HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481122_REGULAR1IIITKCES OF 53 REGULAR. I.IEEIZ!IETG OF EB EDINA . VILItkGE COUNCZL, HELD NOIWS, NOV%IXEFL 22, 1948, Al"7:OO P.EL A!C TfXE-EDIXA VTLZAG3 .. -. .. Pursuant to due cdl and notice br President, Heeting vas convened at 7:OO P.1-I. , with the folloaing me5bers msvreriqgXollczl1: Fire ChTef Chris Witzel and Hessrs, B. C; Somenberg ,ha Harry Hanken of the Fire Department presented a recornended expense dlovmnce Scho$ule of: Child, Palen, I'lillson, Havthorne and Cooper, I Beim%Gsement €or loss of time from'regulzr sork - Per 8 Hr. Day Ueals, each I 1.00 Ibzileage, Per car pkr 1.lile Hotel Exgense (Lodging only) 5.00 $12;00 05 for the f'ollo~ring instructive meetings held each year: ?ate-Fire Sch?ol at 'St. Paul or Pinneaptkis - 3 bas - Chief,/Asst. 6 2 Firenen Ninn.Stjate Fire Dept. Assn. at any Mim. totm- 3 dzg - Chief or Asst. & 2 Firemen Governors Conference st St,-Pzul Chiel's Assn, Zieeting at St. Paul or Minneapolis - 1 day:- Chief or Asst. *. e of Neetin or - 2 bjs - Chief or &st. I Havthorne moved that Council accept recopnendations of VolGteer Fire Depatnent for attendance & Cizief or Assistmt and firemen at various schools and conventions as itemized in their report dated Novem'ber 12, lgm, and that authorized represen- tstives be dlowed eqenses as set forth above, Notion seconded I@ Pdeu 2nd carried, with T;lillson not voting, At this time Police Captain Knutson met with Council. ;proper sig.ns--l%o ParMng-24 IEo~rs~~ on South side of 1-iarket Street; tlEo Parkiqg-24 Horns-Streetcar Stop" on Vest side of Frmce Avenue; IIPolice Car Onlyll; and %o ~a.rk3.ng-Trnclr Zone-8 A.W. to 6 P.14.11 signs, in accordace with anendmen% to Traffic OrcEnazce ado-oted June 22, 1948, CaptaAn &utson8 s recomnendation of Xovember 5, for continue& operation of "Cab Standll at its present location, vas read ad filed. .- He vas instructed to-have Captain Ihutsonts report of akrangements made vith lir. Shore, Actuey for Math Yeshurun Cenetery Association, for direc$ion of traffic by police during funerals (rather thm in+ll&ion of sto9 signs) vas read and filed, Castain Butson*s"report of November 4, recommending - 1. Replacing "30 l&e Speed" si9 facing liest on 50th Street with a l!Business District-Slodl sip. of crossvrdk. 3. crosswalk. - vas read ad discussed. Captain Xnutson vas asked about advisability of moving crosswdk fwther east, in line withw recommendations made by businessmen. at meeting of Xovember 15. that Village request Stzte Hizhvw Department to make trdfic count of sut6mobiles znd pedestrizn trdffic in the 50th ad &ace business dfatrict, &ad to n&e recommend& ions zs to the best mews of controllipg automobile trafIic and' protecting pedestrians, l*iotion seconded by Paen Ad unanimously carried. I 2, Restriping Installation of 'IAyto-Stop sigy at either side of street for' He confirmed these recommendations . Hawthorne moved llhe anplications of Nelvin Eager and Irvin Cummings, for positions in the klina Poli& Departmen+ were presented, until such time as Copcil may be filling positions in the Depzrtient vas seconded by Pden and carried, &v.rthornel s motion thzt applications be filed Public Szfety Conrnittee Chair- Hatrthope requested that business district 'be carefully watched, with officers to take specid notice of cars pqked in crossvrdks, and of double parking. or side of stores in such cases as there is Toon? so to unload. Police were requested to ask trucks.to load from rear entrance Discussion vas h.& by Captain hutson ad Council regarding cer?ain claims for papnent - by Suburban Chmrolet Com2any. re2resentative Everett'to be present at the next re,dar meeting for further discussion on this matter, Zlr. IT. C, Freitag, Engineer Tor Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau: tTas presont for general dis.cussion of meVnoas for main-ing, and possibility of lowering, present fire insuranp rztes vrithout renewing 14inneaplis fire service contr.zct+ zdvocated further study by the Bureau Before establishment of definite reo-uireents; stating thzt the recornendations cited, in Mr. Ryan's letter of October 18 are comprehensive and that the Bureau realizes' the Village should be given opportunity to meet them. I Council directed 1.f-s. Knutson to ask I&. Freitag 11 /22/48. ' Hawthorne moved that Public Safety Committee and the Chief of the Fire Departmefit together w5th any committee he desires to select, be authorized md directed to work with Fire %derwkiters Inspection Bureau for the-carrying out of procedures for ms?Zntaining adequate fire protection without .necessity of maintaining Ninneapolis contract. Motion seconded by Palen unanimously carried, Clerk read Hennepin County Review's Ilffidivit