HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490328_REGULAR264 i 3f 14f 49 Becornendation was made by Office Hamger thaC the salsy of the Liquor Store BooIrlreeper be raised to $200.00 per month. Hawthorne's motion, sgttlrrg salary of Liquor Store BootAeeper at $200,00 per month, beginning March 15, 1949, was seconded by Willson and carried. Pursuant to 1.b. Vhdhorsbgs advice that Council taken February 28, for gadtng and gTave1lin.g of Erclng Avenue between V1,58th and l"f60th-Streetsy the folloxv2ng bids irere publicly opned. and read by Clezk: legally open sealed. bids Leo fiahti, Hopkbs, 1.lfM. Pfeiff er Construction Company, Edina, $1,458 049 J. A, Danens &: Son, Edtm ti. g. fiaft, HinneqoIis * $1,507.23. $1 ,M0.55 $1,528 . 9? gerry &&rating Co., St-.Louis Park $1,195.68 . ginson's motion refer+- biFi to Villwe Engineer fok tabulation ana report at next meeting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Mr. Vin&orst requested that estiinate b'e made of cost of s%om sewer and street Amprovements in Lexington Avenue between St .Jo'ms and Tlooddale. Hawtho& moved that Village Snggaeer be mthorized to study-drainage and street improvement projecEs in the area of Lexlngt;on Avenue, St.Johns to Vo0ddd.e. Notion seconded by child and carried, ~ Haw5hornets motion, directing Clerk to advertise in suitable publications for aslications for positipn of Village Engineer, vas seconded by Paleqand ca~lried, Zavrthorhds motion for adjo)zmment vas seconded by Palen and carried, I I Village Clerk' .. . -.. Members answering Rollca3.l were * Child; Palen, Willson, HatJthorne and Cooper. Pden's motion, for apgroval of I%zutes'of Meethg of &rch 14, 1949,*was seconded by WiTlson and carried, In conpliznce with GomcjJrs request for appearace of Beer License amlicznts ?t this meeting, the following applicantq wqre present:. Mr, Carl Tleseerberg - Bdina berican Legion Housing Foundation Elr, Geo. Shilson - Village Inn . .,. Nr. Q.A. Olson : - Brotrn PeTby t Nrs. .-a le- - Boodue Grocery (appearbg late), &Ire Robert Soelberg - Xdina Cash Grocery (appearing late) . 1-k. Jo~ Ostrdd - Purlty-Dairy Store Applicants were informed that 'Council ~rishes strict enforcement _of the law prohibiting sale of beer to minors--either off or on-sale; asking in particular, that off-sale licensees refuse-to let minors secure beer vith grocery orders; and reminding on-szle licensees of-the Village Anti-Spiking Ordinance. were notified that, on violation of these laws, all licenses for operation of business will be revoked. 14r. Hawthorne reviewed Health Officer Dr. Lowell Campbellr s report concerning the intent of Mr, Ray Fox to comply vith Health regulations at rrRay's Lunch" (formerly the 3dinette)- at 9th and France. reported that the defective wiring a! this establishment afrd adjoining oil station will be repaired in accordance vith his recopjmendations just as soon as proprietor is able to obtain an electricfan for this work. Hawthorne's motion - that Council grant the follotring licenses for the yea April, 1, 1949 to April 1, 1950; that Beer Licenses for those applicants not appearing 'before the CouncS1 this evening !e-held mtil after such applicants kve received their instructions from' Deputy Village clerkf snd that Licenses for ttBa$'s LunchN be geld until premises are in condition and have passed inspection of Health Officer and Build& Inspector --was seconded by Palen and carriea: . Applicants < I Buil&ng Inspector Ben \?oeUer I . 3/28/49 LIC; - Nrn Country Clu'b ICs Creaat. Go. Helfer Drug Co, - It I1 11 - I Edin, Cash G5&my It It 11 11 " It It Cahill Grocerg : It II . It - II - 11 ?dim Theatre . Wooddde Grocery I ' , II It It 11 It - It ldinp Recreation Center I It 11 .It ' It - It I1 II It II If n f - t it ti II Z5poyIs Grocery Hwke&&ller Meat Mkt . Country dash Store . ll I1 II - It " I1 - II aaing Grocery It I1 - Leo A.McClellan Grocery . &om De?& Cafe . 11 11 I It It If 11 II It II II - tl r- ii ii It Hove Company ~ It It .trill+e ~nn I1 It ' .u u ti li *i It II ; 11 I It It Ineerlachin Country Club 11 It It It 11 "n II 'ii It Sdipa American Legion . Verlin' Balf anz South Harriet- Dairy Store It If I1 ti II - II . - It ~~oiapls Golf ~eriace eke II = II' * II - It tl I1 * It It It 11 A ..I - I1 tl If It II It II I1 It @DRBSS RQ. EE- mPx -5036 .France Ave. So. 352 $6.00 Pood 39&8-W,40th St. . 353 lZ.00 Cigarette II 11 II 354 6,OO Food 4920 Brookside Ave, 355 12.00 Pdgdrette R ti n 356 j.00 Beer (Off-sale) 5432 Ti.fOth St, 358 12.00 C_igaxettt I1 II i 359 5.00 Beer (0ff-SaJ-e) 4701 W.jOth St. 347 50.00 Beer (On-sale) It It 348 12.00 Cigarette II - 11 It 349 ~OO.OO Liquor- ][On-Saie) It II It 357 Loo Food 11 ' lt 360 6.00 Toad ._ It ll It I1 6-00 lpod ~ $905 lT.5Oih Si, $: 6.00 Food 4954 Prmce Ape. So. 366 12-00 Cigarette I1 II . rr n 367 6,Oo hod 4942 Ihzrrcs Ave. So. 368 6.00 Food 5354 Trance Ave, So. 369. 12.00 Cigaxette 370 6,oo 3ood . 5018 &me Ave. So. 371 12.90 Cfgarette If II It It 372 5.00 Beer (Off-Sale) 11 .. It it -n 373 , 6.00 Pood 39b k!+ igth St. ~ 374 75,$30 Theatre . II 11 I1 375 6.00 Food 4429 They View Ropd 376 12.00 Cigarette- It 8 n II If 377 ' 5.00 Seer (Off-sale) tt -- I1 -3 I1 378 6.00, 3ood 5b30'Pr&e Ave. So, 379 jO.00 / gees (Off-$de) . It It 1 H II 380 5.00/ Beer (On-SaZe II .. It It ._ It It i ir ii 382 12.00 Cigareete- li H ir li ' 383 160.00- Boyling * &eys (16) n 3 It n -n 381 100,OO .Pinbal1 (21 I 0 + c fl i . 384 6.00 hod If It It II 386 6,oo pooa 4948 Prance Ave. So. 385 12.00 C_ligareites .- 4948 ?&awe Ave. So. 390 6.00 Food, 4306 Valley View Road 387 5.00 Beer (Off-sale) 388 12.00 @igare.t;tt It II II It 389 6.00 Food 16356 Brookside Ave; 391 12.00 "Cigarette It 11 It 392 6.00 Foodr 3501 Y.Bth St. 393 12.00 Cigarette It . -394 6-00 Feed 11 It 3915-West 5O%h St, 395 ~OQ,OO iflinball (2) I1 It I n . 396 -5.00 Beer (Off-SaXe) It It It 11- 397 73~F~~* Beer (&Sale) H ri " tl 11 398 12.00 bigwette I1 niii 399 . 6,oo Food - 3944 V. 50th- St. I . 400 12.00 Cigarette n II n 401 6,oo Food 14930 France Ave. So. 402 50.00 Pinball (1) It I1 If ti 403 12.00 Cigarette '1 - . If - II -If &4 5.00 Beer (Off-hle) ct - 11 It it 405 ~O,OO Beer fOn-Sale) It I1 408 100.00 Liquor (On-sale) .11. .. II ' 409 jO.00 Beer (On-sale) it If 410 6.00 Food 4 00 Eden Avenue 411 5.00 ?eer (Off-sale) 8 11 11 412 50.00 Beer (On-sale)- II I1 - II - n It II 11 11 ' 406 6.00 Pood - Route #2: - W7 12.00 Ci.garette^ 5145 Eden Ave, . 