HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490228_REGULAR2/14/4.9 Dueled Report dated February 14, 1949, su=ariziAg permits issued by 1'zis Department durinv the year 1948, was filod ' b y Building Suoerintendent Woohlor. Report also recommended the following: 1. Consideration of installation of two ncw wells in the very near future- -ono in vicinity of now school; one at approximately 60th emd France. 2. A 500,000- -j11on elevated tenik to, replace the _ prresent 75,000- goll.on .Lank. _ U , - - - - 3. .A. 2,000 G.P.14. Booster Pvxnp, _to be purchased immediately. Hawthornels motioh, that Village advertise for a 2,000 G.P.111. Booster Pump- for the llatonror?ks Department, with bids to be tekeri February 28, was seconded by 11illson and unanimously carried. Village Treasurer Duggau gave his consent -to the deposit of First Edina Bari collateral in First National Pink. of Minneapolis. Willson's Motion, that First Edina State Ba4r be allowed to deposit collateral for Village of Edina in, First National Ban?i of 14inneapolis , was seconded by Palen_ and carried. Village Trustee Pplen made a brief report on the joint- community fire protection hold here February 3, frith representatives of Hopkins, St.Louis Perri;, Richfield, and2dina, and a representative of Fire Uadervrriters Inspection Bureau, present and agrecable to a common contract. Paleni s ;notion for adjournment iras seconded by 11illson and unanimously carried'. Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE REGUL,A�R 1METING 02' Ta 3DI1,A VILLAGE C01T1701L, ,IMLD- 1101MAY, FEBRUfi -RY 28, 1949, AT 8:00 P . I I : AT _ TIM EDMA VILLAGE HALT, 51 Nziabers nnswerin- Rolzcall were Child., Palen, jlillson fgla Cooper. Clor't.. Hawthorne c jac lat r, as locorded below: Minutcs of the Meeting of February 14, 1949, were approved as submitted, by 14otion P ^,-en, seconded. by Willson and carried. Purzun,at to I�Advertisenaont f of Bids -Fire Enuipmen.t , ' 'oublished ISuburban. Press,' Hop «ins, an•d in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis on February 17 and 2-4, -1949, affianxit of publication for which uras read, the yollowin.g bids woro publicly opcncd and road: 2, IIHoso 1'. "H se Ladder Per Ft. Per Ft. Per Ea.. on 10001 on 5001 EmTe =:a Fire Hose Co. -D.X. Sloll (Northiw-id) $1.34 $ .95 $ 9.00 {ocritt Rubber Corp. -Auel Equipment Co, ki 55.65_ (Unity Brand) $1,25 5 ,85 ' (Buffalo 4i) 1.30 .95 (Edina, n) 1.15 :78 - I =�inncsota Fire Equipment Coo. $ 53.10 (Truwax Brand) $1.42 $ -0- (Regal Brand) 51,30 $ .95 Olarwick �f ) $ -0- 51.02 R nndolph L^,boratories, Inc; :'° (Na Brad a5ame)51.19$ $ -6 479 -0-- F�ncFyt4r Products "' (Captain) $1.46 S -O -, $ -0- - (Fr, Best) -0 -' ' $ .95 B.P. Goodrich Company (Deluge) $1.33 $ -0- 5 (Leader Line) Line) .95 Bi- Lateral Fire Hose Co. (No Preez) $1.50 $1.05 (Superflex) 51.46 51.00 ,American- 12,Frnneo F oomite Corp. (Alf lox) $1.52 41.07 - $ 050"00 Ninnesota Tire Exting°u.isher Co. .(Pometus) $1.42 $1.02 - $ ' -0. _" -- Certified Chocks did not accompany bids. Child ;roved that bids be referred to Village En. -inter for tabulation and report at iaext mocting, with understanding that those bids not accompanied "ay certified c-icc' -s be disqualified. Motion seconded by Pn�loa and carried. Pursuazt to "Advertisement for Bids- 117mp,'r published in Suburbaj�i Press,_ Hop'xins, Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on February 17 and 21,!1, affidavit of publi- 1and cation for which was road, the follotrring one bid was publicly opened pnd :read: 252 ?/28/49 H.R. Nichols Com-oswj, St. Paul, Uinnesota,,- Installed Price - $2,200.00 Water Superintendent Woohler reported that several of the interested contractors had found that their pupps were too largo .to be installed in the 50th Street pupp house, thus narrowin- the bidding. Child moved for acceptance of the bid of H.R. Hic'nols OorLpany. Lotion seconded by Willson and carried. Pursuant to "Ilotice of Hearing on Application for Permit - to Construct 1-1ultiple Dwelling,," mublishod in Su7aurban Press, Hophins, Minnesota, on rebruz:xy 17, 1949, T affidavit of which publication was read, President opened public 3iearing,.on the application of Miss 11ary Ellen Cummins for -permit to construct au eleven - apartment building U ., on the North 100 feet of Lot Eighteen, Block One, South Harriet Pax;z' Second Addition (5324-28 France Avenue South.)