HomeMy WebLinkAbout19481213_REGULARMINUTES OF Tm REGULAR hIEETING OF THE .. EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, ID MONDAY, . - DECElBER 13, 1948, A!L' 8:OO P.M. AT TEE - EDINA VILLAGE 'UL *1 Nembers present were Child, P,ien, Villson, Hzirthome avld Cooper, IJillsonis motion, agproving Ninutes of Regular Meeting of November 8, Specid Je.leetfng of Novenber 1.5, and Regular Meeting of IJovember 22, 1948, as su'omitted, trzs seconded by PaLen and ca,rried, hblic Bearing. on Petition to Vacate Zezington Avenue *oetween 7looddqI.e ad St, Johns Avenues vas called, with Clerk regdidg affidavit of publication for Notice of Eearing, as pbSished in Suburban'Press 0l.i Deceaber 2, 1948, Nessrs. Jm6s Thorne, Jr,, 4503 Odz Drive, Bubert J. Bartlett, 4505 OdcBrive, and Laurence A, Schovr, 4.509 Oak Drive, whose propertties back to Lexington Avenue, recuestd vacation 02 the street, claiming that they derive no benefit from it md that it is not necessary for access to properties, Nr, August De&, Chzirmm of Board of Colonial Church--which ovms several inlmd lots facing Lexington Avp,uo--cite$ the Ghurchts need for Ijexington ss access to these lots which they expect to use as perking lot for the church, and opposed vacation. fylr. Eloi Bauers, omer of lot at corner of StJohns and Lexington Avenues, reviewed his ~lms for gi'ivate &ivemy, stating he would derive no benefit from the opening'of Ledzington. Motion by Tfillson, for denial of the petition for vacation of Ledngton Avenue between Vooddale and St. Jobs Avenues, was seconded by Bawtiiorne md carried, bing discussion on the above, O& Drive residents md Nr. flauers protested possible assessments for the blacktopping of Lexington Avenae, asovmers of abutting progerty. 1.k. Willson cited precedent set 'oy kssessment for blacktopping of Lesington Avenue betveen Concord an'd the pond, herein only those proserty omem who fzce Lexington were Benefited. that it is the sense of this Council that assessments for Zuture fmprovements- of Lexington Avenue be levied- zgainst benefited sronerties- only,' vas seconded 'by Tlillson and unmim-ously cwried. &blic Hearing was c'alled on Proposed &9sessment Tor Street Improvemeht No, 21- Grad-ing of Brove Street from !i?racy Xvenue' to 766-2 Feet Vest thereof, Clerk read Mffdavit of Wolicati'on of "Resolution Setting Assessment Hearing," as published in Suburban Press on Ifovember 25, 1948. $373.06, bras reviewed. offered the follovring'Resolution and moved its adoption: I t - Hatrthorm's notion, that. the 1.Tinutes reEd - 1- t t c Assebsment Roll, in the total mount of No objections vere filed to proposed assessment. Willsort ~SOLECIOIT ADOPTING ASSBSSl*m GRADING 03' GROPE: S'JREET FROH TUCY AvlZNU3 WiER33AS proposed' assesbiient for the cost of the improvement of Grove Street , TO 766.2 PEET FEST-S-T IPPXOVIBX~! Nos21 from Tracy Avenue to 766,Z l?eet Vest thereof by Grading, hzs been &il.y 9i3ed with the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, and notice has been published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on November 2.5, l9M, that tinis Council will pass upon said proposed assessment at this present meetihg, and this Council has met at the time ad place specified in said noticb, and'has heard and passed upon dl objections thereto, novr therefore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Cowrcil of the Village of Edina that said pro- posed assessment, vhich is hereby referred to ad made a part hereof, is hereby adogked, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts of lots, pieces and parcels of lad described therein in the sums therein respective17 set forth, and each of said tracts of lmd is hereby found to be-benefited in the amount of the assessment levied agzinst it herein, inst&lments extending over a period of three years, the first to be payable on the first day of Jartusy, 1949; dl deferred-payments are to bear interest at the rate of five (5s) percent per mum. Said assessments and interest shall be a'lien upon the pro9erty therein specrfied concurrent with the general taxes as authorized by Chapter 382, $Tim, L~WS of 1903, Plotion for'adoptlon bf- the. assessment vas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there 1;Tere five ayes and no nays, as follows: %wthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the ResoXution bras adopted, JYETEST: Pillage Clerk 33Z IT -??URT€IER RESOLVED that each assessment shall be'psyable in equal WUal Child, aye; Pden, aye; Ifillson, aye; , 1 1 -. 2he foUoT;ing zpplications for pernit to sell Christmas 3, J, Tkkely - .zt Woreau property on Xorth Side of Glenn ~arlsou - at 5000 Vern& (sn triangle at new Pemits granted. .h Trees irere presented: Ikrket Street gasoline service station,) lfessrs. 1Torms.1 Grossma and V.R. Everett; of Suburban Chevrolet Coqarr$ conferred with Council on claims for services to Chevrolet Police Car. installation vas disckssed, vith Mr. Grossdan agreeing to fmy the Village for Re-d &others' charge of lTovember 22 for service to generator, motion, that clain of Suburban Chevrolet Compmy in the .mount of $27.76, for trans- fer of'generztor be aLLovred on condition that Villase is reimbksed for Reinhardis bill. Hotion seconded by Ghilfi and carried. . Ilatter of Generdior Eavrthorne4s I.Iatter df Conpmyts claim 3z-i zmount of $30.00; for gold leaf shield on the czr vqs reviewed, Council believing it excessive. Hzvrthorne's ndtion tha.5 $30.00 claim be approved for paJ?nent vas seconded %y Viflson and caried. After eqfanation 'by I4r. Grossma, 1 <* r c Upon inquiry by 2mstee Pden as to normal life of hemy duty 6ires purchased for the car, Hr. Grossnm gave 20 'to 25,000 mifes as' his estimate, whereupon he was informed that one of the new tires had vorn through before 20,000 miles. he be furnishefi with old tire in order that adjustment yigh.t; be made if possible. Xr. Gross- also asked tlmt 'Po1i.de be requested to Wlate tires yery carefully, at not more than 24 pounds. fk. Victor dams presented plot plan and proposed lay--out for red ;state office to be situ&ed on the A&ms prqerty Uorth of Elar&.t Street, haking to have SO-foot frontage 2nd a set-back of ten feet, with driveway to be provided at vest of building Tor access to parking lot. ' After reviewing Resolution kdoptec2 by Council in 1946 vith rwwd to North &.rket Street buildings, Hmthorne moved that asplicztion for building pezmit be approved. 