4i3-424 60,oo Taxicab (12) jr . 3907 V,*th St. ' 425 12.00 Cigarette 11 It II 426 5.00 Beer (Off-S&e) 3926 W.$th St. 428 5O.OO Beer (On-Sale) ~ It It II 429 100rOO Pinball (2) It ._ It -u 430 12.00 Cigarette I It 11 431 5.00 Beer (Off-sale) It -- 11 -11 427 6.00 pmi '_ .- n It It 432 6.00 !ood -# I LIC. 3/W@ fPrisler's Grocery It I1 It II Grandview Cafe . - II II National Tea. CO, ll II II . Hasty Tasty Cds ll n I1 * - ' @ms 54-05 .France Avc. n ll II 5002 Ternon AGe. . 11. 11 II 3945 I?. 50th St, 3907 11, 50th st. 11 II It II -- - 11. II It It . ll so * I! n IT0 . 1 -4.33 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 B!% $12.00 I 50-00 ' 6.00 12.00 6.00 12.00 6,oo 22.00 6.00 - 'PPPE Cigarette Beer (Off-sale) Food cigarette Food 1 qigarette Food * Qigaret t e Food - .. 4 I c Pursuant to %lotice of Hearing on Petition for Permit to &ild Double or lML%iple Fellj.wzs,n pubLished ip Suburaan Press, Hopkins, I.linnesota, on_r.larch l?,, 1949, copies of which notice .were mailed to neighboring property otmers, Public Hearing was called on petition of Eearson Brothera for permit to construct Double or 1fyIti.e Dwellings on the Froperty known as the George IJillson farm, in line 700 feet vkst of the Belt Line, znd the Mnneapolls, Northfield and Southern bilroad rlght-xhmy, said proper.ty 'being located immediately North of I'find8or Avenue, Nr. Pearson presented preliminary plat of 'Qichmond Hills," showing the location of the proposed double dwellings,.aPter comment by bstee Ifillson to the effect tha* doub'ie dwellings. and not Irmltipletl dwellings had been proposed for the land abutting the railroad tracks. A dslegation-inc3.uding ' GDJ VMnnery, 5048 Kent Avenue: 1-k. LE* 'Paylor,. 5104 Wbdsor Avenue; Hr. D* A. Yera, 5109 IJindsor Avenue; ldr, Roy E. Bpciland, 5lOL Windsor Avenue; znd Hrs. 4. 11. Anderson, 5100 Xhdsor Avenue; and tksm J*'iL Bursh,. owner 'of 5012, 5016, and 5020 Kent Avenuo, objected to the construction 05' the proposed ci;hirteen double dwellings in th€s neighlorhood because of the resulting dev&a€ion of neighboring properties. Mr. E. C. Stow, developer of tfYvome lorraceti, vas in favor of the project.- Bfter considerable discussion from the floor, all parties concerned adjourned to lhgineer's Officii; bd upon retmning later in the meeting, HI?, Pearson announced that an Geenent had been reached, in that neigh'bors ?Todd not object-to the Wilding of double-hagalow on Lot 1, Block 4, aad Lots l,2,3, 5, znd 6,, Block I, in the proposed plat ttRichnond Hills,! trith the balance of the plat to be restricted to one-family units only. !!here irere no objections fron the, floor, to %his arrangement;, One spectators requested that Council require attached garages as a restriction, but was Wormed by Village Attorney that Council cannot impose such restrictions for one area unless entire Village-is so zoned, motion, that Council grant permit to Pearson Brothers toAbuild doubli! dwel&ixs on - t-he above six specified lots in IIZichmond Hills," vas seconded by flillson and carried. Pursuant to %otPce of Street Improvement kcaring-3lacktopping Hasen Road between Grove and V,bOth-Street~,~~ published in Suwban Press, Hopkins., Ninnesota, on &rch 3, and 10, 1949, Af€idavit of Publication for which Was read by Clerk, Public Hearinz was held on petieion of Tkzd F, lltucker a6d others' for the above named improvement, 3ngineer's estimate of $16,530393 total, or $1.85 per assessable Soot, tras read. l!&d ltucker and Mrs, Al'bert Norton spoke for the improvement, and Clerk read tho lBtter of 3hgene.B. Thorns, also favor- project. &so Nellie Strong, 1-b. Frauk Haven, and Hr. F; B. ,Farrington objected, thst petition &d peen signed by more than Sldp of owners of property affected. Villson offered fhe following Resolution and moved for its adoption: are$ between a Nyrth-South Hatrthorne8s - Idre Council reviewed for objectors the fact # BESOLECIOH- FOR Il.IpRoVEt.IEhm! - BLAC@OPPRTG HAITSEN ROAD BED= MOVE AND 1r.60~1 s!r~~~fcS ' ITHERUS pekltion $n writing-requesting improvement of -sen Road between Grove Street. and 1!.60th Street has been duly filed vith this Council dated September ?,19rt8, signed 'I;s o<mers.of more than 51$ in frontage of the real. property abutting on the street med in sdd petition, qd to all.sroperty owners whose property is liabre to be assessed for,,,such iqrovenent published fi Suburban Press, Hoplrins, Ninnesota, on March 3 and LO;' 1949, and has heard all persons interested, and determined the necessity for the bqprovement petitioned for, now therefore BE: I'P BESOLW %y the Edina Village Council, as required by Chqter 65, Laws of 1919,-th@ the petition above described is hereby determined to have been sitpa by t'ae reqpired'percentage of owners of -prop&y affected thereby, a6d IT mm RESOLVED, that HELlzsen Road bettreen Grove and 1~60th Streets be improped. by-blacktopping, @ accor-hce with Standard Specifications for same now on file w5th the clerk and which have been approved by the Villa9 aouncP1. 9 IT FUR!tXElR RESOLVED that the Clerk is-directed to advertise for bids up05 such improv~ment* in accordpce with said approved plans and specSfications , said bids to be opened at a date to be later spgcified by the Village Council, 'Phe deposit accompnying each bid shall be ten percent of the amount of the - bid. 4 IlE5GW3, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in a notSce I -3/28/49 I 29; Notion for adoption of the Besolution was secormdedbg Child, and. on Rollcall there were five ayes-and no nays, as follows: aye; and Cooper, we; and the Resolutionxas adopted. ,Child, aye; Palen, aye; 'Willson, aye; Hawthorne, - t.. , .. Mr.