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Palen?s motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Child; and on Rollcall
there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; 3fillson,
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the ?&diiiai~Ce.~.~~aa adopted,
Pre"sident of the Ti
Financial Report of the Fire Department Relief Association for the year ended
December 31, 1949, was presented. Hawkhorne moved that report be filed. Secor,ded
by T?iUson and carried, h . 6. .-
Motion by llillsonp setting .Hearing on Assessment for cost of improvement of tJ.56th
Street bebeen Xer-xes and Zenith Avenues ad Zenith Avenue between W.56th Street
and 1/2 Block South by Bla&topp*g,..for Eonday, Februar-y 225, 19.49, at 8:OO P.L
at the Village H&l, was seconded by Child and .carried. 7
IVillson!s motion Eor adjaunment was Iseconded by Hawthorne and carried.
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council Ibienbers &suering Rollcall were Child, *T!illson, *Pden ad- CooTer .
Clerk Gretchen ScBussler acted 2s GLerk, iiz C&rk .. Hwthurnets absence. "
t * r- *
Liquor Control Corhission 1.Ierabers $'@sent wefe hNoiris and Ezllman,
Itinutes of Liquor 'Control Commission Xeeting of Janusy '29, 1948, were read 'by
Hdlma, dvising "Council that Nr. Sgenson h.s pt ES, s&e price-of $-b!5,000 on
the LiquoY Store $GLlding hd proper'ify, ad a @5.ce of $10,000 on t1w.t sortion
of Lot 33, Audi.i.Go~*s Su'bdibision whidh lies irnniedish1y;Ilest of the store
property; and tkd Conmission recom6cds purchdse of stctre 'pogerty.
Lertse signed 37 V{llcge officials 6 J&e 1, 1948; plas revfevredl, ad considerzble
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discussion follovrgb, 4 .-I 1 m
Child moved that the Councjl Eccest -@e recomdndation o'f the Licuor Control
Gomission with- r9gzrd to purchase of Liqor Sfore pro@r.ty-; ad thiL :the
President zad CleTF 36 aut$orized to-*notify th6 proper $arties that the Council.
?gees to purchase the East !J!vrenty-sl?s feet of *Lot 33, *Auditors Subdivision 172,
together with the building situzted thereon at the price of $&,OOO less-the
credits izocided (or in th9 lese agreement of June 1,
in ;I.ddition, yurcbase the Qdance of :s&d Lot 33, Audito'rrs Su3division, .& the
price of $10,000. Hotion qeconded 'bq P{i2lson $ad *. un3ilidously t csried.
ad that they-vrill, -
I- 'Vjllnge Clerk . -_
.I .