1.k. H. R. Burton presented Pidd Plat of "Indian Hilis,tt together 76th an eq1anatox-y letter d&ed Deceaber 13, 3.948, in vrhich he granted option to V'illsge to purchasalots G,D,B,F, and G vithout chap, at my time on or before December 31, 1973, and also Ganged temporary l'turn-aromdlf aasereents over Lot lo,* Block 2, Lots I, 2 and 7, 3lock 3, Lots 2 and 19, Block 5, and Lot 6, 3locB 6, A Quit Claim Deed, executed by Thomas- ad 9ikrgaret I-IcCauleSr end H.B. Burton, Inc. , in favor of Village of Bdina, for 1500-f oof roadvray- connecting Indian Rills1! vith County Road fo . 28, vas presented. [che petition of Indkn Xiills Corporation, for the gravellins and blacktopping of all rozds in "iridian Hills,11 together vrith Gleason Road 9kom ITighmy 169 to Valley Vierr Road, ad the Yoadmy from Coupty Road Do. 18 to the subdivision*, vas presenteil. by 1h. Burton, He asked fhzt < Seconded by Child ad carried. I Emthorne noved that Find Plat 0% "Indian Eills'' be accepted ad approved, subject to conditions stated in l-Ir: Bwtonts letter date3 December 13, 1948. liilfsoh 2nd carried. Bfter discussion vith regard to assessing farm tracts for %laclzbo~pin~ iqrovements on Gleson and I-L9&dey Rozds: Hmthorne moved th&'petiti.on siilmitted by Indian EiZls Corporation, dzted Decembery 13 , 19N , relating to "uacktopping of rods, be zccepted 2s to the roads vithin %dim Hillsi1 ad that the entire petition be lzi8 over for consideration - fn the 1949 road program. Hotion seconded by I4otion beconded by Child and csrried, ?!illson moved for'accegtzllce by the Pillage of Edina of the Quit Claih Deed dated Oc%ober 8, 1948, executed by 'Phones and 1-Iargaret BicCauley md H.R. Eurton in f&vor of the Village, for the 1500-foot roadwgy connecting i11ndim with Comtg Road Xo. 18, said roadtsg cutting through the I~IcCzuley proserty md the d-escriztion 02 vhich deed begins as follovrs: Fi&y (SO) foot strip of Imd over a& across the Southvest Quarter of the ITorthvrest barter (STl$$R:') of Section Six (6) Tovmshiz One Eundred Sixteen (116) i'lorth, R&u& Ifr*renty-orre. (a) West; othervise described as Zots 7 ad 8, Auditor's Subdivision Hmber 196, EenneBin Cobty, fIimesotw-! l*Iotion seconded 37 Hzvthorne and carried. Invitation of Suburbs Police rS: Peace Officers ksn. firr CounciX att&ndwc& at neeting to he held at StJouis Park Villxe Hall December 16, at 8:3O P.H. was read. asked to.notify secretary khat two. atid possibly, three members of Council would attend, Lks. Ray Ti. Lasen's I&ter of ITovesber 22, advocating dog i.e,eations, vas had and filed, with office instructed %o advice &sr Larsen Ghat Council is considerbqsuch progr&m. ' Office P , < I Recommendation of Ihager Smith, for instillation of street li&ts at No>th end of Gorgas Avenue and at intersection of Chovren and 8.57th Street, was read. I'lillson moved for installation of street lights 2s recomended. Child and carried. Recommendation of Mmeer Smith, for cancellatio# of Sidewalk Repair- Contract atrarded to Tiictor Carlson & Sons on'september 13, <ras read. for cancellation of contract and return of certified check. Seconded by t Hawthorne moved Hotion seconded by - Willson and carried, 1 I 'AFplication of Outdoor Advertising Sign Cornpay for pernit to construct a sign for Holt Eotor Conpany on %lie George LundbXad proserty at Highway Eo. 169 md . Gden Avenue,'m.s filed, Office reported that it is questionable that this sign is more tha 500 feet from the Chris Larson ddlling,' trillson moved that apglication be referred to Tillage Bngineer to ascertain whether site is 500 feet from dwelling$ with 3lns;ineer to report at the January 10 meeting. Seconded by Hawthorne and. carried, DiscussLon vas had as to registration of sign -&rmits, with Attorney VJindhorst advocating metal .tags or gummed stickers, and hxstee Palen recomeadins that applicants for rermits beyeqired to pqint permit amber on their signs; in figures readzble from some distmce. be paknted withtin one foot of the advertisercs signature, in two-inch block letters, instruct apylicants, The matter of rezoning Lot 14, Block 4, Gou7,dsmithts Adaition from Open Develop- mat District to Cornunity Store District, vas, discussed. uoved that z2plicition for rezoning *of this property be denied. by Chila and carried. I I Hr. Woehler recommended that permit number f This last plan was informally adopted, with office asked tq so '+ Planning commissiolz 5 recormeadztion of Deceaber 7 , against such rezoning, was revieved. Hwthorne 14otion seconded 1.k. Hov~aml Clak, Chzirman of the Park Bowd, presented the alqraiszls of the lfinnczgolis Boa& of Redtors for the Blackburn and Hmvey pro3erties on Ia'ccrlachen Boulovmd, in mounts of $5,000 and $2,200 respectively, together with reo_llest for 2 Council grant enabling Park Bpzrd to purchase these propertics, vlzich total about 15 acres. Hr. Clark reouested that Council nzlre sone =li?r?iigxixSts for securiiig funds, either throl&h bond kssue or by q$r opriat i on. In connection vith Park 3oard expenditures, Mr. Clark protested a charge of $38Z.OO for rein6vzl of dm on creek, and $519.82 for care of boulevsds, as improper ch3,rges, ad E4r. TJillson recornend that these charges be made against Sever District >To. 8 ad Sublic T'Jorks respectively. Council requested that Pzrk Bosd negotiate with ovmers to see that sale figure cm be had for the two lnterlachen properties; and that Park Boad bring in a detailed 3udget to the Council.@d that they, hereafter, function as a separate body rather tha as an Bdvisory Board; .J i*e., that they administer their om funds . Ciessrs, llillson md Woehler recomended that the Cascade Pamp be shut off inasmuch as the vzter level is up and as operation of pmp creates safety ha.zaTd. moved for shutting dom of pump office to arrange meeting of owners of property abutting the Creel:: north of 50th Street, for Janusr.