-WaXd !Pucker recommended ,iqstallatiop of straet li&t at intersect5on of 60th Street and Hansen Road; President Cooper reconmending one at Grove Street ad State I3ighw.q No. 100. Chairman Child of PUbLic Utilities Committee reported that investigatisn had been made &garding petition for, street lights at. Maloneg: and Monroe, and a€ Monzoe kd BeJmo5e Lane-, and ,that-he -would recommend that oqe light be Snstalled at Belmore liane Monroe,, and that the light pow situatqd' approxinately in' froqt of the greenhoqss be moved, at 'some futare dat6, to sexve the intersection of OSakoney and Ejlonroe. Request for light a*gW.60th and Haseii Road wqs referred $0 Public *Utilities Oommit.tee, for investigation md re3ort at next meeting. Child moved, directing Clerk to request Nor.thern' States Power Compsny eo install street .lights &Qn%ersections, of Bebore Lane-and Monrpe Avenue and Grove'Street ha Highway No. 100. N6tion qeconded by W$llso-n &d cqkied. Chililt; motion, fir payment or the folIov&g I6113ge a& Liquor Payrolls, was *-_ ._ *- I - secondd by W5lls0,n and carriepI e. I" Village of Edina ~&$rolS for ieriod-kirch 16th throw& &rch 31st. 1949 Gene Cooper, Mayor $ 80*00 .. .- - .. 80 . 00 Bower Hawthorne, Clerk , 80.00 80.00 George A. Willson, Trustee 60,oo 60.90 Fred g. Child, Triistee 6040 60.00 Rilthard Go Paen, Trustee 60,qo t: 60.00 3. 5. %gay Treasurer 5qc40 c 50.00 100,00 John WindhorsC, Attorney 100.90 $hilip -Neville , Judge ?5*00 - 75.00 hsCb Norton, Spec, Judge 10,QO woo0 Dr. L.M,C~%ell; - Eeeth Off, 30,OO 30,oo $605.00. . $605.00 @Tin STRB IVE - N&pI +WSS WIme HOSPI REI?gc TOTAS ' DEIbC'P. llEDUO!lL DEBTTCT. PAY . ^. COUNCIL PAY TAX I-. Phil W. Smith '255.62 29.80 2.75 10*22 42.77 '212-85 0retch6A s chus sler 163e60 15.90 L25 6.9 23e69 139.91 Bernice Johnson 127.81 6.40 2.75 5.11 14-26 113.55 Helene Freeman 102*25 Urn20 1-25 4.09 16.54 85.71 I" 7,51&. , .24&. 8.00 30*05 112.55 ,638.98 Louise Westeraerg 102,25 1L20 4.09 15,29 86& &$GIKEERIJQ Fred Jonas. 132-93 3.40 2.75 5.32 11.47 121.46 _I 14. J, -Mer;Eeld 30e 2racy Hmry, Jonas @thm Sensen Ronald 'Port C. W. Cardarella Wayne Tracy Soseph:l?atole .. 164.62 - 12.40 2.75 6.58 21.73, 142.87 151.@4. 14.10 2.75 6.07 22.92 128.92 104,@1 3.20 2.75 4.19 10.14 94.67 r 136.50 8.20 2.75 5.46 16.41' 120.09 141.62 12.90 2.75 5.66 21.31 120.31 136.50 8.20 2.75 5.46 16.41 -12o.09 133 . 50 7.60 2.25 9,85 123.6 . 96949 .,66.60 18.75 33-42 118.77 850.6; 5.80 12+30 8.80 2,.20 6.40 2.20 -0- . 3.443 14.10 . .65.350 2.75 2-75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.25 6.03 542 5.62 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.11 5.32 40 91 2.75 4.91 17.56. 105.i4 , 23..25. 52.75 141010 'l3.?7.92 NO t 112 * , 173 174 3.75 176 377 178 179 180. 181 187 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 lf5llson m&ed and it was seconded by Hatfthorne that the following bills be paid: + 3612 - Grook & HEulLey, fnc 3613 3614 3615 3616 3617 3631 3632 3633 3635 3637 3638 3639 3m 364.1 , 364.2 3f343 3644 364.5 3w 3653 3654 3657 +&nerd steei, -~nc Glacier Sand & Gravel Rosenwala4ooper Eaina Haratrare - Hike Holn,-Sec, of State Bemepin county Review E.lfnnezpol5.s -Auto Supply Young &el GO . %om &~Go.cur.t;ry HaPdwce + herican hiiien Go. 4 ibrthwestern Be31 = Tdlephone Co Borthern States ‘Po?rer Go E. A. Rogers bo Construction Bul3.eti.n - kerd Laloriitorkes . Service $quipmeat Mfg. Co Suburban Press IsIiller4avis Go * Petty Cash vptoprn hsuraiice eo Fred L; I Grag Insurance Go* &. R.-Rydeen AgenGy * .. I I - * c t -- -3, A, Rogers Co e %onsCruction Bulletin * * ktirban Pres$ -. 1.35 1,oo * 63.50 4.50 37.94 1.11 6.55 j2oN 83.4053 26.12 4J.L 00 4*4a 3.75 12.60 234.71 34.39 30.66 150.QO 1000.00 i8hO 55.77 .97 12.80 10.50 312&3 4.00 14.39 13 J.4 18.32 9Doo 8 ;-28 19d6O 21t.60 t r ._ . .. - $ I -52,443- .I .. 3JW49 CLAIM NO. 3641 Construct fon Bullet in 1660 (I- 19.50 3 3645 MilXer-Davis Co 3649 Petty Cash 3645 Mil1eGDavis Co 19.50 36443 S idu Company - -%a .I . *11 . 14-58 16.77 6,QO HuLl*%bbs Justus Lum'ber. to 'Leef Bros, Inc W. E. L &r*Co- Linde &€r Products CO - &.meqolis Gas. Co Motor Part's Service-Co Northern Be0 Co - Paper, Camenson eC C6 . Phillips Petr6lemn Go Reinharti Bros, Go €I. R, Toll Go ' Wm'. H. Zieglgr Cn -Bontihent&-sa~ety Iqni@ent - Ged. !I?, ayann-Co. hericati Linen .Co Northwestern Bell. Telephone Go Northern States "Poyer Co Miller-Davis Go Petty D+di Brookside SerFAce Frea Gray hsurance Co ..c - 90wrZ~a 60~n.t;~ f2mawme - - m .. -. I &ea L. Gr* Insmace Co , *I ' 52.29 1.84 382.4 3625 3626 3627 3628 3630 3634 3635 3636 3637 363% 3638 3645 3w 3652 3655 3656 3629 1 t rtr , .. - 1 George Bern Sons, Im . Distillers Dist-ributting Co Famous Brands, Inc Griggs, Cooper & Co Kelly Liquor Go . NcEesson & Robbins Mid-West $line eo, Inc Old Peosia Co, Inc E;d Phillips & Sons Co Chaska Beverage Co. Coca Cola Bo%tling Co 0. M. llraney Beverage Go Gluek Brewing. Co Mkdsolt 'Bottling 'Go 1 Minneapolis Breidng Co Pabst Sales Company ~ Rex Distributing Co Sevenap Bottling &o Sunderland Supply Co Wdia E* Hay, Executrix Lgdia E. Hay , A. R. Stenson ', Fern B, Stenson Northern States Power Co Refrigera*or Service GO herican Linen CO Northwestera BeU Telephone Co Automatic Alarm Corp. &ller-Davis Co . Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Inc .. Young me1 co. r- r-rr, .. t 4@5,677.57 c r < gv?Q ? 3/28/49 I Council next met vith Board of Pak Commissioners--Clark, Strachauer and Lewie--zad Chaiman Blmer Lo I'lilliams of the "Tar Memorial Connni'ttee, concerning possible construction of ~ conbination fire sta%ion-comnunity 'tiuild* on park site at 50th @--- .-- - 'I.Tooddd.e, Council 'informed-gentlemen thht - Fire-Underwriters Inspection Bureau has - recommended the building of a fire statfon not farther wst than Vooddale i%venue, if village IS to maintzin pkesent bsnrdce&tes; that $~~,oOO has been approBriated €or such it building: that CouncZl has discussed possibi1;lty of using 50th znd Wooddale Park sTte for such building inasmch as %he VlZlzge ovms this propert;y-pr%vi&,$ng Park Board and tlar Memorial" Committee -ark.agreeable, im€emoria3. Committee had abandoned its plans-for community center at 506h and Vopdda3.e kfter Councilts discussion &*to possib2'e zddition to Villke Hall, and had -fh& shelved &%sequent plms for park shelte'r because of scarcity .znd high cost of build- ing maserids. All three members of Park Board objected to construction of fire station, principally because of Sroximity to school and the resultikg'hazard- to- children,. but also because of architectuke necessw for fire seation. . U'on cpestions by Council, 1.k. Williams state'd tbt %r Memorial Committee had not con- ductea a fund-raising campaign, %ut that he thought the Committee high% 'be reactivated' €or this purp&e, and that he would confact; Committee. fire station at 50th and Prooddale, until' such time as reseiving joint war Nemorial Committee-Psk Board report as to their *plang for this sxte: Park Board*s recommendation, that CouncZL acquire for Pa& Purposes, Lots 6;13;14,15, 16,17J8,19 and 20, Block 13, and Lots 4 and 7, Blocke 14, Clevelvlds SuELivisian of Blocks 2,3,4,13,14 and 15, Emma A@ott &rk, vas read.