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Village Attorney Vindhorst's opinion, that Blacktopping can be assessed without a
petition, upon Council's determination of its necessQty and after a hblic Hearing,
was reviewed, I- l?i12sonr s sotion, offering- the f~llowing Resolution- for- adoption -
tras seconded by-Child and unanimous.ly carried %y Rollcall vote as follotrs: Child,
aye; Palm, aye; -Willson;'a,ye; Hawthorne , .aye; and Coopera, aye; and thcResolution -
I was adopted: + * r x 1-
* F
-_ - _. SECOlD BDDI'I'PION ~ * .
1ECfXZAS the Village Co-mcil desir'es-on its 'ovm motPokL to improve St.Johns
Avenue betveen I'roodhill Road and the North Lot Line of Golf Terrace Heights-
Second Add-ition by Blacktoppfng, as au"thorized by Chapter? 382, Laws 1903, nov
- --- -
-- -. -
BE IT RXSOLVED by the V"rl1age Couhcil of the Village-of Bina that i@ is deemed
necessary and eqkdient to'm'ake the ab"ove named fmprovemeht and that on the 23rd
day of BIay, at 8:DO P.M., th'is Council'iKJ.1 meet" at the IFillage Hdl in said Villag&
and will at said Eime md plhe hear the parties'interestkd 'therein in refere& to
such improvement ,' and will dkcide whet&er or not" to undertake such improvemeht , in
vhole or-in part,"
r b
l.- -- -
d -f .*
President of the
F .- \
.* *% *
7 * F *- x.
Village Clerk
Contract -for purchase of the' Hay 8 Stehson 'propeEty was pieseated for CouncZl action.
Sale price is $55:000, less >ebate'of $1,600 for'four months; rent; $25,000 to be
paid in cash, and* $28,400 on' each Aprii 30, 1950* and Aprii 30, 1951,. with interest
to be &$ per sui+ upon the %alate frbm time to* time un-&&L &wthorne*s motion,
that President an$ clerk be buthorized-to execut; contra& for purchase of Eay and
Stenson property $or the Edina'Ebicip$ Liqor &ore, anh thzt President , Clerk
and Treasurer b'e authorized to'sign checks totdfing $25,bOO $or the initial
papent; said mon'eys to be -&id from' the-Liquor hnd,. was" seconded by Palen-and
fir, J. V. Glenso< appeaxed bifore the Bounci1 to: review Bracktopping Contracts he
nov hss kith Villsge of Eding. Mr, Glpason vrzs Informe$. tht he is not to eqecf
my moneys for the jobs part$ally compTeted mti3 he has Pinished all jobs now '
under construc$ioF dnd. such jo6s' Fave peen festep and-z,cc~pted by the Council.
Nr. Richad &J.@II, reported op the Idutu$. Aid f irg orgzniz@ion, regorting that
associstion is now vel1 under way, having elected its officers ad drafted a
constitution-with five suburban communities joining the association.
reported that constitution calls for twee deleg3tes from,esch Village; Fire Chiex
zlld two other deJ,egates--ad, suggested, that Fire, Departmept be permitt& to -elect
another representative.
Fire Cnief MitzeL, and iu1 additiond I dalegate frpm Fire Dgpartment , was seconded
by Hcirthorne and carried.
carried unanimous~y. Y )I- -z- L
Nr. ,Palen
I@, l'?illson* s, motion, cpnfirming, appointment of Mr. Palen,
*, -I -* Child's motion for adjournment vas seconded by H
1. c *, Village Clerk r,
L - .6 rs -- -
MA$ 9, 1949, 'AT 8:00-P.%,.Bfp TEE!
-+ EDIITi VILLAGE. &I& . . -: - - -
. -.. MemBers answering Rollcdl were Child, T.Tillson, Palen anq Cooper.
Gretchen Schussler acted as4lerk.
Ninutos of Re,o;uls lileeting ~f April 25, 1949, were approied as submitted, .by Notion
Deputy- CleFk .
* '. -T* .- , .).
I -- I+ I T.
+ Palen, seconded Willson, an& I*
biotion for zpproval, of the .following Payrolls TEAS made bx Child, seconded 'oy Palen
and carried:
Gretchen .Schussler
Bernice Johnscn
Helene Freeman
Louis e Xest erberg -
Fred Jonas. -
Clarence Tautson.