- Plans of the proposed building were reviewed by the Council, as was the rocmrit -Planning Commission recommendwtion that property be rezoned for multiple-dwell iAg ,.purposes providing building con2oras with Zoning req:aircmqAts for area. Building Superintendent Woehlor reported that. Zoning roc- airements have boon 6ct in this case.; President as'=6 for objections and recoz= cn&ations from the audience. No objections were made to the pro-posed multiple dwelling, and ao objections had boon received by the Cler% bcf,ore the hearing. Child moved for the granting of permit to construct eleven - apartment building in accordnaacc -uith plans presented this evenin,-. 1•lotion seconded by Willson and. carried. Puxsutaant to 1%rlver tie, cmcnt for Bids- ;later Main Extensions," published in Sifourbau Press, Ho-?:�zins, and in Construction Bulletin, 1•'6inncapolis,, on_Fcbruar-, 17 h-nd 24, 1949, the follo,.ang bids were publicly opened and road, for the furnishing of labor and materials for construction of Water I-11ain Extension in 17.56th Street between Beard and Aobott Wenues and in Abbott Avenue between U-503th a;ad V1.57th Streets: (Cler',L Ra,.,ithornc entered- Mleotin- during roadin- of following bids Beatson-Kelly, Contractors, St. Paul $6,359-21 R. J. Ilan -an Co., 'Ni-qneapolis Bart Carlone, St. Paul Alczaader Construction Co. , .1•linnea-polis $7,568.75 Lf-,,aetti 8 L--netti, Inc., St. Pavl $5,517-20 Phelps Dry zo Co., V' inn6a6olis " $' 0 ,1413-00 I'Testern UnderTround Const. Co., LLIinneapolis *8,243.65 Child moved that bids be referred to Village ;ngin ecr f or tabulation and report at next rc,--ular meeting. Notion soconded by Willson and carried. I Pursuant to IIA4vertiscment for Bids-Grading a'A'cl Gravelling," published in Suburbaa Press, Hop.:inS, an6. in Construction Bulletin, Mliunckpolis, on February 17 and 24, 1949, the follm;.,in- `aids, scaled, wcre rdccivedo, Leo L--hti, Rookins; Pfeiffer Construction Co., Edina; J. A. Danens e. Son, Inc., Edina; M. E. Kraft, i�"'Lanenolis; Torry 70:ccaratin,­ Co., St.Louis Park. Offic6- reported that dedications for street zig�ht-of-u-,ay are not yot in possession of VillaSo. Hawthorne movcd that biEs be tabled, -unopened, until the next regular mooting. Notion secondpi by Willscu end carried. Tabulation of bilLs for ITT. I l'uol oil (Pistillate), for .Village Road Patrols, was reviewed, shoring bids to be Ucntic-al. Willson Yaoved 'tb�4t Villa-re continue to purchase from Ur. Goorgo Hac,- who distributes Phillips Petrolbum p roa-acts, as has been done in the past. Motion' seconded by Hn-,•thorne and carried. Council reviewed tabwrla--%Aon of'bids taa-.cn February 14, for corru,,,,atcd metal culverts-- said bids being identical. Willsoa moved that all b'l'(ls be rcjcc-'U-cd. 'lotion scco:�'.de.d by 0hil(i cad carried. Council revici,,cri talql-,tion of bids taken February 14, for Stucc;a Cleaner. Wililson moved7that *-465-75 bid of Va,. H. Zioglcr Co,,apany for One Model Ouc";-_ Stems Oil Fired- Cleaner be accoptod7. Nr. Million c.-plained that this is second -low but that low bid is on Govcriuwcn-t Surplus equipment, on which it is diffic-alt to get service. Motion for acco-ot'anc-e sceond-ed'by Hawthorne and carried. Ta1aulation of Inswr�,icc Bids YcbriLary 14, were reviewod, with Vie resulting action* Itcm-Ro. 1 — '%'Tor1:mgn1s ComnoAsation. Ha•ithorne moved that policy be written with Axthuff R. R7decn, Agc)nt for Emiloycrs IlLut-u!W1 Casualty Co. of D3S Noincs' Iowa. Motion seconded by C:Alcl -and carried. Iteu 170. 