~ 24, to find tra,ys azld means-of keeping pmg .. ope?ating, IZr. t/&ler notified Pmk BoaA auci Couu5l that a lot had been graded up at 57th ma Cbovren Avenue, for use as a skating rink-md, in view of foregoing discussion, reouested - Elr. Clarkts permission to-com@eie project by flooding rink. + .- < EavrYSorne Secoaded by Chifd and c'aried. council asked Approved, - I-ir. Her'oert Bloonberg presented Prehninary Plat for that gropeyty between France Avenue md Pak Place ad South of the Sweeney propertg--Vith dl propertics "lest of Minneh&z Creek e-nccqting a few lots abutting Park Place directly South of the Sweeney property not subdivided, December 7, asking €'or asreement between Messrs. Xichols, Smith and Bloomberg as to eesement for park East of Creek, vras reviexfed. of the plat in its preliminary form. Planning Comnission's recornendstions of Hawthorne moved for approval Mof;ion seconded by llillson and carried, As me,as of protecting the Bloomberg lot directly to the South of the Sweeney pro-oerty, 1.k- Bloomberg presented Deeds dated October 27, 1948, and executed by l,&isle F,ST;reeney Bodena N.Str.reeney ad 2. Herbert i7.Blooaberg to Village Of Edina, -Cor 50-foot street ri~ht-of-w~y between Sweeney 2nd Bloonberg nrsperties. Office vas instructed to hold deed in this office but not to file it. 9.k. Robert A. liustonls letter of Recenber 9, requesting joint meeting of attorneys and ad engineers of Richfield, Edina, and bhneapolis Setrer Deprtment ?ras read and filed, Hr, Eippley, J;icpor Store Elmger, gresented the written applicdiiolis of $&ward D, Rym ado Cps J. Alemder €or Zull-tbe vork in the Liquor Store, znd the- aysli- cazions- of John P. Dden, E3.rry-J'. Casey, pa^ E, Plksher and Charles S, Bates, for part-tine work in the Store, sta%ing'that these men were all working out sztisfactorilr, part-time eqloyees being payed at rate of $1.25 per hour, and full-tine men at $200 ad $225 per month respectively. recopmended salaries of $225. pes: month for Rym,and $250 for Alexander, vrzs revieved, Hatfihorne's motion, a3pxwj.q perma1ent9!%%!@~& Sdrrvd P, Ryan and John 5. Alesmder, at sdaries of $225 zlld $250 per*nonth respechely beginning Pecenber 1, 19q.8, and confimhg eqtloynent of.DaW_en, Casey, Blesher and Bates as pat time qlogees ai; $1.25 per hour, vas seconded br Child and carried. 1.k. Kippleyts letter of Novembef 22, in vhich he I 9.Ir. Tlindhorst nresenEed result of his study on Fidelity Bonds for liquol store eqploy- ees, citing for Council's infornztion three %pes of bonds avdfable - I. Individual or Schedule Bond (most expensive) - 2, ins most coverzse in case more than one smglogee i.S involved ) and 3. Pr5z-y .Coqnerci& 3l&et Bond. Havtnorne moved to invite six'Casvalty Conzanies to subnit bids to be opened Ja~uaiy 10, 1949, for €+folic Pmployees' Blaket Position Bond in momt of $10,000 for seven Liguor Store &ployeesd Harsh E: I.lcl;emanls letter zdvoc&ting $wchase of tvo soda-acid fiTe extengutshers for insblktion i.il Xunicipal Liquor Store tras read. purch+se of estingishers recomended, Pinsx&l. Statemat tendersd*bg 12. Ilippley 'for period Eovem3er 1 to Xo.iren1er 27, 19168, Coasiderz3le aiscussio; YJZS had as to the"account5Bg system for !he store, with severd suggesfions male to B.fsGger EiTpley, together vith instructions tbt each ad every sale niust be rung up on the cash register While the customer i? 'presea% ad every customer mist be gima a dash regiiter receipt for his purchzse. Havrt'aorne moved tht I3.ss Schussle? be directed to set up Accounting System for the IJunicipl L@uor Store, together vrith machineq necesssy-for keeping of books in the A&$nistr&ive OfZice, cad that she secu6e froltl the State Public Exminer iuch recokendations as the Bxzminerps office wiihes to make concerning -Accov,llting Systea, Hotion seconded bj Child ad carried. - Havthorne off ered the followfag Besolu6ion 'and moved for its adoption: Euiilic &p'loyees' Bl&e.ti Position Bond (hmish- r-iition 'seconded. by ChiZci. ma caried. Hawthorne moved, zuthorieing Efotion *seconded ,by CIhild and carried. L bogether trith expl&ztion of in.deAtory adjustment, rras rd-?pievred by Council -and filed, .. R3%SOLuTcIOlIs I&€!,,IRITG CASH KEKX3i?lB BE IT 3ESOLQXD .E;h& the &rq& of the 3dina.~I&&icip$. Liquor Store 'be notified in writing f'nat it is the permanen% policy of the Council of the Villzge of Edina th& cash register receipts must be issued to each custoaer for each pnchme made in the Liquor Store. * RECEIPTS IIJ I.&"OTICZPAII LIGuOa snam liotion for adoption of the Regolution tras' seconded by Child, ad on Bollc~lL there were five zyes 2nd no nzgs, as ~ollov~s: HavrtIiorne, aye; an6 Cooper, aye: and the Resolutirbn t12G adopted. $&id, 'we; Pden, ap: Tlillson, zre; I ?resident of the Villege Co;r(;lcil . * r 33uifding'Inspector f'loeuer prescnted slot p~zn tezidesed %J Con5ractor Iierbeyt !Chompson ia <connection with qqlicztion for lpilding perisit for dvellinz oxX &ot 12, Block 1,- I-Iinqhzha IJoods &&Ltion - Voodcrest Drive. site of G::e115.~1; is in non-conformace aith zoning'ordinsce because of its sel&ion to neigXoorZq houses. Ifotion 3y Hzwthome zuthosicing Treasurer to secure November !