HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481025_REGULARr, MZaates of Regular Meeting o210ctober 1ls 1948, :were apptoired as subnitted,
by Motion Willson, seconded by Child and carried.
Chairman Hoyard Clark and Men$eg Hermap E. Strachauer of the Board of Park Gomissloners appeared to request. Gounc%l, to withhold agproval of Ghe Bloomberg
Preliminaky~Slat-mti1 furthe; park dedication is made, They asked that five 1
!ots bosderMg Park Place be dedfcgted; and als6 an easegent along Creek.
Gentlemen WeTe infoqed that @ouncfl had referred Prelim$m.ry Plat back to
the Planabg Cobniss3osL with request that Commission consider Park Soardts
request. I f
Discussion was had wLth regard to acpisition of certGn properties between
JnCerXachea Boulevard znd "l3ast Wirror Lakes in Edina," with Park Board
asked to bring tMs matter before the P&anning Commission at their next meetsng,
for their recornendation,
Child; s motion approvhg the following Village Payroll was seconded by Willson
and carried;
i* r .-
-. -* PA~ROUJ 30R FERIOD OCIOBII& 15-31. 1948
Gene Dooper. $ 8O.OO .I Bower Hawtthprne I. 50.00
$ 80.00 '3027
, 50.00 3028
George. A.Willson .60.00 60,OO 3029
Fred S, Child 60.00 60.00 3030
Richard 0,Palen 60.00 60,oo 3031 a. J.-'DU&p,n 50.00 50",0 3032
John Windhimst 75.00 75.00 3033
John D. Belson ,lO,OO 10.00 3035 ?r.L.M. Cmpbell 30,oo 30.00 3036
Ward 3. Lewis * 75.00 75.00' 3034
Subfcotal $550.00 $ 550*00
Phil V. Smith $&5.62 $ 29.80 $ 10.22 $ 2.75 $ 42.77 "$212,85 3037 Gretchen SchuGsler ,138,04 , 16.50 , 5-52 , 1.25 , 23.27 ,124.77 " 3038
Bernice Johnson b15*03 .60 4.60 2.75 7.95 107.08 3039
Helene areeman < 89.47 9.10 3.59 1.25 13.93 75.54 304.0 Louise Westerberg 76,69 3.20 3.07 -0- 6.27 70.2 3043.
3red Jonas ' $120.3.4 5.80 4.81 -0- 10.6L 109.53 3042
Clarence &utson4 $151.84 10,OO 6.07 2-75 - 18.82 133.02 3043
&lding Dab1 , ,139 06 8,20 5.56 2.75 16.51 122.55 301011.
't3in. S. Heyd% I 92-03 1.40 3.68 2.75 7.83 84.20 3045
Henry MI Wrobleski J18.61 5.30 4.74 -0- 10,04 108.57 30166
Bert M, Merfeld ,118.61 5.30 4-74 2.75 12.79 105.82 3047
subyfco tal $ $24.85 59.20. 26*99 8.00 94.19' 580.66
william V. Hoffman ~23.72 9.90 4.9s 2.75 ~7.60 106.12 30M
Lloyd McGary .116,00 5,OO 4- 2.25 7.25 108.75 3049
s-I! rn~rnGm;BR
Su+Total. 8,859.87 $45'10 $29.74 $16.00 $90.84 $769JJ3 *
Phili~ Bziley - $138.04 ' $4-00 ' $5.52 ' -0- '$9052 $128.52- 3050
Pete Dahlgren ,,12~.26 J.O.50 ,5.01 2.75 $8.26 ,107*00 3051
Matt Merf eldl .127,81 - 6-40 5.11 2.75 14.26 113.55 3052:
Harry Jensen .c 115 03 4.70 4.60 2,75 12.05 X02.98 3054
Sob lPracy *115*03 -60 4.60 20 75 7.95 107.08 3053
Arthur Jensen J15,03 ,60 4.60 2-75 7.95 107.08 305s
Ronald Port a 115 43 -0I 4.60 2*75 7.35 '107.68 3056
C, w, Cardarelle ,120.14 1.60 4.80 2.75 9DlS 110*= 3057
.. -- SubIPotal $9'&37 $28.40 $38.84 $19025 $86.49 $884.088
(COET~ OX lEElX!T Ph t '- ..
v., .. .. -
Charles Johnson- $ 98.16
Jacob Swk 108.18
yayne ICracy ' 84.66
Joseph-Natole * 94.07 I@. H.-Kell 77.30
SubZotal $%2.37 FOTb GbBUIi FUND $3638.60
~~~-DEP~.~'P . *. Ben lioehler $178.94 Sam Roberts ,127.81
$ -6~50 $:.3:93 $ '2;75 $ 1328
, 3.80 4.33 , , 8.13
8.50 3.39 11.89 5.90 r 3.76 2.75t 12.41
3,20 3.09 2.74 9.04
$27.90 $18.50 8.25 9.65 166.40 $18.88 51.50 336.781
14.10 - 7.16 . 2.75 ZJ+.O~
6.M 5.11 2.75 14.26 Dmid Boberts 81-80 8.00 3.27 11.27 70.51 3065 . 388.55 28.50 15~54 5.50 49.54 339.01 bm~ nop~ PAYROLL 4027.15 ig4,go 134,42 57.00 386.32 364Q.83
-Julius A. Scu, State Ireas. - Retirement Fund Assn. 280.20 a3066
Midlvld National Bank - Withheld %xes .. 430-40 3067
Minnesota Hospital Service Assn. 57.00 3068
Child8s motion for zpprovd - of the following Liquor Store Payroll was seconded by
Palen and carried: -
Frank F, Kippley- $178.94 5.80 7.16 12.96 165198 Up3
Edtrard_D.. Ryan 177.02 17.70 6.92 %.62 148.40 $194
&TAL PAYROLL $351.96 '$23.50 $14.08 . $3733 $314.38 -
-Nilurn< Hatior& Bznk - Tfithheld Tkes $29030 &I95
Julins-A. Schmzhl, State Ireas. - Retirement Fund Bssn. ,23.08 L196
Pdenis motion approvbg the following Claims for payment was seconded by child
an& c-ried', ..
