON AVENUE WHEREAS, proposed assessment for .the..cost of the .improvement of ' the following streets by Blacktoppinig: W.56tit Street between Wood-dale Avenue and Concord .Avenue St.Johns Avenue between W.56th Street and Pak Drive has been duly filed �ith_the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been published.in Hennepin_County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota., on" September 16; 1948 . that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this.Council has met at the time and place speci- fied in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, noi-r therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, the title of which is amended to read: "STREET INtFROVUMT NO. 5 - V.56th Street between Wooddale Avenue and Concord Avenue; St.John.s Avenue between W.56th Street and Lexington Avenue" - Blacktopping: -.Cost 0 064.76_ i t which is hereby referredtto and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots,,.parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and - each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the�'amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1949; all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum. Said assessments and interest'shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized:. - b y Chapter 65, Laws of R Ydnn.es ota 1919* motion for adoption of Resolution was secc.ded'by Willson. On Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; T�i..11son., aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted* ATTEST • President of the Village Xuncii . V111.Age Clerk _ 9/27/48 President called Public Hearing on proposed assessment for Street Improvement No. 6- Construction of Curb and Gutter on S•i.56th Street from Slooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue; St.Johns Avenue from W*56th Street to Lexington Avenue. Affidavit of Publication in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, September 16, 1948, of "Notice of Assessment H earing," was read by Clerk. It was brought out in discussion that the location of the improvement -iras published in error, reading in part - "St.Johns Avenue from ;•1. 56th Street to Oak Drive, n and that cost was published as s07,325.04, trhereas actual assessable cost is_�6,848.62, against 2,977.66 Assessable Feet, or X2,30 per assessable foot; this last being a correction in assessment after publication. No objections to assessment trere presented. H awthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPT -MG ASSESSMENT STREET DFROVEMT No. 6 CONSTRUCTIOV OF CURB AND GUTTER. W-56TH STREET, TTQODDAIE .AVENUE TO CONCORD AVENUE:.ST..JOHNS AV.EM, W. rSTREET TO IMMMOIJ AV WE MEEtEM - proposed assessment for the cost .of the improvement of the follotring streets by constructiorr.of curb and gutter therein: "T. 56th Street from Wooddalce Avenue to Concord Avenue St. Johns Avenue from V4 ,56th Street to Oak Drive has beentduly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, KLnnesota, on September 16, 1948, that this Council wM, pass upon said proposed- assessment at this present meeting; and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upow all objections thereto, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment amended to read as follows: "Street Improvement No. 6 - W *56th Street from Wooddale Avenue to Concord Avenue; St.Johns.Avenue from 11-56th Street to Lexington Avenue - Curb and Gutter -- Cost of Construction _ '])6,155.20 Less Curb Radius Paid by Tillage 386.80 Assessable Cost of Construction X5,768.40 Plus 8% Engineering and Clerical 461.47 X6,229.$7 Plus 10% Contingencies: 618 %75 Total Assessable Cost $6,848.62 2,977.66 Assessable Feet - 02.30 per Assessable Foot, ". which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said = tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in•the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FMTHER IESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending Ever a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1949; all deferred payments are to -bear interest at the rate of five.(5) percent per annum. Said assessments and.interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified coneurreftt with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Mnn. 1919. ' Ilotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by WMson. On Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hatrthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted„ AT President of the Village Council �' age C1 rk Lrr. Tiullenmaster of I-IcLauohl.in laLUenmaster Rotrland -liay Co. presented statement in the amount of 01,650.07, for "Temporary Management of the Edina 11unieipal Liquor Store for the period. from August 34 1R48 to and enditg September 25, 1948." tMotion by H atrvhorne, approving statement for payment, and directing ,issuance of check (No.L187) was seconded by Child and carried. - �L 9/27/48 Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment H_.earing -Water Main Improvement No. 14,," published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota on September 16, 1948, President called public hearing on proposed assessment for construction of Water Main in the following streets: Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to South View Lane; South View Lane from Concord Avenue to Unity Avenue; Andrews Avenue from South View Lane to Lakeview.Drive; Dalrymple Road from South View Lane to Lake`vriew Drive; ` Woodhill Road from Wooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive;_ Lakeview Drive from Woodh:LU Road, thence South and Westerly to Unity Avenue. Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Ass.$ssment Hearing was read by Clerk. Tabulation of Assessment, amended to read Total Assessment 00,116.91; total assessable footage 9,324:12; Assessment per Assessable Foot. - ��3.23, was read„ No. objections to assessment were filed, either oral or written. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption.- RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSIvNT TrTATER. MAIN IIERO 1 VENT N0.14. I'MEREAS proposed assessment .for• .the ' .cost .of..improving the following streets; Concord Avenue, from Tower Street to South View Lane; South View Lane, from.Concord Avenue to Unity Avenue; Andrews Avenue, from South View Lane to Iakevietir Drive; Dalrymple Road, from South View Lane to Lakeview Drive; Woodhill Road, from Wooddale Avenue to Lakeview Drive; Lakeview Drive, from foodhill Road, thence South.and Westerly to Unity Avenye ' by construction of Village Water Main Extension therein has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has 'been published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins,.Binnesota on September 16, 194$, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard-and passed upon all objections thereto, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment, amended to read Total Assessment $30,116.91; total Assessable Footage 9,324.12; Assessment for Assessable Foot - X3.23, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an.assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sumsktherean respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to'be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FURTHER *RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extend :ig . over a period of ten years, `the •first to be. payable on the first day of June, 1949; all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chdp'ter 425, Laws of Minn. 1921. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child. On Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; H awt)�orne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and 'the Resolution wars adopted. ATTEST President of the Village Coun Till ge Clerk Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing -Water Main Improvement No.15,11 published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, %linnesota," on September 16, 194$, Affidavit of Publication for zrhich was read by Clerk, President called public hearing on proposed assessment for cost of construction of water main in France 'avenue between Wo 58th and W. 60th Streets. Tabulation of Assessment, in total of X9,858.97 for construction plus P613.12 for connection charge to Peder Mi.ckelsen Water Main, or s$,4 27 per assess- able f dot, was read. Messrs. S. C. Rekdahl and Harry Swenson were present and examined the assessment roil. No objections were filed with Council. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: r x..52 9/27/48 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT I- TER IM IMPROMMIT N0.15 YB DICE AMUE BETMN 1-1.58TH AND W. 60TH STREET IH MEAS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of. France Avenue between IT. 58th Arld I.T. 60th Streets by construction of Village Water 1lain Extension therein has been duly filed .•rith the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, X nnesota, on September 16, 190, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard 'and passed upon all objections thereto- now.therefore, BE IT P,ESOLV��,D by the Village Council of the Village.of Edina that said pro- posed assessment, z?ni.ch is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the suns therein respectively set forth.' and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FURIM RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending. over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 191+9; all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent frith general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425, La-vm of I-a n. 1921. Motion for adoption of-Reso1utlon was seconded'by Child; and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson., aye; Hawthorn, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. AT President of the Village ffl6uncil Village Clerk ' Pursuant to "Notice of :assessment Hearing Water Main Improvement No. 16," published in Hennepin County Review, H opkins,'Ibmnesota, on September 16, 194$, Affidavit of Publication for i -fnich was read by Clerk, public hearing was held on proposed assess- ment for construction of Crater main extension in V456th Street from Zenith Avenue to York .lvenue and in York avenue from We 56th Street to ITT. 58th Street. Tabulation of Assessment in total amount of X9,944.24 for construction plus X600.50 for connection to Peder Mckelsen I•Tater Main- -grand total $10,544 -74, or :;4-39 per assessable foot•, eras read. Ih?. C. Be Eizea, 5621 York, inquired as to method of assessment and stated that he would not have constructed his well if he had known Crater main was to be,, constructed so soon. No objections, oral or written, ti:ere filed against assessment. Hatrthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adopi;;ion: RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSrMST I- LITER MIN ITK'ROVIRMIT NO.16. W.56T1i sST.- ZL`rdITH 'AVE.TO YORK AVE. YORK AVE. ST.56TH. ST. TO W.58TH ST. I•RUMIS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvem�t of the following streets by construction of Village I ater Blain .Extension therein: I•T.56th Street between Zenith and York Avenues York Avenue between ;1.56th and 1-1-58th Streets has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection and notice has been published -n Hennepin County-Review., Hopkins, Iiinnesota, on September 16, 1948, that this Council z-,rill pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified- in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto, now therefore, - BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said proposed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots,`parts of loos, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and- each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein* Ic BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first to be payable on the f first day of June, 1949; all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five.(5) 1 9/27/48 153 (5) percent per annum.. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425, Lairs of 121 nn. 1921. Ilotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, On Rollcall, there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne,, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution bras adopted„ ATTEST' %� President of the Village CgLIhQil Village Clerk President called Public Hearing on Water Main Improvement No, 17 Assessment, pursuant to "Notice of Assessment.Hearing,11 published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, 11innesota, on September 16, 1918, Affidavit of Publication for which was- read by Clerk. Tabulation of Assessment in total amount of $2,584.04, or $5,37 per Assessable Foot, inras read. Messrs. Boris Pewowaruk and Orville Ross were present at the Hearing. No objections were filed to assessment. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSESSIMiT WATER, MAIN TI1'ROMMIENT NO.17. TO SERVE LOTS 7 TO Ili., INC. BLOCK 11 SOUTH HARRIET PARK SECCKD ADDITION , IffOMS proposed assessment for the cost, of the improvement of Lots Seven to Fourteen, inclusive, B lock One, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition by construction of Village Water Train Extension to serve said lots, has been duly filed vAth the Village Clerk and _open to public inspection and notice has been published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota on September 16, 1948, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this,present meeting; and this council has met at the time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon all - objections thereto, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said pro- posed assessment which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against it herein: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal, annual installments extending over a period of ten years,<the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1949; all-deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5) percent per annum. Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the property therein specified concurrent irith general taxes as authorized by Chapter 425 , Laws of lam. 19214 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child. On Rollcall there were f1vve ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, ,aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye;-and the Resolution eras adopted. ZTTEST: President of of the Village uncil Village Clerk Pursuant to "Notice of Assessment Hearing - Sanitary Sewer District No, 21," published in Hennepin County :Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 16, 1948, Affidavit of Publication for wInich was read by Clerk, President called public hearing on proposed assessment for cost of construction of sanitary sewer in France Avenue between W*5$th and W.60th Streets. Tabulation of Assessment in amount of X11,281,41, or 4,60 per assessable foot, was reviewed.. Messrs, S. C. Rekdahl and Harry Swenson were present and e.ed the assessment rolls. No objections were filed, either oral or written. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION LEVYING ASSESSMENT FM SE`VM SANITARY SEINER DISTRICT NO. 21 - FRANCE AVENUE BETWM.'fT 58TH & w.60TH STS. t]HEIMS, pursuant to notice published in. the Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, 11innesota, on September 16, 1948, the Village Council has met and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for -construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewer in Sanitary Sewer District No. 21 in France Avenue from W.58th to 11.60th Street, now therefore. 9/2-7/x•$ BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of .Edina that said proposed. assessment is hereby affirmed and adopted and shall constitute the special assessment against t he,lands named therein, - -and each lot, piece, or ,parcel of land included'in said assessment is hereby found to.be benefited by said improvement in the amount,of the assessment levied against it, BE IT FUR IER 19SOLVED that such assessments shall be payable in equal : annual installments over a.period of ten years, the first of said installments to be payable on the first day of June, 1919, and succeeding installments on the first day of June in each year thereafter until the full amount of said assess- ment is paid. Said special assessment and each installment thereof shall bear lnteresfi at the rate of five (5) percent per annum -until fully paid, said interest to be computed from the date of this resolution. Said special assess- ment frith accruing interest thereon shall be a paramount sl.ien upon the property included therelm from.the time of the adoption of this resolution and shall ramain such lien until fully paid, as authorized by Chapter 312, Lairs of Minnesota 1903, as amended; and _ BE IT FUR1MER RESOLVED that the Clerk of the Village is hereby directed to make up and file in the office of the County Auditor a certified statement of the amount of such unpaid assessments and the _ amount of interest which frill be due thereon; and BE IT WRTHER RESOLVED that all moneys collected on any such special assess- ments shall constitute -a fund for the payment of the cost of said improvement for the district for which such assessment was made, and the same sh1l. be credited to the proper sewer district fund under the designation: Fund of Sewer District No, 15, said Sewer District Np. 15 being a part of the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund of the Village of ,Edina. Motion for adoption of the Resolution tra.sseconded by Child, On Rollcall. there ware five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. .President of the Village 96uncil Village Clerk Messrs. R. J. Kitchell and R. R. Charles inquired as to chat work is to be done on Choi-Ten Avenue between Beard and 11-57th Street this year. They asked that road be filled and graded sufficiently to guarantee snow removal maintenance this wLnter and especially requested that manhole (which is elevated above present street) be lowered, or street filled around it, in