HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490627_REGULAREkrthorne8s motion, thaZ Council Eroceed with vridening of the 9th Street bridgey + accordance with plgms and specifications to be completed by Village Engineer Smith, vas seconded. by PdGa and carried. Villson's motion for adjourniuent was seconded by Ehvrthorne andunanimously carried. Councif. convened as liBoa.&,-bf Revf&," at*j:30 $$!:, June 27, in accordance with "Assessment Xotice,"r-posted on all Offieid Wletin Boards June 17, vit~ all aembers df the Council present. Assesso? Greighton VY~S present to inform the Board that his Vtsluations Books for the year 1949 irere not yet ready for presentation. 'fliUsorm*s motion, adjourning meeting to Mondey, July 11, 1949, at 6:3O P.I., was .. seconded by Palen and unanimously carried. Mr, Creightoh notified Boaril that the county Supervisor of Aksessnents v~ibl be present on tbat date, to meet with 'the 5) - .. -- I. I" '. .- - - Clerk Nenbers anseering Rollcall were Chiid, Paen, 'c.lilL&n, Hawthorne, and Cooper. IIejLth Officer Lowell Cq&ll rkparted- to Council that' sewage connection trill be made by Hopk@~s to the Nimeqolis sever system before the end of theyear-, thus elhinating cont&inat%on of Nine-r.Iile'Creek. Dr. Campbell reported an insanitary conditioii in the neighborhooa of 60th Street +a Vood&d.e, in the pumping of cesspools onto the land. Havthorneas motion, that^Hezlth Officer be iiirected to see that all villagers +dng cesspools conpxy vritli State Health Departiment Remations in maintaining such regulations. .( - Dr. Cmpbell-reporied new act by Le&slahre, which vi11 allow Village to assess Uncover& privy excavation vas reported at the residence of Nr. Gus Isaacsso;lz, 6309 Ikt eman Avenue. Dr. Campbell will investigate immediatelg. €or sprayipg of mosqxitoes, .. - i The Pgesident .anounced'tha€ the meeting vas open €or the consideration of bids for the purchase of $60,000 Permanent 1mrovemen.f; Revolving ;F'und Bonds in accordance with resolution adopted by $he Village Council on-iTune 17, 1949. lthe Clerk presented an affidavit-*showing tko veeks* pudlication of notice of sale in the official newssaper of the Village, whi6h vrss ebbed, found satisfactory and ordered placed oa file. .> The Clerk reported, that four sealed bids had been received in accordance ai%h said notice, which bids were then publicly opened, read andconsidered, and the highkt and best 'bid of each'bidder vas found to be as follows: Eane of Bidder Interest Rate - Premium * UorthiTestern BaiGional Bank, 1.Iinneapolis ,2.2$ $180.00 and 'Z 2.00$ $156.00 Allison-Tlilliams Company, Ninneapolis . $2.20$ $101.00 I First Eaim State-Barik, Zana; ) First Bat io& B&, 1-I.liruleapolis) Piper ,Jzfi"ray & Hoprood, Nimeapolis) $139.00 -. 6/27/49 '. After consideration of all bids, Clerk Hawthorne presented and read the follow- ing written resolution and moved its adoption: ~.~OLUFPIOM AI?&DXRG SALE OF $60,000 PllRb-2 IWRCVX- 1 BkVOLLBING @IVD 'BOIJBS - BE IT RESOLVE0 By- the Village Councii-of-the Village of Edina, .1 . ._ - -. - ..- Minnesota;, that the bid-of FIXST EDINA STATE BBNIl, EDINA, AND FIRST XATIOl.?& BANE MIlfimLXS to .purchase +$60,000 P$Tanent--Improvement * Revolving ... Fund, Bonds in accordmce with resolupian adopted-Juie 17; '&@, and the published notice of-sde, is hereby found and determined to'be the hightest and best ;bid received foz said bonds and is hereby accepted, said bid being for the purchase of said bonds, at a price of par and accrued interest plus a premium of $156.00, and bearing interest at the rate. of two percent ($) per annum, principal and interest to be payable at First Rational Baqk .f in Minneapolis, Minnesota, The President and Village Clerk are directed forthwith to enter into a contract for the sale of said lionds upon said terms and to retain the:good f&%h check furnished by €he successfUr bidder pending completion of such sale, and the Clerk shall forthwith return their. checks to all other bidders. .. 1- .. Village Clerk 2he moti6n for the, adoption, of said resolution was duly seconded by Trustee thereof: - Child, Ifillson, Palen, Hawthorne:, and C ooper - and the following voted against the same - No Nay Votes - whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed ad adzpted, .ma the Presideiit approved and signed the same, which was attested by the Clerk. Pden's motion, -proving as su'iiitted the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 13, and the Adjourned Portion of the Regula June 13th Neeting, held ' President called pnblic Hearing on Petition for-Hew Design for Apartment Building, in accordance yith Notice published. June 16, 1949, in Suburban press, Hopkins, dfidavit for whiOh-tras read by Clerk. &ire S, G. firson presented new design for two apastment buildings to be constructed on the Northern portion of Lot 37, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172 (V'I;49th Street, between France Avenue and Maple Road). owners, $ncluding,Mr. and Mrs. JamespP&se, 4833 Haple Road; Mr, William Iell, 3921 W.49th Street: Mr, Douglas Vkllace, a4120, I.50th Street; Mr. Russell Lund, 4103. If. 48th Street; Mr; Leo Nolan, 3926 TI, 50th-Street; and Mr. Arnold Emgland, 4905 Maple Road, Gere present at this Hearing. Mr. Joseph Crdg*s reqnest that Council require Mr. S.G. Pierson to pay him $or the plms.formerly approved %y the Council, review was made bjr Mr. Raugland of-the Planning CommissSon*s recommendation of June 21, for the new brick-face con&&mporarg design spbmttteil by Ir. Pierson, Planrming Commission's recbmmendati6ns, requiring definite set-Back €or buildings, was read. -There were no objections from the neighbors as to the design kbmitted, 27% be accepted,; that C ouncil issue permit for two apartrilent buildings in accordznce with design presehted this-evening By Mr. S.G. Pierson, and that performance bond b6 required as guarantee of completion of buildings in accordance with this Besign. Pursuant to nAdvertisement for Bids-Blacktopping of Bedford Avenue between - W.jlst ad V.5Zna Street ,I1 affidavit- of publicztion ?or which, in Suburbzn Press, Hopkins, Minnesota-on May 26 and June,2, 1949, was read by Clerk, the following bids-were publicly opened and read: *- BLACKTOPPING OF BEDPORD Am BEDlEZti 'W,51S!I! AND N.52ND'SmIS: JG-W;' Craig Co. Mimespolis PursGnt to l'Adv&tiseiient for Bids-Grading and Blacktopping of Park Place between W.55th and 1~56th Streets ,I1 published in- Suhrban Press, Hopkins . Minnesota, on-June 36 and 23, affidavit of publication for which kas read-by Clerk, the fol&oving bids irere publicly opened md read: - - -Willson, aqdupon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor -4 _. .. Sune 17, was seconded by Villson znd carried, I. .. *, c A delegation of negghboring property Upon Willson moved that Planning Commisslton Recommendations of Juhe Motion seconded by BatrtEorne' md Carried, USING R0AJD"PBB USIITG CUTBACK ASPHALT - -I $1,518.00 ,-1,65a;oo I , $1,606.00, Earl -- Sew.3.1, StAouis - Park, Minn, ,1,650.00 " . : ._ ... - _- .