CLAD4 XO. -* @mi!l! GEMERAlt FUND
2955 2956 2957 2958
2959 2960
2961 2962
2963 2964
2365 2966
2967 2968 2969 2970 2990 2991
2992 2993 2995
2996 2998 2999
3003 3005 3006 3008
3OU 3012
$- 10.00
'. 2.55
29 085
* 1.90
' 10.00
3.04.J46 - 60.32
1 ,a99045 43.00 - 7.02
25.00 - 25.00
' 3.90 - 48.20
*738.50 - 7.15 - 6.00
* 5.81
- 16.20
1,121.40 - 51.30 - 6.65
2,697. 00 406.93
T 100.00
123.40 287000 382.00
40 037
+ 70.30
CLAIM xo, AMoum’p GENEEAL 3”Yl 3025 Joha J. Balieh
3026 Sulmr%an Chevrolet , 780.20 $ 3040 L% 1
TOTAL &EN%& * 2”D $ 10,599.35 .- -.
5476 Village of Idha, P.1-Re muZd
* ._ .-
3009 Village of ldina - Water Department 3010 Northern States Power
3012 Miller-Davis CoqM
!EOTAL E&NTA% FEND ”. -.. .
2964 Republic Creosoting
2997 H. A, Rogers 2998 Suburban Press 2999 Construction Bulletin
3000 Hennepin Oounty Review
3006 Jay W. Craig Company 3007 H, Re Bui;%on 3008 @acier-Sand d Gravel Compzny
3014 Terry Zxcavating Company 3015 Vsctor Carlson 80 Sons * 3016 Collector of Inte5nal Revenue (Leo Lahti) 3023 Orfei &-Mariani -
3O2& Chase If. Jones
3025 John J. Bdich
- .e
Tql’sL PeXeR, FUND
... --. -- .
2972 Internationd. Harvester Company 2973 Northern Reo . 2974 Firestone Stores 2975 Western Windshield 2976 Phillips Petroleum
2977 Minneapolis Oas Company 2978 Leef Bros. 2979 George S, Ryan C6mpany 2980 Wm. He Ziegler Company
2981 W, E. Lzhr Comphy 2982 wm. H.-Ziegler Company 2983 S, 5, Rutherford Company
2990 Nosthwes tern Bell Selephone Company 2991 Norkhern States P6we.r Company 2992 American Linene Company
2993 Beinhard Brothers Co&&y
2994 Linde Air Producb Company
2996 adina Hardware 2999 Constrytion Bulleth
3000 Hennepin County Review 3017 Edina Pure Oil Company
3018 Shell Serklce Station 3019 Brookside Semi% Station
3021 Petty Cash 3022 ~ub~rban Chevrolet Company
(Substtea but not approved)
2971 A&dressograph-Hultigraph Corp. - 2984 Northern States Power compang
2985 Central Supply Company 2986 Ri chwell Mmufachring- Compapy 2987 Badger Meter Msuiufacturing Corny= 2988 Vernon C, Swanson 2989 S. J. Gunn
3003 ztown & dodiry Hardware
3004 Julius S~hmahl.,~ State Treasurer
3012 Miller-Davis Company ,
3021 Petty Cash
.. .
, 2.64.
. 25.20
51.30 X86.00
75.00 63.70
857.75 270-75 661&
2,078 35 36.M
$14.20 17 10
’ 87.88
9643 7*30 4.32
34m 47.30
10 e 31 15.25 11.86
2.25 7.60
223.67 4.52
. (70.00)
$ 119.75
’P.1.R. E”D .(.
$ 4,467.12
ilA!PER Dl3Pmm
~ $352.60- - ,601.08
21 -34
3e50 16.38 6.83
392.25 113.10
3012 MillemDavis Company
L197- Distillers Dis trilqting Company
$198 Phillips & Sons Company
L199 Origgs, Cooper & Coqany-
&ZOO Kelly Liquor Coqang-
L201 ' Thk HOGS& of, Wines, Lnc,
L202 &nous %rands; Inc..
L2O3 Barge Benz Sons, Inc.
L204 Swiss Wine House
4205 IicKesson 81 Robbins, Inc.
Lz06 Pabst Sales Compaq .
L207 Rex Distributing Co,
L208 hrity Bevera Company
$209 Chascka Beverage eo,
L2LO Minneapolis Bredng Company .
$213. Guek Brewing Coq&ny
L212 Mimeapolis Bottling-Go,
$213 CIausen.80 song, tnc,
&214 Old Style Lager Coo
LW5 Morris Dis3rib;ltEng Co,
I1217 Massolt Bottling Coo'
L218 Seven-Up Sottltng Go.
$219 Canada Dry Ginger-Ale, Inc,
&220 Coca-Cola Bottling-Cp. .
L22l I-Iay & Stanson
$222 Northern. States Power Co.
