HomeMy WebLinkAbout19490711_ADJOURNEDHr. 92. Floyd Bell's letter of July 8, complaining of sprinlsling restrictions, ms read. Villson moved that Engineer Smith be i31structed to negotiate vith 3@5..zm-!~lorningside School Board; vith regaPd to drilling vel1 on school land at 57th ani% Nom*&dde; and that the Villege-advertise for well, according to plms and specifications to'be drafted by 3ngineer Smith, szid bids to be taken Bumst 8, 1949, Motion seconded by $den and unanimously carried, Discussion vas had as to a nev well, The complaint on road condition&: filed by Eoseph A. Hosp, 5008 Brookside Avenue, TTES read. blacktopped, Petition dated July 2, sigaed by A. Sheldon Berg Curb and Gutter ,on Edifaz Avenue 'betveen B., 52qa and. TI. 53rd Streets, vas read, Billsont s motion tzcceptSng petition subject to checking by VilJage Sngineer with reference to reqrrired percentage of signers, and setting qUblic Heaing for ' $ionday, August 8; v2s seconded by fden and carried. lb, Villson e-qlained tb& repairs vdl> be-made at the the road is others, for Stazldsd Villa@3 , . Ih, ?[. J. delhterts request; that property okmers in his neighborhood be natified Uor-thwestern Construction C oqany's quotation of July 7, for pdtinz ad' decorating, tile floor covering and counters for the l.fiwicipal Liquor Store, vas read. the redecorating-of the Village quor Store, rras seconded by I'iTillsou. andrcsried, Vater Sqerintendent Iloeaer reportea that he has secured a cpotsttion of '$250.00 for sodding the pqhouse 3zrd at 53rd and Halifax. Pdenls no$ion, tha%, Woehler %e autliorized to enter into za agrement to have pumphouse sodded for $250.00 wzs seconded by TliZLson ad carriea. f.Tr, Voehler bported an application $or permit to build a garage a% 58th Street and Park Place, on proprty vhich does not have a dvelling. Palen moved for denid off appl.ication. Hotion seconded. by V'lillpon and carried. until lfednesdw, July 13, 1999, at 4:30 P.L ~i~~sonts motion for aiijournmendvas s to cui; their xreeds, vas read, vith office being instructed to SO do, - &dents motion, -authorizijllg Village Clerk t~ zdvertise ,for bids ,for \ .* 1 24T3TU'EES 03' THU KRJ0UR"IJED pOillCIO13 03' COlJSGIL HEZD r;lED€TGSI)fE, 381;Y 13, 19-49,. A!l! RZGW - WY &l, 1949, E*Il3$TIBG OF 9H3 EDIEA VILLAGE ~ I 4-230 p.l.r,py!a -VI-Z %w .- I.Iembers present sere Paen, Fl5llson and Cooper. Engiheer Smith reTiewed €0; the Council., -Blacl&opping bids %&en JULY 11. Considerable discussion vas had as to merits of water staailizafiion against Oil stabilization. Villsons s motion atrarding contracts 2or the, f ollouing Glacktopping projects, at; prices listed belov, 1-72s seconded $3 Pden and mznimously carried: C' 'PO JAY' If. CWG CO,.I.PLS. Using Cutback Aspha3.t- Of1 Stabilization * .. 9 1.- c ~ - .<- - ,t. -4 'r . . t. . - :si;i!3.ie :, .' Crescent itrive fron Golf Terracejto- * 'C k', I*. .-- \I * -- '111,. Lakeview Drive io Golf zerrace, ana L&evier.r eive 1 - - . - - ** Lakeview rive , from B.L&eview PrW& t 2 -7 -_ - 1. * 7.: _- .i * . .~ 9- ** from Golf Terrace $0 !rescent ?rive 5 -- A ~ *. P.. 5*&3.10 <' ,I ~ 7 . , ^I. Lam2 Avenue, fron Gascctae Lane to Hoose Ave. yJ.48th Street between Rutledge and 8. ~O~&W - of Limback Addition; and Cllevelmd Ape.; betyeen 11.4.8th St, md U. BoundarJi &&%zdC 1,4Lslc30 -) . 443.20 #*,-- Lakeview Drive 747.00 I' 1 I- - -r 1 I - .* - 9 Lexington Avenue betireen Concord AT?. and iY - L t' Bqokside Ayenue betvreen Highxva No. 169 a& I Eden Avenue 2,330 4Q 1 " "r .