2 - BO(ii:!,-T Ivdu�'2d Flonerty Dn.a-,ac on Fleet of Cars and Truegs. Hawthorne moved that policy be written with Bred L. Gray Go., Aggonts for American. Casualty Co. of Rcddin,];, Pas., at premium of $329.57, low bid. Notion seconded by Palen an(! carried. , Item No.- 3, = injury, -nd PrO-Dcrt7 Dp-n-go on Rond Enui-;:)mcnt (I !&C Policy) Hawtihorne moved that -policy by written with Arthur F. Fydocn,.AZent for Embloyer"s -a I •Mlut* Val Casualty Co, of Dos :11oin -cs, Iowa at ostimated. remium of $128.80 for $10,000 10,000 I 2/28/49 pawToll. Notion seconded by Child and carried. � 253 Itc:a No.4 - Groian Accident PolicL 7Yoluntee-r Fire Dc-partmcat. Hawthorne mov<cd that polic-7 be written with Fred L. Gray Company, AE;eats for Auericaa Casualty Co. a of Rcmdng, Pa., at -,,T emium of 63150.00. I-lotion seconded by Child and carried-. Itea ITo.5. - Fire and Extended covera"ge,on. Fleet of Oars glid Trucks. Haurtho:enc moved that plicy loo. written with Uptoi..m Insurance Agency, Agents for Geiieral *Accidcut Assurance Corp. and Potomac'Ins. Co. of Philadelphia, at premium of $406.72- 14otion socoadod by Palen and carried. Iten Ro. - Ej�Ze. Pnd: Mttended CoveraT6 on Village Toolhouse. Hawthorne moved that policy be written t ith Fred L. Gray Co. , Agents on Five Year Prepaid. Premium ITO Co- Insures, cc Basis, with -premium at $705.84. Motion socond-6d. by Child and carried. Itom Xo.?- - Fire n -I -i r-0 Toolhous2_. Hawthor;zc .Zd Bx-tendod Coverag-o- o Contoi ts of V lla-, moved that policy be written with Federated IrTutual Implemisnt; and karduare L-4svtraaco Go. of Oj'fatonna, Ninnesota, on Five-Year Annual -Pad Plan on Basis of 80,141, Co- Insurance, at esti-Gated premium of $275.00.1 Motion seconded by Willson and carried. 13-F - Simpson, A. L. Stanley, and Naugle, otmers of p pro7 orty on Park Place _ lootween W- -55th and W.56th Street, requested remedy for bad drainage situation In their block., caused, by the filling in of certain- lots; asking permission to drain vratcr into the street by use of•storm tile. Gentlemen were informed that water uzr bo drained- into the. street; - that the Villago- has no control over , the level at Which property is built. on; that any. damages whie'li might be suffered b:, one party through diversion of water onto. his property could be recovered only by civil --action by the proporty o-vmcr damaged; that Park Place between W-55th and IT-50th Streets is 11ot officially a Village Street until.such time as dedication is wade for the lJost 112 of the right -of -way. Pursuant to."Notice of.Assessmeut He' in published in ar 9-Stroct-ImDrovement ITO. 15, , 11 SLI:burlbaa Press, Hopkins, rebrua;py 17, :L949, Public Hearing was called on proposed assessment for the Blaclztopping- - of 11.5bth Street,from Xerxes to-Zenith Ave--auc; and. of Zenith Avenue from 1456th Street to.1/2 Block-SoUlth thereof. I Assessable cost in --4�10ullt of "'2,212.005, or,$2.16 loe'r assessable foot. for 1,024.09 assessable feet.on 0 4.51p,�r assessable foot for 600.91 assessable feet 11-3 t:a Street, and $0107137, r On Zoilith Ayenuo, was road. 1-1r, H.A. Bachman, 3121 W.56th Street, was the only OOjc0tOr;^ clai;iiingo that the blacktop.-pin did not ,benefit his property because of tlac fact that tile putting of tile street,.to permanent grade left him. in a helo., Co-,41cil claimed that 1.1r, Bachman was in fault in.buildinz,beforc establislua-:ait of prrma,iop-t -,,:'ado. WillsQn moved, that 112 of the cost of 31^chztoii-oin.- of 11.5O`th Street -fron�:,A,Urxes to Zenith Avenue be .borne by the General. Fund, the other 1/2 of the cost to'bc paid by the property ot mers. Motion seconded by Child acid carried. Willson off Qrcd the following Resolution and moved its adGa:)tion.