HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490613_REGULAR$0 i 5/23/49 Petition dated. September 22, 1948, for the Gradi.ng and Blacktop@ng of Park Pllace
between lf.55th aab T'1.56th Street, was read.. Palmi s motion setting Public Hearing
on Petition for"B1acktopping and Grading, for Elon-, J&e 13, 1949 at 8000 F.M. ,
was seconded by Wiiison and carried,
Council. granted 'sign Permit requested Wag 11 by Hdilemann Brewing Compasg for sign
on Highway Xo, 169; - Motion by Villson, seconded. by Palen and carried.
A letter dated Hay-14, from Civil Service Assembly, iGas Tead wd placed on file,
gillson's aotion, that bids for inkrance 6, the Liquor Store be adveStised,'trith bids
._ to be t&en June 13, and that P.farsh 8a f*kLennan be called t;o see if a 3O-day binder
can be had, was seconded by Palen and carried.
Peti5ion dated by 11, 1949,"signed. by Sesnes Lindberry and others, requestlng the
Grading uLd Gravelling of Monroe Avenue betwep Maloney and the North Village limits,
Gas prgsented. '1Jillsonts motion, setti6g Public Hearing on Petition for Monday,
June 13, 194, at 8:OO ?.Xi, and authorlzing Vilxage Clerk to ad%ertise for bids OZT
this project, wixh aids to be taken Jane 13, 19M'; vas seconiled By Palen dnd carried.
kiUson was apphted to take care of the matter of water at the Olxnger farm. iPests
have been mads, and the water is not to be used unless boiled first; &s. Olhger had
fjeen so infdrmea,
=% *? -_ -_ -. .. ..II --
I . .- --
.. - .-
r l '7 . -0 - ...
Villagi Attorney flbdhurst Was *asked to draw up an ordinance regamling artificail
inpounitieg of water.
Wfllsonts motiop for Bd$mm&ent was seconded: by Palea and: carried,
- I L- .*
.- r
Vibage Clerk .. I
Hembers ansnerbg Rollcall-were Wills&, *$kLen md Gooper, MrSm buipe !festerberg
acted as Clerk in the absence of Ha,,rthorne, .* *.
1st -
355 356 357
363 364 365
346 361 3f33 369 370
3n 372
373 3?4 388
ppoll for Period June 1st throuehl5th and Overtime for M~~194.9 (c ont 1 NBME
s-2 r4EN-EOrnZ cmie‘i ;J6~i&i- . -* 1i6.97 . 9.20 - ‘4-38 ‘i5.88 103.09 387
122.70 1.60 4.91 6.51 116.19 386 Jacob ’ s*&
Wm. Ha ICeZl
hzlaW: Books 103.~ 11.20 4.14 15.9 88.14 384
. I, ., .I GROSS-, . . WIW.. , .RETI?& 2OTBIlr ~ , NE2 ~ G&AIM
I PAX ..- IAX ,. lJEDUCT. Dli3lUCT+ PAg XO. --- ..
103.48 2.90 4.14 I 7.M 96.44 385
Frank: ~“arno 107-48 2.90 4.14 7. Ob 96.44 383
WA!BB mi -
II !550*11 ,??a80 , ,22*03, 49.8% 5OOa30 ;
9ota.l General ha 3931.23. 265.90 151.89 417-79 3513.42
%q ._ .Voehler 229-63 a.20 9.19 30.39 199*24 375
Sam R0idi;ts 220.80 21.20 8.83 30.03 190*77?’ 376
David S. Roberts 121.71 14.10 4.87 18-97
; < 102.7% 377
I 522J-4 *56,50* ~, 22.85) 79*39 492*15
1 Payroll 7 4503.35 3Z.M 17is.?% 497018 rtOO6,X?
c+ c
L iauor Store %*all June 1st throuph June 15, 1949 and Extra Men for Mas. 19&
178.94‘ 5.80 7.16- 12.96 165.98 ‘L70
281-19 .a,20 . 11.25 32.45 248.74 gama ?right - 102 .25 15.40 4.09 14 9. 9 82 .76 &72
3dwqd-Ryan 115.03 8.90 4.60 13.50 lOl.53 I172
Gyrus Alekander 127.81 14.70 5-11 19.81 305. $73 =
$aul Ylesher 65.18 -o.?. 2.61 2.61 62.57 :?6
John Dahlenr ’70.10 -Om- 2.81 2-83. 67*4% q77
C” 2k.2.84 23.60- . 9.7~ 33.31 m%$ -
Harry . Casey 193.00 -(b 7.72 7.72 105.28 Z74
C &les-Bat& 106.73 -01 4.27 4.27 102.46 375
17041. 417.80
43iDzl. -0- 17aU
Grand Istal Llquor Store 959.24 44.80 38.37 83.17 876.07
PaZen moved, Wiilsonlseconded, that the following claims be allowed:
Claim No. 3795 Art X;‘ Petersen $11rcO.63 GARBAG8 m‘ 5539 suburban Henn. Coo
. Rellef Board c ’ *216.35
4414.96 ;LlBVOR FUND L544 Od. Phillips & Sons _. - ~ &545 bo. Bene & Sons 1296.32 d.,,, . .* *
hotion by llilison, approving Mbutesof Regular Meeting of-May 9; Adjourned Portion
of Nay 9 Meeting held May 11; and Regular Meeting of May 23, 1949, was seconded bs
Palen and carried;
Eursuant to ’QTotfce of Street Zrprovernent Bearing-Water &&ri Tomes Road,” published
$a Su%u&an Press, Ho>pkins, Miiufesota, on Mag. 29 and 26, 1949, President; called
ijublic hearing on proposed extension of water -‘in Tomes Road between W.48th and
W.49th Streets,
foot, was read.? Mr. Zeo @st; and one other property-ot~~er,appeared in fayor of
the proJect,
following Resolution and moved its adoption:
AffMaeit of Publication was read by Clerk, a&roved and placed on
Bngineerts lstimate of Cost, in amount of $4,097.17, or $4.27 per assessable
There were no objectfons, oral or written. Willson offered the
-AS, the Vfllage Cotacil. has met at the time and place specified in a
nofib- to all property ovmers whose proper%y ma,y be assessed for proposed conytwctb
of Village Srater mairr in TEiwnes Ro& between W.48th and I.49th Streets, published in
S ubur%an Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, Mag 19 and 26, 1949, and has heaB %I1 persone
apparing at said- meeting and dnPy considered said proposed inprovement, now therefO2X3, BE IT-RESOLTED by the 3dina Village Council that St is hereby determined to be
neceseay to construct __ Village Water.Main in- Tovmes Road-between W.48th and W.49th
Straets, and
BE 12 FURTEIE3tz. RESOLPED that plans and specifications for such water main con-
structions here3ofore prepqed 3y VtLlage Jhgineer Phil W. Smith and filed with the
Villtige clerk are hereby’ accepted and approved as the ~1-s and specifications for
said improvement.