&x SettleaeSt from Comty Auditor as soon as it islavsilzble, vas secondbd VJ Prtlen znd c&ied. Mr. Voehler ex$aine& that progosed Council confirncd Tloehler's action in denyins pernit. I - 4d 12/13/48 \ I STIEEI! MEN-;REGuLAEz Philip Bailey- . Pete Dahlgren: M. J, .ESerfeld4 John eacy ~ Harry Jonas Arthur. Jensen, Ronald Port C. W. Cardarelle STREE2 39E&4-IOURlX Charles Jobnspn.. Jacob Shma;k Wayne Tracy Joseph. Natole: "in. He Kell Frank J. Giskbvsky Sam &berth ' David Roberts' * 3382 3383 3385 33.a + 3386 3387 3388 33% 33%* 33% 3392 3393 'r -I .4 4 * x 41 Gretchen- Schksler Bexwice Johnson + Helene Freeman A Louise Westerberg Laura Wgight E3GlXEERmG Bed. qonw. POLICE DEP. c Clazence fznutson 5 It . -. - t Sam qoberts * David Roberts & 7 Grad Total * John Dahlen Hotion by Palen, carried: Claim No,, 5506 - 5507 - I 5508 - 5509 - 5m - 55u - 5513 - 55u - > seconded by Will.sog, approving repayment of the following loans and x + &on Sewer District No, 18 to Geneml Fund * @ 70.17 From Sewer District No. 15 to General Fwd ?,34.5.65 &om Sewer District No, 13 to General Fund 890 ;16 &om Joint Sewer Dist 41 to Equipment Rent4 &d 4.35 &OZ~ St. #l to P+*,It Re FUd '&..79 &om Sewer Dist #18 to P, I, EL. Fund 2ZM6 )-775*86 hni Sewer Dist #18 to G~era ~und 326.79 From water Main Imp, KO. 1to General Eund r 253.70. r - Motion by Child, authorirring Loan of $&e58 Claim No. 3 453, frost &nera;L Fund to Sanitary Sewer District; Do., 9, for payment of Bonds and Interest. Moticrh seconded by Palen.. Carried* * Bbtfon by WiUson, seconded by €iawbhorne, authorizing pmea-b of the following claims: I CLAIM NO, 3Z76-s Gamble Store #13U 3277 3278 3279 3280 3281 3282 3283 32% I 3288 3289 3290 3293. 3292 3293 3294 3295 3296 3297 3298 3299 3300 3301 3302 3303 3304 3305 3306 3301 3308 [g 3313 33% 3315 333-6 333-7 3318 333-9 3320 3323. ' J, A, Dqnens &Son ino ' Republic Creossthg.Co J, McClure Kelly Go tT. V. Gleason day Craig40 E Rnedlinger Nursery &kat0 ManufacIxming Co Morton Salt 00 Glacier-Sand .& Gravel do Miller-Dgxis Co * * IHna Volunteer Rirenen's ToLtz Ring & Dw + 9 .- G. To rtgan CO Relief Assb &?Oe T.e Rym CO c Bury & Carlson * 4- Mpls Board of4 Redhors hgna M, ScMtt 6 * &ita Senn d Marie (3. Dyregrov* * ZoZa Le Drew Betty Wood Wehr z Evelyn C, V-a - . * U.rquei&fie .V. &gms Aurora G. Bushay * * Luella B. bfeber Clarice A, Holbingsmth Ethel McCreadyx Rut@ M. V~3.k 4" Ruth Me Zip~y Amanda Jensm Pt IdaL. Smith Grace Switzer- * MolZie Mattsson Dora Schauss * Evelyn Wohlrabe UtmDuUs *n 1ks. J. T, Dehey z Nxs. Robert .Vesser * N~s. John J, &s. Ihyd Engl'er c &s. John Hjort HeUieMm&ixx~ @rtlel@hr * - ' Jessie Prescott &S* E. Oe -AnnmdSdn ' ! . 3324 3325 3324 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 3332 3333 14 3334 3335 3336 3337 3338 3339 3352 3359 3360 3361 .3362 '3363 33& 3365 3367 3369 3370' 34% 3455 3458 5488 553.0 54m 5502 5490 5491 54 92 5493 5503 5494 5495 5496 5497 5498 5499 5500 5933. 5504 5505 3372 3359 . 12/13/48 cum N 0, 3360. . . . . , Suburban Press 3362 3369 3370 3452 3459 3460 3461 3341 3342 1 3340 ,3343 3344 3345 3346 3%7 3348 3349 3350 3351 3352 3360 3342 33& 3365 3366 3455 3456 3457 3458 3353 3354 3357 3358 3363 33& 3455 3458 54s7 1 33% n Construction Bulletin Jehn Balich &as. W. Jones Northwestern National Bank 1,692,W ' 12.00 7 5.60 Victor Garlson 3,7X.48 Phelps Drake .. 2,596.68 General .Fund ' * 6.774093 ,,e,>*,,,. Brookside Service Station 347.15 Minneapolis Gas CO_ ' 33.86 Reinhard Brothers ' 71.42 tJfn, H. ZisgLer Co . 210.1~ International Harvester Co 2685 7.33 w. E. khr co . L_Linde Air Products Co General Truck & Equip. Co ' 19*35 Corn. of Tax,-Petroleum-Div, w.32 Suburban Chevrolet Go . * 15*75 Hem Go Dist; BoiX!r kspeetL ~ 2.00 Phillips -Petroleum Go. 9WL Northern States Power Co 5.50 Sburban Press 7*2p Construction Bulletin. ub60 American Linen SuppQr 6475 Leef Bros6 5a Ehnesota Fire Equipment Co 19.00 C. &erg Nelson Co L21+48 Firestme Stores 92*74 Town & Cotmtxy Hardware 1,97 Waterous Co 31.29 Thompson Lunrber Co 2.u Wanner Co- 41.50 American Cast Eon Pipe Co 28600 Northern States Power Co 696& Young Fuel Co . 36450 N Iq Bell Telephone Go 1040 &l.nn. Fire Equipment Co 15.25 Tom & Country Hasdimre 101.98 ,T 3w39 N W Bell Telephone Co l5b25 ,,**,,, ALbert C, Price Co 20.21 I,,..,*, Suburban Hem. COO Relief Bd Art K. Petersen 4375433 V.. of Edina-General Fund 600.00 J. He J~.rdla . ,_3.30,. G~enwOOa Wine & Liquor co 42L50 Old Peoria. Co - l,O@*Oo McKesson & Robbins 39963.41, KeUy Uquor Co 59r95 E*MoL~hmarua -COC, BO X06*& llin'ber Bros Co . 75:m George Benz $bas, Inc 1,671& Griggs Cooper & Co. 7,6f3.% Famous Brands, Inc 4977LQ2 Ed Philaips & s0ns.co 6,813.25 Norris Distributing Co 78.25 Canada Dry Ginger Ale Co VJ6087 Purity Beverage Co 329.80 Coca-Cola Bottling Co 58020 0. M. D~QZI~ Beverage Co wa. Pabst Sales Co 43 am Clausen & Sons, Inc . 125t60 Anbeuser-Busch, he 6?&0 Minneapolis Brewing Co 9~35 Rex Distributing Co 166~55 Himeapolis Bottling Co 47090 e-, .I ., Distillers Distributing Co 8,092.68 .. fc Re Cat , . 1. ,, .-. I EQUIPPlENT FBlW!AL ' .*' 1rL Jolunson's ptition &tea J~ixsy 3, for strect nzae si3 at intersection of Sherr-rood Ro~.d. ad H~$I~T~V 2?0. 169, vias read; bg notion of Child, seconded 'o;r P3en .qd csyied, Petition cia-teii ~eceziixr 15, .19~, sised by five -pro?jsrty o~mezs, rec_ue'sting case Zn locetion of stre& li$it schduled $or Xorthcas.1; corner of 55tfi 2nd Sead , to the ITosth side of the Creek, vas red,, ad was referred to Village Engineer for investisation ma reL3ort at next neetins, ms referred to VillGe EnSineer Notion brrthorne, seconded 37 -Child i l and czrriea, 1 I I Proposed ~oilt~sct vritii VSll&e 02 I.ioriiingside. rels-i;i:i; to 72olice. service 'bo "oe Pzrnished 14orniiigside by Yillzge of Edina, drafted %a- B.illage At to rile; V:zdhor s -b f r on surr a5 .*e s .i; ions received 37 No riiiiiys i6e Villa se At to rney ~ras presented for Comcilrs coneideration, Hawthornefs notion Genying con- %%act v?zs sec;Jiided by Ilill-sor ad +miraously carried, $ire UnGmzriters Inspection Bureau's reconmenhatiom of Dece2Ier T5, ,J,ama?y 5, 19b9, were reviewed. endeavor to arrauge neetid with Underwriters' reyrescntatrlve, Fire Ddprtineiit roprescntative , md 'Council for Ibfondq~, JTanuZrjT 17 , at 8t00 .