* IMSOLUTION ADOPTI1,TG ASSESSINRNTSTRM, T LZROVE-42m NTO. 15 2MAG-K-TOPPIUG OF W- 56TH ST. FROM MRIMS AMMER TO ZEUITH ITIROI-1•`T. NTH ST. TO 112 BL. SOUTH Q ZEITITH AVEME ';i-cZ,c;PM.A.S -oro-oosed assessment for the cost of-the im?,revefteat of W-50-tla Street bctwcL,ix YZer:zcs Avenue. and Zenith ArenuG and of Zenith Avenue frora V[.56th St. to 1/2 Bloch South-tlicreof, has been dil2y filed -with the Village Clor` and o n to :,;A:Cblic inspect-ion, and notice has been published in the Suburban P:Fcss, Hop-4 I s n said pro-posed assnsssaent �7-ins , I'lini-lesota on February 17, -10/419, that this Council will pass 12-00 at this present meeting, and this Council laas.not at the time and place sl)ccificd in said U id notice, and hoard and passed upon all objections thereto, now there- fore, M, IT MISOLVED by the Village Council that said proposed assessment, i-fhicli is hereby rcfezred. to and made a -part hereof,, is hereby adopted; One-half of assessment :20r 11.56th Strcf,t Bln-ciftol oing to be borne by the General Zand, and an assessment is hereby levied against each of the lots, parts ,of lots, pieces and parcels 01 land described therein in thq sums t4oreia zespectively set forth, -,ucl each of said tractz of 1aACL is 1jercby -o-Luid-,to be benefited, in the a�ount of the assessment levied against it herein: A 23 3D IT FITUE75511 RESOLVED that each assessment shr-,11 be ,pa cable in ecsual - -Anua.l installimciits c:-.tending over a period of five ycaKs, the first to be rjayablo on the first dn47 of June, 1950, all deferred. Pa;,ments are to ' bear interest at the rate of fivc percent per aauum. Said assessments a-ad interest will be a lien upon the pro-perty therein specified concurrent with general taxes as authorized by Chapter 65. Laws ol' Nina. 1919, as amended. 140tiork for ae-o-otion of the Rcsol'ation was seconded by'Child, anCL on R611call there were five ayes n:,au' no nays,�s follows: . Child, aye; Palen, ayq; Willson, aye; Haxzt1lorne, ye; and. Oaqper, aye; and the Resolutiqia was aq&CT&d. 92TUEST: President Of the Villazo 0 Oil Villrt-C, 0 1 n rk 2541 2/28/49 Willson moved for axjproval of the followixi- pngrolls. Motion seconded by Child and carried. VILLAGE PAYROLL for oeriod Februnry 16th throuTh Februnr-Y 23th. 1949 EAM GROSS ITITH, REETIRE. HOSP. TOTAL IM - GLAIM 0 0 U11 0 1 L PAY TZX DEDUCT. DMD. DEDUCT. PAY h0. Gene Cooper, Mayor $ 60.00 $ 80.00 103 tower Hal-'rthorna, CiCr'.'- 80,00 80*00 104 George Willson, TrListec. 60.00 60.00 105 Fred S. Child, Trv.stoo 60.04 60000 lo6 Richard- G. Palen, Tam -,tco 60.00 00.00 107 J.'J. Daggan, Trcas. 50.00 50.00 108 John Windhoist, Attly 100.00 100.00 109 Philip I'levillo, Judge 75t00 75:00 110 Dr. ell, H. 0. -30.00 30-00 ill 595-00 595-00 AUQUISTRATUB Phil 11. Smith 255.62 2980 10.'22 2.75 42-77. 212-85 112 Gretchen Schussler 163-'�a O 15-90 e 0.54 1.25 0 23.6 9 139-91 113 Bernice Johnson 127.81 6.40 5.11 2-75 14.26 113-55 114 Holone Frccman 102.25 11.20 4.09 1.25 16-54 85-71 115 Louise Westerberg 102.25 11.20 4.09 -15.29 86.96 116 751.53 74-50 30-05 8.00 112-55 038.98 M,7,, Grid Mr,G Free Jonas 132.93 3.40 5-32 2-75 11-47 121.46 117 POLICE MPARMI, M114T 21.73 Clarence rmutson 164.62 12.40 6.58 2.75 31t2lfia 142.89 118 Hildin-'Dc-jA 151.814 14.io 6.07 2.75 22.92 128.92 119 M I. S. Hc.y6-t 104.81 3.20 4.19 2.75 10-14 094.07 120 Honry X. Wro'bleski 136-50 8.20 5.46 2.75 16;41 120,09 121 Bert 'l-1. Morfold 136-50 8.20 5?46 2.75 .16.41 120.09 122 llilliam V. Hoffmau 146.73 13-50 5.87 -2.75 22;12 1241.61 123 Lloyd- IIcG-,ry 136.50 8.20 5.46 2,25 -1-5-21 120.59, 124 977-50 67t80 39?09 18-75 125.64 851.86- STRBET I-M-REGULAR Philip Bailey 150 82 5.8o 6.03 11;83 138,99 125 Pete D?Jilgren 138.o4 12-30 5.52 2.75 20-57 •117.47 126 J. 'Merfeld 140-59 8.80 5.62 2.75 17-17 123 , -42 127 Joh-a Tracy 127.81 2.20 5.11 2.75 10,06 1171.75 128 Harry Jonas 127.81 6.40 5-11 2.75 14,.26 11345 129 Arthur Jensen 127.81 2.20 5.11 2.75 10.06 117.75 130 Ronald Port 127.81 5,11. 