* : BLACKTOPPING OF PPSIII PLACE ED'JEHO W.s~rn m W,~~TH S~TS USING ROAD e& ~ 'USING CUTBACK ASPHALT .- $1,606.00 $1,518.00 .* ~ag-tl," Crdg CO. Rinne'a;Jofis sewall, gt.LouZs Park, Mim. I 1,650.00 -1 , 650.00 Pwsuznt to iiAdvert%sement for Bids-Blacktopping of St .Johns Avenue between l'JoOdbil1 Road and Rorth Lot Line of Golf Terrace geigihts Second AddAcition," publSshed in Suburbs Press, Hopkins; Minnesota, 1.13s 26 and June 2, 1949, . .&idsit 02 Publication-for-yhich vas read by Clerk, the foTloving bids were opened and publicly re'&* BLACK!I!OPPlXG OF ST.JOHNS Am BE!IXEBN VOODfflLL ROD AND XORlcH LOT LIIJE OF TERRACE IiEIGHcS SIXOND ADDITPIOH: . . - US-mG- ROAD -TAR' USIN& im3ACK ~ BsPm!r .. .. - - .'._ 3ag r'ri cr&-COnp@, ~.~e&olis ' $3m 91 $322.23 - . -. ?arl Sevxdl, .. St.Louis - Park, I.Unn. ,,354.82* ' ,354.95 Botio5 by Villsob, that 'the above nmed Blacktopping jobs be amrded to Jay 11, Craig Company, at the contract ,prices of. $1,518, $1,518, and $322.23 respectively, vas seconded by Child and unanimously caryied. In conformznce aPth the aforementioned llAdvertisement for the Grading and Black- . topping of Park Place between T1.55th and V,56th $treets,.lt the follatring bids vere publicly opened and read: Terry-Excav@ ing Coqany; StJouis Pvk, @inn. ' _. ^. -. $799 0'00 - ** , I. GBIIl)ITIG OF PARE PLACl3 BETKBH If.fjsTH ~1.56~~ S'PBSEETS: l'&LIIoh Zxcavating Coo Hinneapolis $975.00 E.C. Pfeiffer Coniitruction-Co., Eldiha $719.75 VillsZn*s motizn, that contFact be awarded to Pfeiffer Constructibn Co,, at bid pice of $719.75, vas seconded by Hawthorne and unanimously carried. Azrsmt to flAd:ertisenent for Bi&s-&ding and Graveling of Kellogg Avenue betveen l'1,59th anbTl.60th Street, fl published in Suburban Press, Hopkins , Winnesota, Hay 26 and June 2, 1949, affidavit of publication for vhich vds. rea& by Clerk, the follow ing bids were publicly opened and reaa - Terry -Excavating Comp~y, ~t,Louis Pa&, Mipn, I'lalbon -mating CO., Hiiineapolis E.C. Pfeiffer ConStruction-Coo , Edha TIiilson% moti&, that contEact %e atrarded to Pfeiffer Construction Co,, at bid price of $514.00, vas seconded by Child and unanimously carried. I .. WIRG AUi) GXAvEI;LIlTG OF p;EI;I;OGG ATXENUE BETT&J lJO5g9!H AND TJ.6bTH S'PIIEEh $543 00 $514.00 '' $575.00- z ... . . . I .-. .. - I I1 I -. .. - Clerk re& iiAii.vertisement for BidszCalculating &chine," published in Suburban Press, &@ins, Hinnesota on &me 16 and 23, 1949; and in accordzsce vrith such ppblicatiorr .- r $418.00 $380 , 00 $346.50 ' $1105.00 1 $427.50 $360.00 $607.50 - I Hawthorne's motion, referring bids to Village Engineer for report at next meeting !ms seconded by PI illson and carried. Superintendent of Schools Hiller reqyestsd Council &d in speed reduction on State Highwg Xo. 100, to protect studenfx who vi11 be attending the nevr Edina High $khool. effort to secure traffic control. A delegation of three Hi1ldd.e residents requested that Council mov weeds on,vacant property in the Village. Smith vith list :of ovmers of .vacant property, and that office vould dispatch notices; however, Council <rarned delegation that Village could not promise to have Geeds moved iE omers would not motr. them, Nrs. JOE. Loveldt recpested permit to modernize the building at 48242 France Ave., which site is in violation of Village Zonins OPdinance. cussion, HLt-rthorne noved that Public Hearing on request be set for I.€onday, July 11, E& 8:OO P,E4. I .(. . Council delegated Village 3hgineerTmith to work with Hr. 14iller. in &I - I It vas agreed that delega,tion aould furnish Bngineer .I - -. r After considerable dis- f4otion seconded 5y I'lillson and carried. c 7. 61 27 149 Petition, dated June 20, 1949, signed by tl.J.deWinter and others, for the Blacktop@ng,of Vind Road between Normandde and Unity Avenue South tras ijrebented, represented on the petition, but that Unity Avenue is blacktopped &nd is requesting airb and gutter, -that Tina Road is beGoming rather heavily travelled and should be surfaced, and moved its adoption: Engixeer ,Smith reported that dniy 49s of abutting property is Willson offered the following Ilesolution ., RESOLUTIOIT SETTZNG S!EXEZiV DtPROlI5IW ~INGSLACKTOPPI~~G VIND ROAD BE!" ~ORM~ND~LE ~ AND .. UNITY A-S. + -. - ._ VHEE3AS the Village C&&1 desires on its-om motion to improve tlind Rpad between Norinandale and Unity Avenues by Blacktopping, as authorized by Chapter 332, L&s 1903; now theref ore, an$ eqedient to Bfacktop Wind Road between Nomandale and Unity Avenues, and that on the 25th day of 'July,'1949, a* 8:OO P.M., this Council will meet at Che Village Hall 5.x.i said Village and will at said time and place hear the parties interested iherein in reference' to such imjrovement, and a trill decide whether or not to undertake such improvement, in whole or in part, MoCion5or adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Child, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follow: aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye '-- BE IT RXSOLfLED by the Bdina 'Village Council that it is deemed necessary Child, aye; Palen, aye; Willson, .. President of the Villee Cotydcfl ..* -. Village Clerk - Petition'dated June 27, 1949, signed by W, J. dellinter and others, for construction of Curb and Gutter on Unity Avenue between Wind Road and: South Vievr Lane was presented, engineer reporting that 58$ of a6utting property is represented on petition. Notion by Willson, settingdPublic Hearing oh petition for Monday, July 25, 1949, vras seconded by Cnild and carried. Iiidland National Bank's June 17gh notice of their action in exchanging $14,000 U.S, Certificates of Indebtedness due July 1, 1949 0 1&1/8$ for $14,000 y.S, 'Pr-easury Certificates of Indebtedness 1-1/4$ Sas read, ?hila moved, ratifying the B-Is cction. Motion seconded by ,Hawthorne and carried. 3inancia3 Statemen% of Minueqolis Gas Company, for year ending December 31,1948, \:!as presented, and was referred to Public Utilities Company, by potion Hatrthorne, seconded by PaLen and carried. ffrs. R. F, Sireet'sletter of J-me 13, complaining of the bzd condition of Xerxes Avenue betveen 55th and 56th Streets, vras read. Trustee 'Ifillson explained to the Coun6il- that , as this is 'a borderline street, .