BG 32 FURTW.1 RESOLVXD that the Clerk-is hereby directed to advertise for bids
eh”‘e”‘ia~o‘hgqb‘a dn Nonday, 3u.Q- h, 1949: no bids trill be considered -
ent for such work’ sta%ing that the %ids will $9 opened and
Mess sealed and filed with the Clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit or
certified check payable to the Clerk for an amount eqd to ten percent of the bid, RE IF JXIRTHEB BESOLTRD that €he cost of said improvement is to be assessed.
again@ t$e_proper~g .. -. "- improve& - .- a6 authorized by Chapter 425, Lars of 1921, as zmende& +
Notion for kioption of the Resoiution vas:seconded by.Palen, and on Rollcd1 there
- -
were three aye; and no nays, as. follow:
and the Besolution adopted., .Palen, aye; f'iillson, - aye; and Cooper, aye;
hsuant- to, IJNotice of Street Iqrprovement .HearineGrading and Grave1;Cing Tomes Road,"
called public hearing, on petition of 1I.B. ,l!i'Lcox ad others, dated April 25, 1949,
for improvement of Towhes Road betveen fl.li8th and PI, 49th Streets by Graiiing and
Gravelling.. Affi&vi$ of Publipation ir&.read by,Clerk, approved and placed on file. .
Bngirreerrs Esthte of Cost, amount $6,655.83, or $5.87 per assessable foot, tras
read, *!@, +eo mise appeared in favpr pf pro&ct,:together with another affected
property o@er.
the f olloy2pg Beso1ut)on and moyed its dqptionz
_Suhr'ban Press, Ho$ins Ninnesota on May 19 ad 26, 1949 , PresidenPI I. -_
!!!here Gere no objections, either oral or written, Willson offered
@MG rn @WELL~G.OF ~omqs porn BEWEEIT
W0&8!i!H'&D If, 4% H STREEYIS -
llEEEU%@, petition in writi~ request@g. imprpment of Povnes Boad between
I'T.li8th- and ym4gth StrFets by GrHing and Gravelliqg has been duly filed with this
Counc'il-&i€$ April 25, 1949, s3gned by oyners of*more than sl$ in frontage of the
real proper5y abut6ing on the portion of the street named in sed petition as EbB
Ioeation f oy such Smp.3.ovement, pd
TBEREAS, the Vil;age Count@ has me; at the Qime and place specified in a
notice to a71 propertr ormers wiiose proprjiy is 12able to be assessed for such
&uprovemeit &pblished- in Suburban Press ,-&pkins, Hinnesota, P.by 19 and 26, aad
has heard all persons inte.ztestet$ and. detqmbed th necessity for the iqpovement
petitioned $or, POV therefore
BE I!!! EESOIiVED BY the W&na Village Council as requfred 'by Cha.pter 311, Laws of
1927,- that khe petjtibn above d&scribed is'hereby*determined to have been sigZled
by the-require& $Scentage of owners of phperty affected thereby, and
BE IT 3TREBEL BESOLVED that !Comes Road between V.48th and. I'l,49th Striets be
improved by-Grading and %avelling, and
Bl3 IT FUB'PHEB RliSOLVED that plans and spiifications now on fila with the
Village Clerk, prepared-by.Village Engineer Eel W, Smith, &e &reby approved and r tea as the plans and specifications for s4d improvement,
Bl3 12 FU€@HER RESOLVED that the clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the offici* paper and in the Construction Uetin, ltbneaplis, an advertisement
for bids to be opened l.londag, July 11, 1949, said advertisement to be qon such
improvements in accordanct.wit@ such approved plms and specificztions,
accoqanying each bid shall bo ten percent of the amount of the bid,+
Notion for adoptfon of the Besolution was seconded 'by Palen, ad on BoUcdl, there
were three zyks anti no np,astfollotrst Palen, ge; Willson, aye; Cpoper, age; aad
the Besolu$ion was adopted.
*- .I
'phe deposit
Pre&ident of the Village Coyil
hsuaat"to %otice of Hearing=Storm Sewer 'Richmond Hills Area," published in ._ Suburban Press, Hopkins, ZvI.ILnnes?ta, on I-& 26 and Jupe 2, 1949, pblic hearing was
called on proposed storm sewer to &dn ce&dn areas between the Rorth Boundary of
Richmond Hills and Yvonne Terrace, and Botween Highmy No. 100 and Wessex Avenue.
Affidavit of Publication of Notice was read by Clerk, qproved and placed on file.
Engineer's Estimate of Cost, in amount of $9,949m50, or approximately $118.4.3 per
lob, rJas-readi *A delegation' rotested &os$ of getrer; and dter Engineer Smith had
explzined r6ute of sew05 ad ! asis 6f estirhate fin some detail; llillson*s raotion,
for carry-over'of the project to the next re&= meeting, for further-study, was
seconded by Pden and carried, Nessrs. E.G. Stow, devoloper of'Yvonne Terrace, and
S.G. Piekon, developer of Richmond Hills, were among those present at the Hesing.
hsuknt to tlllotice of Ee~ing-Gradikg and Gravelling Monroe Avenue between 1.laSoney
Avenue and Worth Village Limits," published in Suburban PTess, &@ins, f.Ifnnesota,
on &q 26 and Juag 2, 1949, public hearing vas cdled on petition of Jams Lindberry
&d others, for the above med improvement, Affidzvit of Publication of Notice was
read by Clerk, 'approved, and placed on Tile, Engineer's Estimate of Cost, in axount
of $3,195.18, or $1.18 per assessable foo$,'kras re&. .Delegation asked details on
proposed-grade, apd adjourned to Wineer's Office for -lanation,
-- .. .I
6/13/49 13 hter in the evening, delegation returned, Monroe.Grading and Gravelling Project, either oral or written. Willson
2here were no objections to the
offered the following Besolution zmd maved its adoption: ..