Hilding DU
I&. S, Heydt
Henry & Ikobleslri
KLliam V. Hoffman
Lloyd 5kGary
B e& li. Herfeld
I€* J . .14er?eld
John Tracy
Harry Jonas
Arthur .Jensen
Ronald Port
C, 8: Cardarelle
!lase Qzcy
_. Joseph Natole
Charles Johnson- ,
Jacob Shmak
I&, H. KeU
zaul 8.. Books
y?xxtk. T&.rno
Total General Fund
Sam Roberts
David Roberts
Grand Total Payroll
10225 SL.20 4.09 15.29 86.96 75w3 78.60 30.05 1OSa65 . .&2.88
Total Liquor Payroll lOO2*7O 47e60 40 a10 81 e70 925.00
.. 5/9L49 '
&lotion br Palen approving payment of .the following claw was seconded by Willson
arid carried: I
I &J.EfNO, -- - * 553 First Edina State Bank
5537 Suburban Hemepin County f
9kaSfeT of Funds . $ 3620 I -
Relief Board -,
&ki K. Fetersen
John Balfch
Kennekh V. Johnson
222.65 POOR BUND U35 6 62 GARUGE .wrm
k52.00 G-L.. I I,
26.00 .,,...*
Chris fitzel . 43 BO0 Chester J, Betley 63 e00
Ed. millips ec sons eo - 405.86 LIQUOR
First National, Bank 16, IlO ~47 4. -.: I.
1 Fursuat to !ll!otice of Street Jmproyement Hearing-Curb and Gutter, Vooddale (I?.Side),
between Lexington Avenue ad T'T.56th Street ,'I published in Suburban Press, Hopkins,
IJIiuesota, Apil 14 and 21, 19&9, Affidavi't..of Pubfication for which was read by
Deputy Clerk, qFoved and placed on file--President called public hewing on
pebition of Coloaial Church of Edina for curb and gutter in the above nmed
foot, was reid.
Church, pointed out that the Church is the only Fropertg owner benefited by this
construction, and tha$ the Church app5oves of the'proJect;
following Resolution and moved. its adoption:
Engineerts Estimate,, in the amouht of $643.30, or $2.38 per assessable
&ti?. John Ifindhorst, Ch&rma;n of Board of 2rug"ces of Colonial
#illson offered the
7- , Am W. ~ S6Tk SIcREm r ImM, pefition in ur&iting requesting-improvement of the Vest side of
I7ooddale Avenue between Eexingt,oa-A.venue &d' I$,$th Street has been duly filed with Q
this Cok~cil dated April 11, 1949, signed by oimers of more Yhan .Sl$, in front=@?
of the red. property abukting on the portion o€ the street named in$he petition
as the location for such improvement, and
.'I[- the Fillage Council has met at the time and place specified in a
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvement piblished in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, on Ayril 14 and 21, 1949, and has heard al.1 persons interested and determined the necessity for the
improvement petitioned for , now tfieref ore
by Chapter 3lL, Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby deterained
to have been sieed by the required-percentage of owners of proserty dfeci;e&
thereby, 2nd
338 IT PUR&3EER JZESOLV%D that the West side of Vooddale Avenue betmea Lexing-
toil Avenue and W.56th Street be iwroved by construction of Standard Village Curb
BE IT ~S0LV"rrp BY the Village Council of the Village of Edina as required
; ad Gutter therei-a, 2nd- : ,. t
IT RTESOIiVEP that said iqrovement be made in accordance with Standard
Specifications for Curb and Gutter now on file with the clerk and which have
heretofore been apiroved by the Village Council.
advertisements in the Su%ayl?an Press, Bo-iJrins, and in the Construction Bulletin,
Ninnea~olis, an advertisement for bids upon such improvement in accordance vith
such approved plms and specifications, satd bids to be op6ned at this mee.l;ing,
is 'he&by confirmed by this Council.
Notion for adoption of the RGsolution was seconded by Palen, and on RollcaLl thore
mre four ayes a.nd no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Palen, aye; Frillson, aye; and
Cooper, aye; and the Resolhtion vas adopted.
333 IT mTRfcHER RBS0I;VED that the action of the Village Clerk, in inserting
r P I
I' Pursuant -to ffNotice of Street Lmpsovelpent Hearing-Zlxtension, Grading and Gravelling
of Lexingtoil, Avenue between Wooddale Avenue 6: S$ .Johns Avenue ,If published in
Suburban Press, Hogkins; Minnesota, Agril 14 and, ?L, 1949, Affidavit of Publication
for which was read by Clerk, 'approved'wrd place$ on file-President called public
hesing on getition of the Colonid Church of Bdina for the above'rraaed impkovements.
lngineerts estimate b-the amowt. of $727.65, or $1.20 per- apsessable foot for,
the property abutting Lexinkton Avenie on the South only, v~as red,
5/9 /+9
A delc&tion of Oak Drive residents, headed by Lfr. Earl A. Hdvorson, 4511; L.B.
Anderson, 4513 , AgIT6 (and Urs.) P;gndberg,&17, ad E.B. Asleson ,4515 O& Drive,
protested opening of the street on grounds that trzffic hazard vould be created, and
that street opening vrould decrease value of their pro2erties by giving them travelled
roadwrzgs at both front and back of their lots. TMs delegation requested that, if *
Council does see €et to grant Church's petition for street, the street be a twenty-
foot foadvray, instead of the usual thirty-foot; or, that the roadmy be placed on the
south %hirty-l"oot of the dedicated right-of-vw, thus allowing a twenty-f 00-t boulevad.