2.75 7.86 119.9.5 131 0, W. Ca-rdarello e 132-93 .3-40 502 2-75 11.47 121.46 - 132 Wayne Tracy 122-70 14.10 4.91 1.25 20.26 1010-441 133 Joseph Hatuole 122.20 9.20 4.21 2.25 12.56 105.14 134 1319.02 65.10 52.75 23.25 1411.10 1177.92 STRMT LMIT-HOURLY CLiaxles. Johnson 95-71 5.90 3.83 2.75 12.48 83.23 135 Jacob- Shma,L- 122.70 1.6o 4.91 6-51 1105.19 136 5r-,-xL- J. Ciskovskry 81.80 3.27 2.75 65.02 75.78 137 Fred Wfborough 68.20 0.20 2.73 8.93 59.27 138 James 1-1611ollis, Sr. 50.60 50.60 139 419.01 13-70 14-74 5.50 33.94 385-07 TOTAL GM-MAL IMM L4a�44-kft 224-50 141-95 58-25 424-70 3770.29 DE2T. 4,194.99 Ben Woehler 191.72 15.90 7'67 2.75 26-32 165.40 140 sz?=01 Roberts 140-59 8.80 " 5.0 2 2-75 17-17 123-42 141 David S. Roberts 102.2 11.20 4.02 - 15-92 85.96 1412, 434-56 35.90 17.38 5.50 5-5-78 375.78 GRAIM TOTAL PAMOIL 4629-55 26o.4o 159-33 63-75 483.48 4146-07 LIQUOR STORE PAYROLL Adainistrative Franj-Z KiRl 40y, 178.94 5.80 7. 16 12.96 165-98 L09 Laura Wright 89.42 13.30 3.58 16.88. 72.59 L30 2068.411 19.10 10.74 29.84 238-57 S111 M I I I C- Zdtraxd, D. Ryexa 115.03 8.90 4.60 13-50 101-53 131 CZyrus J. Alc:candor 127-81 -14-70 5.11 19.81 -108.00 1 32 Charles S. Bates 10.23 .41 .411 9.82 L33 253-07 23.60 10-12 33-72 219-35 G-TUITj D, TOTAL LIQUOR 521-48 42.70 20.86 63-56 457.92 1 1 2/28/49 Pa, on, s motion for palnnent of the following claims eras seconded by Willson and cr?xricd: CL AIM ITO. A1,10VITT 3557 City Treasurer, Cii-y of %Iinneapolis $ 700,00 GE TDRAL P TJ1TD 3558 I•Iinnesot i Fire Bj tinguisher Co 9.75' _ 3559 Warner Hardware Co, 35.50 350"o Young Fuel Comyoaily, 78-33 3561 Board of'Park Comm.issionors, Aiols 11.00 3562 11innesota Saw 8 Tool Co .16.15 3553 I•Iorton Salt Co 92.57 3564 Glacier Sand 6 Gravel Co 220.88 3565 Rosenwald- 000pEr 45.91 3566 Lyle Signs, Inc 7.78 3567 Northern States Posner Co 788.77 3568 Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 52.10 3574 Construction Bullotin 12.$0 3539 Fred J. Daubanton , 2.35 3590 I111innesota Supply Op 85.00 3595 Sllatr- ;talker 82.60 3596 11illor- Davis Co 197.50 3597 Schaub office Supply Co 98.49 3000 Town & Country Hardware 1.19 3601. Suburban Press 54.2o $ 2,598.87 3001 Suburban Press 12.00 P. T. R. PLitdD 3002 first ITational Baak 180,5.40 $ 1,818.00 30504 Addresso :fir "11 -1iul igraph Co 3.87 SE %TER RD' TRAL 5 3695 1 filler- Davis Co 13-50 G. 2AAG 3601 Suburbey. Press 7.20 3004 Co 10.$0' $ 31.56 3584 City of Diinnc.!�polis , Cit;,T Treas . 108.75. S "TATS 358 is �r it 1� 8.60 3586 Central Supply Co 45.83 3587 iorthern States Power Co 416,21 3591 Badger Rioter 1•; a_,,nufa,c�u-ring Co y 446.03 3592 R. A. Lundbeci- Co , 3.90 3593 Roborts- Hanilton Co 43.75 3600 Tovrn. & Country Hardwaxo 1.57 3601 Suburban. Press 35.00 3604 .A.ddres.ogra7lail ITulti -ra})h Co 6.75 $ 1,117-79 3567 northern States Power Co 30.21 ROUIP- i`TT MT.,T.AL 35:8 ITortliwes torn Pell Tole W,aono Co 15.25 3569 1lixlne- ?-oo1is Gas Co 40.97 3571 Divjaond T ''Arin City True 3.60 3572 firestone Stores 22.66 3V3 G ncr^,l Truck Ca Eaui -omont Co 6.23 3574 Hxill -Dobbs 5.32 3575 Snternational: Harvester Co 157.56 3576 W. D. LpJn- Co 47.69 3577 Motor Paxts So-rvicc Co 15.93 3578 Ninneapoli.s Auto Supply Co 23.19 3579 Chas. Olson 6 Sons 17.00 R 353'0 Phillios Petroleum Co _ ; 50.40 3581 'Suburban 01hevrolet 3.33 35$2 H: R. Toll Co 30.30 `3583 Wilensiz Auto P xts Co 25.00 3588 ilia. H. Zieglor`Co 57.08 f 3594 Western Windshield Co 25.47 3598 ReinhOrd'Brothers Co 96,1$ ' 3599 I- 1utup,l General Agency, Inc 55.25 3000 loam �: Country Hardware 1.26 3003 Brookside Service 3 .z: $ 1,x-27-37- L393 1•1cl osson r! Robbins 873.30 LIQUOR L394 Famous Brands, Inc 835.90 L395 Distillers Distributin- Co 2738.91 . L396 Swiss Mine House A 37,00 (cont) ' 4, o $24,862.20 Mr. Clifford Robison, 56.2 Xerxes, asked -for a "Slow- Children at Play�' sign to be installed on W.56th Street, at the top of the hill, just before coming to Xerxes Avenue from the West. Hawthorne moved that Village Engineer be directed to study the situation and order appropriate signs. Seconded by Palen and carried. Mr. Robison congratulate4 council with regard to grading job on York Avenue, and requested that the blade work on the street again when thawing begins. Upon receipt