WHEREAS , petition" in writing requestig- Gprovement of lilonroe Avenue
, between Maloney Avenue and the 8. Village Limits by Grading and eavelliq has
been duly filed with this Council dated May 11; 1949, signed by owners of mor@
than 5l$ in frontage of the real property abutting on the portion of the street
named in said petition as %he location for such improvement, and
I-, the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in s
notice-to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for duch
improvement-published in Siiburban Press, Hopblns, Minnesota, May 26 and Jme 2,
1949; and has heard all persons interested, and detembed the necessity for
the improvement petitioned for, now therefore
Laws of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby determined to have
peen &kd Ijy-tBe wreq-uired-pePcentage of'owhers of property affected thereby,
BE 12 FURTHER IEESOLT3iD, that Monroe Avenue between Maloney Avenue and the
Eorth Village Limits be-iqroved by Grading and Gravelling, and
BE 12 RJ3SOLVBD that 'plans and specifications now on file with the Village
Clerk, prepared by the Village Zngineer Phil W. Smith, are hereby approved and
adoptea as the -pl&s and specifications for said improvement. - BB IT XURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk's May-23, 1949, action in preparing
and inserting ip Subnl+n Press and in the-Construction Bulletin an advertise-
ment fdr'bids upon siich &provements in accordance with such approved plans and
specifications, s5id bids Xo be opened MoniGy, June 13, 2949, is hereby approved
and ratified,
Fount of the bid,
BF: IT BESOl3!35D BY the Edina village Council, as reqpired 'by Chapter 3119
!&!he deposit accompanykg each bid shall be ten percent of the t
'Motion fbr adoption of the Besolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall
Inimediat6ly after above Resolution, President cdled for bids on the Grading'
and Gravelling of Monroe AGenue between Maloney Avenue and No, Village Limits, in accordince with "Advertisement for Bids,n published in Suburban Press, -
Hopkins, E.Iinnesota,-in Constmction Bulletin, Minneapolis; Affidavit of
Publication for whicE was read by Clerk, approved, and placed on file. The following sealed bids wSre opened and publicly red: -.
!bF&Y' I .-.. E%CAVBIRG - - ^. - CO. -. St.Louis Park, Minn. .$2,639.55
ldina, Minn, $2 ? 533 43
Willson*s mofzon, 'awarding contract 8; Jack' WeLch Const&xction Go., subject
%o favorable cbmpletion date, was seconded by Palen and unanimouslg carried.
Pursuant to n&3tice of Hearing-Blacktopping Kellogg Place between W.56th Street
and Oaklawn Avenue; ad. Oakl~wn. Avenue between Icellogg Phce and W,56th Street,,"
&blished in Suburbazz Press, Hopkies, Minn., May 26 .cad Jnne 2, 1949, Affidavit .
of Piiblication for which'was $aced on file, after havingbeen publicly read
and approved,'Presiden5 called public hearing on the above named project.
ESl&neer's Esfhte of Cost, amounC $2,391,44, (to be assesged on apercentage
basis in-accorhge with ptition); yas read.
ora or writtkn. Vills6n offered the following Besolution arnd moved its
. i
There were no objections, either
'wKElILF1pIs, 'Petition in'writing requesting improvement of Keltogg Place be%ween W.56th Street'and Oaljlam Avenue, and Oaklawn Avenue between Kellogg Place and W, .. 56th Street by Blacktopping has been duly filed with this Coqcil dated Mw 23,199,
signed by owners of more than 51$ in frontage of the real property abutting on tho
portion of the street named in s&d petition as the location for such improvement, ma
'i?HEEEAS, 'the Village Council has met at the tine and place speci€ied in a,
notice-to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
impro@ekerif published in S~burban Press, Hoj$sins, Minnesota, May 26 and June 2, 1949; and, has .heard all persons interested, and determined the necessity for .the
improvement petitioned f 05, now therefore'
~ 'b-i?. 56T8 S!!RE3!2 ..* ._
14 t
1927,- that the pet8tion a'boye described is here'by determined to have been signed by
the re&ired'$rcentage of oirnm3-70f prOp6rty aff ecfed ther837, &a
BE I!? FUORTBER -RXSOIi', that Xellogg Place between S.Ij6th Street and Otittla~n
Avenue, @_Oal+awn Avenue between Kellogg .Place ana 1?.56th Street be improved by
blacktopging, ma
333 IT RESOLVED that plans and kpecifications qoti'oa fili! with the V211age Clerk,
prepeed.?y Yil?ag? Engineer Phil. W. Smith, are hereby approved and adopted as the
plans .&d specifications for s&d iq$ovement .
BE IT FTJR!EER EESOLVBD that the Niiy 23rd action of the Village Olerk, in prep@-
ing agd inserting in the SuWbas Press, Hopkins, Minnesota, and in the Construction
Bulleth, ' l-&ea$lis; an advert isemerit fpr bids upon such improvemeh in accorbcs
with such plans and specifications'; said bias to be opened Mondag, June X3t 1949, is
hereBy ratified and approved. Zlhe'deposit accompanying each bid s&ll be ten percent
of the amount of the bfd.
_- -. -..
Notion 'for adoption of the Resolati'on was seconded %y Palen, and on BoXlcall there
wers three ayes and no nags, a6 follows: Palen, aye: Villson, aye; and Cooper, aye;
and tEe bso1ut9on was adopbea. - - .
President of the Village Co$c%l
Pursuant -to "8dvertisemen'cr for Bids-Blacktopping Kellogg Place between IJ.56th Street;
and B&lawn Avenue; and Oaklam- Avenue betveen Kellogg Place and W.56th Street,":
%blished in %bur%an Press, Hopkins, $%!inn. , and in Coas.t;kction &llei, %me-
zpolh, Hhn; on Hay 26 &nd JSe-2, 1949, Affi&vit of hblication for vkLch vas
read, approved and placed on *file, the 'following bid6 were opened and public3:g read:
USIEG ROAD TAR: Sg,Yd; 'T&l;. Sq,Yd. .'%Pot&. Sg.,Pd0 1C0traf;
2200 SqXds . Stzbilization ;.z8 . 616.00 ; .30 660.00 , -32 704.00 $1672.00 $1870.00 $2046.00
2200 Sq,Yds ,Bitumilnous Surf ace $.M' $i036.00 $ $iilo.oo $ .61 $i342,00
Eo Bid
Premium $20.76 One Yr
Premium $20.76 One Yr _.
