HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490425_REGULAR286 6 %, 4/15/49
Hatter of use of nevi Cash Register for record of beer and mix sales was discussed,
with Council advocating the &mediate use of this cash register, in order that beer and
mix sales be separated from sales of Liquor.
In connectfon with Liquor Comnission's recommendation for $100 per nonth increase in
salary for 1-lanager Kippley, comaarat.ive salaries of the Richfield and Edina stores
were checked and showed RicMield' s manager to be receiving very little' more than
Edirra' s mmzger, Also , several suggestions were made by Council for mzmagementl s.
consideration in operation of the store. Council tabled Commission's request for
salziry increase .
Mr, Hawthorne appointed as committee of one, to work with Liquor Commission
Cb-irman BSorris on Liquor Store op rations.
Mezbers an&ering Rollcall vere Chlld, I'lillson, Palen, Haythorne, and Cooper.
Billson's iaotion, apsrovins IIbu€es.of Rewar I-leeting of April 11, and Joint Liguor '.
Control Comai.ssion-council 1.feetirig of April 15, as submitted, TJ~S seconded by Child
ad carried,
Pursuant to iiHotLce of Hearing on Pro2osed Tlater Main Bxtension," published in Suburban
Press, Hogkins, lG.mesota, on Agril 7 and 14, 1949, Public Hearing vas held on proposed
va%er m&n extension in the follovring streets:
State Highway mo. 100 betvreen Kent and Bindsor Avenues
I"lindsor Avenug between State Eightray No. 100 and ?Jessex Avenue
Richmond Drive between State Highviay No. 100 and Vessex Averlue
Bessex Avenue between South Line of Vestchester Eaolls and North
Eichmond Lane between Tlindsor Avenue and Ricbnolrd Drive
Richmond Circle,
Line of T'lestchester Knolls
~lzns and specifications resented, Istimte - $4.45 pr,foot,
Avenue, protested construction in Windsor Avenue between Richmond Lane and Vessex Avenue
becmse they already have viorking wells and because they would be aSSeS6ed on a front-
footage basis,
Agrement vas reached by those present at Hearing, that Lots 1 & 2, Block 2, and Lots
1 & 2, Block 3, Westcbaster Knolls, be assessed for 140 feet for each tva lots.
offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption:
Messrs, Boy Bodlund, Arvic Anderson and Lester Tay P or, owners of prosertles on I in sor
Hr, s, G. Pearson, owner of Richmond Hills, advocated construction.
W.A!PER MAIN IH??l3OW*li3'l?I! NO 19
1-S the Ed& Village Council has met at the the and place specified in a
notice to all proyerty owners vrhose property may be assessed for Sroposed construction
of Village water main in the f ollovring streets:
State Highway No. 100 between Kent and lfindsor Avenues
TTindsor Avenue bettieen State Highvrw No. 100 and tressex Avenue
Richmond Drive between State Highmy No. 100 and Iressex Avenue
l'essex Avenue between South Line .* of V'Testchester molls and North line of
Richmond Lane between Ilindsor Avenue and Richmond Drive
Bichmond Circle
Vestchester Knolls
said notice havivlg been pblished in the S&burban ?ress, Hopkins, Minnesota, Ayril 7
and 14, 1949; and
I'm tks Council has heard all persons appearing at said meeting and duly
considered said proposed,iIqrovement, now therafore,
BXI IT R3SOLWD by the Council of the Village of Edina that it is hereby determined
to be necessary to construct Village water main in the following streets:
Stzte Highway Ho. 100 .betveen Kent and I'rindsor Avenues
Ihdsor Avenue between State Highway No. 100, and Tressex Avenue
Richmond Drive betveen State Highway No, 100 and Tlesses Avenue
Tressex Avenue between South Zinc of Vestchester Bholls and North line of
Bicbmond Circle
Vestchester Knolls
BE IT FURTHER R%SOLYXD that plvls znd specifications for such water main construction
heretofore prepared by Phil I. Smith and fij;ed with the Village Clerk are hereby
accepted md approv?d as &e pl~s and spFcifications for said iqxovement.