~,LI, Trustee Palen re2orteli the desire of at ieast one of the 'neigrooring communities to cater into ilNutud. Aid1! Greencat for service of surrounding P-illages, md suzzested L1h.t a neetiiig of iieigxooriiig cornunities be held for the prpose of discussins this pls~ - 'Palen' s notion that nelgh3oring. com.mi$ies be inTited to s.ead One zeriber of Counci:, Viilage AttoriiesT, 2nd Fire Chief to a neetins to d.lscuss Ik&m,l kid Fire Service , md th2t a repesentztive of Tire Uadervmiters Insgection krezu dso-be invited to zttcnd, trzs seconded $37 Eawthorne and un~imoua~~ car-ied. reprcsentztive for tliis ipoposed meting, snid a~~oiiztmmt 3ein.g confiriled by or petrol - - , ma = C~~ncil directed Deputy .Villa:e Clerk to President Cooper qqolnteti Er. Pjlen zs the Edina Councilrs Council, I r I ice reported requests for reaovrl of privy at 5529 'Ilood6.de Avenue. ;Review vas nade of Iiealth Ofiicerrs recomendct5on aci of previous actions Yiith regard to this natter. "Sewer Connection Ordiiimce1I vrzs revieved. Bkvrthorne move& that ClerL be directed by Collilcil to notiQ owner that he- is required to insLd.1 toilet ad a&e concectioa iJith sewer within 30 hys. by Chfld 416 mgtiimously earrted, DPscussion vas had as to duties aid compensation of VillaSe &ttorney, vith ~r+~i~;ent COO~Z r ad.rocating a sz~21-y of $2,500.00 per ;rea for. 211 le,gaI services inclu.dius zppep-rmces in Distric.t m-d Supreae Court. l01low:riog Resolution md noved its aaoL3tiont Motion secoilded- Hawtkorile offered- the 4 ~SOLUTIOU .APP0I?TTI!IITG VILLAGZ ATTOFiZP L!XD VILLAG3 EEALTPH OF2ICB VZ.la;e Lttorne;T for the Tear S9b9 aid until hie successor is duly z2pointed and ~udified, and that the sdary for the above naed office 'be, wd herebj Is, estai3LishocI at $100.00 per month, his duties to inclu&e: BE IT -BXSOLVED thst John T'b..Ilindhorst be zpointed to the of-iiece of ZtEna I Attendsce at Council Meetin.g. At tendmce at Iliunicipd Court Witten legal opinions requested by Council . Draftink of Ordina,jibes, unless Cbuncil is &vised ic aclvmce to the coiltra.q* vith couipensation to be agreed. .u-gon for afgeahnces in District ad. Su-prerne Courts and for recondification or present ordinances and drafting of special ordinsces, at such time as Council requests such services. BE IT l?URTm IU3SOLVED €hat Dr, Lowell W, Cmpbell be azcointed to the office of Bdina Village He3lth Officer for the yes 1949 and until his successor is duly a.:>?ointed 2nd a_u&ified, and that the sdztry for the a'oove named office be, aid hereby i6, established a,t $3O=OO per nonth, 1Ioti.m for adozjtion of Resolution yras seconded bj Child, ad on Rollcdl there were five ares and no nqs, a.8 follovrs: Child, we; Palea, eye; :TiLlson, aye; HartIiorne, ep; ad Cooper, we; ad the Resolution vras adopted, Villae Clerk Fhe proprzetor of the Direct Service Station situated in the triangle at Ri,$xrq KO. 169 , SwaElit Avenue znd Interlachen Boulevzr&, subnitlied. sketches for, md recuested pemit for construction of three signs to be located on Stetion site. 'filillson's gotion for granting or" permit bras seconded %y Child and miaii;lously carried. UrD E. C. Stow iiivited President Cooper and one other inealer of Council to attend Bob Hoge Slio~~, to be held Jamzry - 31, at 6:3O. Pnsnlrs expressed by Idr. Coopcr. 3:otificEtion iizteb Zxcsiicr 29, 194.8, siznea 3y ~zneas G son, 3erg ii Zaxim, i!mner Coqmy, %ii Yomz Fuel CO~SS, of co-.Ti)wiQst ktmtion not to coxi.~y rrith E i-s ord5ii:nce ::zs read ad revieved. Attorney 1Tfntihors.l; susges ted that tlese coxpxuies nay have nismderstood the net7 OrcEo3nce; and Comcil directed Deptg-Clerk to arrsage riiecBing with coqay representetives for first re+= neetins in Febrrizry, 17 1.Sot-ion Child, seconded aEj Ilillson and carrfed. Kr. Albert Iigp's repest of Dcceahr 16, 1948, th3t Council reconsider its denial of his yetition for the rezoning to CbmGhitiy Store Distriqt Lot Jb, BL 4, Graddsnitht s &&ition, 1ras re&. rezoning uas reviqw& rezoning, TIZS seconded by Pzlen and unaninously carried. Vilhze Ensirceer reprted necessity for' securing new easement for construction stnd mintenawe a2 stom sever from 71. 50th Street throush GerzM 1.1. Sxlith gmpertg, to Minnehzhs Creek, znd th& such eesenent hzd been decured. He gresented the recuest of Gsdd W. Sxith th& eqsenent for original storn sever 'be released, Kotion by IELlson, directins Vil,lzge Attorney I?ind,horst to draft release fron old easement, w.s seconded 3y Child ad cqried. Plmiilc' ~orsJlissiont s reconhendztion zg&ns% 3- I-lotion ,br Hawthorne,, denyins 1.h. rCippt s request for I ' Petition of Pewson Bothers, 2202 Bryante Avenue, for peraission to construction twenty douM.e-d:rellIn:s near the r&.rozd track, norl;h 02 Ilin6sor Avenue, ms read, Lnd ~2s referreti to the Planing Commission for their recomenchtion, b$ Kotion of Ewthorne, s.econded by Pden 2nd carried. Sezltea ~ds for Bates og fiblicztioc irere openea and resit as 301lovis: - I Su"0w €ress, Inc. State Prescri'ued Rates of Pi.fiilication Kr. Robert ?hod of Su'h.rban Press confirraecl the notice of this coqgq:ts intention to open mc. Edlina office in the very nee future, znd inforned Council 02 forth- coming su'bscristion cz~z=Fi;n ad Edin&-IorningsZde front page. discussion, Child noved %Izczt Suiour'bm Press 3e desiEnated as the Officid Woli- cation for the 'Village of EW2 for the yeax Sg@. 14otion seconded%;. Pzlen Dd carried, Remegin Comt~r Jievierr 11 II II I1 I1 Xter conxidera31e Ekwthorne offered the I"o1loiring Resolution and moved its adoption: RZSGLUI1IGlT DESIGWPIITG DEPOSI'POEY (IITQL&TD 1SI;ZIIOITAL 3AliZ). 33 IT HEREBY X25OL'ElD, ti=* blidland lT@ionaL Be of Xinneqolis be, md heFe3y is, designptec ;is ~?11 official depository ?or the Public hds of the Spcc1d Bssessnents znd Popr Funds of the 'Village of 3dim for.the calends. yea 194.9. Eotion for &option of the Resolution vas secpndea 33- Vilisoil, and on Rollcdl there vere five zTes ad no n~7s, as follovs: we; Hmthorne, we; ad. Cooper, ,aye; ad the Resolution Vias adosted. Child, we; PaZen, aye; lrillson, .