of request from Nelson Dry Goods, 4950 France Avenue, for removal of parking restrictions in front of this store, Hawthorne moved that request be tabled and that the Deputy Clerk-notify Mr. Nelson that because of requirements for car stop his request cannot be granted. Seconded by Palen and carried. Receipt was had of requests by Mrs. J. H. Jordan, 5112 Indianola Ave., and airs. W.E. Welch for relief from parking restrictions on France and IT-50th Street. Hawthorn's motion that requests be tabled and letters addressed to Nmes. Jordan and Welch calling their attention-.to available parking facilities, was seconded by Palen and carried. Petition dated September 7th, 1948, and signed by Ward F. Tucker and others, / for blacktopping of Hansen Road between Grove Street and W. 60th Street, was read. Office reported petition carries 61% of oimers of abutting properties. Willson moved accepting petitioxi and setting public hearing thereon for,Monday, tiarch 28, 1949; at 8;00 P.M. Motion seconded by Child and carried. County Auditorls List No. "293-Co of Tax Delinquent Properties, dated February 239 1949, was referred to the Park Board for their recommendation with regard to acquisition of this land by the•Village, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried., Midland National Banks a. February 14th notification of Change in Securities in amount of $3,000, from 1 -1/8% Certificates due I -larch 1, 1949, to 1-1/4% Certifi- cates Series 0-1950, due March 1, 1950, was read. Hawthorne1s motion confirming bank's action was seconded by Child and carried. 2/2$/49 CLAIM, 1,70. L397 minter Bros. Co. $ 150.00 LIQUOR (coat) 1;398 Old Peoria Co 2010.56 L399 Griggs, Cooper w Co 7910.40 L400 ilorris Di.tribu.tin Co 83.20 1,401 I<inno,_nolis Brewing Co 659.39 L402 8ev=; trb Bottlin;- Co 33.7 Vv-03 Irillards DDistriouting 0o 23.70 1404 Gluac Brac:in Co 94.25 10, Coca -Cola Bottling Co 32.20 L406 Pabst Sales Co 63.05 1407 C'fl-s:zn Bovorago Co 25.90 L408 Void . L409 Clausen 6 Sons, Iiic 63.25 - 13410 Anl,cuzer- Busch, Inc 67.40 1411 Old Style Tager Co 80.60 L412 Gold Nodal. Beverage Co 50.25 1413 Rom Distributing Co , 123.12 L414 0. t.. Dro say Boverage Co 170.17 1415 Cada Dry Giger Ale 134.93 1416 F. J. C ;uim Paper 00 33.23 - L417 0"arlcs VT. Se -ton Co 234.25 - 1,"118 PCtrolcum -Service 7.00 L419 torth7,,.estu-rn Bell Telephone Co 23.75 1,420 I•Iinnesota orrl Printing Service 63.00 LL21 Capitol Stationery Nf9 Co 106.96 L422 Schaub Ofeicc Supply Co 62.00 L423 Northera States Power 00 40.83 V,124 S zay. ,Ja1Lcr 0o 15.00 1425 Young Fuel Co 36-58- L426 Petty Cash 7.10 L-427 A. R. Stexison 104.76 . 1428 Fern B. Stcnson 95.24 L429 Lydia E. Hay 95.24 _ - L430 L-ydia E. nay, E:.ecutrix 104.76 1431 Tliller -Davis Co 82.65 1432 Ed. Phillips e. Sons 00 - 788.98 $18,1056.74 $24,862.20 Mr. Clifford Robison, 56.2 Xerxes, asked -for a "Slow- Children at Play�' sign to be installed on W.56th Street, at the top of the hill, just before coming to Xerxes Avenue from the West. Hawthorne moved that Village Engineer be directed to study the situation and order appropriate signs. Seconded by Palen and carried. Mr. Robison congratulate4 council with regard to grading job on York Avenue, and requested that the blade work on the street again when thawing begins. Upon receipt of request from Nelson Dry Goods, 4950 France Avenue, for removal of parking restrictions in front of this store, Hawthorne moved that request be tabled and that the Deputy Clerk-notify Mr. Nelson that because of requirements for car stop his request cannot be granted. Seconded by Palen and carried. Receipt was had of requests by Mrs. J. H. Jordan, 5112 Indianola Ave., and airs. W.E. Welch for relief from parking restrictions on France and IT-50th Street. Hawthorn's motion that requests be tabled and letters addressed to Nmes. Jordan and Welch calling their attention-.to available parking facilities, was seconded by Palen and carried. Petition dated September 7th, 1948, and signed by Ward F. Tucker and others, / for blacktopping of Hansen Road between Grove Street and W. 60th Street, was read. Office reported petition carries 61% of oimers of abutting properties. Willson moved accepting petitioxi and setting public hearing thereon for,Monday, tiarch 28, 1949; at 8;00 P.M. Motion seconded by Child and carried. County Auditorls List No. "293-Co of Tax Delinquent Properties, dated February 239 1949, was referred to the Park Board for their recommendation with regard to acquisition of this land by the•Village, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Child and carried., Midland National Banks a. February 14th notification of Change in Securities in amount of $3,000, from 1 -1/8% Certificates due I -larch 1, 1949, to 1-1/4% Certifi- cates Series 0-1950, due March 1, 1950, was read. Hawthorne1s motion confirming bank's action was seconded by Child and carried. 2/28/49 The following applications. for permits to, maintain signs were reviewed, and 1 after report by_ offic - that. -- signs- were- .in. =good. order, were approved- -by motion Palen seconded by Child and carriedt Beatty_Zephyr Cleaners - 5002 France Avenue Berg & Farnham Go._ - 5209 Eden Avenue (2) J.A. Da-dens & Son - 5116 Brookside Fish Sign Service for a "D-Z" Lubricating Motor Fuel sign located Hy. 169. Review was had. of Special Assessments in approxiriately I the amount of $1,475.00, levied against Lots 30 and 31, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition which is now osmed by the Village Waterworks Department. $x arnax= Child moved that Special Assessments be allowed to goy delinquent. Motion seconded by Hawthorne and carried. 1 Hawthornels, motion, confirming the action of the President, Clerk and Treasurer — in signing Check for $4,850.00 in part payment for the Blackburn Property on Interlachen Boulevard,, which is being purchased iii compliance with recommendation by the Park - Board, was seconded by Willson and carried. Palen's" motion, recessing meeting for fifteen minutes, was seconded by Hawthorne and Wried.. Upon reconvention of Meeting by President, Child offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR TEE ESTABLISMMIT OF RATES FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION FOR'THE PERIOD APRIL 1,-1949 ` RESOLVED THAT, purauaa£ to,that_certa n.ordiinahce. adopted March 24, 1947, entitled , AN- ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE REGULAR COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGMM OR OE, THE 111POSITION OF AN OBLIGATION TO PAY, WOE, OF ON_THE 0T`W1RS OF THE-PROPtaTY SERVED, AND TEE_ASSESS;,*T AGAINST TEE PROPERTY'SERVED OF VZPAID- CHARGES UNDER . - riTNNESOTA STATUTES,9.945 SEC - 443.015 the rates for garbage co1]:ection' for the y* ear commencing'April 1, 1949,,shall be and hereby are, established-as folioxvst - - v, 1. Individual' Residences $4.40 Each for Each Six Months Billing Period 2. Commercial Such rate as may be negotiated between the Village Engineer and Property to be served provided that the Village Sngineer shall report to the, Village Council at tae first meeting thereafter, the establishment of the rate,-the address of the property to be served, and the amount of the charge. The term °individual residences" as used herein shall mean, in addition to a single family home, each family unit-in a duplex or multiple dwelling structure. Upon payment of the statement for services hereunder within ten (10) days from the date thereof there may be deducted from the amount thereof the sum of forty cents (400) in the case'of individual residence bills aud'the amount of ten percent (10 %) in the case of commercial bills. FURTE3R RESOLVED, that exception shall'be made in the rate for Individual Residences only in the case of residences which request first garbage collection between billing dates; in which'case such residences shall be charged at the flat rate of $.70 per month per residence, without benefit of discount, for each month between the date of beginning service and the date of the next regular billing date. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Hawthorne, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTESTW''; � ... �•• President of the Village Go it _ Village Clerk �5 2/28/49 Council nett met with Xr. Eldon Morris, Chairman of the Liquor Control Commission, and Mr. Sippley, Manager of the store. After: some discussion, the following action was taken by the Council;' Child moved that the Council establish policy of having physidal inventory taken in the Municipal Liquor Store every 90 days. Notion secondeE. by Palen and carried. Palen moved that Mr. Child be directed to investigate possibilities of smaller cash register to provide definite record of sales of Beer and. Mix. Motion seconded'by Hawthorne and carried. Hawthorne) s motion,--referring matter of two bad checks to Village Attorney with directions to make collection from Veteran's Administration, and if necessary, to start -civil action for recovery, arras seconded by Palen and carried. I Hawthorne moved that it be established as policy that the `responsibility for accepting personal checks at the Liquor Store be the sole responsibility of the Manager of the Store, and that_it be policy that personal checks on out -of -town banks be not accepted.from persons known to the Manager to be responsible. Motion seconded fey Child and carr�ed:'F -� Mr. George Willson reported a telephoned request for the fire department to pump out flooded basements, and asked Council to formulate policy for future requests of this type. After considerable discussion, Willson moved that Fire Department 'be instructed to answer no future-calls for the pumping of basements. _Motion seconded by Child and carried. ` Hawthornets motion, directing Village Health Officer Campbell to make inspection of all food disppnsaries within the next month, was seconded by Child and carried. Hawthorne reported safety hazards at "Gravy's Griddle and the oil station located at 54th and France. Willson ;s motion, that_fmatter be referred to Public Safety Committee with authorization-to act, was seconded by Palen anal carried. Hawthornele motion, that Garbage Collection and Sewer Rental bills be billed on April 1, 1949 for a three- moathsi period, anal again on July 1, 1949,'for a six - months, period; and that Village_Attorney be directed to make the amendments necessary to the respective ordinances to allow for billing in the manner recommended by the State Public Examiner, was seconded by Child and carried. Willson =s motion for adjournment was seconded by Child and -carried. Village-Clerk I.InMTES OF THE -REGULA'ER,12ETING OF THE EDIN'A VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MAWH 14, 1949, AT 8:00 P.M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE H TZ Members present were Child, Willson, Palen, Hawthorne, and Cooper. Minutes of Regular Meeting of February 28, 1949, were approved as submitted, by Motion Willson, xeconded by Child and carried. Dr. Lowell M. Campbell reported that health inspections have been made on all Edina food establishments; that all are in good order except the establishment on 54th and France, knovm as °E Dinette" and "Gravy's Griddle," which has neither dishwasher nor testroom, and for which establishment he would not recommend issuing a license. C Havthorne moved that license renewals be tabled until March 28. Seconded by Child and carried. Hawthorne moved that the operator of the E- Dinette be notified that conditions in his establishment do not meet the requirements of the Board of Health and that unless requirements are met by Ilarch 28, his license gill not be renetred. for the coming year; and that he be invited to meet with the Council on March 28. notion seconded by Palen and carried. Hawthorne moved that bids taken February 28 for fire hose and ladders be rejected, and that Clerk be authorized to re- advertise. notion seconded by Palen and carried.