3223 Northires tern Bell Ilelephone Cot
&224 Carpenter Paper %oyqpan$
$225 Refrigerator Service Coo
~226 addie's Zoim & C6untry Earn Service
$227 American, Linen compmg
3228 V311qe or Edina - Vate; Desrtrnent
&229 Diebold-Inc . L230 -First Bation& B& -of Mpis , I- !EOTAL LIQaolr FW ' C
, I
$216 0. M. Drone$ Beverage Co, -
575 1.691.78
Pursuant to I9?otice'of Hearing on Proposed Water Mdn &tension" pubiished in
Hemepin County Review,-Hopkins, Minnesota, on October 14 and U, 1948, and lettek:
pent to oivners of Lots 10 to 14, iklusive,'-Block 4, White Investment Company~s
Hidden Pdley, pub$ic hearing was called for consideration of petition by Ad@
Construction Company and others for water main extension on Abbott &enue between
W. 56th and W. 57th Streets, The Estimated cost for constructibn of extension
On Abbott Avecue between W, 56th and 17. 57th Streets, and of connecting ma between
Beard and Abhtt Avenues on IT, 56th Street was given as $6,82209, or $4.69 per
assessable foot for l,4!%.79'; plus $.25 per assessf$le,fpot for cohec2;ing charg8. '
to Nickelsen water min. It.was explained to audeence that because lots face on
W, 56th Street they would be assessed, Messrs, Patsey, clovnick, Merrill and Joos,
owners of affected W: 56th Street pFogert8es probested to construc%ion of main on
the grounds that they have wells which are giving satisfactory water semice &d
that they have waited two years for a, blaclrtop job and.do not wish to have the new
work tom up for the water main project. Council explained to these owners that '
it would be more economical. for them to assume pax8 of-the cost of the main a% thin
tae than to pay the full share of a main across W. 56th Street at such time as
their trells would go dry,
mdience that, from an engineering standpoint ,it i's much better to. construct main
across We 56th Street than Qo take it across W. 57th Streett because We 56th Street
construction would assme abutting iroperty oyzers of future service and woad
eliminate dead+nd main. Mr. Addy, - petitioner, defended construction 09 main,
After considerable discussion, petitionbrs agreed to contact all bwners of abuttbg
property in -an effort to bring in valid petition (sTgned' by' owners of 51$ of
awtting property) Matter tabled until such time as' proyer petition' is ,presented,
Pursuant to IIAdvert isement for Bids-Grading of Jefferson Avenue between Jfaloney Avenue
and Belmore &~B,II published in Hemepin County .Review, Hopkins, Minnesota and
%onstructionmBulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on October 14 and 21, Affidavit of
Publication for which was read by the Cle2k, the following aids were opened and read'.
Superintendent Woehler explahed. to council and. to
.. (Perry Excavating Co , , St .Irouis P&k , Minnekot& $8l3.OO
Pfeiffer Construction Do. a Edina,-Minnesotst $738.00
Hotfon by llillson, that Council accept the bid of Pfeiffer aonstructioo Company ih the
mount of. $738&00, vas seconded by Child and unanimously csried.
Fursnapt to "Ijlotice of bsessment Hkring-Bkcktopping of V?,56th Street, from Nomandale
to ITessex Avwue and Warwick Place- from Kent Avenue to Yvonne I!errace--Street, Intprovp,
$tent Ro, 9,Il published in Hemspin County Review, Hopkins, i-wesota;, October 14,. lw,
Affidavit of Publication for &ich was read by Clerk, Public Hearing vas held. on
proposed assessment for this projec%, Assessment Roll, in total amount of $4,504.13,
OP $I,& per assessable foot against 3,632,445 aiisessable fee$, was read, l@, E, W, .I
3ylyna inforned the Councfl that Wmrick Place had been blacktopped only so far as;
W, 56th Street, whereas the blacktopping should continue South. for a addition& .-
hundred feet South, 60 Yvonne !I!er$ace. I,&. Ilillson stated that this small stretch
had not been included in the contract insofar as he knew, Matter tabled until next
regular meet*, by Hotion WilPson, seconded 'by Hawthorne and carried.
Clerk read Affidavit of Publication for llNotice of Assessment Hearing-Blacktopping of
Concord Avenue from Soufiheew Lane to Lexington Avenuc3,I' published in Hemepin County
geview, Hopkins, Hinnesota, on:October-l4, 1948,- Assessment Boll in the amount of
$2,590.88, or $1.38 per assessable foot for 1,877.45 assessable feet, was read,-
$!r. Ben Parks @quirea as to assessment for Southview Lane property, and was told that,
lot at corner of Southdew Lane ad Concord would be assessed for footage on Ooncorh
offered the following Resolution and'moved its adoption3
- - ..
Avenue, mere were no objections, oral or t&tten, to the assessment. Willson -.. -
~@l!ORAvENuE- *
1-s proposed assessment for"th6 cost of 5he hprovement of Concord Avena0
betveep Southview Lane and the* South Sot sine of Lot 4, Block 3, Golf Terrace Heights
2nd Addition (fiexingtora Avenue) by Blgdctqpping %s been auly filed &th the Village
Clerk and open-to public inspec$ion and notice has been published in Hemepin County
Review.; Hopkins, Minnesota on October 14, 1948, that this CouncS1 will pass upon said
5roposed. assessment at this present meeting, and. this Council has met at the the and
place specified in said notice; and heard and passed upon a1 objections thereto, now
BE I2 J3SOLVED by the Zdina Village Council that said proposea assessment, which
is here37 refeved-to and made*a pat hereof, is hereby adopted, and ap assessment is
hereby levied against each of the lots, phts of lots, pieces and parcels of land de-
scribed therein b the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of
land is hereby found to be benefited in the mount of the assessment levied against it
BE IQ'l?UR!i!EEB BESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable in equal annual
installments extending over aperiod of five years, the first to be payable on the
first day of Jane, 1949, all deferred payments are to bear bterest at the rate of five
percen% per qnum. -
therein ssecified concurrent with general taxes as authorize&-by Chapter 65, Laivs of
Zinn. 1919 as &ended,' - -
Motion for adoptkon of the Rek lution vras seconded by PaLen, and- on Rollcall there were
five ajres and no nays, as followst -
t ,
Said assessments and interest shall be a-lien upon the-propeex
Chil&, aye; Palen, aye; Ilillson, aye; HaxMmne,
aye: and Cooper, age; and the Resolution lras adopted, ..