at the Xorth. 3kssrs. Work, Johnson and Ohester Nordeen, representing thi *Colonial
Church of Edina, objected to plqcing the roadway excegt in the center of the right-of-
frhich tvro lots abut Zesiqton Axenue on the South, vent on record as being neither
for nor zg.&nst the project and as having no objection to the rDad*s being placed at
the Southern-bxtrenity of the rjgh&-of-rray providing this is agreeable to everyone,
Ifillson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Hr. Eloi Bauers, ovmer of Lots 14 arid 15, Block 1, Subdivision of Littel Park-- I BESOLTITIOX SOp II+PE?.O"!E-~TSION, GRADII% AXD
I!HER?3ASY petition in m9ting reguesting improvenent of Leknngton Avenue 'iletvreen
Wooddale Avenue .ad SE,Jobns Avenue by extension, grading ad gravelling thereof has
3een duly filed vi"& this council kted Apil 11, 1949, signed by omers of nore thau
51% in frontse 02 the benefited real property abutting on the street nmed in s&d
peijition as the location for such improvement, and
to all-property oimers those property abuts such such improvement, published in
Su%urbm Press, Hopkbs, Rinpesota, on April 14 and 21, and has &sci dl pessons
interested ad determined the necessity for the Qnprovement getitLone&for, noir
3E IT RZSOLV3D BY the Yillege Council of the Vill=e of Edins as required by
Chzter 311, 3;~~s of 3.921, that the petitiion above described is herebr determined to
have been signed by the rewired percentage of omers of property affected thereby,and
BE I2 ETEPEER RESOL7ZD th& Lezington Ayenue betvreen T7ooddd.e Avenue asla St.Johns
Avenue be extended, graded-znd gravelled, and
3E IT R3SOSlBD that plzns and specifications now on file vith the Village Clerk
identified as Qlans ad SFecifications for &tension, Grading md Gravelling of
Lexington Avenue,
Faid improvenent,
Suburban Press, Hopldns, Minneso t2 ad in the Construction Bulletin, I.linneapolis , an
advertisement fo~ bids upon such imprevements in accordace with such approved plans ma specifications, said bi&s to be ,opened Mag-23, 1949.
each bid sW1 be lo$ of the amount of the bid, 1 BE IT PURTEEEIXESOL~ that the Village Council. of Edina does hereby deternine
th& the gro2erties benefited by said improvement are those properties vrhich a-it
Lesington Avenue on the South; and does furthiir determine that the arozerties vhich
&ut said Avenue on the ltrorth are not benefited by the improvement znB shall not be
assessed for the cost of swe,
I4otion for adoption of the Resolution vas seconded by Child, and on Bollcdl there were
four eyes ana no nags, as follovrs:
and the Besolution was zdopted,
1-S the Village Council has met at the time and place specifieain a notice
are here'oy aFproved and dopted as the, plans and specifications for
33 IT FUE!l!E€X RiXOL'Vs) tkt the Clerk is directed to gresare and insert in the
9he deposit accoclpanying
CMld., aye; Pden, we; I'lillsop, we; Cooper, we;
Presigent of the Village
Viilke Clerk
Purs&t-to "Botice of Hearing on Petition for' Storm
Ho-$ins, Himesota, April 14 ad 21, 19@, Affidavit of Sublicatiop for vhich vas read,
amroved ad @.aced on fibe, President called public hearing on petition of the Colonid
&kch of Edina, %or Storn Sever to drain area:betvreen IToo@kl.e Avenue ad St.Johns
Avenue and between Oak Drive &d 17- 56th Street,
cost were presated, estinate being in the mount of $5,*64-8.94, for a storm seGer to
%e constructed dong the folloeini Route:'
Commencing zt existing catch basin on Soutk side ok O& Drive betvreen Lots 4 B 5 ,
Block 1, Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Ad&tion; thence Southerly across sa3d Lots 4
& 5 a distance of PjO#,more or less; theoce Southtresterly across Lexington Avenue
to the,Hortheast corner of Lot 18, 31. 1, Subdirlsion of Littel Park; thence
Southerly across Lots 28 8 19 and Lots 8 et 9, 331, 1, Sbudvision of Littel Park a
distmce of 300' yore or less to M,56th St; thence Southerly across-17.56th St.