&Iinnezpolis has been maintain- ing it and charging half the cost to the Villsge, Village Engineer Smith was delegated to contact Minneqolis with regard to haping _. the street repaired as soon as possible, .. - -. -_ - The following application for Outdoor Advertising Signs Maintenance vere approved by Notion Child, seconded by Dillson and carried: Halla Nursery H&la Nursery Overeging sign in blcGovran Contracting Go. &Govran Contracting Co. 76th 8 Ipnce-Gravel Pit General Bospital's Jhe 23rd Statement in amounE of $16.00, for, dare of Richad Strong, yas presented, Explanation vras made that StTong was ldina prisoner and 1s unable to make payment. Pblice Department allocation, - LO CATION Nrksery Drivetray - OIllJER ADmT!1sXR H%thorne move@ tbt bill be allowed, and charged to Notion seconded 'by Palen and c&rried. Nr, 1f.S; dellinter's June 17 petition for two $tree% lights--one at intersection - of South View Lane and Unity Avenue, and one at Unity Avenue and Wind Road, vras read: and Mr. Reu'aen'LAnderson's May 31 petition for light in heishborhood of 4814 Lakeview Drive tras revievred; and oral pstition for light on Brove Street Vest of Railroad Tracks'tras received. . installation of these lights, as well as a light in the corner of the alley ~ at Hartzellts Garage. Motion by Child,'-qproving instalation of lights as recommended-by Village Zngineer, was " seconded by H awthorne and carr5ed. Village Engineer Smith recommended 6/2 7149 At the request of Nessrs. Fred Lawrence, Dorn and &ell: for further ikormtion concerning proposed sanitary seyer in the "neighborhood of 1looddale and Kellogg Avenues from TL58th Street, South, Engineer Smith reviemd his estimate, given at apre*eus meeting, of $9.86 per front foot--which he, as dell as the residents, had thought vas too hi&. district lying south af 58th Street, with trunk iever to be constructed from approxhately V.~th Street-and France Avenue, South to 58th Street, and South and Vest from there, to take in $he area as far South-as 62nd Street and at least as fa Vest as State Highway Uo. 100, 17as presented. 'Phese figures shoved that if the original petitioners, for the Vooddale-Kellogg sever, t70uld pay for the entire proposed trmk sever, as vel1 as the latere severs, the cost would be $7.00 per front foot, If the Village vould assume 1/2 the cost of the trunk sever for the time being, the prece to the petitioners would be $6.00 per front foot. Council discussed this at some length, Clerk Hawthorne recommended that another survey be made vhereby the entire area to be served by the proposed trunk sewer 6e zssessed its proportionate share, even though the laterals for a1 the streets included'in this trunk sever area are not; constructed at this time. Ha~thorne~s motion, setting Fublic Hearie dn prdposed'Trmk'Setrer for July 25, 1949, at 8:OO P,H. , 17as seconded by Villson and unanimously carried. , H&rEhorneJs nation, authorizing Engineer Smith to malie survey for Storm Sever to serve this above named =ea, vas seconded by Child and unanimously carrfed. &<!home's motion, 'setting Public He'aring for pr'ogosed tiater mains on Wooddale and Kellogg Lvenue, as petitioned for, vias seconde'd by Child and carried--Hearing being set for I.Ionday, July 25, 1949, at 8:OO P.M. 1-k. J. V, Gleason appeared at the Council'lfeeting and requested partial payment of moneys due him. He vias informed that he trill not be paid any money until he coqletes all the work he has starfed, and the vork is testea and approved. June 2lst letter from C.C. Schvrarzkopf , '5837 TJooddale' Avede, T.rithdraving his nae from petitions for sewer and viater on 1Toodd.de and Kellogg between 58th ad 59th Streets, ~ras read and filed, 28 Sdth's new surve?, inclu&g a larger area in the me c .. -. Havrthorne offered the foxloving Oktinance for adoption, moving that 'Councj.3. dispense yith second reading: c .- AN ORDXNAXCE RJ3GTiLATlcmG TI03 EIICAVBING, DIhIRG AND NAJI?T.&tBII7G OF OPEN PITS AND EXCAV&L!IOl?S, AED T€E If*EOlJlXDING-OF IJLQPERS, REQUIRXBG A PE€@IIT, 4. " IIEEEALING AN ORI)I&Q$CE'OF lUY'24, 194'3, RELA,TIHG 50 Oa PITS ADD BXCAV.A!IXONS The Vil1age Council of the VillGe of xdina do ordaln as follows: Section 1, (&) * %en pits or excavations, ai used in this ordinance, SMI. mean any artificid. excavation of the earth, vithin the Village, dug, excsva!ed,or mde by the removal. from the naturd surface ofr the earth of sod, soil, skd, gravel, stone or other matter, creating a depression or depressions, exceeding in any one place 200 sqwe feet of surface area, the bottom or lowest point of which shall be two feet or more belov, or lover than, the level of the adjoining mexcavated land; iri which depression, pit or excavation vater may fall, gather, collect and remain stagnant, putrid or polluted; or which depression may be or become'dangerous, from the standpoint of public safety or health, or to children playing therein or thereby; or which depression may become a Ftlic nuisance, or deteriorate the value of adjacent progerty, foundation, cellar or basement of some inmediately pending superstructure to be erected, built or placed thereon contemporaneously vith, or immediately f ollotring such excava%Jng, ana covering or to cover such excavated pit or depression when conpleted, are excepted, if a buifding permit has been issue& Depressions, pits or excavztions made for the phose of the (b) Impounded waters, as used in this ordinance, shall kean any ?raters kept on public or private property within the Village in sucha manner that more than 500 gallons of water are above the natural surface of the surrounding ground. The word "vater" or %raters", as used in the preceding'sentence, shall be deemed to ..I I include any and all liqurbd substances. stood to mean every natural person and every co-pqtnership,'corporatibn and associztion, and Counc5l shall mean Village Council. I Section 2, Person, or persons, as ased 9 this ordinance, shall be mder- Section-?. Any person vho shall hGreafter dig, excavate, enlpge, make, maintain or allot7 to be maintained, upon pro9,erty owned or use& by him, any open pit or excavation, or any impounded vaters, without' first Wing .Am application for, and obtaining from, the Village Council a permit therefor, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance, * 6/ 27/49 Section 4, Application for such perbit shall be made in such form, and the applicant shall furnish such information as shall be required by the SuGh applic&ion shall be filed. &th the Village Recorder at least five days before being acted upon by the Village Coancil, unless the Council shall unanimously consent to act thereon within a shorter time, in yhich case action may be taken whenever the Coun+. may see fit. A fee of $5.00 shall accompw each application, to be kept by the Village; however, if $he Council, dter . action duly taken, refuses-to issue apermit, such fee shall be immediately returned to the applicant. The Counci3. may require a ma^ or plat of the proposed pit or excavation to be made and. filed with the application, before acting on the same, shoa5ng the confines or limits thereof, together r.rith+the proposed depth thereof at different parts thereof, A similar map or plat may be required in regaxd to the proposed containerif. for the impounded vaters. I __ and among other things shall state: his true name and address; a full description of the location of the land where the pit or excavation is or is to be, or where the impounded waters are or ar& to be maintained, and also a full description of the location on such land of the pit, excavation or impounded praters; the pqose for which the pit, excavation, or impo&ded waters are or are to be maintained; the area and depth of the pit or excavation, or the quantity of water impounded; the highway, street or streets, or other public ?rays in the Village upon and along which any materi$l. for removal is td be hauled or carried; and the estimated