L. . __ * BIJ IT FaTHE8 RBSOL'DD that tAe Clerk is hereby direqted to advertise for bids on
the'basis of-cash pamint for such work, Stating that the bids trill be opened and
considered by the Council on Monday, May 9, 1949, at 8:OO P.P.I., and that no bids.
vi11 be considered unless sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a ea&
dep6sit or c4rt;ified cf;eck pzyable to the @erk for &'mount equal to ten percent
of $he bid.
BE 'rT FURT- ~SOLVBD'that the cdst of sajd improve4en-b is to be assessed aganst
the 'property *improved as authoriz9d by Ch2ter 425, Laws of 1921, as amended.
BE iT FURTd RESOLVBD that Lots One and %io, Block @IO, and Lots One ad Two, Block
Ihrec, Vestcbester Enofls, be assissed on dasis of 14-0 assessable fee% for each two-
lot combinat ion.
blotion for &option of :the Resolu$ion was {econded bi Hawthorne , and on Rollcall ,
thefe were fgve ayes qd no nays, *as So1lov:s:
Hawthorne, axe; and Goqper, aye; ed the R2solution yas adopted,
. I'
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Ibillson, aye;
Pqesident o< the Village Corndl ..
Mr, 3. B; DeGenny, 2226 E. 3rd StGeet - ou&er of preiises at 5529 Yooddde Avenue -
ask+ for extension of &time in ins-talling s-evrer md water, ste;f;ing that the new
Reat+ Control7aw has qllified his evictioq notice tg Chester Brown, tenant.
discussiovr it was pointed out that;, 14r. Denem had no-t acted to full extent of
his *authority, inasmuch as his tenant has ?ot paid rqt.
Comh.1 gsani no furthe+r exten$ion to Mi. Denenny a@ that Order stand.
Mot<on seconded by &w.t;horne and qarried. - -
Pur&xat eo tfMvertiseient for Bids-Zire Xiuipment , I' bubl'ished in Suburban Press,
Ho&ins, and 'in Gonstrriction Bulle'tin, Ninneapolis, on April 14 and 21, 1949,
the koLlowing bids were' publicly &ened and read.
2-1'6hemox1i Sekf Generacing
oegen typ< apparatus: $145 . 00 .Ea.
6-Cannis t ers for Above , 6-00 la.
B-~annisters ,for UZ-,strpose 6-00 Ba.
5-Fireman Coats $ 20.75 Ea. C $ 20.75 la. 5 Pair-Firernmts Hip Boots . 11.75 Ea. 5 F%reman Hezmets + * 12.00 la, 12.00 En,
I Child moved that
m-LmcB MIrn SAFErY MIrn,FIRE 3mxFIm
10.25 Pr. $47.75 Total.
?erns Net 30 Days 2$ 30 :Days 2$ 10 Days 25 30 Days
Haw$hornets motion, th& bids be referred io Public Safety Committee, Village Bsgineer
and,Yire Depqrtment foq report, vas seconded by PaLeny and carried.
t'lilisonls moiion that ihe folloving Payrolls bE appr-ed for payment, Was seconded by
Chizd and cayied: *I
: Pamoll for period Anril 16th through '30th. l942 xAIa. GROSS WITHe HOSP, RJ321&r TOTS KElT CLAIR
Gene Cooper, Playor $ 80.00, $ 80,UO 2m
Bower Hmthorne, Clerk , 80.00 , 80.00 241
George A. Villson, Prustee 60,oq 60.00 242
Fred S. Child, Trustee 60.00 60.00 243
5, 5, Duggan, Treasurer 50,oq 50.00 245
John Vindhorst , Attorney 100*00 100.00 246
Richard G. Paihep,TPrustee 60.0q - 60.00 24.4
Philip Xeville, Nunicipd Judge 75.40 75.00 24-7 Dr, L, M. Campbell, Health Offp 30-00 I 70.00 248
595. O? I 595*00
