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with Xr. Eldon Horris, Chairman of the Liquor Control Commission,
Manzger of the store, Mter,some discupion, the following
by the Coijncil:
that th; CouncPl establish policy of hafing phssiaal inventory
- - .. - -
Council ne* met
&d Mr, Krppley,
%tion was taken
Child moved
taken in the Ihnicipl Liquor Store every 90 days. Motion secondea 'by
Palen moved that Hr. Child be directed to investigate possibilities of
smaller cash register to provide defmte record of sales of Beer and.
p.lix. Notion seconded"by Hawthorne and carried.
Hawthornsts motfon, referring matter of tvo bad checks to VilZagh Attorney
9th directions to make collection from Veteran's Administration, and if
necessary, to start cfvfl action for recovery, yaS seconded by Pden .and
Hatrthorne moved that it be established as ioJ,icy %ha% the kesponsibility
for aceeptingpersond checks at the Zipor Store be the sole responsibility
of the lhager of the Store, and that-it be policy that persou checks on
out-of-town banks be not accepted from persons known to the l-l.~an&er to be
0. -
* Pden ad carried, -
- ;; responsible. Motion seconded by Child and car +- ea- -;e ,.
Hr. George Willson reported a telephoned request for the fire department to pranp
out floodedbasements, and asked Council. to formulate policy for future requests
of this type, After considerable discussion, Ifillson noved Ghat Fire Depaxtment
38 instructed to answer no future-calls for the pumping of basements, -Hotion
seconded by Child and cm2ed,
-3kvthorne's motion, directing Village Hkalth Officer Campbell to make inspection
of all food disppnsaries within the ne9 month, was seconded 'by Child and carried.
Hawthorne reported safety hazards at 'IGravg's Griddle and the oil station located
at 9th and France, Willson's motion, that-matter be referred to Public Safety
Conmittee wi$h authorization-to act, vas seconded 3y Palen and carried.
Havthorne*S motibn, that Gshge Collection ad Sewer' Rental bills be billed on
&ril I, 1949 for a three-raonths' period, kd again on July 1, 19@, . for a six-
months' period; ana that VUIage-Attorney be directed to make the amendments
necessary to the respective ordjnances to allow for billing in the manner
recommended by the State Public Eaiuiner, vas seconded by Child and carries.
C ..
.. -- -
Villson's motion for adjohent -was seconded by Child and-carried,
pTll&tge Clerk
Nembers present were Child, Willson, Palen, Hawthorne, and Cooper. 0
Xinutes of Regular Mee%ing of Pebrmary 28, 1949, were approved as sulmitted, by
llotfon Willson, seconded 3y Child and carried.
Dr. Lowell H. Campbell repor€ed that health inspections have been made on all
Xdina food estaBlishments; tbt dl are in good order excegt the establishment
on 54th znd l?rance, known as
aishwasher nor Pestroom, and for vhich establishment he would not recornmend
fssning a licease.
Hawthorne moved that license renewals be tabled until &€arch 28. Seconded by Child
and carried,
and ['Gravg's Griddle,n which has neither
r m
* t
Hawthorne moved that the operator of the E-Dinette be notified that conditions in
his establishment do not meet the requirements of the Board of Health and that
dess retplrements are met by March 28, his license will not be renetred for the
coming yeax; and that he be invited to meet with the Council on l&ch 28,
seconded by Palen and carried,
Hawthorne moved that bids taken Pebruary 28 For fire hose and ladders be rejected,
and that Clerk be authorized to re-advertise. Notton seconded by Palen and carried, .
Pursuant to "Notice of Street Improvement Hearing, Cusb, Gatter and Blacfiopping
On hrgas. Avenue," pnblished. in Submbap Press, Hopkins, Mimuzesotz, on Pebmary 17 znd 24, 1949, affidavit of publication for whichwas read by Clerk, public A
hearings were called on the above named projects.. Wgiaeer*s estimates of, cost
were as follows: 1
Curb'and htter r Total $2,822.69, or $2.21 per assessable foot.
