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S 1/24/49
JAWBY 24, 19&, BI! 8:OO P.1.1. A!E TI33
Hen%ePs aswring Rollcall trere Child, Pden, Ilihson, Hsrthorne znd Cooper.
Pden*s notion, mprovins as subnitted the Ninutes of the Re,darMeetin~ of
Jznuaq LO, 1949, &,the adjourned bortion of the Jan- 10th neetins held
J-auzqv 17, 1949, vas seconded by I'lillson and carried,
Ckirna Krafft of the Planning Commission reported on the Planhing Comission*s
feeling tovad the acqyisition of the I-Xoreau property for Nunicipd, Pzrking Lpt ,
as follovrs: I1The Pl-aning Comission would much prefer thzt the presently-zoned
Connunitg Store District North of krket Street be developed for Kultiple Housing,
and vishes to encourage multiple housiog in this mea novo 9he Comission trould
regret very much to see extensibn of a pzrking lo6 back to T1,49th Street. If it;
is not possLble to have the Cornunity Store District developed ELS dtiple.
housing, the Comission would agree that it is &isable to acculre the SoFth 135 feet of the Woreau property for a municipal pskZng lot; but feels that
acquisrtiun of the Xorth part of this property trould be nost inadvis@le.'I . Hotion by Hawthorne, thst the Council accept and concur with the Planning
Connission*s recommendation for the purchase of only the South 135 feet of t+e
Horeau property for municipd. paking lot purposes, tms seconded by Villson ad
unaimouslgr carried,
EIIlEBEUHB CRZEK PiIIJtPOUD AID CASCADXS: President Cooper next dle'a Geeting vith
Conncil, Board of P21k Comissioners, and ovmers of properties abutting the
Minnond, concerning netnod of finzncing iqrovenents to Czscade's znd nzintenmce
of vGter level in tine Cre& I-Iillpond.
tkie Park Bozrd vere present, together vith the following otmers of Xillpond
' I 1
embers C~SIC, Stracbuer, ~evfis of
'properties (only those signins roster listed) : *
Xr, and Mrs, Aliiert 0. Lason, LBO4 11, Sunngslope; 14r, Zrra Mrs. L. F- SIcCabe,
Id701 Sunnyside Rod; 1.1~. &d Ihs. J. C, ITinslotr, 4-504. BrovmWe Ave,; I.ir. ad
Ers. Vi11 Gordon, M33 Vernon Avenue; Hr, L. A. Potter, 4610 Bro\mWe Ave,;
Rr, Fr& 3 , Jevett, Jr., 4905 Sunnyside'Road'; I4r. J. E, Rosander, 4626
Edgebrook Place; I&, Clsy 71. Johz1son, 4933 3.' Sunnyslose Road; llr, l-1.14~
Perry, WOO E. Sumg$I.ope Road; Hr, E, F. Converse, 49U B. Skyslope Rozd;
Dr, Reu5en J, Elrickson, b638 Edgebrook Place; LIr. 5. IS. Leclz, 4801 Sunnysj.de
Road; Ik, George F, IJunier, b805 Sunnyside Road; Ib. and Hrs. 0. J, Somers,
4.602 BromWe Ave. ; 1.b. Chules 8, I.filler, &500 Brovmdde- Ave.; &.
Harold Utley, 4.604 33roYmdil.e Ave.; Nr, Ernest Bricban, 4808 I, Sunrryslope Bd:
andUr. S, S. Thorp, Jr,
Cur- Clwk of the Pwk Bogd eqlained tnzt the park budget of about. $10,000
&lotted to %&e PErk Bok?& (2-&11 levy) trill not support dl park board activities
for the year, inqswch as gro-mrtg ovmers have requested extensive repzirs to the Czsczdes ad nabtensace of water level in the Creek BXLlpond,
cooperation of ovmers ,of a-outting +proprties in finwcing cost of pmpiag.
Considerable discussion vas h& as to merits of such method of financing, with
sroperty omers, n&ntzinim,o that the Village zssumed responsibility of maintziiling
Crater level in IUEl~ond in return for dedication of 1.IilLpond area by Shoqe Bros.
md Cascades ad pmps 'by Froprty otmers; that the bediificztion of the Creek
is a asset to tkie entire Village; uld that oimers of properties' abutting the
IEllpond already be= proportionately hisher taxable valuations
pa-ing fndirectly for rSntensce of Hillpond,
Psk Bozrdrs 2nsver tras that 1.1inutes shov Villzge slgreed to mainkin trgter level to
Jawy 1, 1945 onlg; fh,,t the 1-iillpond area benefits Srivate properties to br far
the grezter extent because the area is surrounded by pivate poperties and is not
accessible to the pblic; ad the question of hi&er,taxzble valuations for
IJillpond properties is cuestioaabS.e, vith other Srozerties in the Village shotnng
greater assessed yauation at tEis t-irne.