Phil If. Smith 255.62 29.80 ' 2&?5 10.22 -42.77 222'85 249
Gretchen Schussler 163.69 15.90 1.25 6.54 23.69 139.91 250
Bernice Johnson 127.83 10.50 2.15 5.11 98.36 109.45 251
Helene %reeman 102.25 11020 1.25 4.09 16.54 85.71 252
Louise Ires terberg 102.25 11*20 4.09 15.29 86.96 253
751 0 53 78.60 8.00 30.05 116.65 634.88
i 1 288
Payroll €or period April 16th through 3Oth, 1949 (continued)
NAm moss Wl?H. HOSP, mma, TOT& m2 CLAIP.3
Fred Jonas 132.93 3.40 2.75 5.32 11.47 121,46 29
POLIrn mpBRn*mm I. - < t t
Clarence Krqjtson 151 . 84 10.00 2.75 6.07 18.82 133.02
Hildihs Dahl '. 151.89 14.10 2.75 6.07 22.92 3.28.92
Vm. S. Heydt 104.81 3.20 2.7s 4.19 10.14 94.61
3enry 14, Wrobkeski 136.50 8.20 2.75 5.4-6 16.41 120.09 Villiam V. Hoffman 141 . 62 8.80 2.75 5.66 17.21 izi1..41
Bert- 14. Merfeld c 136.50 8.20 2.75 5-46 16.41 120.09
Lloyd l.Mb,ry
Pete >ahlgren
1.1, J. t.ierfeld
Jok Pracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur Jensen
Rondd Port
C, B, Cirdarelle
Wayne Tracy
150.82 138.04
< ' 127d.83
v 327.81
127.81 127 81
r 140.59
3.40 14. LO
2.15 5-52 2.75 50162 2-75 5.11 2.73 5.11
2- 75 ,5013. 2.75 5.11
2.75 5.32 1.25 4.91
l'? 17
* 14.26. 10~06
20 26
138 w 99
117 .47
117.75 113.55 117.75 219 95
Joseph - Eat ole 122.70 9.90 2.75 4-91 17.#6 105.14 52-75 141-10 1177.92
s-2 MEN-souRI;Y
Ghwles Johnson 7 106.34 7.70 2.75 4.25 14.70 91.64
f ... 65-10 23.25 - 1319.02
Jacob S@&- t 111.59 890 4.70
Vm. 3, Kell 94.07 1.70 ' 2.75 3.76
92ul. T'T. Books 94.07 10.00 3.76
3rd !isno 84.66 . 20 3.39
Trank Ciskovsky 70 c 94 -0- 2.75 2. rn
c 445.60 18.90 3.25 17.82 Frznlt Cisl=ovs?q (voidea 122.07 1.60 4-88
!lot& General. Fund 4200.69 226-10 61.00 138.85
5.60 111.99
8.21 85.86
13.76 80.31
3.59 81.07 5.59 65.35 6.48 115.59
44.97 400.63
425.95 3774.74 * I 191 . 72 15.90 -2.75 7*67 26.32 165-40 279 I'TA!PXR DZPTa
Ben Boehler
Sm Roberts - .. 140.59 8;80 . 2.75 5-62 17.17 123.42 280
David Roberts 102.25 11.20 4.09 15 29 86.96 281
e4348 56 35.90 5.50 17.38 58.78 375.78
- 1 Liauor P2~v~o11 bril 16th throwh 30th, 1942.
A,D~411gIsIRBIm4 -
PrmkKippley * 378.94 5-80 7.16 12.96 165.98 L54
Lzms Ilright 102.25 15.40 4. 09 19.49 82.76 L55
281 . 19 2x8 20 11.25 32.45, 248.74
SEIILINMGULBR xavrwa D. RYBI 115.03 8.90 4.60 . 13.50 101.53 ~56
Gyrus J. BZexIulder 127.81 14. 70 5.11 19.81 108.00 I157
r 242-84 23.60 9.71 33.33- '209-53
Gr&d Tot& Liquor 5%. 03 a.80 20.96 : 65.76 458.27
Xation vas made Child, seconded by Ilillson and carried that the following claims be paid:
CLBIIbi no. 1 I
366F Jorgen H, Anderson 366@ 3669 Acme &ming Company 3670. BC Oxygen Rent& ServLce 3673 Yomg2hl co 36?2 Si&dd Engheering Company
3613 3674 Bepublic Creosoting Co 3675 Rosentrald-Gooxler, Inc
3676 SoLtz, King & Day 3677 Pitch Pet Hospital
3618 Aus t in-l'rgs t ern Company +
3694 Rehhard Brothers .
3696 Wm.-h. Zieglelz Coapauy . . 3697 Brookside Service
3108 H. 4. Rogers Go%any
3703 SSmrban Pres:
a 3666 Nirmea~olisT star kibune - $
hericm Society of Mechanical. Eng.
