HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-07-19 Meeting PacketAgenda
Transportation Commission
City Of Edina, Minnesota
City Hall, Community Room
Thursday, July 19, 2018
6:00 PM
I.Call To Order
II.Roll Call
III.Approval Of Meeting Agenda
IV.Approval Of Meeting Minutes
A.Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of June 21, 2018
V.Community Comment
During "Community Comment," the Board/Commission will invite residents to share relevant issues
or concerns. Individuals must limit their comments to three minutes. The Chair may limit the
number of speakers on the same issue in the interest of time and topic. Generally speaking, items
that are elsewhere on tonight's agenda may not be addressed during Community Comment.
Individuals should not expect the Chair or Board/Commission Members to respond to their
comments tonight. Instead, the Board/Commission might refer the matter to sta% for
consideration at a future meeting.
A.Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study
B.Tra.c Safety Report of July 10, 2018
C.2019 ETC Work Plan
D.Open Streets on 50th: ETC Participation
VII.Chair And Member Comments
VIII.Sta4 Comments
IX.Calendar Of Events
A.Schedule of Meeting and Event Dates as of July 13, 2018
The City of Edina wants all residents to be comfortable being part of the public
process. If you need assistance in the way of hearing ampli9cation, an
interpreter, large-print documents or something else, please call 952-927-8861
72 hours in advance of the meeting.
Date: July 19, 2018 Agenda Item #: IV.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Liz Moore, Engineering Specialist
Item Activity:
Subject:Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of June 21,
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Approve the meeting minutes of the regular Edina Transportation Commission of June 21, 2018.
DRAFT Minutes: Edina Transportation Commission June 21, 2018
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
City Of Edina, Minnesota
Transportation Commission
Community Conference Room
June 21, 2018
I. Call To Order
Chair Richman called the meeting to order
II. Roll Call
Answering roll call were commissioners Ahler, Kane, McCarthy, Olson, Richman, Ruthruff, Scherer,
Veluvali, Yeager
Late: Commissioner Ma
Absent: Commissioner Johnson
III. Approval Of Meeting Agenda
Motion was made by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Ruthruff to
approve the agenda. All voted aye. Motion carried.
IV. Approval Of Meeting Minutes
Motion was made by commissioner Ahler and seconded by commissioner Kane approving
the May 17, 2018 meeting minutes. All voted aye. Motion carried.
V. Community Comment
VI. Reports/Recommendations
A. Travel Demand Management (TDM) Discussion
TDM Committee provided updates on the ETC’s work session with City Council and next steps.
• Add as a work plan item for 2019
• Identify next steps and what a TDM plan may look like
Commissioner Ma arrived at 6:15pm.
• Meet with neighboring cities and discuss their TDM policies.
B. CloverRide Circulator Update
Planner Nolan provided an updated on the new circulator bus
• Bus service starts June 22, 2018
C. Dockless Bikeshare Update
Planner Nolan provided an update on the dockless bikeshare pilot.
• LimeBike has staff and a warehouse
• LimeBike will start with conventional bikes and phase in e-bikes.
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
D. Draft 2019-2023 Capital Improvement Plan Projects
Planner Nolan provided an update on the capital improvement plan for 2019-2023
E. Traffic Safety Report of June 5, 2018
Motion was made by commissioner Scherer and seconded by commissioner Olson to the
approve the June 5th, 2018 Traffic Safety Report. All voted Aye, motion carried.
VII. Chair And Member Comments
• Commission Scherer said the barrel interchange at 494 and 35W was approved.
• Commissioner Olson said there is a meeting for the High School Parking Study and there will
be two new student members starting in September.
• Commissioner Ahler asked if anyone would be interested in participating in the 4th of July
• Commissioner McCarthy said Dakota County has a deal with Lyft to provide transportation
to disabled residents.
• Commissioner Ma said Madison, WI has really wide sidewalks and roads which helps to make
it more bike friendly.
• Commissioner Richman shared a newsletter about bicycle safety and autonomous vehicles.
Also, she talked about the Bicycle Friendly Community application and Edina is making good
progress but we need more education for adults and we may want to target larger
corporations, like Seagate, to become more bicycle friendly.