He asked the
therefore we
.a c
Park Board sgreea to accept r.esponsibility of iqrovenents to the Cascades 5ut
recpestea aid fron ovmers in finmcins pmping costs, citing 19J@ e-qenditure of
some $~OO,OO $or gumping, 1
Council informed omers th3t finmcing vould hgve to be by pop.11,ar subscrigtion,
insmuch 2,s the Council does not have the power to m&e assessment for this
nsint enmc e , 1 <
Motion from the floor vas as foIlotrs: That the opmers of property abutting the
Ilillpond who me present this" evening move that PIiZlpond owners be charged for
the cost of the pqing pecesszry for maintainigg norm-1 water level in the
14illpond for the year 1949 providing Village and Park Boztrd will assume all
other costs of maintenance for this period; and t&t the Nayor appoint a committee
of three pmperty oiwerK to work .crith the Park Board as to aeth6d if collecting
pumpins costs from ovmers; znd that if the keople in tKe lower Creek vish vater
that they also have represent9tion and that they be required to pay one-half such
pumpins c'osts.
It'J?ha.t the ovmers of property z-buttifig the DSillpond trho are present- this4
evening move that Ilill_nond owners be charged for the cost of the pmging
necessary for maintaining normal water level in the Nillpond for the yeas
1949 providing Village ad Park Board will assume d1 bther costs of
msintenmce for this period and'providing Park Board will &gee to
yccept responsibility for first $250.00 of piping cost; ad that the
P.byor apoint a committee-of three ljroperty ovmers to work with the
Park Board asrto method of collecting pumping costs from owners; ad that
if people in the lover 'Creek wish water that they also have representation
ad. that they be required to pgy one-Mf such pxqing costs.
Notion seconded from floor,-and amended to read as follows: I
r c
On a rising vote, the amended motion csried,
Nrs. 0. 5. Somqers, 14r- Earold Utley, ad Dr, Beubea Xrickson vere appointed
as Cornittee to vork with the - Prrk Board on financing the cost of pmping for
the Iriillpond,
Ptnsu~t to "Adveitiser?ent €or Bids-Gasoline and Fuel Oil, Ii published in
Suburbn Press, Ho*ins zn.d in Codstruction Bulletin, MinneaFolis, J'mua~~ 13,
md 20, 1949, the folloving sealed bids were publicly opened ad read:
20,000 Gds ,I.iore or Less , I1RegulartJ Disc,$. 026 Disk,$. 02 pis^. $ .035
1,000 Gds Jlore or Less, tlEthylll
6,000 Gds ,I$ore or Less #l &el Oil Ro Bid Bo Bid 170 Bid
Disc. $ .03 Disc 5.02 Disc, $ , 035 I
Bet&en rekding bf the ebove 'tAdvertisement for Bids" &d the opening of the
bids, the folloving action vas t&ent ~.
Navthorne move& for the striking of the clause entered in the advert5sement for
bids rea.ding as follov~: IfIn the zbove bids gasoline service shall be given on a
24-hour per 8-w 'i3iLsis,Ii Notion secondea by Willson and czrrigd.
Tlillson noved coidirming Clerk's action in advertisins for bids for gasoline
ad oil.
1 1
Elotion seconded by Palen and csried.
After readins of bids, ad discussion, Child,moved that contract for gasoline
be amrded to Brookside Service Station at discount from current prices, of
G.035 ;?er Szllon. I-Sotion seconded by Paen and carried,
Hmthorne moved that Clerk be authdrized to re-advertise for bids for 6,000
gzllons more'or less of No. 1 &el Oil (Distillate).
Motion seconded by Pden
ad czrried. 'i
Villase Attorney l'lindhorst ,I.dTi.ised accezting the loW bid on Blanket "Position
Bond covering 14unicipl Store Pmployeeg in the anouni of $10,000, l4otion by
If%llson, tlist Village accept the bid of Charles IT, Sexton Comi3an;p; Ninneapolis
for the Soove n.aed 'oond, zt three-year ?remix% of $286.25, was seconded by
P?lerr and czrried.
Village Bngineef Smith reported on the conpletion of the 50th Street Storm Sewer-
project by Vestern Tfnbergroukd Construction Conpanr, stzting that' five percent
of construction cost is being vithheld pending street repz.ir, sodding, and
reFzirs to the GeraLd Smith front Tard.