Glacier Sand 8: Gravel Company
24-57 5.05 4.00
10 . 80
3.00 51.41:
5.25 92.97 92.85 24.48
42.53 34.25
2L 24
c I ..
t 'ah
3704 Construction Bulletin 58.80
3705 Hemekin County Review 40,oo
3706 Mine Sdety Appli&e Company 37.68
3707 Northern &tes Power' Company 782.70
3708 Rorthwestern Bell T&ephone Corapany 51.60 - 3709 Miller-Davis Company' 80.29 3713 Lester R 8 Maud-Patti Black- 50 . 00
lotm 8 Country H@dhre 2.11 3715
A,s€ind?estern Co 37-50
E. I. Dupont de-Nem6urs 8 Go 13.10
1 17.64 3683 Hull-Bobbs, Inc 12*22
74.71 34*36
3684 3685 3686 If. E. Lzhr comp~y 3687 Minnep olis Gas Company 126,05
Northern Reo Go 38*73
3690 Chas. OZson &'Sons 4.4. 6rr-
3691 Paper Calmenson'Co 39.65
3693 Smith-hn Co 38.51 369& Reirihayd Brothers Co ' 19-79
eo. T. Ryan Co 22.09
Vm. H. Ziegler Co - ' 70.72 3695 3696 3697 Brookside Service Station' 337.71 3698- ' Xorthland Zlecgic Company 22-98
3699 Hinneapolis Gas Compny 28.75
1Torthwester.n Bell T&lephone Co 15.25 64.77 3708 3714
270.00 E. C. Pfeiffer
Diamond Ii! Truck Com&ny 2-32
I ;;;;
3680 3681 Birestone' Stores--
3682 Harris Machinery Co
Justus Lumber Co - 13.03
International. Rarves t er .
3689 Chas, Olson 81 Sons *
3692 Phillips PetroLeum Co 40 . 80
3707 Nor%hern States Power Co , 29.20
beri can tfat emo rks As s o c % at ion 1D.00
529 73' 3701
3708. Northvestern Bell Telephone Co 19.77 3715 Tom b Cow-try Hardware - 13.2fi.
Suburb& Press 12.60
10.40 3703
$red L, Gray Co '
Tom & Country Hardware
Borthern States Power Company
I ;;;:
3704 Construction Bulletin
3705 Hennepin County Review
3709 ~1ill.er-Dzvi s Company
3712 A. L. N&xon
3709 Xi 11 er-Davi s Company
3710 Borthern States Power Co
EIrs, G, 0, lk&ing
302 A. L. Nixon
3711 . .-.
L478 L 479 L 4-80 i 481
L 482 4 4433 L 484
I! 487 i488
L 489
& 490 L 491 % 492
Distillers Distributing Go
Famous Brands, Inc
ficKesson 8 Robbins, Inc
Grgggs, Cooper & Co
Ed. Phillips Sons 6Q
George Benz Sons,'Inc -(.
Anheus eHks ch , Inc
Canada Dry Ginger Ale,.Inc
Chaska Beverage Co .
Olausen & Sons, Inc
Coca-Colz. Bot tliiig CO .
0. I!. Drones Beverage Co
Gluek- Brewing Co
Gold Medal Beverage Co-
Ninneq olis Brewing Company
92.70 3
153436 355 03
' 661'70
' 25.82
155.85 131.83
106.85 - 12.m
' 36*36
- 2118.94
' 133.00
50.85 712.45
,. .
... &AGE mifp
$ lO0,OO *
$ 73.60
. :.. ,-
4f25f49 .' .
mg3 w4 Morris Distributing' Company
Old Style Laeer Co *
Patst Sales Foqany+-
Purity Beverage Co.
