HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490411_REGULAR3/23/49 ONNIB Brush's Shoes - ,AD93RTISBR * Brush's Xzhional Outdoor Display W&u$ Hill Purity Dairy Store Parity Dairy Store Edina Recreation Center . Recreation Center Nillor Hd,rdv.lare NiiXer BsdvrGe . South Hsriet Dary Store HB Pairy StOre 60 Noeland Ice Cream %ation&!. Tea CO. &tional Tea Go, .I1 11 If * ir . 11 -11 .I1 It - 11 1 ir . I1 "If Pure Oil Co. Pure 011 : t General Wtdoor Adv, Go. 14.0. Brauer Brauer I s Edins Theatre Corp, - Pdina Theat5e-Pree' PQ. V. A, Olson Kaufman Outdoor Adv,Agency Village Im ??.Go Fish Sign Serv'ice Nordq&t Sign Go. Holt Mot.or Co, I1 II I1 11' 11 arotrn Perby Ode P-X: Lub .l$o tor &el Poc&andt Lbr, 60, I 11 II If ' I1 I1 It II ' II It ' Hotel Vendbme -- It - 11 JI - 11 II Grandivetr D. s. Service Direct Service 11 II 11 ' I1 11 11 11 11 - rr ~ 11 LOCA!EION . 5004 France I& 43 '2edma.n' s-62nd 58 5018 hixance 44- 5030 Prance . 45 5344 France - 46 1 3907 l?,54th St. 47 3945 TJ.50th St. . 48 . 49 50 50th 62 Halifax 51 3905 tl,50th St. 60 3911 W.5Oth s't, 62 9 II 62 11 It I1 I1 11 - II by.169 & Eden Ave, 5p 63 67 70 10 U* 12 73 74 75 9* . 4. ' to the ye& 1948, for the following signs: I E. R. Forberg Belleson's Store for Elen- BellesoPnts 3912 P/,50th St, Brookside Service 'Station Phillips 66 50eh 8 Brookside !Chat the Council grant permits for maintenznc; of Outdoor Advertising Sibs for the year April 1, 1949 to Ayril I, 1950, upon payment of fee applicable Corntry Club Ice Cream 5036 3'rance Ave. . 76' 77 ldina Cash Grocery Edina Cauh Grocery 50th 80 Brookside 78 79 80 CahilJ. Grocery Sinclair Oil Co, Cahill Ruff Furs 5010 France 81 82 G~bIe-Sko,@io, Inc. Gamblers Shopping Center 3946 tf,SOth St, I1 " It * Gamble~Keller-Herberger 3946 8. 50th St. 83 UT. Dist. CO. of St,Louis NcQpa-gorris Ffg.-Co, Hy.I.69 84 I! 11 w.169 I 85 86 Geo, I;. 'Prisler Grocery 5405 France Motion By Haivthorne seconded by Palen and unanimously carried. Willson's motion for adjournment- $as seconded By Child ad carried, Ruff &TS, Inca 11 II I1 11 I1 II Nat1,Outdoor Display Co, Eddy's Bread Vi21age Inn 87 I t 1 Village Clerk . >- Members present were Child, €i&?n,' V?illson, Haivthorne and Cooper. ChQd*s motion, approving Minutes oft Re,allar Meeting of M&ch 28, as submitted, was seconded 3y Tlillson and carried, Upon recommendation by Fire Chief Mitzel, Hawthorne moved that Village Council I) accept bid of Eureka Fire Hose Comgany for- 1,000 Ft, &I1 DJ Ifas and Gum northland Brand Fire Hose at $l,* per-foot, 500 Ft. Hose at $.gfj per foot, ani two 7754 Alminum Roof Ladders at $49.00 each, bids taken Mqch 28. Motion seconded by i'lilison and-carried. Vi1lson8s motion, that Comcil accept, the March 28 bid of Gerard l?lotors, Hopklns, for Dodge Truck, at net price of $2,515.00, was seconded by Child and ckried, aTJ!ax and-Gum Northland Brand 3ire I <* * r t < 4/11/49 zv3 Bids t&en &rch 28, for Sand, Gravel and Rock were reviewed. Billson moved that Council accept bid of 143mesota Sand Gravel CO., St.Louis Park, for the follow-: Picked,ug by Deliverea by Pdina Trucks Their Trucks 2,000 Yds.'f.fore or Less Torpedo Sand $1.12 Yd. $.80 !Eon $1.89 Yds. $1.35 $on 2,000 Yds, &cbhot Gravel ,2052 &.SO ,3022 .2.30 6,000 Yds. Pea Gravel 2.52 1.80 3.22 2.30 2,000 Yds. Xore or Less Crushed Gravel 2-30 093 1 .*70 1.22 ... e75 - -54 1.15 33 znd that Council accegt bPd of Pfeiffer Construction (loqany, Edina for the folloaing: &,OOO'Yds, Pit Run Gravel vith prices of Ihnesota Sand 8 Gravel Co. to carry 5$ dash discount for qayment at 15th of month folloving deliveiry, Bids taken March 28, for Cutback Asshalt , Road Oil and Road Tm, were reviewed, Notion By Trillson,. that tbs follotriug bids be- accepted, vas seconde'd by Hawthorne and carried: I- Motion seconded by Havthorne and carried, .. 0 .- Jay IT.. Craig Gongany; &nneapolis Glenn Johnson Contracting Compzujy .. 