time when building or removing will begin and be completed. Section 5. &he Council, as a pre-requisite to the granting of a pernit, or after a permit has been granted, may require the applicant to whom such permit issues, or the-owner or user of the property on which the open. pit or excavation or ihrpounded waters are located, to: properly fence any pit or excavation; slope the banks, and otherwise properly'guard and keep any pit or excavation in such condition as not to be dangerous from caving or sliding best properly drain, fill an or level any pit or excavation, after created, so as $0 make the same safe and healthful.,ras the Village Coycil shall determine; keep any pit, excavation, or impounded waters vrithin the limits for which thetparticular permit is granted; remove excavated material from any pit or excavation, avay from the premises, UPOR and along such highways, streets or other public trays as the Council shall order and direct;-and provide, for the purpose of retaining impounded waters, & container of sufficient sfirength and durability, and to main- tain such container in safe and proper condition. I I Section 6. (d The Comci?. may require either the applicant or the otmer or user of the property on vrhich.the open pit or excavation or impounded waters are located, to post a Iiond, in such fprm md sum as the Council shall determine, with sufficient surety running to the Village, conditioned to pay the Vfllage the extraordinary cost and expense of repairing, from tfme to tine, any highways, streets or other puSlic trays where such repair vrork is made necessary by the special burden.resulting from hauling and travel, in removing material for any pit, excavation or impounded waters, the amount of such cost and expense to be determined by the Village Engineer; and conditipned further to comply with all the requirements of this ordinance, and the parti- cular permkt, arzd to pay any eqense the Village may incur by reason of doing anytbing required to be done by any applicant to whQm a permit is issued. Any person vho shall refuse, neglect or fail to c0mpl.y with any requirement made of him under the provisions of Sepgion 5 hereof, as promptly as same can reasonably be done, shall be guilty of a violation of this ordinance an@ in addition thereto, the failure to cpm9Ly with such an order, after notice, and the maintaining. thereafter of a pit, excavation, or con= t3iner bf impounded vraters shall be prima facie evidence of negligence, in any action by any person thereafter injure& or damaged to person or property thereby, and (b) , 6/27/49 30 (c) The VEUege Council may, for fatlure of any person to coqly trith any rewirement made of him in miting 'under the provisions of Sebtion 5 hereof, as proqtiy as sane can reasonably be done, proceed to cause said requirement to be conplied with, and the cost of such vork shall be taxed agdnst the propepty nhereon the pit, excavation or impounded waters are situated; or the Pillage nay at its oytion proceed to collect such costs by sn action against the person to trhos such pemit has been issued, znd his superiors if a bond exists. Section 7. Any person vho shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Dollar and not more tha One H&dred Dollars, besides the costs, and in defadt .of payment, shall, be imprisone$l in the County Jail until payment is made, not exceeding ninety days in all, accordingly. remedtes contsined in Section 6. kh day of -violation shall constitute a separate offense and 'be punished The penalty imposed by this Section shall be in addition to the Section 8, If any section or part of this ordinance shall be held by apg court having jurisdiction to be invalid, the renainingvalid portions thereof shall be and remdn in full force and effect. Section 9, This ordinance shall take effect ad be in force from and Ordinmce Regulating the Bxcavating, Digging and &,intaining after its passage an& publication according to law, 1943, entitled of Open Pits and Excavations" is hereby repealed as of the date, this ordinance becomes effective; provided, hovever, that no permi$ now in existence shall be deemea to 3s revoked by such repeal, and that any permit novr outstanding under the proviszons of the ordinance of fby 24, 1943, aforementioned shall be subject The ordinance of Nay 24, to the provisions of this ordimnee. ?.lotion for -adoption of the Ordinace vas were five ayes and no nags , as follows: Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; and the seconded by l'lillson, and on Rollcall there Child, aye; Palea, aye; Willson, aye; Resolution vas adopted. .. Yuncil President of the Village Plmning'Gomisston recomemiations of June 7, adfising against issuance of permits for construction of Hotels in Idba, VSS reviewed, Planning Commission* s recommendations and disallowing H.D, Majerus' petition 45r pemit to construct. Wotel , was seconded. by Palen and-carried. Child's motion, accepting PBKIITG IH ARE.& SOufcH OF jOTH S!ECEEI! vas discussed., with Courtcil reviedng Plnnning CommZssion's recornendation of June 7, th&t Council accept Mr. Arthur Nichols* detailed s.f;udy dated June, 19@, and labeled 367-3, togetIier with o€fer of P.D. &uschild, Inc.'€or dedication of athirty-foot strip of land at the South of. their property. In tdis connection, the proposed-municipal parking lots l?orth of 50th Street vas again discussed, the South 135 feet of the former l4orem property now being avaAlaMe for park5.ng ff the Vfllag0 desires to obtain ft. Hawthorne* s motion, accepting Planning Com~nissio~~s June 7th recommendation, ana ins'crpcting office to prepare petition for acquisition of. properties for micipal parking lot North and South of V.50th Street and Vest of France Averme, vas seconded by llillson and carried. Attorney Tlindhorst reported on insurance policy bids taken at the last regular meeting, for the Liquor Store. bxrance-Clauas for the merchandise, instead of the reporking form policy carried last year, $60 .ooo Coverwe-Fire Extended C0vera.m and Van&iLism-Herchse (Specific Form) bo-eheiisive GIGS polic $10,000 Coverwe-EfercantiIe Onen Stock PoXicr-Bur&av of Nercbndise $s.OOO Oi Premises: $5.000 Awav fro3 Premises-Money Bc Securities Folics Bodilv 1n.jk.v Liabilitp Policy - $50 .OOO/$lOO .OOO (Public Liabilitd He advocated %he Specific Policy with 908 Go- HaTJthorne moved for avard of bids as follows: . Arthur R. Rydeen, 14inneqolis Premium $192.98 One Pear- Hermann Investment ;o. , Ninneapolis (Reneml) Premium 21.98 One Year Hemann Investment Go, , Hinneqolis (Renetrd) Premium $%?3,l2 One Yeax? Hermann Investment Go, , Hinneapolis (3enetral) Premium $100.31 One Ye* Herma,nn Investment Co., Hinpeapolis, (Benedl) Premium $ 20.76 One Year .. - Hotion seconded $y Villson' and carried. .. 