236 i' b 1/24 /49
30sd of Psxk Comissioners recornended the &rcbse of aro,shztely 12 acres
of 4md now omed 37 Lester 3kclc'ourn ad situated ne= Interkchen Boulevard
ad thzt portion of lwd heretoTore dedicated bg the Sarins Coemy for prk
TTas for an advace fron VillGe to Pgrk 33osd 0.f $5,000, vith Park Board to
rep= zdvance at rzte of $1,000 per gear with ihterest.
recpested inmedizte aavance of $lOO,OO to bind a option on this pro~erty, in
order to enable Villzge Attorney to secure Attorney Generalts opinion on the
procedure advocztea 'or Park Board. Ghila moved that Council %Trove Board's
request for $100.00. Wotion seconded by V511son 2nd carried.
issued ma trmsnitted to Mr. Strzchguer.)
Requests for'the folloving street lights yere reported: At 52nd ad Gorgas; gst
ad Gorgas; vicinitg of 52Ob Blake Road;'Ilooddde and 70th Street; Ilobddale and
Plm of purchese, as presented in Park Board's letter of Jm&.rF 2hh,
Park Board ordly
(Check 150, 3550
Trillsonmoved that recuests dl be granted. Seconded l.y Child znd
Petition dated October 7, 3.948, for construction of Tk,%er &in in Kobott Avenue
between ~~56th and V.57th Streets vas presented, carring signatures of 735 of the
footage between 56th and 57th Streets ad 565 of the total footage affected (
17.j6th Street, Beard to' Aa'bott and AToot, ~~56th to V.57th Street)
notion, settins hesins on pztition for Mondw, Februy I&, 19b9, at 8:OO ?.Ti.
at the Village Hal, vrzs seconded by I'lillson ad carried.
HkvIthoraef s
Petition dzted Jm113r;l~ 24, 19b9, for the extension and improvement of Blins Avenue
between V.58th zlld 11.60-2;h Streets, vas presented, vith owners of 6$ o? abutting
footzge having signed,
&opt ion:
T'fillson offered the folloving Resolution End noved its
17.58!Ei AfJD I/. 60'H Sm3!T!S, .hlXil II.PROV3-
XiEREAS getition in mitins signed bj C. V. Rognas ad others, dated Januag 2.4,
19@, hzs been dul3 filed vith the Vilkge Councl'L, recuesting that %ins Avenue be -
extended ad irnjroveti Pron Vest 56th Street to Vest 60th Street, now iherefore, r
33 IT RESOLVSD tht said netition .. is hereby determined to hwe been siged by a
mjority of the ov.=ers of groFerty abuttins on said proposed inorovaeat as required
3y ChEpter 382, Lzvs of 1903. .. .I ..
333 I9 ?ZIRi?Im -BJ3ESOLVZD by the Tillzzgb Council th2t it 5s deened nece'ssaq- ad'
el3edient to extend 31.ring Avenue betveen 1'1.58th and ~~60th Streets ad to' iqrove '
sae by grzding zad gravellinz, ad thzt on the 14th thy of February, 1949, at 8:OO
P.I.I., this Council will neet at the Village HdI#in said Qillase and vKLl at saZd
tine vld place hem the prties interested therein in reference to such ingrovemen%,
znd will decide vhether or not to undertalre such imsrovement, in whole or in art,
EIotion for adontion TTZS seconded by Hatrthoime, md on Rollcd3. there were five ayes
md no nays, as folLoZrs: Child, aye; Palen, a3e; TTillson, aye;'€Lzwthorne, aye; and
G ooper, we; and the Resolution vas adopted,
President of the Vi
- Villase GleGk \
Eimesota Highmy Departments s Jznusy 1'7th letter, advising of their pro_posed
coqrehensivextrdfic study of the metropolitan area this yea, was read,
noved that Ur. RyXsen 02 the IEi&%y Planing Survey be inGited to send his rep-
resent2tive to neet with &. Szith at his and lair. Smithrs convenience.
?den ad carried,
Seconded by
Beo_uest by Billze 0-2 flovad Ldse, for CouncilIs resolution in favor of State vhole-
srJe dispensary bill, vas reEd.
by Pzlen and carried.
Ir-hvets1[ Janay 1'7th request for 3el'ni.t; to e,shibit in Edina vas red,
that letter be filed.
