HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490214_REGULARI Child aoved that the follotsiylg Payrolls be approved: and carried. GROSS tITH* RETIRXr. TOTAL Ern - CL4B*I NAGI PAY TAX DEDUCT, DEDUCT,. PAY -NO. JLDImIST@Tm 29.~0- e . .L1 1 PhLl IT.* Smith 3255e62 BxE 10.22- 40.02- 215r~~ 72 - Gret then ~ Schus s4er 163.60 15r90 6.54 22.44 l4l;16 73 Berni+ce, Johson . . 173.83 13*50 6*95 20.45 153.38 74 Helene Freeman 102.e ll',20 4.09 15.29 86e+96 75 Louise Ifesterberg 102.25 u,20 4s09 1529 $6,96 76 - 797.55 q*oo 31.89 113.49 6%*06 1 Fred Jonas.. 132*93 3 4kO 5.32 8.72 324..21 77 Motion seconded by ?Wlson I EEGhG - POLEE DEPT, Clzrence Xnutson Hildbg Dahl Tim, S, Heydt Henry El. 1frobleski Bert 1% Nerfeld WLLlim V, Hoffman Lloyd KcGary 78 79 80 81 82 s3 ar, 162.12 6ekS 64 . 6,65 6.04 ' 5.91 5.95 5 d33 6.62 7087 - 155.98 il66.36 11.84 John Qacy Harry Jonas Arthur Jens en Ronald Port C, Cqrdareqe Xape Trac;r $0, eph, Eatole 15.31 u.75 u-5+55 107.68 95 96 97 98 99 V6 4*80 5&*5 -452279 3 673 w5 .95 I 2/14/49 245 I Chiliit s motion, qqroving pawent of the following Clmins md. c?mied: ms seconded by Villson I C I G3iGUL PTJITD pz?iEl No, 3554 $22.40 I I' Clain Bo. 3555 72.00 . . $9&.40 EOUIP.RE3TML - Edinn Pure Oi'L_Co, Clgn No, 3552 $20.94 Comiissiondr of Iaation Claim PSO. 3553 1.4, 00 $34.95 - Arthur IC. Petersen ciai~ NO. 3551 < f t r Su%v.r'b,on Eennepin Cy.Relier" Bd, Claim 370. 5531 c r First N&i.ond. Bak Hd. Phillips '& Sons Co. Gee. Ben2 Sons, InC. Claim no. 5530 POOR l?"D $574856 H&horne moved tkt the Council airect the Deputg Clerk to secure smples of pronotion,d e&minatkons from the Ninneasolis Police De>artnent, Lecae of IIinnesota Liuniciplities , St. PEUI Police De;aartmcnt ad the Ilinnesota gisxay Pz,tr91 , in preprztion for con6ucting promotional exzminatiorrs for purposes of classification of the men on the Edine Police Departnent, Hotion seconded 'by Pzlcn cad unminously cmried, : I.Tinutcsof thb Re&= Ilceting of Jznu~rg 24 md S$ccial Meeting of'bebrusy 1, 1949, mre q>roved as subaitted, by Hotion I'lillson, seconded By ?plea cad cariqd, ? c 1 c c Pmswat to "Notice 03 Hesing on Proposed kter &in Pztcnsion,tt pu3lislled in Suburb= Press, Ho$ins J"musry 27 and- Februsy 3 of vrhich w.s red by Clerk, Public Hezring &s held on prqosea extension of water nein in ?lest 56th Street botr.reen Beard ad A%bott Avenues md in Ko'OotL Avenue httreen V.$th'&cZ V.57-&'Streets, of $8,125.89 for .cdns$ruction, @us 251 per front foot +clprge fqr comeqti;on .to Mickelsen mter n,zin, or $5.'7? total, per as&msKde foot, ~rzs rezd. of the oimers of 'Troprtg facing South on tr.56th Street- S.S. Herrill, Julkn h, Sons, pad Corliss A. Co&ic$--op~ossd, the construction bccmse they dl hzve rrells. Rich2,rd Eti-.,tcher, L.11. 3room, Pnci Perry .Beggs were also o2)Iyosed md beccuse of the s-me reason. siyaers 02 petition totelled more kh,n 51$ of dl frontage dfected. the fo1l.oviq Resolution P.nd moved its ;tdo?tion: md -$Blisiled in Suburbw, Press, Eo;ijkins, 14iniqsota, on Jmugy 27, 19b9 the ViLlege Council hs met zt the tfine and ?laxr qecified therein. ad head $1 gersoqs interested ::ith reference to construction of 'Vilkge YJZter P.I-.in in #,~6th Street from Becrd Avcnue to Kobott Avenue cndr in A3bott Avenue from N.56th to IJ.57th Street; BX IT XESOLV3D b3 the Village Council of' the Villzge of Edinn thzt it is hereby 1949, R%z"id,o,vit of r?n'blics.tion En$neerr s testimtc in the ,tot,OJ. ~:i~omC A delegs,tion otrilers of proserties on A3bott Avenne, 023posi.tion v7zs informed thf Child offered ~soL~~o>j SOP, TJAT~ I.U.IIT IIGRQVZGIT~ IlmAS, nursuwt to Resolution. 