-k&d* properties- being con- - tained Zn County Anditor's Xon-Consemdion List' r129pG11 of Tebruary 23, 1949, Havthorne 6f fered the f ollowing-Resolutgoa &d moved its adoition: c- Nr, Villims stated that hr - - I Corn651 tabled J?l&s for * t. .* .e RESOLUT3cI)N lXX&BING 'PAX lELINQma IdlDS' - NON-CONSXRVJ.!i!ION BND FOR Sm VHEBEAS , the Village Council of-€h6 Village o_f. Ed*a, ' Hennepin County, Minnesota, has received from the County Auditor of 'Eennepin Com€y,Xipnesota, a list of lands in said YillGk which-became. the property 6f the State of lbnesota und& the provisions of law declaring the forfdturh of 1ands"'td %he--StztG for non-payment of taxes, which said lis? has been designated as List lr293-Ct1, 3'ebnkry 23, 1949, and fied by the Board of Gountydommissionerk of Hennepin County, Mimesota as non-conser- vation land-and the sale thereof has hecetofore been authorized by said Board of County Comaissioners;- I-, each parcel of*land'desc?ibei in said list has heretofore been class%- - - ? - ITOW THEREFOJB, be it resolved by s&d Village Council, acting pursuan.i; to Elinnesota Statutes for 1945, Section 28Z$ol, that the said classification by said Board of County Commls&.oners of each pa,rcel of lana described 5b sEid list E% non- conservation land be and the same is heseby approved and that the gale of each such parcel of-luld be and the same is herebg, approved. .T 'r Rotion for adoption of the Resolution vis seconded by Palen, and on Rollcd~ tsere vere five zges and no nays, as folloas: Child, aye; Palen, aye; lrillson, qe; Hmthorne, .. T- .. Vill'age Clerk' I &wthornG offered the folllowing Beso1ut)on uld moved its adoption: .I RESOLlJTION TOR @QmSI!I!ION OF TAX-FOmI'PED SA?JDS, FOR PARE PURPOSES BE I'P RESOLKEXJ by the Edina- Villagi*CoUnc?i , that Villzge Attorney be authorized - I and erected to- file "&plication by-Gogerz&entd 5h%ai&.sion for Conveyznce Of 'Pa%- Forfei5ed L&lS , for the following propprfies containea-b Hemepin Gomty Auditor: s List "293-Gf1, February 23, 1949, said pFoperties to be used. by $he-VillGe of Eag. $0, pgrk pxcgoges: ParEefs $lo, ~6002,~~003,,36004,3606~,36006,3~007,36008,3~0~9,36~~~ ,36011 aikl 36012-1941, othervise holm as Lots 6;~3,14,1~,16,17,18,19, and 20, Block 13, and Lots 4 and I, Block 14; Cleyelznds Sub. of Blocks 2,3,4,13,14 ad 15, h Abbot% Park. Motion for adoption of %he Besolu€ion vas seconded by Irillson, and on Rollcall there vere ffve ayes and PO nays, as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Resolution rag adopted. -- Child, aye; Palen, aye; llillson, aye; President of the Village Godil Villi&% Clerk 3/28/49 Council andBoard of Parkcommissioners reviewe& status of Lots 9,lO andll, Block 2, Valley View Heights, for t?hich,deed has been tendered by ThGrpe Bros. and which deed has not be9q recorded; P&k Board trill inspect proper.t;y and make report to Council, Pursuant to Advertisemen3 .for' Blds-Curb and Gutter, published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota and in Construction Bulletin, Minneqolis, Minnesota, on Wmch 17 and 24, 1949, Affidavit of Publicatson .for which was read.%y Olerk* the fofllowing bids for curb and Gutter 06 Gorgas Avenue bedween W,Sst and w.52ad Streets, were - publicly opened and read: - .- ;George Madsen, Minneapolis $1 ,g12*00 - Amel Construction-Co., Robbinsdala $2,024.00 Victor Carlson'& Sons, Minneapolis - $2,488 .OO 4 Motion by W5lfson; -referrin&*bids to VillageWEngineer for tpbulation and report, was * he had checked all +bids , that George Madsen. is the lowest responsible bidder, seconded by Chila and carried; Later in the evenGg, Engineer Smith reported that Motion by Willson that President and Clerk be authoriied to enter into contract with George Bfadsea, in conformance wZOh bid; and authorizing return of Amel Consfruction Company's cash deposit of $205.00, was seconded by Child and yried. 'I Pursuarrt to avertisement for Bicls-Yire' 3quipen.f; , published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, and in Construction Bullet@, Minneapolis, on March 17 and 24, 1949, gfidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, the following bids were publicly opened hd reads t 1000t-&" 500'-?$' TOW TWO VHuse: - Hose- HOSE BID zmDRRs .. < =Per Ft .: Per Ft, , (NE&) r ko BiC ~ $1;735.00 ,* 1dinn.Pire lktinguisher @emetus$o Bld I . Eureka Fire Hose 'Co. (HortUad $1.34 $ ,95 , J .H . J oh& op-Lzibel6 d "J .N . Harold F. Lundberg.-(Deluge) + $1.25 Less 2$ 30 days from cape of CInvogce. $1,4?9*?0 8 96,04 Jo@nson, Inc,tl $1,249- $ .846 $1,672.00 * (Leaagr) $ 095 *' - Less 2$ 30-aws grom date of Invoice. $1 t 690 050 Amn. Ld'rmce Foamite (AIflex) $1.52 . $1.07 *. -- -Lass 2$ 10 P~O~~IIIO $2,013 090 * II ~ 11 II (msirej $3..32 $ .97 -$1,768.90 - I (Beacon1 $1.41 To Bid , 1 Anstin Fire 8c Safety Co; Bg Bid Bo- Bid Bi-3;ateraJ. Fire Hose Co,(No-Freez) $1.50 $1.05 , Csuperfiex) $I,& $1.00 , Tot* $1,495.50 Less Z$ 16-days. $L465.59 'Less 2$ 30 des -, $1 i984.50 $ 115.64 -- iess 24% 30 days $1,920080 L Less Z$ 10 Proximo $1,739.50 $ 104.08 $1.42 No Bid , ( Trutfax) Less a$ 10 Proximo ' Less ~$10 proximo , Less ~$10 Proximo $1,641 50 $ 104.08 (Alt) 107.80 Less Z$ 10 Promino. Minn.Fire gquip,Co . (llegal) $le30 $, e95 , - -- (Warwick) No Bid $1.02 $1.25 $ .85 r Jos.F.Aue1 (Unity Brand) .. (mfalo Brad) $1.30 $ 095 ~ ' (Edina Brand) $1.15 6 -78 SL739.50 * c kess Z$ 10 Proximo paents motion, for referdl of +bid$ for tabation qnd repqrt at next mheting, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. Pursuant to llAdvertisement for Bids-lruclr C& and Chassis, published in Sub&ban Press ad Construction Bulletin !$arch 17 and 24, 1949, Affidavit of Publication for which was read by Clerk, the following bids were-publicu opened $nd read: MODEL GROSS PRICE- TRADE-IN TJET PRICE larl Girard Rotors Do-Qe B-1-I$A , $3,270 25 Hull-$obbS, In$ Foyd a-& - $3,324.18 * ! 325.18" $2,999*00 Rihm Motor Company gedera' 2342 $3,791 . 64 $1001 . 