President of the ~"iiage Coy%il
President called Public Hearipg on proposed assessment for Blacktopping of 1 ~exington
Avenue from Concora Avenue to West Lot Lbe of Lot 5, Block-2, Subdivision of LBttel
County Bev%e%, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Ocbber 14, IN%, yas- readA-bg Clerk-,
bll in total mount of &52,3O, with assessment divided as authorized 3y Mbutes of
leeting of Jnly 26, 1948, ITS red,
omer's of Lqfs 8 and 5, Block 2, Su3division of bittel Park, were _present at the
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Affidavit of Pnbl'ication ofitFotice of Assessment Hearing," published W-Helmepb I Assessment
Messrs, George R. Hellema; and Weg l-1, XubdLey,
There were no objections offered to the assessment. willson offered the -
W, ~!i? LINE 63' LO2 5. BMCK 2. SUBDIVISION OF LP'!Xf?BE PARK - --
-10 /25/48 .. - ll€lXEUUS proposed assessment for the cost of the improvement of Lexington
Avenue. from Concord Avenue to the Nest Ijot Line of Lttt 5, Block 2, SyBdivision
of Littel'Pbk 3y Blacktopping has been-duly filed rJith the Village Clerksld.
open to public inspection; and notice has '6een published in Hermepin County
Re$iew, Ho$"ins,' Minnesota, on October 14, 1948, that. this -Council w%ll pass
upon said proposed assessment at this present meeting, and this Co&c%l has
met at $he time and place specified in said notice, an& he&d and passed upon
all objections thereto, now therefore, -
BE 'IT RESOLVBD 'by the Village Council that said proposed assessment, whiih
is hereby referred-to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and' an assess-
ment is hereby le&ed. against 'each 6f tge lots, parts of lots, pieces or parcels
of land described therein in ghe swns therein'respectively set forth, and each
of said &acts of land is hereby found to be bensfited in the 'anomit of tlie
assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT FUR!PHEE flS0LVED that each assessmeat shall be payable in ea_u;al
annual installments extending over a p-eriod of five years, the first to be
payable on the first day -of June, 1949, all deferred payments are to bear.
interest ad the rate of five.percent per annum.
sha;21 be a lien upon the xroperty therein specified condrent with general
taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, &ws' of Mim. 3919, as amended,
Motioa fpr adoption of %he Regjolutian was seconded by Child, and on Bollcall
theye were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Said assessments ad interest
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson,
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the
PPesbIent of the Village C/mcil
". L
Zn comfihation of "Botice of bsessment Hearing-BIacktopping of All Streets
in Edina Highlands-Street Improvement go.. 14* fr as- published in Hennepin County
Review, hopkins, Minnesotac, October 14, 19168, _Afr"idavit of Publication for which
was 'read. by Clerk, @resident called Pu6lic Hearing on this proposed asseisment.
Assessment Roll 5n the tot$l-amonnt of $18,068.42, or $l,?l*pr assessable foot
for 2Os566,33 assessable feet;, was read,
either oral or written, Willson offered the following 8esolution wd moved its
2here were ng objections to assessment,
FLEEBEAS proposed assesgment for-the cost-of the improvement of $1 streets
in Eldina HigUands by Blacktopping has been duly filed wit% the Billage Clerk and
open to public inspection and notice has been published in Hennepin County
Review, Hopkins, Minnesota, that this Council Mil pass upon said proposed
assessnent at this present meeting, m-d this Coundil has met at the the and.
place specified &n s'aid notice, and he&d and passea upon all objections thereto,
no? theTefore, .
BE IT R8SOLIfE3l by the Village Council of the Tillage of Ntna tha€ said
proposed assessment, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is
hereby adopted, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lofs,
parts of lots, pieces and pascels of land described therein in the sums therein
respeotively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found to be
benefited. in the mount of the assessment levied against it herein:
Bl3 I? FURTHER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payable hi equal
&ud installments extending over a period of five-years, the first to be
Bayable on the first dag of June, 1949, all deferred pa$ments are to be&?
interest at the rate of five-perceqt per annam.
sl~dl be a lien upon the properiy therhfn specified concurrent with general
taxes as authorized by Chapte? 65, LWS of Minn. 1919, as amended,.
Motion for adoption of %he BeSoluti& was seconded by Ohi2d; and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follovw:
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, age; and the Resolution was adopted,
Said assessments and interest
Child, aye: Palen, aye; Willson, aye; I
10/25/48 %84 <-
Hext Public Hearing was held on "Proposed Assessment for Street Improvement No. 13-
Bla&topping.of W.56th Street from Xer-xes Avenue to Zenith Avenue .md Zenith Avenue
from I/. 56th Street to lr/2 Block 'south thereof, in accorhce with Notice ppblished
in Hemepin Coun6y Review, October 14, 1948, Affidmit of Pblication for which was
rea& by Village. Clerk. (Pabulation of Assessment in am&t of $2,212.06 for W. '56th
Street, or $2.16 per assessable foot; ad $907.37 for %zenith Apenue, or $1.51 per
assesszlbie foot,-wzs read, Z-lr. Henry A. Bgchmm, 3121 V.56th SBreet, Hr,. C, 'B.
