HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481108_REGULARc. Chief Iaitzel requisitioned for four red spotlights to be used on Jeep and International Fire Bucks, urd a sideview mirror to be used on Jeep. FSauthorne.moved that Pire Chief be authorized +to purchase items requested. Notion seconded by Palen and carried.. Hr, Nitzelr rqorted that brakes on Jeep had been found insufficient to hold Jeep and loaded trailer, auxiliary brakes for Jeep trailer. Hotion seconded' by Paen hd carried. ' . , >fro I5dhorst* s drafts of %eciprocaL Service Contraceti- vas presented for Fire Department and Council consideration. for their perusal. .Hawthorne movea that matter of contracts be tabled %til Heeting of Wovember 22,- Seconded by Child and 6arrLed. Vl~lson moved for adjournment -of Special Meeti by Child and carried. lage Clerk : Hawthorne moved. that Councfl advertise for bids €or suitable t Copies of contract given to Fire Departaent I on seconded I Hemberi of Council ansvier5r.g Rolfcdl .wore ChSld, Pden, I'lillson, Hawthorne and Cooper. . hutes of Special and Regular Heetings of October 25, 1948, were approved as :submitted, by Notion Palen, seconded by Tfillson aad carried. f-lotion by IWlson for a>Broval of the folloving ~ayrolls vras seconded by Child ad carried: * &-moll for Rovember 1st throueh November 15th. 6 Overtime for Oct. 1948 ~'.~I?!$IS!EU!i!IVX lotd Tkth. , Retire, Tatal Net Glain Baines * sax Deduct, Deduct. Pap KO . Pkl V. Smith' 255.62 - 29 80 10.22 '+40.02 215.60 3069 Gretchen Schssler 138.04 16.50 5.52 22~02 ii6,02 3070 Bernice Johnson 138.8$ 4.00 5 055 9.55 129-30 , 3071 Helene Freena 111.21 12.40 4.45 16,85 94.36 3072 goniso tlesterberg * 89.81 5.00 7.9. , 8*!3Laa 3073 97.03 F 636.9 151.84 139.06 P2.03 128.84 318.61 *?2 n6,00 870 .lo 137.64 125.26 *w.o3 109.71 126.99 979.35 '127.81 We03 ' 121.88 10.00 1.40 7.00 5.30 9.90 5.00 46.80 8.20 4.81 10.61 109.53, 307l) 6b07 16.07 5.56 13.76 3.68 . 5.08 4.74 lO*O& 4.95 14.85 -01 5.00 5-15 - 32*15 30.15 760 95 1.60 27.80. 5.53- 5.01 5.11 4. 60 4.60 4m39 5.08 4.88 39 -18 335*7? 3075 125.30 3076 116.69 3078 108.57 3079 108.87 3080 3081 111.00 793.15 8&95 3077 128.13 Wm?5 116.30 - 109.83 105.73 105.32 121.91 107.98 -7.70 4b32 12.02 95.96 116.53 5.00 4,66 9,66 106.87 107.13 7-70 4.29 11.99 95*14 97.7 0 6.20 3.91. * 10.11 87.s 528.12. 37 zo 22.13 58.33 W.78 ? 98 77 30.60 * 3.95 14.55 84,22 178.94 14.10 '7.16. a.26 147,68 127.81 6.140 5Sl ~1.51 116.30 396.73 29 . 60 15.87 45.47 35~26 89-98 ' 9 .LO . . %60 12.70 77.28 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3095 3096 3097 DEDUCZp, DEDUCT, PAY NO, LIQUOR STOlU3 Frank P, Kippley, Mgr 118.94 -_ 5.'80 - p.16 * i2.96 165.98 L231 Pdvrard-D, Ry-m, Clerk 102.25 7 ,lo - 4.09 11.19 91.06 L62 Cyrus J. Alexander, Clerk-% 19.50 6.37 25.87. 13% 78 L 233 440.44 . 32.40 17.62 50002 390Jk2 ** ?E=A MEN-I'or month of October Harry J. Casey 199.39 4.70 7.90 12.68 186.71 L234 Charles S. Bates 140.59 4.60 Paul Fieslier JQ~ Dahlen 10.22 130.37 G235 3.94 79.88 g236 85'89 w37 5*62 18.9 98.42 1b.60 8b.47 -0- 3.58 %58 527.87 23.90 I. 2l.12. 45.02 482.8fi IOTAL LIQmE PAYROl?; 968.31 ' 56.30 38-74 95.04 873.27 Motion by Palen for approvd of the-following Claims vas seconded by ?killson and carried: * 1 3098 3099 3100 3101 5477 5478 L 238 fi 259 J; 240 bharles Jones $ &.80 P.I.R. l?UlKD Art K. Petersen , '' 867:36 GARBAGE Ii'Uid) Commissioner of Taxsition ' Suburban Hem. Co, Relief Bd 313,b @OR EziND George Benz Sons 81.58 ZIQUOR.. Ed. Phillips & Sons Jokn J, BaLich 126.00 Petroleum Div, 13.32 ZQUIPI~T R&ZAL Nrs. E. 14.: Borgen 71.04 S* D; #im Bd. Phillips 80 Sons 1276.32 5841.26 ' I kesident called for continuation of Public Hearing held 14ondey, October 25, on proposed