HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490613_ADJOURNED6/13/49 2 Office reported need for zn electric calculating machine; for the purpose of figuring liquor inventories, and special assessments. authorizing Clerk to advertise for calculating machine, with bids to be taken June 27, 1949, was seconded by Palen and carried, . Willson's motion, authorizing Clerk to advertise for bids for Standard Village Curb and Gutter for the North side of Eden Avenue, from W.SOth Street to the East entrance to the Village ml, and for the 3ast side of the Village Hall Parking Lot, from Eden Avenue- to W.5Oth Street, was seconded ;by Pden and tCillson*s motion, ._ - .. carried,- __ , Mr, Willson reporBed that Brookside Avenue, Between lien Avenue and Highway 169 Willson is now fdrly heavily travelled, ad in need-of blacktop swlacing. .He explained that the MN&S Railroad Company oms the West side of the right-of-way, offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLIEION SETZING S!EBE'l? IMPROVEI*ENT HEARING BLA(IKT0PPXHG OF, BROOKS IDE AVBHLE ' BE'l?@N. ~ -$xE$T-AJB?'~J~'BDTD~HTG~A% mo. 169 WHEREAS, t+ %dim VilXage- Councii desires on its own motion to improve Brookside Avenue between Eden Avon.iZe ind *State' Highway Bo. 169, as authorized BE IT RESOLVE? by the-Edina Village Council:.that it Ss deemed necessary &d expgdient to i9iove Brookside Avenue BetweenaElden Avenue &nd State Highway No. 169 by Biacktopping; pd that od'the 13th day of July, 1949, 'at 8:00 P.M., this Council will meet at the Vlllage Hall in ISaid Village and will at said time and place hear the<parties interested therein in reference to such improve- ment , -and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or ifIkqjter'382, Laws 1903, now fherefore, .. I in past. ion of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall ayes and no.nays, as follows: Palen, aye; Willson, aye; and the Resohtion was adopted, .. c e< , Preqident of the Village Co$cSl I * c Willson' 6 motion, authorizing Clerk to advertiseticor bids for the BlacktolJping .. of Brookside Avenue between Eden Avenue and State Highway Eo. 1.69, said bids to be tdcen Monday, July 11, 1949, at 8:OO P,M., was seconded by Palen znd There viere still several matters before the Council (Nr, Sutton's application for engineering position; vriden@g of 54t.h Street Bridge; liquor store inventory, etc.) and, as the hour pas late, Villsoa movgd for- adJourhent of the Heeting to Friday, June 17, 1949, at the Village Hall,.'at 8:OO P.M. ?den and carried. .. - .. * carried, Motion.seconded by -" -. .. - - 'M~ES OF THE ABJOURNIJD PORTION OF T= Pursuant to Motioh of Jmie 13, lg@, apa due calf. and notice by the President, the @journed Portion of the June 13, 1949, Regular Heeting Was held Friday, June 17 , p at 8: 00 P,M, Hawthorne and Cooper. kr. Eldon Morris of the-Liquor Comkission, .&a Liquor Store Nanager Kippleg requisitioned for a $35,000 liquor inventory increase before July I., to save tax increase due July 1. Hawthorne moved that Mr, Kippley be authorized to pchase $35,000 in liquor stocks between now and 3u&y 1, bmBers. answering Rollcall were Palen, Willson,' Child was absent. After-review of cash balance and financial statement Motion seconded.by Palen and carried, Nr . Kippley recommended 'installation of counters around %he store, snd the mattes of a new paint Job and bstallztion of hew lights was discussed. Mr, Smith was asked to check for costs on the paint and lights, and to report on counters, Statement from.Edina Commercial Club in amount of $75.00, was reported. Hawthorne moved that Mr, Ashmead, Treasurer, be notified that the Council feels that the Nunicipal Liquor Store should not belong to the Edina Commercial Club, but that they will be glad to pay their portion of the Kippley