2,dopted by the Villpge Council J~nu?xy 24,1949, ' dctcrmined to be necessary to construct Tillzip Uater +in Bxtensiont in the strepts XEWI z%ove, sna IT LXRWZR &SOLVED thzt plans specificetions for such neter min con- struction heretofore >repred by ?hi1 v. Smi.th ad filed with the Villaze Clerk are hereby rcceptea md- kiiproved as the islas ad specificat ions for seid iaprovelzent. BE IY XZUXZR USOL~D that the Clerk is ixerekJ directed to ndvertise'for bids on tho B2sis of cash pqment for such TJOS~, s-b&iaz thzt the bids will 'be oi2ened 2nd coiiside'red by the Council oil X'ebrunrj-28, 1949; no *aids will 'oc considered?wLess secllbd and filcd rrith the Clerlr'a~ld accoapnied 'or a cash deposit or certifiej check papBle to the Clerk fok an anourat eqw3 to tea prcent of the bid. Xotion for rdoption of the Resolution ws seconded By Vilfson; and on RolLcd.1 there were five nres ad no nzys, 2s follor.;~: Child, %-e; Pden, ,":re; Trillson, sye; I d the .- Resolutio " ”- Parsusat to IQesolution Settins Strcet Xqrovenent Bes5ng,1t pu3lished in I S6inrbm Press, .Ho&ins, on 3mw.qr 2’7, 1949 , Aff ihvit of NilicAtion for vhich ~ras read by Clerk, pu’ilic Hazring vas held on pctition for cxtensiondof, aid grding ad grzvelling of B+iins Avenue South betwen VI. 8th znd V.6Oth Streets, Pngineerts estimhe in to%&. mowt of $1,397.68, or 8. 2 5 _nor zseesszble foot, a T~S re&, he could cot &ford to -wy for it. of 6ay dedicztions shoad be secured be5’ore procceding vith project . offered the 3olloirins Resolution; sub ject to securing of rZghtdof-ww, and noxed its adoptioa: Mr. %my Swenson objected to the inprovernpnt on the grounds tnst It vras pointed out to C ouncil thzt right+ f’lillson I RESOLU!i?IOlT FOR IHP.%OVE~E!El! ?@ZRES purswnt to Resolution adopted by the Yillsge Comcil Jauzry 24, 1949, end pblished in Suburbm ILress, Hogkins, Ihnesota, on Jmuz~“yr 27”, 1949, the ViiiGe Gouncil b.s net a% the tine ,?ad place specifies-therein md head dl persons interested irith reference to proposed inprovement of %ring Avenue betpreen ll.g8%h ad lJ.6ath Streets. by extension, grading md grzvelling thereof, now theref om, +. BEt 12 I?SGSOLVZD 5y the Cdina Villzge Council that the said irqroveaent ileseryoed in szid Resolution sliall be mdert-zken, the entire eqense thereof to be paid in the first instcmx out of tEe Pernment Iripovenent Bevolvins &?FlliId, BE IT XQRTTS€ RESOLVED thzt sgd improvenent be mcde 37 contract to be let to the lowest resgonslble bidder; and the clerk is directed to >repre ad 1ish advertisenent for bids thereon to be opened February 28, 1949, which bids shd-1 be based ugon @ms md specifications nov on file with the Clerk and irhich are hereby qgroved, Hotion for zdo-i3tion of the ResoLution was seconded by Hmthorne, zsfi on RollcLLl tbere were fivG Xres pad no ows, 2s fo~o~rs: we; Ezvthome, =re; 