Havlthorne noved that coxzmnication be filed. ' SeCollded , -
I-Iotion seconded by Hmthorne cad carried,
PIotion by ~~llsoiz, granting neizaits for the following signs (maintenace) was
seconded by Child and carried:
Brzners 56 to $1.00 Store - 3905 TI, 50th Street
E:dir?a Zllieztre Corporation - 3913 If. 50th Street (2)
- Byom Derby Cafe
Dmid G. Bell Inv. Go,
- 3915 8, 50th Street - By, 169, IKE'O~ 50th Street. -. __ ... * .- __ - _. 'Pronossd bill €or the re~odification of Village Lzvrs was Geferred to th; Village
Attorney, by motion Emthorne, seconded by Faxen 2nd carried, c *I
A@.ication of Hr. aid NTS. I. D. Schoenauer for Food znd:Cigsette Li?cens,es >or
Grad View Cafe, 5002 Vernon Avenue, for period lebruary 1, to Ap,ril 1, ,1949, was +
Tillage BeaZth Officer,
Hmthoriie moved €or approval of licenses su%Je$ to inspeFtion by
I4otion seconded by Child and carr*ied,
Grand View C&e - 5002 Vernon Avenue - Cigarette Li,censF $342 ' R* "
It - !I - - %ood Sicense, $j46 T " [I . II
~ .- _. . 1-Iiss 1.1.P. Cumxiinst plan for apartment building-yas presentpd, building to de
locatedk just north of thb Gomunitg store Distr;ct at $4tli, Fad 2rmce, on the
Uorth 100 feet of Lot 18; Block 1, S&th Harries Park Secopd Addition,
was informed thzt Plslllair~g'Comissio$ had recowended the rezoning of the
nroser'@ for multi@e-dvrelkng -- but had re jectedabuilding:p$e.n 'because it -
Rat?thorfle moved tht plan %e returneh to IUriss Cumains with the informatios ji&,$. - .
it does not conform tritli zoning ordinance.
1-fr. Wallsce Bruce of Bruce Construction Cornsany reeuested permission to provgde---
prZvate swage disposd service for $0 houses %e eqects $0 construct on t'l.56th
tbe %zsehe& vilX be belov*t~e sani.tz,ry sever. ,Building aspecto or Woeuer =
stated'fl~t no h&m vould <e done byvinstaJ.lstiop of cess~o,ols for these ttro
dwellings beczusg of lengthF of Back %ads, avld tbt there js no danger of
Niirnelidi'&. Creek's" being polsuted by, Qainage,
grmteil ?or-pr&vihng piv+e sewer Ais~osd , no+ttrithstazdiaS -0rdinaice for
connecti'ou to xx.n%tary 'sever ,
Review vi~~ had of* the 14iim.t;es of Litugr Control Cokaission bfeetinzs of lTover3ber 29
.md danu&y 6, wi;th specidcdiscussiop be held on adtrisa'uilbtg of nailivlg to 'the
2zxya.yer& z-fimyid stategent. Recgmeildstion, 02 the Comission, for increase.
in the s&.~.ry of the Liquor*Store Nsqger, was lsid over pending receipt of
co.qosit; P?& Sta+enent forcyeriod of ,business in the store, by motion Bavrthoriie,
secondediby Child?Pnd czrrigd, H3y & $tenson negQtiations ,laid over until Feb, I&,
Hsthorn& moved t$at Bldon $orris be ;e-apgointed to the I;ig_uoF Control Commission +
for B thtee-year $era 'beginqing Saiuqy I, 1949,
about %eping'qo"qIei. term qn the Cbqission, . k
Deputy Clerk repo;ted th& $irst Bdinq State Be is Frilling to deposit collater,d
of $3Z5,$OO in 17o;thvestern &tionzl 3jak but caqaot dqosit; in Federd. Reserve
becmse o;l^ yLon-meT%ershLp iq this org&.zation. ,Treasurer. kggq recomended T *
thzt WI Stz,tionFL Z&-LIZ be &ce of deSo=sit for couaterd,
First Edins-Stzte J'k-qik be dixected to ,deposit __-_- co?Jateral . - - - for, - f Edina . - -- in Rorthwestern
N&&on5I :I35&E-tr$s -F6cGnded-by'C -hild'@d carried,,
Hmthorn&s motion, that President, Clerk and Treasurer be directed to sign
auVIorizzt2on to Bederd. Reserve Bank to release $llO,OOO bonds to IIidland
Ba,tionril pdc, coyering 2-1/$ U.S. Treasury Bonds, exchased .by us for 3$
'uonds I va.s seconde$ by €'de% and carrLed. h x
NO tion -%;t*~g~~i-i; qt-ii6yiziiik5 vre-a-sa~er:- -h-iisi~tmgigZ5 ,OOO iiiimce on l$oven%er
tax setLl&ent, wa? ~ seconded, %r Ravrthoyne pad carried,
' has tw: mwy a?al-Grnmmixi- Tor'ninimwn -&ma Yep-irpents 6~ zhiing ordinance
Not$on secondeg %y Child and carried.
