HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481011_SPECIAL9/27/46 Hotion for adoption or" the Resolution vas seconded by Child, five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, aye; and %he Resolution was adopted, On Rollcall there were Child, aye; Palen, aye; kKU.son, aye; Hairbhorne, IZresident of the ViI.bge Func5.l Er, Joseph Craig's request for easement over the ten feet of property now owned by the Village adjobing -the i.TaLlacc property at Zarket Street, appro;dmately ten feet east-vest by 20 feet north-south, was read. "his easement is requested for purpose of crossing by car or on foot. Cud moved that request be granted. Kotion seconded Letter of thanks from Officers Nerfeld and Hoffman, for Council~s letter of c*omnenda%ion and the grancing of, one day's vacat&on to each of the officers, .was 'rezd and filed, Hawthornets motion, that Village advertise for bids for sufficient Supply of gasoline, lubricathg oil and fuel oil for the balance of the year, was seconded by Child and carried. c by TJiUson and carx5edr t- 8 1'Jillson reported complaints received as to Hr, Donald fiicclellanfs operating commercial business in residential zone-noise, bright lights, and damage to gasden. No action by Council. 1. Hawthorne moved for adjournment, &lotion ** Village Clerk 1 ptul.snant to due call znd notice by the President,-pouncil convened in Special Meeting at ?to0 P.M., Octiober 11, to consider Village budget requirements for the year 194% 853 znembers of the CouncZl were presont. .Mt,Fr due ConsideratAon of 1948 income and expendihres, estimated income and neeas for the yea 1949, the following budget was compiledt mET FOR !PED2 19Q Estimated Income: Pznage shared 9ses (Liquor and Cigmette) $14,300 .OO uCmS8S and PBatS .12,345.00 Departmental Service Chargas 1-iiscellzncous Estima%ed ZxpntUtures: Fnb1i.c Safety: I Couxt Bines 3,000.00 '7,900.00 3 000 t lota zstbtea Beceipts mi Income $40%.0* General Government - W,067* 50 Police Protection $22,350 .OO Protective 1nspect;ion 3.200.00 $28,300.00 Fire Protection 2,750.00 Public Works $57~800.00 Equipment Maintermace $23;000,00 Sanitation & Waste Removal @ 2,800.0O Health Depmf;men% $ 360.00 Cornpensetion Insurance $ ft,8OO00O Contingencies 5; 1,500000 CaDital Outlay - . $24.600.00 liree Trimming 8 2,500000 10tal Est-tea mt&ituses-0sn.Fzlad $186,?27,50 $186.727.50 General Fund lJspenditures Over General 3und Income . @45,837*50 10 ,rCjO*OO Pls Firemen's Belief Xuna 522.52 $156,810007 Plus Estimated Expenditures for Pa& Board Purposes- PS~S e: ~laygronnds, skatw RWCS ma Lana ; 'POTPBI, Es'PXNA!D3D BWXE ZW XWR 1w I , At this time Special I4eeting Vas adjomed to Regular Neeting of October 11,1948, 3y Blotion Haahorne, seconded by Palen ana .- Village Clerk