2nd Gooper, we; aid the Resolution I&S cdo?ted, -t Child, ge; Pden, eye; IIiKLson, r < c President of t I Infohd-Pu3lie Hezing lras held with resresentatives of 5.A.Dmens G Son, Berg uza BSW, vmer ~onip~y, 2nd young Re1 COI~T)S.IY (I.fessrs. J.A: Dmens, ~s3n Berg,’ 1t.T. &mer, and F.J. Eastens, respectively) ; vita regyd to thet”r refusd. to obeain permitis for signs painted Cpon their building+. Attorney I’lkdhorst eqlsjzed that reglstrztion fee of $1.00 vas required for fee 3or the sip on top the building at Berg & 2snh;fmrs irsehmss, which rewires yepzly fee of $.Ol per square foot, were inforned*tth;o,t the Ordinance requires pernits for signs &ready in glece before ptzsscge of Ordimace; md &t the meeting Si.1 vrerc agree,?,‘ole to t&ing Village Rr., Berg inquired 2s to Qon their inquiry, the gentlemen - such signs, ad tkt no father fee is necess-. out the necesszry >ernits. - -. < t I Pursuznt ,to “A&vertisenont for Bids-Fuel Oil (DisttiPlzte) 5’ pu‘blished in SU~.~~~?ZII Press , Ilo$ins, ,?nd io Construction 3$llctin, N5rinez~olis 1949, &nfiba.vit of Bi-blic&.on for which fks reEd by *Clerks the following bids irere publ-icly opened zn?i read coverins yea’s SU&~ of fuel oil for Village Boad Patrols: 6.000 &llons. ole or ~ess, 130. L ?HILi!iPS PETBOm85 CO1133*3X SOGO1JY-Y.CrnI OIL GO:S&a SrnLi; OIL caps= Jmu,.lry 2$ zlzd February 3, * Oil (Distillate) s.144 per Gdlon $.IN per &=on $.L% ger Gd-lon Posted price zf tine of delivery lcss 3.& Pisco-cmt Bmkorneys motion tkat bids bo tabled teiporarily, ms seconded by P&m ad carried. Fursumt to llddvertiseient for Bids-CuXverts,1l published in Su5wba Press, Ho@zins , 4 in Constmction Bulletin, I.Iinlrep.~olis, Sznuzrr 27 and February 3, 1949, Affidmit of Pu’oTicction ior which vas red by Clerk, the following bids vere pblicly ogened and read covering yea*s sup$y of cormgated netd. culverts: I I t I r r r Pursua t to 'Ikdvertisenent for Bids-Gzrbage CollectionYt1 Published in Su3mban Press Ro$cins, and in Copstrwtion Bulletin, MinnezTo1i.s , on Jmugy 27 pad Februay 3,1949, Mfidmit of Pu%lic?.tion for which was read %y Clerk, the follovriag bid, irs oL2eaed ,?nd Fu%lic$y reaa, 'oeing *he o+ly bid receivad; ART= E. PE!j?msaT $ ,633- per Honth per. Home , covering alL exppnsc to the Village for complete gaylocge disppsd.. Idotioa by f!ilLson that bid 'De zvmrded to kk. Peters&, crzrrisd. , seconded by Child and . A r. _I I i-lursumt tp 'IAdvertisemeut for BidsyQsurgnce,n published in Subukloa Press, Eopkins , on J,?p1umy 27, 1949, the follour-iing bids were opened and publicly re& - ,lX!BS ITO. 1 - ?IOR3ff4EXrS COEPEXSATION H-rdmre X.;uturl Casuplty Co. of Stephens Point, tlisc, ktes Xsta3lished by State Bqericnce Ratinz'of 18,$ Diviclcnd - 20$ of Gross Premium Premium ~i~c0un.f; op Over $Z,OOO Fremium - 4s 3m-i31oyers Xutuq.1 Lia%ilits Insurrnce Go. of llasan, llisconsin Bztes Bstr?blisiied by State Eqerience Rating OQ 18.$ Dividend - 2$ of G~oss Premium Rntes Bstablished by State - Premium Discount on Ov?r, $1,000 _of Prenium - 9+5$ Loss Eqerience Discoqt on Over-$1,000 -. of Premium (Based on 20-305; I;"'cdorp,'ccri I-Iutud In-&acnt md'Hadwve Ins - Co. . O&,tonn?,, I4in.n. * ~ .. I &thuy R. Rydeen, 901 X.11. Bmk Building, Agent for Em1o:rers Ihtu?l Cwxmltg Co. of' Des Iloines. Iowa E:&erience Bzting of 18.7'~ .4 Dividend - 20:: of Blrst $1,000 of Premia- - Zoss R-.tio - 25$- . R?.tes Bstablished by Stzte Experience R?,ting of 18,$ , Dividend - 20s of Gross Preaium - < - -- - - 1. 