Elzea, 5621 Pork Avenue South, md Nr. Clifford Robison, 5612-51er~es Avenue South,
protested that the street had not been grafted sufficiently to provide proper drainage;
11% Bachma also protesting the increased traffic since the 'blacktopping. Nessrs.
Bachman'and Bobison asked tbat the street be graded sufficiently to afford drainage
from the alley, md to drein Pork from V.57th to I/.$th Street, After considerable
discussion, ameetipg was arrange6 for the Council, Village Engfneer, and propertr
omers, for 8t00 A.M., Saturw, October 30, at corner of 56th and York. Matter of
proposed assessment tabled until next meetifig, by Motion ITillson, seconded by
Child and ckied,
President called for public hearing on Proposed Assessment for Grading of &lams
Avenue from Behore Lane to b,loney Avenudtreet Improvement No. 16, in accordance
kith Dtice of Assessment Hearing published in Hennepin County Re~iew, liopkins,
Minnesota on October 14, 1948, Affidevit of-Publication for which was read by Clerk,
Assessment RoU in the tot& mount of $l,O15,lb, or $.83 per assessable foot, was;
rea. go objections were mzbae tcr this pset%m?nt. l?illson offered the follotdng
Resolution and moved its adoption$
VEiZEEB proposed assesment .for the cos: of ftlie improvenient of-Adsms Avenue
between Belmore kne and &loney Avenue %y ptting'szme to Pernanent Grade has been
dalg filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notim has been
published .in Hennepb County Review, HO&ES, Hinnesota, on October 14, 19118, that
this Council yill passupon hid proppsed assessnent at this present meeting, and
this council. has met a€ the time and pl2ce specified in said'notice, and heard and
passea upon all objecfions thereto, nov therefore, * -
BE IQ BESOLQED by the Village Ootmcil that said proposed assessment, which is
herebg 2eferred- to -and made a part hereof; is hereby adopted, ana an assessment is
he'reby levied against each of the 16ts, parts of lots, pieces ad parcels of lana
describe& thereln in the' sums therein'respectively set forth, and each of safd
'tracts of land is hereby Toad to be benefited in the amount of the assesment
levied agabst it herein: - I
3BE: IT B33SOL$3D that each assessment shall be payable in eqpaf. annual
instaUments extending over aperiod of three years, the first to be payable on
the first tkg of June, 1949, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the
rate of five percent per smun. Said assessments ad interest shall be a lien
upon the property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized
Chapter 65, Laws of Minn. 1919, aS dinended.
Motion for hption of the Resolution "ras seconded by Child,' and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Child, aye; Pden, aye; t?&llson, aye;
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye: and the Resolution Was
Village CXerk,
Pursuant-to "Notice of Assessment Hearing, Gurb and Gutter North Side of Elarket
Street-Street IqrovemenB Xo. 17 , H- published in Hennepin (lounty Rev%ew, Hopkins ,
Minnesota, on October 14* l9M, Affidavit of Pnblication for which was read by
Clerk, Public Hearing was called on pro osed assessment f6r above named project,
bsessment Roll in the total amount of $ 1,083;'78, or $1.62 per assessable foot,
Cras red. Mr, William Kell was the only property otmgr preserit at the hearing.
Bo objections dere offered; sith6r oral. or vmitten.
Resolution and moved its adoption: I lfillson offered the fol1olvbg
TEEREAS pro6osed assessment for the cost of'the improvenent of the North si&
of &rket Street between France and Halifax Avenues by colktruction of Cur% and
'Gutter- therein has been dqly filed t+th the Village Clerk
inspection, and notice has been published in-the -. Hennepin
ad open to publie
County Review; Hopk5.333, -
Minnesota. on October 14, X~M, that this Council will pass upon said proposed
assessment at this present meeting, and this council hasemet &t the time mb,
place specified in saZa notice, and heard-and passed upon all objections thereto,
now therefore,
RE IT RESOLVED by the jE&a Village G'ouncil that said proposed assessment,
which is hereby-referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted,land aa '
asseqsment is hereby levied'againkt each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and
parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and.
ea6h of said tracts of land is hereby found -to be benefited in the amount of the
assessment levied against it herein:
BE IT FURTEEEi RESOLm that eabh assessment shall be payable in eqd anna
hstallments extending ove? a period of five' years5 the first to be payable on the
first day of June, 1949, all deferred payments me to bear interest at the rate of
three percent ,per annub
property therein specified concarrent with general. taxes as authorized by Chapter 65, Laws of Minn, 1919 as $ended,
1jTot;ion for' adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, 'and on 33ollcal.l there
were ftve ayes and no nws, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and, Choper, aye; and the aesolution wq$ adopted.
Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the
Child, aye; Pden. aye; Willson, aye;
President of %he: Village Co*il
t .- -
hrsuant-?o I'Notice of Assessment Hearing, Blacktopping of Market Street fqom E'rtznce
Avenue to Halifax Avenue and of l3aJ.ifa.x Avenue from Market Street to W.5Oth Stre&-
Street Improvemen$ X0.19,~' Affidavit of hzblicatio#. for which was read by Clerk,
public h9aring Pras 'held, on proposed assessment for the name& consCrucfion project.