Pden' s motion, refkrFfng b'ids to Pillage Attorney for tabula%ion and recomnendatim
was seconded by Willson and carried,
Mr. H. a. Burton'was notified, uson his inquiry, that the Blacktopping of Mirror-
Lakes in Bdina would be completed as soon as contractor J.V. Gleason could get
.. ..- i -
\ EO, this job,
Mr. Patterson, 317 Monroe Avenue, requested installation ofea street light at
corner of Bellmore Lane and Monroe Avenue.
make' check of this,_md report to Conncil - at next meeting,
Mr, George Learman, 4.501 North Avegue, requested some fora of traffic check for
traffic on State Highway No, 100, in order that Cascde Lane nsers mi&t turn in
and off the highway. to poptact fhe.M&esota Highway Department for some reli_ef from this situation.
Mrs, Swles requested removd. of hdergrowth at &th and North avenue; and
installation of stop sign at 44th and &oakaide,
would' investigate at the earliest oppoFtunity.
Mr, Plum'berfeldt, 4911 Sunnyside, requestgd the immediate raising of the creek's
water level,
Village Engineer Smith was asked to
Office was instructed to write Plr.-Learman, asHng hiap
She was informed that Council
.i I
1, I
He was informed that Purap would be started 'pnesday morning, -. ".
Planning Gommission*s June 7th Recohendations with regard to renaming of streets in Beverly Hills and Limba& cambe before the Council. lotion by Willson; that
ktter be-c-aried over to next regular meeting, was seconded by PaJ-en and caried.
Final Plat of llRichmond Hillst1 Addition, with Planning Commission1 s Recomenaation
of June 7, for-approval->y Cowcil, and petition by owner for blacktopping of *
hl Richmond Hills Streets was presented for Council clinsideration, Willson*s
motion, that Council approvi3 Final Plztt of "Richmond EZls," was seconded by
Paen and carriied, '
' -
* .. _.
Planning Commission's June 7th Recommendation, for the Council's denial of
any apglication for-Motels within the Edina Village Limits, was reviewed,
willson moved that 5lr. Majerus1 petition for Motel a?; P;sOth St. and Interlachen
Blvd. be denied: w'sthdrew this_motfon,'and moved that Er. Majernsl petition be
carried over to the next regular meeting, Second Motion seconded-by Palen and
Mr. S. 0. Pierson ppesented new design for apartment building to be constrncted
on TJ.49th Street between France and Maple Road, requesting that Hearing on
AparSEment Building be set-for Monday, June 27, Motion by Willsop, settlng
Padiic Hearing on Xew Design for Apartment 'Building, for Monday, __ June 27,
was -- secpnded by Palen and carried.
Pursuant to "Motice of Hearing-Water Main Construction Normandale Road from
Yvonne. ._ Terrace to 2O7.2.I South, published in Suburbaa Press, Eopkins, Minn.
on May 26 and Jwre 2, 1949, affgdavit 'of p6blication for which was read,
approved and p&aced on file, President called Pu3lic Heking on the above
named property. S&beer Smith pointed out to the Coyncil that construction
will involve water main. from Yvonne Terrace, South thereof, to serve the
207.28 which the &ole petifioner, B,,L. Hart, Jr,, chs; and that bfr. Hart
e11 be sole beneficiary from snch- co~st~ctioq. Wr, Smith's estima%e. of
cos% was $1,936,91, or .$9.35 per assessable foof,
either or@ or written,, Palen offered the followingReso1ution and moved its
There were no objections,
!D$EU&l$''K)_hO FllDT SOU!hI 'PHER&B"
Id, the Village-Coundl-has met at-tlie-t$e aad place specified in SE
notice. to all property 6hers whose'prolperky m@-%e assessed for proposed con-
strmcthon'of Village water-main in the West :side of Normandale Road, from
Yvonne Terrace to 400 feet Sonth thereof, published -in Suburban Press, Hopkins,
Minnesota, on May 26 and June 2, 1949; dna has heard all persons appearwg at said meeting and duly consiaered said proposed improvement, now therefore, . . BJ4 IT RESOLTED by t& Village Council of the Village of Edina that i$ is
hereby determined $0 be necessary to construct Village Water Main in West side
of Xorkka3-e Road from YvoMe Terrace to 400 feet'South thereof , md
6/13/49 3E IT l3VWEER BESClLYiD that; plans and specifications for such water main con-
struction. hgref;ofore pmpqed by Village Bgineer ail 11, Smith and filed with the
Village Clerk are h&e?sy kcepted. and approved as the 'plans and. s-gecifications for
said impFovement e
BE: IT FURTIER BlEOLVEI) that the Clerk is hereby directed to advertise for
bias $n ihe .. I basis of cash papnent for such work, stating that the bids will be
opned-and considered-%y the Conncil 6, July 11, X949; no bids wfll cbe considered
unless sealed and filed with the Clerk aqd accomganied br a cash deposit or
certified checltpayable to thG Clerk for an amount equal to ten percent of the
Motion for Besolation ;ai seconded by PaZen, and on Rollcall there were three ayes
and no nays, as follows:
Resolution was adozted.
.- .- - _-
.. ...
Palen, we; Villson, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the ..