VIII. Staff Comments
• Valley View sidewalk construction, phase 1, is scheduled to begin July 9th.
• Two Shared used paths are scheduled to be awarded in July, they are Lincoln and a trail up to
Cahill on W 70th St.
• Transportation study for the high school has an open house scheduled for Monday, June 25
from 4:00 to 6:30 and recommendations to city council will be made for parking as a result of
this study.
• 4th annual Open Streets event is September 23 from 1pm-5pm. ETC will have a table at the
event. Chair Richman will coordinate and volunteers should contact her to sign up.
IX. Adjournment at 7:15pm
Draft Minutes☒
Approved Minutes☐
Approved Date:
J F M A M J J A S O N D # of Mtgs Attendance %
Meetings/Work Sessions 1 1 1 1 1 1 6
Ahler, Mindy 1 1 1 1 1 5 83%
Johnson, Kirk 1 1 1 3 83%
Iyer, Surya 1 1 2 100%
LaForce, Tom 1 1 2 100%
Kane, Bocar 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100%
McCarthy, Bruce 1 1 1 1 4 100%
Miranda, Lou 1 1 2 100%
Olson, Larry 1 1 1 1 1 5 83%
Richman, Lori 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100%
Ruthruff, Erik 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 100%
Scherer, Matthew 1 1 1 3 83%
Veluvali, Shankar 1 1 1 1 4 100%
Jenny Ma (s) 1 1 1 1 4 67%
Tessa Yeager (s) 1 1 1 1 4 67%
Date: July 19, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Recommend that the attached Draft Preliminary Parking Strategies be forwarded to City Council for approval.
The 2018 ETC work plan includes Initiative #3: "Review and comment on solutions for high school motor
vehicle traffic and parking affecting neighborhoods adjacent to Edina High School." Due to the changing class
start times announced for the fall of 2018, the City and School District decided to focus on parking mitigation
strategies and to postpone the traffic study until after the start of fall classes.
For the joint City/School District study, a consultant (SRF) was hired to facilitate public input, collect data and
make recommendations. Surveys were prepared for, and completed by, high school students and neighborhood
residents. An open house was also held at the high school on June 25.
At the July 19 ETC meeting, staff will present the draft recommended parking mitigation strategies (attached) and
will solicit the commission's review and comment. ETC and School District input will be included along with the
parking recommendations for the City Council to consider at an August meeting.
Draft Edina High School Parking Strategies
Draft Preliminary Strategies
SRF No. 10310.00
To:Chad Millner, Director of Engineering
Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner
City of Edina
From:Matt Pacyna, PE, Principal
Emily Gross, PE, Associate
Date:July 18, 2018
Subject:Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study - Preliminary Strategies
SRF has completed a parking study for areas surrounding Edina High School. This study relates to
the Edina High School expansion approval process, where City Council directed City and School staff
to conduct a follow-up transportation study once the expansion was completed. This study focused
on parking within the adjacent neighborhoods to understand current parking regulations, demand,
behaviors, issues, and opportunities. This document was prepared for the Edina Transportation
Commission (ETC) meeting on Thursday, July 19, 2018 to document the preliminary parking
mitigation strategies identified as part of the study and preliminary feedback from School staff. A
formal memorandum summarizing the data collection efforts, feedback from student/parent surveys
and the public open house, and the study recommendations is forthcoming.
Preliminary Parking Mitigation Strategies
Based on the parking evaluation and discussions with City and School staff, the following parking
mitigation strategies were identified. These strategies were categorized into short- and long-term
improvement options. The following information also contains preliminary feedback from area
residents and City/School staff.
Neighborhood Parking Strategies
1.Provide consistent parking restriction signage throughout the neighborhood for streets within a
10-minute walk of the school (Figure 1) such that parking is restricted on both sides of the road
during school hours.
a)This policy is implemented in some areas today (see Figure 2) and is recommended that streets
where higher on-street parking was observed be installed initially. Areas where few vehicles
were observed but are within the 10-minute walk zone should be monitored and if parking
issues arise parking signs should be installed.
b)Preliminary discussions between City staff and residents of the Chapel Lane neighborhood
area indicates this strategy is highly supported.