2/14/49 .- 2 flk /49 IJo Co-Insmmce - Pive YeFT Pre2aid Premium Artlwr B. R~decn,~A.geia-t; for Undert;.riters Insur.-iice Co. of ChiceEo, 111. Mo Co-InsurpDce - Five Yea Prepaid Premium SO$ Co-Insurmce- Five Ycz? Prepaid Premium $705.84 $739.20 * $6&.50 8 c f ITBI iJ0. 7 - pm AITD BXTBX~ED COVEFUGE-COliTZTTS os VILL~E moo~~ous~-$s,ooo c 3eder.D.ted- IIuutuc.ll Iimleaent ~nd HqxWa,re Ins. Co. of Otr~~tonn?, 80:: Co-Insur2nce - ~ive yes kua~ P~Y EX= Birs t Yea . $81.85 c -2nd to 5th Yr,-'Inc. 65-M (EL. Yr.) I Gross Preniun G31i.3.77 r Less Est. .Dividend 68.77 Preniun $275 . 00 I Nptuzl Qsnerzl &3"ency, Agents for !i?ri-Xte-,tc I.IutuQls Pnd Ferners Home Ihtu-ils t 80:; Co-Iilsurmce - Five Year Annu,iL Psy Plm 55.M-Ea. Yr. Gross Preiilium, andrBet Frerniwll $291.27 First YCS Premium $69.35 I -2nd to 5th Yes Inc. Uptom Insurance Agency, &eats for Undemmiters Insurpnce Co. of Chic?,ko. Ill, t Fred L. G-rzy Go. + Ayents Brthur El. Rgdeen, Agent for Und-ervritcrs Tnsurrnce Cos of Chhago, 111, - Eo Co-Insurace - Five-Year Prepaid Premium $312.00 Eo Co-Insurmce - Eve-Year. Prepaid Premium $346.60 3To Co-Insurmce - Five-Year Prepaid Prenium + $312.00 No Co-Xnsurace - S5ve-Yed Prepzid Prenium $277 22 H?Jrthorne moved tht the insurznce bias be referred to the Tillage En$neer for cl.--ssification, 2nd thzt he be instructed to report back to the nest regalzr meeting, Ilessrs. John md Robert Cooper, of 5100 md 5102 Yrwce-Avenue, asked relief from bzd trdfic situetion at 5lst and Fraice--cars peqking in their drives md oa thsir Lavms. ad Brcnce Avcii-iue, VilIzse 'Prs€Tic Ordinmce, so 2s to m&e the corners 'of Yrmce s?nd 51st Streee md Prpnce md I:Iakef Street llNo U-lwnff corners, ad the_ Vest sille of Frmce Avenuc betmen lI.5lst ad Tl.5Znd Streets 2 flResidential Puking Onlgll Zone, ms seconded b.j Pden ad unminously czrcied, .Engineer Smith IQS requested to qrder proger 'signs in order thet regulations mzy be enforced zs soon 2s Ordinace is zdc?$ted, Applicp-t ions of the following for permits to maintein Out&oor Advertising Signs tier0 revietrcd: Notion seconded by llillson ad caried. Discassion-ms dso had regsding trdf ic control at 1LIarke-t ?tree% Child's motion, directing Villzge Attorney to amend the I /--- 7Xp.pXrn-n Outrloor tAdvertisiing Co. for Gluclr Brewing Cos Joseph C. Deutsch - 3'or J'oer: Bzzber Shop-390k-11.56th St. r 2.t Village Tm-&930 Prmce Ave. &.sty T-st;. Slop - For Hasty 'Pasty Cefe -3907 lJ.50th St, 1 Child* s motion that yemiis be grated ~~as-secondsd - b;r Hawthorne and carried. Petitions sated 3'ebrupxy lk, 1949, signed 'by Harald Roberts m& othcrs, for the blc&topping ,7rr3 construction of cur'a and gutter in Gorges Avenue betveen 1'f.Slst ad V.52nd Streets, trere presented to the Council, with notatioa that they cp.rry signers of 57:: of &butting footage. Willson moved that petitions be zccepted 2-.d thzt Beaings be set %or llarcli lk, 1949, at 8:OO P.1.T. I4otion second-ed by Hmthorie ad csried, Petition