Rex Distribufing Co'
Bevq-Dp Bottllng Cd
111112rd Distributhg Go
Cash Register Sales Co
heriban Linen Co "
Northern Sh.tes Power Co
Young &el Co
l4iller-Dzvis Co *
John R. Corn, Postmkster
60.50 LIQUOR (cont)
44.25 . . 124.00
536x7 - 30.80 10.35 -
41.26 & 45e80 46.70
*. I
Ur. E. C,-Stovr requested agab the Comkiles aid 2n effectidg relief from storm water
draining into Yvonne Terrace from the aorth.
of storm sever depended upon profiles 6f Pearson Plat, Richmond Hills; and that plans
cannot. be coqleted until said profile; are received.
Nr. Richard kber presented/f.iaintenm&e Contract covering the new ornamentid lights at
50th strd France, said contract to be ePfective May 1, 1949.
the following:
Engineer Smith informed Coun&.l tkt'design
.* Operations &d
Child moved for adoption of
BESOLVED Thzt the Villcge Cobcil of the Tillage of Edina, Eennepin . County, Ninnesota, hereby accepts*the offer of the Northern States Power CompzSy,
a Hinnesota corporation, to furniih electric energy; lap and glasstfse renevrzls,
G,nd other services for the operation and maintenance of the Village's ornamental
street lighting systen, consisting of:
all located in said Pillage, and hQreby approves all rates , terns, conditions, and
specifications contained in the p5oposed form of Ornamental Street Lighting Con-
tract made a part of the offer of'said Company, ad the President of the Village
Council md the Village Clerk are'hereby authorized and directed to execute €he
aforesaid Contract for and in the-nzme 6f the Village and. to affix the corporate
sad., thereto.
20 - Single-light Steel Shndards (25 ft, to light center) *
Motion for adop€ion Bas 'secohded by-HaQthorne, and on Rollcall there vere five ayes and *
no nays, as follows:
zge; and the Resolution vas adopted.
Child, aye; Pzlen, aye; Tillson, aye; &vthorne, aye; and Cooper,
I- President of the Village Cg&cil
- ' **- Village Clerk
Mr. D. E; Bressler requestedpermit for building to be located on the Bjorhan poperty,
facing Idarlret Street.
Inspecfor's apgrovd of buildbg plan 'and compliance with parking requir%ements, was
seconded ~ by IJilLson and cLzrried,
Mr, R. C. Cole aske& for street grade *and vrater main extension in TomeCRoad between
V.48th and B.49th Streets. He vas fur'nished with petition blanks and asked to secure
signatures-of olmers of 51$ of footage' abutting the street,
The f olloving bsrovement petitions sere presented, dated April 25, 1949:
Childts'motion,'for granting of permit subject to Building
_. .*
*.f -- -c
1, Tlooddale Ave. betveen Tl.58th &d Tt.59th Streets; and r.
Kellogg Avenue between l'l.58th 'bd l'r.Jg.t;h Streets.
2. Eellogg Avenue between Tl,jgth*and 1~60th Streets.
3. Fel1og.g Avenue betr.reen Tl.6OEh'and ~,61st Streets; znd
ICellogs Avenue between 1.1.61st 'and V. 62nd Streets.
I. Hooddde live. betvreen V,58th ad T7.59th Streets; rand
gellogg Avenue betpreen lJ.58th'and W,59th Streets.
2. Kellogs Avenue betveen V.59th-and v.60th Streets 3. Keflogg Avenue batveen ~LGoth'and V.61st Streets;and
1. kellogg Avenue between r.f.59th and ~60th Streets
Fellogg Avenue between VO6lst* and W,6&d Streets .r
Hotion by Havthormre, that Petitions be accepted and Public Hesing on Tetitions be set.
for Nonw-, May 23, 1949, at 8:OO P.N. , vas seconded by Child an0 carr&ed.,
Nr. Earl H. CovelI, representing Nr. Ben Parks, requested a 9O-d-ay extension of
Councflrs Order to Nr. Carl M, Hansen to remove tract office from 5436 trlooddale,
1.k. Parks*spoke iuL behalf. of himself and Nr. Hansen, stating that they still &.e
$LOO,OOO of lots h'Golf +Terra& Heights ad Golf Terrace Heights Sirst Addition
to sell, and that tract office aids them matekidly in theis promotional activities.