July 2018
Streets Within a 10-Minute Walk of Edina High School Figure 1H:\Projects\11000\11329\TS\Figures\10-Minute Walk of School.cdrEdina H.S. Area Neighborhood Parking Study
City of Edina
- Within a 10-Minute Walk to/
from Edina High School
Edina High
Creek Valley
St. Patrick’s
Catholic Church
Temporary “No Parking”
Sign During Data Collection
Grace Ter Gleason Rd Nordic Dr Creek Valley Rd
Balder Ln Scandia Rd N
W. 69th St
Antrim Rd McGuire Rd
Brook Dr
W. 68th St
Chapel Dr
Erin Ter
Valley View Rd
Gleason RdSt. Patrick’s Ln Gleason Cir Rosemary Ln Susan Ave
Lois Ln Cree
Shane Dr
July 2018
Parking Counts and Restrictions Figure 2H:\Projects\11000\11329\TS\Figures\Combined Parking Restrictions and Counts.cdrEdina H.S. Area Neighborhood Parking Study
City of Edina
Edina High
Creek Valley
St. Patrick’s
Catholic Church
Susan Ave
Lois Ln
Grace TerCree
During After-School Practices on
the East Field, On-Street Parking
in this Area is at Capacity
Gleason RdNordic DrCreek Valley Rd
Balder Ln
Scandia RdN
W. 69th St
Antrim Rd2 McGuire Rd
Brook Dr Tracy AveW. 68th St
Chapel Dr
Erin Ter
Shane Dr
Valley View Rd
Gleason RdSt. Patrick’s LnGleason Cir
- <25% Full
- ~25% Full
- ~50% Full
- ~75% Full
- ~100% Full
Parking Counts Reflect Peak
School Parking Condition.
Data Collected: Tu-Th, May 2018
9:30-10:00 AM & 1:30-2:00 PM
Parking Rosemary Ln
- No Parking Both
Sides During
School Hours
- No Parking on
One Side of Street
During School
Parking Restriction
Parking Utilization
Parking Restriction Against
Parking on Any Street for More
Than Six Consecutive Hours
Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study July 18, 2018
Preliminary Strategies Page 4
2.The City/School should meet with the Creek Valley Road (East) neighborhood to review potential
options to reduce on-street parking and parent pick-up/drop-offs along Creek Valley Road, as
well as to consider traffic calming improvements, if needed. The following could be considered:
a)Modify the Valley View Road/Creek Valley Road intersection to discourage vehicles from
accessing the school via this route. Additional signage and geometric modifications could be
added to clarify that this is a dead-end roadway with no school access.
b)Provide signage along Creek Valley Road to restrict student pick-up/drop-off as well as
provide enforcement for these regulations.
c)Stripe an on-street pedestrian facility along one side of Creek Valley Road. This would provide
a designated area for pedestrians to walk to/from the regional trail along Creek Valley Road.
In addition to a traffic calming strategy, this would reduce on-street parking as well as available
curb space for student pick-up/drop-off.
d)Remove the pedestrian access between Creek Valley Road and the school (e.g. fence).
Long-Term (If Needed)
3.Restrict parking on one side of the street.
a)Neighborhood residents noted that garbage trucks, snow plows and emergency vehicles have
difficulties navigating neighborhood streets when vehicles are parked on both sides of the
road. Restricting parking to one side would address this issue but eliminate the number of
parking spaces.
b)Parking on the other side could continue to be restricted during school hours.
Operational/Management Strategies
4.Allow students to change their carpool group on a quarterly system rather yearly.
a)Student activities/sports change throughout the year, this allows students to find carpool
groups that better fit their schedule throughout the year.
b)Improving the flexibility of the carpool system increases the number of students that carpool
to school on a daily basis (reducing occurrences of one student with a carpool parking permit
driving to school alone because of scheduling issues with other students in their carpool).
c)School staff noted that they can implement this and that many students already do this, as it
is student managed. However, this option could be better communicated to students.
Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study July 18, 2018
Preliminary Strategies Page 5
5.Increase the number of daily parking passes (currently 25 passes; increase to 75 passes) by reducing
the number of carpool parking permits.
a)The 25 daily parking permits currently sell out every day, indicating a greater need for the daily
parking permit. Students currently drive to school hoping to get a daily parking permit and
find out once they get to the school that there are no daily permits available. Those students
have to find alternative places to park (i.e. on-street).
b)During the winter months there are approximately 40 spaces that are used for snow storage.
It is recommended that daily parking spaces be used for snow storage (75 spaces available
during non-winter months and 35 spaces available for winter months).
Based on these recommendations, School staff is planned to increase the number of daily
passes to 35 spaces and plans to reduce the number of spaces needed for snow storage
(see strategy number 6).
c)The School currently prioritizes daily parking permits for students that need a parking permit
infrequently (change in work shift, doctors’ appointments, etc.). This policy should continue.
6.Reduce the number of spaces used for snow storage during the winter months (currently
approximately 40 spaces are needed for snow storage).
a)School staff noted that this loss parking is infrequent and that the School will work with the
grounds crew to identify strategies to reduce the number of parking spaces used for snow
7.Enforce staff parking in designated staff parking area. If a staff member is parking in the student
parking area the vehicles should be ticketed.
a)With the modifications to the middle school and high school start/end times starting Fall
2018, Valley View Middle School staff will park in the East parking lot, which has more
capacity than the West parking lot.
8.Expand the parking website to include the following applications:
a)Reserve daily parking permits online as well as the ability to see availability of daily parking
permits (make permits available 24 to 48 hours in advance and do not allow students to reserve
daily parking permits after e.g. 8:00 p.m. (exact time still to be determined) the evening before.
This will reduce the likelihood of students driving to school hoping to get a daily parking
permit, but finding out that no daily permits are available that day.
If students know that daily parking passes are not available for the day, they can potentially
find alternative transportation for the day.
School staff indicated they are willing to explore this idea.
Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study July 18, 2018
Preliminary Strategies Page 6
b)Online carpool matching
Create an online carpool matching system that would connect students to a carpool based
on scheduling and location. Students with an open seat can use the online forum to pick
up additional students. This tool could be used to assist students with finding long-term
or daily carpool rides.
School staff indicated they already assist students with finding carpool at the time of
registration and they will continue to do so. Further discussions should occur with the
School to identify opportunities to expand these services to also provide an online
communication source to help students find carpool opportunities on a daily basis.
Incentives would be needed for student drivers that are picking up/dropping off students
(e.g. refunding part of the parking permit cost, weekly or monthly raffle drawing, etc.).
The online application could keep track of students that carpool.
9.Students that live close to Edina High School (e.g. within one mile or a 10-minute walk) should
not be permitted to get a parking permit or be part of a carpool parking group.
a)Exceptions may be granted based on student needs.
b)This would encourage bus usage and walking/biking.
c)School staff indicated they are not supportive of this option. Further communication and
discussion with the School is needed prior to this policy being implemented.
10.Utilize the bus parking spaces near the Valley View Middle School as visitor parking during the
day (hours when bus parking is not needed). The current visitor parking spaces can be reduced
and repurposed for staff and/or student parking.
a)School staff noted the only secure entry for the building is at Door 5. Visitors parking in the
bus area would require that additional wayfinding signage be provided to direct visitors to
Door 5 or that a second secure entry be added to the building near the bus parking area.
Increase Parking Supply
No short-term strategies were identified.
11.Develop agreements with developments that have parking available during school hours and
provide bus service to/from the parking and the school (similar to existing agreements with St.
Patrick’s and Calvary Church, except rather than students walking they are bused).