Blacktopping - CPotaL $2,456.78, or $1.92 per assessable foot,
There were no objections to either project., Villson offered the following
BesolutLan and moved its adoption:
52ND s-s
1fJBBU.S , petition in writing requesting mrovement of Gorgas Avenue between
W.5lst and W.5Znd Streets by construction of curb and gutter therein &s beep duly
filed with this council, dated February 14, 1949, signed by owners of-more tu 51$ in frontage. of the real property a%utting 011 said street, and
~EIEREAS the Pillage Councel has met kt the time ad place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
Improvement, published &I Subur'ban Press, Hoplcins, Minnesota gn Pebraary 17 and 24, 1949, and has heard all persons interested and determined the necessity for
the improvement petitioned for, now therefore
Bl3 12 RESOL9ED by the Nina Village Council, as requrred by Chapter 65,
Laws of 1919, that the petition above describe& is hereby detepined to have been
signed by the required percentage of owners of property affectedathereby, and
BE 19 PURTHXllRES~LVED, that Gorgas Avenue be improved between W.,'jlst an# \?.52nd Streets by construction of CuTb and gutter there&, and
BE IT R3SOLpff) that said improvement be made in accordance with St~~d
Sphifications for curb and gutter now 6n file with the clerk and which &ve
been approved by the Village Council, BE IT F'URTHJ2.R IUlSOLVED that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the Suburban Press, Gpkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin,
Minnea.pol+s, bIimiesota, an advertisement for <bids upon such improvement in
accordance with such approved plans and specifications, said bids to be opened
March 28, 1949.
amount bid. ,
Motion for adopiion of the Resolution Qas seconded by Child, and on Rollcal$ there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; ad Cooper, aye; and
I %he deposit accoqanying each bid shll be ten percent of the
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye:
Preqident of the Pillage Coryr%ll
Vill&e@ Clerk' ~ ..
Willson of€eveil 'ths Sollotring Resolution and moved its adoption:
BP3tMIE: BE!" W. 51SP S!EE@ECP p;ND w. 5m,s-
la, petition fn writing requesting improvement of Gorgas Avenue between
V,!jlst and tI.j2xtd Streets by blacktopping has been duly filed with this Comcll,
dated February 14, 1949, signed by owners of more than 51s in frontage of the red.
property abutjing 011 said street, and
VHEBEAS, the Village Counci& has met at the time and place specified id a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
bprovement , published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Miqesota on Jkbruarr 57' and a, 1949, and has heard all persons interested and determined the necessity for
the improqement petitioned for, now therefore BE I2 MSOLVBD by the Edina Village Council, as required by Chapter 65,
Laws of 1919, that the petition above described is hereby deterrained to have been
signed by tQe required percentage of owners of property affected thereby, and
BE IT FIBLWERBESOLVED, that Gorgas Avenae be improved. between Tf.5lst and W,
52nd Streets by blacktopping, in accordance with Standard Specifications for same
which are now on file with the clerk and which have been mproved by the village
Council. L
BE IT RJRTHZR RESOLVED that the Clerk is directed to Sdvertise for bids 'for
such improvement in accordance with such approved plms ad specifications , said
bids to be opened at a later specified date.
shdl be ten percent of the amount of the bid,
Motion for adoption o€ Resolution was seconded by Haiqthorne, and on Rollcall there
were five ayes and no nays, as follows:
Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Eesolu mm
!&e deposit accompanying each bid
Child, aye; Paen, aye;
Village Clerk
Jhgineer*s tabulation of the bids taken Feb- 28, 1949 for Water Main Jktension
on W,56th Street from Beard to Abbatt Avenue and on Abbott Avenue from tl,56th to
IT.57th Stree't, vas presented-showing the low 'bid to be that of Lmetti & Lametti,
St.Paul, Ninnesota, at $5,517.20..- It vas eqlained to Cotmoil tbt this bid rras
result of a mkstafre in &metti8s calculation on J3lacktopping replabement, but that
the contractor has sdd he trill stand behind Us bid. Childts motion for acceptance
of Lanetti and Lamettits bid in .the amount of $5,97.20, aut'horizing President and
Clerk to enter into contract with this firm, apd direct3n.g Clerk to return all
certified checks except that of .the low and secohd-low bidder, was seconded by
Vlfillson and. carried.