30,000 Gals, Ifore or Less Cutback Asphalt 14C1,2 or 3 0 $,I55 per Gdlon 3O;OOO G&ls, Hore or Less Road Oil, SC-1,2 or 3 0 8.145 per Gallon 500 Tons Hot Re& Mix 'Par (Nore* 05 Less) 0 $4.30 per Ton 500 !Cons-!fore or L~SS Hot Readymix &shalt 0 $4.50 per Ton-Our Trucks 30,000 Gals. More or-less Road Tpar RT 4 to El! 10 @ $.18 per Wlon *. or $5.00 per Ton-Delivered Bepu3li.c CreosotPng Coqany - Request for permit for Edina Legion Amtligry to conduct Bingo &,hy at the Legion =I. on Friday, Nay 6, vas read and filed. ReqGest for relief from surface drainage at 4608 Arden Avenue; signed by HOG. Helstrom, was read. matter with. Hr. Helstrom, vra seconded by Villson land carried, Applic2tion for rene'(.laL of sign maintenance permits by the follotring, was asproved by Hotion Hairthorne, seconded by Child and carried: mm Tbzzyer & Storm Scott Store $14 Discussion vas had on two applicatioris for construction of signs, +as predentdd at fhe last meeting, upon approval of respective plats Fras seconded by Palqn and carried: Bordquist Sign Go, applmg Ovmership to be taken over by Gnnaa JohGon & H. Anderson Beverly Hills Ada. &vthorneIs motlon, th& Village Engineer be instructed to discuss this .I I . ADEBTISER LOCATION - 5911 8. 50th'St, ' ' I - Same r 3608 I/. 50th st, - (Sane) 3608 ~L50th St, - Child's motion,'that the following applications for signs be approved .* OlD?ZR ADVXRTISER LoCA!.rION - Hollywood Bt Interlaqhsn Peason Bros. Richmond. Hills Approx, 54th Q Norm.3.ndd.e. Request of 1.b. Tom I-laiiden, sales representakive for Sta-Vis Oil coqany, St. Pad, for Villase lubricatiag oil business , vas read* galon. the SA Lubricants which the Villqp now puschases from lrm. H. Ziegler Co. Notion By Har.rthorne, axrthorizing Village Engineer to have samples of respective oils tested-by !&fin City Testing Labora%ori$s , vas seconded by Palen and cGsied, . Letter quoted price of 6.64 per Hessrs. Smith znd Ifillson reported that good results are beillg bad vith Traffic Rmort 6f Count Taken Fed&y i7, 19$9, on \To 50th- Street, was presented. Report referred to Public Safety Committee by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Pden and carried, Planning Gomission H,inu%es of Meeting of A-pril 5, 1949, recommending wainst issurznce of buil'aing permits in the area betpreen Prmce andL Halifax and between TT.5Oth Street and T~,5ls% Street until plan for parking,area in this vicinity is completed, vere read, permits in this %ea until further-notice,by CoynciI, vas seconded by Child znd carried, Planning Conqnfssion g-finutes of this period &SO caGd attentioq' to proposed. name of plat ItBeverly - Hills1t and the sjireets therein--ttHollyr.loodlt and ItVinell. Hinut,es of Liquor Gomission Heeting of Harch 29, 1949, were read. referring report of LiFor Comrnission to joint.mee$ing of Council and Comission to be held Friday, A+1-15, at 8:OO P.K, was seconded by Palen and carried, Villson moved that his motion of March 28, regarding proposed County-Village c-e of roads, be amended to read as fol1or.r~: provide'd County will blacktop Gleason Road and grade and. blacktop lower end of Blake Road before the end of 1950." - L r r I Motion by Hawthorne, directing Building Inspector to issue no further building . 1.lotion by Eavthorne, "That County's proposition be accepted Motion seconded by Child and carried. made by him and the Village Engineer on the three requests for street lights recoived last week; and that in addstion, three additional requests bad been received md investigated. Power to instal2 street lights at the following localities: ' . Child moved that the Villdge request Northern States t At intersection of 60th Street wc?, Hansen Road At intersection of Grove Stzeet and,Code Avenue At corner of Grove Street, one block East of intersection of At corner of Grove Stzeet and Bernard Place At intersection of Okford Avenue and Interlachen Boulevard Grove Street and Code Avenue - t 1 . At htersection of Wooddale Avenue and Garrison Lane. t Efotion seconded by Willson znd carried. Roport vas made of the request- of Mrs. E,D. Lacy, 4511 Golf Terrace, for the 1 blacktopping of St.Johnls Avenue between Golf Terrace and Woodhill Road; this 3roject having been tabled June a&, l9M, after a public hearing--because street had notsyet been put topeqanent