assessment for Street Improvement mo. 9. Trustee Villson reported that contractor Gleason had consented to blacktop Warwick Place fron I?. 56th Street south to Yvonne Terrace at the same price as the balance of the contract, Mr. NyXund, only objector at last meeting, was not present, and no objections, either ora or written, were filed with Clerk. Willson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: €ESOLU!PIOH @OPTING ASSESSIXE212~SSzT INPROIE%ENZT RO, 9 BLACK$OPPING OF W, 56m- STREET FRON XOFJbWDALE 'Po IBSSEX from Nosmandale to flessex Avenue-and of lfarwick Place from Kent Avenue to Yvonne Ierrace by blacktopping has been duly filed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection; and notice has been published' in Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Ninnesota, on October 14, l9M, that this Council will pass upon said proposed assess& ment at this present meeting, and this council &is met at the-time and place specified in said notice, and heard and passed upon a1 objecti6ns thereto, now therefore, BE JT RESOLVED by. the 'ldina Village Counci&, that said proposed assessmen%, amended to read_$4,j04rlg in total, which is hereby referred to and made a part hereof, is hereby adopted, and an assessmGnt is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of land described therein in the sums therein respectively set forth, and each of said tracts of land is hereby found'to be benefited in the mount of the assessment levied agdnst it herein; I vEM]E: TfARlKfXK PLACE TROM ICEN'P Am TO YVORKG 'DIRB.5 CE VHFJR~AS troposed assessment fos the- cost of the Wprovement of W.56th Stroe% , BE IT FU.Rl?€ZEL RESOLVED that each assessment shall be payzble in eqd annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first to be payable on the first day of June, 1949, all deferred papen% are to bear interest at the rate of five percent per annum, property therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authoriisd by Chapter 45 , Laws of Ninn. 1919, as amended. kotion for adoption: of the Resolution tras- seconded by Pden," and on X01lcaJ.l there were five ayes and po nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; ad the Reso Said assessments and interest shall be a lien upon the' t .. ChiLC, aye; Pden,'aye; t'lillson, aye; n was adopted. .. 1 I 392 J 11/8/48 Continuation of Publfc Hearing on proposed assessment for Street Improvement Xo. 15- Bl&zto@.ng of '(.r,56th Stree% from Zenith to Xerxes Avenue and of-Zenith from VD56th Street to 1/2 Block South thereof, was cdled by President. attention of Council-that petition for said blzcktopping had not been signed by otmers of abutting properties, Revieti vas had of' action taken by Council at public ~ hearing on proposed ixnprovemen.t;, held June 14,. 19118. improvement were not present at this eveningt sa hearing; and no vmiften objectPon 'had been filed with Clerk. Attorney, Public Hearing was called dn proposed tmprovemant of Van- Buren Avenue Betireen Behole and spruce Place by+ grading Ilnd gravelling, pursuant to tlNotics of Street Tmprovement Hesing, published in 3ennepin Connty Beview, Hopkins, October 28, 1948, essimate of cost in mount of $1359.07, or $1.23 per assessable foot, was read. There were no objections filed,against imprpvenent, either oral or mitten, I'lillson offereti the following Resolution and moved its zdoptiont It Was csilled to the Propertg- ovmarsq affected. by Willson move& that m;iLttor of assessme& be referred to.Vill'age Hot-ion seconded by bvthorne and casricd. - I Clerk. re& affidavit of pbl&cation, T'hTch-vas then placed on file. Engineers e3 RESOLUTION FOR Il-PROVEl*lEl~-W~G BBLKORE LANE TO NORTH VIUGE LIHITS ABD GRAYELLIIBG 03' VAN' l3" Am