.- .-
President of the Village CP&lcil
€b.qsat-to "N&ice of Hearing on Petition for Storm Sewer-Voerddale Area, published in Suhrban Bess, HopkJns , Rim. , ?day 26 and June 2, 1949, Public Hearing tras
called on prupsed storm sewer drdning area be%woen Troodajl'e Avenue and St.Johna
A9e5ue and between Oak Dr2ve and Toxer Street, 'according to k1-s drafted by Village
Engineer, Bngineer's Elstinate of c0s.t for project, iii its new route, woad de
*other znd-larger storm sew'er district to be consixucted at a later kte; ana =
that the a~sessmen% for the presently proposed storm sewer will not b8 ZeVied
until the large stow sewer is constructed, Willsonls motion, authorizing Clerk to advertise for bids for storm seyer, with sad bids to be t&&n Monday, iTuly 11,
at 8:OO P.N., was seconded by. Prilen and UnmGously carried,
It tras:eqlained that this-proposed storm sewer is to be a part of
1 &fidavi% of Bnblication as of'1Say 26 and June 2, 1949 in Suburbm Press, Ho&ins,
Binrresota, for tllTOticO of Hearing-Graafng apd ~3la,c~op~Zng of Bark Place between 1JO55th &d 110j6th Streets, was read, approGed e$ placed on file: sriid Presidenfi
.- called pbUc hearing on €his proposed project; Engineer1 s Esthate of Cost of
Grading, amount $945.82 or $.79 per assessable foot, was read, together with,
Engineer's Est-te of Cost, of Blackto@,ng, most $2,391.43, or-&% per
assessab&e foot. Ihere were no objections, either o~al or mitten, V'lillson offered the^follov@g RGsolutiok and moved its adoption: I -. RESOLUICION FOR II*Q?ROVBXJ3iJ!l
I . w. 55ki AND' 5&!B, s!gEE!rh
lf€E@XS, petition in writing se$tuesthg. 'inprovem6nt of &rk Place ietween
?T.Bth- and V,56th Streets by Grading ah Blacktop$ni has been duly filed with
this CoG6il dated Septenfssr 22, 1948, signed by omers of more than 51$ in
frontage of-*'the real property abutting on the portion of the street naqd in said
petition as the location for such inprovement, and
I'mS the Vi3.1- Conncil has met at the time and place specified in a
notice- to &Y. property owners whose property 3,s liable to be assessed for such
impsoveknt-published in Suburban Press , Hopkins ,4Sinesota, Elg 26 and June 2,
1949; and has heard all. persons interested and determined the necessity for the
iqpovement petitioned for, nou therefore
%.I2 RIlSOIiVZD BY the Edina Villago Council, as requirdd.w Chapter 311.
Latrs of 192?, tgat -the petition above described is hereby determined to have been
limed-by ' the re<$irea percentage -of ovmefs of property t&fec.t;sd Eherebg, and
BE IT 33'WEER BESOLV3D, that Park Place between "i,&th and I7.56th Streeb be
iqrovedS by-6ra-g .and- Blacktoppizig, and
BF: 19 IIESdLVED %h& plms and%pec3fications notf'on file vi3h the Village'
Clerk, prepared- b;r-Village Engbeer .Phil 11. Smith, are hereby asproved and
adogted ,as the plans and specifications for said iqrovemenii, - 333 IT JBEWEBR RZSOLmD'that the"C1erE is directed to prepare and insert in
the SuTrurban ._ .. Press, Homns, Wlnesota, and in the Construction Eulletin, Hbne-
apolis, an &er€isenent €or bids up06 such inprovements in accordance with such
appr6ved plans and specifications , said.%ids to be 6pened June 27, l949*
deposi$'accom.esying each bid shall be ten percent of the pount of the bid.
f.lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen; and on BollcaS1 there
were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
and the Besolution tms adopted,
Palen, aye; Villson, aye; Cooper, aye;
- __ Vill&e Clerk "
.Purswt ta ''ResoUion Satti& Street &qrov&er& Heari&g-Bla&opping
of Labview @i.a from. Golf 'Perrace, South anb3ast. to Czescent Drive,
and-fron W. *view &i?e .Co th& South Rnd of Crescenf, Drive," adopted
by this Counci3, May 1949,'-aad published ir Sf~hr%an Press, Hopkins,
Minnesota,- on Way 19 and 26, 1949,"PubliC HezTing t~as held on this
proposed-'project. . The %gineer* s Est'rmate- of Gost as read, was $2.28
per assessable foot!,
WilLson offered the $o;f~wing Resoiutian and &red its adoption:
There were no-*objectioos, either oral ox wr$tten.
1- -. . ~ . SOlJ?b-@I? OF -C@SCEX!i! DRIg: - --
'llHE?l3&~, piirest: to ReGo_lution -adopted by the Ed& Vill&e Council
May 9,. 1949, and published in S%ur%an Press; Hopkins, Minnesota, May 19
and 26, 1949, the Village Council has met at the time and place spki-
fied therein and heafd zL1 persons interested with reference to pqposed
improvement of Ldceview Dr5ve from Golf Terrace South and East to Crescent
Drive and from yo Lake View Drive to the, South end of Crescent Drive, all lp 'Blacktopping, now theieforc . BE IT RES0T;VED by fhe 3&na Yi15age Co&cil that the said hnprovement described in s&d resolution shall be undertaken, the entire expense
thereof io be'$& in the firsf, instance 6ut of the Psgnanent Iqrovement
Revolving Fwd.
%e Le$ to i&e lpuest regoqsible bidder, and the Clerk is directed to
prepare id 5ublPsh ad+e%.senent for bids thereon to be opened Monday,
July 11, 1949, which bids shall be based upon pl&s and specifications
now on file with the clerk and which are hereby approved.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by PaLen, and on Rsllcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
Oooper, aye; and the Resolu4fon was
BE IT 3TJRTEEB RJ3SOLvED tb.at said improvement be"made by c6ntract to
Palen, aye; willson, aye;
Pres'ident of the Village Cofiil ,
I* ..- Village Clerk
During dZscussisn of the above construction project, Bngineer Smith
advocated the Blacktopping of Crescent Drive from Lakeview Drive to Golf
lPerrace, and of Lexington Avenue from Ldceview Drive 50 Conqod Avenue,
requesting tha%,-if possible, %he PillGe advertis; for bids for all of
these streets at the same bme, thus bkefiting all propgrey owners' with
probable lower bids because of the-brger area involved.
the following Resolution an& moved i%s adoption:.
Willson offered
COXCORD AV32lK&i ' &D 03'' k$EDXYhjlTA~-FRON .^ *_* L&VX@l - - - In :---&1m TO coI?co~'Am - - - - _..._.