of Publication in October 28th issue, of '''Resolution Setting Assessment Hezring Street Improvement No. 8- . Blacktopping of Kent-Avenue from State Highway No. 100 to l'fmvick Plane.11' Proposed Assessment in amount of $3,045.82 or $1.77 per assessable foot for. 1,720.8 assessable feet, !ras read,. filed to this proposed assessment, moved its-adoption: No objections, either oral or written, vere . Willson offered the following Resolution d . * ASSESSIlfENT RBSOLTPilION4fT IMPROV?3bDXT NO; 8 - BIJACK~OPPING OF EENT AvE"J3 FRON STATE HIGHWAX - 1- 1 * NO; 100 TO W.ARI?ICK PLACS - VHEREAS pursuant to Resolution of the Village Comcil adopted October 25, 1948 , and-published- in Henneiin- Co-hty Review, HoBkins , Mimeso ta, October 28,. 1948, the'village Council bas.met at the time apd-piace specified in said resolution and has heard all tesfimony offered by interested parties in connection vith proposed assessments ford improvement of Eent. Avenue between State Highvray No. 100 znd t'la?%&ckPlace by-Blacktopping; and the Village Council has set the mounts of benefits.conferredvby said improvement-upon each-lot, part of lot, - piece or parcel of ground so benefitted thereby ratably and-in proportion to the special benefit conferred upan-it, not1 therefore,. I BE IT EESOLVED. by the Village Council of the. Village of Edina that the total cost of .said,bprovement is determined to be $3,045.82, which is itemized as follovs: plus lO$ Contingencies, .- - $27382 - lotal. $3,045.82, - BE I!? j?URTIBEl KEISOLhD that the amokt of special benefits conferred qon' each lot,*part of lot, piece or parcel-& ground for the cost of said improvement without regard to cash valuat&on, ratably and in proportion to the specid bensfits conferred upon it is hereby to be as respectively set forth in the followiag list, ad there-is hereby- levied aa&assessed-agdnst each lot, part of lot, piece or parcel of-ground described therein an assessment equal to the sums therein respectively set forth, as anthorized by Chapter 382, Lavrs of Elinnesota1903, payable in three equal annual. installments, the f;irst of whZch shall be payable concurrent vith red estate taxes levied in 1948 end collec.ted in 1949, together with,interost at five percenlvper annwfrom the date of th-is resolution. - Lot - - Block ' Addition =Amount of. Benefit Assessed . Contract Cost, $2,640.00; Plus 55 3ngipeering and Clerical, $132.00; . e . LIST OF. PROPEBZIY 33E"ITED &ID ASSESSED I $265.50 1 11 ~ 177 53 1 1- gdina Park - ii- 132.75 aach Lot It 3.32.75 Each Lot 17 18,19 , 20 1. 21,22,23;24,25 1 * -- 1. Westchester- I[nolls . i265.50 ,ao6.20 Each Lot ~06.20 Eech %ot - 3.06.20 Each Lot L07.09 I I1 II *. 11 - ii 6 7,8,9,lQ,l1 1 12,13 , I&-, 15 1- 16~7 + 1. 18 1. - -- -_ Notion for adoptiou of the Resoluiion was seconded 'oy Chila, ad on Rollcall there vrere five ayes and no nays, as follotrs:. ChLld, aye; Palen,. aye; ?lillson, sac; Haw.t;horne; aye; and. Cooper, xiye; and the .- Resolution vra6 /- President of the Village Co#ci1 - - - V%llage Glerk Manager Elppley of .the Liqum Store presented several employees for interviews prqzratury to employment aspermanent .stztns, togsther with letter dated Eqkmdmt November 22, requesting salary increased for Messrs. Ryan and Alexmder. Because detailed personnel in€ormation tzas not available oil these men, Cotmcj.1 reciuested that they make written applicztions for 'positions. -- - ., I Gfildls motion for pwent of the follovrtrlg Pagsolls qras seconded by Palen and carried: EI)IITA VILLAGZ PAIROLL FOR mIOD P?OVB:BIB 16 THROUGH NOWlBER 70. 1948 TOTBL BITH. I?3!I!pIRE HOSP. . TOTP3; mI! CLAD1 EA~S~;~INGS ,TAX DEDUCIE! DEDUCT. DEDUCT . PAY NO 8 ,50.00 3199 60.00 3200 60.00 60.00 3201 I 60.00 3202 a 50.00 3203 75.00 * 3204 15-00 3205 . 10.00 3206 Dr. L&. C2mpbell 30 000 30.00 3207 COUNCTI; Gene Gooper $80.00 Sower HartLorne horgi- A.l&?lsQn 60,oo Yred S. Child. Richard G. Pzlen 60.00 d. J. wga 50.00 - John I!, Winahorst 75.00 &rd B; Levis 75 -00 john D. Nelson 10.00 , - . $80.00 3198 .. ,50.00 1 I* Sub-E 0 t zl $550.00 ;$550.00 &.SIiTI smnsvE Pgl f'l. ~ Smith il $255.62 $29.80 , $10.22 $2.75 $42.77 $212.85 3208 Gretchen Schussler ,138.04 I 16.50 I 5.52 ,1.25 ,23.27 v114.77 * 3209 Bernice 3ohnson - 115.03 . 60 4.60 2.75 7.95 107.08 ' 3210 Louise Tlesterberg 76.69 3.20 - 3.07 -0- 6.27 - Sub-to$d $674.85 $59.20 $26.99 $8.00 $94.19 $580.66 Eelene Ree- 89 047 9-10 . 3.58 1.25 13 93 75.54- 3211 70.42 3212 ENGIFrnING Fred Jonas POLICE rnAFtDrnT2 Clarence lhutson Bilding D@ T.Tm. S. Heydt I Henry 1.1. Vroblesld Bart 14. .Herfeld William V. Hoffman UOY& I-ICGW Sub-t 0 tal STREET I-IlBT-BG- Philip Bajley Peter Ddgren 1.1. J . Neyfeld Harrg Jonas Arthur Jensep Roaald Pori; G. 17. Czrdarelle S?lb-tb';d - John Tracy -I $120.14 '$5.80 $4.81 -0- . $10.61 $109.53 3213 $151.84 139.06 92 SO3 123 . 