ST T v.
He stat& that th6'houses ~.ii$l. %e built below strget level, ad thzt
H,$-~tborne moxed that permits. be
No tion+-s ecdnded 'bi 'C&%cf -&.id, carried, * - . ______- -" -I-- .-
< .*
f4otiiOri s-eckmded by V53.1soi1 m&
Office pked to cgntact Lir. .G, U, Clarke w2th refereilcg to his-vishes
__, ____ ---- ---
I"&illsonts notion that
* c- * b .I
- - - . -
: .*. . _-- -- _- r
Discussion ms bad as to vugs and nems of,sim&i-2yiag ?-e<co_rds. $n &-pipe&-.
l?ent,nl_ fqa, vith I@. Willsgn advocating less dets?iled boo&se>ing because of
the fact j&t the ViJ-lage is eompelled*by- Zmr to accept bid e>f lowest responsfble
Wdder regzrdilsss a€ mintemace cost OS machinery; ad beemse of necessity of
securin: -- . - zaqition& *- - - 3ooveFpep $f pres&- sgstarn is- ke&. up $0. dafe,
by IJillsog that nette& be referred to E&., Bernice Johnson, BooEkeeper, for
sizi$ific2tion of Equipnent Rental bookkeeping lzocedure, WES seconded by
Ravrtborne Iznd carried,
is resgonsible for inventory at Viflege shop,
. - _- c --
Office requested to notify Villim Cardarelle that he -
238 \
1/24/49 I
Nation by Palen, seconded by Child, approving the following payrolls:
VIIUG?3 PAYROIL - January 16 through 31, and ralsesretroactive to Jku.ary I, 1949
Bower Hawthorne, Clerk t30,OO
Richard Go Palen '_" 60.00
- NAW __ GROSS f.SrrH,. REXiRXe - HO$P* I TCJrilL I NEIL CLrn
- gO&O 33 Gene Cooper, Nayor $ 80,OO .-
eo. A, ITillson, Trustee 60.00 60m 34 60&0 35 6OeOO 36 Fred S, Child, tt 60,oo
J. J. Duggan, Treas., 50,OO 50*00 37 John T.Jindhorst, Atty 100+00 100.00 38
Q @000 32 c* .-"
Philip Neville, Judge 75.00 - 75.00 39 Dr. LJLCampbell, H,O. 30.00 30&0 40. - 595.00 595 .oo
345 =7Q 46
2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 -2475 2.75
1.25 2875
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62
Pete Dahlg;ren
3.1. J. Xerf eld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Eonild Port
C. T?* Cardarelle
Wape Tracy
Joseph Hat ole 15L33 U78*53 2.75 23 1.25
Charles Johnson,
Jacob ShBk
TJin. H, Kell
Frank J. Ciskovskg'
64 65 66
125.15 135.99 102.25 =Or66 .
Notion by Tfillson, seconded by Child, authorized papent of the following claims:
* <+
3498 Villase of Edina- Nabr Dept. 15 a40 3499 Justus Lumber Co t 17.68 3500 John R, Coal, Postmaster 76 J-2
3502 S, A* Hessbeim - :-.I - -3.00 .c
3503 Hennepin County Review 40&0
Lyle Si@-%- -Inc_ * 15.04
* 10.00 3504 3505 tlh, S,,Heydt I___. _- 3506 c Hilding Dahl lO*OO
Glacier Sand &c Gravel Co 71.99
Ros eqwald€Eooper, Inc 13 e70 3507 3508 3509 Wheeling C2rrwating Co 233A , 3 510 H, A, Rogers Co * I 13.00 35m Fitch Pet Hospital l0,Oo -
E. C, Pfeiffer 470*90 3 513 Thoppe &os. Inc . 8,00 3512
35u Swanson & Youngdale ‘I 295 e00
3 521 Northern States Power, Co 95134
3522 Young Fuel Co 39& 3523 I\llike HO~, Secretary State 13 0 C 3524 Kore-U & Nichols, ICx 1&50
3525 Toltz, King & Day, In$ 522& 3526 Gregg? s Pharmacy 0 2 619 3 527 Charles IJ, Jones +. 50*40 3 528 John Balich r l08*00 3529 Suburban Press F 2.40 ** 3532 Miller-Davis Go c 56.50 *I 3 533 Edina Hardware 5e85 - 3 534 Tom & Country HardGe 18.44 3535 Northwestern Bell Tebphone 55&
3537 . Julius A. Schmahl, StLte Tress* 297c50
Burroughs Adding &ch&ne Co 13.50 < * I
3536 Dorsey, Colman, Barker, Scott & B 302*75
IJestern Underground C$nst. Co 13 .OSl&O $ 16,962,52
691,63 b, D, $36. 5524 Erst National l3ank
5525 First National Bank v 68,50 We M, $1’-
’ 3540
L. 5526 First National Bank 1.25 17, 31, #4
5526 First National Bank 1.25 Wo Me #5
r 5527 L+ 11. Haling 10230 S.*D, $43
I~S. Pauline @am 1 37.70 . l.!&OO
- 5528
3520 Northern States Power, Co la00 mm RE;MTBL ”
3530 * 3531 3532 Eilhr Davis Go L75 $ 2,465655.