grad? and because no houses faced the street at that time, Mr. Villson called Council's at-tention to the fact tha% one-half block on St.John*s Avenue betmen Voodhill Road and Oak Drive is not blacktopped, md requested 'Village Attorney's opinion as to vhether assessment could be made for this improvement without petition. Attorney to have report ready for next meeting vas seconded by Chi3d and carried, * r t I Motion by Willson, directing Village Village Bngineer Smith reported that costs of St .Louis Pek-Edina Sanitary' Sewer - System could not be ascertaineduntil after StJouis Park had accepted bids, which will be May 9, houever, he estimated the cost of sever construction on the St.Louis Park plan, at approximately $15,000, as against approximately $55,000 for the deep cut - acvers r.rbich vould be necessary to connect with Idip's systmm. Matter tabled pnding further report, As to construction of the-lateral' sewers themselves., . . Protest against traffic into Parkwood Knolls vas registered by a large delegation headed by Mr, Roy Larsen, 6321 Interlachen Boulevard. lks. H.2, Paulsen,(j520 Interlachen; Mr., S. 5, Phillippi,52& Schaefer Road; Ik. Harold XI. Schaefer, 5117 Schaefer Road;-,and Mr, Grant Feldman, 5117 Ridge, Road. Nr. Lasen reported that approximately 1200 cars hag passed Interlachen Road in a four-hour period on the preceding Sunday; that sight; seeing persons had killed several dogs and damaged latms; and that volume of traffic d-zmrrging roads and is proving a decided hazard Go children and animals. Delegation roquested that: Otherb presezt were is 2. 2, Council adopt rule limiting traffic on Schzefer Road to rersiclents of that area, in interests of pu%lic safety. Post signs, over signatures of Couacil, requesting that Interlachen Road to Schaefer Road, and Schaefer Road to Parkwood Knolls be us& by residents only. Station police officer at Mirror Lakes for *pose of'directing traffic South on Blake Road Improve for travel the outlet from Farlarood Knolls to South BLake Road, I 3. 4, I Delegation vas informed, with regard to request No, 4, that this outlet is not dedicated to the Village, Hawthorne moved that Police Officer be stationed at corner of Interlachen Road and Bl&e Road as long as is necessmy, on Sunday Afternoons, to- direct traffic may from Parkwood Knolls. Hawthorne moved that Village Engineer be instructed to prepare plzus for extension of Schaefer Road to Kyte Road, and that he further be instructed to nogotiate vith property ovmers for said street opening. PaZen ad carried. fdr. Grmt Feldman requested a %igger "Dead End" sign at Ridge Road. Bngineer instructed to put up such sign if it could be obtained, l1r. Hsold Schefer requested a "Cattle Crossing" sign to protect his three horses, Village Engineer authorized - to gut up such sign if Villee has one. Motion seconded by Child and-carried. Notion seconded by Village ,A "Dead Endll sign was requested for entrwce to Interlachen Road from Bl&e *I RoaL Village Engineer authorized to have Schotchlite signed inslidled. Mr. P, 14, Pwn, 4621 Tomes Circle, presented petition for'sanitzry Sewer Sxtenaion in Tokmes Circle, hearing - for I-tonday, May 9, lp@, at 8:OO P,M,, was seconded by Villson and carried. ' 1 Notion by Child, accepting petition and setting - - MODEL HOMES IN THE -COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT 4/11/49 Petition dated April 11, by Colonial Church of Edina, representing loo$ of properties on 71. side of Vlooddale Avenue bekeen lexington Avenue and W, 56th Street, requesting construction of Standard V51lzge Curb-znd Gutter bn the street abutting their properties, Vas read. I-Sonday, l+l.fag 9, 19-49, tras seconded-by Eavthorne 2nd carried, Villson's motion directing Clerk to advertise for bids. for curb and gutter in accordance trith petition, with bids to be opened Monday, by 9, 1949, was seconded by Palea ad carried. * 1 * Petition dated April 11, by Colonial Church of Edina, zepresenting more thzn 515 of the srogerties on the South side of Lexington Avenue between lJoodt3gi.e Avenue and StsJobnts Avenue, requesting:that