72 118 . 61 123.72 $864-98 116.00 $133.04, 127.81 '225.26 115.03 115.03 $971.37 ll5-D O3 115.03 120 . 14 $10.00 1, 8.20 . 1.40 5.- 80. 5.30 9.90 5.00 $45.60 ' $4.00 - 10.50 . 6.M . 60 4. 70 . 60 -0- 1.60 $28.40 $?-0?.98 , D2.88 LO3.a -. 85.89 ~ W.66 $595.37 3779.71 103 .tc8 .I $6.07 $2.75 $18.82 $133*02 3214 * 5.56 ,2.75 ,16.51 . 122.55 3215 -0- 2*75 10.75 112.97 3.23-7 4.74 * 2.75 . 12.79 105.82 3218 3.68 . 7.83 8$20 3216 4.95 2.75 17.60 106.12 3219 -0- 2.25 7.25 108.75 3220 , 4.95 $29.95 $16.00 . $91.55 $773.43 ' $5.52 5.11 , 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.60 4.80 $38.84 -0- ' $9.52 $128.52 $2.75 ~ 18.26 ,107.00 ,2075 . 14.26 113-55 2.75 7.95 107.08 2.75 12.05 . 102.98 2.75 7.35 107.68 2.75 7.95 107.08 2.75 9-15 110.~ $19.25 $86.49 $88&.88 32= 3222 3223 3224 3225 3226 3229 ' 3230 ' 3231 3232. 3233 3234 11 f 22/48 3103 3104 3105 3106 3107 3108 3110 3111 3112 3126 3127 3129 3130 3331 3x32 3133 3134 3135 3136 3337 3138 3139 3x443 3141 32b2 3143 3144 3145 31% 3347 314s 3349 3150 3151 3152 3153 3154 3155 31.56 3157 3158 3159 3160 3161 3162 31.63 3164 31.65 3166 3167 3168 33.69 3x70 3171 3172 3175 3179 3180 3181 3182 3183 3187 3190 3391 3192 3238 3195 3242 CLAIN KO, ‘ “ - 90: ANOTJNl! 3102 - - H. G, Dkrks Furnace Company $ 7.96 ’ A. B. aick Company - 33 10 Miller-Dmisc Company . 89.47 Republilt Creosoting Company 56.00 L -Justus J;umber Compaay ,287-94 Bury & Carlsoii 142.80 l Glacier Skid 80 Gravel 60 . 19 Jay V.1 Craig Conpany - Leon J. Gohen 12.50 Pa2er, Clnens6n & Compa.ny 30 25 I’Jheeling- Corrugating Conpany 33 66 50s. G. Pollard Compsllly .. 15 34 Hdla Nursery 5.00 Sdina H&dmre - le75 Ragiia !I.* Schaitt 16.40 Zola L, Drew 4 14.40 Betty- Voqd Wehr 14.M Anita Senn 14.40 372.00 Itorthwestern Bell !telephone 60, . 48.15 lllasie C.* Dgregrov 14.40. %elp C; Vinson + 17.60 Luella-B; Weker 15.60 mora 0; Rushay 15.60 Clarice Hollingsvro r th 15.60 Idna C . 2e t erson 15.60 Ethel Mc6ready 15.80 Ida L: Smith 13.80 Rutiz_ N. a ip y r 33.80 Ruth 14. -Volk 13.80 Amanda Jensen 23.80 Grace Svatzer 17-00 Evelyn Wohlra’be 15 . 00 Alma Duus 15.00 Xollie LL Mattsson 2.5.00 Dora Sc&iauss 15.00 Mrs. J. ‘P. Delaney I 3-3-40 Sigrid ItTes ter’berg llb4.0. Nrs. Llogd Engler 11.40 Hae L, Duggan- 11.40 Nrs. E. 0. bundson 11,110 Mrs.-LevPs E. Sones 3.5 -80 Mrs. John Hjort 13.80 Nellie xilodlin 13.80 Mrs . Old M .- Bye 13.80 Nyrtle My& 13.80 Nellie Sdrate __ 17.00 Hilda HoXter 15 00 Dorotheat L. Obermeyer - 15 . 00 l{abel 12. - Ifillson 15.00 E. Lois Louis 18.80 Bertha Hcdraney 16-80 Pthel Link 16.80 Camille Grtum 16.80. I’linif red: Stark - 14.40 Ed Port - 10 , 00 A. 5. H&in 18-00 H. A. Rogers Company 40.23 Lyon Cheaica3.5 - 40.25 Chas . -If.* Jones 2.80 Northern. States Power c0rnp-y 884.66 Tom & Coktry Hardware - 73.20 Brancis Sonnenberg 15 L 0,o 1F. C, Pfeiffer 1,753- 65 JOG 5. Bdich 6.00 A-VT Compny of Minn. - 6,355.00 liiLnneapol3.s Equipment Co . Utility supply Co. &lore11 R. Bichols - A Jay V: Craig Co; 379 24 $12,515 .49 889 . 00 80.. 50. 194.25 GEXEBAli FU! 3116 311.7 3118 3119 3120 3121 3126 3128 3173 3174 8 31-83 3188 3187 . w57 $258 31259 TO: f)r. Allm J. Blake Firs$ ITational Bank If II 11. It 11 I1 II II I1 II I1 II - RGP. r.lurphy .. It * I1 it Addr:essogra~h-~.ultigraph Co. ITorthern States ?over Co, Villaage of Edina-General hd !I " ?k3quip;Rt.Wd 1.lim;q olis Gs conpmy PhilJips Pctrolem Fizea tone Stores - I7ilepsky Auto Parts Co, 8atipnd Bushing & Parts CO. Eain+a me Oil- Co. - Broo@i.de Service Stztion- Inte.mationd. Emester Co . Xorthtresterii Bell Tel. Co. Reir@a.rd Bros, Vm. H. Ziegler Conpany - llor them States *Paver Co . .. v. E*. Ltzhr CorilyiJly I Hull~2o'b'bs, Inc. 52.87. 1.00 600.00 150 . 65 10.19' . 96. k4 162.25 25.00 13.00 13.06 396-69 15.55 '13.. 3.3 15,25 238.. 70 37.3.8 174.38 25.00 51.87 3122 JO~IR. ~oa, Postmaster - . S1;o.oo .. 3123 Vateyous Company a.68 3124 City, Treaswer , Ninneizpolis 299.19 3125 Ifaanpr Coi-pny 13.87 31.27 Jos.. G., Pollard Gorapmy - UP35 3130 Edinp H&dmre 1.05 3184 Uortbern States Power Go. 536.68 . 55-00 3186 IIccaTthy Bell Coinpany 250*89 . TIATER FUND addi;pssogrqh S 1hltigragh Corp. 51.87, $1,288,65 ~ ~.fcb"eison a BO~I~S, Tnc. - S29b.80 . Distjllers Distributing Co. 3,191.37 Ed. Phillips E: S6ns Go. Kelly Liquor Co. Funops-Brmds, Tnc. - Old pcoria Coiigany, Inc. 180.12 1Iinnpzgolis Breving Coo 995.15 I?qi$y B~erap GO, 32-& Glue@ Brmring Co. *- 73kF Rex pis tr ibut ing*Coc 104.30 Schogield Bevekge 31.00 Clauseri & Sons, Iik, 55.80 0, ZbL Droney Beverage Co. 307.51 Apheuser-Busch Inc. 84.25 Harris Distributing Go: 58.40 Cocs-Cola Bottling Co. 29-60 . . Nass,oIt Bottling Go.* 7-00 .* Sevep;ZTp, BO t tling C6. 