order that traffic hazard be eliminated. Also inquiring about Blacktopping which had been promised far the ,street, gentlemen were informed that contract for Blacktopping had been let, for a part of the street but that no bids had been received for the Brookline portion - -South 130 feet. Council promised to have definite report on proposed work jrithsn the, next few days. x Messrs. latchell and Charles also requested a street sign for the intersection of Beard and Chowen Avenues, and were told that this sign would be ordered with the next large order of signs. Zr, Harry Hansen, 5221 W. 56th Street, requested that permanent grade be established at fii.56th Street and Bernard Place, and that W, 56th Street from Railroad Tracks to Z7essex be put to permanent grade, 12r* Hansen Bras asked to circulate petition for improvement, and offioe was instructed t o prepare petition for Mr. Hansen. - r - Mr. Lewis Jones requested maintenance of Gleason Road, Dublin. Road and 1•1.7Oth St. to Cahill Stores in order to afford better trafel for school busses. Public Storks Chairman I illson promised such maintenance -a.s soon as blacktopping program is finished Village Attorney slindhorst reported that, in connection with the Village condemnation of property for South Vie:•r Lane, - conmi.ssioners appointed to appraise property have awarded $2,000 to Hansen ,and Parks, and yp2 .,20O to Independent School District No. 17. No action by Council. c 0 , i1 Q/27/48 1 55 Petition dated September 7, 1948, requesting grading of Jefferson Avenue between Maloney Avenue and Be:bnore -Lane, and signed by Alvin K. Kostecka and others was read. Willson's motion accepting petition and setting Public Hearing on same for Monday, October, 111 194$, was seconded by Child and unanimously carried. Discussion was had as to audit for Edina Municipal Liquor Store. President Cooper called for action dismissing present auditors. Hawthorne moved that Clerk be directed to notify McLaughlin Mullenmaster Rovrland liay Co. that their employment as auditors for the accounts of the Edina Municipal Liquor Store is terminated effective as of completion of business for month of September 30, 194$. , 'Motion seconded by Palen and unanimously carried. Hawthorne moved that Minnesota State Public Examiner be retained to audit books of Edina Municipal Liquor Store, effective October 1, 1948. Motion seconded by Child and carried. _ Office requested to contact State Public Examiner's office to ascertain: 1. Hovr often audits can be made. Whether they will be able to take physical inventory of liquor stock as of October•l. Office reminded Council that formal request has not yet been made to State Examiner's Office for audit of Books of Village for year 1948. Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION REQUESTING AUDIT BY S T ATE PUBLIC EYk,1INER . OF V>LLAGE OF EDINA BOOKS FOR_ t YEAR 1948 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that formal request be made.to.the Minnesota State Public Exam:i.nerts Office, for an audit of the books, records, accounts and affairs of said Village of Edina for the year 194$, said audit to be made as soon as possible after January 1, 1949. Motion for adoption of Reso were five ayes and no nays, Hawthorne; aye; and Cooper, ATT Vi ge Clerk lution was seconded by Hawthorne. On Rout all there as follows: Child, aye; Palen, -aye, Willson, aye; aye; and the Resolution was adopted. President of the Village C cil. County Auditor' s-notification, dated September 16, 1948, that the 11N.60 ft. of 5.130 ft. of E.57 Ft,, of Lot 2, Block-5., Woodbury Park Near Lake Harriet is tax delinquent, was read. Motion by Hawthorne, referring letter-to Park Board for their recommendations was seconded by Palen -and carried: Clerk read September 27th letter of H.A. Bachman, 3121 W. 56th Street, serving notice of his intention to file suit against Village Council and Village Engineer for alleged damages sustained'because grade established on W.56th Street west of Xerxes Avenue allegedly does not provide for proper drainage. Hawthorn's motion that letter be filed was seconded by Palen and carried. a Attorney Windhorstis opinion dated September 22, 1948,.setting forth Council's powers to limit truck traffic -on Schaefer Road, was read. While no formal action was taken, office was requested to ask Mr. Carl. Hansen to limit speed of. heavy trucks working at his building projects- in ParloTood Knolls. September 25, 1948 report by Mr. Charles J. Lund, General Manager of Fire Under - vrriterts Inspection Bureau, as of affect on 'insurance rates of cancellation of Hopkins and Minneapolis fire protection contracts, was read. Hawthorne's motion, that Council notify City of Hopkins that Edina will not renew contract %Qr,fire protection, and that Council request Hopkins�to. consider entering into reciprocal service contract faith =Edina, Richfield and St,Louis Park, was seconded by Palen and,.unan=ously carried. Action on possible cancellation of Minneapolis contract for_fire protection was tabled pending report by Hawthorne at next meeting. B ids taken September 13, 194$, for snow plow for Diamond T. Truck, were reviewed. Motion by Willson, accepting bid of George T. Ryan .in amount of 4 510.00, for 1Tausau Plow, was seconded by Child and carried.. 