HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481115_SPECIAL11/15/48 E-IINmS OF T€E SPBCIfi IBE?IX"P OE' THE 3DINA VILLAGE COTJXCIL, WONDAY, NOV3XBE.R 15, 1948, AI! 8:OO 9,M. = ,@ TI32 EDIITA VILLAGE HAL&' * -. Pursuant*to due call and notice by the Presidint, meeting vas convened for purpose of considering safety meas&es and traffic control in business district at W. 50th Street, All members of fhe Council were present. ... :Business men and pr6perty owners present were as follows: 0. B. Blaylock of 3 Bc B. Appliances (Minneapolis side of Prance) Geo, Staudohar, 5012 Prayice - Edina Barber Shop A. I;, Stanchfield, 500 Corn Exchange - Oimer of NI.T corner; 50th-ej France bo, Wtzell, 4936 Prsurce, of Edina Garage; also Presfdent of CloFercial Russell.hd, 3940 W: 50th Street - Agent for Lund-Eruse, Edina Froperties, Leo Nolan, of Nolan's Golf (Perrace Cafe Erick Bjorkmm, opmer of property on If.49th and Narket Streets. Gene Oredson, representing First Edfna State Bank Men's Club Inc., &d other owners of property on North sitie of 50th Street I. : 7 - Upon President's call for suggesti-ons from businessmen as to methods of controlling trdfic in this business district, the follov~ng ideas were presented: Mr. Leo Nola advocated the widening of l'!.5Oth Street from the Brown Derby Cafe to France Avenue, with parking allowed along this portion of the street. Me*ssrs. Stmchfield and Oredson advocated lr-TjIinu%e Parking for their respective frontages. I Mr. Russell Lund told Comcil or" negotiations to purchstse'parking space from Brance to mering, to relieve parking congestion. I Nr. Hartzell reported the Commercial Men's recommendation for two-hour parking throughout the district, to eliminate the practice of all-dag parking by Minneapolis workers and employees of the locd shops, , $11 thosb bu3inessmen present were in agreement that the Theatre Parking Lot should be opened to public parking during the day, With regard to the Tarking situation, the Council acted informally as follo~rs: n . 1. 2. Instructed office'to prepare necessary Resolution for the Widening of W.50th Street from &om Derby-to France Avenue Asked that President Hartzell of the Commercial Club present written record of Club* s recommendation for two-hour parking, preparatory to Council*s taking action on this recommendation. 3. Requested leadership zqd action from Commercial Club with regard to pshing developlent of p rking facilities South of ll.50th Street, Suggested that Clu z go on record as being in favor of development as presented by Planning Com@ssion, .. Discussion was then had as to possible traffic control, with Council advocating policy of ItNo Left Turn" on W.SOth Street, iizstz2letion of Stop znd Go sign , at comer of 1'1.50th Street and Halifax Avenue and some type 02 synchronized. sign at the crosswalk, It vas susgested that crosstralk be moved further East, ila order that it might be more nearly in the center of the stretch betveen Frame and Halifzx Avenues. Businessmen were told that study would be made before installation-of traffic control signs, but thzt Comcil is definitely in favor of further traffic control for this district in the inferegts of safety. .a. - Hawtilornet s motion for adjournment was I 0