- I I. c' a4 ... ..~.. I T'abulat ion which bids that $fads er their fins lotrest bidi atraxding cc follovihg 1 1. Tovmes I 2. Ve3t sii water n thereof Motion by F Companp, fr Palen and c A represknl to post s& "by Courtez Motion by 2 Petition di Blackt oppir Street-vrh of the Vi13 by Trustee the Petitic project, unanimousl: lrhstee Pa: for Indus ti for report There bein: motion for J?ursuanc ' and the P: July 25, of a propc of Joint I Memders 0: and Coopei and Day t.;T( A detazlec: route and S etrer Disl Vest by E foot. En: petit ionec dated Sul3 Child mow e s tab lis he Village ~r Sewer Dist unanimous 3 Tbere beix motion foz 7/13/49 47 i f. f bids on the following two Water Main Extension projects, ere opened July 11, was made by Engineer Smith. and Swanson live in different sddl tovms, and that he feels that ial responsibility is considerably less than that of the next r, Bestern Underground Construction Company. tracts to the t'lestern Undergro-and Construction Company, at the d prices: Nr. Smith report& He recommended ,- ad from 8.48th St, to W, 49th St, $3,552.00 of Btate Highway No. 100, from existing in on Yvonne lerrace, to 400 feet south 11soy1, awarding contracts to tfestern underground' Construction accbrdaixe with Engineer's recommendat ion, T'ras seconded by rried, unanimou'sly. tive of Kentper-!l?homas Co. , Cincinatti, Ohio, requested permiss'ion ty posters in public buildings, within the Village, using len granting reqqst, tras secoiided by Villson ad carried. ed September 8, signed by George Sandquist and others, for the . hpetition had been tabled at the September 13, 1948, meeting ge Council because of the lateness of the season-1-tras presented illson, with the Notion that the Council conauct a Hearing on , &d also advertise for bids to be taken on this proposed c -1 $1,641.00 of ldina Police Department;"- as part of the printed poster. of Oxford Avenue betbeen Ihterlachen Boulevard and T'1.5lst as of August 8, 1949, Motion seconded by Palen and carcried n advocated Rezoning the $outheaster# portion of the Villeo , and was asked to secure a detailed plan for such rezoning % the next meeting, no further business to come before the Council, Vil1son8s djourmnent vas Feconded due call &d notice by. the 'Chairm& of hi1i.c Utilities Committee sident of the Council., Neeting was convened at 7:30 Z.K, Nonday, 49, atA7:30 P.M., for the pease of considering the esta%lishment ed Sanitary Seqrer District to serve the properties South and WeGt wer District' No. 1. the Council answering Rollcall were Child, Palen, Ifillson, Hatrthorns, Nessrs. Duval and Gilbert of the engineering firm of loltz, Ring e present, as_vell as Village Engineer Smith. report vras given by Mes,srs, Duval .and GWoert, as to the progosed stimated cost of a. trunk sewer to serve it &,strict South of Joint ict Bo. 1, and bound.ed on the Bast by France heme ad on the sen Road; estimate bf cost being $114,383.00, or $2.00 per front Deers estimated that Lateral Sewers dong Wooddale an& KeZlogg, ks ' for, vodd be appoxigately $4665 per! front foot. Written report, 21, 19@, 1.rzsfiled to substantiate oral report. that the area designated by loltz, Xing and Day as Area "P-1" be as a netr Sanitary Sewer District, and tht the Council instruct iaeer Smith to proceed vith plans for the coqletion of this new' ict with all possible dispatch, Motion seconded by Havrthorne and carried, I no further business to come before this Special Meeting, Palen;s Mjournment was seconded by Willson and cpried.