64- ,$2,790*00 Northern Reo Co. $eo 21C $3,289.60 8 500.00' $2,789.60 Hzyden Motor Sales, Inc. FQrd: F-8 $3,198.84 $ 500.00 $2,698,8Lt General Tkck & Equip.Co. @IC PC 452 -$3,Me44 8 888+00 ' $2,560.44 $1 , 509.20 I 755 25 $2 $515 00 BIDDm uIE& c-v 'I Boyer &'Gilfiilsa 14o:or Co, , qord $-8 t 1 , $3,'191.50 T'Joodhead Company Tord q-8 $3,171 22 Ut ernat e - Ford g-8 (19'4-8) $2,979.00 Dahlberg Brothers, Inc. Ford $-8 $4,105.00 $ 968.00 $3,137.00 Minatr' Company Fo5d $28 $4,225.25 $ 980.00 $3 9 245. 25 As tleford Equipment Co . Int'l. @ S 7 $3,567.21 $ 800.21 $2,767.00 * Purchase of International. Motion by willson, fer referral OS bids tiViZ1Ge Ggineer for tibaation and'report, Was seconded by Hawthorne and carried* I 3/28/49 , Pursnan.f; to nA.&Bdveytisement for Bids-Sand, Gravel an& Rock," published in Suburban Press, Horkins, Xinnesota, and Construction Bulletin, lhmeapolis, I.Iinnesota, on Ihrch 17 &ud 24, 1949,the follot+g bids were publicly opened.and read - -. - I I-IIXi~SOTA SAND & GBAVGL COO Pl?EIFl?ER C093$~UCTIOIi co . Picked up . .( L_ Delivered Picbd up , Delivered Qore or Le&l1 qmntities: 'Jtsd' -Ton - Yard Ton* Yard -Ion Yard Ton . 2000 Yds, Toqedo Sed $8.12 .80 $1.89 1.35 2000 Yds, Crushed,Rocklp 2000 Yds. Suckshot Gravel ,2.52 i.80 ,3,22 2.30 : 15" to in 2.66 x.go 3.36 . 2.40 ' 6000 Yds. Pea GraGel * 2-52 1.80 3.22r . 2.30 - 4 MOO Yds, Pit **GraP;el 1075 1025 2.59 1-85 075 054 1bL5 -83 (not Advertised) Crushed Gravei 1-30 093 1.70 1.22 Hinn&ota Sand & Gravel Co,*s prices being subject to 55 cash discount for psyment on or before 15th'of month following delivery, llillson*s motion, that bids be referred'to Village Engineer for tabulation and report *. at next-meeting, was seconded by Child and carrigd. Purs&t to "Advertisement for Bias-Cutback A&ha,lt, Road Oil and Tar," published in Suburban Press, Harch 17 and 24, 1949, and in Construction Bulletin on same dates, Ufidavit of Publication for which tr&a read by Derk, f%w"sealed bids vere 3resented to Council Tor opening, with notation that bid-of J.V, Gleason had been received at 8t45 P.M., whereas advertisement called for 8:,06 P,bL deadline. thd bid of J.V. Gleason be rejeciea because of its lateness, vas seconded,by . Hk-rthbme and carried. !'Nore or quantities - 3Oy00O G&s, 3O,OOd Gals, 3O,OOO &ls. 500 Tons 500 Ions - r Millson~s motion, Remining €iinrG bids frere'read, & follovrs: - htback Asph. Road IS Road Oil ' Hot ReadyHot Ready NC 1,2 or ,3 RT4 tq BICLO SG '1,'g or 3 !fix Tar pix Assh. *- Per Ton Per Ton - Per &3.. ~ $4.50 '(Plant) Per Gal, Per W.. Glenn Johnson Contr, CO, .:$el55 '$*I45 -- . . :4- -0- $5.00 (Del.) ..- b.182 $ .I45 -0- , -0- c $018 -0- -0- - -0- Engineer for tamation ana-repori Jay 8. 'Crdg C-ompmy- * ' b.155 ' Fepublic Creosoting Congany , -0- Trillsongs motion that bids be keferred to at the next meeting, vas seconded by Child and carried, Bring Avenue grading project, from Y.58th to V.60th Streets; was reviewed, with Attoner l'lindhorst advishg that dedication has not been made for right-of-wray between lf.59th and 1~603h Streets; and that bids shoul'd not be awarded unless Village is willing to purchase or cdrmdeldn for right-of-way, Villson recornended ag&nst purchase or'condemnation by Village ai: this t&e, inasrmtch as th2s road is for'tm primsy Gse of the abuttiap property omers and he believes the matter of right-of- way should be settled between them. flillson'd motion, rejecting Grading Bids taken Februsy 28., and instructing Clerk to inform-petitioners of Councilts action, was seconded by Hawthorne and carried. ' Two gentlemeh from Indian Hills requested the'gravelling of the a2proach to Indian Hills frcim County Road Nd,.18, saying that this road has been absolutely impassable for the Xast ten d.a$s, could, afte5 the frost is completely out of the ground; at the same time informing the geatlemen that Village will not bd able to gravel sufficiently to make a good road there, because road-is new uld bedmust settle. Genf;lemen thanked Councl;l for w5nter road Mntenance. Langrford Electric Companyts &rch 24th request for extension of time for completion of France and 50th Street-&Lighting Contract to April 20, 1949, was read and was granted 'by Hotion Cihild, seconded by F"Ti1lson and cmried. I-Tarch 25th request-of O,D, Hawschild, 'Inc,, for placing of one ornamentd. street - I Snry & clarlsoi, Inc, 1 $36 $.18 8.15 $4.80 (Plat) -0- .- - EIr. Ifillson promised that the Village would do what it " I - light in front of their buildjag at 5050 France Avenue, and inclusion of their + property in the street lfghting assessmen.4, vas read and vas granted, by.Ia€otion * Child, seconded by Hawthorne and carrfed. Petition for-inst&&.tion of Street Lights at: 1. Corner of-Grove Street ad Code - Avenue, and 2. Corner of Grove Street and 31st Street, was read. Havrthorne*s motion, - referring petLtion to Public Utilities CornmitCee f6r investigation.-and report-at next - meeting, was seEonhd by W~lson and carried. * - I. I .* i 1. 3/28/49 Chmges in the road system of Hemepin County and -the Villafse of E-, were suggested in March 9th and 18th letters of L.P, Zimmerman, County figfrreer, as - *I __ - fO1k~S t COUNIIY l!u !rm om: l.@.eason Eo-& between %&e Highway No, 169 & 212 ad Valley View Road 2.8ntkim Road-b&iben W, 70th Street and VaZley View Road, 3.W.70th Street between*htr& Eoad and &&ill Road VIUGB n, 2AKE om: l.gden Avenae- between W.5Oth Street and State Highmy Bo, 169 6 212 21W.706h Street between Hig6way No, 100 and France Avenue 3.BltirCe Road between Icterlachen Bouleva5d Gd Old Eden P&irie Road--CouzlCy - .. .. - - will eade lower end of Blake-Road between Old &den Pralrie Tload ad State High&y go. 169 & 212 if Village will~acqui~s necessay righs-of- Way on. section line, In discussion Mr., VlilZson stated that County had infhated probability of blacktopping oleason Road and also that part qf Blake Road between Old lden Prairie Road and State Highway No, 169, willsokos motion, that Countyt s proposition be accepted provided County Vi11 blacktop Glqason Road and gr&e and blackto3 1or.leg end of Bl&e Road, was seconded by Child and carried, - t I.lr.