tm, petition in giting requesting improvemen% of Van Buren Avenm betmeen Belmore Lane and llorth Village Limitsvby gradiag and gravelling has been duly filed vith this Council dated October 25; 1948, signed by omers of*more than 519 in frontage of the re& property abhting'on the portion of the street named in said petition as t&e location for such improvement, and VlHDUAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notice,published, to all property'omers whose property is liable to be assessed for such hprovenent, in Bemepin County Reviev, HopbSns, Ninnesota, on October 28, 1948, and has heard all persons interested, and determined the necessity Torothe improvement petitioned for, now theref ore BF: IZ-WOLV33D bytthe ldina Village Council as required by Chapter 311, Laws of 1927, tbt-the petition above'described is hereby determined to have been signed by €he required percentage of owners of property affected-thereby, and * LaPe and the North Villsge.Linits by grading and gravelling and 1: .. , - t BE IT IXIR- RZSOLQJD that Vm Buren Avenue be improved battieen Belmore BE IT FURTKER RFrsOLv'"wD' that plans and-specifications now on file vith the Village Clerk, prepared by Village Engineer Phil If. Smith are hereby approved and adopted as the plans and specifications for said jpprovement. I2 FTJRT€ER RESOLVED that the clerk is directed to prepare and insert in the official paper and in Construction BuI.letb, &hneayolis, an advertisement for bids to be 6pened Xoveaber 22,. 1948, upon such improvements in accordmce with snch approved plans and specifications, be ten percent of the amount bid. Hotion for adoption of the Besolntion vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there ' vere five ayes and no nags, as follovs: &t&horne, aye; and Cooper, age; and the Resolutiontvras adopted; - The deFosi8 acc0q-g the bid shall t v Child, aye; Palen, age; illso son, aye; .- ?TL,/G President -- of the Village Clerk .. Pursuant- to "Advertisement for Bids6torm Sewerf1 , published in Hennepin Countr Reviev, Hopkins , I-iinnesota, and Construction Bulletin, Enneapolis, Hinnesotz?, October .a, zad 28, zad Xovember 4, 1948, the fol2owing bids were ogened-and p&blicly read, covering repairs €0 Storm Sever on If. 50th Street 3etveen Bruce and I'tooddale Avenues: Phelps-Drake Company, Ibneapo%is, linn, $25,756.60' ,17,7?7.00 14,501*60 Lzmetti Q Lametti, St. Paul, I~Iinn, f'2esfern 'Under~ound Construction Co. After some discussion Zpd a review of the amount allocated for this job' ($11~~01.15) and need for-the work, HzGthorne moved for acceptance of the bid of Uestern Underground Construction Co;., at $14,501.60, and authorizing Clerk md : President to enter into contract for vork.. Notion seconded by Palen and carried, E-lanager Kippley of the Liquor Store introduced Mr. Edward D, Ryan, vhom he has hired as stock man and general custodian for the Liquor Store. interview v5th 1.k. Ryan, Child moved, confirming Ryany s appoin3ment on permanent basis, zt salary of $200.00 per month. After counc5Lts Motion seconded by Palen and carried. Mr. Kippley eqressed his thanks for reqpirs to Liquor Store Parking Lot, sd requested that Council stripe lot and install sign askihg that customers enter lot on 1'1,5Oth Street and leave on Market Street, to facilitate traffic control. Council in agreement as to striping lot and installing sign. Nr. Eloi Bauers requested that street grade be established for Lexington Avenue from St.Johns at least 60 feet Bast, in order, that he might construct two houses South of Lexington md facing StJohns. would be assessed for the opening of the street, and was asked to present formal petition for this grading, Final Plat of ffYork Terrace,li by Mr, Gordon