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Section 21. affective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect
from and after its passage and publication according to laiqr.
Motion for adoption of Ordinance was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows:
aye;*and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance was adopted.
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hatvthorne, &A-
President of the Village C&cil
Chairman Hawthorne of Public Safety Committee, reported that City of Minneapolis
Civil Service Commission is willing to cooperate with Edina by giving promotional
examinationsto Edina Police Officers.
department be required to take Minneapolis examinations for Patrolman, with the
Captain's examination optional to the men,
report as to details.
He suggested that all members of this
Mr. Hawthorne will have further
Hawthorne moved that Council direct Mr. Carl M, Hansen to remove Tract Office
sitwted at 5436 Wo0ddaJ.e Avenue pedore May l,, 1949.
and carried. r
Building Insiector Voehler presented plan kd plot plan for Edina Community
Lutheran Church, to be, located at 4105 W. 54th Street.
Council action in asking stipulation on peTmit, that there is to be no-&king
on VI. 54th Street.
properties abutting church building on the east, for parking lot. Mr. tfoebler-
was instructed to delay ipsuance of building permit until parking lot has been
approved . r r
Pire Chief Mitzel's requisition for 2 Oxygen Masks, 12 Cannisters, 5 Coats, 5
Helmets, and 5 Pair Boots for the Volunteer Pire Department, was re'aa.
by Bawthorne, directing Clerk to advertise for bids for these supplies, was seconded
by Pden and carried.
Motion seconded by IJillson
Mr. Voehler requested I
Discussion was had as to Church's prior thought of dedicating
< I I
PaZen's motion that Notice be posted at Village Hall and on all Village Baletin
Boards requesting that Village residents report conditions in the Village
xhich are haiardous to the life of children, in order that such con8itions
might be investigated by Police Deiartment and Board of Health, vas s'econded
byHawthorne and carried.
Ingine'er Smith asked Council's opinion as to completion of curb 'and gcitter '
at turn-w-ound on Gorgas Avenue, in vidw of plans for municipal parking.
lot in this area.
completed at this time, as part of contract for construction.
Concensus of Gouncilts opbnion that turn-around should.be 1
Child' s mot ion for ad j ournmeni was seconded-
APRIL 3.5, 1949, BT 8:OO P.M. AT THE
Coun 21 members an
Willson absent . rering Rollcall were Child, Palen, Hawthorn
and C oper,.with
Liquor Commission members present were Cheirman Morris, Hallman and Kelly.
Minutes of Liquor Commission meeting. of kch 29 , were reviewed.
Hawthorne's motion, directing Village Attorney to draft the necessaq' papers for
the purchase of'the Hay & Stenson property on the terms recommended by the Liquor
Control Commission March 23, was seconded by Palen; and on Rollcall vote there
were four ayes and no nays, as follovrs:
and Cooper, aye; and the motion was unanimously carried.
Ghtld, ageg Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; .
With regard to Liquor Commission's recommendation for a monthly audit of Liquor
Store books, Commission vas informed that the State Public Examiner's Office would
make the audit on a semi-annual basis, and that Council expected them to make the
first audit about June 1.
286 6 %, 4/15/49
Hatter of use of nevi Cash Register for record of beer and mix sales was discussed,
with Council advocating the &mediate use of this cash register, in order that beer and
mix sales be separated from sales of Liquor.
In connectfon with Liquor Comnission's recommendation for $100 per nonth increase in
salary for 1-lanager Kippley, comaarat.ive salaries of the Richfield and Edina stores
were checked and showed RicMield' s manager to be receiving very little' more than
Edirra' s mmzger, Also , several suggestions were made by Council for mzmagementl s.
consideration in operation of the store. Council tabled Commission's request for
salziry increase .
Mr, Hawthorne appointed as committee of one, to work with Liquor Commission
Cb-irman BSorris on Liquor Store op rations.
Mezbers an&ering Rollcall vere Chlld, I'lillson, Palen, Haythorne, and Cooper.
Billson's iaotion, apsrovins IIbu€es.of Rewar I-leeting of April 11, and Joint Liguor '.
Control Comai.ssion-council 1.feetirig of April 15, as submitted, TJ~S seconded by Child
ad carried,
Pursuant to iiHotLce of Hearing on Pro2osed Tlater Main Bxtension," published in Suburban
Press, Hogkins, lG.mesota, on Agril 7 and 14, 1949, Public Hearing vas held on proposed
va%er m&n extension in the follovring streets:
State Highway mo. 100 betvreen Kent and Bindsor Avenues
I"lindsor Avenug between State Eightray No. 100 and ?Jessex Avenue
Richmond Drive between State Highviay No. 100 and Vessex Averlue
Bessex Avenue between South Line of Vestchester Eaolls and North
Eichmond Lane between Tlindsor Avenue and Ricbnolrd Drive
Richmond Circle,
Line of T'lestchester Knolls
plans and specifications resented, Istimte - $4.45 pr,foot,
Avenue, protested construction in Windsor Avenue between Richmond Lane and Vessex Avenue
becmse they already have viorking wells and because they would be aSSeS6ed on a front-
footage basis,
Agrement vas reached by those present at Hearing, that Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, and Lots
1 & 2, Block 3, Westcbaster Knolls, be assessed for 140 feet for each tva lots.
offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption:
Messrs, Boy Bodlund, Arvic Anderson and Lester Tay P or, owners of prosertles on I in sor
Hr, s, G. Pearson, owner of Richmond Hills, advocated construction.
W.A!PER MAIN IH??l3OW*li3'l?I! NO 19
1-S the Ed& Village Council has met at the the and place specified in a
notice to all proyerty owners vrhose property may be assessed for Sroposed construction
of Village water main in the f ollovring streets:
State Highway No. 100 between Kent and lfindsor Avenues
TTindsor Avenue bettieen State Highvrw No. 100 and tressex Avenue
Richmond Drive between State Highmy No. 100 and Iressex Avenue
l'essex Avenue between South Line .* of V'Testchester molls and North line of
Richmond Lane between Ilindsor Avenue and Richmond Drive
Bichmond Circle
Vestchester Knolls
said notice havivlg been pblished in the S&burban ?ress, Hopkins, Minnesota, Ayril 7
and 14, 1949; and
I'm tks Council has heard all persons appearing at said meeting and duly
considered said proposed,iIqrovement, now therafore,
BXI IT R3SOLWD by the Council of the Village of Edina that it is hereby determined
to be necessary to construct Village water main in the following streets:
Stzte Highway Ho. 100 .betveen Kent and I'rindsor Avenues
Ihdsor Avenue between State Highway No. 100, and Tressex Avenue
Richmond Drive betveen State Highway No, 100 and Tlesses Avenue
Tressex Avenue between South Zinc of Vestchester Bholls and North line of
Bicbmond Circle
Vestchester Knolls