34-24. . Calla Dry Ginger-Ale , Inc. 57.78 Sund.erland Supply 60. 30.00 Ch~+sl.ca Beverage Co, 135.17 . Zhoqson Luinber Go 3.23 Lydh E. Hq, E&cuta'ix 104.76 95.24 95-24 8. 8. Stenson 104.76 3185 E. C, Pfeiffcr - *I Griggs Gooper- 8: Co, 3,267.47 - - 1,537.41 . 179 656 1 , 265.86 - Lydia E- +y Fern 8. Stenson Fre Refrigeration, Inc. 34.55 (Continued .- 11/22/48 m CLAI1.I NO, TO *. - ANOUNI L274 F; J, Quinq Paper Go, $12 1 a- Rationh Cash Register 3.65 Northern States Pofrer Co. 35.86 Miller-Davis Co 4.95 ~clraugUin-Hullemas t er- Julius A. S chmahl., Tre& . 131 39 R0Wl~d-M~ CO 243 , 00 LIQUOR FUND Petty Cash-Liquor Store 12 .Ijl $S2,8%35 BLL l?mms - t $56,130 63 read 'Hahepin County Review's dfidavit of publication', datea October 28, for I'Resolution Setting Assessment Hearing Street Inmrovement No. 11- BbcLkfopp8ng of Sou+% Extension of Golf Terrace-between StLte Eighvay No. 100 ana Lakeview Drive, -aud.at publ5c hearing held as scheduled on, this proposd assessment, assessment roL1 was presented* There were no objections, either ' oral or witten, - Wklson offer& the folloiqiing Resobtion adopt ion: ASSESSMJDKi! RESOLUIION-SEXEZI SMF'RO'VE*EXT ?Joe 11 BLACKTOPPIXG 02' SOUTH 3XTXlTSIOlT 02 GOLF TERRACE BE!I?VEEN S[FAICE HIGBI'T'IBY UO, 100 .A&lD Lp31EVIXV DRIVE 1-S pursuant to Resolution of the Yill@e CoUncil 25, 1948, ad published in Hemepin County Reviev, October Pillage Oowcil has met at the time and place specified in atid moved I. its - 1 adopted October 28, 1948, the said resolution znd has heard all testimony offered 5y interested parties in connection with propose& assessment for improvement of the Southlfftension of Golf Terrace betwen State Highway No, 100 and L&evietJ IlriVe by Blacktopping, and the Pillage Council has se't the amounts of benefits corderred by said improve- ment upon each lot, par% of lot, piece or parcel of grouna so benefitted thereby ratably and in proportion to the specid benefit conferred upon it, now theref ore, BE IF RESOLVED by the 'Village Council of th'e 'Village of Ed'ina that the total cost of sdd improvement is determined to Ve $729.36, itemized as follbvs: Contract cost, $630.96; Plus $ engfneering and clericd, $31.55; plus lo$ - contingencies, $66.85 - Total $729~36~ * I. ,. BE IT aURrrkER R3SOLpP) t&t the amount of special henefits conferred uyon each lot, part of lot, piece or parcel of grouhd for' the cost of said' improve; ment without regard to cash valuation,*ratably ana in proportion'to the special benefits conferred upon it, is hereby determined to be as respectively set'forth in the follofving list, and there is hereby levied and asse'ssod against each lot, part of lot, piece or parcel of ground described therein an assessmeqt equal to the sums therein respectively set forth,'as'authorized 'by Chapter 382, &am of Ninnesota, 1903, puable in th$ee eqU anud install- ments, the fipt of which shall be payable concurrent with' real estate- taxes levied in l9b8 and collected in 1949, together with-interest at five pbrcenE * per annum from the date of this resolution, * LIST OF ?RO?ERTY BEKEIFIT~-AND ASSESSED Golf Terrace 'Heights - ANOWT OF BZX"I!T! ASSESSED ' .. $177.00- - LO2 BLOCK APDITIOlT "1 1 2 1 10 3 4. 10 ..I $158.22 . - Ill II II - ,. $23.2D&- . $181.74 , Pfotion for adoption of the'Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall. there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; 'Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution tras adopted. President of the Village Codcil Child, aye; Palen, aye; VTillson, I && - Public H6aring tras called on proposed assessment for Street Improvement No, 13- Blacktopping of Booddde Avenue from VJ.5Oth Street to Tower Street, Clerk read Eennepin County Review's affidavit of publication as of October 28, of Resolution Setting Assessment Hearing, Assessment Roll' was presented. There vere no ob jebtions , either or&. ox writter, to proposed assessment, the following Resolution and moved its adoption: t'lillson offered 24-22 SrnE'S! TO ToTm s-!c T-AS pursuzat to Resolution of the'village Council adopted October 25Jg48, and puplished in hemepin County Reviev, October 28; 1948, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in said Resolution and'has heard dl testimony offered by interested parties in connection-with prozosed assessment To? improvement of Voodd.de Avenue between B.SOth Street and lover Street by Blacktopping, and the Village Council has set the amounts of benefits conferre2 by. said iqrovement upon each lot, part of lot, piece or parcel of ground so benefitted thereby ratably and in proportionfto the specid benefit conferred upon it, now therefore, BE I'PRESOLVED by the Village E& Council of the Villee of Pdina that the Contract Cost, I total Eost'of said