HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490201_SPECIAL1/24/49 Palen?s motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Child; and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; 3fillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the ?&diiiai~Ce.~.~~aa adopted, ATTEST: --. Pre"sident of the Ti _. Financial Report of the Fire Department Relief Association for the year ended December 31, 1949, was presented. Hawkhorne moved that report be filed. Secor,ded by T?iUson and carried, h . 6. .- * Motion by llillsonp setting .Hearing on Assessment for cost of improvement of tJ.56th Street bebeen Xer-xes and Zenith Avenues ad Zenith Avenue between W.56th Street and 1/2 Block South by Bla&topp*g,..for Eonday, Februar-y 225, 19.49, at 8:OO P.L at the Village H&l, was seconded by Child and .carried. 7 IVillson!s motion Eor adjaunment was Iseconded by Hawthorne and carried. % I L 'I 1 t .-. _. 2'7 /+ council Ibienbers &suering Rollcall were Child, *T!illson, *Pden ad- CooTer . Clerk Gretchen ScBussler acted 2s GLerk, iiz C&rk .. Hwthurnets absence. " Septy .* t * r- * Liquor Control Corhission 1.Ierabers $'@sent wefe hNoiris and Ezllman, Itinutes of Liquor 'Control Commission Xeeting of Janusy '29, 1948, were read 'by Hdlma, dvising "Council that Nr. Sgenson h.s pt ES, s&e price-of $-b!5,000 on the LiquoY Store $GLlding hd proper'ify, ad a @5.ce of $10,000 on t1w.t sortion of Lot 33, Audi.i.Go~*s Su'bdibision whidh lies irnniedish1y;Ilest of the store property; and tkd Conmission recom6cds purchdse of stctre 'pogerty. Lertse signed 37 V{llcge officials 6 J&e 1, 1948; plas revfevredl, ad considerzble x I a ,* .I - - t 1 A discussion follovrgb, 4 .-I 1 m Child moved that the Councjl Eccest -@e recomdndation o'f the Licuor Control Gomission with- r9gzrd to purchase of Liqor Sfore pro@r.ty-; ad thiL :the President zad CleTF 36 aut$orized to-*notify th6 proper $arties that the Council. ?gees to purchase the East !J!vrenty-sl?s feet of *Lot 33, *Auditors Subdivision 172, together with the building situzted thereon at the price of $&,OOO less-the credits izocided (or in th9 lese agreement of June 1, in ;I.ddition, yurcbase the Qdance of :s&d Lot 33, Audito'rrs Su3division, .& the price of $10,000. Hotion qeconded 'bq P{i2lson $ad *. un3ilidously t csried. ad that they-vrill, - I I- 'Vjllnge Clerk . -_ .I .