9/27/48 The follozring Ordinance, drafted by Attorney Windhorst at instructions of Councils had its first reading, after which Hawthorne ofXered Ordinance for adoptions moving that Council dispense frith second reading: AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE OR DEIZVEFX r • X > OF TNTOYICATING LIQUM AT OFF SALE 1,11THIN,THE VTLIAGE OF EDINA, IMH CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS AND PROVIDING PENALTY FOR VIOLATION MUMOF The Village Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows: Sec,.l. Fqr the purpose of this ordinance delivery of possession and sale of intoxicating liquor shall be deemed to.occur at the place at vhich a purchaser accepts possession of the intwdcating liquor from the seller thereof or from his agent or employee. If the purchaser of intoxicating liquor permits the seller thereof or any employee or agent of such seller.to retain or reacquire possession thereof, the place of delivery of possession and sale for the purpose of this ordinance shall be deaned to be the place at which possession of such intoxicating liquor is thereafter redelivered to the purchaser. The term ttpersonO as used herein shall include any individual, partnerships corpo3Zation_or municipality and shall include tie municipal liquor store established pursuant to an ordinance adopted by this council on April 5, 191$. Sec. 2. Intozi.cating liquor shall not be sold or possession thereof delivered irithi.n this Village by any person ho7Lding a license for the sale of intoxicatin g liquor at off sale issued by any municipality, by any municipal liquor store, in- cluding the municipal liquor store established by this council zrithin the Village of Edina, or by any agent or employee thereof, except on the premises in the Village of Edina occupied by the municipal liquor store of this Village. Sec.'3. No person shall sell or deliver possession, cause to be sold or delivered, accept for delivery or sale or purchase or accept delivery of possession of any into Beating liquor contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 4- This ordinance shall not apply to deliveries of intoxicating liquor by wholesale liquor dealers, warehousemen or breweries to the municipal liquor store in. the Village of Edina or to deliveries'by such municipal liquor store to a trholesale liquor dealer or to deliveries to any clubs holding a liquor license issued by this council. Sec- 5. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not to exceed X100 or by imprisonment for not to exceed 90 days. Sec. 6.. This ordinance ,shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication. Hawthornets motion for dispensing of second reading, and adoption of Ordinance ivras seconded by Child. On Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; jIillson,, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. AT s X President -, of the Villagg,Council Tillage Clerk r r Bids taken September 13 .,.1949, for Storm Sewer on W. 44th Street and North, were reviewed. It z-.-as reported that St.Louie Park's authorization had not yet been secured, and that easements had not. yet been signed. St.Loui.s Park's letter of September 17, denying obligation for any of the cost of this proposed storm seiner eras read. Child moved, delayin& action on awarding contract for Storm Sewer until October 11. Motion seconded by Palen and carried. T ' ,Engineer's recommendation for street lights to be placed as foll.ovis: 1. On 1•1.70th Street at entrance to new Cahill School; 2. In vicinity of Dearborn Street and Belmore Lane; 3. At Beard and W-55th or Z1.56th Street south.of Creek; 4. At Beard and 11.55th Street north of Creek - teas read. Childts motion authorizing Street Lights as recommended by Village Engineer, was seconded by Palen and carried] Engineer Smith's report - that he had hired John Costello, suth team and slip scraper, to remove earth dam from I-allpond, after trying unsuccessfully to secure permission from 1:r. Snyder, and Drs. Eitel and Swendseen to permit Village shovel .to go through their properties -.zras read and filed. I 1. .1 5 l 9/27/48 " Palen . moved that the payroll and, liquor, payr_611. be acc,,,epytedd a�}s. foilowst .vim.. a ot'.r'�'`d�.na- ,�r611 xor . * 26, through egb2 20, ]M NAME, • .=H.: E=3:n. -EMP. MAY,. -NM CLAM GQMIL EAMMW TAX. DEDUO -s, T_N�U' �Tt,4 IEt7[TGf1'g P1-,X w:. ..-.?+itiO Gene-Cooper, Mayor 6..80.00. 80 *00 2865. Bower Hauthorne, clerk 50:00 50 #00 X2866 George A. Willson trustee -60.00 r 60,00 2867 Fred S, Child$ trustee 60AM n 60100 2868 Uichard G• Palen, trustee 60,00 60 #00 2869 J. J. Duggan,.treasurer 50 *00 50.00 2870 John WL=orst, attorney 75.00 75.00* 2871 Ward B. IMds, judge 75 *00 :75:00 2872• Johm D. Neil -cn, spec.; judge 20.60 209W 28D Dr. IftM.Campbel1# HealthOff 30.f30„ 30,00 2874 56QjM..... ........................... ...SE { Phil W* Smith . 255.62 29.80 10.22 2.75 42wn W.85' 2875 Gretchen Schussler 138.04 16.50 5.52: 1.25 23:27 LU"77 2876 beernice Johnson 1..15.03 1:60 4.60 2.75 7.95 107.04 2877 Helene rresim 89.47 XgUM _ 9.7 0 3 *58 1.25 13.93 75.54 2878. Louise Westerberg 6 6 8 6 0 2879. . -fit., Try ' 74#85 . - - 59.20 ....26.99 ... 8ow .... 94.19 .... 580,66 , ^.�.iS�7:LL7.J.ttLi x Fred Jonas 120.14 5.80 4.51 10#61 109::53 2880. PU.iSCE 1)EPAI$ME t - e Glarence Knutson. 151.84 10000 6 #07 2975 18.82 133 +02 2881 Hilding Dahl 1,39,06 8;20 5.56 2+75 16 #51 =4j55, wa, s. Heydt 92.03 1.s40 3:68 2.75 7083 84:20 2883 Henry A* Wrobleaki JAS601 5:30 4#74 14.04 x#57 2884 Bert No Merfeld 118 *61 5,30 4:74 2.75 12:79 105'82 2885 William v. Hotboan 123.72 9*90 4.95 2.75 17.60 1A6,12T 2886 Uoyd McGary 116600 5400 _ 't0. .�-Ow . 50000. .11!:1)0 2 .mac - ...45#10....29.74 13 #75- ...88#59 771#28 859.87 b'TR T Vii" Phi Ap.Vailey.._ .. :138.44 x•940 5.52 -0- 9.52 X fWg*0,2 '. 288 Pete Uahlgren 125.26 io.50 5.41 2.75 18.26 0 2W9, IlatV . Merfeld 127,81 ,6:44 5.11 2.75 14.26 113#•55 x 2890 John Tracy 115:43 -*60 4:60 2i.,75 7:95. 10%M' 2891 Harry Jonas 115+03 4.70 4:60 2.75 :12.05. .M*�98 r 2892, Arthur Jensen 115 �60 4060 2.75 7 #95 147 #0 K 2$93 Ronald. Port 1:15.03 - 4.60 2 #75 7«35 10706 K 2894 4. W# Gardarelle 120 *1 20 9,15 110M 2895 971.37 .... 28.40... _. 38.8'4 19.25 86*49 , .. , 884. x 1►har1e94obnson , 107:98 17..70 - 4.32 2475 -14.77 93021 * 28% 88 Jacob Sbmaic_ 112. `4AO 4.52 8:92 103:96-, 2897 Wayne Tracy 103„ 48 "0 4.34 15,04 88«14 , 2898 Joseph Natole 103-. -48 7;20: 444 2.75 13..99 89.491 2899 Was H. Kell 2 12 $2 2900 .522.3 ©....3 .30....20.90.' 8.25 ... 65,45....456 5" TOUL GEIv 9AL FM 37 #53 174.680 121.29 49`25 345.33 336340) k ui� ��' WATFti W. beft woehler 178.94 '14.14 7416 2.75 24001 154,93+ 2901 San Roberts 127483.. x 6.40 5j1- 2.75 14:26 WA55, 2902, DhV�d Roberts k 60� "0. 