Assessment RolJ in the total amount of $3,265.33, or $2,O9 per assessa3le foot
against 1,561,84 assessable feet, was read.
method of assessment, and.wzs told-that his l~tat'corner~of Market Street and
Halifax Avenue is assessed for its frontage on Market Street, and the long way
of the lot also, as it abuts Halifax Avenue.
the Ifallace property iq not being assessejt, he was remiqded-of the gentlements
agreement made some time ago by the Council and benefited property owners, t&t the
omera of the property rezoned to llComtnunity Store DistricfIv would stand the tot&
assessment for the improvements.
ora or wri.t;ten. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its *adoption:
Mr, Russgll.Lund inquired as to
Upon Mr. Lund*s inq_ui* as to why
!l?h%e were no objections $0 the assessment , either
* Iy) visi! SOlmr..STkEE~
VlHZW&, p&posed assessment for the cost, of The @provemeant of Market ' Stres.1;
from Pparrce Avenue to Wifax Avenue &d'of Halifax Avenue from Market Street to
W. SOth-Skbet by 3lac&topping has been duly- file& with the Village Clerk and open
to puilic inspection, and notice has been published in Hennepin County Review,
Ho@ins, Minnesota on October 14, l9rt8, that this Comcil will pass cpon said pro-
posed. assessment at this present meeting, and this bouncil has mGt at the time and
place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon all objections thereto,
now therefore,
BE fT RESOLvE3D by the Edina Village Council tbt sald proposed assessment, which
is here'bg referred .ko and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessment is
herebg levied against each of the lots, phts of lots, pieces and parcels of lad
described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts,
of land is hemiby found to be benefited in the amount of the assessment levied against
it herein: I 4-
t t
BE 12 FtEEHER RESOLVJ3D that each assessment sh33-1 be payable in eqyal annual
installmpts extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable in the
first dag. of June, 1949, dl deferred payments are to-bear interest at the rate of
three percent-per annum.- Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the
property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65,
Laws of Mtnn. 1919, as zmeiided.
kotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Hmthorne, and on Rollcall there
yere five ayes and no nays, as follows:
-. , <
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye;
Xr. Luna requested that two-hour parking be established, for the business district
between 8t00 AJL and 6:oo P.H.:,, at the same time as- for leniency in enforcing
this limit until such time as customers become acquainted aith it. Hr. Lurid sdd
that- this'matter had be& discussed by the Sdina Comsrcid Ch'b, and that two-
hoar parkhg would also be enforced in the par- lots.
Messrs: Lurid and Kel1 requested a street light at comsr of Narket Sf;Peet and Halifax
Avenue. -Child'& motion that Vil&ge Engineer be authorized to order street light at
intersection of Ihket Street and Hjlifax Avenue was seconded by Palen and carried,
r- I Clerk read Jffidavit of PubLicstiok for %tice 0% Assessment Hearina4rading-
Streat Iqprovement ETo. 20,n as published in Hennepfn County Beview, Oc%ober 14, 1948,
&d President called Riblic Hearing on this proposed assessment.
Assessment Boll was exambed by Nr+ Roger 0.. Williams; otmer of Benton Park, and Mr.
CarLson. mere were no objections, either oral or written, to the assessmezit.
Hr. Garlson inquire8 as to whether the Village, in accepting the plat of Code*s
Highvietr Park, did not assume responsibility for part of the cost of grading the
streets there€% He vas informed that the plat had been accepted many yeas ago, -
when the *Village was accepting plats without requirbg streets to be graded, and
that the Village has no responsibility for cost of grading. Willson offered the
following Resolution and moped its. ado-@on: : r
AnalysZs of
IO I?,601mEE sm!r: TINGD~ A-, =on m w.60'~~ smzt
TO*@iXG?A?iE AmRRl
1- proposed assessment for +he cost of fhe'improvoment of the follos.ring
W.6Oth Street from Hamen Road to Code Avenue; if.60th Street from
Code Avenue to Hommdale; Code Avenue from &ope St. to W.60th St.;
2bingdd.e Ave., from' Benton to t~60fh St. ; V.59th St., fron Code Ave.
fo Zingdale he.; Begton AvG.,.frorp Code me. to lclngdale -Ave.
bas been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to pu'blic inspectfonz and
notice has been published in Hemepin County Rgview, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on October
14, 1948, $hat this Council vill pss-upon said proposed assessment at this present
meeting, and this Council has met at the time and place specified in said notice,
and heardiand wssed-apon all objectlons thereto, now -therefore,
B3 12 qOLVED by the V2llags Council that said proposed assessment,amended
to read as follorrs:
Assessment for.
straets by putting same to pernanent grade: -
-. 1'T,60th'Street fron &sen Road to Code Avenue $ *985.33 1560th Street fron Code Avenue to Nordale
Code Avenue from Grove St. to ~60th St.
Tirigdale Ave., fron-Benton to V.60th St. ) TI. 59th St. fron Code Ave. to Tingdale Ave. )
Benton Ave., from Code be. to *kingdale Ave.) *
which is herely referred to &d aade a part hereof , is hereby adopted, and an
assessment is hereby levied e&nst each of the lots, psts of lots, pieces and
palrcels qf land describe& thersin4n the sums therela respectively sst forth, and
eachsf said tracts of land is hereby found to @e ben&ited in the emount of the
assessment levied against it herein:
12 =THEE BSOI~VSD that each zgsessmehi s~1 ae payable in eqm
iastabnentq eaending over a period of three years, the first to be payable on the
f5rst day of June, 1949, all deferred payments are to bear interest at the rate of
five percent per sanun. Said assessments ma interest shall be alien upon the
property therein specified concurrent ~rith, general taxes
65, Lapx of IuW. 1919, as amende$.