City Treasurer, Ninne&polis 1,807~80 ‘ City Trekisurdr, ltirmeipalis* - 655tO0
3529 3536
3 533 3 53& 3535
35L3 3542 I 3 543 3544 3545 35k6 3 5k7 35M 3 549
Suburban Press 72.00 P. 1. R:~D
Dorsey, Cohan, Barker, Scott eS B Q17JIS . I 289&8 , ..
Northern States Pwr Co
i3di.m Hardware
Tarn & Country Hardware
Nortpwest ern Bell Telephone Co
Kinneapolis Gas Co
Phillips Petroleum Co *
Hull-DObbs, I~c
Firestone Stores
Win, H. Ziegler Co
Austin Tfestern Co
Brookside Servicer Station - I
Reinhard Brothers Go
If* E, Lahr CO t
Young Fuel Co
Tom & Country Hardwa+re
Julkus A. Schmahl, State Treas,
Petty Cash, Water Dep$,
Tam & Country Hardme
Justus Zmhr Co T
George Bern Sons, Inc,
George Benz Sons, Inc,
Village of Edina - Wa$er Dept
Northern States Power, Co
3Erm Fire Extinguisher Co
Petroleum Service I
Candad Dry Ginger Ale, Inc
Chaslsa Beverage Co
Clausen & Sons, Inc
Old Style Lager Go -
Kirdquist Sign Co -
Seven-Up Bottling Go r
National Cash Register Go
ma Coxmercial Club#
0. fri, Droney BeveragexCo
E. E, Delapenha .
Anheuser-Busch, Inc -
Swiss IEne House +
Rex Distributjng Go *
Young Fuel Co T
Purity Beverage Co c
Fabst Sales Co .-. - - s . ~
Old Peoria Co
Northwestern Bell Telephone Co
IEmeapolis Brewing Co
Niller-%xis. CQ - R
E. E. Lohmann Go
Kelly 3Lcpd.o L
Griggs Cooper Co
Gluek Brmhg Bo
Famous Brands, Inc
Distille&b%ributing Co
Cocoa Cola Bottling. C.Q ___
PtKLer-Davis Go
Ed, PE?2is&Sons Co
HcKesson & Robbins 8 c
8 3,4J.4,55 c
TJillson? s motion,. quthoflzing Clerk -. - - ---- to advertise for steam' kdckag cleaner Tor .-
Village.equiprnent, ~as seconded by Child and carried.
---L/-,'---*- r In connection w2th 3ire Undermi&rs?* .recgmnendat&ons, NotZon by Tkillson directing
Clerk to inquire of the Chairman of the lhr 3iemori.d Cdttee, the Cdttee?s
plans and progress on proposed cammuni'cy building for PLh ad T.Tooddale, was:
seconded by HZZXc5FnG -Gel -Carried,.
Discussion was had as to the find. adoption of. Pacific BLzilding Code, with attorney
17indhorst advised to amend those partions of the Cocte referring to the fee system
for the building inspctor; and to fire breaks.
Plumbing Code was discussed, withaAttorney asked to draft amenbent requiring sewer and water bonds. )r r.
lKKLscn!s motion directing Clerk to advertise for the following ZppraxiElate footage
in corrugated metdl culverts -- 200?-12*1; 200?-15'f; 100?-1$1*; 100!-2&! -- TELS seconded
+ I -*
- c
by Child and carried, -._ .* - - L I .. -
After Clerk! s
dispense with
24% 1/24/49
reading of the following Ordinance, Palen moved that the Council
second reading thereof znd that OYdinance be adopted: .