for perrrit to dlow the devclopers of "Creston Hillst1 subdivision to grovide shuttle trcnsportation from Creston Hills to the streetczcr line at 5bth *-nd Br=?ncc, 83s read md referred to the Villzge-Atkorney - for his opinion, *uy rilopioa Pden seconded by Child and cirried. Dr. G.A. Eqbergls Jmuar$ 22, coqlinent to the ZkLina Policc Degpztment md to Officer Dd.11 in prticular, vias read wd filed. me 2cbruzry 8th cozzlzint of Fred Hill, Jr., 4634 Casco Avenue, concerning gracticc of tcgsing vehicles for overtime ydcirtg, VTZS - re& ,ad filed. < I - .. I. 250 i 2 /1&/49 Vith regad to pro9osed puxhase of Blackiourn Progerty for pal: purposes, Y211Ge Attorney flind&orst reported the follot3in$ fron 231 Attorney ~cQOrp?ltt s op5nion dzted I- - zs of t-Ms &$e: - 1, 2, 3, 4, Pillage nq~ Ecipire property for perk purposes; there is rn liniA on mount vhich nv be eqendqd for, thts _-ourpose in one ye-. Pitke shoul6 %e t&en in nme of Villgp rather tu in nmc of Perk Bozrd. 1IToney may be e-rpended from Generzl Revenue Fund %or pqos~ of actp2fing pzrk progerty, in sddition to 2-mill l&y, . PykIBomd mq reidourse General &ad, over z priod 02 ;rears, for mount eqended fron Gcnerd..hd for pqose of zicqxtrins gzrk prog~rtgr. Attorney T^lin&orsf steted tbd Hr. Hermmn Strc?chuer of the Pzrk Bmd. b.d zgeod, in the rime of the Boa&, to reirnlmse the Genercl Fund, over c? thres-yecr geriod, thzt znount vhich t~e Chcrd Jhnd would hve to c-qend &his yep3 to secure the 3lecFmn proprty. with ezminzt$on of title to B1ackiou.m Pmporty in order. .thzt proprty my 3e purcksea providins P&k Bozrd =pees to return to the herd l?wd ecch ~TCS, ou% of Vneir t ~1o-ni.11 allotneulC,qn mount equel to that vhich they intended tcr-e4qend for the spid Blzckbukn Proserty, Tias seconded by Egthorne aCP un;lBhously caried, Discussion 1rp.s &d 2s to practipabi&ity o$ adonting m Ordinmce prohibitilrg unzttended fires in unoccuzied dimllinSs under construction,'or, In lieu thereof, requiring an &>roved tjp of heating unit for dvelling;; under construction. referred to ,Attorney T'lindhorst, Gh2ipa Pden of Ordfnmces 3.nd Legislation Cornittee, ad Zire 1.Xas'-;nal. - - AI&. BLchols reGested poraission to construct c store building &e& of the pesently situzted 5un&ovi two doors IJorth of EIaket Street on Brmce.ATenue, store to be attached to present &:elling. for Us recomendztion, - 3ire Chief I.Ti%zol presented m Ordinace for the pohiiiition of the 3uriiing of ru-obish without pernit. his oginion. * I-ir- 1.iitzel &so requisitioned tae fhotring: Cbiltlf s notion , ,?u-t;lrarizing %he Vilkge Attorney to proceed . Ordinace I-lntter - t* 1-htter referred $0 Buildins Inspector Voehler - - - - This nev Ordinance ms referred to Attorney 'I&v3.horst for 1000 3%. @-It and 500 3%. 13" Fire Rose v:ith stsnctard t~ezd--&oukle Jacketed, Hmthoraet S notion, directing Clerk to piece rdveqtisenent Ifor 150~ FE. Fire EOSB, tt:o 16-foot ladders, 24 firenen's 'oelts c?n& 24 wrenches, a? requested, vas secondlea br Pden ad I.UX?niROUSl'jr czmied.. , - Letters 02 Febr-ury 1 mci Be3rwy 7, 19-49, cabessea to E.s~. alcion Horris of the Liquor Comission, md to tbe Villzge of Edine respectively, by men I.I. Johnson, Gttomey fo; H?y & Stsnson intercsts, and concerning purchse-oS the EIunicipd Liqmr Store, were red.. . If0 zction t&w. aanings Stz-tenent for the ~dia;?, knicisd. Liquor Store for tbo period:Jlune 5, 194-8 to Sausy 31, 1949, shovirg z net profit for the period of $22,745.73, YTZS pescated; 2s 112s Bdmce Snee'c 2s 2: Janup~y 31, 194, shoving Operctins Czsh ct $32,6L!