- Eotion for doztion of the aesolution vas seconded 'b;r Ckild, ad, on RoLlczll there vere Tive qes Etnc; no nzs, 2s follow: Child, cqe; Pzlen, aye; Ilillson, x,re; Emthorne, me; md Cooger, zp; ad the Resolution vas adopted. .. .c QQ% 1/10/&9 +.WP r- \ Hmthorners notick, thst President, Clerk and 2reasr;tr-er be directed to sig dopositorg SI& securities assi,ment contract with Nidlmd 13ational Bmk, vas seconded by kfiflson acl aa'ried. Hawthorne offered the follor.ri-ng Besolution 3nd moved- its adoztion: c - s 1 G&4TOXY ~SoLU!l!IO~~ I.iIZiL&! V~I0:~liL j3Am OF s*izm2fx@oLIs 33 TI! KESOLJQD, Ghat the persons holding office es president, presiden%c pro-tern, treasurer-or clerk or deputy clerk of this Viliege be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in tizertransaction of any banking 'ousiness with 14idlarnd 1Tational Bdc of E&n.nea~olis (HerBindter referred to as the baalz), such autliority including rmthorita- on 3ebJ.X of or in the nae 0% this Yillge from 'cine to tim andatil mitten notice 'co the contrsrg to the bank, to sign checks asainst eaid accomt, vhich checks shd1 be siged by the President of the Council or presitlent po-tern, Villee Clerk or depty Village Clerk, and- Villase Treasurer, honor and py u?;~-cheelr against such account which is signed- as above described, irhether ox not said check is pqrable to the order of, 01: deposited to tGe credit of, ai?y. officer or ofFicers 09 the 'VilIage, iincl~tlbg the siper or signers of the cbck, K r ILSotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcalf there were five ayes and no nays, as follo~m: ViUson, ae; Hawthorne, -aye; a& Cooper, aye; and the R The bsk is hereby authorLzed md directed. to I Child, aye; Palen, we; - Pregident of the Village; C&cil < 1 Hatrt'norne offered the folloving Resolut ioi1 and moved its adoL$ion: t RESOLUTION DESIGRATIBG DXl?OSiTCBY (PIST EDINA SzlJJ?E BAI!TK) 33 IT l3ZREBY BZSOLVED that First 3dina StatejBarr?r,:Xdina, €hmsota, euthwizetl to do a bankins "ousLness in &b.nesota, be and here37 is, desigm,te&wer as off-icid depositor;7 of the ;PUolic Fkds of the General, Eolipment Ben'cd, Rent.,,, Permx.ant Lqr oveneat Revolving, Garbage Collection 'tlaterrro rks , stnd Liquor Fmiris of the Tillzge of Idtna, Comty-of Hemep%n, Himesota, for thg calendar ;{e* l949*t *t BZl IT 2U3TK%R RESOLYZD, thzt this &esigiiation is subject to the riglit of said Villcge of 36inc. to raodify, vacate, and revoke sane according to 3.m. *c 24otiojl. fort adugfioil of the Besolution vas seconded 3y Palen, ad on Bollcal-L Litcrc viere five qes and no nqs, as follows: q-e: Emt%lornc, =ye; 2nd Cooper, aye; and the Besolution vas adopted, Cnilii, aye; Pslen, aye; f'lillson, t First Edina State Ba.lllrfs prqosed assignment of $325,000 U.S. Treasmj Bonds, in lieu of Surety 301d, was Teviewed, collateral be del3osited 5n bhe Federal Reserve Barrk;, instead. of in the 3irsf &tioilzJ. Ba1k of s.Pini1eapolia, for the reasoil tLa$ Pirst 2dina Statc Bank and z'irst ifaticma are xt~i~ia6e~ Hzw%Zfornc; olfered tlie folZowing Resolution ad moved its adogib ionr 'Ifreasurer,Dugga,n advocated that this < ~SOL~I0I.s AEFROVIiTG SSIGIQ-EBI OF r SECURITIZS IN LIEU 02 3OXD ¶ PI%T 3DIITA SS@l3 3iW 333.IT EE5OLK3D, that the:.Pillage Gomcil of' the Village of ZdAns @;1prove , tlic assigiment $p its depository, the Firs$ Edina State Bank of Cdina, E-liimo- sot&,' OS $l75,OOO U.S. Treasury Z&j Boiids due f4axch- 15, 1958, and of $150,000 U.S. Treagmy 2$ Bonds &ue Deceidmq 15; 1954, as good and sufficient coU..a$erd. for the Village of Zdina Public Funds deposited in said degository, Sederd Xeserve Ea2~ . BZ IT XRTSER RESOLICEID, ti?& said $325,000 in collateral be deposited *h I. 224 B:thorne off emd the Zollm:in; ReaoluCion a& ciovcd its zdoption: t SIGWi!OSY mS'OLmIOiJ c t L7IST 3DIL:iL STA!E 3A,lX OX' IIDIITA 32 IT IE30LJ%DJ thzt the gersoiis holdin; office, zd president, >resident pro-ten, treasurer, or clerk or degutg clerk of this Villae be , and the;- here37 =e, authorized to act for t&s Village in the trmsaction OB mg bznkinz ausiness vita First ZXin3 State BE& of Eaina, Ihnesota (Hereinafter referred to c.s the Biz&), such authorit7 incIu8.iq authoriw oil 'oehdf of or In the nane of this VIllaSe from tiae to tine md until mitten notice to the contrary to the $mkr to siga checks ~szinst sdB account, irhich checks shdl be signed Iy tae President 02 the coacii or Llmsident po-tw, Villase Clerk or deput;r Villzge Clerk, ad Villaze Trezsurer, hmor and zw 231jr-check aszinst such account rrhich is nigned as a'oove zathorized, chetner or 30% said: check is payzble to t-he order of, or deposited to the czedit I Toe *o& is here%y autnorized and directed to or si,aers of on RoZLcall there Villson,' we; of, my officer or p~icers of the V~II&, including the siper the check. Xotion for E&o_ntion 02 the Resolution vas seconaed by Pden, 'ma were five zps ma ko nzqs , as Po~.ovrs: Child, aye; Paen, aye; Hawthorne, me; cad Cooper', we; md the Resolution vas adopted, Liquor Ciszrette Set& C: Cesspool - I $3,700.00 ,5,600*00 5 ,OOO.00 2,500~0 4,84$.00 Brorn Deprtnentd Service Cimges : Clericd to Sever, Gar'oee 6 Vster Dests. 2,goo.oo Znglileerins a 'Cloricd on Construction 5 , 000.00 Street mad Sidetrdk Repair , 500 ,oo Election Silins Fees 3,3&5.00 3.000.00 $40 , 890 00 $W,067*50 , z,350.00 2,750 00 3,200.00 57,800.00 23,000.w Contingencies C29ital. Outlay , 1 /LO /&9 . 2,25 333 IT l?t,,T3X!R IBSOLVLD, Th& the popr ofziccrs of said Villae of E=riina i ,be directcc? to execute ssid contrkct in &u.?liczte ad Then executed -to return one of s~kd contrzcts to the Sukrkn Eenbepinr Couzlty Relief Board,‘ The question uas on the adoption of the Besolution, and ugon secozd of bvthorne’ motion b3 Palen, znd the roll being cs1M these irere five ayes and no nq,%, as 9011orrs: Child, aye; Pden, we; ViXLson, zye; H mthorne, zye: ad Coopr, we; ad the Xesolution tras adopted, > s Village Clerlr Hawthorne offered the following Resolu%ion and moved its acopfion: ’ t 33 IT i?-URT€.