6/27/49 I I Attorney Windhorst's regoft also advocated securing at least $3O,OOO fire insurance for the building housing the liquor store. awarding $30,000 Fire, Ext,ended. Coverage and V&dalism Po12cR &*#@OO same coverage on, X)nniture, and Fixtures, with policies 'to be combingd if possible, to &thy 8, Rydeen,, Ijhneaplis, at prices quoted, was seconded Police' Regulathons drafted by &ager Phil I!. &th, in conformance with Council instructions ,of June .l3, were .presented and reviewed at some length. Hawthopne moved that regulatiops be aaopted, wi$h exception of section reforqing to lunch ho+pr, and that Mr. ,Smith sub-mit further report on this seclbion, Mation seconded by Palen and carried. Willson's mo -on ' by Palm- .carries.+- _,- 4 __ -.. -- . Child1$ motion, for a~roval' df the f~llowing kayrolls, was seconded by willsos and: carried: mpME COUNCIL ' $ 80.00 378 , 80.00 379 Gene Cooper, Nayor $ 8O.OO Bower Hawthorne, Clerk , 80.00 George A. Willson, Trustee 60.00 1 60.00 380 Fred S'. Child, Tfistee 60.00 60.00 381 Richard 0. Palen, Trustee 60.00 : * 60.00 382 ?amOlL for beriod June 16th through June ~942 -. GROSS ,. mz. CIIAIM PAY 'TAX I ' . DBDUClcll 'g%.+ PED; Pa no. - .. J. J. Wga, zreasurer 50.00 ~ 5OoOO 389 Job Windhokst , Attorney 100.00 100.00 390 Philip 'Heville, Judge 75.00 : 75.00 391 30-00 392 ., Dr, I;.M.Campbell, H. Off. 70.00 595.00 : 595.00 ~YIitISTRATIrn Phil W. Smith Gretchen Alden Bernice Johnson Helene Freeman Louise.+l!est erberg PTGINElBIN@ S Fred Jonas Ronald Drews POLICE DEF!!TME%!l! Clarence mutson Hildfng Dahl W5lliam S.. Heydt i'lilliam V. Hoffman Eenry Wrobleski Bert Me Merfeld Itloyd lcGarg Pete Dahlgren 14. J, bierfeld Job Iraq Jonas Arthur .Jensea konald Port C. ITm Cardarelle Wayne I'eacy Joseph- Natole S-T 1~53&HOUBLY Charles Sohsan_, Jacob S +nak wm, H. Kell Paul. W.. Books Frank tJmo -. 'Potal General Fund wmm DEP'P. Ben BoeUea: Sanuel J, Roberts Pavia S. Roberts Grand Total Payroll 255.62 29.80 10.22 2.75 42.77 212.85 127.81 10.50 5.11 2.75 18.36 109.45 102.25 11.20 4.0g 1.25 16.9 85.71 102.25 11.20 4.09 15-59 86.a 163.60 15.90 6.9 1.25 23.69 i39.91 751.53 78.60 ,30.05 8.00- IJ6.65 69.88 l5l.W 10.00 6.07 2-75 18.82 133.02 151.84 ~ 14.10 6.07 2.75 22.92 128.92 104.81 3.20 4.19 2-75 '10,14 94.67 141.62 ~ 8.80 5.66 2.75 17.21 124.41 8.20 5.46 2.75 16-41 i20.09 *.61 ; 60.10 32.91 18.75 111.76 844.85 136.50 - 8.20 5.46 2.75 120 e09 12 136.50 ~ -50 7.60 2.25 . .~ 150.82 ' 5.80 6.03- 138.04 * 12.30 5.52 140.59 * . 8.80 5.62 127.81 2.20 5.11 127.81 * 6.40 5.1% 127.81 2.20 5.11 l27.8l - 5.11 132.93 3.40 5.32. 1319.02 - 65.10 52.75 122.70 * 14.10 4.91 122.70 ' 9.9 0 4.91 116.97 " 9.20 4.68 2.75 16563 100.9 ' 122.70 1.60 4.91 6 6.51 116.19 103.4a 2.90 4.14 2.75 9.79 93.69 15.34 -88.14 7.04 96.44 lO3.M 11.20 4.14 550.11 1 27.80 22.01 5.50 55.31 494.80 4389.88 1 243.50 1.46.43 58.25 448.18 3941.68 191.72 15.90 7.67 2.75 26.32 165.40 lM.59 8,80 5.62 2-75 17.17 123.42 103,48 * 2.90 4.14 102.25 - 11.20 4.09 15.29 -86.96 434.56 - 35.90 17.38 5-50 58.78 375.78 4824.42 i279.4~ 163.81 63.75 506.96 4317.46 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 401 400 402 4?? 4& 405 406 4Q7 408 425 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 4& 6/8/49 I 32 Pavroll f~r Limed Store for mriod June 16th throuch 30th. 1942 1TB.a Q ROSS flI!CE* REZIRE. WPAZ m2 ~.rnSWI~ P.iY 9s DEDUCE. IEDUCT. PigZ Fra& Xippley $1?8;94 "5.80 '*7U6- . 12.96 +a !high% 102.25 15,W 4.09 19;49' Ip_ 165.98 '-82.76 281.19 31.20 11.25 32.45 m.74 115.03 8-90 4.60 13.50 101.53 P 80 127.81 14.70 5.11 19.81 loti& aP 81 242.84 23.60 9.71 33.31 209.53 . Zotal Liquor ~agro~ ~&.03 44.80 20.96 65.76 458 . 27 Pden'moved-that the follotxtng claims be paid, seconded by Child an8 carried: 3798 3799 3800 3801 3802 3803 3804 3805 3806 3807 3808 3809 3810 3811 3812 3813 3839 3840 384.1 3@+2 94-3 384.6 3w 3848 3w 3851. 3855 - 3856 3837 3858 3859 3860 3861 3862 33% 3865 3866 3867 3868 3869 3870 3873. 3814 3815 3816 3817 383.8 3819 3820 3823- 3822 3823 3824 3825 3826 Phil53 Bailey , 10.00 -Richard. C. Somenberg 40.50 * Chris Xitzel 34.00 - A. H. H5,lverson 103.75 Unaenrood Gorp, 11.09 ~urrouggs adding Hachine Co .60 + Louise ITesterberg 12.00 Robert Po Savory 92.50 + &eo. P. Ryan Ctjnpmy 122.80 Uheelin& Corrugating 286.07 Fitch Pet Hospital l1.50 - 9. C. Si;+ & Stencil Go 60.00 - Qiuiaiuson Starrrp co 4 * 43.00 * Heniie&n County Bevie~r-~ a67 . 50 B. R. .Strand - * t * 26.45 - 3e~. Cs+. Seed Exchralgt3 * 68.00 Rosemrdd-Cooper + 24.70 Phil 17. Sntth 38.06 * 19.50 -895.92 * 55.50 7.70 * B. TI. Bell 'Pels@mae Co , 921b6.00 American Lhen Co - John 3aLich - Cheslior J. Betley *108.00 - &.ller-D+sris Co ~lO8,2O - H, A. Rogers Co 39.76 - Su'irurban Press- * 39.45 &om ZCounttrji -Hardirare 8 16.90 '- -389.85 12025 4 3. C. WeIffer+. * Brga-Fa-. GleiuZ Johnson Contr. Co 1169.37 " RepuB1;c Creosoting Co- '251*77 - Bury &'carlson' g 37.35 * JSinnesbta'Sand'& GrahX CO 44.37 ' %fin CLGty Testing & Brig. Lab - 29.00 - 5.00 - 16.00 Greguson ITursePy 22.72 ' LzVern6 Butler' - Oscar Roberts Co + Elk Ri$er Concpete Products '103.32 ' U. S. RuM3er Cb 1874.74 - 81.00 42.50 * Pet;tr Cash * 2.50 - Geo. &' llillson Xorthm Stabs Puwr Go --* * - Common$redth Electric Co 3500.00 - Leon A. Familant Ind. - Blaglobk Pllg go 6 37.00 - 6.20 * A-I? Go~any - - 33.26 Cw, Olson & Sons - 19*36 v. E. L& Co 62,03 Lee€ 3~0s. * 10,$& * Tl. s, 1Tot.t; co - 6.58 - Phillips Petroleum - 4 41.71 * Pioneer Rim-& Vheel CO ' 3.39 - Reinhard Brothers Go * 4.16 S. J. Rutherford Co - 7.00 - Delegad 2003- Co a Firestbne Stores dinneapolis - Gas CO 23.72 * Kutual- &mer& Agency ' 69.35 L " .. (L. .. 6/27/49 33 / a 42.64 5828 3836 3841 3842 3843 3844 3855 3869 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3842 3853 3854 3855 3856 3857 ;% 3837 3838 5540 59-1 3849 3850 3851 3852 387'2 3873 3874 3875 3876 3877 3878 3879 3880 Uptom Insurance Agency 406.73. Ym, R. ZiGgler do ' 22~31 Horthern States Power 15.37 N. W. Bell (Peleihone Co I 15.25 herican Linen go ~ 6.75 Brooksede Service '643 . 3.2 Petty Cash > hztler-Hammer, he . 5.94 Badger Xeter Mfg. Co 71.13 Precision Equipmen3 00 + 57.67 Northern States Power - -509.48 H, B. Nichols Co 2200.00 N. V. Bell TeZephone Co * 11.70 Hiller-kvis Co - 9.50 Robert S. Stefrrart . ' 22.56 ' 172.00 Tovm & Country +rdv.lazle w80 I Central suppiy CO' . ' $;18 Transport Clearings of IC 3.98 - R. J. Mangan Co S. J, Gum * 18,18 Town & Country Rardmze . 2.92 + i.04 E, C, Pfeiffer Berg B Farnham ' 90.00 - -. Nor the& States Power 1.00 M-tO Nfg. Co - 122.00 Patty Cash * A6 E. A. RGgers - 15.84 t - Berg B la- 2.89 - Construction Bulletin 65.60 &burban Press A 88.85 Jorgen Anderson A 10.7.5 George Wadsen ' 455.08 George Madsen 1562.64 Phe1ps-Drake Co, Inc - 288.52 Pfeiffer Construction Co ' 83.20 - II -n -1122.50 - It tr - 1~0.00 J, AI'Dane~is &:Son * 992.47 Emgford ~~8cfZ~e 00 7893.10 $. 17- National Bank 1692.00 r $92 .N. 11. National BE& 18.G 5544 $7, 11. National Be 13.56 'First National Bd 106_,oO 5543 ._ .. -. 5545 N. $1. Na$ional Banb: ' 25,OO 5546 lirst National Bank 609.02 5547 ~orthwestern Rational Bank 113.50 55443 R. 17. Mationai. BELIIIC 1171.00 5549 &st National ~anlr . 4066.rcO 5550 3. FT. Natiolizl Bank 35.15 N. I!, N8,tiond Bank 131.74 I 5552 555s. - First National 3ank 2O7LOO , 559 r;j. td, National Bank 24+2 1 5555 Fir& National Bar&' 66.60 -, .. $ 1,680.38 .. itAT3E m . I. I- - i+ I. R. E"D *. .