Edina High School Neighborhood Parking Study July 18, 2018
Preliminary Strategies Page 7
a)Additional buses that just serve the off-site satellite parking lots could be provided or buses
that currently travel along/near potential sites could add an additional stop along their way
(operating like a park-and-ride). Students would walk down to the road where buses currently
route so that buses could pick up along their route. Under this scenario, any bus that has
capacity would pick up students that were waiting at the “bus stop”.
b)Potential parking areas that are near the school where it would likely be easy for buses to add
a stop on their route:
Creek Valley Church (southwest quadrant of the Tracy Avenue/Highway 62 interchange)
Colonial Church (northwest quadrant of the Tracy Avenue/Highway 62 interchange)
Cross View Lutheran Church (along McCauley Trail west of Gleason Road)
Christ Presbyterian Church (northeast quadrant of 70th Street/Highway 100 interchange)
Braemar Field/Arena (southeast of the Valley View Road/Highway 100 interchange)
c)School staff has noted that this has been tried in the past, but that students have not been
interested in this option. Further discussions with the School should occur to determine how
to operate the off-site parking areas to better market to students.
12.Modify the parking lot to use the parking lot medians and end caps to add on-site parking spaces.
13.Add parking on-site either via a surface parking lot to the north or a parking ramp.
a)If additional parking is provided on-site, traffic operations should be reviewed to determine if
another access can be provided to/from the high school parking areas as well as how traffic
entering/exiting the school near start/end times can be improved.
Enforcement Strategies
14.Continue to enforce parking permit and ticketing students that do not have parking permits.
15.Continue to enforce the six-hour on-street parking ordinance.
16.Consider “Parking Enforcement Day” social media strategies, where the School or Edina Police
department would tweet out “Parking Enforcement Day” to the students.
Date: July 19, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.B.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
Report and Recommendation
From:Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Item Activity:
Subject:Traffic Safety Report of July 10, 2018 Action
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Review and recommend the Traffic Safety Report of Tuesday, July 10, 2018, be forwarded to City Council for
See attached staff report. An overview of the comments from the Edina Transportation Commission will be
included in the staff report provided to the City Council for their August 21, meeting.
Traffic Safety Report of July 10, 2018
July 19, 2018
Edina Transportation Commission
Nick Bauler, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Traffic Safety Report of July 10, 2018
Information / Background:
The Traffic Safety Committee (TSC) review of traffic safety matters occurred on July 10. The Traffic Safety
Coordinator, Police Sergeant, Public Works Director, Assistant City Planner and Transportation Planner
were in attendance for this meeting. The Traffic Safety Specialist and City Engineer were not able to attend
and were informed of the decisions and did not object to the recommendations.
For these reviews, the recommendations below are provided. On each of the items, persons involved have
been contacted and the staff recommendation has been discussed with them. They were informed that if
they disagree with the recommendation or have additional facts to present, these comments can be included
on the July 19 Edina Transportation Commission and the August 21 City Council meeting agendas.
Section A: Items on which the Traffic Safety Committee recommends action
A1. Request to add a warning sign for a “blind
driveway” at 6820 Gleason Rd
Resident is concerned with southbound
vehicles being unable to see them exiting
their driveway
85% speed on Gleason is 29.1 mph
ADT from 2014 is 2,450
A winding road sign is placed on Gleason for
southbound traffic from Valley View Rd
Sight lines from this driveway are roughly
AASHTO states a brake reaction distance
for a design of 30 mph roadway is 210’
After review, staff recommends adding a “Blind Driveways Ahead” sign on Gleason Rd,
south of Valley View Rd for southbound drivers. The Committee also recommends
adding another sign on Gleason Rd, south of Tupa Dr for northbound vehicles on
Gleason Rd.
Map: Location of 6820 Gleason showing the curve for
southbound vehicles
A2. Request for a crosswalk across Gleason Road at McCauley Trail
Resident is concerned with children crossing
at this intersection
This intersection is located to the north-west
of Creek Valley Elementary School
Gleason is a Collector street with an ADT of
Intersection has adequate sight distance
Closest crossing is roughly 450’ away
17 pedestrian crosses, six bicycle crosses
with a total peak hour of seven in a 24 hour
The width of Gleason Rd at this intersection
is 42’
After review, staff recommends installing a crosswalk at this intersection as this is
located in a school zone. The crosswalk will be connected to the south side of McCauley
Trail with a new pedestrian ramp on the east side of Gleason. The Committee also
recommends moving the advanced crosswalk warning sign further north for
southbound traffic on Gleason Rd to give drivers adequate warning before passing the
new crosswalk.