saia street be graded and gravelled,.vas read. Ur. Albert Kmdberg, 4517-0dc Drive, headed deJegation protesting the petition. I4otion by I'Tillson, accepting petition and setting public hearing thereon for I.Ionday, 1-f.lay 9, 1249, tras seconded lq Child apd -carried, Petition dated &ril 11, by Colonial Church pf Edipa, requesting construction of Storm Sever to drzin certain areas bounded by I'loodble and St. Johns Avenue and ba Oak Drive and V. 56th Street; vas react, setting public hearing thereon for 14ondZg, EIay-*g, 1949, vas seconded! by C.hild ad Nr. Frznk Garrison, 4511 I!.' 56th Street, protested that Village Sanitary Sevrer is loqrgr than his basement and that therefore it is impossible for him to connect to it, Child* s motion authorizing Plum>ing Inspector Ben I'loehler to check resgective depths and- to report to the Council at, its next meeting, vas seconded by Hiwthorno and carried. - Nr. H. 1-1. Greguson headed a delegation protesting the din caused by the VillGe Fire Siren. grass fires ana vas told that this has been under consideration for some time. Another member of the deeation requested that the siren be raised, as it is now on a level. with her vindoes; and a third requested thztt time limit be set for b10t;iing of siren. various means of noise relief. for petitimers,.sas seconded by Hawthorne and. carried. Delegation requested action by end of summer on construction of Sanitary Sewer to serve Eellogg and Wooddale .betvreen 58th and, 59th Streets, that it shoulbbe possible to complete construction by that time providing a contractor is available to complete this work, Delegation, headed by Nr. Lawrence, protested housing of tvo families in dwelling stt 58M Eellogg. required 10,000 square footage, and that- a building permit hzd been issued €or an outside staimmy at this address. Sane delegation called Council's attention to 5901 OaXLavm, which b.s four f&kiea residing in it. by Council. Hr. -Orest Spade headed a delegation of Eving Avenue resideits vho requested further information on the tabling of the grading job proposed for 3bing Avenue' beirtwen ll.58th and I'r.60th Streetsj vith project until right-of-my is secured; and that Village Attorney had exmined titles ad had found no easement for-the Svrenson property. delegation were of the opinion that deeds for the entire tract carried easements for street purposes, petitioners for improvement agree to pay that part of grading and. gravelling . assessment which vould ordinarily be assessed against the properties of those people mvilling to dedicate right-of-way. requested to check plat for easement for Etring Avenue and report back to the next nee ting. Report was =de of an error in assessing the tract hovm as 3730 France Avenue Sou.i;h for 150 front feet'instead of 120 front feet, for Sanitary Sevrer District 130, 13, and Ilcter Main Improvement No. 11, Check in amoztnt of $27.43, dram to order'of G.H. Betbke, o!mer of this property, to reimburse him for overpagment in Sewer No, 13 assessment for the years 19&? and 19M, vas presented Tor (h~~cil mproval, Childts motion, approvbg payment of clzim for $27.43 for over-rtssess- ment, ad directing that action be taken to have the County Auditor correc*.Ms records for-the remaining eight years pzqable on Sanitsy,Sevrer Moo 13, and for tBe ten gears remaining on tlater kin Inprovement No, 11 assessment rolls, tra~ seconded by Willson and carried. hquiq VTas nade as to pos'sibility of securing permit for cash-ad-carrg ice business, located vrithb bui1dable community Store District as established by lrillsont s motion accepting petition .