~ ^.. .. 6/27/49 Pirst Nationzl Bank 5557 5558 5559 5561 B. 0. National Be& IT, 17. Wational Bank 1-lidlwd Xationzl Bank Julius Schmahl George Benz & Sons, Inc Dis E iller s Pis t ribut +g Go &mous Brads, Inc Griggs,- Cooper & Co fiaesson & Robbins, Inc Old Peoria Coq& ~d. hilli ips B Sons Go Czn& Dry Ginger &.e CMb Beverage Go Coca-Cola Bottling' Go 6. 1.L Droner Bev;*Co ' &zek-Breviing Co Einne&olis Brewing GO Horris Distri&ting* Co Old Style Lager Co - Pabst Salel; Go Purity Co, Inc Bex Distribuhg Go . . Seven-@ Bottling Co TTiLL&ds Distribting Co Petty Cash American Linen Co htoma%ic Alarm Gorp Golbtor of Internal Revenue Miller-Dads Go - -northern States Bower Go Void B. TI. Bell Telephone Co' 3 Ilnh&s~-ksch, X~C - * ... .- * 59.33 ..'. I_ , . . Q 215.65 3075.13 -459.60 3572.58 -828.48 - 601.09 8757.43 * 134.80 * 172.@ * We95 ' 54.48 ' 51g*21 24.6075 1351.37 82,45 84* 80 76,88 ' 68.90 65.68 - 64.35 ' 10.65 9.85 ' 27.50 48.61 819.08 24.30 32.30 .. .. .. - .I. ". Beview vas &de of the np amendments td the State LEV concernhg hours of operations €or non-intoxicating and intoxicating licpors. Ordinance, mending Village ord+mces to conform viith State UT, moving tha% GouncZl dispense aith seton$ reading of .Ordinance and adopt if as 'read: Hawthorne intoruddced the f olfoeing AH 0RJ)IlTANGE BEENDIMG tfN*ORDIN.UCE IrICENSIITG SND RXEEXGIlTG IITCOITSIS%EXT ORDIl?&CES AITD'PROVIDING A PF&TAL!I!Y FOR Tb ~IOI&$IOIJ T&ZEOF;'' AS Sr4EDlD~; . 1 RE~ATIRG ~ sA.m OF XOME~TOXICATIEG ISAI,T LIQUORS, a &E%DIITG ''AX- O€UX.H&WE LIGBHSING'AB'D REGULATIXG THEI . sm OF IZTTO~S~AWHG LIQUOR, 'EBE~AI~G INCOHSISTZNT OR?IN&TCES, ARD PROVIDING-A IBNA5TY FOR 'PHE: VIOLATION," AS Al*B$DED; alJD &4ENDilTG' ",AB' OR31F.hCE EST&BLISHIITG A b*klXICIPAz; LIQUOR DISPBNSARYtt aS AIENDED. c .e my. The Council of the Tillek of Edina, Ninnesota, do ordain as follows: Licensing and Regulating thg S&e of Noh-Intoxicating &?&t Liquors , .Bepealing Irconsistent Ordinances, and Providing a P&alty for the Violation thereof, as mended, be and the same he$eby is, 'amended to read as follow% - tion 1. "Section 1, That Section 7 (entit1ed"Closing Hours") of An Ordinance Section 7. shzll be made on any Sunday betvreen the hours of one o'clock A.& and tt-7elve o*cl.oc~ ndon; nor 3etvreen the hours of one ogclock A.N. and eight o*clock P.M. on any election day in the district in which the election shall 36 held. 'No sa3e shall be made betveen the hours of one orclock A.1.f. and eight otclock A.I*i. on any VeekdaY, P.londag through SEtmday, 'inclusive. - - Hours *oP&&d TJo sale of ITon-Intoxicating'mdt liquors 6/27/49. Sectian 2. That Section 7 (entitled llHowcs of Operationtt) of An Ordimace Licensing and Remating the Sale of Intoxicating-Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent-Ordinances and Providing a Penalty for the Violation, as amended, be and the same hereby is, amended to reid as f ollo~rs: * Section ?& Hoursof Operation. No sale of intoxicating liquor shall be made after one o'clock A.M..on Sunday; nor between the hours of one otclock A.& and three o*clock P.I. on any Nemorial Day; nor between the hours of one o'clock-A.M. and eight o'clock P.H. on any Election Day, in the district in which such election shall be held. Bo lion saleff shall be made Between-the hours of one orclock &.M, and eight o'clock A.M. on any weekday, blond=' through Saturday inclusive. Section 7, .That Section j (entitled ItHours of Operation") of, An Ordinmce Estjablishing a Nunicipal. Liqqor Dispensary," be, and hereby is, amended to read as foilowsr I -- 5 (a) No sale of intoxicating liqnor shall be made after one o'clock A.M. on Sunday; nor between the hours of one o'clock A.M. .and three olclocB P.14. on my Memborid Day; nor between the hours of-one oiclock A.M. and eight orclock Pel$. on my Election Day, in the district in vhiih such election shall be held. before eight otclock %.M, or after eight o'clock P*M. of any day, except Saturday, on which daJT iloff-salell may be made until ten olclock P.M.; provided, however, that no "off-sale" shall-be made Hew Year's Day, Jannary 1; Memorial Day, Nay 30; Independence Day, July 4; 'phanlrs- giving Day; or Christmas Day, December 25; but on the : evenings preceding such dWs% if the sale of liquor is not otherwise prohibited on such evenings, "off-sale". may be made until ten o'clock P.M. except that no "off- sale" shall be made on December 24 after eight olcloclr P.M. No Itoff salett shdl be made .. t Section 4;- Rep@. A.I.1 pro;isions of that certain.ordinance , adopted April 6, 1933, entitled llAn Orctinance Licerzsbg md Regulating, the Side of Ron-Intoxicating Malt Liquors, Repeging Inconsistent Ordinances, and Proviaing Penalty- for the Violation 'Phereof ;I1 that certdn ordinance adopted Jauary 29, 1934, entitled Ordin&ce Licensing and Re@ating the Sale of Intoxicating Liquor, Repealing Inconsistent Or~nances and Providing a Penalty for the Violation;" Fd that Ordinance adopted April 5, 1948, entitled "An Ordinance Istablishing a Nunicipal Liquor Dispensary, and all amendements to such ordislances as are inconsistent with this Ordinance are hereby ?epealed, I Section 5. Effect, This ordinance shall t&e effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication, Havthorne's motion for adoption vras seconded by Palen, and on Rollcdl there were f%ve ayes 2nd no nays, as follows: Child, aye; Pafen, aye; i'lillson, aye; Hawthorne, aye; and Cooper, aye; ahd the Ordinance was' -+ < adopted, President of the VillagdCouncil Child moved that office be instructed to hire office help to aid in the codification of Village Ordinances. Motion seconded by Palen and carrfed, Hawthorne moved instructing Village Clerk to notify Carl M. Bansen to move his tract office from 5436 Wooddale Avenue before August 3, 1949. Motion seconded by Palen and carried; Petition signed by Richara Hawthorne and others, dated June 27, 1949, for the blacktopping of V.58th Street between France and Xer-s Avenue, -wd specifying that Village assume 1/2 the cost of such i~rovement, was presented. Hearing on *sane for Monday, July 25, 1949, was seconded by Child and carried, with Clerk Hawthorne not voting. Petition datedXay 31, 1949, signed by Spear A. Zacher and othero, for the blacktopping 'of Vl.49th Street between France Avenue and bple Road, &as presented, IJillsonl s motion setting P@lic Hearing on petition for Monday, July 25, was seconded by Eawthorne ad carried, m Willson*s motion accepting petition and sstting Public -. 