8 2903 396. • '29 15 , 5.50....504.97....3456.7 x TClM PAYNALh 4105:26 204.44 137.15 AM 396-.30 37049 fi JZoU0jj SPCS. - Sept* 24 thr_mgh Sept 30s 1948 krank MEippley 52 58 x .. 3,30 3 *30= 79:.28 11ft k - x x K 9/27/48 Paleno s motion, fort approval ana paym=t pf the. following U1 aims, including the new bill of F1,650e07 for management of liquor stckre.to August 25, was seconddd by Hawthorne, anti . Carrlect: + jt U - 27 5 rNQ jorie, Wright 2766 Justus .caber (;o 2767 Bdina , vo1mbeer- F;Ixe Departaent 2765 loung ' Fuel vamps y 2769. - Go Je Hoigaard Co 2770 berg & Farnham. Uo 2771 Tropical Paint Co 2772 Hearne Bros 2773 Pak* Photo Service 2771 Edina Hardware 2775 X* I, Onstad 2776- Mill er -Havis 40 s 2777 xepub.Lic Greosoting Co 2775 Jay W. Uraig 00 , • 2779 Glacier rSand & Gravel 00 . }' 2780 Underwood, C.orporatibtu _ . 2751 a♦ A, Banens & Satz r 2782 Richfie.id Yardss Inc 2783 Gabriel -B u am _ 27% Edina Garage. 27$5._ Rosem ald- Coopers Inc 2M - Burroughs -Adding Xachine C* 2787 Asgard.Siga Go x 2791 Northwestern SeAA ;,Telephone Co 2795 Northern States over Go 2796- He A, Rogers i 2795 Saban Press 2800- City -Treasurei4tneapoli� - 2801. Ynnicipal. Equipment 00 x 281A A, J, Hantdn 2511 Mrs* Ra M, Scb ifit► 2812 Marie " 1)yregr0v= - - 2S.i,3 Yrss* Ah Weh :r 11 28j4 Mrs, Hei be t, DreW8 2515" Id's, Amita Senn R ,- 2816 Mrs* He Go- Weber 28i7- xrs, C3mnice�Hollingsworth 2S1$ -Mrso Percy Petersam r 2519 2frs, Aitht�r..Rushay 2520 Mrs, - HOWard VinSOR r 2821 Mrs, Ethel McCready 2822 Mrse Rmsell with { 2523 Mrs,`Haorge Jensen 2524 lira. Ruth Y OIX r 2525 Mrs* -mutt 640p f r 2826 -Mrs, : -PJma- 11=8 } 2827 Mrs, -Grace .Switzer 4. 2825 Mrs, Nora 5chauss 2529 Mrs, 2*817n WohiLrabe 2830 Mrs, Rollie l;, Mattsson 2831 Wrse Lo b4ler 2532 Mrs., George Ye8307 r 2833 . 'Mrs, dr, J, Duggan > 2534 mrs* B* .O* Amumm — 2M- Mrs, J�e �, velatuT : 2836 Mrs, Olga BP 2837 Mrs, Fred Xodlitc } 2835 Mr-se Join. H3crt 2839 Firs. ROY Wbr 254h Mips, iamis i, doges 284 ids, Hiida Bolter . 28112 Mrs, Frances Sonnenberg 2843 Mrs, Sigrid Westerberg 2844 Ws, Dorothea Obermeyer 2845 )Irs. Neille S'trate r AWJW �• .. ,1x50 - CF:t�Ii�AI. Ft]HI)`• 67.20 r t 35.7$ r A 32.50 x k 5.13 27.70 r a 32.50 x %2.x.5 TW 3:50 OF 657:15 r 9.96 2139.W t 559:7$ r t 449 53.54 x 975.40 x 27.00 1+01.67 25054 t o 7,20 - -� 23,87 x 29� - } X - -- } 12f5o i 14.80 , - - 13 :2480 }. 10480 x 10480 r 7 040 k 1i� 0*80 10;80 10.80 <' 0 t. x . k14�24 x 10.20 + a 73D© t 10,20 c x40 x x ♦,A *2O Y i ,o,20 1002, 20*20 12;20 t t y- c A ri k i t t y- t x t k x r Y r a A r s y- 1 .x_59 9/27/48 2846 Mrs. Lois Louis.. r 13,40 2847 Mrs. Gertrude Ewe . 11,40 2848 Mrs. M. P. Stark 11140 2849 Pars, 0, C. Link .11.40 - 2850 Mrs. Bertha-T. McCraney 11.40 2856 Tom Motzko Co:@pany� 5.75 2557 John-J. Balich 1240 2858 Chas..W. Jones 5.60 2559 E. C. Pfeiffer ti 655.62 2560 Sam Roberts 143.00 52020,.33 T 2792. Northern States Power Company 1,42 SgUR RENTAL- 2793 x Poucher Printing &bLith. Co -, 97 «50 - .y P. I. R, 2794 Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & B 300000 ... - 2796 H. A. Rogers 8,00 2797 Hennepin County Review - 4,50 - 2795 Suburban. Press x - .. 70.20 2799 Construction BulletAi 53..00 2857 Johm-J. Balich 42.00 2858 Chas, W. Jones 14,00 2561 x Phelps -Drake - 2,174,85 2862 Phelps Drake 7,539.52 2863 Phelps Drake 1,4$0.55 2861 Phelps Drake 12554.80 13,669,22 2788 Chas. Olson & Sons .65.81 EQUIKMgT RENTAL 2789 Firestone Stores 46360 ,... , 2790 Tiinn.eapoli.s Gas Company 5,92 2791 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 15.25 2795 Northern States Power Co 16,.02 2798 Suburban Press 00.00 2799 Construction B ulletin 15,20 2802 Wm. H. Ziegler Company 188.97 2803 Tri -State Bearing Company 1.33 2804 W. E. Lahr Company 591.72 2805 Reinhard Bros 35.70 ' 2806 International Harvester 14.20 2807 Hick's Shell Station 201 *20 2808 Brookside Service Station 196.52 2809 Edina Pure Oil 15.63 2851 Phillips Petroleum 44.33 2852 ,Hull - Dobbs 33.54 1,351 *,94 2853 Badger Meter Mfg Company 999.64 WkTER 2854 Northern States Power Company 481.53 2 855 Skasol Corporation 4.00 1,485.17 X24,558,08 L146 Northern States Power Company 36.42 ILQUC€t FUND L147 ' Clausen & Sons 105.45 1148 Ed Phillips & Sons 4453 :75 L149 Griggs Cooper 3,661.06 L150 'Distillers Distributing.Company 3,246.69 L151 Stidss Udine House 44#90 L152 House of Wines 19.40 L153 Famous Brands 257.91 L1-54 Geo. Benz Sons 176.23 z L155 Canada Dry Ginger Ale 87.44 r L156 Coca -Cola Bottling Co 33.88 L157 Seven -Up Bottling Co 30.40 L1.58 Rem. Distributing Co 71.99 L159 Purity Bevera%g Co 32.00 L160 McKesson & Robbins 1,261.54 1161 Old Peoria Company 38,00 L162 Ed Phillips & Sons 12820.56 L163 Pabst Sales Company 212.10 L164 Old Style Lager 31,40 _A ` t k ISO � 9/27/4$ Engineer's report, that Police Department would supervise installation of proper "Slozr" sins at intersection of .Beard and I1-55th Street, eras read and filed, ' Invitation to League of I- ;innesota.I.unigipalities regional meeting of October 120 1948, at Columbia Hezghtrz, eras read anq filed. Letter from I•t-H. Vilett of the Hilldale Association, requesting repair of streets and mowing of weeds on vacant property and park at intersection of Circle East and Division Street, was read. Public,11orks Chairman stated that streets tmuld be repaired as soon as blacktopping program is con�aleted.- y ` Engineer Smith's report dated September 21, as to Stop- and-Go Sign and 50th Street and ITooddale Avenue, was read; reporte stating, in brief, that: 1. Minnesota State Highway Department trill not allow install ati o'n of tray Stop - and -Go Sign at this corner. 