&d setting hearing for E Cbildts motion accepting ptitipn and - carried, I Mr. Greguson requegted adoption of an Ordinance requiring permit for Palen's motion, that Village Engineer be directed to 5nvestigate . They were informed They vere infomned by J3uilding Inspector that tqs lot has the No building permit issued for conversion to fourplex. Ho action Delegation vas told that Village cannot proceed Several in the During discussion, it '..!as suggested by Council that Villzge Attorney Tfindhdrst pras . Gentlemen pras tola that permit vrofid be issued providing business is I I I k/W49 Motion by Willson approving papent of the foUon5ng payrolls was seconded by . Falen and carried. Payroll for period Gretchen Schussler Bernice Johnson . Helene beem Louise Nesterberg. ENGINEERING Ered Jonas Hhlhg Dahl Win. S. Heydt Henry BL Nrobleski 'E.Jilliam V, Hoffman Uoyd &Gary ' Bert No Nerfeld I STR;EMC MEX-~W. Philip Bailey - ~ Pete Dahlgren $1. J. EIerfeld John Tracy Harry Jonas Arthur. Jensen , Ronald Port C. W. Cardarelle Wayae Tracy Joseph IJatole POLICE DEPT, Clarence.Knutson ' STREKC KEIbHO~ Charles Johnson,. Jacob SWk &ark J. Ciskovsky 1 t TOT& GB?El3Z ?3J"D f -- * I GRAND TOTAL PAYROIL 4U2,6O 277.60 159.12 436.72 3675r88 -- LIQUOE ST& PdOLL Y for period April 1st through 15th and Exbra Men for March . .. , - -. 4f 11 /49 Hotion by Child approving payment of the followkg claims was seconded- by carried: + CUDS NO, -. 3661 2 Chester J* 33-etley, . . rt . . .. . 5 73,50.. --E"D 3662 JQ~ J. €Mich *- 'J *183*00 t .- ,...*.,. + 3664 K. Petersen 1 c XL31.8'7 * .GARRAGE FUND 3665 Ijichard.lfa Butts P * L5.30 > I.&'J!EFt.EuND.. u74 George 3enz Sons, Inc .- I475 btch Corporation of America *e57 5534.. ,- . :. Suburban Hennepin Comtr ReEef Bod $275.85 POOR FUND 3663 Nhnesota+ Hospital Bervice Association 2.75 - T. u73 Ed. Phil&ips & sons. . - .P . 266'2q58 6 UIQUOR.FUND + 4.09,21 I ..,e,., . 9 + x r t 7 - -. . . ... I . . . - . . . . Dr- Ralph Peterson complained concerning dvnage by neighbor's dogs. by Council .that &mzge on priyate property is subAect to civil suit, and tht the- -- proposed Tillage Dog Ordinaqce, cannot eoyer that -goint. Hr. Boris Pevovr2ruk xesested iermit for :double ln&galotr of three-family dvrellirig; * on Lot 8, Block I, South HarrSet Park. ,He stated$hat deed restrictions in tliis areg do not prohibit; his -@xiLCling such a- d~relling, Havrthocne's motion, sett'ing Public Healring on this request for &ionday,, &by 9, ,at. 8:OO ??.I&, vas seconded by Child zlld carried, &fr. Per.rovamk vras reqinded to -bring pl& of- proposed buildihg to - this' hearing. Hawthorne o€fered the following revised Qrdinance, and moved that Council Gaive ~ second rea6ing znd adopt Ordinance as re& He ~2s told ~ * t - * .4X ORDS&QTCE LICXIN~ING AN9 @3GWIIT@ DOGS, - *. EtOVIDING FOR IM~UXDING DQGS, AND &E- * SCBIBLNG ATE%AZTY FOR VIOk!J?IO~ .. . ... The Village CoLcil o€-& Village Gf-laina Go or&n'as follovrs: Section 1. A *. ~efinitions.: AF~ used 4 txs orginance, 1~or.mer" means ang person, firm or corporation ovning, harbQring, orekeeping 4 dog; Itat large" means off the premises of4the otmer+and not un&r the'cpntrol of the ovmer or his agent; "private kennel!' means any premises vhere more than tvro do& over six months of age are kept or harbored, said dogs being otmed by the owner or lessee of the premises, and said dogs being.con€ined a$ all timgs and not permitted to rlin at large. t + c * c Section 2. License Beapired, No pkson sh&l-permit;any dog over ninety cbys old to run a$ large witbin the village after the first day of June, 1949, unless a license th'refor hasvfirst beeasecured,, License? shall be issued by the village clerk for a fee of $2.00 for each male or spayed female dog, and $3.00 for each unspayed female dog. h applicant for a license for a spayed ~ female dog shall pr'eseat a statement from a gua2j+fied vet@nariau indicat'ing that the dog has bgen spayed'and giving sthe date ,of the oReration. to pay the license fee mosed in section 2 to the village clerk on or before the first day of J&e in e2cH year, or upon acquiring ovmqrship or possession of any nnlicense&.dog, or upon establishing residence in the village. clerk shall cause a notice of the necessity of paying such license fee to be pinted in the off$cial paper 7 one time before the l5th day of April in each year. clerk shdl execute a receipt in duplicate. receipt to the per,son vho pays the fee and reFabl the duplicate. He shall also pocure a sufficiept number bf suitable* metallie tags, t& shape of vhich sIi&l be different for. qach