improvement is determined to be as r"01lovrs: $9,280.00; Plus 5s &&neering zlld Clel?.iczl, $464.00 - $9,7W!.OO; Less 1/2 of cost to be pzid ly General hd of Village of,Xldina, $4*3872.06; 50.t;al assessable cost of consCruction, $4,872.00 plus IO$ contingencieg , $467.20 - -Tot& Assessable Gost - $5,339.20. ' BF'IT 2?UETHER RESOLVED $hat the amount of spetkd. benefits conferred upon each lot, part of lot, piece or puce1 of ground for the cost of said imprgvement v~thout regzrd to cash valuation, ratably and & proportion to the special benefits conferred won it, is hereby determined to be as respectively set forth +.the, following lisp, ad 'there is berebg levied snd assessed against each lot, part of lot, piece or parcel of ground described therein an assessment equal to the.suns therein respectively set forth, as authorized by Chzpter 382, Lars of 1903, payable in three equal annual installments, the first of which shzzl be pya.ble cojqcurrsnt with real estate "taxes levied in 1948 and collect6d in 19269, together with interest zt fivepercent per amum from the date of this Resolution. - LIST OF PROPERW BEXEFI'PTED BM) ASSESSED r Anount of * -- Un-ola-tt ed 'Sec. 'No. I Benefit Assessed Gom-at the IJI'I cor. of SE: 1/4; th. Ely along the N.line thereof 393 Pt.; th.S. parzllel <kith 8, lise t'bereof gT_ft'.to center of Hinne- h&a Creek;th.SVly dong Creek to 1'I.line of SE I/&; th.l?,to beginning exc-street - A.1.10 18-9.28N-$~24w $149.90 Comm,at a pt.277 ft.s.of 'a pt.20 ft. W. st cent<r of Sec.;th.S.396 ft.;th.8.282 ft. ;th, f.220 Et-to creek; th.IG1lg along creeli to ' beginning - A. 2.00 ax 18-9 28H-R . 24V $281.16 - I I f I .. SEl/4 of Sr11/4 Xxa.Rd, -' A.39.00; and NEl/4 of SI.n/2 exc.SE of State Aid Rd,; N.20 exc. Corun.2?9 ft. S. & 20 ft.11, of center of-Sec. th.S.396 ft.;th.8.282 ft. to lT.220 ft. to Creek: th.Xl317 along Creek to beg; Also Exc. ' Con,qt a pt,in S.line of State ad ItdJTii. 20 dist. 327.4 ft.11. at Rt.,mgles from N&S center line 02 Sec,18;thh,S.p~zllel~~ith said NM center line 2 dist.of.195 ft..; th.T'I. at Bt. angles 175.45 to S..liie of State Aid Rd.I(o.20; * th.lQly to beg, also kxc. Rd. A. 31-20 18-9 . 28H-R . 24V 6 5 6 6 1 -1 I 5 Golf Terrace heights 11. Golf Terrace Iiei$rts 2nd ' I1 I $40.50 ,40,50 40.50 42-60 49 . 00 I 92-30 99 e41 &sen &-Parks Ist'Addu. 9587 fl f * 9587 1 1 1 2 -. *. 1;o'p - BLOCK. Lot 11 82 5.20 Ft. Zot 12 . -3 6: s.40 q. Lot 13 3 LO^ 13 3 15,16,17,18 3 1g es 20 ' 3' 11,12,13,14,15 , 16, I 17,18,19 ri. 20 4 11,12,13,14,15,16, 17 ,I8 ,19,20 10 11 , 12,1j, 14,15,16, 17, is, i9 , 20 N.40 ft. Lot 12 Xot 14'82_H.20 Ft. ' 11 1 1 5. 6 That p&t of Lot 16 lying If. of a line Corum. at KEly cor. of *Lot 16 8: running Sly to a-pt. fn the Sly line of said lot Dist.l4* Illy from SE1y cor.thereof ~ 26 11/22/48 ADDITION BIEFIT ASSESSED South Harriet Park , $56.80 II 56.80, .. It 56.80 85 27 11 42.60 Bzch Lot II It II 42.60 Each Lot 42,67 1 42.60 Each Lot 42.60 Bach Lot Subd. of-Littel Park $31:95 Baih Lot ll 11- II It '. 60.35 Motion for adoption of the Resolution vas seclonded by Palen, and oil ~ollcdl there were five ayes znd no nays, as follo~.rs: Child, &e; Palen, aye; Vilison, age; ' Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the .- Resolution vis adopted. '. President of the Village Co#cil .. f ... * - f. I Pursuant ~ to IIResolution Setting ksessment Eearing-&fer Strip, Retaiaing Wall, Curb and Gutter, Halifax Avenue from Harket. Street $0 Vi5Oth Street-Street Irngrovement No. 187 published in Hennepin County Review, Ropkins, Minnesota, on October 28, l9&8, affidavit of $@lieation >or which was read by .Clerk, President called public hearing on assessment for this gmqsmi& ~ro jec.6. Assessment Roll vas presented. Mr. Eric& Bjorkma attended Hearing and protested-"'the Gay things had been handled on Jkket Street and Halifax Avenue,ii. &t did not protest the - proposed assessnent. No objections were fkLed, eithen or+ or vkitterz. T~illsops offered ,the following Resolution ad znoved its adosion: .. ASSESS&53NT €U3SOLUTION-STIEXT IMF%OVBENT NO 8 18' BUE'FER STRIP, RXTAINING TUGL, CPRB A,ND GUT=, . IE&LI$AX AJIENUE @Rob1 HARTKEZ S!E?XET TO SOTH S-9 imnaxs puns-t ti Besolution if txe .riillGe Coun&.l adopted October Z~,L~M and published in Hennepin County Reviet.r,'October 28, lgG8, the Villase Council has met at the time place specified in said resolutfon and hs heard all tes3irnony offered bj interested parties in connection with proposed assessments for improve- ment of Halifax Avenue between Market Street and W.SOth Street, by purchase of LO- foot buffer strip, and constmction of retaining trall, curb and gutter,therein; and the Village Comci1- has set the amounts of benefit's conferred by said improvement qon each lot, part