Motibn for adoption 02 the Resolution tras seconded by Child, an& on Rol~@ll there
were fhe ayes and no nays, as follows: *
Hawthorne, we; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution w& adopted.
wthoriBed by Chapter .
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson, aye;
Preiident of the V$,lY.age/Gouncil
I>r. mpli Peterson, 5700 Horwt3d.e Road, requested more"1ights on ITormaadSle. He
was informed that the sodium lights bad been installedmdsr direction of the State
Highww Dep-tment , such installation be@g interrupted by the War.
that Council petition Hjghvw Department for installation of, sodium lights on,
komdale - as far South as 66th Street, vas seconded by Hatrthorne and carried. -:
Notion 'by-lfillson,
18'7 r' ~0/251M Petition dated September 22, 1948, signed by B.F. imps son and others representing owners
of 51$ of tbs property on the West side of Park-Place between 1f.55th and lV.56th Streets,
requesting grading and- surfacting of'the street, was presented.
Petition be referred to ViIla&e Engineer an8 Public Wprks Comittee for study. Seconded
by Willson and carried, r
Hawthorne moved that
1 Petition dated October 11, 1948, signed by National Bzlilders, Inc, and tbrei other
property owners i reqGesting Street Lights at several points in C&niwy&ide Addition,
was presented, After Council's revsew of buildings now in Countryside, Child moved for the placing of street lights at the morth boundary of the shdiviiion on 2racy
Avenue and at the Soutg end of the subdivision, on Tracy Avkue and OlinEfer Road.
Motionwseconded by W11lson and carried,
D&scussion vas had of the request of the Spring Company, that they be allowed to
Ught seven street lights in Edina Hi'anda, instead of the five lights approved -
by-the Conncil; paying the Council for the additiozfal two lights, since they
cannot deal directly with Northern States Power Go,
reject S-fring Campan$*s request €or the lightbg of the %wo additional lights.
Motion seconded by Wi%lson and carried,
!the letter of &fro 3,- 33. JeweH, JT., deploring $resenti coridition of M%lXpond, was
read and filed, with Office instructed to m&e e'9planation to Mr, Jewetf.
August Uth letter of Math Peshurun Cemetery As'sociation, requesting 'Wemetery
&tranca-Slowtt= signs' on France Avenue, was read,' Willson moved thkt mat%er be
referred to Public Safety Committee, -Seconded lly PGen and carried,
October. 12th requesf. by M.P. Johnsoa Sales Co.',' for maxntenance of streets in
Prospect Hills Addition, was red. Hawthorne moved that letter be referked to
Public Works Committee, Secoided by. ChUd 6ntl c'arried,
Notice of the-hual-Meeting of the SubmWi He~epin County RelieP Boar&, to be
held at the Bloomington Town Hal1 on October 28th, was read. President urged
all those interested to attend. * -
October 15th letter from Henneph Caunty Land Commissioner was read.
notified Council thatLot.2, Block 3, l'?es_t Minneapolis Heights had been repurchase&
by the owner before Sb~te could make coaveyanc6 to Vill.age. It also reqhested that tax forfeited lands in ltl;ist-l~lbC1tl-be placed on sale.
following Resolution and-moved its adoption:
Child moved that Council - -*
.e .
%?is letteE
Gwthorne offered the
1ET!BEAS, the Village Council-of the Village of-Edina, Hennepin Cpnty,
Minnesota, has recezved from-the Cowty Auditor of Hexmepin. County, Minnesota,, I
list of tax forfeited lands in said village, which said list has been designated
TJEElRES, each parcel of land described in said list has heretofore been
classified by the Board of C6unty Commissioners of Hemepin County, &mesota; a8
non-conservation land and the sale thereof has heretofore been authorized by said
Board of County Comissioneki, and-
+ mrcel of -land described in said list as non-consemation - Land has heretofore
been qproved by said Village Council,
and the same is hereby approved,
9he question was on the adoption of the Resolution, and the roll being called
there were five ayqs andno nays, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper; aye; ad the Resolution was gddpted.
- as Classifacation List Ir1?14-C1," &d, 1
< \-, the classification of s&d Board of Com%y Commissioners of each
NOW TFiEREfORE, BN IT RESOLVED, that the sale of each such parseel of laad bo
* Child, aye: Pden, aye; Willson, aye;
-I -.
Petition-dated October 25, signed byM.3. Hagerl and others, requestwg tbat Van
Buren Avenue between Belmore Lane and Spruce Place be put to permanent grade, Was
read. 1948, at 8:OO P,M, , was seconded by Pden and- carried.
Willsonas motion, settgng Pub1ic Hearhg-on petition for Eiondag, November 8, .
1.Iinneapolis Fire Chief George Lockhst's'l6tter of October 15; accepting termination of
l~ftaneapolis FiPe Service .. bontrgct was read and filed,
Pire Undeneiters Inspection Bureau's letter of October 18, outli- several require-
nents to be met by Bdina Pire DeparPjrnent in case of cancellation of Minneapolis contract,
vas read. H&horne's motion, -instructing Villse Office to contact Xr. Ryon, l.hnag0r
of the &re.lzu, in An effort to arrmge discussion meeting Sor 7:OO P.I4.,.Monday,
Sovember 8, 1948, was seconded by Palen and carried; Xire Department to meet with
Council wonD -
3t vzas reported to Council that Nc. 3; 2. Hontgomery, Village Attorney for St.Louis
Park, had amaged for easements for l7,Mth S6reet Storm Sever, ad that StJouis
Park had given requirement permission for discharge of storm water into theis ponb
Ghtld moved for acceptance of the bid of Phelps-Drake Coqauy, in the bomt of
$2,996.50, for construction of this stoh sewer,, Seconded %y Villson and carried.