licensk year; adr he shall- deliver pne appropriate t& to the ox-mer when the fee is &id. $fixing T&s. a permaaent metd ,fastening *to the colEar of the dog so 2icensed in such a mwer th% the -tag may ?e easily seen by the .officers of the v@lage, see that the tag 3s constmtlr vrorn byasuch dog. . r I + c D I Section 3. D&e of Payrdent, It shall be tie duty 09 each oTmer of a ddg The . c Section 4. R$ceipts ana Tags. Upon the pent of ihe license fee, the He shall del3ver the original * I i I Section 5. The omer shall cause s&d tag to be affixex by The owner d"1 * * , h L 4/11/49 4 Section <6;- Impounding, Prom an& after 30 days after the taking effect of this ordinance, the police officers of the village or suchpersons as may be designated by the village council shaU take up and impound any dogs found running at large in the village withoat the tag provided €or in section 4 hereof; and to enforce this ordinance' said ofi'icers we empowered end instructed to enter upon any private premises where they have seasonable cause to believe there is kept or hzrbored any dog, not having a license, which is required by section 2 hereof to have a license. Section 7. Rotice of Impounding. Upon taking up and iqounding any dog 1. 1. whose ownership is kao% Innovm, the clerk shall imnediately post'in three or more conspicuous places in the village a notice of impounding in su'bstantially the following form: r NOTICE OF ImWING DOG -I_ ,. ". t Date $19- To Whom it May Concqrnt - I have thig day t&en up and impounded iE the pound of , the vilhge at to the following description: Sex Color Breed Approximate Age St,, a dog corresponding c ,a s- .. 0 notice is hereby given that unless said dog is claimed and reileened on or before dlas. of killed as provided by ordinance. o'clock- M., on the , 19 , the same vi13 be sold or r t Signed Bdina Pillage Clerk - I Upon taking up and impotmding,zny dog whose ownership is Innom, the clerk shall immediately notify the owner, E t The date of sde or killing of the dogashall be on or after the fifth day after the posting of the notice or notification of the owner unless that date falls on a Sunday or holiday, in which case it shall be on or after the folXovr- ing !day, Section 8, Redemption, Any dog may be stedeemed fro; the pound by the omer within the time or period stated in section ?.by paying to the cleTk th6 license fee for the current year, an i5polhndhg fee of $1.00, and a fee of 75 cents for each day the dog is confined in the pound as the costtof feeding. impounded has a license tag for the current year' at the time it is taken up, the license fee mentioned in the preceding qentence shdl not be paid by the owner, current year and of the fees provided in section 8, the'clerk shall release to any o<mer the dog claimed by him. If the dog - -Section 9. Upon the presentation of a receiyt for a dog license for the Section 10, Du.@2icate !TagsD In case army dog tag is lost, a duplicate may be issued by the clerk upon presentation of a receipt shotri-ag the paymen% of the license fee for the current year. for each duplicate tag* - A 'charge of 50 cents shdl be made f Sactioa 11. Disposition of Unclaiined Dogs, Any $og not cfaimed as provided in section 8 vrithin five days after posting-of the im oqiding notice or notifi- cation of-the owner may be sold at a reasoncble price%%&l. not be less than the amount of fees which the owner would have to pay tp redeem the dog, All sums received over and above the fees enumerated in section 8 shall be held by the clerk for the benefit of ths oyrner and if not,claimed in one yew, such funds shdl be placed in the generz3, fund of the village. by the obmer or sold shall. be painlessly killed and %(pried by the *clerk or &her person designated by the village council, Any dog which is not claimed I Section 12. lstablishment of Pound. The vill.