w7/49 z2 Christmas Street Lighting project,as a civic promotion, Notion seconded by Palen andumnimously carried. Corrected Statement for Liquor Store, shoving total profit of $33,818.71 for the peris? June 5, 1948 to May 31, 1949, vias read and filed. Clark &wthorne introduced the following resolution and moved its adoition: I -'- * A RESOLUl?ION DE!i!ERMIXIEG PFE NECESSI!CY OF ISSUING L $60,000 P~~!A"!l! IXI?ROVENEBT BEmlLVIEG RTND EOHB I 8 -. im PROVIDIE FOR ~nifit~c-sga PWOF '_ 3E IT RESOLVE1D by the Village Conncii-of ;he VillGe of Ed-, Hinnesota, e. -. as follows: __ - 1, 1% is hereby determined that it is necessary and expedient to issue the negotiable coupon general obligation bonds of the Village in an amount not exceeding $60,000 for %he purpose of providing additional moneys for the Permanent Imprpvement Revolvinghd, maintained for the purpose of aavacing the cost of locd bprovements for v@ch assessments are to be levied, corzsiderik seaed bids for and awardiag tho sale of said bonds. Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place armd pqose,of.said:neetbg to be published in the official nevrspaper of the Villago 6nce each week for two consecutive ?reeks prior to the date of said meeting, and the pu3lication of said notice heretofore made on June 16, 3949 is hereby appoved, ratified and confirmed. _. 2. Tks Council shall. meet at the the and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained for the purpose of opening, receiving and The Village Said notice sql be in substant5aUy the 0U;I;AGE OF EDINA XO$!kCE *OF-BO?@ SB&I f ollo&lg Zom: HEXNWIN COUNTY, XIM1SESOTA .- * ETOIIGE IS GX~ that &e ~i~iei Co&il of the Villzge OF Edina, ..*. * Hemepin Coynty, P.linnesota, trill meet at the Village Hd1 in sad. %%b.age on JGne 27, 1949, at 8:06 o* clock p.m. for tho *ose of o$eni6gt .receiving and. considering sealea bids for ad atrarding'the sale of $60,000 negotiable coupon geuerd obligation bonds to be issued fo? the ,-ourposes of the Permanent Improvemen$ Revolying Xund maintained by said Village for advancing the cost of local impovements f on which :assessmentske to be levied, Said bonds vi11 be dated July I, 1949, vi11 be in $3000 denomi- natsons, vUL be@ interest at a rate or rates to be designated By the successful bitlder h an integral multiple of l/4 or 1/10 of 1. zer cent per atuurn, payable July 1, 1950 hd semiannually thereafter, on January 1 and July 1 of each year, and will mature serially in the p.nount .of $6,.000 dn January 1 in each of. the yess 1951 through 1960. Bonds &vine: stated matur5ty dates later than January 1, 3.955, %rill be subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the V5llage on said date and any interest payment ' date thereafter, at par and accrued interest, in inverse order of serial num'bers. Principal and interest; trill be made payable a% any suitable ba institution in the United States desig.Yated by the snccessful'bidder. %o the purchaser, the printed and executed bonds and the approving leg& opinion of Nessrs, Dorsey,Colman,Barker,Scott t& Barter of I.linneasolis, Hinnesota, which trill be delivered trithb 30 Clays after sale. 1(. - The Village will furnish, without cost - 11 Sealed bids marked "Bid for $60,000 Bonds" may be nailed to the undersigned and mnst-be receiped prior to %he time of said meeting. O&il auction bids vid not be considered, conditional upon the opinion of+the above attorneys, and must be accoqanied by a cashier's or certified check or bmk draft in the mount of at least S1200,QO to be forfeited as liquidated d-es in case such bidbe accepted anit the bidder shzll fail to coxply with its terms. Bids trill be preferred according to lowest net inteyest cost; interest to the stated maturities at the coupon rate os rates ssecifisd, less any premium.offered. 