-John J, Duggan, one of the heirs to the property a$u%tbg lower Blake Road, Ifas contacted with regard. to dedication of one-half Yne right-of-way, md expressed his wililfngness to dedicate, proyiding the balance of the heirs will agree: and President Cooper agreed to consult Mr. l@is Jones about dedication of the other half of the right-of-way. Petition signed. by Pear,son &os. and others, for construcOiorm of Water ldn JWtensEon ip the fpllowing streets;was read: State Higbwq No, 100 between Kent and Windsor Avenues: Wiadsor Avenue batween State Eighway No, 100 and Wessek AYf3YiUe; Richmond Drive between State Highway 80. 200 and les&x Avenue; Vessex-Avenue between South 1 Line of Westchester Knolls and Norfih Line of Westchester Knolls; Richond $me between windsor Avenue and Richmond &.ne: Richuond Circle,- Childrs motion, that peti%ion be accepted &d !hat public Hearing on Petition be set for Monday, 'April 25, at 8:OO P,M., was seconded by. &%home and carriedl Letter from LA Lsvence, 4,627 &den- Avenue, advocating doi licensing ordinance, vas read and_ f Fled, I Committee yeported: on prqosed, ordinance and discussion followed, with &torneg Windhorst asked to make-up final draft for first reading' at nexk regular meeting. Animal Rescue League for' 'impounding of dogs, With regard to StJouis Park's propsal for extensfon of water and sewer mains into a section of Edina, Chairman Child reported that he bad studied this matter, together with Mr, W5ndhorsf, with regard to the water main extension, and that 3iesolutt;ioa had been prepared for dhcussion and consideration this evening, Child offered the following Resolution end moqed its adoption: * - f Mr. E. C. Stow recommended making arrangements with rL.- EESOLUTIO~ AVI!HORIZING 'PKE VILUGE! OF SI, - UXJIS PARK TO ExT33m CBIE&TD WATER Pl@NS * Mk3. THE VILLA&E 03'. qIkA -, . - . adopted a resolution authorizing $he Village of St.&ouis Park to extend its water mains in the pubzic streets of the Village of ldina-lying north of 44th Street and east of Highway 169, and WHBElE&.ths Village of St.l;ouis.Park has eqressed its willin,.opess %o ext;and its water mains in said streets-upon the conditions herein set forth, therefore,. Bh IT RBSOLVED by the Village Cobncil of the Village of Edina that said Village of ldina hereby grants and extends to the Village-of St.Louis Pwk %he * right and privilege of exteziding its water mains into, under and-along the follow- bg described parts of streets within the VXLlage of I(U.na=ad to excavate-the - said streets to the extent necessary for the purpose of laybg and instdling mid water mains, fire hydrants, in connec't'foa therewith, and for the ~?urposa of m&ing necessary or proper repairs and improvements thereon at any time,=to-@tr West 44th Street between State Highway XOU 169 on the West and the = .intersection of West Mth Stzeet with the Vortherlg boundary of the VillGe of-2!ldina,befng th6 I Sou'Gh line of Section 7,!P,28, R,&. Also that part of the folloeing streets lying between West Ntki Street ana the boupdaryltnc between the Village of ldivra and .the Villee of St.ZouLs Park being the South line of said Section 7, to-wit: Mackey- Avenue, Brooks Avenue, Coolidge Avenue, Bro%mdale Avenue? Glen Place, bart Avenue, Highwg 169. wHEEUU3 it appears-that on- OS @ant aSepteqiber'llb, 1936, the Village Council . . .~ .- a 3/28/49 BE IT FTJlEHER BES0LV"rs that said Village of StJouis Park may require a condition to capnectioqi3th its r.rater.mains so cons$ructed in said streets that the ad5oin~:-~ropert~'o~Mers pay in advance a sum equal to the proportionaie share of such property ovmed of the cost of construction of the water main which voad have been assessible against such property had it been situated in the' . Village of StJouis Park and also uniform and regularly established connectisn charges coveri+g the cost of the service connection to the Village of st.L6ulS Park, BE I92 l?UR!l!HEEt BESOLVED that the Village of St.Lou5s PGk shall have the- right to discoqtinue water-service to any resident of the Villzge of Bdina' ' connectea to said St.Louis Park mains in the event of failure of said resideat of Edina to comply vith the uniform rules of the Village of St.Louis Park pertain- ing-to-use of its <rat& mains end failure to pay the charges o5-sd.d Village for VIateF consumed on said premises. of the ri@$s and privileges herein granted, shall, in each and every instance where excavations are nade in any of said streets, use the usukl preccuxtions in protecting the public and users of said streets and as soon as the work of installing said water system in each particular street! and each psticular job on each of said streets is completed; s?%ll restore said streets to a good, safe condition of repair, but shall not be obligate& to restore the .paving or surfacing of said streets. BE IT l3RTEEB RESOLV3iD that the rights and privileges herein granted the said 'Village of- StAouis Park are not exclusive and are grated upon the further conditio& &d considekatioi that said Village of St,Louis Park in installing, maintaining ha operating said pipes, mains, WdrantF and water system SWI asme the same liabilities in doing so as it would asme'bf hing the same work and committing the same acts within its opm boundaries, and upon the further consideration that the said Vi31?ge of StJoufs Park, 'before proceeding v5th the excavation for and the instsillation of said water system, shall, b h proper resolution duly ppssed by its 'Village CoCncil and' certi9ied to the Cler Y of Bdina, agree to save harmless the said Villee of Edina from any liability, claim, bees or responsibility novr or; hereafter imposed by law or fixed or established by any legal and lawful means arising f?om or on account of or connected with the installation apd (or maintepace and) or operation of said water system so laid aad established upon the pres of said streets above set ' for$h in the Village of Edina pnrsu&t her&o, - I BF: I92 FUM!€lERRESOLVS) that the sal& Village of St.Louis Park; fi consideration * < Hotion for adoption or" 'the Resolution vas seconded by &wthorme', ad- on Rollcall we; Hawthorne, aye; ad Cooper, age; and the Resolution vas adopted, - there vere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Child, ye; Palen,aaye; Flillson, t .* *- I- ., Discussfog vas next had concerning proposed extension of'sevrer mains into that portion of Edina riorth:of I?,&th Street. Attorney Dindhorst presentea draft of and agreement betveen t'ne Village of St.Louis Park and the Village of Edina, including the f ollovring provision5 : 1, .Appoval by Edina of St,Louis Pi& plank and specifications for-construction of sewers within E$ina, joint advertisement for bids for construction, and separate contracts by-Edina,aGi St .Louis Park for construction in respective Villages. 