to the Northeast corner of Lot, 18, Block 4, Su'odivision of, Littel Park; thence
zcross Lots 18 Q l9 ad sots 8 B 9, 31. 4, Su'bdivision of Littel Park a distance
publishes in SuWr'bm Press,
EngFeerts plan ad estimate, of
- of Ijot-more or less, -
Nessrs, Long and Getzell, owners of properties on T.T.56th Street , ojjected to' construction
€or reasons that stom vrater,vill raise svrmp behind their proserties and that they are
already burdened with assessments for improvements and c'zuz afford no more at presbnt,
Objectors were informed that no additional stom water vrould be drained-that the
vator would merely go underground; and that the, Council eqected to provide moneys
from the General- Fund of the Village for construction of this snal.1 storm sewer,
wtiL such time as the long-planned and highly nkessay large storm sewer, vrhich
vi11 drain proper%ies from the Golf Course south; has been constructed; that the
storm sewer under. discussion this evening will. form a part of this large stom
sewer system; and that all progertiei in the large storm sewer district tMl ba
assessed for construction of the entire system at the time of its construction,
I"lillsonr s'aotion, authorszing Clerk to aavertise for bids for Stom Sever I
Cchstruction, "in accord-anc e with plans and specifications approved this evening,
with bids to be taken Monday, Ray 23, was seconded by Child arrd unanimously carried+
Pursuant to rlXotice of Hearing on Petition for Sanitary Sewer .In Tovmes Circle,"
published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, April 14 aud 21, 1949, Affihvit
of Pu'bllcat ion for which was read,' approved and. placed oii file, Presidenf; called
public hearing on pcti%ion of aobert P, Caron and others, for the a'bove named
improvemen%. Engineer's estidte , which inc&udss a lift stction; vas $12,081.66,
or 5;1,610.21 per lot. -Engineer Smith"ex$ained that to;gography of the, land is
such that a lift station is required. Mr. Quinn ad one other resident of
lotrmes Circle objected to the 'cost, and requested that; petition be tabled. Child*s
motion, tabling petition €or Sanitary Sewer in 2ownes Road, was seconded by Willson
ad unazlimously carried,
t"lilhont*s motion, authorizing Depu& Clerk to sign checks issued at this meeting,
Pursuant to "Notice of Heaxing on Petition for Grading ad Blacktogping, 1b.d.ison
Avenue between N. Village Limits ad IaLoney Avenue,lt pblished in Suburban Press,
Hopkips, Ninnesote,, on ApZl 14 and 21, A€fidasri% of PubLication for which vas
mad, agproved and placed,on fiJ.e, Prgsident. cdled public hearing on petition of
Daniel B. Hmsen znd others, dated April ll, 1949, fok the a'bove named improvements.
Engineer's estimate for the grading' of the street was $1,2&8.41, or G.54 per
assessable foot; for the.blacktoyping, $4,251.81, or $3_,85 per assessalh foot, &. fleith Whelan inquired about drainage and was infoped khat street drainago
v0ul.d 'be remedied by grading 'but th2t Tillage could do nothing about the lot1 spot
behind the Vhekns. &t. Stimac inquired about the profile, * and confbrred with
vas secon'ded by Palen and carried. 1
c ..
.Englaeer, .There were no oral. objections. to the hprovements, -and no written
,objoct$ons,had been filed with Clerk.
.and moved for its adoption:
?E.llson-offered.the following ResoZution -
&the Borth Village Limits and Maloliey Avenue by-grading-and blacktopping thereof, has
boen duly filed vith this Council dated Ap51 11, 1949, signed by otr&rs of more than
,51$ in ,frontge of- the ,red. ppoperty abutting Qn-the portion of the .street nmed in
'to dl proierty owners whose property is liable to be assessed for each imprdvement
published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Winnesota, 02 April 14 and.21, 1949, and. has
heard a11 persons interested, and determined the necessity for the iqrovement
petitioned for, now th'erefore',
BE IT RElS0I;YZD BY the Village Council of the VLllage of Edina, as required by
Chpter 3Sl, Lms of 1927, that the petitign above described is hereby determined.to - have hen signed by the required pe5centage of owners of property affected thereby,
&iL oney Avenue be improved .by grading and blacktopping, according to specifscat ions
now on file with the Village Clerk and which are hereby approved.
BE 19 FUXTEBB RBSOLTEID that the Clerk is directed to pr'epare arrd insert in the
S@nban Press, HoFkins, aqd in the. Construction Bulletin, &iin;neapolis, ag advertise-
ment for bids upon such improvements in accordance with such appkoved plans and speci-
fications, ,said bids! to be ogened lila? 23, 1949.
shall be Leapercent of the amount oI:.the bid.
Motion for adoption of the Resolutioatras seconded by Child, and on Rollcall. there
vere four ayes and no nays, as follows:
said pqtition as the Iocation.for.such improvealexl;e, anib ..
WLEBBAS the Village Couacil ks met at the time and place specified in a notice
BE IT PuRTm RESOLKEP, that Nadisfon Avenue detvreen the Morth Tiilage Limits and
The deposit accoqanying each bid
Child, aye; Palen, aye; ?tillson, aye; Cooper,
aye; and the Resolution was adopted. *t .I -
PreKident of the Village 6 Cfl
< -. <
Engineer-Smith reported that it has been impossible to detail pp'lans for the ?!ater
Nain project aproved by the Council April 23, in order thzt 'bids my be taken this
for &ty 23, 1949, vas seconded by Palen and carried,
evoni%* childis motion aXLthOriZin2; Clerk $0 advertise for bids for this project
298 .- 5/9/49
Pzrsault ta itAd.vertisenent for Bids-Curb and Gutter ,Ii pu'blished in Su'wba Press,
Hopkins, IJinnesotz?, Ayril 14 and 21, 1949, Affibvit of Publication for which vzs
red and placed on file, Council opened the folloving sealed bids for construction
of Standard Villsge Curb and Gutter
Lexington Ave-nue and V.56th Street:
285; Stmdard Curb and Gutter
r- Extra Work - Cost Plus
on the West side-of-17ooddd.e ,Avenue between
Lin.Ft, Total Lin.Ft, , Total
$1.90 $541.50 rs1.55 I $441- 75
205 , * lSj3 ,
Ifillson's motion, zuthorizins President ~LIG Cle& to enter into contract with George
Hadsen for construction of curb ana gutter at above bid price, tras seconded by Child
urd unmimously csried.