30 bid of less than par and accrued intepest ail1 be considered, and the Vfllage resefges the right to reject any and dl bids. k 033DBR OF TEE! VILLAGE COlJlTCWi Xach bid must be un- ~. BOIER WlTHO€UE .~ I Village Clerk V5iIage all, Edina, Minnesota: * 3. Each and dl of the terms and condrtiohs of s&d notice of sale are 6/17/49 ( 23 ) , .. - hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of said bonds and of the ,sale thereof. Village Clerk Village Clerk President of the Village Coficil The motion for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Willson, and upon vote being taken there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Palen, aye; Willson, ay~; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye: and the Resolution was adopted. The matter of naming the streets in Beverlg: Hills Addition came before the * Council for atgeition. the East-West portion of the curving road in Beverly Hills be named Hollywood Road from the West boundary line of l'$imbacktl to the presently named- %iLton Avenuett: that the we and goz?th-Sou$h portibn of this road, from the- presently nded lll?ulton Avenueft be named llOxford Avenue; t&at the presently named %d.ton AvequB? both in Beve5ly Hills Addition and Morth thereof, be renamed ."Oxford Avenueill aad the presently named 11X,48th Streets fron Rutledge Avenue to the west boundaryline of Zimback Adation be renamed l~Hollywoolt Road. It Motion seconded by Hawthoqe and unanimously carried, t. After conshesable discussion, Willson moved that I I %e niittkr of: Offi6i.d pokice Oniformi was again reviewed. Paen ~~~~~t~~~ @option of the following uniform as t6e Offickl Police Uniform; Mst 1,1949 %OLOR-3lue-Gray; SHIRl?-Grq; If%-Blue; JACKET-Xisenhowek Style* ; SHOXS-Black; CAP-Resation Police' Style; -OVERCOA!E-Brown Stom. Coat; I$3LT-?fide Gun Belt (mot Sam Brck Type); with the only deviation from this-unifom %o-.be with reg*d to the Jacket, a Brotm Leather A,h Cor& Jacket being permissible instead *of the regulation Xisenhowem Jacket, between Sunset and Sunrise only, by the men assigned to car auty. Shoes; Regulation Pype Cap; Belt and Gun.- Summer Uniform to be: Irousers; Gray Shirt; Blue Tie; Black Mot ion vas secozlded by Hawthorne ' and unanimously carried. Matter of additional equiiient for Poli6e Depktment--white raincoats first aid equipment, etc.- was discussed, with Manager Smith being instructed to make a check of the equipment needed and bring report to the next regular me& ing. Mr. H.L. Narner's reqwst for permission to build open porch within three feet of the- side lot-line was denied, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Willson and carzied. * The matter of regulations for Police Department was reviewed at some length, with Manager Smith being instructed to draft preliminaq regulations for Teview and re-draft - by the Co~cil. Palen suggested the purchas6 of a Portable Light Weight Public Address Set for the Police Department, .to be used principally for- Eraffic control, moved that this purchase be made, a% price of $42.50, from Leon A. Familat Industries, Xorio&k, Virginia, Motion seconded by Palen and Carrie$. 6ouncil. discussbd the application of Mr. Sutton of hh.al1; Minnesota, for the position of Village Manager and Engineer, and it was agreed by all members of €he Council present that Mr. Sutton did not appear to have all the qua5ificatioas needed for the job. In subserpent discussion aJ.1 members of the Council agreed that-hone 02 the applicants interviewed appe& to be as well qwified as Mr. Phil. Smith, and it was agreed it would not be possible at this the to find anyone as well qp&ifi&d. various pagsons at the recent League of Minnesota Municipklities Convention, and that he found Mr. Smith to be Fighly regarded