A3. Request for a crosswalk across Wooddale Ave at W 60th St
Resident is concerned with pedestrians
crossing to Pamela Park and Concord
Elementary School
Wooddale and W 60th are classified as a
Collector and Local Connector respectively
Wooddale is uncontrolled and W 60th is stop
Wooddale allows parking on the east, along
with painted bump-outs at W 60th
Wooddale has shared lane markings for
ADT on Wooddale is 3,570
114 pedestrians and 43 bicyclists crossed
over Wooddale Ave with a peak our of 28
crosses (including 5 crosses by children) at 5:15 pm in a 24 hour period
Wooddale is 31’ wide
After review, staff recommends installing a crosswalk over Wooddale Ave. Staff agrees
the peak pedestrian threshold meets warrants. The crosswalk is recommended to be
located on the north side of W 60th St to align with a sidewalk being installed west of
here this summer.
Map: Location of Gleason Rd and McCauley Tr
Map: Location of Wooddale Ave and W 60th St
Section B: Items on which the traffic Safety Committee recommends no action
B1. Request for traffic calming on McCauley Trail
Resident is concerned with vehicle speeds
and concerned towards the safety of their
McCauley is classified as a Collector street
with a speed limit of 30 mph
ADT is 1362 with an 85% speed of 38.8 mph
(northbound is 39.4 mph)
Roughly 8% of vehicles exceed 40 mph
On-street parking is restricted on the west
side of McCauley
McCauley is 23’ wide (face of curb, to face of
A temporary speed trailer collected
northbound vehicles with an 85% speed of 30.3 when the speed display is utilized
After review, staff recommends no changes on McCauley Trail. Staff does not
recommend further narrowing the street. A shared use path is planned to be
constructed along McCauley in 2022 which will increase the level of safety for bicyclists
and pedestrians. Staff agrees an increase of police enforcement in this area can assist in
lowering vehicle speeds.
Section D: Other traffic safety items handled
D1. A resident contacted traffic safety concerned with the speed of vehicles on Halifax Ave. Road tubes
were placed on Halifax to collect speed data north and south of W 52nd St. The resident was informed 85%
vehicle speeds were in between 28 and 29.1 mph.
D2. A resident contacted traffic safety with a sight line concern at the intersection of Blake Rd and
Interlachen Blvd. Upon speaking with the resident, it was found shrubs needed to be trimmed in order to
improve sight lines. The City Forrester was contacted and informed of what shrubs needed to be trimmed.
D3. A resident submitted a pedestrian safety concern requesting a sidewalk to be replaced due to the
crumbling of the sidewalk adjacent to Highlands Park. This location was inspected and the request was sent
to Public Works to be fixed as Highlands Park hosts evening events such as soccer and football.
D4. A resident was concerned with traffic signal timing at the intersections of W 50th St & Halifax and
France Ave. The resident was concerned with vehicles backing-up towards Wooddale Ave. Although the
traffic lights are within the City of Edina, Minneapolis sets the timing of lights near 50th & France. Minneapolis
has been informed of these issues.
Map: Location of McCauley Tr with speed concerns
Date: July 19, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.C.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:2019 ETC Work Plan Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
2019 Board and Commission Work P lans are due by late September, 2018 for review by City Council at their
Board/Commission Annual Work Plan Meeting on October 2. Staff is requesting that the ETC start thinking
about its 2018 Work P lan, and to continue and refine this discussion at its Aug. 16 meeting.
2018 ETC Work Plan June Progress Report
Approved by City Council 2017.12.05
Commission: Transportation Commission
2018 Annual Work Plan
Progress Report: 6/5/2018
Initiative #1 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM)
☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment)
☒ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review &
Budget Required
(Staff Liaison)
Staff Support Required
(Staff Liaison)
Initiative Type
☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility October
☒ Funds available
Funds are available for this project.
☒ Staff Liaison: Hrs__80________
☒ CTS (including Video)
☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________
Recommend pilot plan for Edina/Southdale Circulator including pilot routes
and evaluation plan for the Edina/Southdale Bus Circulator Pilot Project.