%e councfl may construct and . maintain a pound, or may designate as the pound a suita3le and re,mtable kennel either within or without the village limits, 4/11/49 . Section 13. Confinement of Certain Dogs, Ho femde dog in heat, no dog of vicious habits or likely to cause injury to any person and no dog which habitudly chases automobiles shall be allowed by its owner to run at 1s e. !?he -police officers of the village shall t&e up and imsound any dog founf at 1&ge in violation of this provision and.deal vith it in accordance vith . the provisions of sections 7, 8, 9, and 11, Section 14, Restrictions on Dogs, No persdn shall keep or harbor a dog which habitually asks or cries betveen the hours of 1O:OO P.1-f. and ?:OO A.W, No dog shall be permitted to run ai large betmeen the hours of 10:00, P.14. and 7:OO A.H. No ovmer shall ?emit his dog to damage agy h,M*, garden, or other po3erty. Xo more than two dogs over six months of age may be kept or harbored a% any place; provided, hovever, that not more than ten dogs ova the age of six months may be kept in any private kennel, Section 15. Interference vith Officers. It shall be unlatflul for my unauthorized person to break open the pound or to atteqt to do so, or to taks or let out any dogs therefrom, or to take or attempt to take from any officer aay dog taken up by him in compliance viththis ordinance, or in any rnzm.neT to hterefer with or hinder such officer in the discharge of his duties under this ordinance. Section 16, Offenses Involving .'Pags, It shall be UnlawFul to comterfeit, or attempt to counter€eit the tag provided for in section 4 of this ordinace, or to take from ang dog a tag legally placed u.oa it by 9ts omer with the intent to ?lace it upon another dog, or to place such tag upon another dog. and no refunds sbzll be made on any dog license fee because of leaving the village or death of the dog before the expiration of the license period, Section I?. Zags Not Transferable, Dog Tags shall not be transferalle 1 1. Section 18. l-luzzling Proclamation, When the heath officer shall have determined that a dog found in the WU.age is infected with rabies or hydro- phobia, the president of the village council may, upon mitten advice of the health officer that the public safety and general velfare require it, order, lw proclamation, that all dogs be muzzled when off the premises of the otmer, ad that all unmuzzled dogs found off the premises of the omer be immediately taken up and impounded and may further order that, after the proclanation has been published for forty-eight hours, either by posting or By printing in a. newspaper of general circulation in the village, all dogs found off the premises of the obmer UZ~CTU, mzled shall be taken up, impounded and killed, except tM an officer may imxnediately kill such unmuzzled dog if with reasonable effort it cannot first be takenup and impounded. Any dog seized and impounded during the first forty-eight hours after the publishing of any such proclanation shall, if claimed within five days and if not infecbed vith bydrophobia or rabies, be returnea to its omer without any fee as described in section 8 being requ%red, 'irut after sazd five days, such dogs may be killed. Section 19, Objection by Omer, Any ovmer may object to the .impounding or subsequent disposition of hisdog as being not in accoSdance with the provisions of this ordinance, by filing an objection signed by him with the village clerk xtthln five days after the action objected to vas taken, Vithin tea'days after the filing of the obJection, the village may bring an action in the rmuricipal court of this village by servisg on the objecting ovmer a com- plaint setting forth the violation of the ordinance on the part of the object- ing omer ~hich gave rise to the action by the village vhich is objected to, !