HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481025_SPECIALlO/ll/'.Cs Upon'being adviseLby of2ice W C&nty--Anditor reqdres assessment rolls in his office not later than October X5, Hawthorne move& thab Clark be directed to prepare assessme& rolls and to fomazd eane to Count? Auditorrs Office with eqlanation that they cannot be certified until after proper public hear@- &e held, - Seconded by Willson ana - - i carries, "a .- Considerable 'discussion was had on traffic situation at f"l,jOth Street, with &wtho&te smggesting that cross walks be markod by sign on curb saying "Pedestrian CroS&~g,* Palea sqggetsted that cab stad either be moved ?lost or that ft 50 shortened by length of om cab. P-olice were recpested to mako study of traffic sibtion and'cab stand matter an$ bring their recornendations to Council, Hawthorne moved for adoption of Bu&et for-the Year 19@, as compiled at Special Heeting of October 11, 1948, in the folloving amounts: %otd Sxpenditures for Year, $197,177.30, less astimted Beceipts for Year, $80,890.00, Ne! Exponditares $156,287,50, of which $10;450.00 are Park Board Jkpenditpres - Net General - Operations, $143,83?A50. Mot;ian seconded .. Palen and carried, I Hawthorne ifzered the following Besolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLW that the !P!a;gLevy;for- $he Village of Eaina4for the year 19@ bc estab5ished at the*followZng: - General Fund Levy *- $145,837.503 Park Board -Levy, $10,4.50,00; Firemen's Relief Association Levy - $52?.57 7 Qotal, !@ax Levy $136,8E0,07, Sd 3E-19 FTBTHXB RESOLVED that the, Villm Clerk be directed to certiify such tak ievy io the ~quntiy ApBtor, I Notion for adoption of the Resolution tras seconded by l'hllson, and on Bollcdl there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: 1 I .- L RESOLUTIOII I-WING !@AX LZVY .. Child, aye; Palen, age; llillson, age; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the .- Besolution w& adogt;ed, .* cLpi;;oL -+ , + - Motion 3y awthorne, tb~ Village Engineer 3s directed to cbmplete plans ana speciqications for repair. of Storm Sewer 6n 11, 50th Street east of I'looddale Avenue, and that Clerk be dZreeted to advertise for bids for this w03!k, was seconded -)I by Child anduumimusly carried, - - Discussion vas lad as to Court procedures, No action t&on, t 3 r - r I .. VillLge Clork '