2, Ownership by Edina of €hose sewers irithin' Village Linits, and interconnection of sai d sewers to severs of Village of St.Louis .Pqk, 3. ~ Use of seyers in Pdina for domestic sevrageconly, and non-interconnection of said sewers with any other severs in Edina unless apgroved 'by St.Louis Park. 4, BIiaination by.Bdina, at its ovm eqense, of substmces in Baina sever - causing obnoxious smells,or gasses. - 5. Hon-liability of StJouis Park for danages claimed as result of backincup of severs in bzsements in Bdina, 6. Conformme of both Bdina 'and St.Louis Park to .laws regulating 1.Iinneapolis- : St;.+iul Sanitary District. 7. a, -- Payment by xkq.n&-to St,LoxLs 5ark 02 $ share of cost of constrytion of St.Louis Park Joint Sewer No. 2. 3. Paypeqt 3y E;aipa to StJouis Park of $ share of cos% of constqction of Ufi, stat'ion for St.&ouis Park Lateral Sewer DiqtricE No. 21. c. Papent by Bdina to St.Louis Park of $ share of cost of reconstruction of certain severs uithin City of Xpls &ich serve-as an outlet for; $t,Louis ParkJolnt Sever District No. 2 _- - I . , agreed p-qortionate , ,agreed proportionate , &sei propixtionate .. - 4 .e -c 3/28/49 .I .I I 7: d, Papent by 3dina of $ of cost of any sewer hereafter constructed ha City of Mpls. for use of ssaid Sewer District as require& by City of Npls; payment to be paid concurrently with obligation of St.Louis Park to City of Ipls. . _e, Payment by Eldina of $ of cost of metering station {then constructed. at lir near Prance Avenue md 39th Street pursuant to contract with + 'City of Mpls; payment to be paid concurrently with obligation of St. Louis Park i;'o City'of Elpls, f, papent Q? Edina of .proportionate share of cost of operation, main- tenanc'e and repair of Mpls.-St.PaUl Sayritzry District Vorks and Mp&s. intercepting severs allocated to St,Lou+s Park; Edina*s share to be allocated on basis of use-0f"sewers in ydina ad computed by same method that users of sewers in s&d sewer distri& are-charged for use md rnain.l;enzllce thereof in,St,I;ouis Park; to be paid quarterzy, or otherwise as rewired by City of Mpls. Cost of maintenance of St.Louis Park--sewer system to be charged quartehy- on basis per residence as-sewer maintenance costs are charged by$t. &ox& Park to property-oimers in StJouis Park Sewer District Eo, ZJ, Payment by Idina' for proportionz;t;e swe of costs Znqurred by St.Louis park .for (engineering and legal services in con6ection with constm-ction of sewers in St,Lou5s Park Sewer Districts Xo, 21 and. 2J and vewe~s %n Edina. -- 8, 1 Termination by StJouis Park-, only becaise of substantial continued violaKon of terms by Edina.- c 9. Acceptance by Iclina of terms of agreement, and liabiliey by Edina for damages resulting to Sp,Loui,s Park through violation of agreement, - I I gi h. I ?. Cons5derable discussion followed presentation of contract, a2th Council advocating that Ediara be-responsible for cleaning and maintaining its om portion of the sewer &d that ldiaa residents be billed by the Village of Edina for s.iich costs, rather than St,llouis Park's billing our Village., It yras also advocated that, before Council seriously considers entering, into -Z.greement, €he Engineers from the two Villages deterkine the amour& to be paid by Edina, under Article ?--because Biina by find that it is less costly Bo construct its own lateral sewer in this section of V2llage. UttOn, to deternine these costs, ad to report back at the next meeting; and &?b Windhorst was asked to obtain dlarification of one legal techni6zLity from St, f;ou$s Park VIIIage Attorney, f t bginser Smith told CounciL that St.L&s Park wodd like Counci3.*s action tonight, permitting joint advertisement for sewer construction project, that St .Louis Park a6d Edina ~2dve~tise,, Johtly, for consthction of gever system, was secopded by Bzwthorne and unanimously carr%ed, I Village wineer Snith was reqyegted to work'with St,houis Park Bngineer Child's motion, 1. - e Nr. 1 . C, Stow &ain requested relief from stok waterdraining from North &to Yvonne Terrace. this water into the ?me1 lake abutting the west end of his property, and Mr. Willson secqmmended that d.r&.n be installed from W,56th Street and Warwkck Place to the lake. . plans for storm .. sever-in this entire drainage - area, was seconaed by Palen ah3 carried, Applicztions from Hitchcock PC Istabrook, engineering firm; A, Glorvigan, Princeton, Ninnesota, and S,E, Gizkey, 5.2 Delaware S.E., R%nneapolis, for Village &gineerts _- position, were read and filed,- . Petition, signed by twenty-five Village employees, requesting that Council refuse to consider Villzge Engineer 2nd Hanager Smith's resignation, and that thoy re- $point liin fox tha balance of the year, was read, be filed was seconded by Ifillson and carrsed. - - . - He stated that he is willing td give drainage easement to get Willson*s motton, that Village Engineer be authorized to begin .. ~* .. -- I Hawthorne's motion that ptition Re@y from Civil Service %hsembly, to Clerk's request for police promotionzl . examinations, was read, reference wfth regard to -Civil Service-matters, was seconded by Hmthorne and carried. Notion by Palen, t&t letter be kept on, file for future - - I *. President Cooper recommended that City of Ninneapalis.be requested to conduct promotional Civil Service Examinations for Edina Police. Hawthorne's motion, ?Erecting Clerk to request Minneap5lis to conduct -' .. examinations, was-seconded by Palen and c&ried.