Pursumt to "Advertisement for Bids-SideTralk =Repairs ,I' pu3liyhed in Suburban Press,
Ho_pkins, l$innesota, April 28 md I4ay 5, 1949, Bffirkvit of Publication for which tras
read ind placed on file, Council opened the follopring sealed b3ds for repgir df
Vil1-e sidemlk at various places vithin-the Pillage, said repair to be under
dike ct ion of Village Engineer;
I 1
Per Sq; Ft.
som GXORGZ I-Irnrn
Per Sq., 3%.
$1.05 * $1.00-
l'lillsont s notion, authorizins President and Clerk -e"o enter into contract. irith George
14zdsen for sidevalk repir, at abve bid price, vas seconded by Palen ad und.mously
&suznt to tlAdvertisement for Bids-Blackfoppjng, It published in Suburban Press, Hopkins,
Miruzesota, and in Construction Bulletin, 14imeapolis, A3ril 28 and Ikiy 5, Affidavit of
&blication for which vas read, zsproved, and placed on file , sealed bids irere opened
covering Blackf;op$ng of the streets enumerated beloa:
Sq.Yd. Total - SM.fCotal sYD,Ipof;al .Srn.fPotal SYD*Total I 434 Sq-Yds. Stab. -20 86.80 -0: ' -32 i38.88 132 138.88 .35 151.90 -35 151.90
434 Sq.Yds.Bit.Surf. .61 264.74 -0- .5g&-258.2? .* 2316.76 .61 264.74 .57 247.38
351.54 -0- 397 . 11 :373 24 416.a 399- 28
2350 Sq. Yds S tab.
2350 Scl_.Yds .Bit . Surf. .61143.50 -0- .59$1?98.21 ;541269.00 .611433.50 .571339,50 .
-20 ~70.00 -0- -_ -32 ,762.00 .32 752.00 -35 822.50 -35 822.50 -
1903.50 -0- 2150.25 2021.00 2256 . 00 2162.00
4334 S~.Yds*Stz"o, . 20 866.50 -0- .32 1386.88 .321386.88 .351516,go .351516.90 4-334 Sq.Pds.Bit .Surf. .61647.?& , -0- .5$!$!5?8.7? .542740.'36 .612643.74 .572470,38
3510.5'4 20- 3965.18 3727.24 4160 . 64 3987 = 28
Villsonts. motion, authorizing President md Clerk to enter into contract in name of
Village, with Ja I'r. Craig Company for Blacktopping of the three above named streets
at their bid price €or construction using Cutback Asphalt, vas seconded by Palen and
unmimously carried.
Xr, Elois Bzuers, omer of Lots 14 and 15, Block 1, Subdivision of Lit$eL Park, asked
that he be pemitted to comey to the Village of 3dina the 1@l prater main he has con-
structed in St,Johns Averme from V. 56th Street 1Torth to serve the abovc nmcd lots,
in return for relief Trom papent of Gonsumerts Deposit for comection of this dn
to 1~56th Street 1.Ia51.1 5n Ilates. &in Improvement Ha, 3.
length, withEngineer pointing out to"Counci1 that this czse is somevbt different
fron the uikd "Consumer's Depositii case because there will be no need of a Vilhge
xater main to serve St.Jo'3.w Avenue, there being only two nraserties on this street,
to give service to dl four properties dong t'nis street.
Village accqt l$ll water inain constructed $37 Ur. Bloi Bmers znd tthzt Er. Bauers be
relieved fron Consumer's Deposit Chmge for connection to Water &in Im_arovement Bo, 3,
irzs seconded $3 Villson apd unanimously carried.
Matter vas considered at some
-other thm Kc.BA6ers1 lots. 14r. Smith stated that the l$r-main is sufficiently large
CUld*s motion, .that
I&, L.C. Szsles presented petition for the Blackt~ppbg of Laura Avenue betveen
Cascade Lane md Noore Avenue, said petition having been signed by nore than !jl$ of
pro2ergg- omers aid being dated Ihy 9.
coqleted 21011% with the blacktopping of Csscade Lme and were inforned t'mt this
could not be done as the contract has already bee? let for Cascade Lse- Ilillsonrs
motion, set%ing Milic Hearing on petition for Blacktopping of Laura Avenue for
i-ion&.g, June 13, 1949, at 8:OO P.l.f., vzs seconded by Child &d Unaninously carried,
Petitioners requested tht this project be
5/9/49 299
lira. Sarles requested that "Stop Signtf be installed at neighborhood of 44th
ad Brookside, to s10r.1 traffic, 4'lillson moved tnzt this request be deferred . I
to Public Safety Cowittee, with power to act,
Notion seconded by Falen and --
Mr, Robert C. Cole presented petitions dz,ted April 25, 1949, sised. by owners
of approximately 90$ of the lots abutting 'Pomes Road between W.48th and 7?.