of lot, piece or pscel of-ground so benefitted thereby, ratably znd in proportioa $0 the speciql benefit conferred upon it, nov therefore, BE IT kESOLVED by the Pillage Council of the Village of Edina tha$ the total cost of said impovcment is determined to be $6,220-00, which is itemized as follow: Cost of Buffer Strip-$l,gOO; Contract Cost of,Retai'ning Wall, 'Curb znd Gutter- $4,000; plus $ Engineering and Clerical for Retaining Vall, etc., $32OwO0; Total $6,220.00, - 204 lot , 11/22/48 233 I2 FuRIpBEfi WOLVW) th& the amount of special benefits conferredupon each part of lot, piece-or pace1 of ground for the cost of szid improvement vithout regard %o c2sh valuation, ratably and in pro6ortion to the special benefits cohferred upon it, it is hereby determined to be as respectively set forth in the follovifng list, and there is hereby levied and assessed against each lot, part of'lot, piece or pzrcel of ground described therein ressect2vely set forth, 8s authorized by Chapter 382, Laws of Hinnesota, 1903, payable in fivesew mud. installments, the first of which @d.l be payable concurrent with red. esta%e taes levied in 1948 and'collected in 194, together riith interest .?.% three percent per azllfum from the date of this Resolukion, assessment eq, to the sums there3.n LIS3 OF PROPERlfp BEKEZ'ITPED BTD ASSESSED AHOUNI! OF - LO9 ADDITfOH ' BBrnIF Assassm 21 1 161- 70 22 It .161* 70 37.75 Ft, of Lot 23 it 24.26 lJe47 Fts of Lot 24 II 6.5 ; 29 S,49 @t, of Lot 24. 11 66.11 25 - 26 27 Lot 28 & S, 3t of Lot 29 $Ta,14?* of Lot-29 & of ll.lL&?r - 20 Auditor's-Subd, No. 172 ~ $88-93 - . 99.17 99 17 I1 132e23 I1 II It 210 , 28 02 Lot .3a- If 223.90 K65! OS Lot 30; LLSO E.11 of 427 43 213 -43 - 213 *&3 31 - I 430.83 - 32 II 213.43 + 33 m/2 of 3ot 34 m/2 of Lot 35 ii *531*?2 s1/2 of Lot 34 B 3.13~ of si/z of 515.69 It 60.37 5,133' *of Lot 30 It 11 I r. II sot 34, 8,28r of 3,blt of S,gO* of Lot 35 S,gOf of. that-part lying V.-of the B,41* of that pat of the Sl/2 lying N. of the s.90: & C: 8; of the E.13t 928.12, sot' 35 If ; 556 23 3.172.5* of Lot 36. - II Corn, at SI3 cor. of Lot 36; th.N. to* 3T.line of Sl/2 of said lot; th.M.22'; - th.S. Zaallel vith E.line of said lot to a pt. 150,lW U-of S.1ine thereof; th.8.55/100r; th.Sly to 2 pt. on S. line of said lot dist, 21.91 fl,from pt, 02 beg; th.E. to beg. - I1 - 143.13 I C;onm.on S,line of Sot 36 at a p%.122' 8, of SE cor,thereor"; th.B, to H.line of SlJZ of said lot; th.Za,10Of; th.S. parzllel iiith E.line of said lot to pt,l50.14.f 1T.of S. line thereof; th,XE.55/100' ; th,Sly to pt. on Soline of said Lo! 1OO,1O* &from beg, th.ll. to leg. II - r 632-78 Elation for adoptioz of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there aere five ayes and no nag, as follovs: *Child, aye; Palen, aye; tlillson, aye; HmtBorne, we; and Cooper, zye; and the Resolution vag adopted, .- c t &T3SI!: . - *1 President of the Villa$ Council - I. PursuaHt-to llAdvertisement for Bids-Grading Van Euren Avenue ,It published in Snburban Wovember 11, and 18, l9M, affidavit of publication being read by Clerk, the folloving aids for furnishing labor and kterials for improvement of Van Buren Avenue betmen Belmore Lee a,nd lJorth Village-LimMx vere publicly opened and read. Press, Hqikins, 34innesota md Construction Bulletin, Ikinneqolis, 1.Iinnesota on - - - .. I. ... 11/22 /&3 Pfeiffer Construction Company, Xdina Leo Lahti, Hopkins $1123,00 - cost pius 15$ s2b65.50 - cost Pius 12f: !l!erry Exc&vating Co., St.3loui.g Park $1149.00 - Cost Plus l$ Carl H. Peterson, Minneapdis J.A. Danens b Son' $1008.00 - Cost - Plus 8$. * $1575.00 - Gost Plus 15$ IJilZsonts motion, that bid be awarded to J, A. Danens & Son in accordaxe with bid stated above, and that f?resident,and Clerk be authorized to enter into contract with Danens for this improvement, vas seconded.by Child md carried. Havthornets motion, authorizing Clerk to return certified checks of all bidders except the two low bidders, these two checks to be retained until contract is executed, vas seconded by t'lillson and carried. Pursuant to "Advertisement-'for Bids-Stopand-Go Signal," pu%lished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota bd in Construction Bulletin, NinneaFolis, Ninnesota, on November 11 and 18, affidavit of publica-tion for which vas read by Clerk, the rolloxring seded bids for fur6ishing and instzlling fouryqy stop and go signal and all appmtensulces at 50th Street and Booddale Avenue, vrere opened and read: I. .. Commonwedth Electric Company, St. Paul $3 3 697m Bo delivery date specified Behne Electric CO., Inc., St. Pad. ~ Delivery-A~~rozim~tely 150 , days-complete installption withiq 30 days $2,762.00 (Fluted Pedestds) . after receipt of eiuirment . Alternate Bid $2,682,00 (Tube Pedestals) - Delivery 60 ws-complete installation within 30, days after, receipt of equiFment . I Child's notion tdat dds be reTerred to Village Engineer for tabulation'and 1 recommen&tion at next meeting t.raS seconded by Ifillson and carried. 