Dorothy Obmeyer
Sig2id T'Jcsterbe&
Hilda Holter
Fraaces 'Sonnbnberg
Child moved for zmpointment of Election Officials as per list sulpitted. Hotioa
seconded by Pden and carried,
Public 3kaMnerts acknowled&nent of Village ofder for adit of Genera3 &d +iquor
Store bboks, was read and filed,
public -inerrs recormendation for $~~,ooo fPaj3'iity %on: for Liauor Stope N~G~T, ana @O,OOO bond for other permanent eqloyees, vas read.
advisability of securing $~O,OOO blanket bond for all eqxogees except &nger.-
Havrthorne' s motfon, autho@zing negotiations with present bonding coqang, for
$15,000 bond for 14anager and $10,000 blanket bond for & other permanent empXoyees,
Discussion was had for need of an extra office 6rtrployee to help vrith the keeping of
the Liquor Store Books,
mother bookkeeper, for Liquor Store Books.
Discussion wak on
+as seconaed palen ana carriea, -
Hawthorne moved that Depuf;y Clerk be mthorizod to h5rc
Sscondod 'by Palen ad carried.
Aqsessmenf Rolls for del&quent SeGer-.Rental and Gsrbage Coll-ection bills, in the
mount4 of $67.20 znd $174,90 rs&pectivdy, were pre6enteL Pdents motion for
the levying, of assessdents as submitted, vas seconded by Cald and-carrfed,
~ !he State E"xamjner*s Inventory of Liquor Stocks as of Oct6ber I, 1948, in the t'otal amouat of $52,396.63 for Liquor, Beer and Soft DrWs, was reviewed, with considerable
dis&sion,as to control of inventory.
inventory to a maxiTmuo $50,000, arzd as to eliminating aZ1 items having a turn-over
Assessment Roll 332 the amount of $373.06, covering cost of Grading Grove Street frdm Tracy Avenue to 766-2 feet West tkiereof , vas presented. 'I"li1lson I- - offered -. th6
following Resolution ad moved its adoption:
Su.ggest%ons vere made as to lin%ting
of more than 60 days. 90 actfon %&en, .. I
I'm purkat to Resolution +opte_d'bg 'the Goukil August 25, 1947, 8
.contract has been let for the improvement of Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to
766.2 feet %st thereof by putting same to Permanen$ Grade; andsthe Clerk with
the assistaqce of the engineer has calculated the proger amount to be-specially
assessed for such fqrovement against every'lot, piece, or parcel of"1,md abutt-
ing such improvement as provided'by law, which proposed assessment fs now on
file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the ldina Village Council tbat the said work of improving
sefd street is hereby accepted znd designated as Street Improvement No, 21; that
the Clerk is directed to cause notice to 6e published in-Hennepin County Review,
Hopkins, Minn. on October 28, 1948, that this Council wil& meet *on November 22, 1948 at the Village Ha51 to pass upon said proposed assessment; thkt the total .
cost of said improvement is determined to be $373.06.,
Motion for a;doption of the Resolution was seconded by Child; and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, 3s follgvst
Rawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution wai adopted,
Child, age; Palen, aye; l?illson, aye;
-1 President of the Village Cpfhcil
ffater-Department Sipt, Floehler reported that heat woulil bee needed in the
Halifax Avenue Pump House. Child moved, approving purchase of circulating oil
burner. -Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried,
Police Czpta5n Krtutsonis notice that report iould be Gde-on ksiness District
traffic s2tuatipn at meeting of Xovember 8, was read.
-. ~
Zhere being no further,business to come before the Co&cil, meeting. was adjourned,
by Notion WiX.lson, seconded by Palen and car
. -@. Pursuant td' due call 'a% noti6e;"Meeting w% convene& at 7:OO P.M,, with dL
Council Members except Trustee -- Palen answerbg -. Rollcdl, and Palen coning. late.
Purpose of Ileeting iris to receiqe recomenaations of -Volunteer Fire Department,
hibers of 'the Fire Department $resent tverd Fire Chief Chris Ijitzel, and
Messrs. Ha&y Hanseni r Ernmt Hadsen and R,
Nr. Mitzel :presented'three recohendations 'for'grass"fire control, which he
asked be iqcorporated into Ordiliance No. 7,' by amenhient.
recommendations be rGferred to village Atgo5ney for Checking as to legal questions
involved, Fd for drhting as ahendment t6 pire Ordinance.
Hawthorne moved that
Motion seconded by
Child and garried. , .I*
In connectj.on with a$ove recommendations, Mr, Nitzel presented report of fire
as against- 37 fires pf other t~es,
November lit letter from 11. C. Freitag, Engineer for' Ffre Underwriters Inspection
Bureau, adpising of $heir inabiiity to meet with Couhcil this evening, was read+
Hawthorne moved that sire Underwriters repkesentativ'os be invited to attend
meeting on* November 22, 194%. Motion seconded by-Palen and carried.
Mr. Harry Hansen reiuested 'reim'ursement to Fire Department delegates to various
schools ah conventikns which are held-each xes, asking that men be reimbursed
for time lost fron their regula? positions, mileage ,+ and miscellaneous exrpenses.
Department was requested to draft schedule of hourly pay ad expenses, and present
it to CoUrici.1 at ned regular meeting for their consvideration.
F calls ansqred to date this ye&, showing a total of'96 grass and rubbish fires,
Report filed with Clerk.