&e coat may then order or approve the return of.the dog to the omer, vith or without the payment of redemption fees %y the ovmer; or the killing or sale or" the dog or, if the dog has been improperly killed or sold, the payment to the omer 03 the rgasonable vdue of the dog; or, imposition on the owner Of the penalty provided in section 20 of this.ordinance; or, any two or more of the foregoing, T'lhen an objection has been filed viththe vjllge clerk, the village shall not kill or sell the dog referred to ir the objection, if it is still h the powid, but shaL1 vithb ten days after filing of such+objection, either retnrn the dog to the ovner, without liability on his part for any fees, or keep it pending determination of the action described in this section. If the dog has been killed or sold, the village shall aithin ten days after such filing either p3.s over to the ovmer the reasonable value of the dog, or begin the action described in this section, Section 20, &y person, firm or corporation violating a~ provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof sWl be punished by a fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment in the county jail €or not more than 90 days. 411 f49 285 Section 21. affective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to laiqr. Motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye;*and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted. Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hatvthorne, &A- President of the Village C&cil Chairman Hawthorne of Public Safety Committee, reported that City of Minneapolis Civil Service Commission is willing to cooperate with Edina by giving promotional examinationsto Edina Police Officers. department be required to take Minneapolis examinations for Patrolman, with the Captain's examination optional to the men, report as to details. He suggested that all members of this I Mr. Hawthorne will have further Hawthorne moved that Council direct Mr. Carl M, Hansen to remove Tract Office sitwted at 5436 Wo0ddaJ.e Avenue pedore May l,, 1949. and carried. r Building Insiector Voehler presented plan kd plot plan for Edina Community Lutheran Church, to be, located at 4105 W. 54th Street. Council action in asking stipulation on peTmit, that there is to be no-&king on VI. 54th Street. properties abutting church building on the east, for parking lot. Mr. tfoebler- was instructed to delay ipsuance of building permit until parking lot has been approved . r r Pire Chief Mitzel's requisition for 2 Oxygen Masks, 12 Cannisters, 5 Coats, 5 Helmets, and 5 Pair Boots for the Volunteer Pire Department, was re'aa. by Bawthorne, directing Clerk to advertise for bids for these supplies, was seconded by Pden and carried. Motion seconded by IJillson Mr. Voehler requested I Discussion was had as to Church's prior thought of dedicating < I I Motion PaZen's motion that Notice be posted at Village Hall and on all Village Baletin Boards requesting that Village residents report conditions in the Village xhich are haiardous to the life of children, in order that such con8itions might be investigated by Police Deiartment and Board of Health, vas s'econded byHawthorne and carried. Ingine'er Smith asked Council's opinion as to completion of curb 'and gcitter ' at turn-w-ound on Gorgas Avenue, in vidw of plans for municipal parking. lot in this area. completed at this time, as part of contract for construction. Concensus of Gouncilts opbnion that turn-around should.be 1 Child' s mot ion for ad j ournmeni was seconded- MINUTES OF THE JOINT CO&CIL-LIQUOR COrvlElISSION MEETING'HELD ]FRIDAY , APRIL 3.5, 1949, BT 8:OO P.M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HAJJI Coun 21 members an Willson absent . rering Rollcall were Child, Palen, Hawthorn I and C oper,.with t Liquor Commission members present were Cheirman Morris, Hallman and Kelly. Minutes of Liquor Commission meeting. of kch 29 , were reviewed. Hawthorne's motion, directing Village Attorney to draft the necessaq' papers for the purchase of'the Hay & Stenson property on the terms recommended by the Liquor Control Commission March 23, was seconded by Palen; and on Rollcall vote there were four ayes and no nays, as follovrs: and Cooper, aye; and the motion was unanimously carried. Ghtld, ageg Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; . With regard to Liquor Commission's recommendation for a monthly audit of Liquor Store books, Commission vas informed that the State Public Examiner's Office would make the audit on a semi-annual basis, and that Council expected them to make the first audit about June 1.