49th Streets, said petitions requesting Plater I?[ain Extension, and Grading mk
Gravelking of said street,
be tendered, if possible, before the other work is done. Mr, Cole., and Nr.
l'r%lcox md Nr. Quist who supported the two petitions, vere of the opinion that
such petition could be secured before the next meetilzg,
setting Puiilic Hearing on petitions for Bater Nain Extension and Grztaihg and. .
Gravelling for Tomes Road $or Monday, Jme 13.) 1949, at 8:OO Po& , was
seconded by Child ad casried;
Clerk to zdvertise for bids for these two projects, providing petition for
Smitay Sewer is secured by Na.y 23, said bids to be taken June 13, 1949, vas .
seconded by Child and carried.
Mrs. Pred O'oermeyer, Xrs. Roger Williams, and two other taxpayers in the
neighborhood, recuested that the sssessment for Street Improvement $0. 20 . - .
(Grading) be anortized over a period of five or ten years.
the present three-year term of assessmen% makes yea!Ly paymen.ts prohibitive,
They vere inforriled that Public Heariig had been held at the time the assessment
vas levied, but Mrs. Obermeyer claimed that they ha& not received notice.
Irustee Y?ilLsoh suggested 'that petition for Smitazy
lfil1sonts motion, .
t'Jillson's motion, that Village Council authorize
dhey claimed that
Mr, 1;. It, Sargent, 5201 Gorgas Aveaue, presented petition against the Councills
granting permit to Boris Bevrowaruk to build a multiple dwelling at 5228 France
Avenue South. Public Hearing, as advertised in lfMotice of Eearing on Petition
for Perrnit to Build Double or Uultiple Dwelling,11 published in Subwban Press.,
Hopkins , Minnesotst, Airi3. 28, 1949, tras then held- on blr. Pevrovraruk8s petition
for such building. Xr* Petrotraruk presented plans , which were reviewed briefly
by Council, Delegation headed by i4r. Sargent a11 protested the petition; and
after an arbwent between yetitioner ad objectors, Ifillson's motion, denying
petition, vas seconded by Child and carried,
Mr. Pevrovaruk tras notified; later in the evening, that he must remove kitchen
sink 2nd other plumhins from the second storey of his dwelling at 5232 France,
beczuse such installations m&e possible a second apartment in this dwelling,
vhereas permit vas issued for one-family dvelling only. ltlr . Petrotrzmk agreed
to comply irith this ordbr.
PIr. %:. C. Stow again requested plans for storm sever in the area of Yvonne
2errace, and was shownpreliminary plans,
on Storm Sever for the areal'lest of the Beltline-be set for 2.Ionday, June 13,
1949, 2nd thzt Xr. Smi.th hsve details worked out by that date, Vas seconded
3y Willson aid carried.
Nr, Jobn Gust recuested permit to erect temporary structure for, Cmh-ad--Carry
Ice Dispensary, to be located behind the Pure Oil Stattion, facins Halifax
Inspector Voehler 3ildwith the understanding that buildins be reraoved on
thirty dws' notice from the Council lras seconded hy Palea 2nd carried,
I <
Child's motion, that Public Heming
r ?
Child's motion tbat perait 'oe grated under directi'on of Building
Mr. Harry Gustdson requested- relief from Sanitary Sever District Tqo. 13 assess-
neat levied aggtnst Lot 12,. Block 2, Brookline Second Addition, Be claimed that
this assGssment shouJd have been levied against all lots in Brookline Second
Addition except Lots 1 and 2, Block 1; which are hLLready bearing an assessment
for the Beard Avenue portion of the assessment originally levied agginst the
unplaht ed propeAy from which this Addition vras subsequently developed. villago
Attorney T'CiIldhorst concu~red in Mr, Gu&tdson's opinion.
authorizing Deputy Clerk to make re-division of the assessment for Smitmy
Sever' District Nu. 13 Assessment now levied ag&ns% Got 12; Block 2, Brookline
Second Addition,'to'prorate this assessment equzlly over Lots 3 and 4, Block 1,
and Lots 1 to 12, Inclusive, Block 2, Brookline 2nd Addition, was seconded by
Pgen ad unzllinously carried.
Attorney trindhors'e' s opinion--that Council cannot force Federated P4utml Insurance
Compayiy: to furnish fire and extended coverage policy at rate quoted'in their
Bid of early this year, but that CoUncil is not o'uligated to take this policy
at the higher rate quoted recently--was read,
place insurance coverage for fixe-and extended coverage for contents of Village
'Podlhouse with Nutria1 General *Agency; Ninneapolis 5 was seconded by l?illson and
Child's motion,
Pden8s motion, that Council
Regarding Chwges in the road sptens of Hemepin County.and ViLlzge of Zdina--Hx.