Nrs, Dorothy kousek, 5309 Halifax, asked relief from bad drainage sibation which
causes her back yard and basement to fill with vater vhich drains from neighboring
yards, Hrs, Hamasek asked that her property be connected with stom-sewer, =&was
informed by *beer that, In hist opinion, her rear yard is %over than. the storm
sever in Halifax Avenue.
levels for Urs. Hanousek ad the four low lots on the Vest slde of HaL%faxAvenue,
in order that these people mslg know the best'method of lobtaining relief, vas seconded
by Palea and carried, , I
Buildtng SqhD Woehler presented plot plan and Plancof house to be 'built at corner
of F.ToodhiI.1 Rod and Concord Avenue, explaining that rear yard will not conform to
zonfizg qequirements, Ormer stated tha% the neighbors do not object to placing of
the house; and f4r. Hawthorne reported Mr.-Joh Price's confination of I this state-
ment, Hawthornets motion, authorizing Building Inspector to issue pernit , subject
to receipt of letter from dlneighbors within radius of 200 feet, stating that they
have no objection to placement as per plan, vas seconded 3y Willson end carried.
Hr. E, I;, Williams8 letter of March 2, notifykg Council of suspension of %re
Hemori$ Committee activities, was read, Havrthorne)s motion, that Park Board and
Zrk, l'T5lliaus be invited to attend the Counc3l Meeting of f.farch 28, to discuss
develope& of WooddaLe Park Property, ~ras seconded %y Child and carried,
I -
Child's motion, instmcting Village Engineer to check
Discussion was had on the &rch 7th request of the Village of Korniagside Ifor' Eaina
aid 5.n financing rent of l.Sorn3.ngsid.e Li'brw; vith Council reviewing, generally,
the one-nil1 levy paid 'by Ed- to the Oounty for library pwposesI
motion, instructing Clerk to review Councilts discussion by letter to IaSorningside
was seconded by Hawthorne and Carried.
Hzwthorne moved that Clerk be directed to prepare summary of Villzge Finacid.
StateEent for the year 1948, for posting on official bulletin boards, with extra
copies to be available at the Vill~ge~Hal.1,
Le%ter of &, S, Louis Shore of &th Eeshurun Cemetery Association, a& requesting
traffic signals, vas read. for police directidn of traffic during funerals, was reviewed, Child's motion
directing Clerk to review arrangement for Hr, Shore by letter, wzrs seconded by
Tlillson anit carried.
Seconded by Pden and carried,
Captain hutson's report of November 5, citing agreement
Nessrs. Ben HcCauley and James Lindberry presented two petitions signed by a number
of property ownerg, and requesting: r I
1, Street lights on corner of Monroe Avenue and l.Ialoney Avenue, and on
corner of Belmore Lane and Monroe Avenue.
2. Establishment of grade level of NonCoe Avenue between Rorth Vfllege Limit&
and bloney Avenue, 1
Hawthorne moved that petition for Street lights be referred to Public Utilities
Committee for its report at next meeting.
Villsonts motion, instructing Village Pngineer to make survey and establish street
grade of Honroe Avenue between North Village Limits and 1.laloney Avenue, m.s seconded
3y PaLen and-carried,
Secondearby Child and carried.
t 1
I Nr. E. C. Stow requested relief from prater draining into Yvonne ICerrace from the,
North, asking that tvo catch basfns be installed at Wartlick Place and 11,56th Street,
Et?, Villson informed I&. Stow that there is a very large drabage area concerngd
here, that it aillundoubtedly be necessary to install an extensive storm sewer
system in the near future-at which time all. benefited property including Yvonne
Terrace will be assessed for cost of-construction; but that Elr. l?illson and Engineer
Smith will make an inspection of the particular district he speaks about, in order
that possibility of: drainage relief at that point might be ascertained,
Preliminary Pla% of Pearson Brothers I tlRicbmond Hi1lslt was presented, together
with Plannwg Oornmissionts re'commendatim of March 8, that this plat be accepted,
Af%er some review and considera'tion by the Council, Hawthorne moved thae the
Preliminary Plat of "Richmond
Commission* 6 recommen&tion.