Moe, was presented for Council approval. Planning Commission Minutes of November 3, irere reviewed regarding plati, easement for right-of-way over a portion of unplatted property on Xerxes Avenue, an& his petition for the blacktopping of the streets in his plat,vere reviewed, Eavthornets motion for Council qproval of Final Plat was seconded by VilLson ad carried4 xinal. Plat of "LaBuena Vista,ft was presented for Council approval, together with letter agreeing to fill and grade Park (designated as Block 9 on preliminary plat) md their petition for blacktopping of streets in the Subdivision, ?&anning Commission Minutes of Rovember 3, bere reviewed. -acceptance of Bind Plat , Final Plat of liProspect Hills 2nd Addition,'I was presented for Council approval, Planning Commission Minutes of November 3, were reviewed, letter of October 28, together aith combination map of Prospect-Hills 1st and 2nd Additions-was read, Hills 1st Addition, forming connection between Downs Road gn +he 1st Addition and Lee Valley Road in the 2nd Addition, . Motion by IEzwthorne, for Council WprovaL of Final Plat of Prospect Hills 2nd !Addition, subject to -Attorney Vindhorst's approval of easements for Downs Road, was seconded by Child and-carried. Elessrs, Herbert and John Bloomberg presented a proposea revision of the plat recently. before the Council and Planning Commission, proposal being to plat the property last of -the Creek only, He was referred back to the Park Board Sor final decision on park area dedication; . Mr, Bloomberg dso asked if Council would accept dedication for-road from Park Place, East, in order that purchaser of proprty directly South of Sweeney portion of proposed plat migh6 be protected. Council advised by Attorney Windhorst"to scept dedication but not to re,cord deeds, pending platting of properties, Planning Commission Mirmtes of Novem%er 3, wherein Chairman Clark of Park Board, requests appraisal of certain properties, for purpose of possible acqdsition for park purposes, vas reviewed., properties as reauested, Motion .. seconded by Hawthorne - and carried, Plding Commission Ninutes of &ovember 3* regarding Mr, Stow's request for vacation of West 10 feet of Drive lying betmen Lots 16 md 17, Yvonne Terrace; was reviewed, Nrcrtion seconded by IVillson and carried. Mr, He& Lainst letter complimenting Council and Park Board on 1948 flower plantings was read ad filed, with office I instructed to acknowledge letter with Spfing Comp2nyis letter, requesting that Council take over the care of planthgs =de by Spring- Compwry in ldiaa Highlands, was read an'd discussed. instructed to notify Spring Compw that btmcil trill assme such care at time. subdivision is 51s built up, aotification by City of Minneapolis, that water rates for tmter consumption tJil.1 be increased, beginning January 1, 2949, was read, Vater Superintendent CJoehler~s report, to the *effect that the Village must charge 214 per 100 cubic feet to Abbott Place mstomers, in order to bredc even on the Minneapolis increase, Mas reviewed, Ohild moved that Vi1lag;e Attorney be instructed to draft the necessary Resolution for this increase, Mr, Bauers was informed that property f Mr . bfoeg s a Hawthorne moved for Council Motion seconded by Willson and carried. Mr, H,P, Johnson*s Letter noted easements over parts of Lots 12'and 25, Prospect I I Child moved that Council authorize appr-aisal. of I H awthorne moved that matter be tabled until next regulzr meeting. thwh * e Off ice - 1 Motion seconded by Ifillson and carried. Upon Northern States Power Company's request for Council authorization to instal large light at 44th and Brookside, in place of present sm~ll one, Ifillson moved authorizing installation of large