2. Highway Department ;•rill allow regulat metal yellow -and -black "Stop" signs for traffic to stop before entering 11-50th Street, and Electric Flasher School Signal, to be used for stopping traff 'lc on IT.50th Street approaching ;•dood_dale, during hours when children are going to and from school. Discussion eras had as to advi.sabilLty of asking State Highway Department to re- route State Hi,htr3.y. !it this time Trustee Palen recommended that Ceuncil ` contact Hig7lqiray Department,, zrith request for them to rezone Highway No. 100 to 30- 1-2ale Zone for .two blocks on either side of new school at I•i.57th Street. Child's motion, appointing Messrs. Willson, Smith and Hawthorne as committee to confer with State Hi.ghi -my Department on various problems. confrontin;; Council, was seconded by Palen and carried. Assessment Roll for the cost of improvement of Thielen Avenue between North Village Limits and W. 44th Street, by construction of Curb and Gutter therein, was read by Clerk; Cost being j2,866.36, or X2.26 per foot for 1,265.3 assessable feet. Hawthorne offered the follovring Resbluti.on :: RESOLU^1IOlf SETTING ASSESSII;IIT IMIREIG CURB AND WTM - THI= AMAME S1 i T UTRUH-MIT. AIO. 7 IMMMS, pursuant to motion passed by the Edina Village Council July 12, 1948,,-a contract has been let for improvement of Thielen Avenue between the North Village Limits and I.444th Street Iy construction of Curb and Gutter therein; and the clerk tri_th the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, -vfnich proposed assess- ment is now on file frith the clerk and open-to public inspection, now therefore BE IT TESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work-of improving this street is hereby accepted and designated as Street Improvement Aloe 7; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County. Revietr, HoV. -ims, Minnesota., September 30, 1945, that this Council will meet on Ronday, October 11, 1945, at the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said curb and gutter improvement is determined to be 32866.36. J �J Liquor Fund (cont) L165 0. 11. Droney Beverage Company 540.35 1166 1anneapolis Bottling Company 61.20 L167 Morris Fruit Company 2.2.55 L168 1inneapolis Breiring Company, 92$.13 1169 Gluek Brewing Company 239.13 L170 Anheuser-Busch 84.25 , L171 Chaska B everage Company 131.95 L172 Carpenter Paper Company ,, 12032 L173 Sanitary Products Company 8*25 L174 Ilorthvmstern Bell Telephone, Company 22,20 L175 Hay & Stenson 1 t 400.00 , L176 Bates Electric Co *pang , 45.00 L177 Eddie's To-m & Country Laim Service 37,50 L175 Automatic Alarm Company_ t 24.30 L179 Kinneapoas Star & Tribune 24.64 L150 I :cLaughlin l• a lenraa$ ter Rowland flay Co T 26000 L151 Petty Cash - Change Fund T 77.36 L152 Petty Cash - Change Fund 67.33 , L156 . lIclaughl in liullenmaster Rowland -1 ay Co 260.30 L157 . �� tr �; r. a 1, 650.07 u17,741.30 Engineer's report, that Police Department would supervise installation of proper "Slozr" sins at intersection of .Beard and I1-55th Street, eras read and filed, ' Invitation to League of I- ;innesota.I.unigipalities regional meeting of October 120 1948, at Columbia Hezghtrz, eras read anq filed. Letter from I•t-H. Vilett of the Hilldale Association, requesting repair of streets and mowing of weeds on vacant property and park at intersection of Circle East and Division Street, was read. Public,11orks Chairman stated that streets tmuld be repaired as soon as blacktopping program is con�aleted.- y ` Engineer Smith's report dated September 21, as to Stop- and-Go Sign and 50th Street and ITooddale Avenue, was read; reporte stating, in brief, that: 1. Minnesota State Highway Department trill not allow install ati o'n of tray Stop - and -Go Sign at this corner. 2. Highway Department ;•rill allow regulat metal yellow -and -black "Stop" signs for traffic to stop before entering 11-50th Street, and Electric Flasher School Signal, to be used for stopping traff 'lc on IT.50th Street approaching ;•dood_dale, during hours when children are going to and from school. Discussion eras had as to advi.sabilLty of asking State Highway Department to re- route State Hi,htr3.y. !it this time Trustee Palen recommended that Ceuncil ` contact Hig7lqiray Department,, zrith request for them to rezone Highway No. 100 to 30- 1-2ale Zone for .two blocks on either side of new school at I•i.57th Street. Child's motion, appointing Messrs. Willson, Smith and Hawthorne as committee to confer with State Hi.ghi -my Department on various problems. confrontin;; Council, was seconded by Palen and carried. Assessment Roll for the cost of improvement of Thielen Avenue between North Village Limits and W. 44th Street, by construction of Curb and Gutter therein, was read by Clerk; Cost being j2,866.36, or X2.26 per foot for 1,265.3 assessable feet. Hawthorne offered the follovring Resbluti.on :: RESOLU^1IOlf SETTING ASSESSII;IIT IMIREIG CURB AND WTM - THI= AMAME S1 i T UTRUH-MIT. AIO. 7 IMMMS, pursuant to motion passed by the Edina Village Council July 12, 1948,,-a contract has been let for improvement of Thielen Avenue between the North Village Limits and I.444th Street Iy construction of Curb and Gutter therein; and the clerk tri_th the assistance of the engineer has calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for such improvement against every lot, piece, or parcel of land abutting upon such improvement as provided by law, -vfnich proposed assess- ment is now on file frith the clerk and open-to public inspection, now therefore BE IT TESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the said work-of improving this street is hereby accepted and designated as Street Improvement Aloe 7; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County. Revietr, HoV. -ims, Minnesota., September 30, 1945, that this Council will meet on Ronday, October 11, 1945, at the Village Hall to pass upon said proposed assessment; that the total cost of said curb and gutter improvement is determined to be 32866.36. J �J Q"/2-7/48 I-lotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rol1ca11 there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resoluti on,was adopted. President of the Village ouncil Village Clerk Clerk read Tabulation of Assessment for -cost of improving W. Sunnyslope Road from an existing.mahhole located 270 feet north of W. 50th Street to a point 200 feet more or less,South of said manhole; cost being X1,896.56 orx$3.42 per assessable. foot. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT NO. 22 WHEREAS the engineers .selected .by .the Village .Council .have calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for sewer constructed in West Sunnyslop e Road from an existing manhole located 270 feet North of West 50th Street, to a point 200 feet more or less, South of said manhole, in Sanitary Sewer District No. 22, and have calculated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of land abutting upon said portion of said street; and a + tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Clerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village Council at this present meeting, held not more than ten days after the fileing thereof, now therefore," x BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council' of the Village of Edina that the total cost of said sewer-is hereby determined to be $1,896.564 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Clerk is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, on September 30, 194$, that the Village Council will pass . upon said proposed assessment at its next regUar session, to be held at the Village Hall, 11onday, October 11, 1948, at 8 :00 P.M. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; 'Palen., aye; Willson.,'. aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted, ATTES President of the Village Courgil Village Clerk, Clerk'read Tabulation of Assessment for cost of improving Halifax Avenue between South`lot'line of Lot 23, Block 1, Sout1j Harriet Park Second Addition and an existing manhole at W.52nd.Street and Halifax Avenue by construction of Storm Sewer'therein; cost being 07,692.95, or $.0125$ per square foot. Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PROPOSED ASSESS "TENT y FOR-STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. 15 Wtf�REAS. the engineers .selected .by. the_.Village .Council .have .calculated the proper amount to be specially assessed for Storm Seiner constructed in Halifax Avenue from the South Lot Line of- Lot�23, Block One, South Harriet Park Second Addition to the existing.Storm Sewer Manhole at 52nd Street. and Halifax Avenue in Storm Sewer District No: 15, and have calculated the amount to be specially assessed against each lot, piece or parcel of'land in said District;. and a tabulation thereof has been duly prepared and filed with the Clerk in duplicate as a proposed assessment, and has been laid before the Village.Council at this present meeting, held not more than ten days after the filing thereof, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED` by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the total cost of said sewer.is hereby determined to be ;7,692.95• $E IT FUR TIER RESOLVED that said proposed assessment is hereby approved and the Clerk. is directed to cause notice to be published in Hennepin County Reviev.. • on September 30, 194$, that the Village 6ouncil will pass upon said proposed assessment at its next regular session to be held at the Village Hall on Monday, October U., 1945, at $1.00 P.N. 162 9/27/48 Ilotion for adoption of the Resolution zras seconded by Child. On Rollcall there were five apes and no nays, as follotrs: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. kT;7FPresident of the Village 96inicil Village Clerk Mr. Joseph Craig's request for easement over the ten feet of property now otmed by the Village adjoining the Nallace property at 2larket Street, apprwAmately ten feet east Crest by 20 feet north- south, was read. This easement is regmsted for purpose of crossing by car or on foot. Child moved that request be granted. 1,otion seconded by 11illson and carried& r Letter of thanks from Officers Merfeld and Hoffman, for Council's letter of commendation and the granting of. one day's vacation to each of the officers, ..tras 'read and filed. HairVhorne's motion, that Village advertise for bids for sufficient supply of gasoline, lubricating oil and fuel oil for the balance of the year, was seconded by Child and carried, 1.r. Nillson reported complaints received as to Ym. Donald r,eClellan's operating" commercial business in residential zone noise, bright lights, and damage to garden. No action by Council. Hawthorne moved for adjournment. Ilotion seconded y Child and c rried, x Village Clerk I-MT l'ES OF EM SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ` EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD 110,7=9 OCTOBFI; 11, 1948, AT. 7 :00 P.1 , AT ,THE EDINA VILLAAE HALL Pursuant to due call and notice by the President, Council convened in Special Meeting at 7:00 P.M., October 11, to consider Village budget requirements for the. year 1949. All members of the Council were presont. After due consideration of 1948 income and expenditures, estimated income and needs for the year 1949, the following budget was compiled: BUDGET FOR THE 13AR 19 9 Estimated Income: Village Shared Taxes (Liquor and Cigarette) Licenses and Permits Court fines Departmental Service Charges liiscellaneous , Total Estimated Receipts and Income Estimated Expenditures; General Government _ Public Safety: Police Protection $22,350.00 Eire Protection 2,750.00 Protective Inspection —3,200200 Public Works Equipment Maintenance Sanitation & Waste Removal. Health Department Compensation Insurance Tree Trimming Contingencies Capital Outiv Total Estimated Expenditures- Gen.Pund General Fund Expenditures Over General Fund Income Plus Estimated Expenditures for Park.Board Purposes - Parks & Playgrounds, Skating Rinks and Land Plus Firemen's Relief Fund TOTAL ESTItdATED BUDGET FOR YEAR 1949 *067.50 $28,300.00 07,800.00 $23;000.00 2,800.00 36o.00 $ 1,800.00 2,500.00 $. 1,500.00 t24.600.00 486,727.50 $14,300.00 .12,345.00 3,000.00 7,900.00 1, -q 5.00 $40,890.00 X186. 27,`50_ $145 :837 -50 10,450.00 522, 57 $156,810.07 At this time Special Meeting- was adjourned to Regular Meeting of October 11,1948, by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Palen and unau nsly Carrie . ,,;:: 75/0 Village Clerk