*2.70 ad 12 Tlzsbli;iits 2L;. universal spanner. arenchcs; 24 firerton's belts 1Tpls stsrle; 2-16-foot roof kdiiers* dmkam; md sever21 sracll items. 1 nerchadise inventory i$ $66,058.96. - I. I ~ - - Hz~fihorne~s notion that: $&O,OOO Be esta%lisized 2s the nt.xirnzn Unit for inventdry io the l$qici.osl Liquor Store, tht the Ihmger be directed to reduce >resent inventory to $Lto,OOO 3~ Tks 1, 19&9, and that he bc requested to ZttenFt to beg inventory st A me- OP $35,000, ms seconded by PiLen jnd carried, Eavfihorne noveii fist it be estzblished as po>icg for the I.iuaicipd Liquor Store' tb.t no priae discounts shdl3;e given to ~97 person eqloyed at the Store or in a-y o.ther Village c~p~citg, n'og to my ot&r persons; znd, further, thzt I? sciiedule of retdl liquor nrices must be on Tile wLth the Deputr Vill&e Clerk st dl tines. seconded by I'lillson and csried. Report VTZS ?-de tig Euilding Sup%. lloebler of the request of Riss &ry Ellen Cumins for ?ernit to build muiti$.e-mreiling on the ITorth 100 Tcot of Lot 18, Block 1, South &mi& Pmk i&E.tion (5324-28 P$z!nce Avenue), stating t'nct Itiss C-iunninsl revise& plm now meets irith Zonia~ Ordinscc requirements. I-lotion 'by Pden, p5tFs aeaing on Aqd.icatian for Pe?Trili% to +ild Ik.lti@.c D&ll%ri~ for I-Idixl~, Po3rw.q 28 , 1949, at 8:00P.L, TIES seconded by Swt'norne mcl uncaimo;sly carricd. Clerk1 s E'iswcial Stk-terien'c of Villase dlrwsactions for Yes 1948 was accepted., end Degutg Cle& Tiverr instruction& to post on Official Bulletin Boards. Notion I I -I 2 fl4 f49 DWlod Rqort datod Pebruzry 14, 1949, stxmsizing permits isswd bj his Dqmi-tmnt dwinf the reg 1948 , was filed 3y Building Su3erintendeiit Voehlcr , Rcport dso recommeii6cii the following: .I 1, Consideration 02 instdlation of two *nev i.rells in the very near futuro-unc in Ticiilitj of ncv school; ono at pwppoximatelg 60th Pad Prslcc . A 500,000-g.d1on elevated taiik "Go replace tho present 75 OOO-+a,l.lon b&. A 2,000 G.P.14. Booster Pvmp, to be purchase& imeilie$elg. 2. 3. 1. . Bs:thornegs motioh, tliat Villcge adsvertise for a 2,000 G.P.1;. Booster Pmp for . thc Tlc%cl-r.rarT=s Dspatnent , with Bids to be tdcen' Fe'brugqj 28, was seconded "ay l'lillson &id m&aously czrried, - Pillzg Trcesuser Du~ga gzve his consent -to %he deposit of First Bdins Bdz coll-,teral in First Ih'cion,d B&- of Mianea3oE.s. Tlillson' s aotion, th& FLrst EEdiiia Stete B&c be &loved to deposit collateral for VillGe of Eldinz. in First Ba'cfonal Edc of fbneqolis, was seconded. by Pden gad carried. Villzse Imstec Pdcn. mzdc a brief re3ort on the joint-community fire prbtection held hero Februz~j 3, u&th regresent?,tives of Hozpkins , St .Lonis &rk, Richfield, _nil& 26ine, ,.nil a representz.tive of Fire Uidervrriters InspectTon Burem, present and Egrecqblc to a corimon contract. - I- Pderrt s motion for ~d jourment V.QS seconded bg Willson ad mmiraously cm'ried,