L.P. Zimnerna's letter of ApiL 25, "tas read.
that the g2dirg of CountJr Boa& RO. &. (south extension o,f Slake Rozd) nizht 'oe
completed durins this season. Discussion tras had as to right-of-vay for tds work,
wit& President (looper reporting t&.t Nr. Xevis Jones is unwilling to dedicate, and
Nr. John Duggzn renortins - that ihetheirs of the,Eyte estate zre so wi&eJy scatter&
that .it yill t&e a .long time to contact them all concerning a dedication from tfien,
T?il-tsonrs notion, tht Billage Attorney and VillGe Enzineer be directed to prepzre
docanents necessarg for initiatiov of condemnation Froceedings €or the right-of-vay
02 County, Road Bo,. 64 (south extension of 13121re Road), vas geconded by Cbild znd
Mr. 2,imemm indicated in the letter
unaniaously carried. -
Mr, H.R. I?oodts petition €or installation of I1Dezd End Street" sign at corner of 59th
carried. - I: J,
1 - i
t - Street an& Fzirfzx. Avenue: 712s granted, l~y moticon Ifillson, seconded by Child ad
1.k. L.I.I. Sargent requested that Ti. 52nd Street b.e repaired, stating ges trench ha&
made- street 3mpy.
this summer.
Nr. N.P. Johspn's request for repairs in kospect Hills and Prosgect H,ills Sencond
Aiidition, was rea&.
at least. once since Kr. Jolulsonts last letter, wrd that the puWiCrvrorks crev would
do their best to naintain the s.t;reets this summer.
1.1~. I;'illson informed Hr. Sargent that this work would be done
Hr. TB.llson reported that the grader had vorked on these streets
Clerk asked to inform Eir, Johnson.
Hemepin Cowrty Supervisor of Assessments notice of Edina Board of Eqyaliz&ion
Heetink to be held Rondw, July 11, 1949, withc Eennepin County Supervisor tp 3e
present, tTaS read and filed.
Xrs. J,.S. &hvorthts &riL 26th conpliment to the Edi& Police VTZS reEd, vith
instructions to Clerk to th&zHrs, Ashvorth Tor per letter.
Attorney l'findhorstl s opinign of AGril 29-that yritten com~laht &st be pthorized
by majority vot,e of Count51 wd filed by chief executive officer of Villzge vith
Railroad and Ifarehouse Comission, for ipstallztion of autom&ic blinkers at
railroad crossings--i:las read.
draft coqlaint a~~inst-Efinrrea~lis~, -1Torthfield and Southern Railmy Conpany with+
&ilro& znd Vzrehouse Conmission, requesting installation of autonatic signds a%
raifroqa crossings on ksan Road and Grove Street, and authorizing President Cool3er
to sile conp1z5nrt with &dlro& znd krehouse Gomission,T:lzs seconded by 'Ifi1k3on and
on rollcall vote there were Pour ayes wd no nzys as folloys:
aye; Palen, zp; zzld Cooper, aye; ad the moti6n vas unaninously I_ carried.
Petition signed 3y several. residentB in the. neighborhood of V.54th Street, b.ak Piece
and Woo4cres.t; Drive, requesting reduction of traffic hazard of sharp turn on 9th St,
by clesing of brush ad trees ad levelling off of east bank, T.ras+read.
was had, with Council agreeiqg tht brush ad trees could be pleared, as a start.
&.tter referred to Wolic TTorks Committee with power to act, by motion Child, seconded
by PzXen and czirried.
1Er. Villian J, delTintes's &.y 4th request for repair of Unity Avenue,i vas read.
Ttillson informed council timt this is on progran for summer work.
to so advise &fro deYinter.
Palen's motion, directing Attorney Vinahorsf to
Child-, age; Ifillson,
Clerk recpiesjied
The-request of Mr. 9. J. Schmitt, 4800 Golf Terrace, for the 3lacktoppin.g of Laeview
Drive, ms read.
reported. T'Tillsoa offered the f olloving Resolution and noved its zdoption:
Previous request of Reuben L. f&ndersonq 4814 Ldceviev Drive, tr&
I sou!& BID EAST TO cmscm~ JIRIVE, EBOG w.
V€iEX&IS, the Villzge Council of ldina desixe-s on its ovm motion to iazrove
&&eview Drive qron Golf J!errace, South and East to Crescent Drive, znd from TJ.
Ldceyiew Dri-vq to the South end of Crescent Drive, by blacktopping, as authorized
>y Chapter 382, La.:ls o$ 1903, novr therefore,.
to make the above named imp?ovement, md tbzt on th& i3th day of June, 1949, at 8:OO
P.H., this Council r.rill neet at the Village &,l1 in said Village ,ad will at szid tine
znd place hem the parties interested thertin in reference to such improvenent, and
will. &ecide-vhether or not to undertake such iqrovement, in whole or in przrt.
Hotion for ado?tion 0; the Resolution Gas seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were
four ares ad no nas, as follovmt
BE IT aES0LVBI.l by this Village-Council th& it is deemed neceskarg and eqedient
Child, aye; Palen, we; Villson, aye; Cooser, aye;
znd the Resolution aas adopted.