1-G €he .y+II& To@cg$ ,d$sires;oq;z€s-*ijmi :@otkon-€o-'@gpove Crescent Dr2ve from lkk@iew Dfi%%'-%o -C6nc8rd Avenne and L>on Avenue
from Lakevii3w Drive to ConBord Avenue by Blacktopping, acprding to
Chqt_er 382, LGWS 19b3, now therefore,^.
fiecessSY anzege$l.ent to malce the above named improvements, and that on MohaZy; Ja$II, 194.9, a% 8:00--P.M0, tEis Council will meet at the
Village Hall in said Villzge and will at said time and plzce he= the. . pmzies interested thereln in hfe'i.eiice to sueh improvenent, and trill
Zfecide whether or npf'to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part.
BE 12'RESOl;Vn, €he Mina Pillage 8ouncll that it is deemed
Mokion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Paen, aye;.Villson, aye; Cooper, aye; and the Resolutiion was adopted. I -- . .- A e%
Pregideqt of the Pilzage .Gp/unciZ
-* - 1
.e ~. ._..
I t WiIlson'g motion, authorizing Village Clerk to advertise for bids for the
Bla,cktoSphg of Crescent Drive from Lzkeview Drive to Concord Avenue and
Lexington Avenue from &,kqview-Drive-t6 Concord Avenue, said bids to be
taken Nondw , Jufs 11 ,, 1949, waq seconded by Pden and"nnanimoiis1y carried. - n - -. -1
\ 6/13/49 "A delegation from the Wooadale, Kellogg area, 58th Street and South, requested further
information on status of their ptition for sewer and water main extensions.
were informed that their petitions carry less thm 50$ of the ovmers. Village Engineer
Smith ~ras instructed to figure costs on the vater andasever in this area, -_ for later
report, by motion Willson, seconded by Palen and carried,
Affidav%t of Fablication in Suburban Press, Hopldns, M5.m. I on Hay 19 & 26, of %otice
of Street Improvement Hearing-Grading and Gr3velling South View Lane ,It was read,
approved, and- placed on file; Pursua& to this Notice, Presideng called Hearing
on proposed improvement of South View Lane between Coficord Avenue and State Highwq
No. 100, by Grading ad Gravellbg, Eggineer Smith's estinate of cost, including
cost of condennation of the-northern part of right-af-way, <ras $6,244.89, or $2.43
per assessable foot.
There were no objections; either oral or :mitten. TkUlson
offered the following Resolution and moved i$s adoption: ._ WOIXT5!IOB FOR IEIPROVB~
STm &k%"hX-NO. LOO
Concorp Avenue and State HighGay Bo. lOa.3y Gading and Gravelling has-been duly
filed with €his CouncEl dated Nay 5, 1949, signed by owners of more than 51$ in
frontage of the red property abutting on the portion of the street named % said
petition as the focation for such improvement, znd
l!HEEUM, the Village Council bas met at the time and place specified in a
notice- to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
improvemeiit-publishea in ~1Ibur3an PPBSS, ~opkins, Minnesota, Hay 19 and 26, 1949;
and has heard all persons interested, and- determined the necessity for the
japrovement petitioned for, novr therefore
BE IT RESOLVEQBP the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as rsqnired
by Chapter 311, La?s of 1927, that the petition above described is hereby
detedhed to-h&Fe been signed by tEe required percentage of owners of propertg
affgcted thereby, and
Highqy TO, -100. be improved hy Grading and Gravelling and,
Clerk, prepared, by-Village Engineer Phil. I?. Smith, are hereby approved ._ ad
adopted as the plks and specifications for said improvement. -
the &h.r>aa+ Press, Eo-?, Minnesota, and in the Construction Bulletin,
Ebriezpolis, Wunesota, an advertisem6n.t; for bids upon such improvements in
accordance with such aFproved plans and specificatiks , szid bids to be opened
July 11, 1949.
amount of the bid,
Hotion for adoption pf the Resolution vras seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall there
were three ayes and no nays,,as follovs:
.. I TlHEEEBs, pstition in tJriting rfjguGsting bprovement OS Southview Lme between
BE I2 mTBTBEB RXSOLVED t&t. Sonthvievi Lane between Concord Avenue and State
BE IT RESOLVP) that plans an& specifications now on-file vifh ths Villke
BE IT FUR- RESOLmD-that the' Clerg*is-directed to prepare and insert in
The deposit accompana each bid shall be ten percept of the
Pzlen, aye; llillson, aye; and Cooper, .. aye; and the- Resolution w& -adopted. ..
Pursuazlt'of nXotice of Street Improvement Hearing-Blacktopping Lama Avenue, It
published in Sulmr%an Press, Howns, Ninnesota, on 24ay 19
of pablication for which was read, approved, and placed on f ilo, presiaent called
public hea- m proposed improvement 'of Laura Avenue from Cascade Lane €0
Hoore Amnue by Blacktopping. Enginaerts ljkM.mate of Cos%, En totalmamount of
$1308?.02, or $3.80 per assessable foot, vas reail; !he ein6er explaining that
the high cost pek assessable foot id due to the f& tht the If~st side of the street must bar assessment for full cost; of constraction,
and Chatfield tiere at the Hearing, Chatfield requesting blacktopping of Xoore Avenue
at the same time, as Blacktopping of Laura Avenue; and the other gentleman protesting
this-improvement, mere were no ob3ptions, either ora or written, to the
blacktopping of Laura Avenue. Willson offered the following Resolution 2nd
moved its adoption:
26, 1949, AffidaviP;
I Xessrs. Sarles, Johnson,
llHXEE&3 , petition yriting reqG$€izig' imprikement of %aka Avenue between
Casc&e Lane and Woore Avenue b$ Blacktopp~&*hS -%;en *ddy Tiled vith this Council
dated 1.&$-9; 1949, signed by owners of more than Sl$ in frontage of the real property
&utting on the portion of the street named in ~aid~pertition as the location-for
such impovement, md
IlHEBEAS the Villge Coljncil has met at the tine and place specified in a
notice- L- to - all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
&rovement-published in Suburban Press, Hopkins, Ninnesota, 1-Q 19 and 26, 1949;
and has heard all persons interested, and- determined the necessity for the
inprovement petitioned for3 now therefor8 .