1 Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids-Brakes , pu3lished in Suburbm Press, Ropkins, Idinnesota alld in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, Minnesota, on November 11 snd 18, affidavit of publication for which vas read by Clerk, the following sealed 3ids for furnishing an; installing brakes on Jeep Fire Iruck Irailer were pixblicly - opened and read: Palen's motion that bid be accepted vras second;ed-by Hawthorne and cakied, C. .Emery Nelson, Inc., Nirqeapol5.s '(VarGer Xlectric Brdces) $121.48 I Imediate Delivery. I 14r. Ericlc Bjorkinan protested construction of curb and gutter immediately adjacent to the sidetrdk at his property on Tl. 49th Street. t'ne Village hzd taken tvo boulevard trees ad had eliminated his four-foot boulevard, alle&~g that an earlier -council-had promised him his bouxevsd aould remain untouched; i.e., that street would be put in farther South. Mr. Ben Voehler eqlained to the Council thzt street is graded as platted, that curb and gutter is constructed in 2 straight line dong tf.49th Street; &Id that it tras necessary to hm-e the pol6 moved in order not to delag curb contractor; that Mr. Bjork;mmts boulevard, sidewalk., and the northern Stztek Pover pole are all in the Bedicsted Village street, Wr. 14, P, Johnson requested his plat, "Praspect Hills-Second that it might be put on record. roimers of Lots 12 and 15 Prospect. Hills'-First Addition; covering required connection-of Dowas Road between the lst-and 2nd Additions, \lindhorstts approval of the quit claims deeds; Rr. Johnson's plat tras released for record, Highvay Connfissioner Hoffman's letter of November 12, advising Council that therc are at present no plans for additional lighting on Trunk Highvrq NO. 100, but that %he matt& has, been referred to the traffic engineer for Znvestfgation of accident experience on this Highway, tras read.. Bequest of 141~. E.B. Simmens, 4800 Maple Road, for warning. signal at corner of Naple Road and W.48th Street, was reported, Mo ion 3y Hawthorne, authorizing was secdnded bj Pden &d carried. I~lr, Land.f;*s request for street light Was referred to Village Engineer for his recopmendst ion, He informed the Council that No action taken by Coun?cil. . - ,in order He tendered ttro. quit claim deeds executed by Upon Attorney Letter fixed. instdlation of sign end directing Police Depar F. men$ to- see that sign is installed, I* - , 1 , .. at dead-end Gorga? Aveme .I The fklowing Tetter fron IJiuesota State Highmy Dopartnent , regarding status of T'?.50th Street 2s a State H$&vray, was read. and filed: .. Xovember 18, 1948 Mr, Phil 11. Sztzith . I. Village lhnages: 2nd Engineer Vilkge of Edina, *. r 4801 V. 50kh Street t Edina, Xinneso ta. Dear Sir: Re: !t!run?c Highmy Designation 1 I "As suggested in your letter of November loth, 5 viish to confim the verbal statenent i-rhich I gam to you the other da,y concerning a trunk ' highway designztion on If, 50th Street fron Irate Avenue to T.H, #loo. I am miting this after a conference with Nr, ,ICipp our Chief Engineer, AS. stated to,you the marking on Vest 50th Street of 9.H, #90, is a courtesy mzirkin~ and is not in the official designation of the-temporary trutik highmy location; In view of this fst the juristliction of the 50th Street from France Avenue to I.H. #lo0 is the responsibilitg of the Village of Edina-and they have the full authority for the maintenance, po1icing:and crection of traffic signals as given tham'by,their village charter ad they may erect such trdfic signals and make such regulations for thc use of the hi&irz;txithout the consent of the Department of High\rays,I' Yours very truly, (Signed) H.N, Cwd, District ?Engineer Hdla ITurseryx s zp2Ecation for 'permit to construct two ou'c'door advertising signs, one 6t x 8; at Southwest corner of property ad the other 20; x 4' over theirc drivetray, -3Ittoyrrey Vindhorst advised that such signs are -germissiblo under noa sign ordinance, by Palen qd carried, with Tlillson vot2ng No, because of overhead sign's nearness to Grange Hall. constructed off the dedicated street, The application of Outdoor Advertising Company, for mainten-mce pepit for five 12.6~ 42 signs at locations designated in their apglicatkon, vas presented, It vas reported to Council that inspection"had been made qf the& signs, ad t&t all axe in safe in presentable condition. Hawthorne moved for granting of permi% Notion seconded $y Palen and carried. I I&. Vindhorst infomed Council that all signs .disglayed, for