6/27/49 Petition dated June 27, 1949 , for the vacation of the alley between W.jT?h and B. 56th gtreets, aqd betveen Abbott and Zenith Avenues, lras accepted, and pnblic hearing vas set for Hondsy, July 11, by motion Hawthorne, seconded by Villson and carried. Report vas made by office, of several kdges which border public thorougMares, which have been allotred to grow higher than is allowed by the Village Zoning Ordinance. Motion by.Havthorne, .instructidg office to notify omers to have hedges removed, vas seconded by Paen and carried. Office vas also instructed by Council to notify the ~lH&S railroad of the veed and brush conditio$ along their right-of-my, Building Sqerintenaent Woehler notified the Council that part of the Soderberg property, abutting l-larket Street; has been acquired by E.C. Stotr, vho is making some inrprovements on the property. Havthorne 'moved that I-lr. Stom be notified that he will be rewired to dedicate- '& feet of this property to the Villege for street right-of-way purposes, and that permit will not be issued for any con- struction improvements. Clerk Ekvthorne then presented .the folloding resolution -and movdd its adoption: r 1 .. I c1 1 .. Llotion seconded by Palen and carried. .. I .. I RElSOLU'l?ION FIXING IKE FORM AX0 DETA,ILS, - PROVIDING FOR BXECLlTIOE ARD DELIVERY, AITD IJ4'VYIlTG'TDS SOB !&I3 Ibp;II1.IENT OF $~o,ooO PE~-IADEN!! ?NP€~oVBENT REVOLT- .. ~G~BOKDS- . ,? BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Edina, l;Ilnnesota, as follows) 1. 2he Village shall forthwith issue and deliver to the purchaser &hereof its negotiable coupon general oblilgation Permsnent Improvement Revolving Fund Bonds in thd aggregate principal amount of $60,000, as .heretofore dulg authorized, advertised and sold, said issue to consist of 60 bonds num'bered I to 60, inclusive, each in the denomination of $1,000, bearing date of JUry 1, 1949, which bonds shall bear interest at the ratg of %*TO Per Cent (2s) per anrrum, payable July 1, '1950, and semiannually thereafter on- January l-and July 1 of each year, @d shall mature serially on January 1 in the amount of $6,000 in each of the years 1951 through 1960~ nmbers 1 through 30 shall 'be payable at their respective stated maturity btes without option 09 prior payment. 31 through 60, which have stated maturity dates later than January 1, 19.55, shall be each subject to redemption and prepayment at the option of the Village on said date and any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest, in inverse order of serial numbers, upon notice df call for redemption mailed at least thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption to the bank at vhich principal and interdst are then payable, and to the holder, if knom, of each bond so to 'be redeemed. The Clerk shall rnaintain a register of the names, addresses ad bond numbers of ho,lders of redeemable bonds of said issue so far as such information is made available to hini. Bath principal 2nd interest shall be pay.zble at the main office of First National Bank in Minnezpolis; Minndsota, and the Village hereby wees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of said payins agent for the receipt ad disbursement thereof. Bonds of said issue bearing serial Bonds of said issue bearing serizl numbers . 2, The bonds of ssid issue and the coupons to be thereto attached shdl be in substantially the following form: UNImD STAZES OF AMERICA STAm OF 14XNNESOTA COUm'PP OF *€E&TEPIN - TIWE *OF EDINA No .. $1,000 f XROV ~.fEN BY TEESE PRESENTS That the Vill.zge of Edina, Bennepin County, MinnesoPg, achovle.dges itself to be indebted and for value received promises to p$ to bearer the SM of ON3 TiiOUSAITD EO~JihRS on the first day of January, 19,, or, if this bond is prep,aya'ble-as stated below, on a date prior thereto on which it shall have been duly called for redemption, and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until said principal sum be paid or until this %on&, if prepayable, has been duly called for redemption, at the rate of * nercent ( $) per a'snum, payable July I, 1950, nnd semi-annmlly thereafter on the 1st day of,Sanuary and the 6/8/49 1st day of July of each year, interest to maturity beins represented by ‘I and payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest coupons hereto attached. at the main office of in in any coin or currency of the United States of America vhich on the respective dates of payment Is leg& tender for puBlic and private debts. For tfie prompt 6hd full pgment of such principal. and interest‘ as the same become due the full faith, credit and tzxink powers of the Village &e hereby irrevocably pledged. Both principal. and interest are piyable c lchis bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal mount of $60,000, all of like date and tenor except as to maturity and redenp- tiop prfvilege, issued by said Village for the purpose’of maintaining its pemanent improvement revolving fund, and iss issued pursnaslt to resolution duly adopted by the Village Council., and pursuant to and in full and complete conformity with the Constitution and Laws of the State of Mikesota. thereunto enabling, Bonds of said issue bearing serial. numbers 1 tbagh 30 are payable at their respective stated maturity dates vithout option of prior payment. Bonds of said issue bearing serial numbers 31 through 60, having stated maturity dates later than January 1, 1955, are each subject to redeqtion &d prepayment at the optiqn of the Village on said date and any interest payment date thereafter, at par and accrued interest, in inverse order of serial numbers, upon notice of call mailed at least thirty days prior to the date specified for redemption, to the bank at which principal and interest are then payable, and to the holder, if knokm, of each bond so to be redeemed. must register their names, addresses and bond nmberd vdth the Village Clerk. I Holders of redeemable bonds desiring to receive such notice IT IS HEREBY CIBTIFIED AND RECI!J?ED ?hat all aces, conditions and thhgs required by the Constitution-and SJaws of the State of Minnesota to be acme, to exist, to &Gppen and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond &ve been done, do ekist, hwe happened aQd have been performed in regular and due form, time and manner as so required; that prior to the issuance hereof a direct, annual, irregedable zd valorem tax has been duly levied upon all of the taxable property in said Village for the years and in amounts at least $ in excess of suns sufficient .to pay the interest hereon and the principal hereof as they respectively become due, and additional taxes, if needed, vi11 be levied upon all of such property xithin the limitations prescribed by law; and that this bond, together-with all other indebtedness of the Village outstanding on the date hereof and on the date of its actua?. issuance and delivery,. does no% exceed my constitutional or statutory limitation of inde’i3tedness. ’ Minnesota, py its Village Cquncil, has,caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the signatare of the President of said Council, counter- signed by the Treasurer, attested by the Villam Clerk and sealed with its carpmate seal, and the attached interest coupons to3e executed and and authenticated by the facsimile signatures‘of said President and Village Clerk, all as of Jqy 1, 1949, ’ c Ill WII?NESS VHEREOF, The Village of Edina, Hennepin County; President (Counters&ned:) -.