6/13/49 BE IT RESOLVED BY the Edina Village Couzeil, as required by Chapter 311, Laws of
1927, that the petitiarrabove described-is hereby determined to kve been signdd
by the reqkired percenfage of owners-of property affected thgreby, an& -
BE 12 FURTHER RESOLVED that Laura Avenue between Cascade Lane and Noore
Avenue be. improved by Blacktopping, and
BB IT ?ZURTEJ@ RI~S~L~TID that the cost of improveme6t shall-be paid jointly
by &he benefited propergy owners and by the General Fund of the Village of
Bdinse, -.said General Fkid -to pay one-half said cos€, pi the other one-half the
cost to be assessed in accordance with law,
BE IT 3URTHEB R&3XVED that plans ad specifications now on file wfth the
Village Clerk, prepared-by-Village Bngineer Phil. W, Smith, are hereby approved
and adopEed as the p%ns and specifications for said Improvement.
. BE IT l?UR!THEX RXSOLVED, that the Clerk is directed to prepare and insert in
the Suburban Press, Hopl_rins, Minnesota, and ia the Construction Bulletin,
Minneapolis, an advertisement for bids-upon such improvements ~IX accordance with
such approved plans and specifications, said bids t6 be opened plonday, July 11,
the bid.
Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Palen, aye; Willson, aye; and
Cooper, aye; and the Besolution was adopted,
* 1949. The deposit accoqanging each bid shall be ten percent of the amount of
Pres"ident of the Village 00unc)d
L* - Village Clerk b
&esiden% next called Arblic Hearing on the proposed Blacktopping of W.rc8th
Street between Rutledge Avenue and the West Boundary Line .of Limback Additi.on,-
and of Cleveland Avenue, between W,48th Street and the North Boundary Line of
"Lim'back" Addition, in accordance with Islffidavit of Pblication for said
notice published b, Suburban Press, Hopkhs, May 19 and 26, 1949. 5his
afkidavit was read, approved and placed-on file. Zngineer's Estimate of
Cost, amount $2,065.34, or $1594 per assessable foot, was read-, nd objections,, either oral pr written,
Resoluti-on and moved its adoption:
I ..
!&ere were
Willson offered the following I
WiERBAS, petition in writing requesting improvement of W.48th Street
between Rutledge Avenue and the t-lest"Boundary line of itLimback Additionit and
Cleveiand-.A*enue between W.48th Street and the North Boyndary Line of %imback
Additionll by Blacktopping has been ddy filed with- this Comef& &tea OctoBsr 11, X948, signed by owners of more than 51% in froatage of the real property
ahtting on the portion of the street yed in said petitfon as the location fer such improve&nt, and
WHEREAS the Village Council has met at the time and place specified in SE:
notice to all property owners whose property is liable to be assessed for such
inproPement-published in Subnrban Press, HopUns, Minnesota, on Nay 19 and 26, 1949; and has heard all persons interested, and determined the Fecessity for
the improvement ptitionsd for, no@ therefore
Laws of 1927, tha% the petition above described is hereby determined to have
been si&ed by *he 'required'perceiitage of 'owners of property affeeted thereby,
and t
the West ~ Bo-dary Line of !Limba& Addition" and Cleveland Avenue between W .
48th S€reet and €he Bohh'B~undary Line .. of "Limback Additkon" be hpoved by ..
Blacktopping, Elnd
Clerk3 prepared-by-Village Engineer Phil W. Smith, are herebjj approved and
adopted as the plans and specifications for said improvement, -
in the Su?nqbaq Press,- Ho&ins, and in the Construction BnLleth, Minneapolis, an advertisement for %ids upon such i62rovements in accordance with such
approved plans aha specifications, said bids to be opened Mondw, July 11-,
1949, of the bid,
Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall
there were three ayes and no nays, as follows:
and Cooper, aye; an& the Resolution vas adopted.
BE: IT RESOLVBD BY the Edina Village Council, as recpired by Chapter: 311,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLWD, that 1?,48th Street between Rutledge Avenue and
gP IZ BESOLVED that pians and specific&.ons now on file with the VilLage .
BE IT l?URTER RESOLVZD that the' Clerk is directed to prepare and insert
- 1
'Phe deposit accompanying each bid shall be ten percent of the amou31.t
Palen, aye; Willson, .aye; .-
President of the Village Cecil
kr, Thomas OIRowke requested permissSon to move a. house from 5602 France Avenue to 3730 France Avenue. He vas told that house could be moved providing additioxkl
joists were- iistdled, in conformance with Building Inspector Voehler' s recomuendations.
Letter from Pastor Harold F, Schweigert of St .Petert s Lutherm--Church, requesting
$chool Stop or School Slow Sign at comer of Fuller_StFeet and France Avenue, ana
srrgervision of St .Peter* 8 Lutheran School PZ.t$ol by ldina'Polic*, vas read.
vas * instructed to mite-Pastor Schwiegert that these -matters would receive early
14r. Herman L Klein's 14ay 3ls6 request for installation of traffic control signal
at %oddaLe_and Surrnyside bad, was read,
aski;lg for petition by his neighbors, tlillsonl s motion, for police investigation
of t.rafr"lc -ma, was seconded by Pd8n &a ctpried. '
-. "- .*. .-
Office requested to mite lir, Qeirr,
IJizineapolis ,' Sosthfield and Southerh RajUidy Company' s communication of June ,7 , 1949,
notifying Council of their intention to instdl autiqatic flasher signals ,at the
bsen had caassing as soon as they could ob€& materials, vas read and filed,
%==%en I;, Anderson's Bfm 3lst reques,t; fur. street ligh%,s on Laksvievr Drive, was
referred to t& Pu>Iie Utilities Committee for Seport at neFt re,da neeting,
After repore by Office, that the follo.iring sign locations are more thm 500: feet from
the nearest- dvrelling, Palen's motion for approval of applications vms seconded by
gillson and carrged; all signs being qproved anti1 April I, 1g!%
3evr Construction
Applications for Sfgii Permits:
- &mer vertiser LocaCion - Size
5s. -P.Joh&on Sales Co, Crospect Hills" go ,Valley View Ed., 415s 12'
Pure Oil Coo '%.re Oil Go." By.169-3 Hi.E.of
%o&e BrOs., Inca ftvall& Vi& 'Height sit . v.viey
l~laintenaace - .. I -
Jct, rrith Hy, 5 10'x 20t
Normandale, * 6ix LO*
"Valley View He&ht$J
of BR Tracks 68x 101
IIValleg View Heightsl' Grescent Drive * 6tx 101
ilValley View Heights! Hillside L Road 4'6% 12'
V.View Rd, just If,
1. Xotioa by Palen, for approval of Application for-Food and Cigarette Licenses for
'Grandview Cafe, subject to Health Officer Campbel$'& inspection and ritpproval, ~JS
%Mation 0% 3ii1.s Taken ~dolzd~y, $fay 22, for Construction of Village Vater &in
Extension in State Highvrqy 9 100 between Kent and Richmond Drive; llindsor betveea
State Eighvmy #lo0 +d I'lessex; Richmond Drive'between State +Ifighwa #lo0 and Bessex;
Vessex. letwe& S. line of I.l&tchester IcsloiLs and N. line t'les~chester-Knolls; Richmond
Circle: ~ras"re&, !Fabulation shoved an error of $1,000 in the bid of Bart Carlone, maltibg the $18,517.00 bid of Vestern Undersound ponstrucfion Gompny- low bid for
€his job. ?illsont s motion, authorizfkg President and Clerk to enter into Eontract
for water main construction 16th Irestem Undergrokk Construction Conpang, vas
seconked byhlen znd unanimousQ' -. cstzlr2edy .I
Eeprt was
for the Perma;llent Improvement Revolvinghnd in order $0 complete construction
projects ROW under immediat6 consideration by the Village Council. Mter consider-
able discussion, Willson's motion, that the Village clerk be authorized to advertise
for $60,000 Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Bon& vas-seconded by Palen and
Attorney f'findhorst*s .@raft of n& Ordinance Regulating the Excavating, Diggbg andl
Maintaining of Ogen Pits and Expavations, and %he Impounding of Waters, Etc," was
$res,eated*; and wa carried over-to' the next re-, meeting.