which pernit hzs ndt been issued,-arc now in violation of Ordinance passed by Council Hay 2&, 3.948, Office instructed to notify proper parties of infraction, requesting imnqdiato DEPARTMEBTI! OF .HIGBVAYS - Hawthorne moved th& permit for signs be granted, Office asked to instruct apzltcants to be sure to hme signs Hotion seconded f I comgliance xith Ordinmce. *, IEtnutes of Meeting of Edina ConmerciaJ. Club, held October 12, stathg as follows, YES read: agreenent rezched by all mon%ers present, unsnimously that Ur, Lundts committee present to the Villap of Ed- Council a request for tao-hour parking linit signs to be posted. In connection aith T?,50th Street parking, -Office reported $hat Business Properties Inc,, and Edina Theatre .had been assessed their share for the widening of the noT.r-a.ridened portion of V.5Oth Street; and that, therefore, the rest of the poperty owners dong the street should bear their share of the presently proposqd widening at the front of the above tvn properties. Havthorne moved that the lfidening of 11,SOth Street and Commcrcid Club* s rocomendation for tvo hour parking be referred to the Pualic Safety Committoo in connection vith over-dl plzn for trdfic contzol. Petition dartred Xovembor 18, 1948, signed by nine ovmers of a'buttiq property, for the Vacation of Lexington Avenue between $/oodd.de Avenue and St. Johns Avenue tras hresented to- the Council. Willson*s motion, setting Public Hearing on Petition for '&ion-, December 13, 1948, at 8:oo_~,i.L, vras scconded by Child and carried, Piscussion vas had as to various me*& of reopening Chsrr? Lane, providing Council so desires. of property would be procedure, 30 action taken. "2he parkins problem in the 50th and France area Vas discuss'ed and an A mo@on vras mqvod, seconddd and passed Also that "Stop Signs" at Gorgas Ave. ad 50th Street be sequested,Il \.. I '- " I Notion scconded by palen ad c&ried, Village Attorney T'lindhorst &.vised th& either- condemnation or - purehase 11 f22 148 League of Minnesota blunicipalitiest letter of November 15, advising on action recommending extension of mthority for muaicipalities which have established municipal liquor stores but which grow beyond 10,000 population, said recommendation to be-presented to the Legislative Conference to be held in St. Paul, December 10, its adoption: Hawthorne offered the following Resolution and moved .. BE IT R~SOIIVED that League of Minnesota Eiunicipdities be informed that the Villse of Edina is interested in legislation which Mould al10~ rnunic5pditieslof over ZO;OOO in iopuation to continue in Nunicipal Liquor Store operation; that this Village iKL1 send a representative to the Legislative Conference to be held'December 10, 1948; 2nd that Village-Attorney Job If. Windhorst will be zvailable for consultation in this matter.. - . Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as fo2lovrs: Hawthorne, aye; md Cooper, aye; md the Resolution vras adopted. President of the Village f@uncil Village kas%,/&?, Clerk .. , Hmthorne moved for appointment of the following as Election Officials for the December 7, lgLC8, Village Blection. Notiori seconded by Billson and carried. * ' Child, we; Palen, aye; t'Tillson, aye; &A. __ D1sa. IT0.Ht DIST. NO. 2 . DIST, NO. 2. Judges - Mrs. 8, H. Schmitt, Ch, 13~s. Howard Vinson, Ch. Ijrs, Russell Smith - Mrs , Herbert Dreivs Mrs. 5. A. eegrov - &s. Victor Irgens - Nrs. George Jenson Nrs. A.H. Sem Mrs. Arthur Rushay Mrs, E. 2. Polk Mrs, H. G. l'Jeber Mrs . Clarice Hollingsworth Nrs. S I.lcCready, Ch. l4rs. George Zipoy Clerks - Mrs. Al. We@ DIST. NO. 4 DISI, NO. 5 DIST, NO; 6' Judges Clerks 14rs. Evelyn Vfoblrabe Mrs, L. Engler * Mrs. P, L. Nodlin Hrs, Cl&. Svitzer, Ch. Nrs. J. T. Delaney, Ch. Nrs, Alma Duus MrS Forge -Vessey Mrs. Old Bye IiIrs. C. 0. biattsson .. Mrs, E. 0, Amndson - Nrs. C, F.'Prescott Nrs. F. A. Schauss Nrs. q. J. Duggan lLir s . ROY -'~iyhx 1!rse John Hjort, Ch - DIST, NO. 7 Judges - Nrs. Nellie Strate, Ch. Nrs. Dorothy Obermeyer Mrs. Fred Billson Clerks - Nrw- Hilda Holter Iilrs. Franc6s Sonnenberg '. .. -. %IS!f!. NO. 8 Mrs. Lois Louis, Ch, Mrs. Gertrpde 'Ewe Mrs. 0. C, Link - Wrs. H. PIcCraney Mrs. !i. P. Stark r- Bawthorne moved; referring proposed Amendment to Sign' Ordinance and Ordinance for establishment of permaent registration to Regula Meeting of December 13, l9M, * Notion seconded by Child arzd carried. With regard to fidelity bo6ds for Municipal Liquor Store, Village Attorney T'lindhorst iras requested to mdce study of proper blwlket, bond, contacting various bonding coiiqanies, and to report to Council at their next regular meeting. Hawthomet s motion for adjoukment PTas seconded by Child and unanimously carried, 1. .* President of the Villzge Couqhil