- Treasurer Attest : I - Village Clerk (S&%s;) - -I @om of. Coupon) On the 1st day of Jmuary (July), 19;, the Village of Edina, Hennepfn County, Minnesota, will pay -. to-’pea?rer at the main office of . in fhe sum of DOLLARS for interest then due on its Permanent Improvement Revolving &md Bond dated July 1, 1949, No. . . .. (Pacsimile Sig-nature) Village Clerk (Pacsimile Signature) .- President 3. Said bonds shall be prepared under the direction of the Pillage Clerk and shall be executed on behzlf of the Pillage by the signature of the President, countersigned by the !Treasurer and attested by the Village Clerk, and the corporate seal. shall be affixed thereto, and the interest coupons shall be executed and authenticated by the printed, engraved or lithographed facsimile signatures of said President wd Village Clerk. authenticated, they shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the purchaser on receikt of the purchase price heretofore agreed uion, and said purchaser shall not be required to see to the application thereof. For the prompt and full & Dapent of the principal and interest on said bonds as the sane respecPiveTy become due, the full faith, credit and taxing potmrs of the Village shall 'oe and me hereby irrevocably pledged. then said bonds have been so executed and 4. 'Phere is hereby creaked a qarate sinking fund, which shall be kept by the Treasurer apmt fron all other funds of the VillagG and used for no purpose other than the payment of principal of and interest on said bonds; proviaed, that if any payment of principal or interest shall become due when there is not sufficient money in said sinking fund to pay the same, the Treasurer shall nevertheless pay such pribcipa7. or interest from the general. fund of the Pillage, and'such general fund shql.1 be reimbursed for such advances out of the proceeds of the tax& hereinafter levied, sinking fund shall be paid the proceeds of all taxes levied pursuant to this resolution and all other moneys received for or approsriated to the payment or" szjd bonds and interest, Out of said fund the Treasurer shall forward to the paying agent, hereinabove designated, without further order or r.rarrant, moneys sufficient to meet each payment of principd and interest on said bonds as the same shall becone due. Into said 5. 'Po provide moneys for payment of such principal. and interest there is hereby levied upon a11 of the taxable property in the Village a direct, ennud, ad valor& tax vhich shall be collected with and as a part of other general for the yess and 5.n amounts as follows: .t &g- $mount $7500 $?ZOO 1949 $8200 '951 '"O $7400 1g52 1953 $7100 Said tax shall be irrepedable as long as any spread upon the tax rolls and property faxes in .said Village, 1951 $6600 3.958 $6500 P of said bonds are outstanding ' znd unpaid;*provided, &t the Village reserves the right and pomr to reduce be levies in the manner and to the extent; permitted by Minnesota Statutes, The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to fili a . Section 475.26. < 6, certified-copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Hemepin County, together with such other isormation as he shall require, and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate that said-bonds have been entered on his bond register and that the tax rewired by l$r for ,the papent of said bonds has been levied, The officers of the VAlIage and the County Auditor of Hemepin County =e hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of sald bonds and to the attorneys spr&ing the 1egalLty of the fssmce thereof certified copies of all proceedings and records relating to said bonds and to the financial affairs of the Vilhge, and such other dfidaxito, certificates, znd information as may be required to show the facts relating to the Legality and rnarketabii0ity of sdd bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control or as otherwise known to them, 2nd all such certified copies, certificates and affidavits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the Tillage as to the facts recited therein.' 7. President .' I The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution Was duly seconded by Trustee T!illson, and upon vote being tzken thereon, the follovling voted in favor thereof; Child, Palen, Willson, Hawthorne, and Cooper, and the following voted against the same: No Hay Votes - whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the President signed the same and it VJaS attested by the Villge Clerk,' Villson's motion for adjournment vas seconded by Pden and carried. .. I r I. Village Clerk MINUGIS OF MEBlfL\TG OF EDINA BOARD 03' ElVIl3\'l, HE$lD MONDAY, -JULY 13, 1949, AI! 6t30 P.M. AT !ED3 EDINp VILLAGE HASL Pursuant to duly published and posted I'Assessment MoticeVt1 the Bdina Board of Review met, with Village Assessor Alex Creighton md, Hennepin County Supervisor of Assessors, Roy Haeg, at the Village Hdl OR Monday, J~ly 11, 1949, at 6:30 P.M. Members present were Palen, Billson and Coopeq* t Mr, William Alavado, 5815 Valley Rep? Road, requested adaustment made on 1948 real. estate valuation, meeting is conducted to discuss dy 1949 Personal Property and nevi Real Estate valuations; that he must file application for rebate with the County Auditor for assessments of 1948. Mr. Haeg informed &. Alavado that this Dr, indMrs, Raph Obermeyer requested that special. assessment for grading their road be respxead over a period of ten years, this matter is in.the hands of the Village Attorney, and asked to securq a petition for such respread, l!r. John Person requested sewer assessment refund, He was informed th& this meeting is not conaucted for the purpose of reviewing special assessments; that he should secure legal council 1i-k. Cqoper inquired of Ass&sor Creighton as to the status of the Nike Asplund property on Blake Road, which property has reportedly been chged from-&ricul&ural to Son-Agricultural status , whereas the lorn 'Hoore estate is recipient of Agrfcul.l;ural rating. Mr, Creighton iras uncertain as to the status of the Asplund property, but stated he believed*it should be Agricultural, from the State Tax Commissioner*s Office, after a complaint r to them, Nr. Cooper irm$.red'es $0 the rating to be ginen to the undeveloped lands owned +y the Spring Company+and by Carl M, Hansen, borderline cases , according to Messrs. Creighton and beg. Nr, Coopei recommended revaluation of business properties at the 50th Street and France Avenue corner in the next red estate assessment year, 19.50. They were informed that He eqlained that Mr, lom Noore had received his rating .. These tracts are t Discussion tras had of two lots on tl,5Oth Street near Halifax Avenue, with %r, Creighton reportipg that owners hqe asked for valuations based on residential rates instead. af commercial rates. that-the Council has refused. to rezone these properties commercially, ad ,that they, therefore, should be given $he bepefit of residential ratings, Mr. Creighton's Book of Valuations for the Year 1949 was presented, v&th his information that new Real Estate for the Year 1949 totals. approximately $.500;000. Mr, Creighton tras informed a Motion by TTillson, qproving Vduations for Year 1949, was seconded by Pden and caryied. r I *