Carl M. Hansen's letter dated April 25* 1949, acbowledging Cotmcilfs authority to
extensidn of Council* s Order to remove tract office be. made &til July -31, 3.949,
Nr. CoveEl also re$orted that Carl*M. Hasen hzd complied with Counc%lrs order to
remove the debris from LexAngton Avenue right-of-way,
2rustee Palen reported that busses are inproperly parked on Vooddale Avenue af-
times. Council refgrred matter to Police Bepartment for their check-up.
Fire Chief 'Hitzel 'resorted that the Fire &dervrriters ' Inspection Bureau requires
that Pire Siren ti operated as it is-being operated at present; that they will not
agree:to the muffling of the siren or to shorter time for alarm.
asked to notify Chose people who petitioned for relief from noise, of Fire Under*
writers' action in this matter.
require Fernoval of tract office, was read and filed.
bfo.i;i& seconded by Child and carried. I er
Hartborne moved that I
Deputy Clerk
Attorney 'Vindhosstts draft of
and Bonftres,! was read and discussed.
Ordinance Regulating and Prohibiting Grass Fires
E&. Mitzel approved of Ordinance as read,
' stating .that p similar ordinance is now'fn force in most of the surrounding
Ordinance and adopt Ordjnance as read, t?as seconded by Hmthorne, and on Rollcall
there were five ay~s znd no nays, a6 follo~frst
aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinace was adopted.
Ch-ild's motion, that Council waive second. reading of the following
Child, aye; Palen, aye; Villson,
- .. Sec. 1; No person s&ll within the limits of this. village cause or permit
?JJo person shall within the limits of tbis vi21age set fire do
to be made or build any fi+e in the public streets, highway, lwes and alleys,
or burn & weeds, gras's, leaves, rubtish or other substance without first pro"
v4ding adequzte means to safely control szich fire at+all. times. The setting of
such a fire on any unusually windy day or the' cdling or appearance of the fire
department at such fire shall constitute prima'facie evidence that the person
so setting such fire did not pro9i.de adequate means to safely control such fir:.
No person shall ailfully cdI'out the firerdepartment withou2;
,just cause. fiery person calling or phoning for the fire department shall give
his name and address to the person receiving such cdl, which ohall 'be recorded
ad turned over to the village clerk,
Any person who shhl violate any provision of this ordinance
shall on vonviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding'$100 or by
imprisomenf in the county jai? for not exceeding ninety days,
&ter its publfcation,
Set. 2.
Sec. 3.
Sec, 4. *.
Sec, 5. 'Phis ordinance shall take effect ad be in Poree from and
Pres'ident of the Village CordciL
l&meapolfs , Northfield and Southern Railpray Corapa~ly~ s report, that the,Y vi13
consider Council*s request for automatic signal a* Hasen Road and rai&t-raY *
right-of-m.y in their budget for 1950, but dellying Councilrs request for sisal *
at Grove Street right-of-way, was read.
letter, reiterating that it is Council*s opinion th& Grove Street and Emsen
Road crossings pyesent serious traffia. menace .and that Etutomatic sigm3.s shouldl
be incLuded in Bailx-ray Company's program at earliesf; possible date; and that
Village Attorney check CouncilTsaauthority in this matter, Tas seconded by
Pden amd unanimously ciLrried,
Niuesota Safety Gouncilts report advising of Bdina'6 winning place on Honor Roll
of Nationd Safety Council beczuse of being without- traffic fctaZitg in 3915.8, Was
read; arrd Clerk was instructed to ask that Certificate .be mailed to Tillage HdL
Child's motion, that Clerk reply t6
SupDleinentm Petition fer the Blaclctopping of Bedfqrd Avenue betvreen 1f.sLs.f; and TI. 5s; St, vas presented; this petition, together with petition presenged Aums-t 23,
ang up the necessary percentage of signatures. accepted, and the Public Hearing be set Tor 1.lay 23, 1949, at 8:OO P.14.
secqnded 'by Child and carried,
Child' s motion that
the yeq Asri$ 1, 19 B 9 to Apil 1, l&O, vith exception of two astqrislred belovr,
Crbich are to be approved to January l,,X95O, vas seconded by Hawthorne and carried.
Hizhiray Display 00.
