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Coancil coxvened at 7:OO P.H., for the purpose of intervlewing Mr. SuttZn of
+SMI, hnnesota, applicanb for engiheering pokition.
Mebers answering Rollcall wege Willson; Palen, Hkwthorne, -and Cooper.
No action taken on -engineering' a&lication.
-. _- L
Willson moved that the following payrolls be approved, with motion seconded by
Hawthorne and carried: -e
.- F. .. . mroll for ber%od Ma$ 16th tbowh Has ?lit',' 196i Um ,..II.*..- CC., I*".,#. COoladIIl
@n@_qgoper, Mayor 2-- *-*.r .
30<00 314 Bower Eawthorne, Clerk
+or,&-A. Wiason, !Crusted 'I' 60,oO '"60*00 315
Bed S. Child, %%tee A 60.00 60.00 316
Richard-G.'Pa.leq, hstee ' 60.00 60.00 317
plhiiip Xeville, JU- * 75.00 - + 75.00 320
sL..=.::.!: * * *
J."Sh.&m, Treasurer - 50000 50.00 318
John W@xl.hct5i.stt AttosYleg 100.00 100.00 319
AmtG Do Norton, Spec. Jaidge 20.00 10.00 321
Dr, L.M.Campbel1, Health Off. ?0.00 30000 322
I 495249 . .'j . . '. . ~ , . . ~ * . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 6 . - . > . 6QY;eQQ
323 324-
326 327
330 331 332 333
Notion was ma,de by Palen, secondea by Villson, that the followbg claims be paid:
3764 3765 3766 3767 3770
3774 3776 3782
Seck Meter ~fg co
Northern States Power Co
hed W. Hanks Co 5.57
#orth%estern BGll Telephone Co 11,OO
318.44 ..
City of MheapoXis - 74.00
5own & Country Hardware . 70 Miller-Davis Co ' CE'6dlt -19.9$.
hdreisijgrapb+htigraph - I $ 1,378.16
Distillers Pfsfribating C6 2526.27
* 2085.50
Old Peorla Go 230.93
8d Sillips^& Sons Go 918.9
Famous Brands, Inc
&riggs,-Cooper + co
ikesson' & BOB~~S 912,42
x'P~;LI.I&Is'~P Sons co Wl.18
hihkuser-Busch; Inc' 33.70 CaniaabDry eer Ale, Inc 117.34 - 34.65 .38,85 Chaska Beverage Co
mause+*& sons Coca-Cola Bottle Co 26.50
6. M, Rribn$y Beverage Co 260.87
127.75 &ek-+ewing Co
Gold Medal Beverage Co- 32.30 ~inneLplis_ Briiwing co 889.16
Morxis Distributing Go 96.90 53.15 17.30 Oh%Sty;e Lager Go .. - Pabst Salep Go
hri'ty Beverage Co 33.50 Rex.DZGtribu%ing Co 389.67 Seven-Up Battlie Co 36.40 wiii&as DistribuEing co '43.05
fTortheik $fates Pocer Co 38.34 Northwestern Bell Tele5hone Co 11.75
Village 02 Xdina-- ,
MiUer-ltsvis bo herican -. LiiienCo 9.85
A. E. R&ger,"Tre@. Hian. Mun.
10.00 Liquor Stores ,
Carpentier gape& GO
The Ration& Ckh Register 00 16.13
Bates 1. Elec5ri.c ,. S6Fvice -- ,. Atai
52.?6 .., ".
hglrzeer- Smith-was appohted as a delegate to attend'%he League of kimesots Municipalities Convention to be held at Hibbing, June 9,lo,and 11. President
Hawthorne read the Pollowing Ordinance, moving for walver of second reading and adoptidn of Ordinance as read:
Cooper ad !Trustee & Pden ~SO plan to attend. --
PLUISBJWG ORDII!TARCE O??'T& .@- OF EDIE& " - -QF &-&,.192$ a- - -.
!he Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as follows:
Section 1. Section.3 of the Piumbing Ordinance of June 25, '1925, is amended
to read as followst --
Section3. %very plumber, before connecting any fixture, or constructing
any plumbing work with a cesspool or the sewerage system, exce-pt as herein-provided,
shall make-'anlicztion7at the office 0% the Village Clerk for a permit for that
pqose, and SEU pay to said clerk a'fee of 50 cents for each permit grate&.
This fee is to be reteined by the Vill*kge Clerk for €he expense of issuing the
permit, a license fee of 25 cents per &&ire for each fixture. to be installed.