€ZE €Z€!ISOLYED, %-hat it sNl be the policy of this Council thzt its Comitte$s shdl function m dvisory bodies to the full Couiicil, ad that adainistrativs orders shdl. be issued only by action of the Council. Wotion for a,doStioiz of the Resolution vras seconded %y Pal.en,-;tnd on Bollctr3L -there irere five ayes ad no nq-s, as follor~s: Child, zge;,Pden, %‘e; llillson, q{e; Hwthorne , =e; and Coqer ,, aye; ad the Resolution vas adopted. President Pro-Tea of the zdina Village council for the cdendar year l9Q9. Rotion for adoption of tiie Resolution 115s seconded by Child, ‘ ad on Rollcall there rrere four &:,:res and mo n&7s, as follovrs: nsg, Hzirkkome, z3.e; znd Cooper, zp; aid the Resolution was adopted, Child, are; Pelen, =ye; ‘\/illson, - as follo~~, TG~ tiie ;rear 1949: W.2. (Gene) Cooper , President Bower Hr;Miorne, Clerk & Recorder 3red S. Child-, Trustee Richw?. Pdeu, Trustee George Villson, ‘Prustee 53hn J. Dugpn, Treasurer IIil6-inz Dd , Consta’ole - :Jilliara S. Hey&%, Consta3le $SO,OO per Xonth $30,00 per Ibath $60.00 i_ser ironfa $60.00 per Uonth +60.00 per Nonth Y $50.00 per Month @O.OO per Year $O,OO per Year 1 -President of $he Emthorne offered tie folloving Besolutior md moved fts adopt ion: RZSOLWIoiT AP€OIBTETG, di3D ESW3i,ISI€Il32 S&&Y FOR , E7XlFZZRy J3XECUTIvE: OFZICEE iKTAGm, FOR Tm PXRIOD JAXTJiiRY 1, 194-9 TO URCH 31.- 1949 33 IF XZ~OIIQ~B, tlmt Phil I?. Snith is hereby impoiutea QS EnSineer, Zxecutive Olficcr ?d.l.kmger for the ZAiin-2 Tillage Council ad d1 of it& Comittees, for the period Jmusy I, 19QP to ;.larch 31, lP@. 33 IT AWX'ZEB TCSOLVZD, that he shd.1 hzva cbrge of aid direct &L1 the fiiaisterid -factions ad zctivities in chsge of each such Cornittee in its abseilce. position shd.1 be, ad lierely is , $'jOO.OO per nonth. Ilotion for &o?tion of the Resolution vas secontled by Villson, ad on RoLlcdl there were fire xes -ad no nws, as Pollows: 27e; Elmthome, we; md Cooper, zre;.ad the Resolution vas dogted. . BE IT PTm'Pm BSO&VZD that the sdary psta'blisheii for fhe a3oi.e nmed .-. Child, we; €'den, ~p; Villson, 1/l0/49 - / sw- President of the Villz@,kmncil A motion ks &e,by "fillson to pay the follothg payroll, seconded by Paen, and - carried: Bernice Johnson : Helene Freeman Louise Westerberg EN- -G. Fred. Jonas, POLICE DEPT. Clarence .butson E.Iilding Dahl Ih, S. Heytit H eriry &I, IfroblesE Bert 1.1.. Herfeld * YiUiam V, HofM Goyd Efcsw STm*W=mm Philip .Bailey. ._ ; Pete Dahlmen $4, J. .I.ferfeld " John Tracy Harry Jonas - - Arthur.Jensen Ronald Port C. 11. Cardarelle STRZkT "J-HOURIX' Charles Johnson, * Jacob Shmak Vape Tracy Joseph Natole * Ih. H. KeU. Bed @borough Ciskowky 1 Samuel Go .Rob-erts David S. Roberts . ~. -4.94 6.54 4o.a . 75.44. 2' 3 4 5 - -6 7 8 9 10 33' -12- 13 %. 5-5 16 17 3.8 19 20 21 I. .. *I 22 23 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 33- i 229 1/10/49 (Liquor Store PayroU cont) NAW3 GBOSS WITH. RETIJZE. TOTAL NET CLaIM PART TIME- PAY, - - TAX DEDUCT, DEDUCT, -PAY m. Norman Bryaxh $20746.. 4.. , 8.28' . 8.28 198r7S_ L 9. George If. Howard 8648 -0- -0- * -0- . 86*88 UO -0- -0- -0- 52.50 - Lll 4- -0- -0- =e50 ~ u.2 Robert Gove 5240 L, J. Reinhart U.20 A1 B ittner 21.25 -0- -0- -0- 21.25 IJ-3 38049 "' 4 8.28 8.28 371.91 - $rand Total. 1356e03 1 46eW 4'7*31 94.U 1261.92 A motion was made by kal'm approving payment of the following claims, seconded by Child and carried: Claim Nor 3&87 .John Balich $u.m GBJm Fup;IcI 11 3488* Charles W. Jones , 3920 #&5320.1 t !tc 552.l Suburban Hennepin. tf J! 3490 Ax% It, Petersen ~ -882,32 GAREA(;E; 11 !! 34.93, Codssioner of ... n 1' 3492 Suburban Chevrolet 27.76 $39.@ I Co Relief Board $238.43 PO& FUND 3489 Bob Stewarte* 26& IWXR. -* Taxation ll.& EQUIPMEXIT RENTAL ,. .,, A motion by Willson, seconded by Child, approving the folloiin'g t7ansfers made December 31, 1748 as per State Examiner's Reiort of 194'7, was carried: Claim U,690.28 3466 -. I From P. I. B. Fund to General &d - Repay&& of Advances for 1947 $233485.52 34.68 * 1,554.96 3469 Fron lfatemrorks Dept, to General Fund - To Offset Loss in Taxes-1947 From Equip. Rental to General Fund - Repapent of Bdvances-l94.7 From &neral Fund to Ind; Schodl District No.'l'+To Offset Loss in Taxes 7- -in 1947. 1,01728 3470 21,180132 3462 From General Fund to Eq~pi Rental Fund-For Service of: Eqt~ipment-1947 From General Fund to F~I,B.,Fund=Repayment of Advances for Gen.F'und Mark- From Natemmrks Fund to Zqui.pnent Rental Fund-For Services of Equipment Prom P.I.R. i+md to Equipnent Rental Fund-For serdces of 'Equipment-194.7 * 19&7 __ 3,653 c 62 3467 in 19h7 598.95 3L,& From Sewer Rental Fund to Equipment Rental-Fund *I1 It -x%.7 150.65 3463 Fzon P.I.R. Fund ta Sanitary Sewer Die&& #13 Fund z To come& emor 10.0 34n 1,21hr08 3465 - k iotionl by IJillson and seconded by Child, approving the following transfer mde Decefier 31, J.948, was carried: From Sewer District NO. 8 Fund tor General Fund to rei&urse the General Fund for Eqenditwes made in rmovirrg Earth Dam froin Millpond (as per &. FJiUson's Notion by Palen, confirming Clerk's transfer dated December 31, 1948, of $3$2:oO from Park Board Zqenditures Account to 'TLeimbmsable Exgendit,urestf account. Seconded b~ Hahthorne and cwried. ?. - BfoLion by Palen, confirming Clerk's transfer dated December 31, 1948, of $51982 from Par4 B oard Expenditures Account %o Street Pr SidewaLk Naintenance Accomt, seconded by Haw%horne and carriedu . recommendation 02 12/13/48) -_ 382.00 5535 t 7 Hanthome offered %he following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOBI CONFIRNING ClXRK*S ACTION OF DECEZB Hz ,31, 1948, REPAYDTG FT&MM!ENT - TU?%% JNCURRED ,BY X3AID FUBlD-FOR GEPTER4L FUND CONSTRUGTIO~ BPROVE@NT REVOLVING FUND FOR EDENDI- .* - =. I.THEXMS, The Permanent hprovement Revolving-Fund of the Village of Edina has been established to finance only such construction projects as nay be assessed against benef+ted property owners and, the ;fear 1948 and prior thereto forthe following construction projects which are either non-assessable or have been abandoned upon request of property owner3 : IF-!, Pemnent kprovenxmt' Revolwbg Fund Noneys have been expended during I I ' AHOUIJ'J! IZKE'mDm -_ - - - * . .-.tj 9.10 . (Abandoned] 1 -- 9 0.10 ~ (Abandoned) Curb 'and Gutter-Cascaae he Stree* Ught-Ca'scade Lane Side- Repair-Combry Tl-bb Grading4rket Street Shaping-mdge &ad Grading gd Gratrellliag-Ken% Avenue 22.20 1,273.w - -+ c- .' - -3 --. -- 599.61 =.I -- -- -- -... * I $i&kE ' Total' NOTI THE&F&iZ, €E IT RESOLED that the Clerk's a&ion of Decenber 31, 1948, in repaying to the Pemanent Inprompent Revolving Fund $3,316.71, .from the General md, is hereby confirmed. . P-iotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on RoUed13. there were five ayes and no nays, as follms: Child, aye; Palen, aye;. Iti,llson, .ap,;Hawthorne, aye; Cooper, aye; and the Resolution _was adopted. -. . .. - c . President of* the .Vi$kXge Co%cil . .