light in this location. Palen md carried, Motion seconded by a 194 1 Fidelity and Guaranty Compzftyts letter, regarding blanket bond for Elunicipal Liqpor Store employees, vas revieved. Attorney lhhorst f or-his opinion, Hawthorne moved that matter be referred to Village Motion seconded by Villson and carried, Xovember 8th letter by Phil If. Smith, tendering his resignation as Engineer, gxecutive Officer and I-faneer, effective Mmch 31, 1949, tras .read. be file&, Motion seconded by l'lillson and-carried. . Application of Clarence J'. Graves, for cigarette and food licenses €or ItGravyts Griddle" (formerly iiEdinetteli) at 5354 Frslnce Avenue South, for period November 1, 1948 to April 1, 1949, was revievred. €@thorne moved that licenses be granted, subject to Gspection and approval of Police and' Health-Departments. Notion seconded by Palen and carried. 14anager F.3, Kip@ey* s letter, tendering operating statement €or five weeks tfrom September 27 to October 30, for the Liqor Store, vas read and discussed, Nr% KipBley was requested to delete slow-moving items from inventory, and to take cash trade discounts in allpurchases. Notice of Dissoluti9n of Hay 13 Stenson Company, together vith copy of assignment ibo the shareholders of HZJ Q Stenson Company of the lease with the Village of Eansc, and request for poratiqg of rent for enshg months to &divid+L shareholders, was read, bttorney Vindhorst advised Council'of legal necessity of mzking payment Sn the manner requested. Havrfihorne moved that Notice be filed and that future checks for payme& 03 rent fo~ Liquor Store be made as outlined in letter. Notion seconded by Child and carried. Bngineer Smith's report on status of 50th Street-vhich, according :to his telephone conversation vrfth 1.b. Chad, 1&mesota Highway Denartment District Engineer, is designates as State Highmy-vas read. . Hawthorne' s notion, directing Engineer Smith to request a yritten statement from the Highmy'Separtment with regard to the status of I7.5Oth Street, vas seconded by Villson and carried. Public Dorks Chairman F'Jillson vas ,asked about possibility of patching the holes and cracks in V.5Oth Street, preparatory to a blacktopping job nerzt year, Upon Hr, l'!ill..son's advice that Public Vorkk Cretr &ready .has 4ore work than it can do, Council-asked him to investigate possibility of hiring additional lzbor for this work, and report %a&, Hr. Vindhorstts draft for amenbent to Sign Ordipace, prohibiting posting of cqrdboard signs, etc., was presented for Council's consideration and tabled until-next regulzs meeting, - With regard to Petition for Surfacing Park Pface, between lr.55th and l!.56th Streets, presented at meeting of October 2+Nr. Smith reported th& this is not valid petition beczuse ii is signed by ovmerk on 't"lesE side of street* only, and be ause Village does not have dedication for full. width street; but that fillbg & vash- outs will be done as a tenrp0rai.y measure. Eavthorne moved that letter *I - *. .I - ' Trustke Palen advocated strict enforcement of the Village Ordinance adopted June 21, prolribiting parkhg on South side of Market StGeet for distance 70 feet Vest *of France, Police asked to enforce ordinance. I* President Cooper inquired as to rates charged for.rental of Village Equipment. Upon being informed that $5.00 per hour is being charged for Shovel, without o$erator or oiler, Council requested that office check up on net7 U.S. Oovt. rates for equip- men% rental, as aell, as Ziegler's rates, and make proper adjtdtment before further rentd, . .- . * Attorney* s letter, advising Council OP coqletion of procs'edings for Condemnation of Lmd for Southvie; Zme , vis read t :&-. - >. &rthorne moved for- ad jourmenf , v- -----