HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481108_SPECIAL1 R3SOLuI1ION SET!l?IXG ASSESSNEEi! HEiAEING-S!EUGEl? IEPROTE%ENI! If04 Zl-GRADING OF GROW, S!EREEg,- FBOM BUCY A- 20 766.2 -- .3EET' IES'P. 2HEBBOF I'm purkat to Resolution +opte_d'bg 'the Goukil August 25, 1947, 8 .contract has been let for the improvement of Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to 766.2 feet %st thereof by putting same to Permanen$ Grade; andsthe Clerk with the assistaqce of the engineer has calculated the proger amount to be-specially assessed for such fqrovement against every'lot, piece, or parcel of"1,md abutt- ing such improvement as provided'by law, which proposed assessment fs now on file with the Clerk and open to public inspection, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the ldina Village Council tbat the said work of improving sefd street is hereby accepted znd designated as Street Improvement No, 21; that the Clerk is directed to cause notice to 6e published in-Hennepin County Review, Hopkins, Minn. on October 28, 1948, that this Council wil& meet *on November 22, 1948 at the Village Ha51 to pass upon said proposed assessment; thkt the total . cost of said improvement is determined to be $373.06., Motion for a;doption of the Resolution was seconded by Child; and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, 3s follgvst Rawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution wai adopted, Child, age; Palen, aye; l?illson, aye; .- -1 President of the Village Cpfhcil ffater-Department Sipt, Floehler reported that heat woulil bee needed in the Halifax Avenue Pump House. Child moved, approving purchase of circulating oil burner. -Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried, Police Czpta5n Krtutsonis notice that report iould be Gde-on ksiness District traffic s2tuatipn at meeting of Xovember 8, was read. -. ~ f. .. 4 Zhere being no further,business to come before the Co&cil, meeting. was adjourned, by Notion WiX.lson, seconded by Palen and car .. . -@. Pursuant td' due call 'a% noti6e;"Meeting w% convene& at 7:OO P.M,, with dL Council Members except Trustee -- Palen answerbg -. Rollcdl, and Palen coning. late. Purpose of Ileeting iris to receiqe recomenaations of -Volunteer Fire Department, hibers of 'the Fire Department $resent tverd Fire Chief Chris Ijitzel, and Messrs. Ha&y Hanseni r Ernmt Hadsen and R, Nr. Mitzel :presented'three recohendations 'for'grass"fire control, which he asked be iqcorporated into Ordiliance No. 7,' by amenhient. recommendations be rGferred to village Atgo5ney for Checking as to legal questions involved, Fd for drhting as ahendment t6 pire Ordinance. SomenBerg, + Hawthorne moved that Motion seconded by Child and garried. , .I* In connectj.on with a$ove recommendations, Mr, Nitzel presented report of fire as against- 37 fires pf other t~es, November lit letter from 11. C. Freitag, Engineer for' Ffre Underwriters Inspection Bureau, adpising of $heir inabiiity to meet with Couhcil this evening, was read+ Hawthorne moved that sire Underwriters repkesentativ'os be invited to attend meeting on* November 22, 194%. Motion seconded by-Palen and carried. Mr. Harry Hansen reiuested 'reim'ursement to Fire Department delegates to various schools ah conventikns which are held-each xes, asking that men be reimbursed for time lost fron their regula? positions, mileage ,+ and miscellaneous exrpenses. Department was requested to draft schedule of hourly pay ad expenses, and present it to CoUrici.1 at ned regular meeting for their consvideration. F calls ansqred to date this ye&, showing a total of'96 grass and rubbish fires, Report filed with Clerk. c. Chief Iaitzel requisitioned for four red spotlights to be used on Jeep and International Fire Bucks, urd a sideview mirror to be used on Jeep. FSauthorne.moved that Pire Chief be authorized +to purchase items requested. Notion seconded by Palen and carried.. Hr, Nitzelr rqorted that brakes on Jeep had been found insufficient to hold Jeep and loaded trailer, auxiliary brakes for Jeep trailer. Hotion seconded' by Paen hd carried. ' . , >fro I5dhorst* s drafts of %eciprocaL Service Contraceti- vas presented for Fire Department and Council consideration. for their perusal. .Hawthorne movea that matter of contracts be tabled %til Heeting of Wovember 22,- Seconded by Child and 6arrLed. Vl~lson moved for adjournment -of Special Meeti by Child and carried. lage Clerk : Hawthorne moved. that Councfl advertise for bids €or suitable t Copies of contract given to Fire Departaent I on seconded I Hemberi of Council ansvier5r.g Rolfcdl .wore ChSld, Pden, I'lillson, Hawthorne and Cooper. . hutes of Special and Regular Heetings of October 25, 1948, were approved as :submitted, by Notion Palen, seconded by Tfillson aad carried. f-lotion by IWlson for a>Broval of the folloving ~ayrolls vras seconded by Child ad carried: * &-moll for Rovember 1st throueh November 15th. 6 Overtime for Oct. 1948 ~'.~I?!$IS!EU!i!IVX lotd Tkth. , Retire, Tatal Net Glain Baines * sax Deduct, Deduct. Pap KO . Pkl V. Smith' 255.62 - 29 80 10.22 '+40.02 215.60 3069 Gretchen Schssler 138.04 16.50 5.52 22~02 ii6,02 3070 Bernice Johnson 138.8$ 4.00 5 055 9.55 129-30 , 3071 Helene Freena 111.21 12.40 4.45 16,85 94.36 3072 goniso tlesterberg * 89.81 5.00 7.9. , 8*!3Laa 3073 97.03 F 636.9 151.84 139.06 P2.03 128.84 318.61 *?2 n6,00 870 .lo 137.64 125.26 *w.o3 109.71 126.99 979.35 '127.81 We03 ' 121.88 10.00 1.40 7.00 5.30 9.90 5.00 46.80 8.20 4.81 10.61 109.53, 307l) 6b07 16.07 5.56 13.76 3.68 . 5.08 4.74 lO*O& 4.95 14.85 -01 5.00 5-15 - 32*15 30.15 760 95 1.60 27.80. 5.53- 5.01 5.11 4. 60 4.60 4m39 5.08 4.88 39 -18 335*7? 3075 125.30 3076 116.69 3078 108.57 3079 108.87 3080 3081 111.00 793.15 8&95 3077 128.13 Wm?5 116.30 - 109.83 105.73 105.32 121.91 107.98 -7.70 4b32 12.02 95.96 116.53 5.00 4,66 9,66 106.87 107.13 7-70 4.29 11.99 95*14 97.7 0 6.20 3.91. * 10.11 87.s 528.12. 37 zo 22.13 58.33 W.78 ? 98 77 30.60 * 3.95 14.55 84,22 178.94 14.10 '7.16. a.26 147,68 127.81 6.140 5Sl ~1.51 116.30 396.73 29 . 60 15.87 45.47 35~26 89-98 ' 9 .LO . . %60 12.70 77.28 3082 3083 3084 3085 3086 3087 3088 3089 3090 3091 3095 3096 3097