- Lfidland &tion& B&*s letter of Deceinber 14, 1948, advisinp Council of their exchznge of $23,000 U.S. Certificates of Indebtedness 1-1/4$ato replace $23,000 TJ.S : Treasury Hotes-1-1/8$, vas read. Hotio; by-Hsuthorne, re-aFpointing Messrs. Leonard Odell, D. D, Ryerse, ad Al. E. Hiat%+ to the P1annj.n~ Comission for tkee'year terms &>irins-Janm.ry 1, 1952; VI= Hotiop %yt HaGthorne , co&iming Board or" Park Comissionersl akhintxient of Xr. Eomrd Clark to serve 2s their representative on the Plmning Commission for the yea $949, vas seconded by Child and carried, Rotio; by'Willson, -pointing I4r. Charles A. Johnson, as treed Inspector for €he pear Hawthorne's motion that Council apgrove E&* s zctio;?., irks seconded by- Child and carried, seconged 57 Child and cwried. **a t - - - . ~S)@,+TI~S seconded by Hmthorne and carried. .( l.Y President Cooper recornended th& the Village m&e provision eo adopt adequaf;e heating ad electrical ordhmces , requirins license fees ad bond. sotion th& Attorney Vindhorst be directed to draft Ordinmces co+erins the three phases of heating ad regirinz $25.00 license and $1,000 Bond Ordinance for md ;bond for sever md w&er vork, tras seconded 'by T"lil1son ad carried, Hmthorne* s electrical inStdbtiop, requiring license and bond, and Ordi 34 anke req@.ring license HawthorneJs notion thli Pill2ge Attorney be directed to draft Ordinace licensing dogs-in Villz~e,,v~as seconded.by Pjlen ad'carried. - Havthornets notion, th2t Clerk be authorized to advertise for bid's for garbage . collection, with bids toe be taken February 14, 1949, vas seconded by Child ad carried. Rawtborae*s notion, tht Clerk be authorized to advertise for bid's far various Village insurance pol&cies, with bids to be opened 3ebruary 14, 19@, was seconded Hmthorne offered for adoption the f ollohng Ordinmce, moving that Council dispense with the secona reading thereof: by Child and carried. I JUT ORDETAPCE A"DITTG 3H.D PORTIOH OF !EEB ZOlXlTG ORDIITB$CE OF TEE VILLAGE OP EDIUA rEICI3 ElL.a!l?ES 'PO llm E3GlJLATDTG &a LICBJSm . OF ommoa SrnETS %he Villap Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota_ do ordain as follows: Section 1. ' Section IX of the mendneEt to the zoning ordinance of the Villzge of Edlha; yassed 13s 24, 1948, is amended as Drovided in the follovrhg sections of this ordinmce. * 1/10 /49 . -. Section 2. The first sentence of para~rqh 42 is mended to read: IINo sign shll hereafter be displayed, erected, constructed, altered, or moved unless the following regpirenents ,- have been com;plied with in good faith: ti Paragraph 4(g) is amended to read:' Section 3. ll(g) 30 sizn except signs -located in an open deqelopmentcdistriqt shall advertise any firm or product other thzn a firm doing kisiness on the tract or parcel of lznd on irhich the sign is located(or a product which is for sale on said tract or p&cel !of lsd by such firm." , , 1 r 'Section 4. "(h) Section 5. A new paragraph &(h) is adtea to parasraph 4, to read A net? paragraph 4(i) is added to pzragraih 4 to read No sign shall be disp1qe.d within 50 feet of any street 3s follovrs: as follotrs:. "(5.) or hightray sign, or of say traffic si& or signal, or of any cross road or- cross 1~.1k, except when permit therefor is approved by this council. permit will be issued under this paragraph (i) only if No sign, shll'be displayed on gny piblic street." 1 b. I (1) the sign Trill hpt interfere aith the ability of drivers *wd pedestrians to see any street or highmy sign, or any txaff&c sign or signal, or any cross road or cross t~allr:, and any street or highway sign-, or any traffic sign or signh.I' (2) the sign will not distract drivers or offer any confusion to Section 7. Paragraph 5(b) is amended to read: "(b) Zxisting signs not conformini to the requirements of pszgraph 3 and pzragraph 4(g) of this section shall be removed on or before Jmuary 1, 1950. Existing Sips not conforming to the requirements of paragrsph 4(i) of this section shall be removed on or be2ore January I, 2949. removed Before the date specified in this para&aFh 5(b), the Clerk of this VillaGe sbdl notify by mail the owner thereof or the oy&r of the land on which said sign is located, or. both, of their duty to remove s& sign ad if the sim is not removed within thirty (30) dzys after the' mailing of such notice the Village may Eemove such sign wd collect the cost of removal fron the owner ofa the land on which such sign i_s located or from the owner of the sign-by action brought in a.ny court of competent jurisdiction. The collection of such cost of removal pursuant to this paragrz.h shdl not prevent the iqosition of my pendties for riolation o_f this ordinance under If my such sign is not , S'ection 10 hereof .I1 I Section 8. *A new paragrqh 5(c) is added to paagreh 5, to read as folloes: pEtra$paph &(h) vi11 be removed-without notice as being detriment$. to public "(c). Existing signs not conforming to the-rea_uirernents of safety. -- Section 9. Th? provisions of this ordinace shall take effect from and after adoption and publication of this ordinan'ce. IJotion €or adontion of the Ordinance vas seconded by Palen, and on Bollcall there vere five ayes and no nays, as follotrs: Ifillson, =e; HaT.rthorne, aye;' and Cooper, aye; an$ the Rksolution IraF adoat ed, Child, aye; Palen, zye; Presidenk of the village 7 CFl' Report of %he Edina Vbluukeer Fire Depstrnent , advising of the election of- Chris ISitzeL, Chief; Philip Bailey, Asst. Chief; Esold S. Youns, Secretary; 2nd Hzrry C'. Hmsen, Treasurer, vras read. E4otion. by Hawthorne, confirming election of Pire Department officers, vas seconded by Palen and carried: , Hotion by H.m&horne, %or adjourment &til I+Ioniiw, Jausy 17, 1949, at 8:OO P.I.I., t:as seconded WJ Millson and carri 0 .,