POllOlVs :
Section 1, The Water Service Reguktions, Rates and Charges hereinafter
set forth are adopbed as the official IJater Service Regulations, Rates and Charges
of the Vatemmrks System of the Village- of Egna. The Village of Edina reserves
the right and power to amend this crrdinance fram time to time as the need’ or
propriety thereof arises, and the rates and charges herein spcified my thereby
r be increased or decreased. I -
Section 2. The contract under -c&ich the Village’ of Ed- purchased the
Waterworks System from the Country Club District Service Co, provided for transfer
of the S?Tatemrorks System to the Village free and clear of all liens of every
desfription and the Village recogaizes no liability of the Country Club District
Service Go,, nor any other obligation of any nature, expressed or implied, and in
particular no obligation is recognihed to refund any p& of the cost of mains or
service lines paid for, either by customers directly, or by contributions izz arid of construction made to the said Service Company, and no refunds will be =de
regardless of ature connections to any mains or service lines so built.
Section 3. Rate6, A11 germanent established services, whether public
or private, as well as aU new services, sha-21 be mtered and charged at the
following rates with the exception of the specific aqnu flat 6harges herein-
after set out,
* (a> Water consumed vdll be charged on the basis of meter readings at
the rate of l7,-l& per 100 cubic feet gross, or 15.4& per 100 cubic feet if paid
within %he discount p riod presented, except that water consumed in the district
desceibbd as the East side of Beard Avenue from 54th Street to Fuller and both
sides of Abbot% Place fram 54th Street to Beard‘Avenue will be charged at the
rate of’23QQ per 100 cubic feet -gross, or 21$ per 100 cubic feet if paid
within the discount period presented, The aforementioned excepted district
is servhed with water purchased by the Village from the City of Ehneapolis
and the3iUage Council has duly considered all pertinent facts and find that
the higher rate is fair and reasonable.
(b) A minjmurn charge of $2.00 per quarter tiill be ma+e where water
consumption amwnts to lessI
(c) The following flat annual charges shall be made by the Water
System, and .wiU be subject to increase when necessary:. ’
(1) Sewer Department for water used in flushing $200 .oo
(2) Pa?& Department for water used for srinkling =
- grid skating rinks 8 50.00
(3) Street Department for water used in flushing
- streets. # 50.‘00
Section 4.
(a) Meters will be read quarterly.. In the event meter readers
Current Services,, Neter Eead&ng and Bi-.
cannot reach-the meter on first call, one call back will be made.
is still .ynable to reach neter an estimated bill xill be rendered. The esti-
mted consumption shall be tht of the corresponding quarter in the preceding
year, or of the Last preceding qher for meters installed less than “one
days of date-rendered and no discount shall be allowed after said 15 days!
period has elapsed,
Delinquent notices will be mailed 20 days after original bills
and water service 16.11 be discontinued to any acGounts delinquefit 60 days, A
Charge of $2.00 will be made and shall be payable before service is restored.
If reader
(b) All bills will. be payable at the Edina V%l.lage Hall idthin 15
(d) A flat charge of 85.00 jdll be made for repair a& calibration of
any meter injure8 on the customer!^ premises, or for test made at the instance
of the customer if the meter is ’found to be accurate within the generally
acceptable tolerance,
for test or calibration‘ on its OFM initiative and at its mm expense. Heter
replacements will be charged for at the same rate as new meter installations and
any repirs found necessary in She process of making such a test, including the rmwal of lime deposits, etc,, I&U. be charged to the consumer at cost of parts
(e) The Tkter System reserves the right to remove any meter at any time
I ad labor.
(f) A service charge of $2.00 will be made for shutting off curb stops or re-establish- service at the consumer?s request, or %f service is discounLed
for non-payment of bills.
cock and meter) the consumer shall be required to make necessary repairs within
five (5) days after notification by the Water System. In the event of consumer!s failure to make such repairs, a3 above p-ovided, the Wa+er System is authorized
and directed to discontinue service or to have such repairs made, and to charge
the costs thereof to the consumer!^ mter account,
(g) In the case of broken or leaking service lines (between corporation
(b) In the case of serious breaks, where loss of water my be substantial, water service may be discontinued until repairs are made.