Hr, E; C<. Stow re-pested house number change, aqd vas told to see k5lding Inspector
to circGla!e petition among interested parties.
blade Yvonne ?errace; th& he is intending to oil-it,
each blading,
bituninous surface coating unless ,levying assessment for same,
-- seconded by - Ifillson and carried. * c -
I mr
from Degutg Clerk, stating that a minimum of $60,000 will be needed c ,
.. ...
" cabred, -_
He then reqpested bus service for %he Yvonne Terrace area, and ims asked
He also requested that" Village ~
. that blading ?rill dete.riorzte his oil Job, and that oil sh9;uZa be applied after
Council informed Mr, Stow
Hr, Stow agreed; and ,Council agreed to %fads, but will apply no . ..
14r. H, La V?z.rnerls resest for permit to build porch vithin three feet of s'ide lot
line trq reported, IVillson*s motron, that matter be held over, vas seconded by - Palei and carried, e.
2 Office reported need for zn electric calculating machine; for the purpose of
figuring liquor inventories, and special assessments.
authorizing Clerk to advertise for calculating machine, with bids to be taken
June 27, 1949, was seconded by Palen and carried, .
Willson's motion, authorizing Clerk to advertise for bids for Standard Village
Curb and Gutter for the North side of Eden Avenue, from W.SOth Street to the
East entrance to the Village ml, and for the 3ast side of the Village Hall
Parking Lot, from Eden Avenue- to W.5Oth Street, was seconded ;by Pden and
tCillson*s motion,
._ -
.. carried,- __
, Mr, Willson reporBed that Brookside Avenue, Between lien Avenue and Highway 169
is now fdrly heavily travelled, ad in need-of blacktop swlacing. .He explained
that the MN&S Railroad Company oms the West side of the right-of-way,
offered the follovring Resolution and moved its adoption:
~ -$xE$T-AJB?'~J~'BDTD~HTG~A% mo. 169
WHEREAS, t+ %dim VilXage- Councii desires on its own motion to improve
Brookside Avenue between Eden Avon.iZe ind *State' Highway Bo. 169, as authorized
BE IT RESOLVE? by the-Edina Village Council:.that it Ss deemed necessary &d
expgdient to i9iove Brookside Avenue BetweenaElden Avenue &nd State Highway No. 169 by Biacktopping; pd that od'the 13th day of July, 1949, 'at 8:00 P.M.,
this Council will meet at the Vlllage Hall in ISaid Village and will at said
time and place hear the<parties interested therein in reference to such improve-
ment , -and will decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or
ifIkqjter'382, Laws 1903, now fherefore, .. I
in past.
ion of the Resolution vas seconded by Palen, and on Rollcall
ayes and no.nays, as follows: Palen, aye; Willson, aye; and
the Resohtion was adopted, ..
c e<
, Preqident of the Village Co$cSl
I *
c Willson' 6 motion, authorizing Clerk to advertiseticor bids for the BlacktolJping .. of Brookside Avenue between Eden Avenue and State Highway Eo. 1.69, said bids
to be tdcen Monday, July 11, 1949, at 8:OO P,M., was seconded by Palen znd
There viere still several matters before the Council (Nr, Sutton's application
for engineering position; vriden@g of 54t.h Street Bridge; liquor store inventory,
etc.) and, as the hour pas late, Villsoa movgd for- adJourhent of the Heeting to
Friday, June 17, 1949, at the Village Hall,.'at 8:OO P.M.
?den and carried.
.. - .. * carried,
Motion.seconded by
-. .. -
Pursuant to Motioh of Jmie 13, lg@, apa due calf. and notice by the President,
the @journed Portion of the June 13, 1949, Regular Heeting Was held Friday,
June 17 , p at 8: 00 P,M,
Hawthorne and Cooper.
kr. Eldon Morris of the-Liquor Comkission, .&a Liquor Store Nanager Kippleg
requisitioned for a $35,000 liquor inventory increase before July I., to save
tax increase due July 1.
Hawthorne moved that Mr, Kippley be authorized to pchase $35,000 in liquor
stocks between now and 3u&y 1,
bmBers. answering Rollcall were Palen, Willson,'
Child was absent.
After-review of cash balance and financial statement
Motion seconded.by Palen and carried,
Nr . Kippley recommended 'installation of counters around %he store, snd the
mattes of a new paint Job and bstallztion of hew lights was discussed. Mr,
Smith was asked to check for costs on the paint and lights, and
to report on counters,
Statement from.Edina Commercial Club in amount of $75.00, was reported.
Hawthorne moved that Mr, Ashmead, Treasurer, be notified that the Council
feels that the Nunicipal Liquor Store should not belong to the Edina
Commercial Club, but that they will be glad to pay their portion of the