by other engineers and municipal officials there. Mr, Cooper stated he would have no objectiohs to the retention of Mr. Smith.as Village Manage& and Engineier, if Hr. Smith severed his connections with any o6tside engineering firm, Mr, Smith was then invited to meet with the Council. Mr. Hawthorne explained to ldr. Smith tha% aZ1 members of. the Council had agreed that he should continue as'village fdanager and- Engineer if he-so desires and if he would sever his out'side business comections. Mr. Smi%h stated that he vas in-process ofsevering such connections and that they would be coqletely severed within a few weeks. Hawthorne informed Mr. Smith that he could expect the kI.1 backing of all members of the Council, and that the Council expected him to make ag agsessive effort tb improve .. the efficiency of all village operations. Hawthorne's motion, that Mr. Sutton be informed by letter 'of the Councilts action with regsd to his application for Village Hanager and Engineer, vas seconded by Palen and carried, Hawthorn Mr. Palen stated he had discussed Nr. Smith with I . I c " .. Ekrthorne8s motion, thaZ Council Eroceed with vridening of the 9th Street bridgey + accordance with plgms and specifications to be completed by Village Engineer Smith, vas seconded. by PdGa and carried. Villson's motion for adjourniuent was seconded by Ehvrthorne andunanimously carried. Councif. convened as liBoa.&,-bf Revf&," at*j:30 $$!:, June 27, in accordance with "Assessment Xotice,"r-posted on all Offieid Wletin Boards June 17, vit~ all aembers df the Council present. Assesso? Greighton VY~S present to inform the Board that his Vtsluations Books for the year 1949 irere not yet ready for presentation. 'fliUsorm*s motion, adjourning meeting to Mondey, July 11, 1949, at 6:3O P.I., was .. seconded by Palen and unanimously carried. Mr, Creightoh notified Boaril that the county Supervisor of Aksessnents v~ibl be present on tbat date, to meet with 'the 5) - .. -- I. I" '. .- - - Clerk Nenbers anseering Rollcall were Chiid, Paen, 'c.lilL&n, Hawthorne, and Cooper. IIejLth Officer Lowell Cq&ll rkparted- to Council that' sewage connection trill be made by Hopk@~s to the Nimeqolis sever system before the end of theyear-, thus elhinating cont&inat%on of Nine-r.Iile'Creek. Dr. Campbell reported an insanitary conditioii in the neighborhooa of 60th Street +a Vood&d.e, in the pumping of cesspools onto the land. Havthorneas motion, that^Hezlth Officer be iiirected to see that all villagers +dng cesspools conpxy vritli State Health Departiment Remations in maintaining such regulations. .( - Dr. Cmpbell-reporied new act by Le&slahre, which vi11 allow Village to assess Uncover& privy excavation vas reported at the residence of Nr. Gus Isaacsso;lz, 6309 Ikt eman Avenue. Dr. Campbell will investigate immediatelg. €or sprayipg of mosqxitoes, .. - i The Pgesident .anounced'tha€ the meeting vas open €or the consideration of bids for the purchase of $60,000 Permanent 1mrovemen.f; Revolving ;F'und Bonds in accordance with resolution adopted by $he Village Council on-iTune 17, 1949. lthe Clerk presented an affidavit-*showing tko veeks* pudlication of notice of sale in the official newssaper of the Village, whi6h vrss ebbed, found satisfactory and ordered placed oa file. .> The Clerk reported, that four sealed bids had been received in accordance ai%h said notice, which bids were then publicly opened, read andconsidered, and the highkt and best 'bid of each'bidder vas found to be as follows: Eane of Bidder Interest Rate - Premium * UorthiTestern BaiGional Bank, 1.Iinneapolis ,2.2$ $180.00 and 'Z 2.00$ $156.00 Allison-Tlilliams Company, Ninneapolis . $2.20$ $101.00 I First Eaim State-Barik, Zana; ) First Bat io& B&, 1-I.liruleapolis) Piper ,Jzfi"ray & Hoprood, Nimeapolis) $139.00