Pearson Brothers: repwt of March 8, for perm'lt to build two-family residences
or multiple dwellings on the area west of a North-Southline 700 feet west of the
Belt Line in' the area they expect %o plat; was read, together with Planning
Commission's recommendation that Council set public hearing on this request,
Hawthorne's motion, setting Eiarch 28, at 8:00 Pel$., as time for pu%l'ic hearing
on Pearson Brothers' request for double-dwelling permit, was seconded by Palen
and carried.* I 1
Village of S-t.3rouis Park's request. of 3ebruarg 24; for action by ldina Council
agreeing to exeension of StJouis Park-sanitary sewers into Edino, was reaa,
Childrs motion that lwbter be accepted, and that S.f;.&ouis Perk 'be notified that
study is being made of*this matte, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried..
Eldina America Legion Eousing Foundat ionb applicztion for On-sale Beer License
at 4900 Edens Avenue for per9od-Namh 1 to-kpril 1,- 1949, was approved, by Motion
Hawthorne, 3econded br Palen and carried.- -.
Report of Cagtain Knxfson on status of pix@d1 machines was read and filed, for
consideration as to renewal of licenses,
Childt s motion, q~ proving payment of the following Pmolls , was secondea by
willson and carried:
be accepted, in accordace with Planning
MotPon seconaed by OhUd and carried.
" *
Phil W, Satb + $255.62 29.80 10.22 40.0~ 21560
Gretchen Schassler ,163.60 15.90 6.54 22.44 141.16
Barniee Johnson 179038 14010 7.18 w.28 138.30. 86.96 Helene Freeman 102.25 11.20 4.09 15 29 Louise Westerberg 102.25 11,20 4,09 15.7.9 86.96
803.30 82.20 32.12 124.32. 688.98 I, lred Jonas 132.93 3.m 5.32 8.72 1'24.21
Hilding Dabl
Wm. S, Heydt
H&y 1.T. WroblesU
l?illiam 'V, Hoffw
Lloyd McGsry
Bert M, Merfeld
s-2 &mamAR
Philip Bailey c
Pete Dahlgren
11, J. Plerfeld:
John l?racy
Hamy Jonas
Arthur J'ensen
Bondd Port
C, W. Cardarelle
Tjayne zracy
Joseph Natole
Charles Johnson..
Jacob Shmak I 3ra.nk 5. Ciskovsky
NO. ,
143 lrcrt 145 146
* 147
164.62 12.M
151.84 24-10
104.81 3.20
136.50 8.20
161.22 ag.90 165.35 iz.lt0
19-27 10, 60
1037.61 76.80
7.39 13.66
6.94 16.77
22.35 .
12.30 7.60
' 5.20
* 5.75
" 537 5.11
* 159 160 161
163 164
116m97 9.20 4.68 13.88 lO3.O~ 166
125.26 2.20 5.01 7.23. L18o05 167 - - 135.48 3.40 5.42 8,82 126.66 168
377.71 14.80 15.11 29.91 347.80
1; 37
5 38
I; 39 L40
L 41
GRAND !EOTAL LIQrroa 910.67 42.76 26-43 79.13 831.54
Motion by Ikison and seconded by Ghld that the following bi1J.s be paid:
cxmz NO.
3608 Gommissioner of Tamtip, Petrobem Division $14.00 ~~UIP~~ RXWUIJ
36XU &nnepota Hospijal Ser&c*e- &sociqtion 2.75 lBSi& ,
3609 Mt K. Peterspn 892.00 -A=
5533 Subur-ban Eemep_in County Relief bo^^ I 262.80 JWR L4.35 Ed. €$illips B gong Go 4 1080 , 07 LIQWOR ?A36 George Benz & Spns 166-62
&. 1-1. A, D<viiit pres<nted plan :of store :buildink which we proposed attaching to
the front of the buugalow at 4916 Prance Avenue.
called Comq_il's atteqtioa to s*ade of this lot, yhich is three feet and more
above that of .the Market Street Business District, and the fact tha3 the proposed plan does not .&low for rear loading,
for permit, I Hotion se-conded by JVillson qd carr4ed.
Villsonl s &tion, dir<cting Cleek to &v<r t ise f <r the f ollovring apl?roximate
quantities qf bituminop surfacj;lg materi-ds, was. seconded by Child and ca,rr'ied:
30,000 G&+s of each hGutback As$d.t EIC &I., 2 or 3; Road !Ear RT4 to BI! 40; Road
Oil SC 1, 2,or 3; 500 J!ons of each Hot-Rqdy-lfixy2ar and Hot-Beady-Mis-Cutback
Nillson*s mdtion, dir&ting Cleik to advirtise f dr the following approximate
apantities qf sand, gqwel and rock, vith bids tq be %&en EZarch 28, was seconded
by Hawthorne and carried: 2,000 OU, Yds .of each ,- Torpedo Sad, Buckshot Gravel,
and Crushed,Rock lstr $0 2"; 5,040 Cu, Ydq, Pea Gravel; 4,000 h. Yds. Pit Ruq
Gravel, <
l'J5llson1s mition, dirqcting Clerk to ab&ise fir bids for new dump truck, vas
seconded 'by .Eden and .carried.
Deputy Clerk reportedlthat the iusinessmin feel @at price charged for South'135*
of Moreau propsrty on J&,rket StSeet trould be prohibitive, considering number of
cam which Could be aqcomo&te$ in municipal pqking lot, and that Nr. Russell
Lad asks Councilts reconsideration of original plan for purchase of eQtire lot.
Hawthorne*s.motion, for confirmq,tion of Qouncil*? originzl action, was seconded
by Pden and unznimonqlg carrbd. .
Considera616 disCnssiGn was had:on pro-poied ndog! ordinance. President apiointed
Messrs. Eawthorne, Palen and Child as committee to work with Attorney Windhorst h red.rafting Ordinsnqe, and asked that $hey bring in a report to next meeting.
Ikirthorne' s motion eodirning President's appointments was seconded by Villson aad carried.
Building Inspector Voebler
Hawthorne moved for dbial of application
&p*t.. -
Hawthorne offered for adoption the following Ordinance, moving that Council
dispense with second readink thereof arzd adoBt Ordinance as read:
Zhe ViIPage Council of the Village of Idina, Hemepin County, Ninnesota, do
ordain as follows:
c< 1 r
1, Section- 1. c The Village of Edina hereby establishes a permanent
system of registration of voters of the Village, effeptqve July 1, 1949, unaer
provisions of Ninnesota Statutes 194.5, Sections 201,OI through 201,2&, +As+ of
and from July 3, 1949, the judges of election in my election district in this
Vgllage shall not receive %he voGe of az'lly person whose name is not regist~red
in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance.
Idina; As, in addition to his other duties, hereay consfiihted th0 Registration-
Comnissioner of the election disOricts located Zn the Villap.
complete cuge of the regisGration of all voters in the Village, and shall
discharge his duties in accordance w5th the provisions of Minnesota Statu%es 3945, Chapter 201. 4
SectPon 2. Effective Julyl, 1949, the Clerk of the Vi~Lage of
He shall have
Section 3. From and after the effective date of the system'of
registration, as set forth in Sectim 1 of this ordinance, the Comissioner of
Registration sMZ immediately proceed to establish the registration pl?, in
accordance wZth Minnesota Statutes, 1945, Chapter 201,
Section 4. On or after July 1, 1949, but not later than July 1.5* 1949, the Comissioner of Registration shall notify the Clerk of the Distrlch
furnish periodic reports of change of rime of persons residing in the Village
of Idha, as provided inMinnesota Statutes 1945, Section ZOlJ.5; and %&ween
the same dates, the Comm%ssioner of Registratioa shall notify the Judge of
Probate of Bemesin clounty of h%s *appobtrnent, and ,shall request said Judge
to furnish periodic reports as provided in Xtnnesota Statutes 1945, Section
i . Court 02 Hemepin county of Us appointinent, and shall request said Clerk to
201. .16,
f f
Section 5, A,.€ least every 3.5 days the officer in charge 09 the
death record of the Village of Edina shall report to the Comissloner of
Registration the name and address of every adult person who has died while
a resident in the Village of Idina since the last previous report of such
officer concerning such deaths made to the Com&ssZondr, as provided i;n
Ninnesota Statutes 194.5, Section 201.14.
Sec"tion 6. The Comissfoner of Begistraeion shall appoint .such
deputies, clerks, and other employees as may be necessary; provided-that no
juee or clerk located. in the Villee of Edina shall-act as regisjmation
officer or clerk,
Section 7. 2he Comissioner of Registration, the Depu%y Comissioner
of Registration, and all officers, deputies, clerks, and obbr employees', sM1,
befare entering upon their duties, subscribe to an oath in such forn as shall be
provided by the attorney for the-Village of Idin=.
Motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Palen, -and on R01lcal.f. there
were four ayes and one my, as fo1Lows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, nay;
Villee Clerk
Nr. Child reporeed that a suitable cash register, used, can be purchased for
recording beer and mix sales at the llzuaicipal LZquor Store, from Cash Begistsr
Sales Goqang, at a cost of $22500.
accordance wiVI Childts recopmendation, Motton seconded by Ohild and carried.
WUlson mdved antkiorizing ~ohasa'in
264 i 3f 14f 49
Becornendation was made by Office Hamger thaC the salsy of the Liquor Store
BooIrlreeper be raised to $200.00 per month. Hawthorne's motion, sgttlrrg salary
of Liquor Store BootAeeper at $200,00 per month, beginning March 15, 1949, was
seconded by Willson and carried.
Pursuant to 1.b. Vhdhorsbgs advice that Council
taken February 28, for gadtng and gTave1lin.g of Erclng Avenue between V1,58th and
l"f60th-Streetsy the folloxv2ng bids irere publicly opned. and read by Clezk:
legally open sealed. bids
Leo fiahti, Hopkbs, 1.lfM.
Pfeiff er Construction Company, Edina, $1,458 049 J. A, Danens &: Son, Edtm
ti. g. fiaft, HinneqoIis * $1,507.23.
$1 ,M0.55
$1,528 . 9?
gerry &&rating Co., St-.Louis Park $1,195.68 .
ginson's motion refer+- biFi to Villwe Engineer fok tabulation ana report at
next meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Mr. Vin&orst requested that estiinate b'e made of cost of s%om sewer and street
Amprovements in Lexington Avenue between St .Jo'ms and Tlooddale. Hawtho& moved
that Village Snggaeer be mthorized to study-drainage and street improvement
projecEs in the area of Lexlngt;on Avenue, St.Johns to Vo0ddd.e. Notion seconded
by child and carried, ~
Haw5hornets motion, directing Clerk to advertise in suitable publications for
aslications for positipn of Village Engineer, vas seconded by Paleqand ca~lried,
Zavrthorhds motion for adjo)zmment vas seconded by Palen and carried,
Village Clerk'
.. . -.. Members answering Rollca3.l were * Child; Palen, Willson, HatJthorne and Cooper.
Pden's motion, for apgroval of I%zutes'of Meethg of &rch 14, 1949,*was seconded
by WiTlson and carried,
In conpliznce with GomcjJrs request for appearace of Beer License amlicznts
?t this meeting, the following applicantq wqre present:.
Mr, Carl Tleseerberg - Bdina berican Legion Housing Foundation
Elr, Geo. Shilson - Village Inn . .,. Nr. Q.A. Olson : - Brotrn PeTby t
Nrs. .-a le- - Boodue Grocery (appearbg late),
&Ire Robert Soelberg - Xdina Cash Grocery (appearing late)
. 1-k. Jo~ Ostrdd - Purlty-Dairy Store
Applicants were informed that 'Council ~rishes strict enforcement _of the law
prohibiting sale of beer to minors--either off or on-sale; asking in particular,
that off-sale licensees refuse-to let minors secure beer vith grocery orders; and
reminding on-szle licensees of-the Village Anti-Spiking Ordinance.
were notified that, on violation of these laws, all licenses for operation of
business will be revoked.
14r. Hawthorne reviewed Health Officer Dr. Lowell Campbellr s report concerning
the intent of Mr, Ray Fox to comply vith Health regulations at rrRay's Lunch"
(formerly the 3dinette)- at 9th and France.
reported that the defective wiring a! this establishment afrd adjoining oil
station will be repaired in accordance vith his recopjmendations just as soon as
proprietor is able to obtain an electricfan for this work.
Hawthorne's motion - that Council grant the follotring licenses for the yea
April, 1, 1949 to April 1, 1950; that Beer Licenses for those applicants not
appearing 'before the CouncS1 this evening !e-held mtil after such applicants
kve received their instructions from' Deputy Village clerkf snd that Licenses
for ttBa$'s LunchN be geld until premises are in condition and have passed
inspection of Health Officer and Build& Inspector --was seconded by Palen
and carriea: .
< I
Buil&ng Inspector Ben \?oeUer
I .