* Besignatlon of Clarence A. Knutson, from Captainby of Edina Police Department, as of April 1, 1949, was accep3ed.i by Motion Hawthorne, seconded by Peen and ckrried, .. k 3/28/49 The offer of 0.D. &wchild, Inc,, to dedicate the South 30 feet of their property, from 3rsnce Avenue., west, brought before Councilplzlrs for mu.uic2pa.l. parking lot in this vicinity, ad previous discussions 2s ta the widening of lbzzrms V.5Oth Street East &om the Theatre. Notion by Hawthor5e, confirming President -Cooper's apgointmen% of Palen, Eawkhorne and Willson as Council Committee to neeti vith PlannQg Commission !Cueshy, April 5, for clmification of this program, vas' seconded by OUld and- carried, Pmstee flillson recommended that f\linnee,polis, Northfield ad Southern RZilw~@ Company be contaclied aith request for signal lights at crossings, Clerk to kite Railway Company, requesting installation of si$d lights at th6 hsen Road and Grove Street Crossjags, tras seconded by Chi'id and carried, Pluxnl~ing Ordinace, as-drafted by Attorney 17indhorst, vag referred to Ordinance and LegZslation Committee, for report at next meeting, at $4.00 Ea., bhild' s rnotiiin, authorizing purchase oh eleven Village Directories/frop Hemepin Countg B9vievr, fur nse by Villee Office, Police Pepar'cqnent, etc,, ~rzs seconded by Pden ad uhpimous~ carried Discussion <as had as to status of dwelling at 5529 1loodd&e Avenue, with Council being informed that it had bee4 neeessay for otmer Denenny to give his tenant, Chester Brom, 60 days's notice of eviction-which notice does not eqire inti1 April 1ymd tkt, therefore, Nr. Denenqy has asked for extension- of 30 ws in ehich to clean 's9, the property. Hotioa by Palen, directing Clerk to inform both ovmer ad tensit, that dwelling mu& be connectdd vrith P5llee sanitary sewer and water systems, outhouse r.emoved, and ;pard cleaned up, by &y'l, 19@, was seconded by Hzwthorne and unanimously carried. A iist of qplicztions for outdoor advertising sign permits was presented, &vthorne moved as follotrst " .. .. Tlillsonls motion, directing - I I. 2. 5at ag@licatior of 0.D. Hauschild, Inc,, for permit to const&ct two signs, on the &u&child Building- at jlst ad krance, be allotred, Tha6 the following pedts be granted ?or registration of sips painted on , buildings : ITaruler Co. -.52l.5 Eden Avenue So. .- Young fie1 Co. - Brookside and Eden Avenues 1 I 3. Tha$ the Council grant permits for maintenance of Outdoor Advertising Signs for the year $ril 1, 194' to April 1, 1950 for the follotring applicants; except th&t permits be granted to J;?suary 1, 1950 only for those slgns 1 . as t erisked: ADTEETISIB LOCfiION 110 t OllXEIR I - ,General Oddoar Adv. Co, Npls.Savings & Loan Hs.269 8 50th St, I9 If - It It II 29 3* ir ii It II It - I1 11 'Ii wi, Inca *w it It ll 'Phompson Zumber Co. Hy,169 13 52nd St, H~,169-1/2 Mi. NO, of Cy,Rd, 18 5- II II tI Bnsch; s ' cafe It If II 11 Jennings Cafe &,169 & Olinger Bd. 6* He??. Johnson Sales Go, Prospect Hills Va,Viev DUU~IL - 13. Interlachen Gountw Club Interlach$n Club bin Ent. to Club 14- Nationd. Builders, Inc, Natl. Builders, Inc, Hy. 169 &: Tracy 15 H. R. Burton; Inc. - Nirror Lakes 'in Edina Interlachen &-Mirror i3ion Sign CO, . Greameties . 'Tiernon & GascadRs Normandale Arczdia 20" Srede Signs, Inc. - It - It It Edina, Tgeatre Bightfay Z@-Edenmors Zl' I 224: n I1 II Hoves Fobds n ft It It It ll I Cloverieaf PKUC ky,l69 & 59th St. 23" 11 It It &rain-Belt Beer II I' 25 I1 II 11 Sheridan HoteL * If . If 26 11 il II Pontiac liptors Hy .169&10 mi,Et 27. 11 II I1 Old Home Cheese Hy.169 & Cy,Rd. 18 28 _. ll II II 'I Hov~*CO, - Lakes Drive 3.8 Fomm-Ford Paints ll.L50th betveen - - - ii II it L~d-O&d. %,169-1/4 Mi,E. of - Interlachen Blvd, 24 - I - - - I I of Cy, Rd, 18 It If II ~aiional-ChItiiobr 4 I)is@Zy Edina &%e, Inc. Edina Wage, Inc, &egleFs Bakery Gregg's Pharmacy II - I1 Fanny Farmer Candy Shops It , fl It II Chrysler=Plymo@th Edina Wage %aegle' s Bakery Gregg's pg Store Greggls a coca Cola Panny- Frner 8 Do~Soto Ice Cream 41 ll It - It It &930 PrulCe-betveen 4936 Grance . 4936 Trance 4942 Xrance 4954 Grace 4954 Trance 5000 Frpce - buildings II 29 31 32 33 34 39 40 41 42 r 3/23/49 ONNIB Brush's Shoes - ,AD93RTISBR * Brush's Xzhional Outdoor Display W&u$ Hill Purity Dairy Store Parity Dairy Store Edina Recreation Center . Recreation Center Nillor Hd,rdv.lare NiiXer BsdvrGe . South Hsriet Dary Store HB Pairy StOre 60 Noeland Ice Cream %ation&!. Tea CO. &tional Tea Go, .I1 11 If * ir . 11 -11 .I1 It - 11 1 ir . I1 "If Pure Oil Co. Pure 011 : t General Wtdoor Adv, Go. 14.0. Brauer Brauer I s Edins Theatre Corp, - Pdina Theat5e-Pree' PQ. V. A, Olson Kaufman Outdoor Adv,Agency Village Im ??.Go Fish Sign Serv'ice Nordq&t Sign Go. Holt Mot.or Co, I1 II I1 11' 11 arotrn Perby Ode P-X: Lub .l$o tor &el Poc&andt Lbr, 60, I 11 II If ' I1 I1 It II ' II It ' Hotel Vendbme -- It - 11 JI - 11 II Grandivetr D. s. Service Direct Service 11 II 11 ' I1 11 11 11 11 - rr ~ 11 LOCA!EION . 5004 France I& 43 '2edma.n' s-62nd 58 5018 hixance 44- 5030 Prance . 45 5344 France - 46 1 3907 l?,54th St. 47 3945 TJ.50th St. . 48 . 49 50 50th 62 Halifax 51 3905 tl,50th St. 60 3911 W.5Oth s't, 62 9 II 62 11 It I1 I1 11 - II by.169 & Eden Ave, 5p 63 67 70 10 U* 12 73 74 75 9* . 4. ' to the ye& 1948, for the following signs: I E. R. Forberg Belleson's Store for Elen- BellesoPnts 3912 P/,50th St, Brookside Service 'Station Phillips 66 50eh 8 Brookside !Chat the Council grant permits for maintenznc; of Outdoor Advertising Sibs for the year April 1, 1949 to Ayril I, 1950, upon payment of fee applicable Corntry Club Ice Cream 5036 3'rance Ave. . 76' 77 ldina Cash Grocery Edina Cauh Grocery 50th 80 Brookside 78 79 80 CahilJ. Grocery Sinclair Oil Co, Cahill Ruff Furs 5010 France 81 82 G~bIe-Sko,@io, Inc. Gamblers Shopping Center 3946 tf,SOth St, I1 " It * Gamble~Keller-Herberger 3946 8. 50th St. 83 UT. Dist. CO. of St,Louis NcQpa-gorris Ffg.-Co, Hy.I.69 84 I! 11 w.169 I 85 86 Geo, I;. 'Prisler Grocery 5405 France Motion By Haivthorne seconded by Palen and unanimously carried. Willson's motion for adjournment- $as seconded By Child ad carried, Ruff &TS, Inca 11 II I1 11 I1 II Nat1,Outdoor Display Co, Eddy's Bread Vi21age Inn 87 I t 1 Village Clerk . >- Members present were Child, €i&?n,' V?illson, Haivthorne and Cooper. ChQd*s motion, approving Minutes oft Re,allar Meeting of M&ch 28, as submitted, was seconded 3y Tlillson and carried, Upon recommendation by Fire Chief Mitzel, Hawthorne moved that Village Council I) accept bid of Eureka Fire Hose Comgany for- 1,000 Ft, &I1 DJ Ifas and Gum northland Brand Fire Hose at $l,* per-foot, 500 Ft. Hose at $.gfj per foot, ani two 7754 Alminum Roof Ladders at $49.00 each, bids taken Mqch 28. Motion seconded by i'lilison and-carried. Vi1lson8s motion, that Comcil accept, the March 28 bid of Gerard l?lotors, Hopklns, for Dodge Truck, at net price of $2,515.00, was seconded by Child and ckried, aTJ!ax and-Gum Northland Brand 3ire I <* * r t