Section 5, New Services. A uniform service charge rill be made for all
futur8 connections, as follmsr
(a) For Ped, and Inspection $3.50
(b) For tapping main and installing corporation cock * 89.00-3/4*‘
(c) For furnishing meter, Cost Plus .$2,00 -
(d) For paving repairs (Hard -face $10.00
I (e) All the above charges are‘due mid payable at time application for
permit is made. Provisions for proper connections of meter, including shut-off
valves on each side of same, shall be made by the Plumbing Contractor and shall be
rea@ at the time the Water System is reques-bed to set the meter,
Section 6, c’onnections to lobs beyond the boundary of adjacent assesaaent
districts shall be permitted upon pagment of or assessment for connection charge
ewivalent to the assessment levied agdnst similar frontage in the created water
district to which connected. The petition and agreement for assessment must provide
that in case of exkensions r@lacing the temporary connection permitted, addi-tional
cost over the amounts paid or assessed may be assessed in cannection with the new
district, or if such cost is less, such excess may be refunded Lo the person 1810
made the payments. Any receipts from such payments shall be held in a special
reserve ad applied to equalize any future assessmnt against the property served
by such conriections. 11 wxlver of pratest against assessment in q future district
in tiMch the lut served is located must be signed at time cmection permit is
applied for*
local taxes for V’Lhge or .School?s fynctions, and the amount of. such taxes remitted
to the General Funds of the JlXLage or School District in the ratio of the two
levies, in accordance r.rith Section 6 (b) of that resolution entitled, I1A RESOLUTTW
3- 10, 3-947. ._ .. -. -
All ordbances and parts of ordinances in confEct
Section 7. The TTaterworks System T.rill be charged xith the amount of any
Section 8. Repeal.
herewith are hereby repealed.
I Section 9. Effective. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
from and after its passags and publication according to h.r, +
S+m (10. Savhg Chuse, If any section of this ordinance or any part
thereof, $hall be held invalid by any.court of competent jmisdiction such
invalidity shdl bend only to the section affected and every other section shall
be conkinued in full force and effect.
Palen?s motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Child; and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; 3fillson,
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the ?31?diiiailCe.~.1~aa adopted,
Pre"sident of the Ti
Financial Report of the Fire Department Relief Association for the year ended
December 31, 1949, was presented. Hawkhorne moved that report be filed. Secor,ded
by T?iUson and carried, h . 6. .-
Motion by llillsonp setting .Hearing on Assessment for cost of improvement of tJ.56th
Street bebeen Xer-xes and Zenith Avenues ad Zenith Avenue between W.56th Street
and 1/2 Block South by Bla&topp*g,..for Eonday, Februar-y 225, 19.49, at 8:OO P.L
at the Village H&l, was seconded by Child and .carried. 7
IVillson!s motion Eor adjaunment was Iseconded by Hawthorne and carried.
% I L 'I 1
.-. _. 2'7 /+
council Ibienbers &suering Rollcall were Child, *T!illson, *Pden ad- CooTer .
Clerk Gretchen ScBussler acted 2s GLerk, iiz C&rk .. Hwthurnets absence. "
t * r- *
Liquor Control Corhission 1.Ierabers $'@sent wefe hNoiris and Ezllman,
Itinutes of Liquor 'Control Commission Xeeting of Janusy '29, 1948, were read 'by
Hdlma, dvising "Council that Nr. Sgenson hzs pt ES, s&e price-of $-b!5,000 on
the LiquoY Store $GLlding hd proper'ify, ad a @5.ce of $10,000 on t1w.t sortion
of Lot 33, Audi.t-o~*s Su'bdibision whidh lies irnniedish1y;Ilest of the store
property; and tkd Conmission recom6cds purchdse of stctre 'pogerty.
Lertse signed 37 V{llcge officials 6 J&e 1, 1948; plas revfevredl, ad considerzble
x I a ,* .I
t 1 A
discussion follovrgb, 4 .-I 1 m
Child moved that the Councjl Eccest -@e recomdndation o'f the Licuor Control
Gomission with- r9gzrd to purchase of Liqor Sfore pro@r.ty-; ad thiL :the
President zad CleTF 36 aut$orized to-*notify th6 proper $arties that the Council.
?gees to purchase the East !J!vrenty-sl?s feet of *Lot 33, *Auditors Subdivision 172,
together with the building situzted thereon at the price of $&,OOO less-the
credits izocided (or in th9 lese agreement of June 1,
in ;I.ddition, yurcbase the Qdance of :s&d Lot 33, Audito'rrs Su3division, .& the
price of $10,000. Hotion qeconded 'bq P{i2lson $ad *. un3ilidously t csried.
ad that they-vrill, -
I- 'Vjllnge Clerk . -_
.I .