-1 - .-
..I President of the Villz ~
illzge Clerk ..
Petition dated 1k.y 5, 1949, signed by Clerk of Board of 3ducation;School District
No. 17, for grading of South View Lane, was filed with Council. Willson's motion,
setting,lSu'blic Hearing on Petition to grade South View Sane, for Nonday, June 13,
1949, was seconded by Child and carried. -
Child's motion, granting cigarette license 3To,442 to Hicks Shell Service Station
for the period Nay I, 194.3 to April 1, 2950, -was seconded by Palen md carried,
Child's motion, granting the followiw sign permits, for the period April 1, 2249
to AprBL I, 2950, was seconded by Pzlen and carried:
- 01LiE3R
Shell Go.
CocpCola Bottling
Spring Go.
It " I1
fl li
N.P, Johnson Sales
11 I1 It
Hicks Shell Stztion
Edina 'Highlands
Edina Highlands
Edina Righlmds
Prosvect. Hills 2nd
TI I1 If
Greguson* s Nursery
50th and &.lifaa: 15 Sa.Ft. Reneval
Child's motion, delaying-grant of permit to G.iFeiLkan Brewing Co. for "Old Style
Eager" until application can le checked for location of sign on Highway KO* 169, .
was seconded by Pden ad camied,
With regzrd to b'ids for fire equipment, taken at regular meeting of April 25, Jfr,
Mi tz el, Chief, made the following recommendations : A
Five pirs firer;zanls boots - to be puschasdd from Zurelca Fire Hose Div. 0 $47.75
6 Chemox Canisters* . @ $6.00 Bach) 6 biodel All service Canisters 5 Firenm's Helmets
, $6,00.Each) to be purchased from Hine Safety
$12.00 Xach) Appliance Go,
2 Chemos Self Generating Oxygen . I
Breathing AFpaslatus $290.00 1 5 Pirempnfs costs @, $20.75 to be purchased from hericzn LaXraace
Fomite Corporation,
was seconded by Child and carried,
Palen's motion accepting Fire De-prtmenl?s Recommendations
Petitions dated Jt.by 9, 1949, for extension of Sanitary Sewer &fain and "Cater M&n
in Wooddale Avenue between V.:figth z~d W.60th Streets, were read. ChilCifs motion,
that Public Heerings on Petitions for Sanitary Sewer and Vater Nain Extensioas in
Vooddde Avenue Between 1'1.59th 2nd W,6O.t;la Streets, for Wonhy, Ihy"23, 1949, a%
8:OO POL, vras seconded by Billson md carried.
Report was made of Mr. Gwar Johnson's petition for the changing of the name of
T!.L!,8th Street in Limback Addition, to flHollywood Road.I1
streets nmes for "Beverly Hills'l addition and tiLirn>ackil be referred back to the
Planning Commission for further study, ivas seconded 'by Pden and carried.
Report vas made by Building Ins_nector Woehler that tenant has moved out of 5529
'Ilooddale, thzt outhouse has been burned down, and that yard- is slotrly being cleaned
President Cooper requested that Building Insaector check the re2ort that a trailer
is beins used for living Quarters, vithout proper smitary facilities, in the
vicinity of V,56th and Zenith.
Willson's motion, thak
Order for sewer and water installation at this address tabled.
Petition by Police Depzrtment for ado_ution of navy blue or o,xford gray as the
official police unigorm color was read.
Eavtiiorne for the old gray-blue uniform TfaS reported, dthough he let it be lcnoum
that he wou.ld go along with the Council for the nmy blue, if this was the general
opinion, Child's Eotion that blue-gray be adopted as the offici& uniform color,
znd that police be ciirected to p6rchase the same type of uniform as their old
'i31_ue-grayst was seconded by Palen and unaaimously caried,
The preference of Pcibfic Utilities Chirmin
Letter from Minnesota LiEuor' Control Commission, advising of new state 1at;r changing
hours of licpor and beer sales vks read.
Attorney 11indhorst to draft a%endmen-t'to Village Ordinances, to conform with new
state latr, was seconded by Palen and carried.
Ghild's motion, authorizing Village
302 5/9/9
Petition of Kr. L. K. Peterson, for prnission to auild house fq.cin2 ?{.56ts Street,
in non-conforaace with V511zge Zoning Or&inmce, I';?s re&.
fi;%lic Hesins on petition to build in non-canforaznce vifh Zonins Ordinmce, vas
secdndeci by Villson carried.
League oI" LSbnesotz I.kuicipJ-ities letter of Asril 22, resacling Recreation Institute
to be held 1Jzq 13 an& lb> vas rePerred to ParktBoad, 'oy islotion s;fillson, seconded by
Fden ad czrried.
Llotion 3y Child, .setting
Child's Gotion, t~t Council aajqurn
vas seconded by llillson and carried.
tlednesday, Mzy 11, 3.949, *a$ 8:OO P.L,
.. .