☐ Funds not available
There are not funds available for this
project (explain impact of Council
approving initiative in liaison
Progress Report: ETC approved initial route and stops on May 17. Service is tentatively scheduled to start on June 15 and run through end of 2018.
Initiative #2 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM)
☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☐ 2 (Review & Comment)
☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☒ 4 (Review &
Budget Required
(Staff Liaison)
Staff Support Required
(Staff Liaison)
Initiative Type
☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility March
☐ Funds available
Funds are available for this project.
☐ Staff Liaison: Hrs____________
☐ CTS (including Video)
☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________
Invite neighboring transportation commissions to have joint meeting with
the Edina Transportation Commission.
☒ Funds not available
There are not funds available for this
project (explain impact of Council
approving initiative in liaison
Progress Report: Tentatively meeting with City of Richfield’s Transportation Commission in September. Other bordering cities do not have specific
“transportation commissions” so ETC is evaluating who to meet with.
Approved by City Council 2017.12.05
Initiative #3 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM)
☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment)
☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review &
Budget Required
(Staff Liaison)
Staff Support Required
(Staff Liaison)
Initiative Type
☒ New Initiative ☐ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility December
☐ Funds available
Funds are available for this project.
☐ Staff Liaison: Hrs____________
☐ CTS (including Video)
☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________
Review and comment on solutions for high school motor vehicle traffic and
parking affecting neighborhoods adjacent to Edina High School. ☒ Funds not available
There are not funds available for this
project (explain impact of Council
approving initiative in liaison
Progress Report: Staff has initiated a parking study with Edina Public Schools and will commence transportation/traffic study in the fall. The ETC will provide
feedback on community input and consultant recommendations.
Initiative #4 Council Charge (Proposed Charge Completed by CM)
☐ 1 (Study & Report) ☒ 2 (Review & Comment)
☐ 3 (Review & Recommend) ☐ 4 (Review &
Budget Required
(Staff Liaison)
Staff Support Required
(Staff Liaison)
Initiative Type
☐ New Initiative ☒ Continued Initiative ☐ Ongoing Responsibility July 2018 ☒ Funds available
Funds are available for this project.
☐ Staff Liaison: Hrs____________
☐ CTS (including Video)
☐ Other Staff: Hrs_____________
Assist as requested with the development of the City’s new Comprehensive
Guide Plan. ☐ Funds not available
There are not funds available for this project (explain impact of Council
approving initiative in liaison
Progress Report: ETC presented their recommended goals/policies to the Comprehensive Planning Task Force on March 28. Staff will provide ETC the
opportunity to provide input on the draft transportation chapter this summer.
Parking Lot: (These items have been considered by the BC, but not proposed as part of this year’s work plan. If the BC decides they would like to
work on them in the current year, it would need to be approved by Council.)
1. Define and implement equity criteria for Pedestrian and Cyclist Safety (PACS) Fund projects, and integrate with the City’s Race and Equity Task Force
Proposed Month for Joint Work Session (one time per year, up to 60
☐ Mar ☐ April ☐ May ☒ June ☐ July ☐ Aug ☐ Sept ☐ Oct ☐
Date: July 19, 2018 Agenda Item #: VI.D.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Open Streets on 50th: ETC Participation Discussion
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Discuss ETC participation (e.g. who attends, booth specifics and location, activities, etc.) in Open Streets on 50th
on September 23.
Date: July 19, 2018 Agenda Item #: IX.A.
To:Transportation Commission Item Type:
From:Mark Nolan, AICP, Transportation Planner
Item Activity:
Subject:Schedule of Meeting and Event Dates as of July 13,
4801 West 50th Street
Edina, MN 55424
Schedule of Upcoming Meetings/Dates/Events
Thursday Jul 19 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Aug 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Sep 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM PUBLIC WORKS CONFERENCE ROOM
Thursday Oct 25 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Nov 15 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Dec 20 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Jan 17 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Feb 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Mar 21 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday Apr 18 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM
Thursday May 16 Regular ETC Meeting 6:00 PM COMMUNITY ROOM