4944 France Ave. So. 36 Bdina Hardtiare Edi& Hsdvrare
Ervey S. Griff
Berg Fsnhan Compny Berg & Farnhm Co. Ifarehouse+&& e Eden -69
Sloomberg Coo Bloonberg 00. Voobland Rd. Q T1ooddd.e 97
~trs. D. '3. I.tcGnire Edenoor Shemood Ed,& Eden Ave, 98
Si- Painted on sfde
of Cafe 99
Grmdpiet! bafe
Grmdvievr Cafe 11 I1 Highwag 1-69 in front
** of lot 'I 100
Grandview Cafe II II Highvw 16? on
I~icNellis property 101 scar kaberts omz zany Oscar Boberts'Ca. * 7200 France Ave, So. 102
I1 I1 II II It 11 7200 Franpe Ave. So. lo3
Pale Green 7601 Normandde 7601 Normandale Bd. 104
Tfillson moved %hat petition be Hotion
? . r-
emits be granted for 'maintdnance of the follovring s%@s, far
Mesbit t 1 s Bottling Co . Hig%ray No. 169 16
gsegele advertising Go. &om CLotgng Co. * Highmy No, 269 1.7"
Edina Shoe Service 8
- Crown Cleaners 4952 &ance Ave. So. 37 t% 38
Grandview Cafe
b$ls.Xorthfield &. Southern . 14H&S Rai&vy, Team Track Railroad property 105
Northvresiern paint 9 Vapaper Patbk Pr,int$ Highway No. 169 106
Carl f.i. Hasen ParhTOOd Knolls * Parbrood 811011s 107
Rmus Investment Co. J;Suenn Vista 4 Signs in Subd. 109
Baegle Advertisi-ng Co. Thompson Lbr. Co, 11.49th 8 Hy. 169 111g
Bobert PT Szvory Savory' s Greenhouse Valley V3.evr Rd. &
. W,63rd St. 108
bus Investment Go. Laena Vista Nomandd-e 8: 1"1.?Oth 110
. Matter 04 Blacktopsing Program cane next-before the Council. C.
llillson's motion, that Council advertise for bids.foi. Blacktopping of the follotring
streetst Chowen Avenue between South Line of Edina Hills and 17. 57thStreet;
Gorgas Avenue between 1'1.5lst and 8, 52nd Street; ' Hansen Road %&ween Grove end ~~60th Streets; with bids to be osened by 9,
, r_ 1949, vas seconded by Child and carried,
T?illsoits motion, setting Public' Rearing on proposed black%opping of llLimbackfl streets
for E-ionday, May 23, 1949, at 8:OO P.1-1. vas seconded br Child and Unanimously carried,
Willsongs motion, tht petitiolsfor Blacktopping of streets in "Prospect Hills 2nd
year because they are in outlying sections of the'village and are not at dl built
up, vas seconded By Child and unanimously carried,
Petition for InstallGtion of traffic control sigpaLs at &den and Bruce Avenues vas
rea& and re3erred to Public Sa€ety Committee for report, by motion Haxthorne, seconded
by Pden and carried.
"Indian Hill~,"'~l;aBubna Vista,II and tlYork Terrace ,It be tabled for this
Plbg. Supt. Voehler reported that sever line in front of Frank Garrisonts residence,
4511 17.56th Street, is three feet lower than basement floor; that Hr, Garrison has
been i&ormed that Village would dig up street ad thak if line from main to curb
connection had been installed at an excessive wgle the V'illzge would pay cost of
t%igging, but that if line is in correctly Nr, Giarrison must pay cost; ad that
Hr. Garrison has said he would dig up connection bimself,
1-fr, J. L. Baints letter 'of April 18, inquiring about sidevrdk repair, vas xead and
filed. -l'lillsongs motion, 9.t Council readvertise for bids for such 'sidetralk repair
as is deemed necessary during the summqr of 1949, vith bids to be taken May 9, 1949,
vas seconded by Child and carlfied,
EEutual Iklement 'and Hardware Insurance Corrpany's letty of April 11, in vrhich they
require a premi.um of $293-16 instead of bid of $275.00 for fire znd edencted
coverage on Village 'PoolhouSe contents, vas revieved. 'l-fatter referred to I&?.
l'kd.horst, for h5s opinion as to vrhether Village may require underwriters to
eater into contrzct at bid price,, 1
Village Attorney Vindhorst's opinion, that Blacktopping can be assessed without a
petition, upon Council's determination of its necessQty and after a hblic Hearing,
was reviewed, I- l?i12sonr s sotion, offering- the f~llowing Resolution- for- adoption -
tras seconded by-Child and unanimous.ly carried %y Rollcall vote as follotrs: Child,
aye; Palm, aye; -Willson;'a,ye; Hawthorne , .aye; and Coopera, aye; and thcResolution -
I was adopted: + * r x 1-
* F
-_ - _. SECOlD BDDI'I'PION ~ * .