The definition of the wbrd &t&rre inchxdes the folloving items: closet, bath,
lzvatorg, sink, laundry tub, slop sink, drinking fountein, urinal, built-in
shower, floor drain, water hater, gas'cooking stove (bottle or'main), gas
clothes dryer, or any receptacle wasting to sevrer.
vent pipes, or for resetting fixturesaLor repairs of fzucets, valves or water
sa~ly pises.
The plunber shall also pay to'the clerk a% the time of issuance of szid
Pernits will not be rbquired for i.epairing lezsks-in drain, soil': waste and
Hotion for traiver of second reding ana adoption was seconded by Palen, and on
Rolfczll there were four ayes and no na2sJ as %Uows: IUlson, aye; .- Palen, aye:
- 0.
r +
+ I Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the Ordinance was , adopted, -- - I.
-_ - ./a.
Village .Clerk ..
Clerk &,horne read the follovbg Ordhance, moving for the waiving-of the second
reading- - and adoption of ~rdjaance as r'ea.
"-- - . -* I3 'PBE VILLA:' .I *-*'i OF'gINA. -- - - .. > - .-
he council of' the' ViiiGe tS*i&&- ao orbin as follows: .
sectfon 1. 80 person or perioiis, firm or corporation, shall carry on the
hsiness of plambing within the Villa& of Edina, making any connections whatever with
the water &es, w&er mains, branch sbwers, main sewers, main drains or other service
pipes of said Village, or making 'any rkpairs, additions or aIterat3ons of any pipe,
ta3, stoz-cock, prater closet or any other fixture conhected with or designed to be
connected with the water works or sevek system of said Village without first hav3.n.g
obtained a 1.icense so to do in the der prescribed as follows:
Section 2. Aq person or pe'rsons desiring to engage h the 'occupation of
~lumbing or making connections or repairs as specified in the foregoing section,
shall first submit an application to Ifke Council of said Village, which application
shall be signed- by at least two practScd glumbers, recommending the applicant as a
person regulrslg educated to the busiSess; of good reputasion and thoroughly quali-
fied to cery on the business of a lic'ensed plumber, and except in those cases in
vhich the applicant holds a license as' a, mster plumber under the laws af this state,
shall, in addition, furnish such othel; evidence or pass such examination or both as
the Conncil shall from time to time re'quire regarding the expsrience - and qualifications
of applicants to engage in said busin6ss.
or they shall execute pd deposit vritli the Village Qlerk a bond in the sum of Two
Ichonsand Dbllars, with two or more su5eties thereon, to be approved by the COI+CU.,
which bond shzll be conditioned that €he applicant iha3.1 in all resgects vel1 and
kzithfdly perform all khlngs by him 6ndertaken in the making of connection6 ,repairs
or tep of z?ny kind with the mter mains or 'piped connected with the water works
system of the Village, and SWL save'the Village harmless of and from all accidents
and damages consequent thereto or by 2eason of any opening in any street, lane or
avenue *&,by him or by apg person ixi his'*employ, for the purpose of putting down
servlce >Apes connecting bith the vrat8r vorks of said Village, and that he trill
restore all streets excavated by him to their former good condition, and will lreep
and main.i;ain. the-street and sidemlk in good condition,. to the satisfaction of the
Council for the perioa of one year next thereafter, and khat he will pay all penalties
iqoseduyon him by the Council for the violation of eng rule or regulation of the
gater Works Department, and shall strictly coqly with and do all things required by
the ordinance of said Village.
Sdch applicant shall, before being grsnted a liiense, also execute and deposit
with the Villzge Clerk a like bond in alike amount and upon the same conditions a8
the Ge above specified, covering his acts in making connections vith or regairs on
asy service pipe Eonnecting with the sewer system of the Tillags.
by qplicmt under this ordinance.
shall -- any bond be rewired, of any Qourneyms plumber who is emploged only as such.
c -
Section 3. Before a license' shall be granted to any person or persons, he
Provided, that 90 licensed plwnber shall become a surety on the bonds furnished
hoVide&, also, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to, nor
5 f 23 f49 It. shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Water Works and Registrar of
WateraWorkS of said Village to rrcltify the. CogncSJ, of w. violat&on of the pro-
visions of any of the ordinances of the Village touching fhe duties of planters,
ghat s%dZ come under their observation. __
Section 4. Whenever two ot: more persons.are to be engaged in the
bus-iness of plwnbing as 4 co-partnership or corporstion, the lgcense shall
issue in the name of the firm, co-partnership or corBoration obtaining the
same, and a revocation or farfeiture of such license shall be deemed to affect
each individual, composSng said fim, co-partnership or corporation.
Sections, ..All licenses granted pursuant to the provisions of this
. ordinance shall be issued by the. Village ,Clerk from books preparea by him for
that purpose, and on the stu'b of which shall be kept the name of the licensee,,
his bus'iness location, and date of grantik and the .date of issuing the licenses,
and such other detail as may be necessary to form a coqlete reference and
memorznda of the Ucense.
nqxt succeeding the issuance of %he sanq, unless sooqer r$voked or forfeited as
here55 provided.
,the first license and $12.00 per annum there-after, which license fee shpll ,Y be paid
to the Village C1,erk before the issuance of such license.
in the Villtitge Clerk's office, his actual place of business, giving the street and
number, anit in case of"reaovd therefrom, shall immediately qotify said offices. of
the sam&
All saidlicenses shall terminate and expire on the 3irst Monday in January,
And said licenses shall not be transferable or assignable.
The licenses fee for said license shall de and io hereby fi-yl at $25.00 for
- -- Sectih 6. On re,ceiving his- license the licensee shall have recorded
Section 7. !Phe Council may revoke any lircense obtained through error
or fraud, or if the licensee is shown to be incompetent, or for a wi.lful violation
of any orhces of the V3llage of Edina relating to plumbing, or for aiding or
abetting one to do plumbing who .is not properly licensed. The licensee shall have
notice in writing, enunerzting the charges, and be entitled, to a hearing by .the
Council, upon at least five days' notice, with the ri&t to pJoduce testimony.
!Phe Council mag appoint any conpetent person to take testlmony and to submit to
fhe Council a written recommendation, but final decision as to the rqvocation shdL
rest-with - the Camcil,
VSectTon 8. Any person or persons violating ang of the provisions of
this ordinance shall, upon conviction .thereof, be pished by the' fine of not
less than %en nor more-than One Hundsed Dollars, and may be imprisoned until
such fine is paid, not exceeding- ninety days .
Section 9. Ihis orainance shall take effect and be in force from and
af.fser its publication.
Motion for adoption was seconded by Pak, and.on Rollcall there were four wes
and no nays, as follows: Willson, aye; ..- Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Oooper,
aye; and the Ordinance was &opted. . ..
__ - L
. . .*..I.<
I?i;trsumt *to "Ifotice of Water Main Ixtension,n for Wooddale Avenue from 'Power Street
to W.59th Street: W.5flth Street from Wooddale Avenue to Kellogg Avenue; W.59th Streat
'f'rom Wooddale"Avenue to Itello& Avgnue; and KelloG Avenpe from W.58th ktreet- to
w.6&d Street, published. Ray j -and 12.; 1949;- aiid Pursua5 to "Motice of Heezing- .- on Water Nain Extension,"' for Wooddale Avenue Erom Wi59th Strget-*to W.6Oth Street:
and W.6Oth Street from Wooddale Avenue to Kellogg"Avenue, published in Suburban
Press Hopkins; Minnesota, M& -12 and 19, lg49-aff&mits-o€ .both piblications
having I.. peen-read by Clerk, approvled and filed-public hearing was callez on these
two projects jointly. EngGeer Smith reported an estimated cost of $37,957.79, or $4.32 per assessable-foot for construction of the water m&n in Wood@le Avenue
from !Cower Street to W.60th Str&t; W.58th Street from Wooddale ATtemjre to Kollogg
Avenue and Kellogg Avenue from W.58th Street to W.62nd Street. He also reprted
that petitiijns filed recently with C'duzzcil 6arry onlr 46% of front Zootage;
whereas usual1 procedure is to &t on getition 03 at le+t SI$ of front footage.
Hawthornet s notion, continuing hearing =til later date, in -oqler <that petitions
may be rechecked for percentage of signers, was seconded by Willson and carried.
l* .
a 5~1-9 6
Aulsaant to *%otice of Hearing on Proposed Sewer f&in Exteasioa,lt for tfooad.de Avenue
from Vooddland Bo& to W.59th Street; TJ.58th Street from. Woodtide Avenue to Itsllogg
&venue; 11.59& Street from wooddale Avenue 50 Xelxogg Avenue; Kellogg Xvenue frh
W.58tE Street t6 ~~6a~X'Street; publislleat in Suburban Preis, Hopkids, &JT 5 *&a 12, &a Pursuant to"%otice 02 Eearing on ProposedSewer ~&n Ixterision,n for Woodwe
Avem from W.59tki Stree€ to ~~60th Street ant?. tl.60th Street 3rom Iboqdilale Avenae
to K6llogg Averme', publish&? in Su%urb& Press,"'Hopkiis, Ma 12 and 19, 19B-both
Sf;davits OF publiEation hang 'bee5 read 'by CL'erk, ajjproved by C'duncil, aiid filed-
FubXic Hearings were called on tfiese proJScts j&ntly, EGgineer Smith gave as his
estimate of cwt for a sanitary sewer constrmcfied in Wooddale Avehe from Woodland
Rozd to -w,60th Street; Xellogg Avenue from W.58th Street-to tf.59tH Street; and W,
59th Stfeet from Elellogg Avenue to 1roodW.e Avenue, $%O,35L,6Z; or $9.86 $6~-
&ssss&Xe GootS . Messrs. Georg; Hebert , Ne%md, BiFkle, He%& , Stgnson, KortoTf,
Dye, 'Ithne,_DMinneU. and Laxlrencem sumorted Setitipn for sgmitary s;ifJBr. !Phose
4pposed to pSoject'-were Mpsrs, Kinney, Schwarzkoff and liforan, &wthornelg motion
referring this pro3osed pro jeet $0 Public Utilitees Committee foF further_con-
sideration, was seconded 'by Pdei and c&ried.
Pursaant to Uotice of Streeg Improvement Hezriqp-Grading ad Graveling of Kellogg
Avenue betwee W059th an& W,6Oth Streets, published in Su'outban Press, Ho&ins,
8bedota on May 5 and 22, 19@, Affidavit of Publication for urhieh was. read**by
Clerk, approved'-and placed' *on f 516, Presiden$ cdled puslic hamkg on $his
'rogosed prodect, Engineer*s Bsiihate of cost*"on this project was listea as $690053, or $.% per assessgble foot'S IChere were no obdections, oral or written.
!!illson offeFed the-fallrowing Resolution and moved its adoption:
-. -. I ..
KEZ$GG AVBGIE BETKEBN lY.$g!l?H SmD w,60m S!EEl3!l!S
. W.59th- Street and W;60€h Str~e~"b$'~r~~~n~-~d.-Gra~e~~'~ ' %&-duly filed with -- th3.s Coiiii55l dated April 25, 1949, signed by owners of more th 5l$'in cfrontage of
the rea property zlsuttw on the portion of street named in said petition as the
1ocatXor.1 for such i@rovenent* &
I-, the Villzge Council has met at the time and place specified. in a
notice-to all property owners whose proper%y is liable to be assessed for such
improve&eWpnblisEed in, S6bur'bzn Aressl; Hopkins, Minnesota, on May 5th and 12th,
19@, heard all persons interested, and determhed the necessity for the improve-
=eat petitioned for, now Eherefore"
BE 12 E3SOLvED BY the Village Council of the Village of Edizzz, as reqaired 3y
Chapter 311, Lws of 1927, that the petition above desoriled is hereby determined
to ha& been Zigned by the $equirednpercentage of Zwners of, pgoperty affected
€hereby, and
BE 12 J?UEI!m RESOLVED, that Iellogg Avenns be improved ,between W.59th SCreet
and ~~60th gtreet by Grgdiqg and G-qavelbg, and IB Il! €WOI833D*t&t-$bns aad 'specificstions now on file vith txe VillGe Clerk
pre$+ed.%-Phi& TI: Smith, Villzge Zngineer, are hereby approved and adopted as the
plans &d speciZi6ations for said improvement.
BE IT BtfB'PHEKRESOLVEDlthat ths Clerk is directed to presare and insert in the
Subur>an.pess ,- Hopkins, M@inesota and the Construction BulJetin, Minaesrpolis *
Hinnesata & ddv@rtisemen% for bids uion such improvements in accordance vlth such
&rove& plans and specifications, said bids to be opened Jnne 2'73-1949.
deposit accompanying each bid shd& be ten percent of the aplomt of $he bit,
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secindea by Palen, and on Bol'lcdl there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Palen, aye; Willson, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
TEEREAS, pet igs+ h-'*i65rig2 rei6eiitSi.g i.ii+ovemehi OP -Kdiiogg-ivennne between
'> %.
- ' ^,.I^-.-..- - *"
...- A -- A
&d Goopes, aye; and the Resolution \?as adopted, .-
@esiden$ -of the -VillafiU CouncZ1
-.. n
Pursmnt-to Qotice of Street Improvement gesiqpBlacktopping of Bedford Avenue
between W.sgt and W.52na Streets," published in Suburbag Press, Hopkins, Htnnesota,
5bq 5 ad 1Za'-lg49, Afflbvit of P@licatih for which vras read bf Clerk, @proved
and piac'dd on file,*'PresidGn% called public hearfig on .this project, ViLliige
Engineer's estimate ijf cost was gXv0n as' $2,430.65 or $2.02 per ass5ssabLe foot, There were no objectzons, oral or written? Tlillson ofpered .the follow-* Resolution
kd mved its adoption: ..
Am BEDiZEX FI.JlS$ S-I! AD W0$3Sn S!EE@i'E
IEEBZ~, petiiion--G-;ei&% -. .._ 4 I---,. ~~~~~~~~~~~-,~~o~~~~~€-~~ -Be+<ra.i.+&e between
?[.Slst. Street ad tf,52% Streef by ~l&kt~pp~gn&s-beeii- ddy fi&iia''Vrith the council
dated'&rlf"U, 1949, signed by owners of more than 51% in frontage of Ithe real
groper^ abutting Gn the $ortion of'the street named it3 said petition as the focatioa
for su& inprovemenii, and
5lafs.9 WHEREAS the ViUzgs CounciS has mst at the time an& plzce specified in a
notice.?to all property owners whose property is-liable to be assessed for such
improvement'published in %he Suburban Press., Hopkins, Hinnesota, on May 5th and
12th, 1949, heard all persons interested, and-determined - the necessity -. for the
improvement petitioned for, n6w theref6re
BE IT RESOLVXD BY the Vil1age:Coancil of the Village of Edina as required
by Chgpter 3ll,-Laws=of *.. .. - --* 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determbed to haye be-& sised by tfie required percentage of 6wners of property
affkted thereby, and
and W&2nd Street by Bl_ack$opping,-and
Village Cletk prepared by ?hi1 W, Smith, Village Engineer, are hereby approved A
and ad6pted as t6e plss- ha specifications for said improvement.
the Suburban - * .. &Press, I- __. .-- Hopkin?, -__^ Minnesota and the Construction Bulletin, Minneaplis, MinnesGta an +advertisement for bids u.on such improvement in- accordance with such
apprcved plans and specificat<on, said bids %o %e opened June 27, 1949, The
aeposit accompanying each bid ahall be tea percent of thepnount of the bid. . .
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded %y Palen; and on Rollcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Willson, aye; -4 Palen, aye; Hawthorne, aye;
Cooper, aye; and the Res'olution was adopted.
BB IT FUR!EJER RESOLVED, that Bedford Avenue be improved between W.51st Street
a IT mm #esOLm, that plans an& specifications now on file with €he
BE IT FIEI!m RESOSIBD thas tEe ClerE isdirgcted to pepare-and insert in
,. ..
-. -* L
Pursuant"to "Resolution Setting Street Improvement Hearing-St.Jobns Avenue between
fiodhill Rosa and North Lot Line of Golf lerrace.He$ghts Second Addition,'# adopted
the Villagd Council A@rilq2s,-1949, hd published in Subkba Begs, Hc~~lcins,
Minnesota;' Mag 5, 1949, Affidavit of 2ublication for whicf-i was rgad by Clerk,
approve8 and plgced on lile, President called Public Heding on tEis propesed
project.- TEere were no eobjections, eXther oral .. or trrittan, + Willson offered the
following Resolution and move5 its adoption: - ' RESOIiUFIOX FOR If4PRO~-=~C~!EOPPI~G~OF S'P.'JOBNS A, - -* BEW.I!OODHILL BOD AEJD 80RltH LO2 LI'U OF,GOSF TEKWB
fi~I~&s sgc@ h~Irfro~$i--isen>' &~&~uP&NG-OF- S!$bmg * --. xvmtm I - - ' * -- -BJ$mt " $$jO~~j& -20 &&F' !kERRAq. -.,*
V€ERXAS, '&,&%%- :R&jl&ion . ._ 2 4.:. " . :$.~t~l$ '&G~$$ll,Gge~6~1&~ .&$iz:Z$ ,1949, md puplished *Sub&b&-Prpss, Bope%, M'innesota,*'aG-3, 1949, the Village
Council-hk-nteti at the time ed @ace specified in sad published notice with
reference. to progked improvement of St.Johs Avenue Xetween Woodhill Road and
%he Xorth Lot Line of Golf Terrace Heights 2nd Addition by Blacktopping, and
1- , pursuant to 19fotice of Street I@rovement He@ng-BI.acktoppins,'"
published in Hemepin County Review, Eopkins, MPnnesota,-fdfay 27 and June 3,19@,.
the Village-Cpuncil met at Village Wl, Nonday, June 14, 1948, the time and
place specified in saia published notice$ and Eas 'heard dl persons interested.
with--referenSe to proposed 'bprovement of-*St Johns Avenue between wocsdhfll Road
and Golf Terrace by Blacktopping, now therefore
BE I'P FLESOLVED that the IdinaV5llage Council. that the improvements described
in the two precediqgparagrqhs of this Resolution be undert&en,,the entire
expense ther66f 30 be paid in-the first instance out of the Permanent; Improvement
.. BE II_FURTHE?l RESOLTED that said improvements be made by contract'to be let
to the lowest responsib%e bidder, ana the Clerk is directed to prepare and publish
advertheme& *fo*-b2&i%-tb&eon to be opened June 27, 1949, which bids shall be
based upon plans and siecifications now on'fi,le with the Clerk, which are hereby,
aar oved .
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palm, and on Ro%lcall there
were four ayes and no nays, as 20310~s: 7J'siLlson, aye; -. Palen, aye; Hawthome, age;
ghd Cpoper, aye; and the Resolution was adopted.
Revolving Fund. -..
I -
-+ <
- Prgqtdeqt .qf, the 'village /6uncil, . . ~ ,
.- - . I_. - ..
Willson*S motion, that public Hearing on Petition for Blacktopphg in &aback,
schedulgd for this evening, be. postponed until w MonW.,* June 13, 1949, @ 8:OO P.!k ,
was seconded by Hawthde and carried. .. . ..
5/23/49 Pursuant to I1Advertisenent for Bids-Watei:
Iio@ns , 1-fixqesota and in Construction I$ulXetip, !&meawlis, Ninuesota, on Hay 5
-Znd 12, 1949,-8ffidavit of Pub&zti& for":trhkh was read By Glerk, a9proved wd
$laced on"f ile, the fo1lor;rfng bids trerg'opened ana publiqly rea, for constrtictfoa
of Bater Main &tension in the follo'cr&g streets:
published in Suburban Press,
._ State Highway No, 190 betveen Kent and Vindsor lAvenues.
llhdsok Areme between Slate Highway No, '100 and I?essex Avenue,
tressex Avenue between Shth L&ne of Vestchester aolls @d North Line of
Wes tchester Knoll&.
Richmond Circle,
1 fiichond Drive between State Highway No, 100 ai3 Vessex avenue.
- .. - ..
F, &foretitini, St, Paul, Minnesota: I $19,288.25
$helps-Drake C6, , bc, , Ninneapolis , lifinnesots. $19,131.80 ,a. J.-Bianconi; Sti Paul, Hinnesota: $21,216,60
Earnetti-& LmGtti , St , ~d, I+finnesotZ $20,924.82
I. J. Do$;eily Const i Go;', Himeapolis , Ninn, $19,641.28
Barf C$rlone, Sf, Paul, Minnesota. $18,085.35
DeGrdf TJoUf , S$, Pad, Mimesots , $19,923.00
!res tezn Vnderground**Corrs t , Co , , NimeapoU.s $18 ,51?*00 I-finn,
Hatrthorne moved %hat co6trwt be awarded 60 Bart Carlone, subjept to review and zadulation*'hy Village Engineef, f.To tion secopded by I lfillqon and carried,
Pursuant to ttfEvertiseiient; for Bids--Grading ana Blacktopping Madison Avenne
between BTorth Village Limits and Maloney Avenue ,'I- published in Suburban Presq ,
Bo-pkins and ili Constsngfion Bulietin, Minneapoli?, on Nay If. and 18, dfidavit of
PBlication fog which was read by%lerlr, approved and placed on-file, the folloWhg
bids were pb1i6ly opened and read: ..
+. sm'p OBAD IlJG .
Hesfer -.: .r * . qonstmction 00. ; Edina $ 943.45
1,128*77 *+< =- -I- '-9erry Bxcavatlng Comp,ny,St,Loui~ Psk
' RLAG~TOPPS??G ^(Including SEabilbtion) US& ROAD T$R '* tUSING GU!BACK - ASPHALT 3- -. .- --- - ..- . -!I: - -- - c- ...4 a. *., < ic - z .. . c
- -E&I*Sewelf;St.Louis Park I.. $38@S;s.-: Pfeiffer CoRSt2XCtiOn COO , Edina
3ay IT, *crag CO., ib~apo~%$ $3,721031 3,497.62
GlennwJohusoii .Binst , Go, St .Louis Park $3 ,?O0.97 3,37561
'Winson's ,notion, tht EontracE foS the grding be padea to Pfeiffe? Comtruction
1- Conrpang, subjsct-to chi3ckiG and tabulation by Fslgineer Smith, -. was seconded by Palen
ad carried,
t?illsonts motion, that contract for the blacktopping be awarded to larl Sewell,
su'oject-to tablation by Ii3ngineer Smith aad,subject to check on equipment, was
seconded by.Palen and carried,
Mr, E-€. D, Ma2erus asked Council for peymission $0 build a motel on High?= Ro, 169
and Ol5nger Road,
Hr, Chas, XoeXLerts qplication for License to sell ice cream, packaged, to customers
who had been solicited in advance, vas denied, Motion by Eawthorne, seconded by
" - - -1)
I L1
His application vas referred to the Planning Conqnission for their
consideration at their m6eting on June 7th. I ..
Paeii and carried,. '.
. A letter from Elr, Po 31, C&pan, requesting permission to sell fire p&inguishers
house-tomhouse was read.
Godd have no objestion €0 this business,
Xr. H0 DavAtt asked what Council would do about maintaSning a rod in Normandale
Davitt follow reglar pro6edure for put3ing ig street--that he start petition for
this purpose,
Village Engineer Smith reported t& the foth cost of storm sewer for, the area
in which Mr. Stow is interested, ttould cost approxSmately $7,600,00,
motion, €hat Pub3.h Hearing on proposed Storrn Sewer to drajin certain areas ir
between t6e &rth Boydary of Richmond Hills Addition, .zrrd'%onne Terrace, and
between State-Eighw& #lo0 and Wessex AvGnue, %e set for Monday, 5-8 13, 1949,
at 8:OO P.1.2, in order that Couzicil may &t to'"set up Storm -. Sewer District for this
pro jec2,"wa.s seconaed ;i;s Palen zind car?ied,
Ik,. Elof: Cslson, 303 &Iad%soq, asked that a culvert at I@dison ana' 3rd be cleaned ont, stating that it bad been clogged with dirt for some time.
a st6p si& be put at Hadison and Belmore Lane and at adison and 3rd Street, Hr. lfillson was asked to see- about- the culyert and Engineer ... Smith asked I to take
care of the signs,
&Sr, Boris Pewowaruk presented petition in favor of double dvrelling at Lot 8, Block 1,
S outh Harriet Park Second Addition. Petition referred to Plsaabg Copissiop,
I&, Cha&pman %as present, and vras advised that the Council
Hawthorne suggested that Nr. Daxltt's client start building and $hat lk,
* 1 - . -- .
He also asked that -
I, 0. _* --
5/23/49 9 c Pursuant to IiAd.vertisement for Bids-Gradizg and Gravelliig Lexington Avenue
between Wooddale and St .Johns Avenues ,Ii published in Suburb* Press , Hopkins
'End in Constriiction Bulletin, N&meapo&is, May 1; and 18, Affidavit of Fubli- cation for whichwas Eead by CIerk, approved and placsd on file, the following
bids weSe publicly o$ened and reads
Pfeiffer Construction Co,, Edina $561..00 ~
Terry Exc&ating 00. ,St.Louis'kark 887 . 50
Pischer C6nstruction Fkrmington 1108 . 00
... - --
Motid4 by Wsllson, awGding cont_rac% to Pfeiffer Construction do,, was seconded
by Palen and .. Earried,
A lletter from Minneapolis Northfield and Southern Railway was read regarding stop
signal lights on -sen Road and. on Grdve Street.
fhe propositioi that lights be put on Bangen Road %nd that we not ask for lights
on Grove Street &til af3er January 19- 1950.
write to the Minneapolis Northfield 81 Southern Railway giving &hem thiq infor-
*Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids-Stod Sewer, 11 published in Suburban 'Press,
Hopkinq and in Construction Bulletin, Minneapolis, on May 11 and 18, President
asked for b@s far Storm Sewer komme5cing it existing catch bash on S.STde
of Oak Drive be€ween Lots 4 b 5,BL 1,"'Golf Ierrace He'ights 2nd Add&t'fon; th.
Sly. acToss said &o%s-4 &d 5 a distance of 150' more or less; th. SWly-across
. .&exhgton Avenue $0 the Nortgeask comer of fiot_18,Bt.l, Subd, o? Littel Park;
5h.Sly across Lots 18 & 19 and Lots 8 & 9,.Bl. 1, Snbd. of Littel PZrk a
distance of 300' more or'less to W.56th St; ih. Sly" acrosS tJ.56th St. to %he_'
Nor%heast cornkg 0.f Lot 18, B1.-4, Subd, of-Littel-Park; th'3 Sly azross Lots I
18 & 19 and Lots 8 &-9,.Bl. 4, Su%d, of Littel Phk a distance of 150' more
or 189% No bids were received. Paen Fovea that -- %his projest be tablea.
Motion seconhed by Ihllsbn and Earried. L
PaZen's motion, scheduling new Public Hearing for proposed Storm Sewer to drain
certa$n areas between Wooddale Avenue and St.Johns Avenue and between Oak Drive
*&d 2otver Street, for Monday, .. JGe 13, '19@, c at 8100 PA, %as se6onded me .
Willson and carried,
village Engineer Smith reported, that St.Lou3.s Park has rejected all 'bids on the
ST.LOU1S PARK-EDINA SANIURY SEVER, which would have served the Bromdde Park
District-in win& because of high cogt io progerty ownersp-which would be - between $9 . 00. aiid'-$id . 60 ' per-fron+ 'Poiif,""- Clerk Hawthoihe left the meeting at this, the,
A lett-er fkom the Oak View Garden Club was read, protesting placing a fire station
at Wooddale and 50th. Pzlen moved. that the letter be placed on file. ad an ahswer
Gritten, .. stating that aifferent .. plks are being made.
B letter from 0. D. Hauschild was read, concerning 30' of land on the side of his-
I "- - -
Willson moved that ?re accept
The secrethy was instructed to
1. ._ matidn. - I
.. n
I * ".I *-
r'.property at 5lsk +. France which he wishes to give t? the Village.
. informed. that act5on'W the Planning Commission is being awaited -* b~ Comcilo. '.
He was to be
A request by I&. Willson, tGt two tr&s--one on the mE 9nd one on tfie SB corner
of 50th and WoodMe be remeved in order that ,the vision could be cleared for
fraffic .sign&. --. #illson moved and Pal-en seconded that-this be done.
.r , *
Petition, dated &%y 23, 194, for tlie Blzcktopping of Kellogg Place betyeen
W.56th Street and .O&affn Avenue, and-,of O&akpn Avenu? between Kellogg Place .. -2nd W.56th Street', was read. Sdd petition was signed-bg &th5rv 0, Edwards, Jr.,
and others, and retuested that assessment-be made-on a percentage basis, 'Greed on
by peti%ioniirs an& set forth iii petition. WiXLson~s motiaii, thatT'u5lic Hearing
on Blacktopging of- the above named stoeets be +set por "onday, June 13, 1949, and
tha? the Council take sealed bids for .this grsject at .* the above da%e and fime., .
was seconded by Palen and carried. a
Petitio; dated X& 23, 3949; signed bi B.L. &t, 5620 normandale Road', ;or
extension of Village Water Hain on Bormp$iLe Boad from Yvonne Ierrace to 207.2*
South thereof, tias red. Palen's mot&&, th6A Public Hearing on proposed Water,
Ma3.n Construc3ion be set fog Mo@.ay.; Jme 13, X949, was seconded by Willson and
carried- The secfetary wag .instructed to write'*a letter to B. L. Hart, wh5
presegted the petition, advis'fng him 60 get in touch with the succ?s%fdJ. 'bidder
of the water main .project west of the ,Beltline (Richmond Hilis)-to 'see if he
would put in this -water main at the see time-pto be paid. for $y Mr. Hart--the
work to *be done und0r the supervision .of the Yaser Department of the -_ Village,
.- --
$0 i 5/23/49 Petition dated. September 22, 1948, for the Gradi.ng and Blacktop@ng of Park Pllace
between lf.55th aab T'1.56th Street, was read.. Palmi s motion setting Public Hearing
on Petition for"B1acktopping and Grading, for Elon-, J&e 13, 1949 at 8000 F.M. ,
was seconded by Wiiison and carried,
Council. granted 'sign Permit requested Wag 11 by Hdilemann Brewing Compasg for sign
on Highway Xo, 169; - Motion by Villson, seconded. by Palen and carried.
A letter dated Hay-14, from Civil Service Assembly, iGas Tead wd placed on file,
gillson's aotion, that bids for inkrance 6, the Liquor Store be adveStised,'trith bids
._ to be t&en June 13, and that P.farsh 8a f*kLennan be called t;o see if a 3O-day binder
can be had, was seconded by Palen and carried.
Peti5ion dated by 11, 1949,"signed. by Sesnes Lindberry and others, requestlng the
Grading uLd Gravelling of Monroe Avenue betwep Maloney and the North Village limits,
Gas prgsented. '1Jillsonts motion, setti6g Public Hearing on Petition for Monday,
June 13, 194, at 8:OO ?.Xi, and authorlzing Vilxage Clerk to ad%ertise for bids OZT
this project, wixh aids to be taken Jane 13, 19M'; vas seconiled By Palen dnd carried.
kiUson was apphted to take care of the matter of water at the Olxnger farm. iPests
have been mads, and the water is not to be used unless boiled first; &s. Olhger had
fjeen so infdrmea,
=% *? -_ -_ -. .. ..II --
I . .- --
.. - .-
r l '7 . -0 - ...
Villagi Attorney flbdhurst Was *asked to draw up an ordinance regamling artificail
inpounitieg of water.
Wfllsonts motiop for Bd$mm&ent was seconded: by Palea and: carried,
- I L- .*
.- r
Vibage Clerk .. I
Hembers ansnerbg Rollcall-were Wills&, *$kLen md Gooper, MrSm buipe !festerberg
acted as Clerk in the absence of Ha,,rthorne, .* *.
1st -
355 356 357
363 364 365
346 361 3f33 369 370
3n 372
373 3?4 388