1ECfXZAS the Village Co-mcil desir'es-on its 'om motPokL to improve St.Johns
Avenue betveen I'roodhill Road and the North Lot Line of Golf Terrace Heights-
Second Add-ition by Blacktoppfng, as au"thorized by Chapter? 382, Laws 1903, nov
- --- -
-- -. -
BE IT RXSOLVED by the V"rl1age Couhcil of the Village-of Bina that i@ is deemed
necessary and eqkdient to'm'ake the ab"ove named fmprovemeht and that on the 23rd
day of Nay, at 8:DO P.M., th'is Council'iKJ.1 meet" at the IFillage Hdl in said Villag&
and will at said Eime md plhe hear the parties'interestkd 'therein in refere& to
such improvement ,' and will dkcide whet&er or not" to undertake such improvemeht , in
vhole or-in part,"
r b
l.- -- -
d -f .*
President of the
F .- \
.* *% *
7 * F *- x.
Village Clerk
Contract -for purchase of the' Hay 8 Stehson 'propeEty was pieseated for CouncZl action.
Sale price is $55:000, less >ebate'of $1,600 for'four months; rent; $25,000 to be
paid in cash, and* $28,400 on' each Aprii 30, 1950* and Aprii 30, 1951,. with interest
to be &$ per sui+ upon the %alate frbm time to* time un-&&L &wthorne*s motion,
that President an$ clerk be buthorized-to execut; contra& for purchase of Eay and
Stenson property $or the Edina'Ebicip$ Liqor &ore, anh thzt President , Clerk
and Treasurer b'e authorized to'sign checks totdfing $25,bOO $or the initial
papent; said mon'eys to be -&id from' the-Liquor hnd,. was" seconded by Palen-and
fir, J. V. Glenso< appeaxed bifore the Bounci1 to: review Bracktopping Contracts he
nov hss kith Villsge of Eding. Mr, Glpason vrzs Informe$. tht he is not to eqecf
any moneys for the jobs part$ally compTeted mti3 he has Pinished all jobs now '
under construc$ioF dnd. such jo6s' Fave peen festep and-z,cc~pted by the Council.
Nr. Richad &J.efi, reported op the Idutu$. Aid f irg orgzniz@ion, regorting that
associstion is now vel1 under way, having elected its officers ad drafted a
constitution-with five suburban communities joining the association.
reported that constitution calls for twee deleg3tes from,esch Village; Fire Chiex
zlld two other deJ,egates--ad, suggested, that Fire, Departmept be permitt& to -elect
another representative.
Fire Cnief MitzeL, and iu1 additiond I dalegate frpm Fire Dgpartment , was seconded
by Hcirthorne and carried.
carried unanimous~y. Y )I- -z- L
Nr. ,Palen
I@, l'?illson* s, motion, cpnfirming, appointment of Mr. Palen,
*, -I -* Child's motion for adjournment vas seconded by H
1. c *, Village Clerk r,
L - .6 rs -- -
T WRJ~ES OF TEE mcxcmFm61i~~ OF' ~m
MA$ 9, 1949, 'AT 8:00-P.%,.Bfp TEE!
-+ EDIITi VILLAGE. &I& . . -: - - -
. -.. MemBers answering Rollcdl were Child, T.Tillson, Palen anq Cooper.
Gretchen Schussler acted as4lerk.
Ninutos of Re,o;uls lileeting ~f April 25, 1949, were approied as submitted, .by Notion
Deputy- CleFk .
* '. -T* .- , .).
I -- I+ I T.
+ Palen, seconded Willson, an& I*
biotion for zpproval, of the .following Payrolls wzs made bx Child, seconded 'oy Palen
and carried: